Embers Adrift NEW PLAYER GUIDE 2024!!! "Free Trial"

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hey what's up guys it is your boy annoying llama back with well actually I edited video this time if you guys don't know who I am I'm annoying llama I uh stream on twitch.tv/ Annoying Lama and I want to come to you guys with a video that's a guide video it's actually my very first ever guide video I've never really done one before and I kind of want to take my little attempt at it and what better guide video to start with then one was about Embers a drift if you don't know what Embers a drift is it is a well I could say indd MMO RPG by storm Haven studium and I have been playing this game since October it's been really fun I've been having a lot of fun on my journey meeting a lot of really cool people within the community now when it comes to what the guide is about as you see from the title of the video it is about the new player experience and particularly the free trial that's coming into imers of drift for those who want to try it out the free trial will be coming out I I think later if not the end of February or the beginning of March definitely something that's coming out very soon so I wanted to make this video to kind of give you guys a nice little quick guide about like kind of like what to expect from a free trial and kind of what you guys I feel like you guys should kind of look at when coming into Embers of drift now the first thing I want to talk about is the exploring the exploring in Embers of drift and kind of what it's going to be available for the free uh free trial will be new New Haven New Haven City uh I do believe the central uh Central veins which is one of the dungeons that are uh in Embers and kind of you just exploring the kind of the main area and beginning area now the free trial is unlimited from what I'm hearing I might be wrong on this but it sounds like it's unlimited free trial so that means you as a free trial player you just kind of stick to those two the main Zone the dungeon and the new player uh the new New Haven City and that's kind of what you're going to be dealing with but when it comes to exploring emers a drift I think it's really important to understand if you really explore the kind of New Era there are a lot of R range of levels and I feel like level 1 to 10 will probably be like that nice little bracket within there you're going to encounter a lot of enemies that have different chevs uh chevs are like these little pointed the the pointed up kind of logo or uh symbol that's right next to the their name to determine the difficulty of the mob so when you're exploring just be mindful that some some will aggro you and sometimes they have higher shev I would run but if you do have a group with you if you end up taking down these three shvs and stuff like that they give you they give you bonus exp this bonus exp that allows you to you know level up faster you know take on higher level difficulties and stuff like that so it's really good to be in groups and stuff like that uh I recommend be playing with friends and being a group so that you can actually fully extend uh full explore the full extent of EMP drift sorry if I stter a lot that's just who I am um the second thing I want to talk about is the the map and how to get around when it comes to the exploring and EM drift you will notice very quickly that the map doesn't actually tell you exactly where you are it does pop up and kind of like give you indicators so you have to really learn the land around emers of drift uh learn the lay of the land which is an ability funny enough for wardens but yeah no you get to learn the lay of the land of the game and kind of have to kind of oh I've seen this little building right here I guess I'm going to be going this way or oh I know this Quest was near this thing and stuff like that and so you kind of have to really like kind of learn the area of emess of drift and day and night cycle and you know what what enemies to watch out for Stuff these are very very key important things the one of the most important things I want to talk about is the you know where is North well if you happen to look up in the sky or just look around in the sky you will see a big blue Jupiter it's not actually called the Blue Jupiter but people do dub it blitter and that will be your key aspect of learning where North is because blo is tily locked to the north you always know where North is because of blitter uh with that I would use that and it has helped me actually learn the lay of the land because oh when the quest tells you what southeast of here well you just look look at bler you know it's north look behind it and now South and now you just go east and so you just kind of go in that particular direction and so I I would I would definitely kind of like use that as a way of a key point of kind of exploring emers of drift deal mainly for the fact that you don't have like you know markers and stuff like that placed on the thing so tells you where it is the next thing I want to talk about are the classes now of course when you're creating your character and stuff like that you're going to encounter the three classes that they have in the game and don't worry it gets way more advanced than it is the three classes that you have access to is the striker which is a DPS supporter as you guess is a Healer and Defender as you also guess is a tank now now for the free TR I don't think you guys will have access to the level six Quest that gives you the three branch offs and you can guys could read them which class you have in the uh skills tab you can see which classes that you have after the reason why I mentioned though that you can't probably Advance depending on how they change it or not uh if you can't advance in the next classes is because they take a quest that takes you to North reach which is the next Zone you will go into after New Haven you don't have to that sadly with free trial but again just letting you know like you do have access to your main kit of your class your four abilities for the class and if you were to buy the game which by the way m is a buy to playay MMO I don't know if I mentioned that beforehand it is a buy toplay MMO RPG so you don't have to worry about a sub or anything like that there's an optional sub but you can buy just buy the game and then play the game from there so uh when it comes to classes though uh support is really good just in general just of course with healing and you know having a damage reduction uh for the tanks and just good for just also reducing the armor a very again support kind of class Strikers are again heavy DPS heavy hitting even from before you even Branch off to your things they are very heavy hitting class so if you want to play a DPS class advance to something bit much more in depth I would go for the striker supporter if you want to go for healer or a really high support class that help regen uh health and stuff like that there you go in Defender is of course a tank so if you want to go into tanking and have a lot of fun with that I think the tanking this game is really fun for someone who has a really play tank or have seen it um a lot from other PS perspective it's a it looks like very fun um so I would I would uh definitely get into that I also play supported myself and I would recommend you also play warlord cuz warlord is Fun the fourth thing I want to talk about or the next thing I want to talk about is leveling and the bulletin board now when in you're in emers of drift as a as a free player you have to understand a couple things the only way you get exp is from killing mobs and also getting the bullets board Quest the bullets board was a recent addition added to the game for people who kind of want to just kind of play the game and you know get a little bit of this and that and you know if you want to play solo and don't have a group you could get these little quests that will give you uh exp and also a little uh health regen buff to help with like the solo ability of this game now when it comes to leveling this game in my opinion I think you should just grind out mobs now grinding out Ms is really important because I'll get into the crafting and all that later but when it comes to the leveling in this game I would recommend just killing everything in your path when you first start out uh understand also the Chev system uh like I mentioned beforehand two chevs and one chevs are definitely killable they are killablack also give more a little more exp you I again recommend having a friend with you when killing them but still you can you can solo them um you just got to make sure to understand your class a little bit in the sense of like okay when to use my ability when not to use my ability you know for certain occasions depending on which type of shoab you're fighting um I think it's important to understand that um that when you are going around and killing everything and stuff like that just to be mindful of you know there are coloration ities when it comes to the chefs to so you kind of quickly understand what to kill what not to kill and blah blah blah but the bullettin boards are a really cool way to kind of kind of point you in the right direction so just okay what do I kill next just go to the bullet uh bulletin board and it will give you something to kill like kill 15 Deer kill 15 spiders I just would recommend that you kind of go for that it makes it a hell of a lot easier um when it comes to the leveling process and I love the bowling to board cuz they are going to expand upon it which they might end up adding like you know B Bullington boards where you kill a certain boss that might spawn in the area you might have group Bullington boards where you it's mainly for group quests and stuff like that and group mobs and stuff like that so definitely just be mindful of that but uh when you're coming as a free player you do have access to the bullettin board where you can use that to kind of kind of get yourself around the uh around the game which also also helps exploring too because the more you explore you more you understand where things are to kill the next thing I want to talk about or the fifth thing is questing now as I mentioned leveling and bolted boards do give you exp well questing does not questing does not give you exp but what it does give you is the caveat of also learning to land um learning the what's around here and also really good freaking gear uh you don't have to do quests killing things also have a chance of dropping some decent gear and I will get into again crafting a little bit later that will also kind of replace that sense of not having to do quests but doing quests are nice some quests are actually needed depending like if like good example the emers quest but we'll talk about that we're just sticking to free player stuff but you're questing in this New Haven in general is going to be a kind of an exciting moment if you like questing you would have to read your dialogue if you like kind of exploring using this as a tool to explore uh questing would be great for you in this game and Embers a drift the quest in this game I don't want to spoil anything but like a lot of them are really long but they give you great items and rewards to help you on your leveling Journey or to just help survive or be a really good teammate for your party I recommend that you do the quest just if as a new player I recommend you just do the quest just give it us an opportunity to add just explore the content that they have in this game um besides that I don't really have anything else to really talk about when it comes to questing just understand it does not give exp exp but it does give you nice rewards and they are long quests some of them are a little lot longer than usual but the long ones you usually give you the really good stuff I want to also kind of Sidetrack into New Haven City uh New Haven city is like I mentioned the main Hub uh great place to trade items great place to get into the you know craft items see if there's any other extra quests and stuff like that talking to NPCs in the main city also gives you kind of like kind of what you to do next let's say you just still want to play free trial cuz you can't play unlimited um New Haven city has a great place to kind of just chill and relax I love the design of the city and I think you guys will like it too all right here we go crafting crafting crafting crafting crafting oh oh my God you will guys will love crafting and SL Gathering actually um the Gathering professions I are the first things you're going to encounter when it comes to like Quest wise of stuff uh if you just talk to one of the guys that are the way beginning of New Haven you would see that he uh gives you a quest to kind of choose between uh three of the Gathering professions which is forestry which allows you to get like wood allows you to get like mushrooms other things like that and you know just get kind of like you know like things you will find in the forest you know it helps you find a lot of like mushrooms and stuff like that to craft like you know sap and uh you know like things to help make you potions and blah blah blah in the in the future depending on which spec you choose or uh crafting profession you choose but forestry is that um prospector is how you get your ore it's basically your mining profession yeah it's basically mining I I think the best way to explain forestry also is like herbalism and wow um you get it like like that herbalism tree cutting and stuff like that what cutting all of that is forestry prospecting Is Mining and Hunter is your skinny profession allows you to skin things it allows you to also uh get other materials so you can craft other things with them so you get like things like leaves deer leaves and stuff like that that helps you craft uh te's and stuff like that when you get into certain specs but also with those forestry uh prospector and Hunter Gathering professions you also have your crafting professions your crafting professions are armor Smith so allows you to craft like heavy armor so make that I'm going to make that very distinction here there's also a weight system now get into the stats and combat and stuff like that in the future um later on in this video but let me explain this armorsmith is mainly for heavy gear it's it's heavy plate gear you're going to deal with the weight system in this game a little bit later on um oh not little bit you will be dealing with that but understand that when you craft this heavy gear that is heavy freaking gear um armor uh outfit is the leather version of this where you craft more lighter gear you craft like cloth gear and a leather kind of gear and you just kind of helps you so classes who usually use lighter you know gear there you go weapon Smiths uh weapon Smith of course as as it says in the name you craft different types of weapons um now that usually sticks to like great axes maces and stuff like that Shields I think Shields are under that belt but I might be under under the next one which is woodworker but we'll talk about that in a second but weapons Smith allows you to basically just craft bladed weapons metal stuff metal weapons and stuff like that and just for like mainly for Strikers and basically actually all classes that benefit from weaponsmith uh if you uh go into that particular path woodworker allows you to craft like things like bows um and craft things like you know I think arrows too yeah bows and arrows uh woodworker also allows you to craft like bow staffs for like you know dualist and stuff like that um and just in general also Support classes just in general uh they use like bow staffs and stuff like that too um wood worker also if I'm correct also might make Shields I might be wrong in this but again either that may be armor Smith or woodworker I can't remember for sure particularly someone correct me in the comment section so definitely yeah woodworker though is really good though it's really really good if you want to play a range kind of class um or kind of go into range kind of gameplay style uh AKA Striker Warden uh yeah no you would you would do that um you would definitely go into that path provisioner which something I personally play was something I'm very ve very real extensive uh knowledge on uh provisioner is a very much of the kind of you want to say the support gather of support profession crafting profession I should say they craft like things like potions Foods tees the te's deer leaves and stuff like that for the hunter you get leaves from that you can craft those into uh te's provisioner also creates like things like torches ground torches so any dark areas and you'll see you're in combat and you don't want to have it too dark put a ground torch inside a cave or outside source and it'll just stay on the ground for 5 minutes and it'll light up the area that's around there um it will also craft things like repair kits and stuff like that repair kits um uh extra buff potions and stuff like that I usually use it mainly for potions and food that's just what I do but again you can use it for a lot of like utility items and it definitely is a um uh what's the word I'm looking for it's definitely a quality of life spec um of crafting and is I think it's very important that you actually have someone or if you want to play a profession be mindful that people might ask you for potions a lot potions these potions you can also make them really powerful too and I'll get that get to that in a second tiners are people who create jewelry daggers and stuff like that kind of like the offset of a lot of things but you create like necklaces and rings and and they're really good for just kind of help powering up your class you know for certain things that can't have I think they can also CFT off-handed I might be wrong on that again please uh if you're in the comment section I might be wrong with some things please correct me on the comment section but uh one thing I also want to talk about when it comes to crafting is that you're going to get recipes um throughout the thing certain times you'll get recipes from the trainer but you also get extra recipes by killing certain mobs or defeating certain bosses as some dungeons stuff like that they sometimes have a chance of dropping uh imbued uh crafting recipes where you'll say say you can craft a a copper sword right well now you have an Abu copper sword and those uh sometimes when you kill certain mobs inside the world you'll get something called a flux or you'll get like uh certain uh like a like so they're called flexes and you get these Ember flexes and when you have an Abu recipe these abbu recipes allow you to essentially make the gear that you're making like a copper sword but with extra stats and those extra stats will help benefit you into the game now as a free player you're going to definitely benefit from a lot of the beginner stuff that you can craft and just understand that you could you could really twink yourself out really heavy with this uh with with the flux system that they have into the game and I you will have access to that actually in the beginning of your uh free trial so there's not really much restrictions besides just the zones you get and everything like that everything else you can just play now the one of the important things I want to talk about is the the stats now they have a lot of different stats in Embers of drift um the combat and the stats in this game is just um really important to kind of really watch out for um certain gear you might think oh well that's not good for me but then realize well it has a stat so let's use it but certain stats do benefit with different classes so I kind of wish quickly explain the different stats in this game now one things you want to start with the normal stats you get like movement stats which helps with just overall movement you get combat movement where if you in this game you have to draw out your weapon and you'll move a little bit slower because you have your weapon draw out that's called a combat stance your combat stance uh your combat movement I should say increases the movement you have during your combat stand so great for tanking great for healing great for just any class that who wants to just be faster when you have your weapon dra out in combat haste uh modifies the time it takes to for abilities and auto attacks to refresh so if you want to attack faster and also have your abilities refresh faster essentially acts as like a a cool down reduction essentially uh Haze is really really good for that too Safe Fall is something I haven't seen really but again reduces the amount of fall damage you take uh health regen stamina regen and healing are all self-explanatory as you probably guess but just in case increases your health regen stamina regen increases so stamina is your Mana in this game but helps with your stamina regen overall and then also uh healing if you have find gear that has healing which is really good again increases your amount of healing you also got combat stats like resilience avoid block parry and repost now Parry sounds like the um Perry sounds like the Counterattack one but that's actually repost repost would be your Counterattack one but again resilience actually is a really important stat for tanks um a percent chance of saving thrower when your health drops to zero at the stat determines if you are healed instead of knocked out it also reduces the bonus damage applied um reduces the bonus damage applied from heavy and critical hits um this stat only activate combat stance yeah by the way a lot of combat stats are only activated when you're in your combat stance but essentially resilience does is that the higher resilience you have instead of just so in this game you die but you don't die die you just you have a chance to be brought back up through a healing ability or some salt that you get through killing some mobs but when you get down when you go down to zero HP you actually like fall down and you just like you have to wait for someone to get you up and they don't get you up in a certain amount of time then you actually die you respond and then you sit by fire because you get a little bit of a debuff and you'll learn that very quickly if you just don't die a lot but also if you happen to die that's that's kind of the death system in this game you don't also you lose your back so I would recover those if you can't recover your back there's a guy in the city uh in New Haven City who can uh let say you had to forfeit your bags because you're in just too dangerous of an area and you have to forfeit your bags but there's a guy who you can buy all your items back that you lost and he's uh in the City of New Haven right next to the sewers and I'll have that on screen right now but yeah but uh resilience avoid as you probably guess is like Dodge if you dodge an enemy or Dodge uh a certain thing or basically allows you to just dodge attacks blocks allows you to block attacks and negate a lot of the damage Parry again it it basically pares the enemy putting the imposing a disadvantage on your attacker and mitigate some damage and also repost is really good because if you parry you can repair their attack and do a a Counterattack on top of that and the more per you have the more repost damage you also do more successfully have a chance to counter attack which is good for tanking really really good for tanking especially for Marshalls um hit is actually a really interesting stat and I need to talk about the offensive uh because I just talked about the defenses but the offensive side of things hit is a plus um uh hit basically gives you uh B more chances to not only hit the target but also critically strike on them and actually affects healing too so the more hit you have the more chance you have a chance to critically hit uh a heal on or critically heal uh your targets penetration of course goes through armor and positional is the most important stat we need to talk about positional is basically when you target an ally or Target an enemy um you're going to see this little Arrow that's around them and when you're mainly an enemy in particular you'll see like this little arrow that's underneath there and it says like side position front position stuff like that well depending on which weapon that you have on it will tell you that you know it should like an errow up and that when you're basically saying that when you're in front of the enemies you get a bonus or when you're the side of enemies you get a bonus or you're behind them position in in this game a positional as a stat allows you to get bonuses from actually being the proper positions that you're weapon allows you to get so say it might thing gives extra 10 damage well the more positional that I have that thing becomes 20 30 40 damage just for being in a correct position on a Target which I think is a great thing for just you know certain fights and stuff like that when you have to like get into the it allows you to really position yourselves and position your group in a way that allows you to do bonus damage to a Target and then the weapon uh extra weapon damage and everything like that that's that's also self-explanatory from there and now when it comes to the uh damage you know the resist and stuff like that you know resisting damage and stuff like that those are all there but I do need to explain one three things confuse days and stun now confus days and stun kind of work differently but I need to talk about this confuse basically uh is a it's a debuff that usually bats would have and you don't I don't think you would encounter bats but just in case if something applies confused on you early game confus basically allows it where your your character will your buttons will be reversed so instead of going when you're trying to go forward you end up going backwards when you're trying to go to backwards you'll end up going forward like it just it it literally messes with your keybinds uh when it comes to your just movement days literally prevents you from using abilities bears are a big thing when it comes to days days is a very very very very important stat to try to get resistance for as especially as a Healer because Ms when they use days you cannot use your abilities for like a certain amount of time like probably four or 5 Seconds depending on the days that is being applied to you stun of course as you know it will stun you you cannot do you will probably get stunned and if something really stuns you for a long period of time you are screwed you're dead now something I also want to mention too when it comes to the log book uh as a new player I know this a lot of information do apologize but again I'm going to try to split them up into little sections so you guys can go back um to the best of my abilities I'm trying to keep it on there but when it comes to the Bullington boards and the quest there's also one thing I really want to talk about uh in general uh with the good F to the log you'll see the hunting log now the hunting log is self-explanatory but let me explain it when you let's say kill a certain amount of bears and boes and it'll tell you little checklist and stuff they give you um they give you basically the more bears you kill the more of a resistance you get for their particular thing they do so like I mentioned earlier Bears afflict days on you with the Roar and so that prevents you from using your abilities when you when you kill a whole bunch of bears essentially just hunt the crap out of them um you get more resistance to what bears do so then if you kill to like if you kill a certain amount of bears you start like you get an option to choose and they tell you ahead of time but if you hover around it it tells you which ones you're going to be choosing so you at least know what you're going to be going for ahead of time but D resistance uh physical damage so more he gives you more physical damage and plus do physical debuff resistance kind of gives you a lot of like things for you to build your character a little bit so if you want to talk about like a tiny version of talent trees this is kind of like your little talent tree system right here where you kind of if you kill certain things you get certain uh debuff resistances I think the really big one that people and something I need to go into personally is uh quill uh quillback which are the bunnies around the area the bunnies if you kill a whole bunch of quillback um they give you things like uh plus six hit uh physical damage uh physical debuff resistance and chemical resistance and stuff like that so those are really important things to kind of really look out for where you're killing mobs killing mobs actually give you bonuses in game throughout your time of playing aers a drift so yeah now the one thing I last thing I want to talk about before we actually end this video is actually the community in this game um as you know know that em of drift is a smaller kind of MMO the community is very tightnit in this game and but very very very very positive it's probably one of the best communities I've ever actually experienced in game um something I would say as a new player is just a okay to ask around if someone doesn't answer your question in time just understand you sometimes you have to learn certain things but it is okay to ask around people are willing to help you even create new characters to help you out um it is very important to understand that like people are willing to help you out when the time is needed I stream on Twitch like I mentioned I stream ERS drift on Twitch and I have experienced a really fun time when talking to people and to you know experience the times that I have with people and experience like you know just a life uh of iners and getting to know people and getting to groups and just like you know getting certain gear and stuff like that people have helped me out so much as a twitch streamer for playing this game and stuff like that if you are also a twitch streamer I would recommend streaming this game you you never know who you're going to meet you never know which Guild you're going to be part of if not you make your own Guild um it definitely is a great game great game to play with friends because if you have friends again you make more friends along the way so um but I think that's kind of like my guide if this guy did not help you um I do apologize I hopefully I if you please let me know the comment section something I actually fix I also have ADHD so I know was a big problem with me trying to like stay focus on certain things um but you know uh one of the also another big things I want to mention before I leave is that as a new player I hope you definitely enjoy it like if you I hope you enjoy this like if this guide really did help you please one leave a comment in the section uh leave a comment in the comment section uh like a video like this video seriously or dislike it if you don't like it but the point is as I say for new players I hope you do come into imem a drift I hope you guys do have fun hope you guys definitely get to indulge yourself and find the passion that you know a lot of us actually have in the game if you don't like the game it's understandable it's a free trial that's coming in it's a limited you have all the time to to play with it all the time to kind of get your hands deep into it and when you and so it doesn't end within a week so you to start all over no you just get to keep your characters and just come in and just kind of twink yourself out and have a little bit of fun and just enjoy the new area uh I will say though the full game is like 30 bucks so if you do want to buy the game and just get to play the full game there you go it's just 30 bucks there you go you're done and you can get into here and explore the the large amount of content that they have in this game uh the a lot of dungeons I want to mention um is it's just it's just really fun the dungeons is really fun all I can say for the dungeons in this game is that it's it's something you don't just like just queue up and have fun with and just boom bo boom easy now you delve into these dungeons you have to really walk around explore it find chests and stuff like that do loops and stuff like that around there find named mobs and bosses and stuff like that that you can kill and it gives you really good gear and stuff like that on certain paths that you take so this is just my free trial guide for those who are going to be joining into the free trial Hope you guys I hope to see you guys in in game or on stream I stream on Twitch twitch.tv/ anoying Lama and I'm also stream I'm part of static group Live we stream every Saturdays for the Saturday morning hero so if you guys want to check us out there you guys can um and also uh yeah no but also set a group Live shout out to them um but yeah hope you guys definitely enjoy yourself hope you guys enjoy this video I know it was a little bit long but I did my best to try to get capitate the free player journey I will hopefully make a video in the future talking about also of the new stuff so we'll get to we end this video off here thank you guys for watching be the best slam as you could be kick some ass thank you
Channel: Annoying Llama
Views: 406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Embers Adrift, NEW PLAYER GUIDE, INFO VIDEO, Free Trial, Gaming, Mmorpg, 2024
Id: lOd8oWEHy4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 35sec (1835 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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