EmberGen 0.7.5 Live Training: Creating Explosions & Fire

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greetings everybody my apologies for the delay there it kept streaming to a test stream that i had set up because i reformatted my computer all right so uh first thing i want to say while i'm on the stream here is if i'm coughing i'm sorry i've had bronchitis for six weeks so bear with me i'll try and mute my mic if i get into a coughing fit and so if we go silent for a little bit that's why but uh otherwise we should be good here um this is our first ever live training um and essentially what i want to do is i want to make it so that after you watch this stream you should be able to make fire and explosions in ambrogen with no problem i'm not going to cover every single way [Music] that you can make an explosion or that you can make fire i'm just going to cover my general workflow and kind of how i do things this is going to be kind of off the cuff that kind of thing so bear with me but this should be really good should be really informative and uh yeah so here's what we're going to be covering uh what are the key components you need to have ambergen simulate so how does the simulation work in imogen what do the nodes mean that kind of thing basic quality of life shortcuts you know i see videos of people manually clicking the reset button you can press r to reset your simulation uh spacebar to play and pause that kind of thing um how do emitters work what does it mean when you're emitting fuel what does it mean to emit smoke what does it mean to emit temperature that kind of stuff we're going to go over that understanding how forces work did you know that embedders are actually a mask for a force and that it's not global if you plug it into the sim node then it's global so we're going to go over that kind of stuff um understanding combustion in immersion so how do i make things burst into flames how to make things explode um that kind of thing we're also going to go over uh pyro shader and smoke shading for our new renderer we're going to go over of course how to create explosions how to create fire we're going to do some advanced stuff um and over kind of like the final parts of the tutorial going over using volume modulation to add details to your uh explosions and that kind of thing so other than that let's go ahead to the the next slide here here's some things that are probably going to change this tutorial in the future um we're going to have sparse simulations so right now we're kind of limited to you know our bounds inside the simulation uh your smoke and all that stuff can hit the bounds and well it's kind of bad so we're gonna fix that with sparse simulations it's also gonna improve performance allow you to do much larger simulations that kind of thing if you don't know what a sparse simulation is just means there are no bounds essentially re-timing for simulations is going to change a lot right this second um let's see if anybody else hears an echo let me know but yeah okay anyway um so what we have uh where were we we're at uh re-timing for simulations so we're going to have retiming for simulations so if you want to make the first 15 frames compressed to two frames or something like that uh okay i sound like a droid all right let me uh let me check my settings here real quick all right sorry i tested the stream beforehand and it sounded fine so let me see we're getting there we're solving solving problems uh let me disable some stuff here okay can you guys see okay i i reduced the audio input capture so okay all right cool yeah so i reduced some stuff so hopefully this sounds better and if you can't hear me let me know okay all right cool and sorry for room noise i don't know i i i spent the whole morning trying to set this up okay so anyway so re-timing for simulations uh we're going to have that um essentially um what that is is if you want to compress 15 frames into two frames or you want to expand uh 20 frames of simulation to 200 uh you will be able to do that in the future that will drastically change how you make explosions and fire so what we're going over here is really just the basics and then as imogen becomes more featured we'll revisit this um okay cool glad to hear that i sound good all right so adjustable voxel size more detail so right now people complain ah i can't get detail without modulation or without this or without that or higher vorticity we know we're gonna fix it with adjustable voxel sizes in the future so that you can have the same size bounds but have more detail um so that's one thing that's going to change things also better rendering will probably make some things in this tutorial obsolete and then the last thing is we are going to change combustion for the better um we want to make it so that if you fill a i don't know a bowl or something up with fuel and then you ignite one side of it it will explosively ignite the rest of it and things like that we want that to be tunable so those are some future things future things that are going to kind of change what you're going to learn in this tutorial but no worries we'll have more tutorials in the future to cover that all right 075 what's the hold up uh so the reason why we haven't released 075 publicly even though we said we were going to release in january now it's september if you if you didn't know um this year is flying by uh so animated meshes still need auto scaling gpu particles have issues with the rendering exporting has a lot of bugs still um and then we have some misit ui fixes but if you are following along this tutorial and you have a license uh if you're in our discord server you can get 0.7.5 as a pre-release for testing and feedback so that's why we're doing a live stream on zero seven five and not a previous version um so yeah so if you have a license you can get it unfortunately if you're an o toy user you will only be able to get 075 when it's out publicly and officially released and the reason for that is the oh toy build is a completely separate thing and we have enough problems just trying to manage our own standalone so that's that um the last thing is just kind of an update on our company where we're at i want a statistic that i want to share with you because i am hella surprised and i want to thank all of you uh so jfx update we have 15 people working at jenga fx full time now that is crazy just a year ago it was only like five of us and we just hired four new people last month we've spent over a million dollars on the development of zero seven five if that's not proof that we want to make this work instead of me just cashing out and gonna go buy a ferrari or some i don't know what is i am doing everything that i can to make sure that ambrogen is the best visual effects tool you have ever used in your entire life so that is my goal so yeah all right so there we go um over a million dollars that's crazy oh all right and but that also means that we've had good sales right so thank you all for your support really really appreciate it um then we're doing everything we can to improve the tools and becoming an industry standard so that's everything we are doing everything that we can to get this out we're doing everything that we can to make real-time tools the standard and we really just want to make it so that you guys can do really good work so that's that that is the end of my little slide show this stream will be recorded so if you have to pop out or whatever you know you can come back in and watch this okay so now where were we all right so this is kind of some stuff that we're going to go over um this right here is a little simulation that's been running in the background all right so where are we going to start and actually what i'm going to do is i'm going to pull my little slideshow thing over to my other screen so that i can um read it and go through the tutorial properly all right so first off what are some of the key components that you need to simulate things all right so if you want to simulate in ambergen there are a few nodes that you need that are automatically populated whenever you start a new project this is our default scene it does not look very real or anything like that it's just default parameters that's kind of like a medium for everything and we think it's a decent starting point for starting like a new simulation or whatever so that's kind of what the point of the default project is you might say well why do you have a default project well we have one because you can't just make parameters not do anything like it has to do something and this is the something that we chose so the pieces of a simulation that you need to know every simulation needs to have a shape that it's emitting from a shape can be a taurus it can be a sphere it can be a box you know whatever it can be an animated mesh if you want to bring that in you know it can be whatever you want it could be noise anything all right so um is anybody else having blurred issues uh because i have it set at like maximum stream quality it should be streaming at 1080p um hopefully all right so anyway um but other than that so yeah so we have shape primitives and you can use particles uh and other things that kind of thing so um yeah then we have the emitter the emitter is probably the most important part for how your simulation is going to look besides the actual simulation um or besides the actual simulation node so the emitter is going to tell you um am i emitting you know what is my transform in space how much fuel am i adding to the simulation how much smoke am i gonna have uh one quick note is that the more smoke you have the more the uh oxygen will be suffocated essentially in the sim and so you can put your fire out by having more smoke so that's one key thing to know if you're like hey i have fuel but my uh explosion isn't igniting well you're probably suffocating it uh through smoke um another thing is pressure right you know how much pressure do we have you all want to suck things in do i want to expand things that kind of thing then we have forces uh which is like velocity transfer so that's if you're moving your emitter um you know is it going to transfer some of that velocity uh to your simulation then you have visuals do you want to see your emitter particles i'm not going to get into that okay then you have your simulation node uh which the key point here is this is what is controlling um your your bounds right so you have your bounds so you can say hey you know maybe i want it taller so you can change the voxel count and z click apply resolution and boom now you have a taller box and we can reset that and go ahead and apply a new resolution whatever get back to it so there we go right then you also have your simulation so we have two different modes we have combustion and colored smoke within the combustion mode it just means i have the opportunity to have fuel you don't need to have fuel if you want say to do just smoke what you can do is you can turn fuel emission off and now you can have just smoke you can have all the smoke you want uh and also one of the things is is that your temperature will affect how fast your smoke or fuel or whatever rises and you do need temperature to ignite your fuel the hotter your temperature is the brighter the fire is going to burn that kind of thing hopefully that's kind of self-explanatory um then we also have time control which deals with looping i'm not going to get in that right now because it doesn't really work just yet then we have combustion so right this second let's see let's go to add fuel again and we're going to lower our stuff just a little bit to kind of get some more fire or whatever and by the way i know my rendering here isn't like super pretty we're just going over the the basics here um so basically we have a new thing where we have we call it just like simplified parameters right so you don't need to dive into what we call i guess the black box of the combustion if you want to you can by exposing advanced parameters and then you have all kinds of stuff but for now if you want say more smoke so basically for every unit of fuel that i burn i want to emit some amount of smoke right and so you can you know increase that and so as your fuel burns it's going to make more smoke then you have smoke dissipation which is how fast is my smoke gonna disappear right if you have it zero then it's not gonna disappear hardly at all and one thing i will mention is that the default preset has a slicing mask in the volume node and so that kind of like makes it more alpha or whatever so i'm going to turn that off for this demonstration then we also have the flame intensity which basically says you know how much fuel am i consuming so the less your flame intensity is the more fuel it's consuming uh as far as i know um during the combustion process and if you have it as a super high flame intensity it's typically not consuming as much fuel and it's burning at a much higher temperature so this is kind of a weighted uh parameter that controls a bunch of different things and finally we have expansion which basically says as my fuel is consumed and as we produce more temperature as we produce flames and smoke how much am i going to expand uh as uh you know for from pressure and that kind of thing then we have uh vorticity which basically says how soft or smooth is my simulation going to be right so we have some really smooth smoke here with no vorticity and as we crank up the vorticity that's whenever we start seeing you know uh details in the smoke um details on the fire that kind of thing then we also have large vorticity which is going to say how many big like uh larger vortices do i want uh how do i want you know to create eddies and that kind of thing in my simulation so that's kind of kind of what that goes over um and then the last thing i'll go over here i'm not going to go over any of the other parameters right this second we'll get into that in the future is your force and the most important one is buoyancy so if you want your fire or smoke to be zero gravity just make sure that you zero out all these parameters and you will have zero gravity stuff i have people ask me that all the time hey how do i simulate something in zero gravity well turn your buoyancy off um but otherwise if you increase your buoyancy it makes things more violent that kind of thing so that's self-explanatory all right so the next node is shading i'm not going to get too much into this because we're gonna do it later but basically shading controls um how your uh essentially how your how your simulation is looking right um one thing to note is that if you export a vdb your um your vdb is not going to inherit any of these uh shading settings uh what we're trying to get people to do is uh import like a backplate and a camera and then render inside of imogen and then composite it into their rendered scene that is the the goal of what the preferred workflow we won't be able to do because vdbs aren't going to have as much shading power as ambergen does or rather other renderers are going to have as much shading power as ambrogin does because our renderer is tuned specifically for ambrogen and our data types and other renderers are not so we would hope that you would export image sequences if you're in games you export flipbooks and then you're definitely using our renderer another important key is lighting so you know how do i i want my uh you know smoke to be lit so we can turn off any node by the way that has one of these little uh power icons so we have ambient lighting we have directional lighting so it's semi physically based you can add more lights like a point light so we could turn this off and now we have just a point light we can see our shadows all that stuff and we also have a cool neat little gizmo now that kind of shows like our bulb size so we're really trying to make the workflow easy inside of improgen with gizmos and transforms and all that stuff so that's really cool as well uh anyway got sidetracked so that's kind of how our shading node works um like i said i'm gonna get into this you know a lot more you can really start to get some really good shading really fast just by turning on a couple of parameters and so we'll go through all of that in the future the volume node basically says you know what kind of things do i want to do to the volume and anything that you do in the volume note is actually going to export as a vdb so if you you know add sharpening or whatever for extra detail and that kind of thing that kind of stuff is going to export um in a vdb file and of course it's also going to be in your renders and all that stuff um and then also you have like the ability to render like your gpu particles uh that kind of thing in the volume node um and so the idea here uh so far where we've gotten is the shape tells the emitter where you want to emit from you can have multiple shapes by the way um you don't need to have just one you can have multiple emitters you don't need to have just one then you plug in the emitters into the simulation node the simulation node says great now i have the data that i need for fuel and smoke and temperature and now i'm going to take that and i'm going to do my simulation stuff with it so i'm going to decide you know how quickly you're going to burn you know what rate you're going to rise at you know whether or not temperature is going to be grouped together if you're using like shredding that kind of stuff so we're going to do the actual simulation then the next step is okay well now we need to pass on that information to the volume so we need to uh essentially voxelize everything and get the renderer ready and so we pass that over to the volume node and then we have the scene node which is the node i haven't talked about yet the scene node uh controls everything that you see in the viewport so you know if you want you know specific hdr tone mapping or or whatever it happens to be you can choose that here you can you know make you know more contrast or not you know gamma exposure color vibrance uh which i i use the color vibrance thing uh quite a bit sometimes then you also have colors so you can like swizzle your things so it literally changes everything in the scene you also can do you know cool things like you know vignette um and like you can do you know chromatic aberration or um you know kuahara stylized stuff or or whatever you want in the scene note it is a scene wide like total like it changes everything in the scene so that's why it's called the scene node but also everything that's in the scene node is um going to be in the scene so if you want lights and stuff in there or or whatever it happens to be it's all going to pass through the scene node in the end um so you know sky boxes uh you know your ground um anything is eventually ending up in the scene node and that passes on to your viewport so we'll go back to realistic and change our colors back to rgb okay so with that i think that kind of covers the scene node then the final thing uh which that's all you need for your simulation really actually you do need the render node as well um and then the render node just says hey i'm here and i'm going to do some kind of output by the way if you do want to export a vdb you pull directly off the simulation node and you can export that okay so that's kind of like the basic requirements for a um a simulation right um that's that's kind of what you need you need a shape you need an emitter you need a sim node uh you need a volume node shading node and a scene node and then you can choose whether or not you want lights that kind of thing and that's the basics okay so all right i'm trying to go fast here because we've got a lot to cover all right so basic quality of life shortcuts just real quick if you press r on your keyboard that is going to restart your simulation if you press spacebar that is going to pause your simulation if you print if you're paused and you press z that is going to step through your simulation and you can step one frame at a time to find the perfect frame if that's what you're looking for so those are my um my uh keys that i i'd like to tell you uh we also have another key which is g which resets your camera right the second it doesn't work but i'm pretty sure the g is going to be the binding that we're going to use um 4075 and so that will reset your camera whenever it's ready and also one quick thing is like if you select a bunch of nodes and you press c that creates a comment around it if you want to comment something and comments also act as groups and then the last thing is if you are trying to do like a image export or something like that and say you went through the node graph here and you did like uh you know export image and so instead of it auto linking like it just did say you do like emissive you can do this and press control l and so control l will auto link nodes and it works for stuff like this too so you know say all this stuff is unlinked or whatever uh you can just go over here control l it's going to auto link those nodes for you so that is a really good shortcut uh one more tip i will give you is if you're following along in the tutorial you're like man like i don't know where he said vorticity was you can just type vorticity in this search box and you can find it and so that goes for any node uh you can say you know hey uh you know i want fire color or something like that or you know i want uh you know translucency um you can find that kind of stuff by searching stuff in the search bar and if you don't know where your node is i say gradient you can search for nodes as well in the right-click menu so right-click um allows you to bring up the little node thing and then if you want to say well hey like what forces can actually connect to my simulation node great you can just you can drag off of any pin that you want and it will tell you what nodes can connect to that and it will automatically connect them so that's another great thing about aerogen just a quick quick thing um and then the last thing i'll say i'm not going to get into like what the camera controls are it tells you like down at the bottom uh whenever you do that so like left click it's camera rotate you know control left click allows you to zoom in that kind of thing but if you go to settings and you go to preferences and then you go to camera we have uh default which is basically unreal engine 4 unreal engine 5 camera controls we have blender and then we have industry compatible which is maya so we have these different options so if you use different uh keys and you like i wish that i had the camera system of blender great go change it in your preferences right i don't like that control setup but you might so go change it um so there's that all right so now the next thing um understanding how emitters work all right so kind of uh a little deep dive into this all right so emitter activity is something that you can animate um and so by the way if you want to animate anything uh you can single left click it and then we see that it pops up on the timeline then we can hold shift and click and we'll add a key and then we can say maybe we want to turn it off so we'll just click the key uncheck enabled or we'll double click the key uncheck enabled there we go and so now the emitter turns off right so you can animate anything that you want um and that's kind of what the activity stuff does and of course we have your your transform so there are two different types of transforms with your nodes all right or with your shapes so you have a shape transform right so say if we offset this over here and then we have our emitter transform so then if we rotate this it is going to be relative to the emitter's pivot and we also i think we have a we don't have it in this particular build but we have a new node called transform that is kind of going to act like the transform here so that you can do some some complicated things um so yeah so let me go ahead and just like reset this stuff okay um so we have that all right so that's kind of what your transform does it's just your position your rotation let me have a mission and the omission is the most important part and i'm going to it's going to say hey if you turn this off it's going to delete your keys yes i want to continue and so what we have is so now with our mission there are a couple of different emission modes and they're quite important to know the difference all right so no emission means that we are not going to emit anything at all obviously add says i am adding to the voxels around me a certain fuel rate and you'll notice that um you actually you need a a very low fuel rate like 30 percent um to get something that's uh viable to use and if you start going way higher which i don't know why this perimeter goes this high it really shouldn't um it's just not really usable so you're really going to play in like the 25 to you know 65 range something like that maybe more maybe less um and that's kind of what adding does but replace says um no matter what the value of the voxels are i'm not going to just add to it i am going to completely delete what the previous value was and replace it with my new value so that's what replaces add is a bit more dynamic um because it just kind of dynamically adds and then the fuel burns away but replace is going to be a guaranteed source of fuel if that makes sense and the same thing happens with temperature with temperature we typically want to replace it but if you add it you can get some maybe some more dynamic results maybe you like the way that it looks that kind of thing so that's what uh replace does then we have our pressure you need to be careful with pressure especially whenever you have smaller balance and that kind of thing but it basically just says uh how much outward force am i generating from this emitter um uh so that's that and then we have forces i went over that that's your velocity transfer visuals do you want to see the emitter or not uh typically i prefer not to see the emitter um which is my my personal preference um and then like i said we're not going to go into particles and actually these two tabs are going to get uh joint out of the emitter node and they're going to be their own gpu particle emitter node in the future is the plan so um from there now we have our uh simulation node and so uh part of the uh let's see was i going to go to a deep dive of this no i'm not because we're going to we're kind of going to cover this whenever we get to the explosions all right so um and sorry if i'm cramming like too much into this tutorial the idea is to make it so that this is like our very first thing so that beginners like can understand and even if you're on the advanced level like you understand what our thought process is of why we're doing certain things so the next thing that's really important is forces all right so if i delete this force node and i go to our vorticity and i just turn this off so this right here is just a base simulation and typically in other tools whenever you start this is probably something similar to what you're gonna see i'm gonna make this a sphere um and so this is kind of what we have um and i'm going to go to my mission just make sure that i'm emitting like the the standard uh stuff and i'm to make some smoke so this is what we have um and actually what we can do is we can go to our simulation size and just apply a new resolution so we can kind of see what this does so this is like the the standard that you get in other tools um and this is kind of what happens to your smoke as it rises uh without any vorticity and and that kind of thing so what do forces do and you know where where are we going with that so basically if you plug in a force to the emitter node the emission shape so the primitive that you have is going to be a mask for that force so here's an example we have a line force right i'm going to stop the push strength and i'm going to make it a twist strength so now we can see our little twist indicator and so now you can see the smoke is twisting down here at the bottom but it is not twisting really at the top right that is because the uh shape here is a mask and so as an example if i bring in another emitter and i say no emission on everything so this is doing nothing it's not emitting anything at all i'm literally just going to use this as a custom force node essentially so let's say we bring in like a taurus or something and then i go to visuals i want to see my shape and so we're going to go up here and we're going to double click to delete the line and then we're going to plug this force in up here now you can see that the twist is only in the uh within the torus itself and so if i make the taurus uh bigger and then i lower the the major radius here and then maybe i i hide my emitter now you can see that there is a twist force happening right here exactly where the torus is so what happens if i plug it into the simulation node though if i plug it into the simulation node it is going to affect the entire simulation right and so because the simulation is global there is no mask however with things like line forces uh you can have a falloff so now you can see like a a cylinder where the falloff is you can do like an inverse falloff so that it it's really strong in the center and then it it dampens out you know as it gets out and that kind of thing um and so you know we have the ability to do that you can also change like the falloff distance you know make it bigger make it wider whatever actually sorry inverse falloff is where the center is um uh like lower uh velocity and then the outside is higher velocity the the opposite is true so there we go so so that's that's how the forces um work essentially um and so if you wanted to say uh add more detail just for instance to your simulation one good way to do it is to add a force noise node to the simulation this is a good little tip and we can just bring this amplitude down to like 0.2 or something like that but then what we'll do is we'll lower the scale and then we'll go to our simulation and we're going to just change the vorticity just a little bit and you're going to see that this is already adding quite a bit of extra detail to the simulation if we turn the node off this is what the simulation looks like so it does have some detail but whenever we turn on the force node it adds in quite a bit of extra details and if you want to kind of amplify those you can just increase your amplitude maybe increase your scale that kind of thing and you're going to get more details and then you can see a preview of your noise down here in the node so there's that all right so the next thing was uh understanding combustion and emerging i kind of already went over that and we're going to go over that whenever we're doing our explosion and it looks like the next stuff is actually just stuff i'm going to cover in the explosion so let's get into it this is why we're here uh creating an explosion um so actually the the first thing i think i'm uh i'll probably do fire because it's simpler so if we wanted to create some good flames so first off let's just see some examples of some decent flames um so here's probably something that we're going to try and create we've got some neat little flames then we also have another one that i have let's see uh i call this one great fire and this one uses um some some pretty advanced modulation stuff so i'll show both of these methods for how to get these different styles of flames i personally think this looks really good um and so hopefully let me just take a look yeah okay i know what i did all right so what we're going to do so if we want to create this we're going to go to a new project all right so bam here we go we have our fire the first thing that i like to do is try and make the shading look pretty good um so we're going to go to the shading node we're going to go to flames if you want to not render flames you can uncheck the box if you don't want to see scattering you can uncheck that box too all right but anyway so we have our render flames and shaping by flames is pretty important basically what it does is i would consider it the brightness so how bright is my uh fire going to burn uh within the renderer how am i going to amplify or multiply that temperature then we have shaping by density which says uh if i have um smoke and that kind of thing i also want to set that on fire as well right and you might say well why is that useful so i'll open up a quick project since we don't have anything going on quite yet so in this case i have some extra stuff going on in the density and it leaves behind this neat little magical uh vorticity type trail and that kind of thing and by the way we added the ability to have collisions on particles and we're also going to have it so that you can spawn like events and make explosions and at the end of these particles and whatnot so that's a whole another thing uh which actually i i can't i can't hide it hang on let me see here we go so like here's like an example of a flame thrower uh that's like colliding with the ground and stuff like that from from particles so by the end of this tutorial you should be able to like make some stuff like this all right so let's let's get into it all right here we go so going to our flame shading um so what we have is we have the shape and by flames with shaping up by density in the vast majority of cases you're not going to use shaping by density in my opinion um flames coloring this is going to decide uh what channel or what method you're going to use to shade your flames in this case we have a color ramp which you can see this ramp preview and so we can change like the red ramp uh you know and basically this is just saying um at what rate are my colors changing and so you have like your your base fire color um so like let's say that we choose like a a deeper red or something like that and then we want to say you know say maybe one maybe three maybe six or something like that and then we can just kind of like tweak this and change it um this might not be the most intuitive method for you um so you know uh results may vary with this particular method um and then also you can see that like my stuff is is pretty bright so you might say okay well like my colors are all right but we also have like a color uh remap so you can remap your ramp so maybe you say hey you know maybe i want to get more in this little range down here instead of the super bright colors so you can remap that range if you want to then you also can remap things based on your temperature and so i'm going to just kind of uh change those a little bit another thing that you can do is uh you can select this down and we can say blackbody so blackbody radiation uh basically uh determines you know which i don't know the science behind it so actually i'm not even gonna try and explain it you can look on wikipedia if you wanna find out what black body radiation is but essentially it just says based on the laws of nature how do i want to color my fire right and we try to do our best that we can to model black body radiation and you're going to see that as we increase our ramp scale it's going to get bright i mean actually like if you have a welding arc and that kind of thing like in real life it's like super super blue because the temperatures are ridiculously hot don't quote me on that i think that's how it works in real life um and also there's like electrical going on too but i regardless the brighter things are in real life uh the bluer things kind of get and on the lower end of the spectrum things are more orange so we we have the ability to kind of tweak and change that and so still this fire is not like looking like really good and so one of the key things that you can do is you can check this box called flames transparency and what this does is if we go around to say about 4100 or something we are going to start to get transparency within our flames and so one thing i'm going to do is i'm going to go to my emitter and i'm going to emit some extra fuel here because i think we need some more fuel so we can kind of get a decent looking fire and so then back into my shading node um i'm going to kind of just tweak this and so one of the things is guys it's like there's no like i guess like special magic way to get good-looking flames just yet um you kind of have to tweak things so if we say hey you know my flames are a little bit bright maybe we want to tweak the flame shaping then we have our translucency level we can kind of change that and then we want to maybe change our color remapping and what i'm actually going to do is i'm going to expose a custom gradient because that is a really good way to control what you're going to do so we can right click this to do a pin override or you can left click twice or whatever and so now you're going to see that so we expose the the fire color gradient right and then it says connect the fire color pin to a gradient node so we need to expose the fire color and now we can drag off we and also we have midi imports now guys for all you musicians and live mograph people and that kind of thing out there so now what we have is we have a custom gradient that we can edit instead of having to use parameters or trying to deal with black body or whatever we can have our own gradient uh when zero seven five is officially out you will be able to save your own gradients uh and that kind of thing um and then one thing is is uh we can kind of you know bring off this this uh black color and that will help us get some some cool variations so one thing you can do is you can flip the gradient so that the inside is dark and the edges are bright so we can go over here to our shading i increase our shaping by flames um and in this case we might want to turn off flames translucency and so what we'll do is we'll kind of let's see here i'm actually not going to flip this though sorry all right so what we'll do is we'll do this we will turn our flames transitionally back on sorry that i'm fumbling here that's kind of the result of a live tutorial um so we have this and maybe we want it to be more orange so as this uh goes up we can kind of make it more orange that kind of thing then another thing that is also affecting our stuff is the scattering so uh one thing that we have is we which we don't have it set up in our simple parameters yet but we need to do advanced parameters and go to our scattering and i'm going to change our flames contribution so now that we can really start to see our flames here because the problem is is it just kind of like washes out our flames so i need to lower this a little bit and so then also what we can do is we can turn off our ground and our sky and then i'm also going to turn off our smoke emission i'm going to go to combustion and i'm going to lower the smoke dissipation but i'm also going to kind of like raise our flames intensity and then i'm going to lower our generated smoke so you can see we're actually starting to get some some pretty good fire here um and so if we go back into our shading node the big key now is going to be tuning our color remap now that we have our color gradient that we like and of course you can kind of you know fiddle around and play with the gradient you can add as many colors as you want you know maybe you want it to get darker in the center that kind of thing depending on what you're going for and so then we can go and we can kind of like tune this translucency level uh make it a little bit higher we also have translucency width which is going to say you know do i want just literally the edges to be bright and then the rest to be like a thin film so you can kind of change that we can also change like our flames density min or max we can change the density scale if we want them to be a little bit more dense we also have flames opacity i don't really recommend playing with the flame's opacity too much unless you are dealing with a miss of masking in like large explosions which we'll go to in the future so this right here is a pretty decent way to uh get some good fire uh like i said and that's kind of the gist of uh fire and so uh let's open up that uh project where we have um some good fire and so let's see great fire so how do we actually get this all right so the good news is is if i forget i can just open a preset so we have a really low uh remapping range and whatnot but and we also have shaping by flames up a lot so the big key to this though is that we have um modulation and so what we're doing is we're taking the vorticity of the simulation uh and so we can see here uh we're tweaking the curve of the vorticity um and so basically what it's doing is it's saying i want to control the temperature based on my vorticity and so one one good thing that we can do to kind of show off an extra thing is i'm going to go to my modulations i'm going to add a new one um i'm going to say vorticity again i'm going to go to smoke and so now we're just replacing the smoke and you can see that it's adding the vorticity of the simulation to the actual fire uh just like it's adding it to the smoke so that's kind of how that works all right so let's see we go back into our shading and so these are the kind of the parameters that make it happen and so our shaping by flames is really bright um because the way that the vorticity is working i guess that it's lowering the temperature beyond a certain range and we can also remap our temperature but what happens is as we increase the re-map range we are essentially cutting out pieces of the flames in the center where it's hotter and or yeah where it's not as hot and so that's how we get some of these these cool little shapes um but let me go back to a new project and so we're gonna we're gonna kind of restart the the fire thing again sorry [Laughter] i'm sweating here all right so uh going back into the flames uh another way that i would start this um is i would get the admission right first so i say okay you know i want to get some some pretty decent flames here and then also i want to make my temperature add and then i want to set my primitive to a sphere and so now that's a little bit too much flames so we have that let me go to the simulation we go to combustion maybe we want to generate a little bit more smoke maybe we want to lower smoke dissipation maybe we'll probably increase our flames intensity we're also going to increase our expansion to get a little bit crazier flames then we're going to go to our noise that's automatically plugged into our emission and we're going to increase that and so now we have a pretty good setup here for some some really tall flames another thing i'm going to do is in shredding i'm going to increase my shredding intensity you can see what it does is it basically groups up high clusters of temperature and we're going to get some really violent flames here so if you have something that is just like a raging inferno you probably want to add some shredding to it i'm not going to touch turbulence or anything like that but i am going to increase my vorticity uh just a little bit and one thing that doesn't hurt as well is flames can tend to be pretty soft so you may want to decrease your vorticity but in this case i'm going to make it more of like a inferno type thing then i'm going to turn on my emissive masking and we can change like our density reference here um and so something like this and what this is going to do is it's going to mask the flames uh by the density of the smoke and then we're going to go to the flames over here and we're going to kind of increase our colors and then i'm going to go to my lighting go to advanced parameters go to my scattering and we're going to turn this down again and so let's see smoke scattering intensity we're going to lower that a little bit one thing that we also have is we have a scattering occlusion so if you want the scattering to be occluded by the smoke you can do that as well which is pretty cool so now inside of our shading we go back to flames uh and we're just going to keep this on on a color ramp for this particular one and because it is easier to get some some decent flames in some cases so say maybe we want like a i don't know like a deeper yellow orange or something maybe that's pretty good um and then we're going to go to our flames translucency and we can kind of pick this up and so now we have a a pretty decent ball of fire here um and in some cases like the emissive masking may not be what you want because in this case we are reducing the temperature of the flames essentially to uh essentially delete the flames where there is uh high densities um and you can change like your your frequencies and stuff of like how much masking this thing is going to do but in this case maybe we don't want it and so now we have these these pretty tall flames and in some cases you might just say hey i don't even want smoke i just want flames and so we can see how this looks on a black background and so then we can go into here and really start tweaking this and so now you know we hop in get our translucency level in and you can see that whenever you have deeper colors in a wider range of colors so say you know you kind of have like a brighter orange over here and it's fading off into a deep red and then to black you can get some some pretty decent flames um and one thing that you might want to do is you can always uh inverse your remap range so maybe you want the orange to be over here and the black over here and what that's going to do is it's going to make it so that on the outside of the temperature you you have that and so then you can just kind of like tweak this change it um and in some cases you know maybe it's what you want maybe you want to inverse those flames or inverse that gradient uh to get a completely different look so there's a lot that you can do like unfortunately i don't have like a singular way to to make fire we've kind of gone over like a couple different examples here uh but you can see you can get a ton of different looks uh just by playing with the temperature by playing with the remap by playing with the uh translucency settings um and then by playing with the color ramp settings um you know uh by changing these settings you can really get um some some pretty some pretty crazy coloring um and so yeah it's pretty cool so that's that uh yeah so it's kind of looking kind of stylized now because we have such a small small ramp it's pretty cool though um so now the last thing is kind of adding details to this so like let's say um that we like this but we want to try the vorticity trick uh on these on these flames and so i'm just gonna like change this back to one and like two something like that and then kind of increase my uh shaping and kind of reduce maybe something like this kind of change that to make it a little bit brighter okay so i kind of like where this is at it's a little bit more stylized it's not super realistic but we're going to get into the volume modulation so this is a advanced thing here all right so with this with volume modulation we just type one into the box and now we have a thing that pops up we're going to choose vorticity in this case and we're going to remap that to our temperature and so what this is doing is like i said previously we're going to take the vorticity of the simulation and we're going to retarget that to our temperature and in this case we can say that we want to either completely replace the flames uh with this new vorticity another thing we can do is we can add a masking source so we want the original flames to be the mask for this operation that we're going to perform and we can do an add sub if we if we want to and so then what we can do is like you can quickly turn the modulation on or off if you want to to see the change and so we can we have like a a curve here that we can edit you can make it linear you can make it you know cosine or cubic or whatever you want you can add extra points um and change that kind of stuff and so one thing that you know i like to do is change my uh target range to be a bit on the negative side as well i'm going to delete these keyframes just to kind of keep it linear and you can see that it does end up adding like some details uh whenever we go into here but what we can do is let's see so we can kind of change like our masking target a little bit as well um and so we can change like the source range we can change uh how this is um being targeted so basically the source range is saying you know i want both zero percent vorticity and a hundred percent of my vorticity and i want to map that range to say negative 109 and then 200 percent of my simulation here um and then in some cases you know we might not want to have a masking source so that we can get the the full effect here and and for whatever reason i am not such as the the problem of a live stream here maybe i need to change my shading a little bit let's see i remember that whenever i did the the other simulation i had some pretty crazy uh sim results but you can see that we are affecting the detail here quite a bit because if we turn off the vorticity or if we turn off this volume modulation we can see that we have really soft flames and then by injecting the vorticity into the temperature we are changing uh quite a bit and it is getting quite a bit noisy so i think really the rest of this is just um trying to get some some good shading and so we probably have it a little bit uh too too orange too yellow so we can kind of change this lower our shaping by flames uh it looks like we probably want to increase our color remap maybe increase our shapes so i mean that looks pretty decent you know and we can go over here to our visuals uh turn off our emitter and so now we have some some fire and you know and in all cases it could be also that the vorticity is too strong right so we can lower because we are injecting vorticity into the simulation or rather into the renderer and because of that um if it's super noisy your result is going to be super noisy through the modulation so sorry i just thought of this and so we can get some some pretty crazy you know stylized flame licks and part of this is also that we have shredding if we turn our shredding off we can see that things change quite a bit but shedding does shredding does increase our buoyancy and things like that so this is kind of um the the gist of fire so uh we're also you know we're gonna have plenty of fire presets uh inside of ambergen um you know so that you can uh you know dissect them and kind of see how we did our shaders hopefully we can have a thing where we can like save our shaders like in this case just to kind of look at it we have like an exposed fire gradient i have it reversed in this case and then we have just some basic color remapping we're not using transparency we could turn transparency on and add like a little bit of extra um i guess alpha to the flames if we wanted to in this case um you know we can increase like our flames emission so one thing to note is that which this is kind of like an unfortunate side of um uh ambrogen in some cases it kind of depends on on how you look at it but like as you increase your fuel rate your flames are inherently going to change right so we can we can increase this and we can see that we're getting a lot more temperature we could try and reduce the temperature of our emitter but it's not really going to change much because the fire is already combusting so then we could try and go to our thing here and let's let's not do advanced perimeters we'll just say lower flame intensity but that's not really going to going to help us because the fuel is burning at like a certain rate a certain temperature all that stuff so we would have to go back and change um the way that we're shaping our flames that kind of thing and you can see like this actually looks really damn good and it's simple just from a color gradient and some basic color remapping uh shaping our flames and then some basic uh flames transparency so it really just it kind of kind of kind of depends on on your shading here so uh that that's the gist of fire um the last thing i will do is go over the back plate uh thing that i had here let me see here um here we go so this window fire so how does this work um so the gist is is we have a locked camera that is locked to the perspective of this window um and if you want to bring in a back plate by the way you in the camera node so make sure that your camera is selected up here at the top you have a camera node you bring in a back plate you can also bring in an animated backplate if you wanted to um so you have like a frame rate and all that stuff uh for compositing and so in this case we have flames that are kind of going you know uh to the side and up the window so how's that done it is done through some shapes so if we actually went to our emitter and said show me the visuals uh and then we go to our camera actually let's just go to default uh this is the actual emitter so we have some noise uh being plugged into a shape blend with a smooth intersection so we can see as we change the noise uh the scale is going to change so that's kind of how you can break up your emitter uh that kind of thing and then uh yeah we just have i'm pretty sure it's just some boxes so yeah so we have some boxes and so if we deleted these two nodes and we just plugged in just the raw shape uh you can see that the noise essentially just kind of like cuts up the shape uh reduces the amount of fuel that you're injecting into the simulation by creating a lot of holes and you're going to get a lot better uh fire like variation by plugging it into a blend node with a smooth intersection and so we can just drag these in and then delete the originals and then just restart the sim and there we go and then through the shading the shading is very simple as well we have a simple uh color remap going on here you can get brighter flames uh more orange flames then we just have our color ramp as the setting and some flames translucency very simple once again to get this and then if we go to our camera we can see the final scene um so really cool uh somebody said will this be available after live session is done yes it will it will be fully recorded and ready all right so uh that's basically fire guys um i i hope that this was um i hope that this was useful to you on the fire section and hopefully that kind of gives you some ideas on how you can create fire um you know you commit from any shape you typically want to have some force noise pushing things out and then the wrist just kind of kind of works if you follow the tutorial all right now explosions this is the this is the part that i like and here's what i'm going to teach you to make uh let's see uh explosion test so i am going to teach you essentially to make this explosion right here and so it's kind of slow so if you have a bad gpu i'm sorry we are going to optimize imogen but i'm going to teach you to make this explosion and then i will also teach you another thing where we go through um trying to let's see yeah so not that so this is a simple explosion and it's kind of ugly but we can kind of do stuff like that as well but i'm looking for it let's see i think it's aerial explosion um this isn't perfect the shading isn't perfect or whatever i'm going to show you how to create an explosion uh from particles as well so let's hop into it let's do it let me drink some water and then we're going to dive in to explosions all right so okay so we're going to go to a new project and what we're going to do the first thing we want to do to create an explosion is set up our emitter we want to emit a fair amount of fuel so we're going to say maybe 220 then we're going to go to our pressure and we're going to emit a little bit of that too so maybe we'll do we'll do just like a flat 25 for now and see how it how it happens then we're going to expand uh our voxel count to 256 cubed all the way across you can see that things are slowing down just a little bit here for my my 30 90 but if you want a big explosion you kind of got to go big so then what we're going to do is we're going to make this burst and so to make it burst we want to go to the emitter we're going to go to activity and we're going to click this little thing until it has a diamond for timeline override then we're going to hold shift over our emitter over here on the timeline over our emitter activity you can see a ghost of where the key is going to be placed and let's say maybe like frame 60 is where we're going to um turn it on and then on frame maybe 80 is where we're going to turn it off or actually it's going to stay on until uh this particular frame and then we're going to turn it off uh over here and so and what we'll do is we want to double click so we'll pause this in we will double click the key and that will set our playback um uh sorry my brain is having a brain lapse here i can't remember what you call this thing uh but the little line the indicator for where your playback line is we want to make sure that it's on the key and then we're going to say that it's not enabled anymore so what this is going to do is it's just going to create a burst but one of the big things here is um is in my opinion if you want a natural explosion uh you probably don't want to ignite the fuel immediately right so what we can do is we can go into our emission and we will make our temperature zero and so now we have something like this and we're going to turn off our smoke grid as well and we're just going to maybe increase our fuel as well we can go into our shading by the way and we can check render fuel so if we want to see our fuel in the simulation which by the way fuel rendering has uh some some problems right this second and so but what we'll do is maybe we'll make it like a a green or something like that or maybe like a orange and kind of like dim this a little bit so that we can see our fuel and so now what we're going to do is we're going to ignite this after the fact and what this is going to do is it's going to create a a better custom shape for the explosion so if we ignite this after the fact then boom right here now we're going to have this shape essentially as the emitter because that's when everything is going to take place so we'll have a a much more realistic explosion and so what we'll do is we will expose our temperature to the timeline as well and we'll say that it's going to be zero right about here and then whenever we turn it off um maybe we want to increase that to like maybe 5000 ish and so we'll see and then boom we have our explosion kind of take over and so we probably have too much fuel so we can lower our fuel and kind of see how that happens and now you can see we have an explosion that kind of grows through um the the fuel right as it's consuming the fuel so it's uh already much better than your typical emission pattern and one thing we could do is we could like increase like our noise amplitude to change the shape of our explosion so you can see uh this is no longer like your typical um you know rolling explosion that just like burst upwards and all that stuff um so now we have it it's got a nice shape and so now let's go ahead and maybe add just a little bit more fuel and we'll add a little bit of smoke too maybe and kaboom okay so we've got that and uh what i'll do is i'll lower our pressure just a little bit maybe i'll turn pressure off and i'm going to go into our simulation go into combustion and increase our expansion to like 40. and so that's a little bit better because i'm just trying to keep things within the bounds if you want to go bigger and have pressure and all that stuff um go for it have bigger bounds and and whatnot but the second we're just going to go to the shading portion of this now so one tip that i want to show you is that for the the games people out there um uh basically you might want something like this for a flip book um because you know there's no like trail everything just goes upwards um and then you can you know uh frame frame your stuff so we can go to like our view so we can go like render we can frame this and we can animate our camera and kind of track this plume and that kind of stuff for like a explosion sprite or whatever we want um but if you are doing something for film or compositing this isn't particularly realistic because like where is all the stuff down here right so what we can do a quick tip for you is we can go to the force tab in the simulation node and we're going to turn on block z ground and what that's going to make it is so that fuel kind of gets stuck on the ground and then also the ground is a repelling force and it kind of aids in the explosiveness of the explosion you can see now that like we're hitting the bounce and stuff but i'm going to fix that after we fix our shading so if you want that explosive look and have it so that the explosion travels along the ground instead of just immediately going up we can see the difference again if we turn that off it just kind of you know goes upwards so we've got that so there we go there's a quick tip for you to create something a bit more explosive uh by having the ground to be a collider all right so now we're going to pull it and i'm probably going to do even less fuel honestly maybe 90 or something like that so that we have just something smaller that i can work with that's inbounds and looks decent for the tutorial [Music] okay so it looks like 125 is pretty good and i think that's actually a pretty decent explosion all right so let me find a place to pause it i'm going to pause it right about there where it's really bright so let's get into the flame shading um for explosions you can use a missive masking it's probably a good idea to do it you can see why you can get the very nice masking between uh the smoke and the density you can change the width if you want something more stylized and we also have a masking ramp which is how soft it's going to be one thing i will mention is that you can see like we have like some ray marching artifacts if you have that and you don't want it you can lower your ray march step length and also we have dithering enabled so you can turn dithering off and that will help as well and so but our ray marching step length will give you higher quality and all this stuff but i'm going to keep it kind of high to keep the sim fast for the tutorial here so now we have something like this it's pretty pretty dope pretty cool but i don't want anything stylized so i'm going to increase our width then we're going to go over to our flames and let's make a custom gradient for this and so let's expose our fire color over here we're going to drag off at a gradient so now we have something like that i'm also going to go to my shading and turn off my fuel because i don't want to see my my orange stuff here and uh now we can just kind of play this back and okay i'm gonna pause it again at a different spot now we'll take a look at this so at the beginning like let's make it like a uh decent uh a decent like yellow uh whitish color and then we're going to quickly uh go over to a uh orange color so say something uh pretty deep and dark maybe like this um and maybe we want to make this like a little bit more on the orange side uh like so and so now we have it's kind of like a almost like a peachy uh white color so we have that and so now we can go into our shading again um and we want to change our shaping by flames to make this brighter first off uh and you can also do like coloring by density uh for the smoke but we're not going to not going to do that we're also going to add our flames translucency actually let's not write this second so we've got this we've got that and so one thing i might do is i might turn off the emissive masking for this particular explosion and we'll lower our translucency level and the big thing is also that's affecting us is once again the scattering so we'll go here go to scattering advanced and we're going to uh first off increase our scattering radius maybe to like seven then we're going to lower our smoke scattering intensity and now we've got to see our flames i'm gonna turn down my direct light contribution for things i'm going to do in the future whenever we start coloring the smoke so we have this um and so you can also see we have some like ray marching bands and once again that is from the project settings if you change this down to one like you're not going to have those bands so just bear with it for now we also probably want to add some more vorticity to this simulation so we're going to go up to about 50 to start adding some detail into our flames we're going to change our large vorticity maybe to 16 percent you don't want to go too far with it so this is going to get us like a really nice rolling uh pyroclastic effect so we're going to go here and we're going to kind of pause that and so we have our shading once again we're going to go to our flames kind of change our color remap to be a little bit lower so that we can get some some brighter colors out of this then we can see that we have like a pretty harsh gradient so we may uh want to you know lower this just a little bit um and you can see that that banding effect that's happening uh so i will actually lower my um my real marching so that we have less of that for this um and so yeah so we're kind of we're kind of like getting through tweaking it just a little bit parameter by parameter we can lower our translucency level if we want to maybe want it to be a bit of a brighter explosion if we wanted that and we can also turn flame's translucency off and so i'm just kind of like going back and forth to see which method is the best so i do think that the flames translucency is probably the way to go but um for this explosion we we need some some extra stuff all right uh so let's we'll keep our shaping up and so i'm just kind of getting like the final colors dialed in then we're going to make sure that we get the the details and stuff right so now uh essentially like our temperature the reason why this is um i guess so that the way it is like so even is because we we're not doing anything to break up our temperatures so one thing we can try uh first off is we can add in a force noise and we're going to see how this changes things so we can see that it does add in a lot of variance we're going to lower our amplitude quite a bit maybe to like point one six seven so now we have a much more detailed flame and so that's going to kind of create some variance in our temperatures then also maybe we can try and add our temperature and so unfortunately that uh kind of deleted our work that we did over here on the temperature so i'm just gonna go back here um make this zero make this uh 4100 and so okay so i i guess doing doing the replace is probably the best for the explosion because it's more instantaneous okay so we got that now we're getting some good detail or we're getting good detail because we added the force noise um so next let's kind of fix our actual coloring here i don't think our colors are the the best that they could be maybe we want it to be a little bit more yellow maybe kind of tweak this just a little bit we'll go back into the shading maybe we can kind of play with that a little bit um and so we do have some things like right here uh where there's just really really bright temperature and hopefully we can fix that through our modulation so now we're going to go ahead and pause this right about there we're going to go to volume post process we can also try sharpening where we could sharpen our temperature but the problem is is that it creates like some really harsh gradients and and that kind of thing so probably not going to use sharpening um the better way to do it is through our volume modulation what we're going to do is we're going to go to noise and so we're going to add noise and you can see it fills our volume with smoke we're going to say flames and we're going to do add sub and then we're going to make our masking source the flames and so now we actually have some noise that we can kind of add through to the temperature and so we're going to make our target range go into the negatives so that we kind of like cut into the flames a little bit and so now we have something like that it's looking pretty decent um so we can kind of like change the way that uh our noise is kind of remapped and you can see the noise preview here uh as we move the line it changes different parts of the noise there and so maybe we want something um you know kind of like this to get us more like some uh what do you call it like fbm uh type noise effect something like that and so and then we can make this cubic to make it smooth so we can add in some extra details if we want um so yeah we can change like our noise scale we'll make it a little bit lower so we have a lot more detail in the flames as well but we do have that banding issue from our brain marching so we'll we'll max out our ray marching for this it's going to be kind of slow though and so let me also turn off like my skybox and whatnot and we'll kind of tweak this gradient a little bit more because i'm not really satisfied i kind of like that a little bit better um i'm more of a orange oranges type guy whenever i go for my fire and whatnot so it's actually that's that's not too bad uh honestly that's that's not a too bad of a simulation i don't think um or or shading and so but i'm going to go to my project settings i don't know i keep going back and forth so by the way if your simulation is running slow you can just increase your your ray march step length and that will give you some pretty significant boosts in performance by the way um and so yeah like that is uh kind of our first um explosion here so how can we um add some extra detail to this uh or like extra uh and like the way that it's spawning and that kind of thing so we can add a collider we're going to bring this through and we're going to add a particles um and so what we want to do is we want to kind of rip the fuel up a little bit so we're going to get a particle control i'm going to go to velocity cone and i'm going to change maybe my speed scale a little bit i'm going to make my max speed maybe like 65 my min speed like 55 so you can see we have some really fast particles um and so we're also going to change like our burst size here whoops looks like that's uh completely messing up my my fuel might be a little bit too fast so we'll actually change the speed scale back to one uh yeah so that kind of solves that but then we want to emit the particles uh at a specific time maybe like at the beginning here so what we can do is we can add this particle emission uh over here and so we'll just say uh it's going to be off at this point and then at this one we'll double click that then we'll emit it so boom and now you can see we kind of get some tearing through the simulation right and so that's going to give us a different shape and it's going to change the way that the explosion is forming and so we can kind of change our seed we're going to change our cone spreading so that it's wider and so now we have something like that and now you kind of get some trails and that can help you really guide um where you want the explosion to go and so we can also kind of go through and see what this is going to do on the full scale so we're going to crank this up to 5 12. it's going to be a bit slower here so kaboom we've got that and now it's kind of rolling through up to the top and we can see it fades out quite nicely which is pretty cool another thing we can do is like it might be a thing where you don't want any flames translucency at all right so typically right with with flames translucency you're which i guess i should have thought of this before and this is why pre-recorded tutorials are good because i can go through and and make sure that things are good but and i try to do a lot of explosions before this but um so with bigger explosions you know you really might be better off doing some emissive masking no flames translucency and you can see that this actually i mean it looks quite nice you got a big rolling explosion we can go through we can tweak our scattering in this case again and kind of change this up a little bit maybe reduce our occlusion or we could increase our occlusion and one thing we could do is we can go into the scene node and go into colors bloom intensity if we wanted to and kind of increase the bloom on this and so now we have like a really big rolling explosion and one thing you can do like just to show you that you can kind of like tweak anything is uh we could do uh tweaking the bloom radius so we can go over here we can say all right like at the beginning i want it to be huge but then like as it gets over here i want to you know go down to zero or whatever and also if you want to expose like a curve editor you can do that as well and so we can like hide our emission stuff we can hide our particles and you know maybe we want to you know change the curve of the bloom radius that kind of thing so you can do that so we'll play the simulation and kind of see how this works and maybe it's too bloomy up to that point so we want to reduce our bloom uh down to say zero so we'll do this something like that so it's pretty pretty nifty if you wanted to change things um so we'll make this bigger again and then also with the colliders you can turn those off and we don't want them to emit light either and so boom now you've kind of got a nice rolling explosion sure i can uh i can upload this file for you and actually what i'll do is i'll upload my my other explosion that has a little bit uh better shading and so one thing also that we'll notice is that now like within this explosion i think the particles come out like a little bit too late so we can go here and hide our bloom radius and um what we can do is zoom in to our line here and so we'll go something like this and we'll make that all right maybe that's a little bit too soon so we can just kind of tweak this so this is the cool thing about you know the timeline and timing some of your uh your events and that kind of thing so this is a pretty cool pretty nifty explosion now the last thing um that's also really really important to your explosion is your smoke shading your smoke shading is very important so if we bring back our lighting and all this stuff so one thing is you know we have lighting intensity lighting intensity is going to affect uh how your your simulation is looking inherently um you can also inherit sun color typically you you may or may not want to inherit your sun color but you can also change like your light color uh this kind of thing you can make it orange or you know like a deeper you know color or something like that to kind of add some you know additional coloring to the smoke if you wanted we can change our inherent sun color but the thing is if you change the light color you do need adherent sod color on you can change like your azimuth and kind of like frame up your explosion i i like to do it where i'm getting like some really nice diagonal shadows and that kind of thing one thing you can also do if you're just trying to edit your smoke is you can turn your flame and scattering rendering off and then just edit the smoke now so we go to our smoke uh one cool thing is you know we can do a color ramp uh once again um you know with our uh stuff here so we've got like a min color a max color so you know for instance you know you can make it green um and then you can make like the other color red and so now it's going to kind of lurk between those colors there and so we can do say just uh one and it's going to be like a perfect lerp and you can kind of see how remapping works on a much more intuitive level um but we could change this to be like a like a a deeper you know darker brown red or something like that um and then have this over here you know be uh more on like the gray side so then you can get like some some multicolored uh smoke um and have it be a little bit more maybe uh you know uh different colors here so maybe we would like this for for some reason in our smoke or you know maybe you want like a blue bluish hue if it's like gunpowder or something like that so we have that and so now we can see that we actually have some pretty decent uh color variation uh within the smoke and so we can kind of you know tweak that and then uh you can also change your smoke density clamp so if you want a really soft smoke you can change the density clamp to be really low so typically anything like below 20 is what 20 is whenever it's going to start changing so you might want flames to shine through a little bit more somebody said uh can you mask at the bottom so the ground collision is softer uh yes you can holy bloom i'm gonna turn my skybox off and actually i'm gonna turn my bloom off as well yes i want to delete i don't want any bloom at all okay so back to my my skybox so by the way you need a skybox for your um sun to actually work um motion vectors uh do not work yet making them in slate is the way to go in my opinion until we do like optical flow solution or something like that um so yeah so so we've got this um and then also like just note that as you're changing your smoke shading over here and you have something say like inherent sun color on it is going to be inheriting your sun color like um you know so like this is the the true coloring and we probably have in here sky color on too so we can turn that off and our our ambientness one thing we can do also with like ambient occlusion uh to some degree like in our lighting is we can like increase our shadowing you know you can go like crazy if you want probably like 5 000 it doesn't change a whole lot but it does change the shadowing uh in the ambience over here um but then if you want like a true ambient occlusion inside of our shading we have an ao node uh and you can change like the uh overall occlusion so we have like you know direct light occlusion uh max occlusion um you know emissive max occlusion so you can occlude your emissiveness you can change the uh tinting of this so if you wanted it to be you know more like a red uh ao or maybe like a more of like a fiery uh ao you can you can change that as well and so you can really get in with the advanced parameters and and and get some some pretty neat stuff here um and so let me turn our scattering contribution on render flames but one thing to note is that it is uh occluding which uh something got borked here is it ah nice my my flame rendering doesn't work anymore and i don't know why uh flames where did you go hey guys i found a problem with the with the software my flames disappeared okay this is why zero seven five isn't publicly released yet all right well that's bizarre i don't i don't know why it's not showing i didn't change much but anyway so you can get some really nice uh smoke and just imagine that it looks good with flames i don't know where my flames are unfortunately uh let's see okay maybe it was my miss of masking for some reason uh changing things that's a pretty dope explosion so yeah so now we can go to our scattering i don't know why the emissive masking kind of broke that uh we can go back and turn our ao on though we can change our scattering and so in this case this is where scattering occlusion can work so no occlusion we can probably boost this up to maybe 30 there we go and so now we have some some pretty cool flames as well um so yeah like i i like i like this look you know you got some different colored smoke you got some pretty cool um fire we can go back to our missive masking maybe change this uh width is what we need to do yeah and so there we go and so now we've got a pretty pretty neat explosion and then once again uh we can press b to like see or bounce um one thing we could do is like let's uh go a little bit bigger we're gonna go bigger on stream here and we're gonna do um our force noise maybe do like 50 for our fuel all right so we'll see this and see if this kind of changes the size of our explosion so there we go um but i think that it kind of makes our fuel we probably need more fuel because we're we have more velocity now a lot more velocity for that matter so there we go so there's our explosion it's huge it's rolling and it's bright and so um there's that like there's there's a pretty pretty decent explosion um and then the last thing if we go to combustion um we can lower like our flame intensity if we didn't want it to burn as much or or whatever you can do like the advanced parameters i'm not really going to mess with those because in general these little parameters are pretty well tuned i think but if you lower your flame intensity it is going to lower uh your burn temperature um and you probably want to like reduce the smoke generated and and that kind of thing so um yeah so so that's kind of the the gist of this type of explosion um so yeah pretty cool um and like i said i will upload i'm not going to upload this particular one because it's kind of kind of funky um can you show the camera tracking for flipbooks yeah so uh let me let me tweak this explosion just a little bit real quick guys alright so let's see we'll lower this we'll do something like that make sure that it's running faster it is um okay camera tracking so if you have if you're doing camera tracking we do not want to push off of the ground so let's go ahead and restart this boom so like let's let's just say that that's nice and that we want it um and what we'll do is we'll go to force we're going to increase our buoyancy increase uh increase our smoke dissipation so the flames burn a little bit better maybe increase our generated smoke increase our flame intensity okay so i think that this is like a decently trackable thing and i'm also i'm going to lower our force by quite a bit as well honestly so that we get a a better thing that we can track um okay so that's something a little bit more trackable um i'll lower this a bit and we'll lower our fuel so i'm just trying to get something that's nice and rolling so that we can track it okay so uh what we're going to do is we're going to go to our render and we're going to go to our camera and so we we have our position essentially and what we're going to do is we're going to add the position to the timeline and so let me uh hide that thing and so what we can do is we're going to not go to the curve and so we're going to just go to our z and so we're going to set our z at some specific place and we probably want to make this curve linear so we go we'll go to interpolation mode and we'll do linear which that's one big thing that you couldn't do in the previous imagine right and so now we're going to kind of change this and so um yeah so uh and then probably whoops yeah so let's see we're waiting for our explosion to start or maybe i'm like way too high already yeah okay so hang on i'm gonna delete these keys because like our manual keyframing isn't like perfect yet and so um i'm going to zero out my position i'm going to zero out all my other stuff and so now i'm going to just zoom out so that we have a perfect side view okay and if we wanted to view like a different side which i don't know i don't know why my um let's go to my scene we'll go to camera one i don't know why my if somebody can tell me on my team like why we don't have like a pivot transform anymore that'd be nice okay yeah so i don't know what's going on with my pivot transform so i'm sorry uh thomas i i'm sorry my camera's like completely right now so i don't know if i can if i can show it to you because my pivot and stuff isn't working um but basically like what you would do like i'll just quickly animate something just to show you the gist though all right so we'll do this we'll go here we'll add something to z we'll do this and we'll say okay i'll stop that we'll go up right and so now as the explosion happens we can you can kind of track the plume and you would just match the camera uh transition up to that so if we go to our render we kind of see here just imagine this is in the center imagine that um this starts like right at the explosion you have the cross and then you can kind of like maybe time things uh so that they're a little bit better um so there we go so that's that would be how you how you track something hopefully that answers your question thomas and hopefully uh when we release the build our pivots and stuff will be fixed so that things happen um lucas says is there a quick tip to simulate a slow burning object my advice for you would be to bring in a curtain with um so hang on i'll show you we'll do something like this we'll do animation by the way if you need animated mesh um you it's called the animation node right the second um and so then let's see uh other i guess mask one so you can do vertex colors right and then you can change the vertex color value so like essentially you instruct it at zero so that there's like nothing happening and then you would just animate it so you'd have like a gradient on the curtain and then as you change your reference value for the vertex color the emitter would kind of like go like just imagine that it would like you know go up and the the emitter would kind of change and grow i can give you like an example to like show you how something like that would work with like blend shapes uh as well so like let's go to our scene um we will go and we'll we'll do like a box as like our fire emitter here and i'm gonna change my simulation to be fairly wide but kind of shallow just to keep it kind of performant here okay so we have that and i'm going to like max out my size and i'm gonna lower this right here um and so we have that uh so so now like imagine we wanted the flames to come uh from this corner over here and like go over the primitive so what we can do is um we can do a blend and we will do uh like let's say a cylinder as my other primitive so we'll say a cylinder we'll go over here and we will do this and what i'm going to do is i'm going to turn off my emission activity and so now you can see like where i move the cylinder it doesn't seem like it but where i move the cylinder actually hang on uh yeah hang on smooth intersection um maybe we'll do add okay so you can kind of see what this thing does right so smooth intersection smoothness um okay yeah so all right so it is what i thought it was okay so where the cylinder is is essentially um actually i was messing with the wrong primitive let's do zero and actually i'm just going to plug this back in real quick and we're going to lower this box here okay so now we've got our blend modifier we're going to turn off that so now if we expand the radius of our thing here so if we go over here to the corner right we can do this and one thing we can also do to like make this even more advanced is add some noise and we'll do smooth intersection again so we'll do this so now we've got noise on our masking shape and and the thing is is like this uh like you might say oh well like yeah but it's not like like couldn't i just use a you know a cylinder that expands in this case you could so like maybe it's a taurus or something and then you know as we expand or sorry this is still a cylinder but and by the way you can name your node so you can see like a main shape so in this case like i'm getting confused then we can say uh mask right and then uh mask noise right so you you can rename nodes if you want to by the way and then in this case we can also say it just has another quick tip we can say um you know uh emission emission shape blend system or something right so now no you can group that for artists in the future who are opening your your preset or something like that so okay so what we're going to do is now we're going to animate this so we will get our radius and we're going to say you are zero at first and then as we go through the simulation you said that you want it slow so we'll go to like frame 320 and then we'll say uh 50 or something looks like we need more than that so 150 oh 150 okay there we go so now we have a shape that goes kind of like that um so maybe we'll do like 100 okay and then we'll draw this out even more so we'll do something like that okay so now this is going to be slow uh right in the second john like our exports are just broken entirely so like if you're if you're using zero seven five and like motion vectors aren't working like they used to it's probably just broken honestly okay so we'll go back to our activity and [Music] now you can see that we have some stuff getting emitted and so what we'll do is we will increase our uh our fire here right and we can also change like our noise scale a little bit um and then what we'll do is uh we will make this animated so that we get some differing stuff uh and we can change like our seed or whatever so now we have some pretty cool fire so now if we turn off our emitter visualizer you can see that fire is going to like propagate across this thing so imagine that you did this with like a custom mesh like in the main shape and then that would uh allow you to create a custom mask that kind of you know does its thing and of course if we go to our shading we can very quickly get some really good fire here um and so do something like that go to our sim we want some shredding to make it kind of like a or something that's like a little bit raging uh go to buoyancy increase that um and then uh you know maybe go to our fuel kind of lowered a little bit and then we want um less translucency and maybe some more flame shaping i don't know and so and then we probably want to add like uh some more like force noise and whatnot and then want to add some noise in our simulation maybe we want to add it like beyond like a larger scale to make it kind of like wind and kind of you know 10 or something so there you go so if it's like on on a larger scale you can do something like that and kind of uh kind of change your stuff so hopefully that answers your your questions um for a blend shape okay so i haven't really been reading the chat much so let me just go up real quick and i'm gonna see if anybody said anything in particular is there a mix node to work between emitters unfortunately not you just have to click each singular emitter node matthew um what about doing super saiyan arrows on skeletal meshes yes it's possible um is sliced export a thing now not yet but we hope so in the future um will we be able to create custom controls i'm not sure what that means besides presets but i mean you will be able to like have custom like node graph stuff in the future um okay yeah just seems like people talking about black body et cetera um okay so does anybody else have any any particular questions on the tutorial like i i hope that i went through stuff i think the only thing i didn't do was like an aerial explosion so uh let's get that done we're coming in at the two hour mark which was what like my planned schedule was for this tutorial um so yeah so okay so first off if we want to make an aerial explosion we need some particles um and by the way uh let's see yeah so we got particles i wonder if i have collisions in this one i don't know i don't think i do but anyway okay so we have our particles and we want like let's let's do like a a flak explosion or something like that um so if we want that let's change our velocity range to velocity cone which basically says we're going to emit a certain velocity in a cone we'll do 75 and like 25 so we'll have some some pretty quick uh explosive stuff uh and we're going to change our call spreading to 180 so that we have uh things coming out in a full circle we're going to change our pool size and now we have like a really quick burst that's great um and so now like i think we'll change like our min and max shrinking so that they shrink out fully let's go ahead and increase our sim bounds uh like so let's kind of reduce that apply reduce that to 256 okay so now we have something that's kind of like equal bounds okay and now we can reduce our particle life as well to kind of reduce um the distance that they go so we'll just keep reducing until they disappear at the time we want them to because we want to kind of keep them in the bounds roughly um okay so this right here is going to be the basis of our uh explosion so now inside of our emitter we need some more fuel most definitely and then in this case we probably want some pressure as well right so boom we have more pressure more pressure is going to mean more fuel um and more temperature and and all that stuff so uh it's pretty good uh so we got a nice little burst there hell we'll probably go even more okay so we've got something like that and now what we want is we definitely want probably even more fuel the thing is is when particles move so fast um they tend to kind of skip a little bit as you can see with sub steps we hope to have sub steps in the future and then also um which by the way do we have like a auto loop function yet i don't think we do yeah so it's not going to reset like let's see time control loop simulation no um repeat simulation okay yeah so repeat simulation doesn't work yet unfortunately because otherwise i wouldn't have to keep pressing r um so anyway i'll turn my looping off too so so we have our base here and uh one thing that we might want so by the way like i told you guys if you want a zero gravity explosion uh and by the way if you want like a flip book texture and you don't want it to roll uh and you're you're doing it for your game um this is probably a pretty good uh example of like a nice explosion and then we can go to our like our emitter make sure that our visuals turn off show emitter so we have something like that right so it's pretty pretty cool and uh yeah artist cafe if your revenue is under a million dollars then the hobby or indie license same thing should give you access and if you're a studio with more revenue than that then you can still get access to the to the build um so okay so so we have this but let's kind of turn our our uh our force our buoyancy on just a little bit we're gonna make sure that this is like a larger scale um flak explosion or something um we probably want uh some pretty good uh smoke as well um so that it's a little bit less burny um and so now uh let's go ahead and work on our shading a little bit so we've got like this really big bright uh piece um let's go over to like maybe like this side right here that looks pretty cool so we'll go to our shading we'll go to our flames we can uh we'll do a miss of masking for this one as well something like that i'm gonna go to my lighting i'm gonna do advanced parameters i'm going to turn our our smoke scattering intensity down we're gonna turn our flames uh way up and kind of like remap our colors uh something like that with just our base color ramp um and then uh what we'll do is we'll go into our simulation combustion and we're gonna make sure that it generates more smoke something like that okay and so now within our shading we have something like that so i think that looks pretty decent um for something like this we might could get away with not using masking and instead using our translucency so it kind of appears like in general guys like you you want to use like either or um depending um and i think like let's test something on the stream here just real quick um if we do an exposed color gradient for this and of course we expose that to the node graph we do a color gradient um we go over here and we change this to be like a a brighter color and then we do this like let's make this like really dark just like that and then we'll go over here do something like that and then um we have something like this okay so it's not quite what i thought it would would do uh hang on let's see i think i need uh it to fade out too yeah so you can get like some extra detail by adding like a darker gradient in the center like that and we can kind of remap this maybe a little bit smoother or better but yeah it's kind of kind of up to you i think on on what you'd want to do uh with with your shading so yeah we'll probably remove that too just keep it smooth um so yeah i think that in this case emissive masking is probably your best bet then um so yeah because typically the um the translucency is best for what do you call it your like standalone flames or something like that uh but if you're doing like an explosion with a lot of like dense smoke and stuff then you're you're probably gonna want to do like your emissive masking um yeah so uh let's see after conflict says says that's definitely relevant thanks for the example in terms of things like grenade explosions for games are there any particular tips you'd give for realistic simulation whether it be particles uh the explosion itself dust etc um so all right so let me think if i was going to make some assets for like a grenade um let's see i would probably make this fade out a lot faster first off so we'll go into our simulation we're going to go to combustion we're gonna do smoke dissipation and we're gonna bump that way up um so we can do that and make this fade out um a lot quicker and so like let's imagine this is gonna be a flip book and uh we can just go ahead and let me choose a folder say test okay um so we'll do export now oh i'm going to crash nice so it appears that exporting crashes so i can't actually show you the uh the thing and unfortunately i lost my explosion oh i should have recovered it oh no why did i do that is he gonna let me recover no okay rip i just lost my recovery file ah okay oh well so yeah so if i was doing like a grenade explosion or something like that so you know one thing is you know maybe if you wanted like some streaks or something first off so you know you would have like a dust type explosion so if i was going to do that the first thing i would do is go over here do some particles i personally really like the cone method of velocity especially for something like this we're going to go to our emitter we're going to say no fuel we're going to say a lot of smoke we'll just max this out for now um if we can and so now we have that and then what we'll do is we're going to make sure that our particles do they're shrinking over life which is going to be great um so we have that and then um i mean like some weird issues with my prim my thing here we're gonna do max capsule stretching as well then we're gonna do like a really high velocity like uh like 75 again i really don't go over 75 much so now we have something like this right and so we're going to try and do like a a nice burst or something and so what we can do is actually i will make a collider and i'm going to plug this into the collider so if i was doing an explosion that's kind of how i would do it so we want to kind of rip through these things here maybe increase my friction repulsion velocity transfer something like that okay and i think that's probably too fast so we'll do like uh maybe 25 and 45 this is a method that used to work in ambergen so well i'm trying to see if it still works because it would be my my preferred method of doing this and we're going to expand our cone i don't think it's working terribly well um okay yeah so i would just stick with doing the particles as the emitter sorry i was trying something um okay so so we have our thing here and then we want to change our lifetime to like i don't know 0.3 and 0.5 or something um even quicker 0.1.15 as the lifetime for these okay um so now we have that and so we definitely want them to be faster um and so we can also change like our our our min size and max size uh to be a little bit smaller so this is like if you wanted like uh some cool uh trails or like something just kind of explosive here if if you can see what i'm doing here all right so um then we'll go to our emitter remember we'll do forces we're going to do velocity transfer okay and so what that's going to do is it's going to make sure that it transfers that velocity and then i'm going to go to pressure and i'm going to add some pressure to this um but i'm gonna make my random scale um just one okay so now you can see we kind of have like a dirt type explosion so what we can do quickly is shade this okay um so we're going to shade this like a dirt color or something uh we'll go like this and um i don't know that's dirt enough i think for now um so we've got that and so now let's go ahead to our simulation and we're going to change our sim size up a bit like so so we want it to be a bit wider and so now you can see what we have we've got like a like a nice uh velocity type explosion going on we're gonna get our particles i don't know why oh it's because my max life changed point one point one five okay so would you like point two five to make them last a bit longer okay so we don't need uh bounds as big as we have now so we can speed up our sim again i probably don't need it as high either okay so now we have something like that um and then we can just add more particles if we want so we can increase our pool size something like that um and then if we wanted to go even faster i would probably even go maybe up to 75 now like i originally thought and so boom now you've got that and so now you could use this for like the uh the the particles yeah and we could change like the the min and max speed um like uh ben said um then there's also like some other stuff that you can do um like kind of like lower your shrinking values and and things like that so not all of them shrink fully but then you get like some some mushroom clouds like that if you wanted to reduce that you can reduce your velocity transfer um and so now we have something kind of like that which is pretty pretty dope maybe let's do even more particles so something like that is pretty cool increase our cone spreading you know so now we've got that that's really cool and you know maybe we wanted to make it uh you know um like concrete or something so we can do uh something a little bit more gray and then inside of our smoke we can lower our density clamp so say something like this so that's that's pretty cool um so yeah like if i was doing this this would be pretty good for a flip book um and if you don't want as much roll like upwards if you wanted to kind of keep it in frame so we'll go to our render right so let's see how this would look uh for our flipbook we'd probably do like this side um and so we'd probably keep it like on the bottom honestly if it was like a grenade you know what i'm saying uh and you would like scale your sprite like upwards or something um and so yeah i'd probably do something like this and we we could turn off the um the the emitter so that we don't see that and now we just have that and now it just kind of rolls up and then what i would do since this is like far too many frames is i'd go to my simulation and then where's that combustion and we would turn up our smoke dissipation quite a bit um and so we can do that which is really cool um and so boom then your smoke dissipates a lot quicker and now you kind of have like your your quick burst and then uh you know if you wanted to you can always kind of like expand on this and um actually you know do fuel emission if you wanted to to make this kind of like explosive or if you wanted to have like any scattering or something like that from your explosion so like one thing you can do like in our render passes we can do say like um just our scattering so you could have a scattering pass on your your smoke if you wanted to add that in like for extra effect on the grenade or whatever um so hopefully that kind of helps out with games um in how i would do stuff and then of course if i was making like a an explosion um like the explosive part for like the main bit i'd probably do a shape primitive i'd do like a sphere i'd probably blend some noise into it like so and so now like we can like visualize our emitter real quick and so we'll see so we'll say show emitter and then maybe increase like my scale a little bit and we can add like some more octaves um increase like my lacunarity kind of change my amplitude and so now we have like a really nice sphere now we have far too much emission so we'll do this we'll lower that and we have far too much pressure too so i'd probably do something like really small and then like typically if if i'm doing something for a game uh i typically look at the top down view uh because then you're not going to have any upward motion uh which is really nice so then we'll go to our emitter we'll do activity um and so what we can do is uh we'll kind of like delay the explosion a little bit and so we'll say uh uh actually yeah let's do that so yeah so we'll time it something like that um but now we can make it more explosive and pretty so we go to our force noise we can do something like 50 it's probably what i would do right so now you're going to get like a really nice burst we can look inside of our render view and let's go to our which does that automatically select camera i think it does okay yeah so we can go over here kind of frame this in right and so now we've got that but if we wanted it to be um say like more of like a radial explosion uh one thing we can do to help would also be like add in a line force and we could add in like some repel strength or like maybe additional pressure like around the line we can also do like a repel strength you know that's going to kind of give us something that's a little bit more radial um instead of just the noise alone um so that'll kind of give us some some extra shapes that we might like um yeah exactly yeah you definitely want to want to do it from the top view and of course like let's kind of see how we can get some good shading in this just to kind of reiterate so we'll bring up like our flame shading and maybe in this case we want um uh some actual translucency we'll go to our lighting and then go to scattering and of course reduce our scattering a little bit um or we could do like maybe just like more occlusion and a higher scattering radius um and then like lower that a little bit so now we have something like that um but the thing is is like like this is where retiming is going to come in like a lot on our simulations where like we have like this like really slow like burning fire or whatever and maybe we would want it to be um you know a lot more violent and explosive for like the first you know however many frames first 40 frames compress those down into 10 and then like we we slowly like render out the smoke so you know that's one big thing that's going to change how you're going to do flip books as well it's like right now this is a bit slow and like if your engine supports it like i know unreal does like you can speed up and like retime it manually but if we wanted something you know that um you know was uh like a a bit quicker um already like we can lower like our flame intensity um we can also lower um like our our fuel emission itself right um and that'll kind of help us burn a little bit faster um you could also increase the temperature i think and that would kind of make it burn faster but like in general uh if we want to do this too we can also go to combustion and advanced parameters and this is where you can um let's see combustion flames gain we can lower that uh we probably want to keep that we want to max out our fuel loss maybe we can do like 500 and uh yeah i think our combustion is kind of like board right this second honestly that's why at the beginning of the stream i said that um uh we should uh rework our combustion because i don't think it works precisely well but anyway i i hope that answers your question for uh doing things for games um you know like i would generate like an explosive type velocity asset from the site or something you know i would do things top down if it's like an explosion and then of course if you want like a you know a rolling bit um you can always um you know track like something from the side or whatever it happens to be let me open up another one like one of my big ones um let's see explosion test so our big scene here so yeah so like we have something like this you can get some pretty uh neat uh extra detail which i'm going to upload this one to our discord server and by the way like say you can get extra details in like your temperature by like remapping temperature to temperature and then creating a custom curve for it and then of course like without the vorticity into the flames you can see the difference in detail and we're replacing it and we have like a different target range so you definitely want like that negative target range for extra detail if you're using vorticity in there so yeah like that's it's kind of the detail and i think we're also doing like um emissive masking and no translucency yeah so it's pretty cool and in this case like if it was for games i would probably turn off the ground collision in hopes that it would go upwards a little more if you wanted like catch like the rolling cloud or something and yeah so see so now like in this case now you have the smoke and stuff that essentially you could probably cropped it out another great tip for the for the games people is you can do mask shapes as well um so if we go to our scene here and we do a sphere which actually does it work slicing mask volume post process um i think we have to add it to our modulation here um so we'll do masking shapes sdf and we'll do i think yeah we'll do add sub and then we'll do masking source of smoke um maybe or maybe replace i think hang on i don't know exactly how to get it to work it's a bit more complicated than it used to be um if guild is in the chat and he knows how to make it work let me know but basically like you should in theory be able to mask your simulation so that wherever it is like in your primitive is where you would be able to um yeah so it's kind of kind of like how we have like a roof height and stuff like you can fade out um and create like a custom alpha mask essentially for your render with a custom shapes and so you could have like a really noisy shape or maybe you generate like a custom like uh bubbly uh you know mesh or something and then you want to import that into imogen and use that as your mask uh you can like mask out your stuff that way and so but for some reason it appears that i cannot um that i cannot do what i wanted to do with the masking so sorry about that that's something that we'll have to have to look into so any any other questions that you guys have for this this tutorial i think i've gone over like the the the basics for pretty much everything um you know i've gone over like the sim node and you're shading like how to get really good shading um you know like we can look at like this flamethrower shading real quick kind of see what the details are for for getting something like this um so let's see uh looks like we've got ao active we've got some pretty decent scattering we've got a lot of flames contribution inside of our scattering in this case and then for our flames pretty decent remap settings it doesn't look like we're actually doing masking we could do masking which actually looks kind of kind of a bit better huh so you can do something like that you know change your width that kind of thing so there's a pretty nice flame thrower with our new uh particle collisions which you can't i'm not sure where my uh my settings are um for the particle collisions but they're happening so yeah so it's pretty good to get some some shading and like the good news is guys is uh you know we're gonna have hopefully over a hundred presets when zero seven five like fully launches you will be able to um you know just uh quickly change something so like in this case like if i were gonna change something uh i'll show you this just real quick we'll do this we'll lower this expand that maybe expand that click apply we're going to delete our particles we're going to add something like this and so now like that shading is automatically applied to an explosion right and then like if you want to like you might want to change since there's like so much extra happening here um you know maybe like reduce our fuel rate a little bit right and then maybe we want to change like our masking a little bit as well to allow more to kind of let through and so there we go like so that's kind of like how you can like quickly reuse something and so you can see the difference between like the explosions that i taught you and just using like a sphere emitter and turning it on and off right um because like if you do something like this and say just animate the explosion like that's cool but you know and so by the way like you can click and and kind of fake your explosion um one thing that i don't know which my team was telling me about this node but i don't know how it works shape burst yeah i'm not entirely sure what it does i don't even know how to use it yet so amount of spheres huh can i visualize this yeah so apparently we have a new shape um thing that allows us to do bursts oh there we go i think it's having some issues there i'm not sure so this is is going to be pretty cool for some maybe additional custom explosions and stuff but i don't know how to get it to work honestly i have no clue i think it's a bit complicated we'll have to figure it out but um other than that guys uh this yes it has been asked a million times and yes it's going to be available to otoy subscribers absolutely it's just not available yet because it's a different build system and we don't have enough time to fiddle around with two different builds so we just have it for people who are licensed from us directly they can get it on discord and then whenever uh 075 launches you will be able to do your thing and so i guess my last thing is uh i'll just kind of close out and show you a couple cool presets uh that you can get with some crazy fire shading so you've got like some magic darts you know um here's like a cool gpu particle thing we've got like a i call it enigma so you can do some some pretty rad stuff with gpu particles and negative pressure which is what this is um you know so we'll have all kind of stuff and we've got like our oscillator node you know giving us some really cool um you know changing like the radius of a torus it's like if we go over here and see like our visuals we can see that the torus is kind of like changing it's changing how the particles are spawning kind of giving us some some cool cool stuff there um let's see i have magic thing so yeah this is a cool nifty little thing here um which by the way we can do upscaling with a faster upscaler now so see if i turn the fast upscaler off oh it's actually faster interesting anyway so you can do upscaling all that stuff um and then we have like this poison bomb thing that we're gonna have as a preset this is also using oscillators um to change the radius of like a cylinder this also shows how you can get like multi-colored smoke it's a bit more stylized if you wanted that we've got a let's see i call this prism it's similar to the other one but it has more like of a rainbow effect and one thing i'm curious about just because i'm i'm on here i'm kind of going like out of the tutorial now we're done with the tutorial i think but uh i'll see what is it style chromatic aberration yeah so you can aberrate your particles so we can do something like this which is a pretty neat effect i really like that yeah so you can you can do some really really cool stuff in imogen now so that's that's pretty it's pretty dope actually i kind of like that so um yeah so you can do some some some really cool things with particles uh our extra shaders that we have over here you can do pixelized stuff so by the way if you if you want to do uh some cool things you can do that uh david kibber says uh will we ever be able to adjust the camera angles for six point lighting uh maybe but it's not necessarily camera angles it's more of like the spotlights and you can adjust the spotlights and that kind of thing um let's see we've got like a little torch fire um and so by the way like with the fire stuff in the tutorial like your starting shape really really depends on um you know like how your fire's gonna look uh eli if you have a license you can download this build as a pre-release because it's not uh public yet you can download it as a pre-release from our discord server if you have a license if you do not have a license you will have to wait until this is released publicly uh no you can use a 3080 a 70 i mean my laptop has a 30 70. it runs imogen great um we also we one of the guys that we hired he's a optimization specialist um we really hope to get back uh to it where like a 1070 or something like that is our minimum requirement um so yeah i mean you you can get a real-time output it's just the bigger your sim is the the kind of worse it's going to be but yeah so let's see yeah so i mean ambergen it runs pretty good um here's a neat sim that's showing us some cool smoke stuff this one's this one's pretty cool i i quite like it let's see force line twist strength with a fall off let's make a whirlpool yeah so there's so much stuff you can do like i i i hope to do a lot more tutorial streams which by the way guys like in the comments if you could could you tell me like some more tutorials that you'd like to see like today we kind of covered fire we kind of covered some explosions that kind of thing like that there is more to it but um you know like it just it just depends um oh hang on let me let me show you a different build here um with particles to show something else that we're able to do now okay hang on there we go now it's loading okay so we have this so let me open up the um the rocket spam again so now we have it so that um which this is a big thing that i wasn't able to show when doing other particle stuff is now our particles are world space so if you want to do like you know a trail of rockets like this or you want to you know like in this case we're moving the particle emitter um you can do all kinds of stuff um which is really cool so yeah and like we can make them uh you know magical so one thing i didn't get into is like magic colored flames and stuff like that um which in this case i don't know why that's not being affected by the color it's kind of weird huh mysterious oh you know why because i bet it's uh collider color yeah so you you know you can make some stuff like magical if you want you can go over here to the smoke shading we can make this like a little bit um actually i'll tell you what we'll do like a color ramp we'll do a men color of like like a a darker green and then we'll do like a like a red poison color or some so you have something like that and so and then uh we can like remove this stuff remove our skybox and i don't know what's going on over there but let's add in like a a spotlight like this so we got a spotlight we've got some cool new uh visualizers to kind of show you where things are are pointing it's kind of hard to deal with still something like that there we go uh we do not have new ways to integrate with unreal except flip books but we do have plans to do full simulation support in unreal eventually it's just a a matter of time honestly here's another example of some cool stuff with a bunch of us letters and time shift and and everything um so yeah guys i think i think this that's about it i uh you know that's about everything i've got right this second so yeah if if anybody has any extra questions let me know and if anybody has any other tutorial ideas let me know oh yeah so dust focused effects uh yeah we have a lot of plans for dust type stuff um uh you would use the motion vectors from smoke sasson if you wanted to do something for particles but in general particles with motion vectors isn't really a good idea honestly it's not really going to work very well we hope that in the future retiming will solve a lot of the need for motion vectors is kind of the the hope anybody like game of thrones you like the the game of thrones explosion let's uh we'll mimic that there we go i think that was about the right color i remember it had some really bright whites too kaboom and we'll we'll make it dark we'll make the ground blue like the ocean a dark blue there we go game of thrones all right so yeah um my questions have been pretty much answered this great uh i hope for uh i guess it's hannu says one minor detail in bloom as their plans to add multiple bloom layers uh like smaller radius and bigger radius uh that would be the plan uh one thing i want us to do is kind of like break out these like styles and stuff into their own node and then you would composite them um similar to uh something like um what do you call it a substance designer or something like that so yeah are we gonna have forces on collision um i'm not entirely sure uh what you mean by that um but i i hope that yeah i'm not really sure what you mean by force is on collision you could just fake that with like a radial force it's like what one quick thing i'll show for the like a quick dust thing and then we're gonna we're gonna end the stream this this tutorial is getting too long to digest um but so like if i wanted to do like say i don't know like a radial dust implosion or something like that um what we could do is we'll turn off this we can lower our temperature as well because we don't want things to rise as much we can really increase our uh our dust here and let's um we can just leave it like the kind of color that it is but maybe what we'll do with our smoke is we'll lower our density clamp so that it's a little bit less uh that will increase our shadow sharpness lower the anisotropy increase ambient occlusion maybe give us a little bit more shadow density that kind of thing but i think it's pretty good okay so that's some decent dust now and now what i would do is i would do something like um uh like uh let's say like 320 by 320 and we'll do like 128 for z and so now we've got like this this nice box and then i would do a force uh noise here plus um a repel strength you do something like 15 right and so now you've got something like that where you've got like a radius so then you would say okay well like how does this relate to like collision like particles colliding before which we're showing uh if a bunch of them had a surface could trigger like little ear pops on each hit yes we have plans for that um which hang on let me let me um uh let me see something here i'm gonna look at our dev channel just real quick because we were shown something today from one of our programmers and i will show you amazon okay so here we go i'm going to like maximize this i'm going to see our discord for a second so here is uh your answer so yes you will be able to do things in this case the video is kind of laggy but you can see like right there on the beginning whenever they hit like it it kind of like explodes a little bit so yeah so you will be able to um like you have an impact shape and from that you'll be able to spawn a custom emitter from the impact shape so we're we have some really really advanced particle collision stuff coming up peeps some really advanced uh particle collision stuff so averagen075 is going to be dope you know whenever it's finished so yeah so that's really cool so that shows off some some things there um and so yeah you know and then like another thing um you know like you can do like a top-down render of something like this and when our looping simulations work again you could just like loop this simulation you know so like kind of have like a rotor wash effect or something um and so yeah but like in this case you have like a torus kind of like shows up at the beginning or whatever like you could you could clamp that out or whatever you want and so different shapes are going to give you different emission patterns you can see that the taurus emitted differently than the the sphere does that kind of thing um so yeah so that's kind of like my my thoughts on on dust effects you would just use some some basic smoke um and then uh just kind of admit it however you want and we can do maybe like 5 15 is our animation speed you can have like a bigger smoke radius we can go over here change like our vorticity make it more vorticity like go to a volume post process do a sharpen on our smoke if we wanted to get like a lot more detail um it's pretty pretty cool we can lower the sharpening though but yeah so that's kind of how i would handle dust if that uh answers a question for like you know like an impact or or whatever oh there we go so yeah it's pretty pretty cool how some of these things work so you can do like a shock wave to like the side if like your line force is like kind of off kilter you can like push things out radially in like a cone shape that kind of thing so there's a lot of power within amber gen guys there's just so much you can do so much you can cover but for presets we're going to have like uh dust explosions uh dust impacts you know bullet impacts explosions steam you know magic kind of whatever you want and so but um yeah so that's that's it there's there's one more thing i want to do and i just want to see um chromatic aberration on this thing real quick to see what it looks like we'll go like ridiculous again like 1500 or something crazy that's just crazy it's kind of cool kind of neat but anyway um so that's everything guys i have nothing else here um let me add uh my my camera so that you can see me hi i'm here i've popped up welcome all right so yeah i really appreciate you guys uh watching the stream we had like 200 something people maxed out at one point um i hope this stream was helpful i hope you learned um how to do simulations i hope you understand how imogen works now um you know i i hope uh yeah like i i really hope that this was a good deep dive into imogen like showing a little bit of of modulators you know showing like what kind of basic stuff you need how emitters work you know everything and hopefully you guys can start creating some some really dope stuff um now with what i've shown you for explosions so yeah make some stuff post it on twitter with the hashtag ambergen or instagram or art station or wherever that way i can see it i'd like to see uh you guys this work um so yeah and uh i guess the last thing i'll say is we are assembling our uh our trailer for zero seven five if you have any work and you're a studio send us your your work if we get approval for it we've already got some stuff from like riot games and uh nasa and all kinds of stuff so if you want your work shown uh send it or if you're just an indie person and you have a really cool project or a music video that you did or something and you think it's trailer worthy send it to me and we'll be happy to credit you and put it in our trailer for zero seven five so um i think that's that's it guys um this is the the culmination of over a million dollars spent on zero seven five we have spent a lot of money to build this but i think it's going to change the world it's going to change the way you do simulations forever and then sneak peek liquigen just kidding that's not happening ah gotcha i got your hopes up no liquidge in right the second though but all right guys i'll catch you later peace out thanks for tuning in email me at nick jengafex.com if you want to talk to me bye for now
Channel: JangaFX VFX Software & Tutorials
Views: 10,523
Rating: 4.9553905 out of 5
Id: viyZZz20tLs
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Length: 152min 30sec (9150 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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