EmberGen 0.7.5 Live Training #2: Creating Dust and Smoke

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what's up guys this is nick from jenga effects this is our second ambergen live training that we've ever done and uh right this second i'm going to show you kind of what we're going to be covering and by the way welcome to the chat all 66 of you right this second okay so what are we going to be covering during this live training um we're going to be covering uh kind of the differences between dust and smoke uh as in like why do you think about whenever you're trying to simulate these things dust doesn't particularly behave like smoke you simulate it uh in this in similar ways but dust doesn't particularly rise like smoke it tends to fall and dust often isn't as thick as smoke so there's things like that that you need to think of when you're trying to simulate dust versus smoke we're also going to like kind of cover the simulation meth methods uh similar grangean versus bfecc like what are the differences what kind of effects can you get from the two different modes that we have inside of going to teach you how to utilize vorticity and large vorticity properly i'm going to teach you a little bit about upscaling then we're going to show you how to make a dust shockwave a volcanic eruption a bullet impact as if like a bullet is striking concrete i'm gonna try and do a chimney smoke and then like a thick oil fire smoke plume and those are the things that i'm i'm gonna try and do uh today for for this tutorial um and then uh some future features to keep an eye on uh for this tutorial um these things are going to change the way that you would do things in the future uh this tutorial might not be as applicable once we get these features in so sparse simulations uh would be one thing so you know basically infinite bounds so not having bounds anymore would affect how you do like a long smoke plume that kind of thing re-timing for simulations would of course change things adjustable voxel size for more detail so if you're like hey you know this smoke isn't uh as detailed as i'd like it to be well we're going to have adjustable voxel sizes in the future i don't know when just whenever they come out that will allow you to get more detail easily then uh better rendering may make some shading things that i teach you obsolete um and then dissipation will be changed for the better in the future uh as you'll see in this training we're limited by current features um typically whenever smoke gets higher in the atmosphere it disperses and becomes fairly thin we do not have that ability inside of ambergen right the second but we hope to have it in the future and whenever we get it uh smoke will be a hell of a lot easier to create but for now this is what we're gonna work with and so uh without further ado let me set up my right screen over here just real quick okay so i've got my chat and whatnot okay so welcome to ambergen075 i'm also going to try and keep this uh live stream more concise than our previous one and let's see if we can get this knocked out uh within the span of about an hour or so so let's get into it you're gonna learn a lot today and uh if you have any questions feel free to post them in the chat and i will answer them as i uh look over and read uh so yeah without further ado let's get started here's a cool dust preset created by our vfx artist jason key this looks pretty awesome i did some modifications to it to make it look better but you might say all right well what is it how does it work well the gist is we have a shape primitive that is a box and if we go over where is it at visuals show emitter we can see the emitter just has some noise then all we're doing is we're spawning our smoke uh through some emission we don't have any pressure and then uh basically we just have some verticals that are aligned to the surface so we have this force verticals node and in the future in a future tutorial i'll go through vorticals because we can literally do an entire training episode for hours on verticals because they're so on on the complex side um but i'll see if jason can post this preset in our discord server in the amberjam presets and you can take a look but this is an example of something that you can get from ambergen for dust but alas the first thing we're going to do is uh kind of show you the difference between similar lagrangian and bf ecc so we're going to open up a new preset um so it says they don't understand the verticals basically a vertical is a particle that creates a vortice around it that's the best way to explain it okay so similar grain gene versus bf ecc so right at the second if we choose a simulagran gin and hopefully i'm saying that right lagrangian something like that i don't know um anyway so if we do this uh essentially you're gonna get smoother uh vortices or smoother eddies versus bfvcc i don't know why you get that you'd have to ask one of our team members or uh or somebody who who knows the the real just behind it but the gist is is that if you want smoother smoke so say you're doing like cigarette smoke or you're doing some kind of like magic effect or something you probably want to use similar grandion it typically works better in my opinion if you have you know less vorticity so it's really good for flames and things like that but if you want um you know more realistic smoke more cauliflower shapes that kind of thing that's where bfe cc is going to come in and so you can see we increased the vorticity here and we have a bit better shapes and stuff like that but if we go over to simulation and we choose bfcc we're going to get more noise in the simulation so that's kind of the difference between the two i just wanted to go over that so that depending on what you're doing you may want to choose one or the other so if you're doing fire probably going to go similar grain gin or if you're doing like some really wispy smoke like ink or something like that like ink drop in water you probably want to go with similar grandion um but uh for most of our cases say we're going to be doing bfecc okay utilizing uh vorticity and large verticity is the next thing we're going to cover so and so this is a good prerequisite so let me go ahead and turn off our fire here because we're not even going to be using fuel during this uh tutorial today so you can see here we have some pretty wispy smoke it's almost like uh you know steam from a coffee cup or or something like that and we really didn't change much the only thing we did is we said no fuel and then we went to our vorticity change it to zero and we have our uh our smoke over here as bfecc but if we do semi lagrangian you can see it kind of removes a lot of that noise a lot of that detail and now we just have a nice wispy smoke essentially so this is no vorticity so if we come over here to the vortices tab again and we increase this vorticity as we go and actually let me increase our smoke emission a little bit so that we can see a lot more of what's really going on here so if we lower this the smoke is really smooth there's hardly um you know any vorticity and actually if we turned off our noise as well you can see this is what would happen we just get a straight plume um from since we turned off our force noise and as you increase the vorticity you're going to induce eddies or vortices or whatever you want to call it into the smoke and the higher you go the more noisy it's going to be so that's kind of the gist of that but large vorticity is a bit different where it basically says we want to create much larger eddies in the smoke so we want to create rolling smoke and so typically i really never honestly i never go over like 24 25 and in most cases i'm at like 15 or 16 percent for large vorticity and you can see it creates much larger rolling eddies and then you can stack the um the other vorticity so normal vorticity on top you can kind of get some extra detail inside of your smoke on your your plumes that's induced by the large vorticity intensity so that's kind of the difference between the two um it's really good to play with if you want big like slow you know uh rolling shapes and that kind of thing and like a large plume like we're going to try and do for our thick oil smoke fire uh plume thing at the end of this tutorial we're probably going to be using large vorticity intensity for that okay so the next thing is upscaling um i'm only going to cover this briefly um i do think that there's probably something kind of wrong with our upscaling right this second i don't think that it properly takes lighting into account so i'm going to go up to like times two or times three and so basically uh what upscaling does is it takes the amount of voxels so we can see here uh right now the original is 4.19 million voxels and then we upscaled it to 8 million voxels so it does something similar to changing the voxel resolution within the same bounds and so we can see no upscaling we don't really have much detail in this section right here and then if we go to times two we can see that now we have some more detail in this and if we go to say times three and uh i will warn you upscaling is very taxing so just be careful if you have really large bounds you want to make sure that you're not using a very high upscaling value typically upscaling works best if you have small bounds to start with or small voxel counts to start with and then you can get really high detail from a really small balance and that's generally the way it's kind of meant to work if you have like a 512 by 512 by 512 volume oh is somebody getting double audio i thought i fixed that problem last stream [Applause] let's see is there still double audio is anybody else having that issue if so i can look into it i don't want the whole stream to be double audio the only input i have right now is okay cool all right great because the only thing i have is uh sounds like you might have two streams open maddie okay sorry for that but last time we had a double audio issue so it kind of scared me okay all right so all right so looking into this so that's how upscaling works um just be careful with it but it can give you a lot more detail as you can see so it's it's pretty good um all right let's get into making our first uh simulation we're gonna make a dust shockwave so let's just do a new project we'll start from scratch again and let's go into our emitter we're going to turn our fuel off and then i'm going to make the primitive a sphere and then what we're going to do is let's animate the radius so maybe something like uh we'll do this so i'm what i did is i click the little circle and that creates the diamond and that makes it uh overridden by the timeline and then i'm holding shift to click on the shape primitive radius uh timeline bar over here for this parameter i'm going to pause the simulation with space i'm going to double click this key while the simulation is paused i'm going to just make this value zero and then we're going to kind of maybe move this like frame 40 and then we're gonna make it go up to maybe uh four meters then i'm going to go to my simulation and i'm going to go to 256 256 128 um and then i'm going to click apply by the way if you're changing your voxel count uh you have to click apply um so yeah if you don't click apply your bounds are not going to change you can press b on your keyboard so this b is in beta to show your bounce and so what we're going to do is i'm just going to see what this does so we can see uh by the way i'm also pressing r on my keyboard to reset the simulation so we can see that the sphere quickly uh goes from zero to four meters which is what we want for this dust shockwave and so what we're going to do is we're going to imagine let me just bring in a collider here so that you can see what i see in my brain imagine that we have like a ball or a sphere or a spaceship or whatever you want falling out of the sky and hitting uh the ground really hard and that's going to create a dust shock wave so that's kind of what we're going to what we're going to create here so i'm going to go ahead and delete that um and so the next thing we need to do is do a force line and we want to make maybe our repel strength something like maybe 50 and we want to make our push strength zero and so now we have something like this where the smoke oh whoops i do not want to move the line where the smoke is being pushed outwards but we also want to keyframe our emitter activity so what we're going to do is go about to the same keys here and so we're going to pause the simulation we want it to be enabled at the beginning and then at the end we want it to be disabled and so now we're going to get just a quick uh burst of smoke like so uh which is awesome all right so there we go um and so now what we want to do is i'm going to turn off the visualizer for my emitter because i don't want to see it and then for my emission let's go up to maybe 250 or maybe 295 or something like that and so now we have this uh this big you know burst so because we're doing smoke uh smoke or in this case because we're doing smoke or sorry we're doing dust okay we're doing dust there's not going to be much of a temperature influence on this dust impact because we have a just a normal sphere or whatever falling out of the sky impacting the ground so if we want to make it act more like dust we're going to go to our buoyancy and we're going to make it be zero and then we're also going to go to uh blocking z ground and we're going to turn that on so that now it is impacting against the ground and now you can see we have a pretty nice dust splat on the ground and so one thing i think is that we're probably emitting for just a little bit too long so what i'm going to do is i'm going to uh bring these down just a little bit and so there we go because i didn't want the smoke to reach as far i could reduce the line force but in this case i just want to reduce the emission and so now we have a pretty cool little dust impact and so how can we make this a little bit better so one thing we can do if we wanted to is let's try and um i guess what would we say animate the vorticity a little bit so let's go over here so we're going to expose the vorticity to the timeline we're going to hold shift again and we're going to make it at the start like whatever it is and then over here we're going to say um so by the way it's paused and we're double clicking the keyframe so the playhead goes to it so that we can edit it we're going to make this say maybe 15 but at the beginning we want to make it say maybe 70 percent so that it's it's really high vorticity at the beginning and then we're going to lower that vorticity over the life so that the smoke kind of uh dissipates in a way that we think is kind of realistic because one of the things if you look at references for dust and things like that it's actually not as detailed or it doesn't have as many you know vortices and fine you know cauliflower shapes and all that stuff as you might think so we're going we're going to fade that out and then one thing we're also going to do just to give us some extra detail at the beginning we're going to go to our volume post process and we're going to choose sharpen and what we're going to do is we're going to expose this to the timeline as well and so we'll make it go about to the same thing as vorticity and so at the end we're gonna say like 10 percent sharpening um but at the beginning we're going to do maybe like 300 percent and so now we have something like this where we have some really thick smoke and or really thick dust sorry if i call this smoke if we're making dust it it's all kind of synonymous um so what we can do is now we're going to go into our smoke tab and so that is the thing about ambrogen is it doesn't know if you're making dust or smoke we just call uh density uh in the smoke channel smoke uh regardless um so what we can do is we're gonna change our density clamp which i don't know why that's at a thousand we're going to change it down to probably like something like 16 ish percent and what that does is it gives us a thinner smoke and we can even reduce this even more to say something like five percent and now we have a much less dense uh dust cloud but i think that's a little bit uh too low so we'll go maybe 10 so there we go so there's a nice dust puff and so now the smoke color is currently gray now it's getting the red tones from the inherent sun color and probably also the inherent sky intensity so we have just a completely gray smoke and in this case you could use it as something kind of like a um you know a building implosion or something similar one thing i also think that we're missing um from this is smoke weight so if we go into our force we can go over here and just max this out to like 250 and that's going to kind of keep the dust um from rising too much and it's going to let it kind of settle down on the ground and so you can see this is really starting to look like a very solid dust impact dust puff whatever you want to call it so there's that and so now the last thing to do is just kind of color this a bit so let's increase our light intensity so that we can see these these colors and let them pop and then what we're going to do is we're going to go into our shading we're going to go into smoke color we're going to choose like a like some kind of brownish color here uh maybe we'll do like a lighter brown it's going to be kind of difficult to get this is the one like type of color that i'm really bad at let's see okay so something like this is probably pretty good okay um and then one thing that i want to note is that if you want to change the shadowing color inside of your smoke one thing that we can do is we can go into our lighting and we're going to choose the extinction color here and we can change the extinction color to be something kind of yellowish as well if we wanted to to kind of show that hey you know the the lighting color or as the light is bouncing around isn't just gray it's going to be some variation of the actual dust color so we're going to have like this maybe like this deeper yellow or deeper orange or something and so now what we can do is we can increase our shadow sharpness uh and let's play around with the anisotropy a bit and maybe increase our ambient occlusion and uh we can kind of change like our smoke density as well so now we have something like this and so this is a fairly nice uh fairly nice dust impact so i think we're probably a little bit too much on the yellow side um maybe do something like that and if we wanted uh less shadowing of course we can lower our shadow density um so there we go so that is a dust impact hopefully that helps you out and so one other thing is that you can increase like a direct light contribution ignore that it's making the ground [Laughter] light up if we actually went into advanced parameters and then we went to our ground scattering we could turn that off so there you go so there is an example of a dust impact and you can play around with the vorticity you know make it lower uh quicker uh you know change the sharpening of the smoke a lot faster as well so that it fades out and there's that the last thing i'll show on this particular thing is um if we go to our combustion or yeah to the combustion channel which this is it's not particularly like in the right place i don't think with with smoke dissipation but this is just where it is for now and in the future if it changes you can just type dissipation at the top and you'll be able to find it but if we increase this dissipation we will see that the smoke will disappear faster so if you're doing something for a game and you need smoke to disappear quicker you could just um you know increase the smoke dissipation value and boom now you have a very quick dust puff or dust ring or impact or whatever the only other thing i'll show just real quick um is if you wanted a little bit more variation um in your your ring and you say okay well this is uh you know too uniform for me we can go up here and maybe increase our amplitude to like 50 and now you have um a bit better example for for what you can create you can also bump this up to like 100 maybe reduce your scale a little bit and now you have a non-uniform ring of smoke you can also get an even better ring if you did something like a taurus and that kind of thing but i don't particularly like using it at least from the top view because of the way that it uh spits smoke out and you can kind of see the ring so that's why i animated a sphere and made it really quick and punchy so okay there we go and uh let's see how it compares to my my dust that i created uh beforehand so yeah so this is kind of what you can get this was something that i tweaked a little bit longer and i really liked how this this came out shape wise and everything so um this is this is pretty cool okay volcanic eruption let's let's let's try it let's see what happens all right so new thing here uh we're going to go ahead and turn our flames off and then what we're going to do is let's bring in a collider somebody said what is this program this program is called imbergen all right so uh let's bring in a collider and let's do a primitive and we're going to do a um a tube all right and then we want to make sure that one of the ends is capped on the inside and so we have something like that let's go ahead and lower our height maybe to something like this and we're going to increase our thickness and we're going to increase our radius to something like this okay so now we have that and so the reason i'm doing this is i want a container or a cone or some kind of thing to compress our smoke so that as we have an explosive eruption we will be able to kind of contain it a little bit and we'll kind of tweak this collider as we go along so i'm going to change our emitter to a sphere and then i'm going to go into our emitter we're going to up the pressure um to something like this so you can see that it is kind of exploding outwards there's probably too much pressure and so boom now that we have it contained the smoke has nowhere to escape from on the bottom and just for um safety i'm going to block z ground as well just in case there's like smoke getting outside of this container and so now we have a pretty nice thing going on here but what we can do is let's go into our simulation size and we're going to do 256 256 by five maybe about like 350-ish let's go ahead and apply a new resolution it's going to get a little bit slower for me and so we want some space for the plume uh to rise so what i'm also going to do is i'm going to increase our noise amplitude for our force to kind of give us some variation in how this was submitted and then i'm also going to um let's see add in like a line force um we're going to increase our push strength maybe like 15 or something like that and we can see that right now the line force is pointing upwards so that's going to give us the upward velocity that we want and then one thing we can do is let's animate our pressure so that at the beginning it has high pressure and then as the volcano events we're going to go down to something like 15 or something like that so boom we've got our eruption and now we just have uh you know smoke doing its thing so the next thing is uh we have far too little smoke so we need to really increase this quite a bit if we want to get a nice plume so there we go there's kind of our eruption and now we can see that it's kind of dissipated so maybe we don't want to decrease the pressure rate as much and so we want to keep it spewing uh quite a bit so there we go so we've got that um so that's excellent and so now let's see let's kind of get into the shading of this just a little bit and then we can finesse the simulation so what we can do is we're going to go over to our smoke tab we're going to lower the density clamp just a little bit um in general uh smoke is not or smoke from a volcano isn't very uh see-through um so we can go over here to the lighting we're gonna increase our shadows sharpness we're gonna increase our ambient occlusion uh going to maybe lower our smoke shadow density because the smoke is already so dense and i'm going to go to my advanced parameters so that i can kind of play with our ambient occlusion radius and that kind of thing um and i want this to be um maybe less on the dark side so we're going to keep it more gray for ambient occlusion color and we can kind of change like the overall intensity then i'm going to go over to my light directional i'm going to not inherit uh any sky colors or anything like that we're going to go ahead and increase that light intensity maybe let's go to like five or something like that we want to make sure that this is like a nice gray color for our smoke and one thing we can do is we can do a color wrap because oftentimes uh inside of your volcanic smoke and things like that you often have like a really like black uh ash and and soot and things like that as well as your your lighter ash and and things like that so one thing we can do is for our men color uh actually let's do our max color as a darker black and then for our men color we will kind of increase this just a little bit then we kind of play with our color ramp um and so we'll lower this quite a bit so only the the deepest parts of the smoke have that color variation um and so then retiming would would of course come into play here if you wanted to make the beginning super explosive we don't have re-timing yet um someone says does voxel size affect the collision for example bigger voxel escaping from watertight mesh collision i'm not really sure what you're asking it doesn't particularly matter we create a sine distance field for the collisions so i mean as long as we can generate a collision mesh from it uh in internally it doesn't particularly matter what the fox size is i don't think i could be wrong you can create some test cases for it and see what happens but i don't particularly think it matters too much um so now uh that we kind of have this uh what we can do is we could uh play with some upscaling uh in this case and see how that affects the detail of the smoke and we're also going to play with the vorticity a little bit and so in this case it's going to be too slow for the stream so i'm not going to do the upscaling route this second but we can go into our vorticity now and let's go ahead and increase this and then for our smoke plume we also want some larger rolling shapes so we've got that and then let's go into our volumetric post process we're going to add some sharpening to this and so one thing is is that with our color gradients if you add the sharpening um it does kind of uh affect things so maybe we'll just stick to a single color and we can use the ambient occlusion to give us the darker colors so we have some some fairly detailed smoke here and so uh one thing you know depending on what you're looking for like in my case like typically i don't like to have a smoke that thick so we're gonna decrease our smoke density clamp just a little bit and then maybe go into our lighting and kind of change the the shadowing intensity to be a bit more intense and so now that we have that there's that and then we can kind of change like our extinction color so if you wanted um you know uh maybe like a bluer tint or something like that when i've seen volcano pictures i don't have one pulled up but just for the sake of the tutorial let's say that uh volcanic uh ash has a bit of a bluer tint maybe it's because the the sky is uh refracting on it or something uh so we can do something like that so we have that and uh kaboom you know it's not as explosive as maybe i would like so we can go to our force line and maybe we can animate our push strength as well so this is just an example you can animate anything you want we'll do 150 and then over here we'll say um 15. so let's just make sure yeah so boom uh which that's probably a bit too explosive because uh yeah because it's not expanding much so uh one thing that i wish we had um which er we could probably fake it let's see um let's actually add some fuel into this and then what i'm gonna do is i'm going to do that because i want the smoke to expand uh as it kind of as you know fuel and stuff like that burns and so let's go to where is it simulation combustion expansion and so we kind of want things to expand a bit more than they do and so uh then what we can do is we can go over to our shading we'll go to flames we will turn that off we will also turn off scattering contribution and so now there we go now we have uh smoke that kind of expands a little bit more and so now that's going to look more like a plume uh and then of course you know if you needed to you can always um expand your bounds and things like that because we are hitting the balance pretty good uh and what i'll do is i would probably lower our fuel emission quite a bit and then uh let's go here we're definitely going too fast so maybe we'll say 50 something like that so boom that's a little bit more explosive at the beginning and then the last thing we can kind of do to kind of tweak this volcanic eruption is um let's go ahead and bring in some colliders uh but we're going to do particles as our shape um and then what we'll do is for the motion we're gonna do velocity uh from comb then we're gonna say maybe like uh 60 and uh 45 as our min and max speeds and so now you have like some some bigger chunks of rock or whatever like ripping through the plume um and we can go to our main and actually where's that emission let's change our burst size so something like that and uh maybe it's moving a bit too fast for the scale of the plume because those are going at like supersonic speeds if we consider the scale of a volcano so we can go to our motion and we will uh maybe bring this down quite a bit so we have something like this um kind of ripping through the smoke and then uh from there that's pretty cool and maybe let's lower our min speed a lot so that we have some variations um and then we can turn off our um our visuals for our collider so we have something like this uh which is which is pretty decent um in some cases like if you wanted uh you know better smoke or something like that you know with your particles you can always uh plug that into like your emitter shape and now you have you know stuff emitting and uh but we also have like um we'll see are we yeah we're doing like a velocity transfer as well and so we don't want to do that on this particular example and let's remove it from our emitter shape and so now we're just going to kind of tweak that velocity transfer until we get what we want so maybe something like that which you know you can you can tweak it and play with it and and get you know different results and that kind of thing um so yeah that's that uh the last thing i'll show you since we're doing a a plume uh this big um as we go over here to our volume we're gonna do a post modulation on it this is a advanced topic and honestly i can't really explain too much how it works i'm not the one who designed this modulation system but basically we're just going to say that we're we're taking noise so we're going to sample noise as our source we're going to target our smoke we want to add and subtract the noise inside of the smoke we're going to uh reduce our noise scale so that we have some fairly detailed noise here we can see our noise uh texture over here so we want some extra details inside of our smoke uh we can increase our our octaves if we want and we can change like our fbm uh luckily and we can change like the gain that kind of thing so if we if we really want some some noisy details and that kind of thing we can do that and then for our masking source we're going to choose smoke and so now if we turn this on and off you can see that when we turn it on we get a little bit more detail but i'm going to make sure that our target range is in the negatives so that we are subtracting from some of the smoke we're also going to add extra to the smoke and if we wanted to you know we can uh play around with the curve for for how this is gonna get subtracted and added we're gonna make this say like a cubic curve um and so now we have something like this um which is pretty cool so now we have uh more detail inside of our smoke uh based on adding noise and for this being a which is not terribly low resolution it's 256 by 256 by 512. this is actually fairly detailed and so this is just a way for you to get some some extra noise and that kind of thing uh into your simulation and if you say hey you know that's a bit too noisy for for my taste well you can lower the gain uh maybe raise the noise scale that kind of thing um and you've got that so yeah so there's some some big uh plumes and in this case like if you had a volcano this part would be inside of your mesh um so yeah there's that and you can always increase the bounds if you don't want to hit the bounce so there we go that's a volcanic eruption just an example there's a lot that we can do to tweak this and make it better and all that stuff but we've got to get through the examples that i'm trying to do because i'm pressed on time all right so bullet impact how would we do a bullet impact all right so new preset let's go ahead and uh delete our shape primitive let's go to our emitter we're going to not have any uh fuel emission we're going to go here we're going to do particles uh one thing that i do want to mention is that we now have collisions with particles i'm not going to get too much into our new particle system but for 0.75 particles are extremely extremely advanced now there's so much that you can do with particles i we have we have all kind of collisions you can create new emitters from the collisions that kind of thing so it's it's really really quite advanced but what we'll do is we're just going to set our collisions to be on we're going to say collide with the ground just in case we have any particles hit that and then what we're going to do is we're going to go over here and so let's go ahead and pause this and then [Music] which actually uh one thing i don't think we have i don't think we have um the ability to do local space gill so uh if gil is watching the stream let me write this down guys real quick on a notepad because there's a feature that we're missing that would make this easier we'll see hang on local space okay being able to simulate the particles in local space would help all right so if you're doing a bullet impact uh let's just imagine that we're up against a wall or something like that or or we could just do the ground just to keep this simple in the future if we have local space i will try and make it hit a wall or whatever so here we go so we're going to kind of line this up with the ground and then we're going to go over here and we're going to increase our bursts maybe like you know 22 various particles and then we're going to go to our our shape and we're going to increase our capsule stretching and what this does is capsules if we don't render with capsules you have a higher likelihood of having like a substepping issue but if we can render with fully stretched capsules then you have a pretty good chance that you're not going to get many of the sub stepping issues so now if we go over here and we let's see where is it at sorry the particle tabs got changed up on me okay so we're going to go to our cold i as you'll see i tend to like the uh the colon quite a bit we're gonna do our max speed of maybe say 75 and then 35 on the lower end so we we're going to have a really violent bullet impact here and so what we can do now is we're going to go to our simulation and we're going to go to force and we're going to block the ground so that we get just a little bit of smoke that stays on the ground here we're also going to remove buoyancy because this is more of a dust impact so we have concrete and flex and stuff like that being thrown out we're going to go to our shape modulate size by life and so what we can do is we're going to do maybe uh i'll actually i'll just do linear in this case and so there we go so we're going to start out kind of big and then quickly fall off our life so now you can control things over life so just as an example this is kind of ridiculous but if we did something like this and we step through we can see that the size gets big and then it gets small and then it gets big again so you will be able to modulate things like that if you wanted to and hey maybe that would help us out with with some of our mission and what we're doing and now uh where's my life at we want to do maybe like .25 and maybe point three for our life um there we go and so that's that's pretty good in my opinion and what i'm actually gonna do is i'm gonna turn off our sky box and turn off our ground so that i can kind of see our smoke as it is right at the second so we have that and so now let's go into our emitter and we're going to increase our smoke rate um so we have something like that and what we can do is we can go into our emotion or not emotion into our emotion uh increase our cone spreading and let's go ahead and see our bounds so we're wasting a lot of space on the top and so what we can do is we're going to increase our simulation size in x and y but maybe lower our height a little bit so we have this so we don't hit the bounds anymore and one thing that we can do is increase our gravity if we wanted to so we could say like maybe negative 50 just to kind of see what this does and so that kind of like brings the particles down and we could increase this even a lot more just to see what happens here just playing with the particles um maybe that's a bit too too much maybe like 150. um but in this case i don't think that within the time the the flex or whatever is coming off from the bullet impact i don't particularly think that uh gravity would have much of a chance to uh to to have a big effect on this so let's just do that uh stick with our our usual um then another thing is uh we can kind of play with like uh force injection of the particles um and so what that's going to do is that's going to make us create better streaks and kind of uh force the smoke to roll a little bit uh as the particles go and then if we go into our shape um let's delete this this line here and we're just gonna like delete that so we'll do that something like this um so there we go and then let's go into our emitter and visuals let's not show our emitter so we have something like this and so now the final piece that we can do here is we can kind of increase like our amplitude of our our smoke or sorry of our force for our emitter and then uh let's also add in a secondary shape uh for like a sphere and we're going to do this and then we're going to animate the activity here and so let's go here and it looks like the particles like let's let's see where the particles stop so i'm pressing z to step through my frames and so it seems like they stop right about here so that's where i'm going to turn the emitter off since we're going to use the same emitter for this um and so let's just make that not enabled and so there we go so now we have a bit more smoke at the bottom and then what we can do is we can have like a line force and we can push off of this so we can say maybe 50 is going to be too much i think um so yeah so we have that so that's a bit too much so let's do maybe 15 so something like that and so now we have a kind of an explosive bullet impact uh but if we think about it uh we might have more of a shock wave effect um kind of like we did uh previously so maybe we'd have something like this um we can maybe lower our push strength uh and it seems like our line is offset a little bit and wasn't in the center so boom now there we go we've kind of got like a a pretty neat bullet impact and then the cool thing is is you know you can um you know randomize you know uh how many particles you have in your burst um somewhere there's a seed so we can change like our seed very quickly to get different variations uh in this um and then you can just kind like experiment with like your your starting shape here uh for your sphere you can make it bigger if you wanted to um you know maybe make it smaller or whatever and what that's just doing is just making sure that we have a bit more uh at the impact so uh yeah that's that's basically it guys that is how you would do a bullet impact that's how i would do a bullet impact um and then yeah you could just kind of kind of play around with it you can create an extra emitter um or whatever and then if you really wanted to i think the last thing for this would be go to force and then maybe uh increase the smoke weight or something like that to make it kind of fall down but i think that's way too much smoke um for our little uh primitive here so there we go so something like that now you've got a nice bullet impact and if you really wanted to as well the last thing i'll show for this is if we went to emission or sorry motion we can change our cone angle to be a lot more uh velocity oriented um and then if we wanted to i if say it's like a shear or something like that uh you can also change like your cone direction so something like this if you had like a bullet kind of you know ricocheting off in a certain angle so you can do something like that and so you can have uh you know glances at the concrete or the dust or or whatever it happens to be and then you can go through the whole shading routine and make this kind of shaded nice or add extra details or whatever i think that the main important thing for this particular type of thing is just your uh your emitter and how your how you're starting and your shapes and all that stuff you can use the previous things i'll talk in the tutorial to um uh really kind of you know soup this up make it more detailed and and all that kind of stuff so uh that is a bullet impact we're rolling through different simulations here the next thing i have is chimney smoke okay so let's show you how to do some chimney smoke uh most of what we've done today is mostly just uh dust and ash and that kind of thing so let's do some actual smoke now um so what we'll do is uh we'll go to our emitter we're going to turn off fuel so we're going to say no emission and what we can do is uh if it's a chimney for the sake of it let's just do a cylinder and maybe we can uh kind of reduce our radius or something like that and then uh yeah so we have some some smoke kind of pouring out of a chimney or whatever which is great and so now let's imagine that we have some some thicker smoke here all right so something like this and one thing i will mention in the default preset if you go to the volume node there's a slicing mask and then we have a z roof width by default what that does is that prevents or it basically softens the bound up here which i think is actually quite nice for what we're going to try to achieve here because we would want the smoke to fade out as it gets higher anyway so this is going to kind of help us so we're going to keep the the z root width the way that it was at 30 percent so you can see the smoke is kind of fading out nicely there so for the people out there that is a tip if you have a need to smoke or sorry if you have a need to fade smoke out as it rises you can change z roof width and the slicing mask in the volume node and that will give you a nice ramp you can also change the uh the ramp uh intensity and that kind of thing with this mask ramp parameter parameter okay so let's go ahead and kind of fix our shading uh real quick so for this we're going to have it just be maybe maybe a little bit on the bluer side for smoke as well just barely just barely for our extinction color we're going to uh kind of keep our ambient occlusion kind of low so since this is a smoke from a chimney um it's going to be more on the white side as well so it's going to be kind of bright so we'll have something like this and then what we can do is we can lower our uh our density clamp um to say something maybe like 10 so we have something like that and what i'm going to do is let me just turn my skybox off and i'm going to make sure that i don't inherit any sun color and then so now what we can do now that we have this so we have our smoke coming out and i'm going to turn off our emitter visuals so we have something like this and this is looking pretty nice but uh one thing i think is that for smoke uh it's awfully high temperature and it's it's rising pretty fast somebody said it is ambergen uh gpu based yes it is um so what we can do is we're going to create a force uh on the actual simulation mode so if you watched the previous live stream training you know that the emitter acts as a mask for any particular force but if you plug it into the simulation it's going to affect the entire volume so what we can do is um we're going to go over here and we can just press w or you can click these little things over here to kind of what do you call it your gizmo selector so i'm going to just rotate this i'm going to hold shift so that i can get um which that's i think our i think our gizmo is backwards um okay so yeah if somebody's watching that note that down as a bug our gizmo is like backwards anyway so i wanted to go to negative 90 basically okay so we have that um and so now what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and show our bounds here and i'm going to press q to grab my transform gizmo i'll place this at the edge and we are currently looking at the x axis so what we can do is we're going to increase our x-axis by quite a bit and so we'll say something like this okay so now we have smoke kind of blowing in the wind but the thing is is um the this is far too much wind shear and so what we're going to do is we're going to kind of do a little trick here all right so we're going to create a wind shear like in the upper atmosphere so to speak we're also going to bring this all the way over here so that we have more area for our smoke to travel in and so what we're going to do is i'm going to add a fall off and we're going to say um let's let's do cubic um so something like this and so now i don't know if you can see it very well but there is now like a line force with the the fall off up here and we're going to kind of increase the falloff distance and so basically as the smoke rises we can push it and so as it gets closer to the center the force is going to get stronger and i think that that force is just a little bit too strong so let's go down to like maybe 0.2 or something like that and kind of see how this happens um yeah so maybe we'll increase it a little bit more 0.24 something like this and by the way this little arrow indicates like what direction your force is is pointing um so we have that and so that's that's pretty nice we are hitting the bounds a little bit so if we wanted to we can kind of like lower this a bit and also increase that force and then also what we could do instead of increasing the force is in the simulation because what's actually happening is we have well too much buoyancy so we can lower our buoyancy and so the smoke is going to take longer to rise up now and so you can see that it's going to get sheared by the wind and carried away or whatever and so there we go and if we wanted to we can kind of lower this uh lower our buoyancy even more so keep it kind of slow and so now uh as it rises out of the chimney it is going to do its thing it's going to kind of get whisped away so there you go so that's how you would kind of do some some chimney smoke um and then if we wanted to uh you know increase our vorticity maybe do some large vorticity too um we could do that and so one thing i will mention is that if you increase your vorticity too much uh your smoke is going to become static so just just be aware of that because it's inducing a lot of uh very small currents and that's kind of keeping the smoke where it is so you do have to be careful with your vorticity and if we wanted to we can go here volume post process we can do some sharpening on it to make it look a little bit sharper but in general like some hook like this is actually quite soft so i i wouldn't even sharpen it uh you could dilate it i mean dilating it could be good so if you wanted some uh something similar like this looks kind of like incense uh smoke or something like that and we could maybe do like negative 500 to create some thinner wisps or something but um we could dilate the smoke to make it really puffy and soft or whatever if we wanted to um so there's that that's kind of kind of what you would do you can see uh how the light reacts um it's pretty nice so there's some really nice soft smoke and uh if we wanted to we can kind of lower this so that all of it is being affected and maybe increase the falloff distance and so yeah so there we go so that's how you would do it i wouldn't use the wind uh in our simulation node um unless you want it to be like uh all going in the same direction like the very first thing i showed in the stream with the dust going across the ground um so yeah so that's how you do smoked chimney um and then of course you know you can always you know tweak your shading or you know um like we can go in into here and like change like our direct like contribution to make it brighter or less bright or whatever based on the sun and then you can also like increase like your your ambient occlusion if you wanted to we can like go way way way above and increase that um and by the way one quick tip if you want to edit your bounds if you um type if you click on any um what do you call this like box parameter input box that you type in uh you can type in like a bigger number and then this little thing will pop up and now you can set your bounds and if you want to reset your bounds you can click that button and now it's not going to go to where you where you had it so that's just a quick ui tip um so yeah so there's that and then uh maybe just to kind of change this i'd probably lower my my smoke rate honestly uh to have less smoke um so yeah so that is a chimney so that's how you do that and actually what i'm going to do is i'm going to just expand on this right here to create a oil fire so this is the last thing i'm going to show today for how to create so if anybody has any questions like in general go ahead and start uh start asking them in the chat and i will make sure to answer your questions um so yeah so thick oil fire smoke plume uh type thing okay so i'm going to go ahead into my shading node and i'm going to um actually it was my volume i'm going to turn dilation off i'm going to turn sharpening on okay then the next thing is i'm probably just going to emit from a sphere and kind of keep it like that then we're going to go to my emitter and i'm going to boost my emission quite a bit then i'm going to go to my force maybe change my scale and increase my amplitude so that we get more variation and wider smoke and so then we're going to go into our shading we're going to change our extinction color to something uh fairly dark then we're going to go into our smoke tab and we're going to make this pretty dark too so something like this i'm not going to make it like let's see we'll we'll turn on our skybox so that we can see the darker smoke and i'm also going to go to my scene node colors and turn my bloom off just in case all right so so we have this um and now we're going to go to my emitter and uh just for the sake of it like let's add some fire to this um so we can kind of increase this a little bit um then we're gonna go to shading flames shaping by flames kind of increase that uh and let's go to emissive masking i increase that as well and uh why is maybe i don't have enough fuel okay yeah so we'll do something like that and then we'll go to this and just kind of increase that just not acting quite like i hoped that it would for some reason maybe my smoke isn't dense enough so yeah okay that's what it is my smoke wasn't dense enough so we're going to just make our density 100 since this is very very thick smoke i'm going to go to my light directional i'm going to just boost this up to like five so that we can kind of see uh what's going on and so then uh inside of my simulation i'm gonna go to combustion and i'm going to turn my flame intensity down so it's really just only at the bottom and we're just gonna make this like a really really large smoke plume type of deal and so one thing i can do is we're going to go to our force and we're just going to lower our buoyancy even more and we probably have far too much force now that we don't have as much uh of that so let's see kind of how this starts to work this isn't turning out as good as i hoped with the fire uh i think the fire kind of complicates things but regardless uh one thing we can do is um kind of expand our y axis and maybe we'll expand our z as well it's probably going to get a bit slower now and so yeah and this is also where retiming would come in and and that kind of thing i think um so yeah so retiming would come in really nice uh for for helping out with with this kind of thing um so yeah so now we kind of have some some bigger uh slower rolling stuff um because if we think about this this is like something that's gigantic and in the distance so it's going to be moving quite slow um so i think that this looks uh fairly nice but we this is kind of where our where where the problem of what i i talked about at the beginning here where if we look at this the dissipation like uh and let me go to uh paint so i'm gonna bring up paint and kind of show you the problem that we're facing with this with the other smoke movement wasn't as much of a problem but whenever you get into a much larger plume uh it's going to be a lot more visible as a problem so what we can do is like here here's how do i do it how do i freehand all right here we go so here's our emitter right and then we have smoke going something like this right and it does something like this but we don't want it to do that we want it to say as it rises so let's change our color to red we actually want it to do something like this and expand uh a bit more um and then you know you have all your cool little plume shapes and everything going on so the black lines are what it currently does and this is what we wish it would do um so that is uh what we're hoping to uh fix in the future uh it won't be fixed in 0.75 but we hope it'll be fixed in the future so i don't want to save that i'm just going to go ahead and close that and so yeah so we have that but uh from some angles it looks uh quite good and we could probably you know increase our line force or or whatever if we wanted to um and then we can always uh you know increase our uh vorticity and maybe our large vorticity as well uh that line force is probably far too strong now so yeah so we've got that and maybe uh and then like kind of a thing that you have to learn to balance is your your buoyancy so for something like this you probably do want more buoyancy because that's going to give you a lot more of the rolling shapes that you might be wanting so yeah so we've got something like that and then as it gets higher in the atmosphere uh theoretically it is going to um get pushed around so we can actually raise this something like that to be a lot higher and so there we go and then you know it's just a matter of like shading this i think this doesn't look completely realistic right this second so let's try and fix that so let's increase our shadow sharpness uh let's uh maybe increase the anisotropy let's kind of lower our ambient occlusion um we'll kind of lower our um our smoke shadow density as well and then um we'll kind of increase the shadow intensity so i think that already looks a hell of a lot better and then of course you can go through all the uh the extra things of increasing sharpening uh for you know your smoke then we also have it to where the shape primitive is on the bounds right here so it is affecting it as well um and then for like our our fire shading if we wanted to just be you know a bit brighter or whatever we can increase like our shaping by flames and uh and whatnot maybe lower or miss of masking that kind of thing and in this case the reason why i'm not like going ham on like how the flames look is because i'm imagining this is a very distant um smoke plume is what i'm what i'm imagining here um so yeah so that's kind of that it's it's not perfect uh and i think that some of its fault is just the way our simulator works at this second that is why at the beginning i clarified that i think that being able to do this specific type of thing like this specific thing is what imogen isn't terribly good at uh creating these kind of shears and expanding smoke and stuff but we're working on it and we're trying to fix it so um so there's that so yeah so that's a thicker uh oil slick type smoke plume uh it's typically probably darker so you know we can always go here and and you know reduce the the coloring and that kind of thing um so yeah so so there's that um we can always just turn off our our fire as well and just have like a thicker bloom but so that's it um sorry i said i had trouble creating a muzzle flash the other day couldn't get a fast enough expansion uh any suggestions for that well honestly uh in the vast majority of cases i think muzzle flashes are typically like one frame so you're better off like hand painting a muzzle flash or something or like putting some fire together as a static image and then just scaling it up because it's literally on screen for like point one second or something like honestly muzzle flashes don't really need to be animated and if you do want to animate you can just use like erosion or something um on the muzzle flash um and if you really like if you really really want to animate it then you can take like a slow um like fire that's that's not super high expansion and then you can expand that by scaling the texture in your game or after effects or whatever um and so that's how you get your expansion and then you really just speed up the clip and that would give you kind of what you're looking for so that's my my suggestion can you do a stream demonstrating these on animated backplates track footage by chance uh probably i probably wouldn't do that stream i'd probably get one of our vfx artists um uh who's like a professional compositor that kind of thing i'd probably get jason and daniel which are our vfx artists here at jenga fx on the stream and and they could show off that kind of stuff because that is not my forte i just know how to do simulations once it gets into cameras and tracked footage i'm kind of lost at that point um someone said i'm not a user but could not find out how to get my hands on 07.5 so alexander the procedure is you buy a license from our website jengafx.com and then you would join our discord server um i believe that's like under the community tab uh at the top of our website or on our home page if you scroll down to the bottom you can find our discord there you would join our discord after buying the license and then you would uh check the get licensed channel and that would show you uh how to get access to zero seven five because it's on our discord where you would get zero seven five so there's that uh wally says question is it possible to change the container from a box to a sphere no but uh whenever it works which it doesn't work right this second um you can do a mask shape so like here like what you can do is uh you can so yes i mean to some degree it is possible um like if we kind of change this from a box now you can see and let me just like increase the force to something ridiculous so it fills the bounds i'll see amplitude like 50. okay so now you can see that it is uh it has a fall off let me just increase my radius too there you go so now you can see that it's kind of being emitted in a sphere ignore that it's oblong it's just because the bounds aren't correct um or they're not completely cubicle or whatever it's not a cube so that's why it's like that so yeah so sir alexander join our discord and uh check the get license channel and then um yeah sorry i thought it said you're not a user but if you are a user join or discord and then you get zero seven five um so then uh let's see any other questions uh more smoke after the muzzle flash was what i was after yeah then instead of fire just replace what i said with smoke and it should work um you can probably even use like the shockwave thing that i did at the beginning to kind of um get something quick uh like i showed um i super appreciate the stream on the film tv but the stream has been immensely helpful i i would also super appreciate a stream on the film tv vfx side of things uh yeah i mean a lot of this applies to film and tv uh the only difference is like if we go to say um something like this let's see uh this thing like this is definitely more on the film tv side where you've got you know your your camera set up and you've got a back plate and then you're you know matching the simulation to that and all that kind of stuff so uh we definitely hope to do more film side stuff like in general all of the sim things that we've talked about applies to the film and game side and then uh the the major difference is just with film you can import a camera and you can have a back plate and you lined it up um but all the sim stuff still applies to the the film tv site uh but like i said i'll try and see if we can get a stream together with our vfx artists and and they can show you guys the the film side because like i said it's not my forte and i i just i don't have much time to learn an entirely new thing myself um i'm very busy so there's that okay what does fast upscale do that's what somebody said i'll show you real quick uh if you go to the simulation and we choose say upscaling times three or something like that uh you can see that we are going to get more detail in our fire if we choose faster upscaler uh it just like it still upscales but it's faster so it's like a i don't know the difference in particular okay so it says upscaling without advection it's just a rough upscale from low res only the masking phase is done in higher resolution so it just allows you to get higher details without the advection process if you have infection you can see that it is going to give you a lot crisper results than the fast upscaler but the fast subscaler is still going to give you more detail if we choose none then yeah so i don't know that's that's kind of what the fast upscaler does it's kind of hard to see the difference honestly um but at least the difference between no upscaling with the fast upscaler or i don't know between normal no upscaling and the fast ups killer i can't really see the difference but it's supposed to be faster uh details so yeah i don't actually i don't even know if it's working uh will there be a marketplace or larger library download more presets we use django effects in our videos absolutely love the software uh well with our initial software released 104 presets um so yeah so there's that like let's actually get something pretty on screen while i'm talking here uh maybe uh something yeah let's just go back to our window thing i quite like this so okay uh so will there be a marketplace eventually i want to have a marketplace on our website where we sell like higher quality presets and then maybe i'm not promising this at all but maybe eventually like allow users to sell like packs of their presets to so yeah i hope to have a marketplace uh one day for ambergen presets um so yeah and so then uh is there some way to integrate vdbs into ue4 or ue5 no game engines do not accept vdb vdb is not a good format for game engines vdb is very slow and it does not take into account compression or anything remotely related to real time we are going to have a ambergen plug-in for unreal engine 4 and unreal engine 5 and probably even unity in the future that will allow you to do volumetrics uh inside of those engines uh in real time is the hope um i cannot promise that but i i hope we're gonna do a lot of research into that and try and get a live link so the imbergen is the editor and then you see it populated in unreal and colliding with all the objects and everything inside of unreal so that is the hope for what we do but overall no no way to do vdbs one thing i will show you uh well actually just go to our youtube channel and type in unreal engine 5 ember gen and you can see that you don't really need vdbs if you're doing distant stuff the example that we did for unreal engine 5 is all uh just flip books with some really good shading um any news on liquigen no um let's see for very large or very small sims do you recommend modeling them to scale or modeling them in about the same scale as the starting template manipulating the params to make them look bigger small honestly like without our sparse simulations like you really you just have to like kind of work with the the size that you can deal with um you can make a really small sim look really big if you scale it up in your in your your whatever platform or game or movie that you're putting into like at the end of the day it doesn't really matter what the bound size is it just matters how big you scale things and if you're using upscaling or noise or whatever to get more details hopefully that answers your question tim uh like honestly like the bigger your bounds are the more detailed your smoke and things like that is gonna be um and then hopefully uh what we can do once we get sparse sims in and and all that kind of stuff um yeah yeah so uh yeah so hopefully that answers your question tim i'm gonna get fumbling and mumbling uh but yeah so you could do whatever you want you can start big with a big uh you know bounding box and then it's gonna be slower and the larger you get you're really gonna need like a 30 90 if you get like over 512 honestly uh cubed for something like that but you can always start uh in a small thing and then uh try and make it look big um but honestly the starting template is not ideal for the vast majority of things we just have it small so that it's fast so okay somebody says they want to see a candle flame i will show you a candle flame uh let's do a sphere and let's go to simulation we're going to go to vorticity we're going to turn it completely off we're going to go to force noise we're going to turn that completely off too and then we're going to go to simulation i'm going to go to combustion i'm going to turn my flame intensity uh quite a bit down so something like that and then what i'll do is i'll go to my forces i'm going to add a force noise to my simulation node um no wrong thing amplitude let's do like point zero two or something okay so now we've kind of got it uh swing just a little bit and actually one thing we can also do is go to wind and do like wind chaos okay so now it's kind of flickering or whatever so then we're gonna go to um our emitter and we're going to go to a mission i'm going to turn off uh smoke i'm also going to go to my combustion i'm just going to turn off smoke for the sake of this because honestly if a candle is burning cleanly it does not have smoke so zero percent smoke okay and now i'm going to go turn off my skybox turn off that um and then uh what we can do is i'm going to go to simulation make sure i'm using simulgrangian i'm actually going to delete this force noise and then i'm going to go to shading and then actually let's go to emitter turn off our emitter so now we have this and then what we can do is let's lower my buoyancy okay so something like that and let's go to my wind and lower my chaos as well okay so now we have a more rounded thing right here make sure i have no shredding on okay so something like that i think i'm just trying to test something see if i increase my fuel rate can i get a rounder shape and the answer is no okay so i'm gonna just go back to zero okay and so now for the kindle flame let's go to flames um let's kind of increase our shaping by flames to make it a bit brighter and then let's turn on flames translucency and uh [Music] why is this thing going to the side like that i'm just turn my wind chaos off honestly um and so then uh let's go to forces and we'll do a force right there but we're gonna do like point one okay so now that's going to give us the jitter that we need okay i have no clue why it's going to the side like that okay it seems like a bug in our simulator or something i don't know what's going on sorry so okay regardless and so then what we can do is we go to our shading uh you could use black body uh if you wanted to kind of like change this and kind of fix it or whatever but uh what i'm going to do is i'm going to go to expose color gradient and let's choose gradient here and then what we'll do is just for the sake of it let's make like the very beginning like blue but we're going to flip this gradient or sorry yeah so we'll do this we'll flip the gradient i'm just testing something here oh i haven't done this before it's actually more like a torch flame at that point but it kind of is what it is and then i just know that the top of the candle is the hottest something like that so yeah maybe our black body was better i'm just testing something here but i don't know that's kind of just how you make a candle flame let me just go back to blackbody and then increase our shaping by flames and uh or maybe even color ramp yeah there we go something like that and you can kind of you know change your uh your translucency width if you want to and then maybe even if we go to the emitter emission uh temperature add something like that it might look a little bit more realistic so we can kind of add more temperature and so there we go so the thing is is that um the the higher your your candle flame rises so if we increase the temperature the more it's going to do its thing so with our combustion we could you know lower our flame intensity uh maybe we can even go to advanced and um uh we're actually probably gonna like lower our fuel honestly and then uh maybe instead of advanced we'll see fuel loss 100 i'm trying to figure out how to make flames go away but it's kind of difficult i think our combustion needs like a a revamp i've kind of just up the candle flame at this point but anyway that kind of shows you how to create a candle hopefully that uh yeah looks simple but it isn't a candle flame is one of the hardest things to simulate ask our programmer vas fick he wants the candle flame to be the perfect example of a perfect simulator but no it's not it's not specifically simple and uh yeah so i tried my best but honestly getting like that round uh temperature shape and gradient all that stuff it's it's quite hard um so yeah so that this is not my candle flame anymore but what i had previously just kind of go off of that and and there's that is it possible to create a magic knighting i don't see why not i'm not going to do it on stream right now because i don't have any time uh but yeah so uh stephen thompson uh download from our website and then i think it's preset 64. um and then uh there's a thing that shows you how to do a looping smoke puff and you can see it i was actually going to do a looping smoke puff on stream today but looping doesn't work in this build so i couldn't do a looping smoke puff but on one of my neck streams i was going to show it but basically you go to time control you go to looping you say loop simulation and then you would say like frame 256 to uh hang on let's see what is after 256 so hang on 256 plus 64 is 320 and uh actually let's do plus 128 so 256 plus 128 384 minus one so we would do 384 minus one is 383 and then we do 256 and it's minus one because the first frame here is inclusive so this right here is 128 flame frames then i'm going to press ctrl r to force reset my sim and uh now this is actually supposed to be looping but i don't think it does because the playhead never comes back but that's how you would set up looping very very simple like it is it is ridiculously simple and actually this is looping um and so hang on let me see i'll try and create something real quick let's go to emitter turn off fuel turn that off let's go to smoke rate increase this something like that let's go to simulation force no buoyancy shape primitive increase this okay yeah so it is kind of looping it's just not the playhead's not working um and then let's go to force increase this force okay ctrl r to reset and so there you guys now it's looping and now just imagine that your smoke dissipated a lot faster let's see where's that combustion dissipation i turned onto advanced parameters so that's why my dissipation is all the way over here now okay so we have something like this and now you have like a looping smoke ball and now it's up to you to just make it perfect and not hit the bounds and whatever or or change it to you know do whatever like the reason why it's doing this is because uh if we go like right here there's like a big thing right here and so that boom that piece is cached and so yeah so you just want to have like a better thing no looping bug will not be fixed in zero seven five for upscaling a turbulence it is a very very very difficult problem to solve and we just haven't solved it yet unfortunately so there you go that's how you do looping you can loop anything you want um and impretentious automatically loops it and you can change it to be linear or you know smooth step or uh quadratic or whatever you want and you can change it to be static blend so we'll ctrl r to force reset and kind of see how that looks that loop looks a little bit better to me but yeah so yeah that's how you loop just imagine you had a pretty smoke puff look at preset 64 on our live version that we have 0.6 whatever the it is and you'll you'll find it so yeah and that's like an example of a good smoke puff that's actually useful in games um okay thank you sassan so that's it guys that is the end of the stream uh i was hoping for an hour we're here which actually i did all the main tutorial stuff in about an hour uh like i hoped um so hopefully i taught you a lot hopefully i taught you how to uh you know make your stuff i know you can see my pretty face here we go here i am oh what's up it's me it's nick so there we go oh look at me i'm moving okay so basically this is me jenga effects representing i don't know if you can see my shirt jing fx which actually one thing i want to do is also want to have like t-shirts and stuff on our website one day have some some hoodies and stuff you can buy and support emergence development in other ways so we'll see um so yeah so this is this is it guys um thank you for for tuning in for the for the live stream uh we're working as hard as we can to get zero seven five out to the public as well so that people who haven't bought imogen they can try it they can see it we have a awesome awesome trailer uh coming out um and so uh whenever it all releases and drops it's gonna be a big deal and this is gonna be super super sick so um we're working as hard as we can and uh just thanks again for your support thanks again if you've purchased a license uh every single dollar uh helps and it all goes towards development and stuff so we really thank you um that's uh full screen me hang on let me make sure there's nothing pertinent on my whiteboard okay no there's nothing pertinent on my whiteboard that i don't want you to see say let's see awful screen me it's me it's nick and it's too blurry to read hopefully so yeah and actually on my other side of the whiteboard way or on that side i have just tons and tons of actual stuff i don't want you to see but yeah so um this is me we're ripping the shirt you know let's see uh let me bring my chat back up so yeah super super secret white board in the background i actually installed it this weekend on my live stream it wasn't here so yeah that's it guys you get to see my pretty face and this is it oh yeah on the back of the shirt it has our like super old like bad logos so i don't know if you can see that but it is what it is this is like uh one of like three shirts in the world that exists with this particular thing so and unfortunately it's fading i need to like frame it and stop wearing it because it's vintage at this point maybe one day i can sell it for thousands of dollars who knows anyway that's it guys thanks for joining the stream and uh yeah i'll catch you guys later i'm just waiting for the stream to catch up because i don't know what happens when i hit end
Channel: JangaFX VFX Software & Tutorials
Views: 1,994
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: CImVgJkDttM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 42sec (5322 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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