EmberGen Beta Release Stream

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greetings streams should be live now 81 viewers so that's that's good so basically this is just a probably a maybe a 45 minute stream or something like that we'll see how long it lasts but just going to go over the new features that we released yesterday for image inversion zero point five point three point zero lots of points in there but basically five point three is what you need to know and so within this we have included some tremendous improvements you can see some of the improvements here with the fidelity and quality of the simulations here and we've also improved the stability of immersion tremendously we had tons of crash reports for VDB exports and image sequences and all kinds of stuff and we fixed everything every crash that we know of has been fixed and so barring anything crazy or any new stuff that we haven't found software shouldn't crash especially on exports so it's really really cool we sorry that it took a while to get the the actual updates out and stuff like that and fix the crashes but when we we had a couple of different things that we were working on and they just weren't finished and unfortunately we couldn't like revert what we did and so you had to wait like two weeks something like that for this patch but anyway everything is solved and so with that said if you were crashing for the entire time during your trial or something like that please reach out to us you can email me at Nick at Jenga effects comm I'm more than happy to give you a a trial extension and let me actually see if this works here hey there we go now you can see me we're in where the Jenga effects sure all right so that's cool so anyway from there without further ado let's go ahead and hop into this thing and um and do what we need to do so yeah I'm looking on YouTube the video actually works Oh so you can also see I got a haircut I was sporting like a big mop on my head for a while but no more so let me pull up the change list on our website so if you go to our website you can see some cool stuff now and you scroll down to our news you can find our release notes over here you can also find it on our discord server so just to kind of go through it this is a massive update that significantly improves the stability of the software so there's no more crashes on VDB exports when you have upscaling no more crashes exporting flip books and image sequences and stuff as far as we know and we we had some pretty big pressure software improvements so the pressure software is faster it's more accurate and it gives you some better performance and stuff like that and then we also have volume masking and simulation post-processing which is really huge things that that's mostly what I'm going to be covering over this and then the rest we like fixed looping and improve turbulence infection and things like that you can read through the full change list on our website which also sent that out in the email that everyone got if you're subscribed to our newsletter if you're not subscribe down here but other than that let's go ahead and move this back over and get started here so basically let's go ahead and open up this awesome volcano so here we go here's our volcano you can see still running fairly in real-time as given my 1080 a I've run for its money but you can see here we've got some pretty good visual fidelity improvements lots more detail on the smoke and the secret sauce behind this now is we have a new thing whoops in the volume node if you scroll down past all the render settings and stuff you can see we have a new post process tab right here and in this you can do things like motion blur you can do sharpening dilation which you know dilates the smoke and so you can see that it kind of changes how thick and fluffy the smoke is and you can do it on different channels and then we have like a stylized option which kind of gives you more like some some anime dissolving type stuff you can kind of see it dissolving away but anyway so sharpen is what we want to focus on in this particular case and so you can also bump this sharpening value up say like by twenty five hundred percent and you can see that you'll get more details and stuff in there and without sharpening this is what it looks like right so this is the the usual you know immersion blurry stuff and I mean it's fine in some cases if you want things that aren't as sharp or whatever I vote with sharpening you can go in enter a good number and boom now you've got some really good pyroclastic looking stuff for for your simulations and whatnot and you can also sharpen each temperature channel so you can do or sorry each channel so you can start on your smoke your temperature your flames your fuel all that stuff and I will load up a different preset here I'll see you will do let's see probably explosion fireball maybe okay this one's a bit on the underlying your side for my GPU as well it's pretty big but anyway so basically what we have is we've got our volume we're going to scroll down we're gonna see sharpening again and then within this you'll be able to see that you can sharpen flames so you can add more detail to your flames you can sharpen your temperature which of course adds more detail you can sharpen your smoke which of course adds more detail so on and so forth sharpening fuel really doesn't do anything unless you're actually rendering your fuel like if we did this right here which I don't really know how much fuel it's gonna render hardly any but anyway so yeah so you can sharpen different channels that's how you get some extra fidelity in there and it's really dope definitely adds to the the fidelity and the quality of the renders here and I guess the the big major thing to point out is to my knowledge this is actually affecting the volume itself so you can export out these higher fidelity simulations with sharpening or motion blur or whatever and those essential essentially the volume effects will be applied to VDB volumes that you export to other tools so that's really good if you're not using our built-in renderer or whatever so pretty cool yes so someone just said can we export the volume post processes VDB absolutely to my knowledge it does work and I saw some people trying it today and yes you can do that so yeah within this let's see what we'll go ahead and start up our ruble shockwave here so this is a throwback to the old Umbra Jin Alpha ruble thing that I had and if we go in here we can see we can sharpen this again we could do something like 2500 and kind of whoops oh it's not let me do it because I have it animated say 2500 and now we've got some more detail and so one thing is is in some cases you might want to animate your sharpen what would you call your sharpening strength because you can see that like after a while whenever you get like this really thin smoke you might want this to be softer right as the smoke diffuses and things like that and it might not be the look you want so over time like you can see here I'm sharpening my smoke less and less and so this last keyframe is zero and so now this has zero sharpening on it and so then what you can do is you can have the first bit of your explosion be really high fidelity and things like that and then as things settle down and calm down or whatever you can lessen the strength of the sharpening and make it a nice soft volume like you would see in real life so that's really cool and so a lot of these are some of our new presets especially towards the end down here we also have things like cigarette smoke so hopefully this shows up on stream good but you can see we've got some some pretty nifty smoke and once again this is using our sharpening so you can see that without sharpening it doesn't have as much detail once we sharpen it we get a lot more cool thin wisps and stuff like that and one of the secrets to this smoke is if you look in the color gradient you'll see that we have a specific gradient for this and so you can see that that are there is what helps get a lot of these these nice thin wisp of smoke and stuff like that so definitely volume sharpening is probably the coolest thing we've added in this and this particular Bilt besides fixing pretty much every crash that we have and of course this right here is running with three times up scaling if we turned up scaling off you can see it's not gonna be as detailed whatsoever but you can upscale it and get some so much better smoke and stuff like that and speaking of upscaling and and what this can do for thin smoke and and why the sharpening is so good some people wanted my little puff thing that I showed in our discord server this right here is the same thing which there aren't some some flickering issues due to the point line I'm not sure what's going on with that but within this you can see that we've got some really really nice details within this really nice thin wispy smoke and the way that we're driving on this motion is we have a force noise plugged into the simulation and so that's what's giving us all these cool curls and such and then within our volume of course we have sharpening and the more you sharpen it the more details you're gonna see so you can see without sharpening it's just kind of blurry and then if we increase the sharpening you get some really nice details starting to pop out of that and then like we said you can export these sharpen to details to a VDB file if you want to or of course just just render it out and then of course if you wanted you know more fidelity we can increase the upscaling and we'll see how my how my GPU will fare here it looks like it's faring decently well and so yeah so we've got some really nice sharp details now and so no more blurry volumes is the gist of this right use sharpening you can go over the five hundred percent if you want to one thing I do want to mention with sharpening is you will get errors if you sharpen too much so if we go back to our volcano here ideally this this particular volcano would be viewed from a distance or something like that if we scroll in a lot and let's really boost this thing up like 2500 again so we'll go to sharpen smoke 2500 you know we can see some some more sharpening and stuff you can kind of see like some banding and things like that that aren't as visible if you're just using just like your your typical non sharpened volume your basic volume so this does bring out some like sticky square volumes and stuff and another thing I'll mention is this is just due to our solver but you can see like some flat plateaus and stuff as this animates and the smoke is static that's something notes that we're working on and sharpening tends to amplify those effects so just be be mindful of that it's something that we're working on but this is indeed still real time it's not 30 FPS or 60 FPS but this is still completely real-time and it's super super awesome to be able to have this kind of detail right at your fingertips so somebody says are you guys working on some process to bring baked mesh animation to uses colliders really or something like that Felipe absolutely we do have plans to do a Leanback meshes and baked meshes and things like that right now you can import a simple mission if I restart you can see I've got a mesh here but it's just static right so basically we do have plans to support that kind of stuff we just don't have it right now right now we're working on of course the fidelity of our simulations and the stability of the software and then once we get past all of that stuff we will have Olympic stuff or Olympic imports obtained it's tough too much here for not being concise but yeah so definitely definitely what we're what we're looking to do it's just probably a couple months or something like that I hope it's not longer than that but we'll see so definitely yeah so that that's sharpening and I will go to I'll show one last example of sharpening and I'm sure we'll see it more throughout the stream here but if I go back to our space gate you'll notice that this space gate preset is quite different from the other one that we had and so if we watch this and then we pause it and we go to our volume we can really see what sharpening does so if we turn off sharpening with the flames and for the temperature you can see that you don't get nearly as much detail within those flames and boosting these values is what gets you all of these nice juicy flamey details that's so awesome and then it's really cool that it like turns to smoke and stuff like that after the the little portal is finished or whatever and so it's really cool and you can also see our new pressure solver doing its work you can see some more curls and things like that other than what you would normally get with our previous versions of the software it would just kind of be straight and get sucked in without curling as much so that's really cool someone said is there a way to export this simulation to After Effects of course what you would do is you go to your capture node you would say render combined and you want to export an image like so you've got want to export alpha 2 in your case flipbooks are not what you want to do so if we click export now on this whoops my camera view is wrong actually probably not exporting the right frames so we'll click export now see what this does and you can see down here it's about to do its thing ok so imagine that you wanted to export this sequence and we can play it back we can see that this is like some top view or whatever so this right here is our our export image and then what you can do is you can let's see sorry someone go check them out for a quick so so after this you don't want to export as a flipbook like this most likely I don't know if After Effects has support for that but what you can do is you can click export sequence and of course you name your stuff or whatever so you say let's do a stream here we'll say portal or whatever and then we save that and then whenever we would export it it would just export this straight to disk and then if you want to set your size to say you needed you know 2 K by 2 K or something so you do 2048 by 2048 and then we click export now and then if I go to my stuff which you can see here that it is exporting it does take a little while to export each frame because it's 2 K by 2 K for each frame and so let me stop the export cuz I'm not gonna let it go on forever because it will take a little bit maybe a minute or two but you can see that this right here is your 2 K by 2 K frame and then if I go into my stream folder here if we go right here you can see here's our each of our individual image sequence frames and so that right there will let you import into After Effects and have this as something that you can composite and I think that if I yeah so basically that's it if you want to composite it and so right the second there's some kind of like bug with our alpha where alpha isn't completely rendering properly or something like that now that's something that we're gonna fix here soon I'm not sure what the exact calls is but I'm not going to dive into it right in a second but anyway so that's how you would do your stuff and so to answer some some quick questions in the chat while while we're here since that's what the stream is for what we've got is yeah so so Jeremiah he answered the question right for Denny love X I think is how you say it - - $39.99 for the first year per seat right if you're an indie person if you have a studio that's over a million dollars in revenue need to buy a studio license but first people on the stream you're probably just an indie and so yeah it grants your perpetual license instantly right as soon as you buy the annual you're paying monthly you have to pay for twelve months and you get the perpetual and if you want to keep your perpetual up-to-date you have to stay subscribed right if you cancel you can't update that perpetual anymore because for the people who keep paying and you know get their benefits for say the annual licenses it gets cheaper I think next year it's like 180 and then the year after that it's like a hundred and forty-four dollars and so it gets cheaper by staying on annually and that's essentially your maintenance right and so it's not fair to the people who pay for their maintenance in terms of the subscription and if the people cancel if they could just buy like a month to update that wouldn't really be fair so anyways that's how our licensing works at least we have perpetual options and so it's really really awesome and of course as you can see we are working our butts off to keep this software up-to-date it's not going to die or anything we have plans for years and years ahead and so let's go ahead and open up another cool preset while we're answering some questions so that you guys can see some cool stuff this right here is probably my favorite preset just in general which is a little bit laggy because I'm doing some pretty high upscaling and stuff but this thing is is so awesome and so somebody said will there be magic effects I mean you know this right here is kind of a magic effect are you playing on making a live link like quick so yes we do have plans for doing live links probably with blender and unreal unity things like that we do want to do some kind of live link plug-in I don't know what the exact live link stuff will be I wouldn't expect any live link but things like Houdini are cinema4d since we're partnering with Oh toy to get a plug-in developed from that stuff but other than that definitely so hopefully the answer is y'all's questions someone said this the sharpened fractal or other noise based I don't know how it works in particular you'd have to ask our rnd researcher guy Gil he he would know the exact stuff um best planet ever earth is the best pony ever if that's what you're talking about says liquid water or ink VFX this right here is kind of inky but if you're looking for like liquids we're gonna have a tool in the future probably a year from now maybe two years who knows I called liquid jinn yes it sounds like any timeframe update on liquid Jen light next year right late 2021 because we need to do a lot for image in here so yeah then someone said no c4d plugin yes c4d plug-in but through Oh toy the makers of octane we have a separate we license our source code to them and so they're building out a one-to-one clone of ember Jen should be up to date with our standalone builds and they're building that so that it can work in you know a Houdini or c4d or you know 3ds max or whatever octane works in amber Jen will work in as well as a server plug-in and you would have to buy that from them it's not something that we're working on with a close partnership with them so definitely definitely coming up so yeah for anybody who's doing like 3ds max and all that stuff the octane plugin for image and effects it's definitely the way that you want to go whenever that's for now you'll just have to deal with exporting VD B's former standalone we're not working with redshift Oh toy came to us first and so we have an exclusive partnership with them but to my knowledge if you do use an external renderer if you pay Oh toy for their octane subscription and then imaging effects which is the add-on I think that since it would be integrated into 3ds max whatever you could use redshift ask the renderer so it is still possible you'll just pay a little bit more to get that but it should be should be a thing so yeah other than that let's uh let's hop into a little burnout here to show you kind of what dilation can do and why dilation is really cool as a post-process effect for our new simulations and such here so so within this you can see previously our Burnett was what's pretty bad like as we updated it just looked kind of terrible but now we have some really cool fluffy nice smoke and so what we'll do is what pause this right here and I'm going to show you how dilation aids in creating some really good smoke like this and something that's more realistic like what you might actually see for a burnout so if we go into the volume once again we can see that we have our our post processes and then in this we have dilate you can also imagine this as fluffiness right and so what up Logan nice to see you on here so definitely some some cool stuff so we've got dilate and you can see that you can do negative dilation which kind of acts as like a reverse sharpening so if you want some some different type of effective you want like a reverse dilation you can do that we also have like a dilation softness it allows you to control the softness of the dilation and so if we go here we can improve this and so you can see that this right here is just negative dilation so things kind of puffed up and then as we soften it you get these really cool like wispy looking smoke pieces as you're doing your dilation and things like that and then as you dial it your smoke you can see that this right here is the default so if we turn turn it off this right here's your default smoke without dilation we turn our dilation on we Mex this joker out now they've got some really nice fluffy smoke and it's gonna really bring out all of those cool bits of smoke that that you might be missing otherwise and for some anime lovers at the end of it if you're making effects for like anime you can kind of see here that you kind of get like some some cool cartoony effect due to the way that the dilation is working of course if you don't want that you can reduce your dilation softness and that'll reduce some of that but it's definitely definitely really cool to have this kind of stuff so let's see any plans for Maya I mean you can export VD B's to Maya and like I was talking about with our Oh toy plug-in emergent effects if you're using octane and whatnot you will be able to have that so definitely you can use an admirer right now if you export Beauty bees if you went to simulation drug off the pen export VDP you can export all the VD bees that you want and so hopefully that helps people who are like I want this directly in I want a live link plug-in for no we don't have that but in the meantime you still can do this yes this is a keyframed animation you can see here on our will mesh on the timeline here we've got some some animation that we're doing and that is what's causing causing this wheel to spin around and do stuff so definitely definitely keyframe stuff so otherwise let's go ahead and open up some other cool things and so one great thing is is that we have updated every single preset I have painstakingly gone through every single preset that we have and updated everything to have higher fidelity and you know better stuff or whatever so like now the swamps preset is actually pretty cool it does what it's supposed to do right from the start so you can see some really cool swampy stuff and one day I hope that we would have like tiling simulations so then you could tile this you know VDB in your world or whatever it is and have like some really cool swamps and stuff like that expanding over some some really large swamp area or something like that or fog or whatever that's tiled and so we're did we definitely got some really cool stuff check out all of our new presets we have we've updated things tirelessly to add tons of cool new stuff and definitely the swamp preset is one of my favorites now as it actually works correctly so it's not possible to export or sorry it's not possible to import a lean back or FBX animations yet that's that's the most asked question that we have so it's not not in yet we hope to have it within the next couple months but you can import static meshes and so let's see here we've also got a moving fireball so I did update this to have a better shader you can see that we do use some sharpening to get some more high quality smoke and we've got this little fireball kind of bouncing around and whatnot it's got some really cool fire shading on it too I'm kind of kind of proud of this little shader so it's really dope and one thing you'll note is that you might see kind of some some rendering issues so one one quick hot tip for you is if you want some higher fidelity stuff you can always increase your viewport quality of course you will get less less framerate if you increase your your fidelity but if you do want to increase your FPS or whatever you can definitely lower your quality so you can see here there's a mess of speed-up but you are getting less fidelity in the flames but it allows you to work better and faster rather than making your GPU burn up to keep all this stuff gone someone said I was testing the export of VD bees in v-ray of remote oh and it works really well and appears v-ray he is the greatest renderer for Imogen technically Imogen is the greatest renderer for Amber Jam but I get what you're saying so yeah so we've got some really cool stuff here let's check out some other presets here that that I that I updated and changed let's see what a good thing is is dirt impact so this right here will show off our motion blur so what will well pause this right here and inside of our volume here we've got it so that we've got motion blur on so if we turn motion blur off you can see this is just like it doesn't feel like it's high velocity or anything like that it's gonna laggy because it's a got particles and stuff like that which are a bit more expensive but within this so if we pause this and then we increase our motion blur you can see that boom of motion blur increases you can also do like a Gaussian motion blur and then we have a maximum which is a bit on the odd side I think but it is useful for some things and so within this it's really cool that we've got different types of filters here and you can do like box motion blur which gives you some really nice added motion and also another motion blur example we have is for our rocket here and so within this you can see I updated this rocket to have much better shading and better smoke and just make it more realistic praise SpaceX for sending some more humans into space right I was inspired by that and so within this we do have some motion blur for this since the the smoke and stuff is supposed to be moving at a a high velocity rate of course this is faster if it were running in real time or if you were playing it back for the export so you can see no motion blur and then here's with motion blur and so the cool thing is is this right here you can export this motion blur you can export this motion blur as a video be and it will be motion blurred by default because it's actually affecting the volume and that's why this technology is so cool it's because it's not just like a rendering effect like wavelet turbulence this actually affects the volume itself to give you these cool motion blurs and stuff so saints row says is there a way to make the smoke follow a specific path I don't mean the emitter but actual smoke as if it was summon a smoke snake technically there is if you can generate a vector field file along a spline or something you would be able to make it follow a specific line but we do want to add that functionality into imogen specifically so that you can create coiling things or whatever yeah so following a spline is something that we would probably do to make it follow a specific path I you can generate those types of flow fields and other other tools we do have a update that's pending for vector region that would lets you generate splines we just haven't pushed it yet but we have done some testing and I think that that's how the old tornado in the emergent alpha worked is that we had some kind of spline stuff and so yeah and then if we go to the tornado speaking of tornadoes I did do an update for this one so that it is more like a tornado so it's got some some better motion and things like that and then of course this one's cool because you can you can make it different ways you can say I want sharpening or I don't want sharpening so if you want some nice you know thin wispy high motion smirk or whatever you can do that you can also do motion blur which you can really see what motion blur does whenever you use this tornado so you can do different motion blurs or whatever you want definitely pretty cool and Jeremiah said you can probably push the smoke to an invisible tube you could do that as well so if you had a path that you wanted smoke to follow I you could just have a tube but then you would have like collisions and stuff so it might not give you what you want no way to import animated objects yet it's coming in the future most asked questions for sure so yeah I also updated well I've worked it out presets as I said but I didn't update the the fire tornado as well so that you can get some some cooler flames and things like that and I did make it so that this right here uses sharpening and so this right here's another good example to show how sharpening works on the volumes so we can you know maximize the smoke or turn it off you can see what it does to temperature and you can see what it does to flames one thing is that you'll note that with temperature typically this right here is your default flames that you would have and so this does essentially expand the range of the temperature just because it's sharpening that and so it pushing that temperature out farther and so you're gonna get more smoke and whatnot and more flames and all that stuff if you do sharpen your temperature in your flames so just be aware that if you're doing that but this is a good way to get some much higher fidelity smoke and fire and stuff like that so says Kane can we stack the post-process effects I'd like to have violation the sharpening I would love that too but we don't support it yet unfortunately hopefully in the future we can support it but due to the weight due to the way our shaders and stuff work it's not really in the cards right this second but it is something that I want us to have because I would like to have sharpened motion blur or something like that but it's not not possible right this time you can animate your post-process settings so that you can switch between you know multiple things so here you can see and if we right click this you can choose you know what one you're you're picking at what point in the timeline or whatever but you know once again that's some some funky stuff so yeah so up up to you to play with but it may not give you what you want so yeah so someone set up so why is the shadow persisting in the shadow area I have no clue what you mean are you talking about like the long shadow on the ground here if so that's controlled by our light so you can see that you can control your light or whatever yeah so you'll have to have to let me know what you mean there's also like a shadow in the background but that's because we don't have like an atmosphere or whatever if we wanted to have an atmosphere you can add an atmosphere and then increase your your ground-lit radius and that gives you a sky or whatever so so not sure not sure what you're asking so if you can clarify let me know let's see felipe says and let me open up another cool preset for you to see while we answer some more questions let's see what I want to do what do I want to update let's see I don't know not sure what I want to do maybe we'll open up one of our other shockwaves and see what is okay yeah so here's another shockwave you can see that this right here is it's doing its thing I said anyway Felipe said yeah I'm making a race sequence and I think having to keyframe stuff inside em shouldn't have cars interacting with the clouds I match the movement on my scene afterwards yep you might have to do that unfortunately I'd love to be able to import cameras even if it's static star consider Imogen to render a volume passementerie my 3ds software's camera we do have plans for camera imports too so a lambic imports are planned camera imports are planned animated FBX is are planned we also want to have like backplate so that you can match to your scene or whatever if you have a still shot so all that stuff would be would be that yeah so 3d W database said you would expect the light from the fire to overpower of the shadow yeah we're not trying to make like a super ultra realistic shadow renderer here what we care about most is just the the base render of the volumes and such which I wonder if we have a shadow export channel we might I think we did add a way to export a shadow mask but I don't think it's in this particular build but it is the thing that we that we have considered but anyway yeah so I don't I don't really know how to answer your question it's just something that we we don't really care about too much so will you make an option we can import custom HDR Maps yes we do have plans to support our own path tracer and imogen in the din the distant future and within that you would have custom HDR maps that you could import for your sky and get realistic lighting and match your lighting and all that stuff from other tools so yeah this image and use all the GPUs in a system are only one Imogen only uses one unfortunately but to my knowledge with our Oh toy partnership that we have with them we are definitely planning to support multiple GPUs so it's it's pretty cool and so yeah and so hopefully my stream hasn't been like double-double talking whatever I've been listening to apparently my sound on the other video hasn't been muted or whatever so hopefully it's not not repeating itself or something like that if you understand what I'm saying anyway um but I think I have desktop noise turned off in OBS so yeah so I also show this this nebula which is really cool there's another one of my favorite presets that we've got going on here and so yeah Antron some more questions here let's see overall great stuff can't figure out how easier harder to integrate into a pipeline should be really easy immersion is the easiest fluid sim fastest fluid Sam tool on the market it's the best thing ever that's my totally unbiased opinion let's see plants to out port something that will work as volume textures and ue4 yes we have plans to support volume textures and we have plans to actually have a master shader that will let you render stuff that's built by us so that it will be performant for games so yes let's see a noob question how do you pan the timeline use your middle mouse button so what you do is you can use your middle mouse button so let me go to one that has some some crazy stuff in it some crazy timelines uh yeah so what you do is you click your middle mouse button or your scroll wheel you click it and you can pan back and forth if you want to zoom you zoom in and out our scroll wheel whole scroll your slider here and then if you want to zoom in and out you hold control and you can see that we're zooming out of the timeline with our mouse wheel by holding ctrl and then wherever your mouse cursor is I think that's where it zooms in at so yeah so you can zoom into specific areas with your mouse cursor so that's with control and that's about it yeah middle mouse button panning back and forth so if you're stuck just just use your middle mouse button to get back or close the software and restart it and that'll reset it to the beginning do you have a camp or preset I'd like to see it we have something similar to a campfire preset so you can see some cool dilation stuff here on our cannon that we have here so yeah let's see what we've got is we've got a Taurus let's see here there is something called fire Taurus that's kind of like a campfire you could change it so you can see here that we've got some some raging fire and you can you can always sharpen this volume or whatever so let's say we can sharpen it and add some more details or whatever if you want to which in truth this is more similar to say like a gasoline fire but if we deleted the color here so our color gradient and then we changed our fire intensity color and then worked on our temperature adjustments and such so let's see if we can reduce this I think that our our temperatures are quite crazy now so you could probably get better results with something like this you might want to change like your sim modes or whatever and play we're in with the coloring but you can get things that are more like campfires and of course you want to change like your emitter shape shoot you can make like some log meshes or something and bring those in and get it get it done so like you could do like a cylinder and make it like a really low height or something like that and then let's remove our rotation and so now we have something like this and it would bathe more like a campfire and of course if we plug in our stuff here it's gonna look better let's see there we go yes so you can't get some some campfire looking stuff and so anyway let's see sixty PETA says I'm three months in on a studio license but I don't know if I can justify staying on during months when I don't need amber Jen to get a perpetual if I Ryan the stability issues after and getting a perpetual and canceling not sure what you're going on in particular I mean this is the most stable build we've ever had and we're constantly adding new stuff I understand that some studios don't need to use this constantly and that's why you might like a monthly license but of course if you cancel you will not get a professional license just because you need to do twelve months so yeah but yeah getting richer will probably be a good idea but then of course paying annually would be your your best bet to do that and it gets cheaper each year and if you get our suite we'll have a bunch of other tools too that might be useful to you so email me if you need to I'm happy to discuss it Nick at Ginga FX comm if you want to discuss licensing issues with me we're happy to work with you so yeah are there plans to emit particles from the sims for things like embers yes yes yes yes yes this is emerge in okay if we don't have particle sims what kind of inversion are we so yeah we do want to have GPU particles that you can export and then you can do all kinds of other cool stuff apply textures to them and all that stuff definitely coming I don't know when but it's high on my list if our first add I might have our our researcher Gil do that next let's see I don't see any other questions right the second unless I missed something um let's see please add a zooming handlebar with a switchable timer between frames and second slight after effects ah I think I get what you guys are saying you want whenever the the bar for the animation goes through the timeline you want it to move with the timeline that's probably a good idea Jeremiah add that to github if you can that you actually have it autoscroll because that would be really really dope if we have that let's see you may want the fire sim to impact and push it's all object dynamically Ken that flute some data on particle speed pressure B I'll put it as well maybe I'm not exactly sure what you're asking but inside of our RV DB exports if you go over here and we have velocity you can you can export the velocity of particles especially if you have particles as a Collider so if we go to our volcano preset I really like this one because this is such high fidelity you can see that we are using particles as colliders and if I go here and click show Collider you can see here are our colliding particles with this and if we step through each frame by pausing and then pressing Z on our keyboard we can kind of see these particles ripping through the smoke and dragging smoke with it which is really cool and so yeah so you can see particle collisions and then I would think that you could export that velocity data in the velocity channel because if we click show velocity it does you can see the velocity right here being affected by that particle so it is is really cool so yes hopefully that answers your question um let's see here my nose is itching like crazy so sorry I'm rubbing a lot let's see uh yeah is there an option to set looping on flipbooks absolutely we fixed we fixed looping we have fixed looping there's some things that don't work like turbulence and particles looping but if you go 205 a smooth loop in Imogen you will see a smooth loop here you'll see it slowing down and then it is creating its loop so now this is a perfect loop if you go into the simulation node and you click loop simulation you define your bounds right so 128 to 255 because that is a hundred and twenty-eight frames because 128 is counted as a frame so you don't want 2:56 you want to do one - the target frame and then we have static blend and quadratic and after that let me let me drink some water here real quick sorry so after that you have it so that you can loop your simulation and you can see that these two bars are here define our loop bounds and then if we go to our camera so let's go ahead and set up a preview here and I will prove to you that this loops perfectly so we'll set up our camera to do this we're going to go to export and we're going to click export now and what that does and actually the export Now button it should be called jitter right now because that's what it does it just generates a texture it doesn't save it to your your flipbook yes so we have perfect looping and now you can see here's our flipbook playback absolute perfect loop right nothing wrong with it it's a perfect loop and so you can generate perfect loops for most simulations right we can't really did like say a fireball or something like that but if you have some kind of like static thing where smoke is roughly the same or fire is roughly the same I you will be able to loop that particular flame or smoke or whatever we have another example I think it's number 63 or 64 yeah so 64 we have a looping puff and if we go here I'll let me go to my scene so one thing to note is if you have some issues like this where your background is gray go to uniform color as your sky and then you can change your background color because this background color is your fill color and so that's going to show through with your render combined and so high if you if you're exporting like unreal or unity with your flipbooks and you have dark edges the reasoning behind that is because your fill color is is black and you might want it to be gray or some kind of off-white color or something like that and so if you don't want the dark edges you can set your sky color to uniform color and then change your background color but anyway what we'll do is we can go ahead and export this one as well so we'll click export now and we can see that it's generating a much longer sequence and then we can see this play through we can see that this is a perfect loop and then what we've got is yes so for the people who don't want this for games or for image sequences or whatever yes you can export these loops as VD B's because if you go to the raytracer view you will see that this is a perfect looping 3d volume so it's not just some fake blending it's it's true looping 3d volumes and so that's why inversion is so powerful because no one else does this as good and as fast as we can and so this is this is some prime 20 20 21st century technology it's awesome so yeah so totally a full full looping 3d volume so let's see can you can you pin around and zoom in on the node graph of course yeah middle mouse button pans around zoom in with your your mouse wheel so yeah you can zoom around do whatever you want you can grab nodes by box luck nib copy them whatever you want to do so yeah definitely definitely some cool stuff there I mean let me scroll back up let's see here any new developments the small trails and dirt explorations not disappearing so fast you could just have more density so if you wanted smoke trails to not disappear quicker spawn more smoke I guess and then if you don't want them to disappear as quick you can also edit your smoke dissipation rate I the higher that is I know this is counterintuitive what we need to fix it but the higher the rate is the lower the amount of time it is that it takes to decay we're sorry it's so confusing the higher the value is the longer it takes to decay and disappear so if you want it to last longer increase your smoke dissipation rate I know that sounds weird but it's the seconds that it takes to reach 50% yeah what a mouthful my next question is why is it's so fast because it runs on the GPU because we care about performance because our exe is only 2.5 something megabytes in size um did I say that we care about performance yeah we care about high performance software we don't like bloat we we hate how all the other tools out there are just super bloated and full of trash and garbage and 30 years of code or whatever and so we said hey we'll just reap well write a software from scratch our own UI our own everything we build our renderer we build our sim everything runs on the GPU it runs with compute shaders and all that stuff so definitely definitely some really cool stuff and so what we'll do is we'll open up another preset here while we answer more questions so I'll see you will do um maybe this flamethrower or something like that so yeah so we got like a little flamethrower going on so let's see I find it somewhat frustrating going from a 1070 starting on a 1080 a 28 ETI is pretty amazing with Ambrosian though it's still easy to hit 100% GPU usage of course it's easy to hit 100 % GP usage because we built it that way we want to squeeze every single ounce of performance we can out of your GPU and we will do it so the true benchmark for performance for graphics cards if you want to know if a graphics card is good try and run Ambridge in with it and if it's chugging it's chugging right and so we we have a hundred percent GPU usage on our stuff because we built it that way and we really do like whenever you have I'm not going to name other fluid sim softwares but others flutes and servers and like look at my open co-integration what does your your GPU at like 3% right this is a hundred percent GPU utilization and so that's why this offer so fast so anyway enough ranting here NVIDIA GPU is only no no we don't use anything proprietary like CUDA or anything you can use AMD cards with Umbra gen there are some issues with AMD cards like meshes and stuff like that not rendering we need to fix it but yes you can use AMD cards with image into ah damn my nose is itching I don't know what's up with it's like whenever I talk my nose vibrates and then itches that's because I'm so loud anyway um let's see so yeah so we've got got this really cool flame preset here and then yeah so there's one other thing so if everybody's still watching you know we've got 93 viewers right now we went through sharpening and all that stuff let me open another preset I'm gonna open up the swamp again because I really like that one it's just so cool we'll have that actually I'll open up a dry ice preset in the background for a bit while I well I talked some more so if we pay for the perpetual license in full can we've recently or for a more recent version and update the professional license no you have to stay subscribe to keep your perpetual license updated however we do reward people who stay subscribed on an annual license the license gets like 20% cheaper and then 20% more cheaper than that so it's like I tend to like 40% cheaper by year three and so if I like year three you're paying one hundred and forty four dollars a year which is a steal and that helps us keep development going and it's just not fair to people who do pay for those subscriptions and keep it updated to give someone an updated perpetual if they just buy later so if you did violator like say another annual license you would restart from the original price and you would get a new perpetual license essentially so you would have two licenses one with a older version of the software anyway um well see I'll see somebody said a hi mate hello is the best way to use em virginity of regular path tracing intimation say 3ds max to use render output from Umbra gen and insert and post whatever you want to do if you want higher quality things they like scattering a fire and light and stuff like that you probably want to use path tracing if you don't need you know volumetrics or whatever and you can deal with 2d cards and stuff like that compositing you can just export straight from Imogen let's see yeah so when is Holi releasing the image in through their plugin we're gonna add it to the o toy store and you'll be able to buy our standalone through o toy probably sometime within the next month or so hopefully maybe sooner who knows but then the actual plug-in itself the integrated plugin that's not gonna come in until later this year probably I'm not gonna say a timeline because that's bad that's bad juju just think of a timeline but later this year probably q4 who knows right but it just depends on how long it takes to integrate all this into their stuff but it's definitely gonna take some months as Jules says the CEO of Oh toy so some months into this year or something like that what's the minimum recommended nvidia GPU you said computer index but i guess you mean GPU a gtx 1060 i'm running this on a gtx 1080i 1060 is going to give you worse performance than what I already have but the better your graphics card the better your results will be and so we can do a fireball collision here with the tourists while we answer more questions and then I'm gonna go through these questions and then I'm gonna answer our sorry I'm gonna show off some of our other new stuff like volume masking and show this other really really powerful feature so I went over sharpening and dilation and our volume post-processing stuff that actually affects the 3d volume that you can export those types of things but yeah so going through the questions again this must be required some very very clever clever maths yes vas Vic is one of our programmers he does some clever maths as he said it's not that complicated really it is complicated to me let's see I just it disappeared let's see I just chimed in wonder what you guys wonder what you guys may use to reuse it in Unreal Engine probably same quality but not Niagara I mean you can apply stuff you can generate flipbooks and export those two games all these preview channels here these are built for games and so you can see here we got motion vectors and temperature and a smoke mask and flames and albedo and emissive and and all kinds of crazy stuff so you can export all these different textures to games so hopefully that answers your question how the hell did you get that haircut it looks like shaggy the dog oh my gosh my wife cut my hair she actually cut my scalp she was cutting it with scissors because we didn't have a razor or anything and I was bleeding profusely not profusely but I was bleeding I paid for my haircut in blood for my wife yeah that's how I got my hair cut if you're asking about America I don't know if you're talking to somebody else in jet so uh let's see especially a possible to edit with the custom our current FPS damn I can't read type what I'm gonna jump right into the timeline yeah so that requires caching caching is really difficult for us we hope to have it in the future but no timeline on when you could just type a number and go to that let's see damn this is cool you bear watching because you were doing something revolutionary of course we're doing something revolutionary ah it's so great it's great to be the first people to do real-time VFX or rather real-time fluid simulations and things like that so what we'll do is I will open up let's see our boiling poison then after after this I'm not gonna answer any more questions for a little bit let's see let's see so downloading now played with the old version yeah go download the beta if you haven't already this but it is incredible we have so many presets you can try let's see let's see we want to go away from pure pure duty flipbooks in cannes production we all do however there are some really cool tech things that we're gonna show off soon with like depth and things like that to really bring out the power of 2d flipbooks and then we do what i have what do you call it volume textures for stuff in-game so definitely definitely something that we're planning on doing landing dust I see that there's a rocket start but I'm wondering how to do it reversely with the side moving if the animated stuff like a copters coming in so really easy if you go to our our rubble shockwave you could do something similar so we can see my emitter activity here if I just keep this running you can see that it's kind of like a helicopter shockwave pushing stuff outwards and the way that you do that is with a line force and you have a high rappel strength and of course I'm hitting the balance and stuff but yeah so definitely definitely some cool stuff that you can do but one thing that I'm going to show off now is the the next um that the next big feature that we added so we talked about the volume for us processing now you'll see this new thing called mask shapes mask shapes are pretty incredible because they allow you to mask the volume with customized shapes hopefully we'll be able to import vdps or capture frames and have that be your mask and that kind of stuff so you can see now we are masking this volume I do not know I should know this but I do not know if these masks will affect your VDB export I don't know it may only be a render only setting in in Bridgend and you might have to mask it in your own renderer with your own stuff but for imaging users are using our renderer and you're doing flipbooks or whatever you don't want things to hit the bounds you can build custom meshes and things like that so that you can mask your simulation so you can see here that we are masking the sim and then within our volume if you scroll down we have a mask shapes width so you can expand the width of the shape things like that you can also change the ramp so it's softer and then you can get some you know no hardbound edges at all of course you might not want a perfect circle so one thing that you can do is we will pause this simulation we're gonna click show mask shape and so now you can see that this is the mask shape right it's just this this little sphere thing that's kind of cut off or whatever and so basically what we've got is we've got this little sphere and what we can do is we could change this to say you know a rounded box or whatever and that shows you that you can change the way that the mask looks by previewing this show mask shapes another cool thing just a side tangent is if we went here and let's say that we did our sphere and then we wanted to blend a new shape so we'll say blend and then we'll drag off and add some noise to this shape and then we want to remove that other mask shape and so now we have this and so now we've got like some kind of funky funky thing going on here it's not really working so what we do is we change the blend mode from Union to may be smooth intersection and let me go ahead and remove the shapes ramp and remove the width and so now we can kind of see the noise appearing and so what we'll do is we'll increase the noise scale and so now now what we're getting into is we're getting into procedural volumes that don't need simulations so say you wanted to build clouds right if you wanted to build clouds or whatever we can blend in another thing bring in another noise node and then we'll increase our seed will change our Caves ought to add more detail will increase our scale and then what we'll do is we're gonna remove that by alt clicking the line and then plug that in and then we are going to maybe do add as our mode here and then we'll see our amplitude and so now you can see that we're affecting both the inside and the outside of this sphere and we're changing the way that it all works and so we can kind of change our bias a little bit and then we can go over here to noise we can change our amplitude and kind of finesse our bias and things like that and then with some finessing or whatever you could get some procedural clouds and things like that it is kind of a hack because you need to click the show mask shapes but if you do go into the preview mode now you can see this little procedural volume that we just made and that will be able to export and then of course you can animate this volume if you have like your noise speed animated or something like that and then we go into our ray tracer and we unpause it now you can see that it is indeed animating I'll let me turn off upscaling for this thing so it runs faster and so you can see the noise moving we can animate the other noise as well and so now we have some weird you know morphing volume or whatever so yeah so so we do want to have ways to make you know clouds and things like that static V DB s and maybe even have like a V DB painter and all kinds of stuff and so this right here it's just the first step in to procedural volumes that we're going to go into so there's not going to be all simulations for immersion we will have procedural volumes that so that you can make cloud scapes and all kinds of really cool things but other than that back into the masking if we on do this and we show this now you can see that we're masking this actual simulation with that crazy procedural mask that we just made and so you can get some really cool effects here and have it so that you're not really just hitting the bounds you can finesse this stuff so that it's not not not hitting the bounce and so if I undo my mask shape and we we pause this right so you can see that we are hitting the bounds on the edges here we have some other stuff that you can do so what you can do is you can offset a particular wall and so this more of like a slice but you can do a width and then you can see that we are blending away from the volumes edge right and so then you no longer have the issue of bounds affecting your your your stuff here and so unfortunately what we've got is which I say unfortunately because it kind of depends on how you do it you might need to change your widths and things like that but depending on how much you do so let's say that we just like do all of our widths or whatever you can see that the smoke is really gonna fade out right because if we look at our volume shape here you can see that we're not we don't have as as high quality and the volume it's pretty see-through and things like that so definitely pretty cool but it does have its drawbacks and so it's not a perfect solution for like automatic expanding bounds or whatever so yeah so that's pretty cool and one second I might blow my nose real quick all right I'm back I'll undo my my camera block let me drink some water here I know I got my notebook wet yes tragic whoops all right so back to volume masking yes so this is it's a really powerful way to mask things if you're having issues one good example is this tornado and where it could be useful so if we go to the volume here I may have had masking by default in this note so I didn't so you can see how we are hitting the top of the bounds if you have a render it's gonna look pretty ugly so you can feather these bounds by doing your width here and now you can see here that it's pretty damn feathered and you can do like an offset to really remove some of the rest of the hard edges I don't know if you can do like say oh yeah so you can do a much higher percentage if you want to and so then I've got like this really really thin looking volume which is funny so you can't go over a hundred percent if you really want to feather out those edges but it is a great way to do this so yeah so other than that does anybody have any questions I showed off the two major features we added which is masking shapes so once again I can show another masking shape here so here's like a small sphere and here we go you can see how it's masking out this volume and you can have like a specific shape and so then like say just for instance like this isn't perfect but let's say that you wanted like a um a little orb or whatever for your game or something like that and let's just say that you liked this if we go to the preview here let me go to our camera and let's zoom in now you can see that you can export this actual masked object right this little sphere so if you go to here I let's go to render combined and we'll go ahead and export an image well whoops export image tada like so and then we'll set our start frame to something like 115 and we'll just make sure that something goes in here by frame 115 yeah good enough what we'll do a little bit longer and then we'll go ahead and click export now and so we'll see this thing start in any second now and so now we can click this to preview it you can press P to pause if you don't know that we added this so that you can preview flipbooks and so now you have this cool little orb thing that you could export as a texture to your game like I said I don't think that this particular texture is useful but it's the thought that counts right so you can create custom masks and I have seen game textures in production where you have like a specific alpha mask you want to use or something like that and the motion travels through that but the actual mask is the same throughout the whole thing so yeah converting units let's see converting units from cinema 40s fish to empty space only the axis I'm not sure if one one centimeter and c40 is a Merton yeah that's something that we're gonna need to fix in the future sorry we don't have that right the second but I think I think that the best pick all right the second would be able to answer that if he could well see 60 pts said yeah great job on optimizing amber Jen so efficiently so efficiently I mainly work in video and mograph with the exception of resolve I'm tired of seeing poor utilization we retired too so I built a company around it so yeah this is our our premium offering for full utilization oh my gosh any ETL making Y up yeah you can see Xia's up here I and one quick note I'm on the team so we've had some arguments I won't call them arguments within our team and our QA chat and stuff that we have that the viewport gizmo is off I'm on the team that it is off but apparently it is based around the cameras orientation and so you can see here if we go here like this is kind of like looking from below or something like that I don't particularly believe that my eyes are deceiving me but yeah so if this seems weird it's a known issue who for heard we're a little gizmo down here so yeah but we did add a new gizmo let me go to our website here and we'll go back through and I'm gonna see if I'm missing covering anything so improve the fidelity and simulations of all things yes so there is another thing so if you want higher quality simulations which this will change your simulation just to be aware so if you do want higher quality simulations more curls more turbulence more all that stuff you click this gear icon up here alright so you click the gear icon you go to advanced settings and we now have a thing that allows you to do extra multi grid iterations so basically more iterations under your sim to make it higher quality and then pre smooth iterations so we can do say 0 and we can start this and we can see that there's not as much like cohesiveness within the sim things kind of stagnated you know it's not as nice and bubbly and inky and turbulent as I wanted it to be and so then if we increase these iterations here increase our pre smooth and post smooth iterations what we'll see as you can already see there's more tendrils more fine vortices so than this much higher quality simulation and less just puffiness and so now we have this and so that is how you increase your simulation quality so we now have multi grid iterations and some smoothing iterations we also have solver iterations which I don't know what the diminishing returns on the solver iterations are but for multi grid iterations you might not want to go above four you can probably enter your own number so say six if you wanted to which yeah it will probably result in higher quality and then you can go up with pre smooth and post smooth iterations but we have found that the diminishing return on that is about four or five and then after that you can't really tell a discernible difference so yeah so so that's some some really good stuff that we that we added in and then if you're wondering how did I get these really cool crazy colors I did not use colored smoke so one thing that I kind of want to shut down is people thinking that you that you can only do colored smoke if you're using the colored smoke option that is not true if you want to have two different emitters emitting two different smoke colors that's when you use colored smoke but for anything else this right here is just our it's actually a combustion sim so it has you'll and it's burning and all that stuff that's how we get the cool fire and whatnot and within this what we're doing is we just have it so that we've exposed our smoke color to the node graph and then within that we have our color gradient so you can see our color gradient for our fire and then here's the color gradient for the smoke and so if we change this gradient right here say to you know red or something like that which actually that looks really dope and so you can see here it's kind of slow because I'm doing so many iterations and things like that but yes I so you can change it and it's really cool because then with this you can control like your fade colors and and wear things you know fade out at and all that stuff and it's really awesome to be able to get some some cooler smoke and whatnot so yeah so Peter says I still see the cigarette preset so cool now I can be the boss in animations smoking a big cigar cuz I do not smoke yes when is the auteur including Imogen and releasing later this year um will it be possible to import a limbic geometry oh my gosh thank you big guys has been asked like 500 times now yes it will be possible it's not possible yet in the coming months we hope to do it in the future I need to put like a big banner on like our stream that like Scrolls like a news thing animation animated will be possible in the future I'm not that good at streaming so I don't know how to do that but that would be cool can I have some alpha for density gradients please we will have your requests completed soon I hope I hope that like at the top we would have like an alpha setting so that we can do alpha gradients and stuff it is something that I want us to do and actually we are gonna do something even more complex than that we're gonna have it so that you can plug in essentially like a curve gradient or whatever into any parameter that you want and then map that to some specific thing so for instance write a really good instance here I will go to I think that this um this this rubbles shockwave is probably the best example because as it fades out what we do is right now I am fading out the sharpening on the smoke through the timeline but what we would actually like to do is what if you could map the sharpening value of the smoke to the smoke based on its density so the lower the density the less sharpening is applied the higher density the more sharpening is applied or the other way around or however you want to define that curve and so that's something that's gonna come up and that's gonna make our node graph so powerful because you'll be able to map anything to anything you could say I want to map like I don't know I want to map my fuel burn rate based on the density of my smoke I want to map my fuel burn rate based on the velocity that I currently have or something like that which we kinda already like do some that stuff like just how the simulation works but if you want to do it more so you want to map custom values or whatever to all this you'll be able to do that and so that's whenever our oda graph is going to become super powerful that's why we built a node graph and so that you can expand that's awesome that's also why you're able to expose any parameter you want so if we go to like say vorticity intensity which it doesn't show up right now but you can see that has this node graph icon now you'll be able to expand any parameter that you want and essentially have this doing what it is you want to do so yeah so really cool stuff so yeah I'll see can a license be used on two computers on a separate time if you're a studio and you have a floating license then yes but we don't offer floating license for Indies one thing that we're probably going to do for indie licenses is we're probably going to have it so that you can install it on two different computers but you won't be able to use that at the same time and that's just because you might have like you know a computer like a laptop and a desktop or whatever I mean even I have that I have a lot I have two laptops and a desktop and so I can see why you might want it on two computers but you won't be able to use it consecutively as that's against our EUL a our licensing agreement so if you do want to get a second install or whatever just email me if you have an indie license if your studio get a floating license or buy a separate no lock license but for Indies we're probably going to make it so that you can install on on two computers just by default so USD way down the line yes I do want us to have universal scene description imports definitely something that's coming yeah so I'll let me open up something else here we'll do our aircraft flares I really like the way that our particles work in here so this is a particle emitter it's pretty cool and so what we'll do is let's go back to our thing so pressure solver improvements we did that I talked about our volume masking and post-processing stuff that we do I talked about the navigation gizmo fix crashes and freezes so yes yes yes big iterations on this again huge iterations if if you tried the trial and you were just crashing and crashing and crashing on VDP exports or whatever we'd like to make it up to you and give you a trial extension email me at Nick at Jenga effects comm ni ck at Jenga effects comm ask me for a trial extension I'm happy to give you one so that you can try the software without it crashing we have fixed every single crash that you can that we can think of right any crash that we knew of that was reported to us we fixed it and so this is the most stable version of Ambrosian that there is and so it's so great and so definitely fixed it whenever you know you're upscaling and things like that also another huge thing we don't have documentation that's like super fleshed out yet but tooltips so if you don't know what something does say our our Vox count right here you can hover over any item any text item in the software now and you can see it says box account this determines both the Fox resolution of your simulation and how large the bounding box will be the space occupied by a voxel is defined by the voxel size parameter right and so we've got that right and so you can hover over anything and it'll tell you what it is some things may not be the best description but in this case like it's a simulation mode it tells you what you know basic or combustion is that tells you about colored smoke you know whether or not you want to freeze your simulation so we have tooltips on every single parameter now you'll tell you what everything is if you're lost if you don't know what something does and of course with the software being real-time you can just change a parameter to find out what it does if you like huh what has long-range shadows do oh it changes the shading on my on my smoke up here uh-huh what does short-range shadows do oh well it looks like it it affects it a little bit you know where the deeper colors or something yes sir everything's real time you can do stuff like that but definitely we have tooltips for everything now let's see six point lighting in normals fixed so yeah so we had some bugs of that all that's fixed with upscaling we improved background color with transparency yep so if you had exported with them so there is a way to capture your viewport so say that you want to post something on Instagram or whatever you can record the viewport itself and it will record everything in the viewport that's a quick way to do it we have some transparency issues so we fixed that and then let's see general rendering improvements and speed up yep so software is faster now simulation looping we fixed a bunch of things with looping so the loops no longer break on the first loop we fixed some weird syncing error and whatnot let's see improve the accuracy of turbulence we made the export VDB node work similar to the image export so yes so with export VD bees now if you go here to the export VDB node and we go here now let's see so now you can see there's tick marks down here that's going to tell you what frame are gonna export you can see as we increase the strain from the food a little bit the frame stride it will tell you essentially what those are gonna do and how they're gonna export and all those that stuff which frames it is that's going to export and then of course lots of stability improvements within all of that um let's see automatic frame timings when looping I don't particularly know what that means but sounds good I think it might mean for our our image export node and for vdps maybe these things they're supposed to be under but they didn't get nested properly or something and so other than that yeah so we also added some restrictions to our our education licenses and so if you do have an education license and we did restrict some of the exports and things like that just because we had to but other than that if there is a restriction it'll warn you that there's a restriction it'll say hey you can't export a Phoebe be of this size or whatever and the button will highlight red telling you that you can't do it and so then we've got some some other things that are in there you can just you can read the rest so forth before the chat here I want to I want to ask you what what can we do and so this is just a community thing I did this exercise with our team yesterday what can we do to better improve your software experience right so do we need which I know that we need more documentation and tutorials and things like that and I'm working on it but you know within this you know do we have it so that um which hang on one second just making sure everything's I don't see anything loading in the chat oh ok so a bunch of stuff you know I'm not really seeing anything update you in the chat so hopefully everybody's still talking ok anyway okay yeah I think things are going good sorry sorry alright so the question that I was asking everybody how can we make the software's experience better so like what can we do to make it better whenever you first start the software for someone new who's just launching the software for the first time should we have some kind of pop-up that you know makes them go through a tutorial or should there be like a follow along that you can follow along to make an explosion from scratch within your first five minutes or the tool or or whatever right and so what can we do to make this happen right and so one thing that we might want to do is take those suggestions to our form so if you don't know where our form is you can go to forums over here on our website you can see we've got people already doing some some bug reports which what I need to move that to the right bug report thing but go ahead and create a new topic and give us your suggestions or whatever or I can make a new topic and then you can post in it or whatever so yeah so give us some suggestions on what we can do to make your experience better because we get the software's cool and then we've got presets and all that stuff but we want people to be integrated you know better and and if you have something like say you like some other software head I think it's called onboarding right if they had a a better onboarding tutorial or something like that or you know a better onboarding experience or they follow up with just the right email or something like that let us know what you want from us so that we can ensure that you're getting the the most use of the software and ensure that your experience is the best and all that and maybe you want purple unicorns to greet you every single time you make something cool as a gift or something I don't know right but we just want your your feedback on it I figure like we're brainstorming it on our teams and you guys can brainstorm I do right so let us know so so anyway that's just something that I'll probably post on the forum after this and ask for suggestions pander for some suggestions on that stuff just to see what we can do to it to make the experience better here other than that I don't have any they're big things to show off I guess for the people who are who are late one of the biggest things that we added was volume post-processing so you can see this is real-time it's a huge pyroclastic cloud super detailed ultra detailed so we're using upscaling and our new volume sharpening so you can change your sharpening value to whatever you want have some really big high detail post-processing stuff so definitely definitely some cool things go check it out check out all of our presets we've updated I have updated every single preset we have 81 presets now every preset is updated every preset is different now and has been boosted for better fidelity or whatever so yeah let's see I think that's about it I agree with onboarding tutorials and recreating your fireball series yeah so III have plans to do tutorials to walk you through creating some of these presets from scratch and and I have plans to do tutorials to get stuff from emerge into unreal maybe I'll do a tutorial series on getting things from Ambridge into blender and then hopefully Oh toy will do things on getting things from emergent to octane and things like that and so definitely things that we need to do and you know we want your opinions on one thing I guess just ask the community right one thing that that I want to do is I want us to have a like an onboarding email sequence right and so since you it'll say hey you know like during your trial you'll get you know three or four emails max right we don't want to spam people good company all that stuff and so essentially what we want to do is we want to have it so that say that once you sign up for a trial or you get a new download or whatever well send you an email sequence with like some hot tips you know like some cool tutorial series that you should follow if you haven't found them and just kind of you know get you moving along on the trial you know keep it in your brain so that you're not wasting your 14 days all that stuff so let us know what your your thoughts on that are and I think it's something we're going to implement it's probably something that you will check a box for so that we won't do automatically or something like that you'll say hey yeah I want the onboarding sequence or something like that or yes I want tips and tricks or whatever but either way you know something that we're thinking about doing just so that we can get everybody more involved in immersion and I also this is a plea a plea for everybody the software is so damn cool tell your friends about it make renders like just take some for our presets make renders post it on Twitter say look I rendered this in octane I rendered this in redshift I render this with in Bridgend this is real-time it's not slow it's the fastest thing ever you got to try it right because we build this stuff with your support and we need your support and so this is my plea so post on social media about this stuff we can we can talk about it all we want but people trust other customers other users all that stuff and that's where you know order mouth comes in and we want to have the best possible company we can and so you know go out there tell your friends about this stuff I mean look at look at this volcano do you see this thing look at look at how cool this is in real time right and so so basically I think that's it I don't have anything else to uh to say other than just my my questions about onboarding and things like that so go to our forum right after this stream if you have ideas on that I'm gonna post a thread basically right now so that you can see it so we'll go to new topic will say immersion experience and onboarding suggestions so here we go go to our forum register post we want to get this forum going as well we've got people making great suggestions and bug reports and all that stuff it's really awesome and so uh placeholder there we go but you know what I said on stream ah no characters there we go laugh out loud and so I'll edit the the thing layer but go in that thread start posting and give us suggestions on onboarding and how you want to toriel's to work and you know what you want to happen when the software first starts up and all that stuff we want your suggestions hopefully people go through and and and reply to that please don't think that other people will do it you need to do it yourself and so yeah that's it I have nothing else to share go try everything out I mean this stuff is incredible we congratulations to our team for putting this together and getting o these awesome updates in this is our most stable version yet and if you need a trial extension if your trial is expired please email me and I will give you a trial extension because I know that the software is unstable when the beta first launched so please email me happy to give you a trial extension Nick at Jenga effects calm and we'll go from there other than that peace out buyer software it's a support us subscribe to the YouTube channel so you get more live stream updates I'm gonna do a live stream this Friday and I think I'm gonna go through like getting things into unreal for flip books and doing particles and things like that and the workflow centered around unreal I'm gonna go over our master shader that we're gonna release soon things like that so this stuff is really cool you know like I said share it with your friends I'll see you on a live stream on Friday I don't know what time probably twelve forty-five one o'clock just like this one so keep an eye out for that I'll probably go ahead and add the stream as a thing on our channel so you can set a reminder for that so it's going to be centered around unreal and doing stuff with a games workflow since that's what our core target is and that's what I know best other than that smash that subscribe button if somebody said and one last question when will I pick by the company I don't know you should tell them to give us a mega grant we applied for a mega grant a while back and they denied us can you believe that they denied our megagram this is a visit this is injustice huh everybody else got a mega grant a lot of school suffers but we didn't so we applied again so tell him to uh to give us our mega grant that we want anyway yeah hopefully we'll see we'll see I don't think epic kind of bias anytime soon but it would be cool I'm carrying red because I'm blushing about the mega grant stuff but anyway that's all I've got to say great stream guys thanks for joining us we had and we currently have 80 people watching I think we've peaked like 100 or something peace out I've got nothing else to say and go reply on
Channel: JangaFX VFX Software & Tutorials
Views: 5,934
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: tqxk7jXpPVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 15sec (5535 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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