Email From Eternity With Greg Laurie (Classic Crusades)

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hey everybody thanks for watching our YouTube channel we're constantly updating it with new content and never-seen-before content so if you want to get the latest from harvest hit the subscribe button [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's already know that you can stay on these things [Music] see [Music] Oh Reena change language [Music] but you can't fool [Music] inside our chests [Music] change save me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] promise [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you guys ready to have a good time tonight pardon rubber the Californians are some of the loudest people in the entire United States that's right come on I think you guys can be louder than that come on everybody get your hands up in the air and put them together this next song was the title track on a brand new record it's cool to know that you're alive because I found a file online sometimes we have to hurt a little bit to realize and we need to save him tonight is all about this song is called to notice your life [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] where's my crazy people on the house tonight this is your moment when I want to scream I want to hear how loud you guys can be are you ready yeah yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] tonight we're here because we believe in something greater than rock and roll we believe in something greater than music we believe that there's a creator that is big enough to be worshipped and some ad I would ask you guys to sing along with us these next couple songs if you know them as we simply remember and glorify our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ tonight [Music] through the faster lawn for my name James gone astray stranded in Valley tired all seems like I've lost my way go running to the old found son come on sing with me whereas it you shelter me a blast taking you for chess when I'm with name is turn your faces [Music] [Applause] little - for my refuge in my home storm is raging that's all I'm here to stop you to my soul don't run into your mouth [Music] [Music] [Music] pull up chicks without weight [Music] your faces [Music] [Music] dr. Alan - you're bouncing reverse [Music] we [Music] [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Applause] you guys feel good out there tonight thank you so much for having us back here at the Harvest Crusade it's always a blast to be here with you guys and you know I want to be perfectly honest with you guys for just a second it wasn't that long ago that I sat in a seat much like the seats you guys are sitting in here tonight looking at a stage wishing that someday and somehow I could be on that stage and I thought maybe but that would make me happy that bring fulfillment to my life because I'd be doing something that mattered people would listen to what I had to say but you see the thing is as much fun as we have up here and as much as you love to be here with you guys tonight we feel so privileged to be here but the truth is is this does not bring happiness we have a lot of fun but there's only one thing in life that can truly bring about happiness and fulfillment and joy in your life and if you try and fill that God Himself you will find yourself coming up short you see I found that every man truly does have a god-shaped hole in his life and it can only be filled with our Creator and our Satan Jesus Christ this next song is called complete because there's only one person and one God they can complete our lives as whole that's what this song is all about [Music] life [Music] history [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you it's [Music] Amazing Grace [Music] [Music] no no you guys know how to sing out there so on this next song one needs your help on that alright that's good because I like to sing alright goes like this [Applause] what what [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] we because tonight [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in this pit there's lives flush me down [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on with your hands together [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's the [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] thank you as you know my son Christopher David Laury he's in heaven tonight and I have to say to you that heaven has never been more real to me than it is right now right here in this place [Applause] you know when you're getting old like me you know you're gonna die it's just a matter of when but you think about these things but when you're young like a lot of you you don't always think about it you think oh I'll live a long life I'll live 30 40 50 years more or or maybe even 70 years more and maybe down the road I'll think about spiritual things but not now I'm just having a lot of fun I I just want you to listen to me tonight and more importantly listen to what God has to say I'm gonna be speaking from his word because you never know when life is gonna end my son was 33 years old he was a young man he was in this fraud he was a good-looking kid wasn't he handsome [Applause] he got that from his mother he was funny he got that from me I think wonderful boy we're always communicating either going places or talking on the phone or emailing or texting and when we didn't know where he was on the day he went to heaven I sent him an email and I said where are you exclamation mark question mark rather call the exclamation mark well he couldn't call me because he was in heaven you can't make phone calls from heaven you can't send emails from Eternity and when I found out of course I was crushed I'll be honest with you okay I'm not gonna put a happy face on this it was the worst moment of my life but God was there I hit rock bottom and the Lord was there and I knew that my son was with the Lord and I know I'll be reunited with him again that's the whole of the question King David from the Bible had a son that died and he said he cannot come to me but I will go to him and someday I will go to my son and you will go to your loved ones who have died in the Lord if my son could speak you you heard his voice I miss his voice if he could speak to you tonight I'm sure he would say eternity is real heaven is beyond your wildest dreams and believe the gospel so you can join me here I know he would say that I know anyone in heaven would say that but since he can't say this old man's gonna say it for him you see life comes and goes like that whether you're ninety or ninety the Bible describes life as a vapor of smoke that appears for a moment and then just vanishes away the Bible describes our life as a story that's already been told the psalmist said in Psalm 39 Lord remind me how brief my time on earth will be remind me that my days are numbered and my life is fleeing away now here's the funny thing about life when you're young life seems to go so slow it seemed like I was in first and second grade for like thirty years every day took forever then as you get a little bit older months go by quickly years go by quickly check it out decades go by quickly you know when you're a little child like my little granddaughter Stella who is only two and you say to her just a minute she doesn't like him she doesn't like to wait just a minute sometimes she'll even cry but then my daughter unloved Brittany saw her the other day saying to the dog just a minute just a minute seems long to a child but as you get older just a minute comes and goes God is effectively saying just a minute and you'll be with me in eternity reunited with your loved ones so that's how fast life can go on earth but listen death is no friends death is mean it's an enemy and no one wants to die and no one wants to see someone they love die and maybe we would even wonder why do we even have to die in the first place we hate to face the fact that were mere mortals that our days are numbered why because long ago your first parents my first parents Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit now it's always said that Eve ate the apple by the way the Bible never says she ate an apple because if I were Eve or Adam in the garden I would have never given into an apple I don't like apples a peach or nectarine I would looked at I suspect that so-called forbidden fruit just pulsated with energy and looks so attractive and the devil was returning here in her air it said in the day you eat thereof you'll become as a god but the Lord said don't eat it but she ate and it was the bite felt around the world sin entered into the human race and don't be too hard on Adam and Eve because if you had been there where I'd been there we probably not probably we would have done the same thing and the Bible says justice through one man sin entered in the world and death through sin it spread to all men because of all of us in death just like a virus that infects everyone we always think of what happened to someone else not to us oh that family there or those people in that other place but not to me that's how I thought more or less but here's the good news Jesus Christ overcame death at the cross of Calvary when he died for the sin of world the Bible says these perishable bodies must put on heavenly bodies that will never die and when this happens when our perishable body has been transformed into a heavenly body then the scripture will be fulfilled death is swallowed up in victory Oh death where is your victory Oh grave where as your stinging Christ defeated death now I'm not saying we don't die but I'm saying we don't have to be afraid of death because the real you the real me is not the body we live in as you look at me and you think to yourself my he's a handsome guy no I'm just kidding no but you look at me and you think Manny's looking old that's probably a real pot the real Greg the real Christopher the real you is a soul that lives inside of you that's why when you see a party and the person has died it doesn't even look like him anymore because that real them has gone on to one of two places not for the believer we go to heaven and I'll talk more about heaven and our last night together I hope you'll all join us for a final service here in Sunday night that's the hope of the Christian but listen heaven is not the default destination of every person you must choose to go there for instance you can't just get your car and drive over to Disneyland and walk in when you have to buy the ticket for $300 or whatever a cost first then you can go in and pay $100 for a hamburger I don't I'm not putting down Disneyland it's fun but you have to buy your ticket to get into a place like that you have to get your ticket to get a heaven now check this that you can't buy it in fact you can't afford it but the good news is is Jesus Christ has bought your ticket to heaven when He shed his blood on the cross of Calvary and he offers every he wanted my sons in heaven why because he's my son a preacher son no because he became God's son how do you become a son or a daughter of God the Bible says for as many as received him he gave them the power to become sons of God you think what do you mean received him I mean there has to come a moment in your life where you say Jesus come into my heart be my Savior be my Lord I can't pray that prayer for you the person who brought you here tonight can't pray it for you God has no grandchildren only sons and daughters you must make your own choice and I'll tell you how to do that in just a few moments but when you've made that decision you go to heaven here's something to consider everybody will live forever did you know that I mean everyone I don't care if you're a believer a non-believer an agnostic everybody will live forever in effect we are all immortal you say oh well that's cool that's good news well not necessarily listen let's say that I bought you a plane ticket to go on vacation for five years all expenses paid you'd say great fakes that's so great when we find out your destination first where am I going outer Siberia there's no phone service there's no communication there oh no but let's just say no I got you a airfare to Hawaii or Tahiti or some other great destination now that would be wonderful so the issue is not will I live forever the question is where will you lived forever according to the Bible there are only two options the believer dies and goes to heaven immediately instantaneously the Bible says to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord when you take your last breath on earth you take your first breath in heaven just like that just like that that's why we don't have to be afraid to die as Christians that doesn't mean believers walk around with some kind of a death wish man I hope I die today because you know what no one loves life more than the follower of Jesus and we don't need drugs and alcohol and all of that other garbage to make life better we have a relationship with God I tried that stuff I've been in those places as many of you have been as some of you are right now there's nothing this world offers that is going to meet the deepest need of your life except a relationship with God but even though we know our loved ones go to heaven we miss them and I grieve over the loss of my son as I watch that video I kind of choked up it's hard for me out I'll tell you that and I wish he could be here with me tonight but you know what I don't think he'd want to come back from heaven to earth because heaven is so glorious [Applause] it's true you'll know the story of Lazarus that got raised from the dead by Jesus right they summoned the Lord to the tomb of Lazarus as two sisters with their Mary and Martha they kind of got ticked off at Jesus even saying Lord if you would have been here my brother would not have died like what's up why didn't you fix this Jesus stood at the tomb of Lazarus and the Bible says two words jesus wept think about that Jesus cry why did Jesus weep I think he weeps because he thought the devastation of death he weeps because this was not God's original plan and when you're suffering when I'm suffering Jesus is there with you weeping the Bible says he keeps your tears in a bottle ELISA you're precious to God he thinks about you all the time and he knows they're Curt's and he knows the pains that are deep inside of you right now and he cares and he knows you better than you know yourself yes jesus wept you'd say well Gregg wait a second didn't Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead why would he weep maybe he wept because he knew Lazarus whose gonna have to leave heaven and come back to stinking earth poor guy the Lord thought he's gonna be so bummed out when he gets called and you know my boys both loved the beach they're both great surfers Christopher and Jonathan and whenever they would be out in the water you know my wife and I would be tired of the beach we'd want to go home and maybe it's 3:00 in the afternoon and with yell to them and they'd be waiting for the next way they'd wave like one more wave and they'd wait and you know let every wave go by and ten minutes will go by 20 minutes we'd yell then all of a sudden they they couldn't hear us somehow but they could but they're ignoring us and we justwe come on why didn't they want to come in because they were enjoying it out there imagine being at the throne of God surrounded by the angels reunited with loved one and being summoned back here jesus wept Oh heaven is so much better than anything we have on this earth but listen even if you're suffering on earth Jesus is here with you when you're called to heaven Jesus will be waiting for you if you walk with him on earth you will also walk with him in heaven if you know him now he will know you then if you say yes to him now he will say enter into the joy of your Lord then listen if you say no to him now he will say no to you then if you say go away from me now he will sadly but firmly say depart from me I never knew you then yes there is a heaven for the believer Christians will go there when they die but it's a different matter altogether for the non-believer they too are immortal they too live forever what happens to an unbeliever when they dawn short answer you're not gonna like me for saying this they go to hell he's ain't honest with you Greg - you said that you have to use the H word didn't you yes I did and I take no pleasure in saying it I say it because I don't want any of you to go there and more than that God doesn't want you to go God says I take no delight and the death of the wicked that is why he made such a radical sacrifice he gave his son listen I know a little bit about what it's like to have a son die I know the pain imagine how the father felt when he sent his beloved son to this earth who was 33 years old in the prime of his life imagine how the father felt when he saw people laugh at his son and spit in his face and ripped the beard off and put a crown of thorns on his head imagine how the father felt when they took his son and ripped us back open with a Roman count of nine tails and nailed him to a crude wooden cross imagine how the father felt when all the sin of the world past present in future had to be poured on his who was dying in your place and in mind I'll tell you it hurt but he did it because he loved us because he didn't want you to go to a place called hell listen Jesus Christ spoke more about Hell than all the other preachers of the Bible put together he'd say well I thought Jesus Christ was the very personification of love and compassion yes he was and that's why he spoke about Hell because He loves us so much he's so compassionate toward us he doesn't want anyone to go there if you knew a bridge was out on a road over a huge ravine wouldn't you warn your family or warn your friends or for that matter even warn strangers so they would not go over the side to their death you want them to avoid the catastrophe so you take action well that's why I'm sharing this message with you you can avoid the catastrophe of Hell by believing in Jesus you know the word hell we throw it around a lot if a situation is particularly bad we'll say oh this thing is hellish if someone really bothers someone they might be referred to as hell on wheels you know or if someone had a lot of fun all we had a hell of a good time right they're usually drunk look actually had a guy come up to me after I delivered a message at church and he said that was a hell of a message pastor I'm like what what you talking about Willis ain't hello además complimenting me he just didn't know the Christian lingo yet it's funny how we use this word people will tell others to go to hell and then pollsters will interview people and they'll say they don't believe he'll exist how is it that you can tell someone to go to a place you don't even think is there the reason you even use the phrase is because deep down inside you know there's a hell you know it don't you you do and in a way we think there ought to be no I don't think there should be no you do and I'll tell you why because there's injustice in this world there are wrong things done to innocent people in this sinful world and your consolation is they'll get there someday what are you saying you're saying there's a judgement seat there's a hell that's what you're releasing and you know certain people deserve to go there you know people like Adolf Hitler or a mass murderer you say yeah there's a hell for a person like that well what is how life can we get a look at it there's an interesting story Jesus told in the Bible about Hell it's sort of a behind the scenes look into eternity we like behind the scenes look that looks at things I'd like to know what's going on here's a behind-the-scenes look at eternity it's from Luke 16 Jesus said there was a certain rich man who has splendidly clothed and lived every day in luxury and at his door laid a diseased beggar named Lazarus now this is a different Lazarus than the one that I referred to a moment ago who is raised from the dead and Lazarus longed for the scraps that fell from the rich man's table and the dogs would come and lick his open sores one day the beggar died and was carried by the Angels to be with Abraham and the rich man also died in he was buried and his soul went to the place of the dead and there in tournament he saw Lazarus in the far distance with Abraham and the rich man shouted father Abraham have some kitty send Lazarus over here to tip to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue because I'm in anguish in these flames but Abraham said son remember that during your lifetime you had everything you wanted but Lazarus had nothing so he's you're being comforted but you're in anguish and besides there's a great chasm separating us and anyone wanting to cross over to you here and stop from its edge and you can't come over to us this is a true story then the rich man said please father Abraham send him to my father's home I have five brothers and I wanted them to be warned about this place of torment so they don't have to come here when they die Abraham said Moses and the prophets have warned them your brothers can read their writings any time they want to the rich man replied no father Abraham if someone has sent to them from the dead they'll turn from their sins Abraham said if they won't listen to Moses and the prophets they won't listen to someone that rises from the dead two men living on earth one day they're here one day they're gone one man was wealthy he had everything one man was poor he had nothing one went to comfort the other went to torment this is not a commentary on well the rich man didn't go to heaven pursued he didn't go to judgment or hell because he was rich he went there because he didn't care about God he was possessed by his possessions and you see he lived in luxury I mean this guy had at me I mean if he were alive today he would have the ultimate crib his cars would all be pimped he would have all the bling run around with this posse get of all the new toys all the latest gadgets plasmas on every wall you know he'd be featured on MTV you go man that guy he's living the great life and he ate great food love to eat if he was alive today he had watched the Food Channel all the time problem hipper watch the Food Channel it's amazing some of those people get a little too excited about food it's just food and I know sometimes I'm amazed that the weird food some rich people will eat well I like to eat escargot isn't that French for gross snails and how about caviar that that's that's bait man I mean it's the fish eggs what are you eating chunk like that for I'll take in and out burger over that stuff any day of the week double double order a fries I'm making you hungry aren't I so this came in he was living the good life he was eating all the killer food he had all the luxuries everything the man would want meanwhile outside of his gate probably the gate leading into his estate there was this guy named Lazarus who was so poor he ate the scraps off the rich man's table now back in those days they didn't use silverware or cutlery or chopsticks they eat with their hands and then they wiped their greasy hands on pieces of bread and threw it on the ground for the dogs to eat that is what Lazarus consisted on the bread the rich man wiped his hands on and then they both died I think that wealthy man had a huge funeral all the dignitaries would have been there everybody would have talked about it I don't even know if anyone knew that Lazarus died except God but then they went to the other side and what's amazing is who read this story it's how we're conscious on the other side you know things in heaven people sometimes that's what will we know in heaven they like as though we're gonna forget everything you're gonna know more in heaven than you know on earth you're conscious in eternity you're gonna still love the people you loved on earth in heaven but your love is perfected your thoughts are perfected and we'll know each other in heaven you know people sometimes wonder will we recognize one another in heaven yeah we will we are told the story of when Jesus appeared in the Mount of Transfiguration with Moses and Elijah they knew it was Moses and Elijah I doubt they had little nametags hi my name is Moses you know they knew well know one another in heaven if you ever want to look me up in heaven don't look for a bald guy look for a guy with a lotta hair like Randy Travis had last night now that's hair baby that's hair oh yeah well no the Bible says we will know as we are known think of the purest joy and earth and multiply it a thousand times and you get a fleeting glimpse of heavens euphoria that's why David wrote in your presence is fullness of joy and on your right hand are pleasures forevermore oh yeah you'll know but non-believers know too he knows enough to say I don't want my brother's to come here I want them to be warned but it's too late it's eternal there's no turning back again we are immortal you can't make a call you can't send an email from eternity you can't text someone it's been said eternity to the godly is a day that has no sunset eternity to the wicked is a night that has no sunrise once in hell there is no way to cross the threshold over into heaven you're there forever and he says I gotta warn my brothers I have to warn others that kind of goes against the idea that men and hell we're gonna party you're not gonna party in hell friend just be separated from God you have the word of Jesus on it now I know some of you are thinking you know what Greg I don't buy this stuff you're saying how could a God of love send someone to hell you know I don't believe that a loving God would send people to hell and this is because we don't understand how all this stuff works listen it's not like good people go to hell or heaven and bad people go to hell because all of us would be in hell because every one of us is bad I know you think you're quite good you're not as good you think you are we're bad buh-buh-buh-buh back bad-to-the-bone man okay you're a sinner you're not a sinner because you sin you sin because you're a sinner it comes naturally to you it comes naturally to me and I don't go to heaven because I'm good people think we'll live a good life and I try to be nice to others and I recycle and you know good people don't end up in heaven either because no one is good enough to meet the righteous requirements of God you see God is perfect God is light and in him there is no darkness and every sin we commit his rebellion against him there's no way we can fix this without Jesus but Jesus paid the price for your sins he came to pay a debt he did not owe because you owed a debt you could not pay and if you'll take that ticket so to speak that he bought for you at Calvary you can know with absolute certainty you will go to heaven and not go to hell see the big issue on that final day is not going to be a sin issue as much as it is going to be as sunny sin did you commit okay you're out how many sin did you commit okay not so bad you're in you know gun doesn't great on the curve it's a stun issue here's the question what did you do with my son Jesus Christ and I sent to die on the cross for you God will say well you know what I heard about him yeah that I was awfully busy and had other things I was doing and I didn't really look into that and God gave you the way in you didn't look into it listen if you end up and help it'll be there because it'll be because you effectively sent yourself there God doesn't send people to hell we send ourselves there by rejecting his incredible offer of forgiveness CS Lewis said no one will ever go to heaven deservingly and no one will ever go to hell unwillingly if you end up there you have to practically climb over Jesus to do so he's trying to stop you he's warning you you're immortal you'll live forever but the question is where my son had his ticket he was ready to meet the Lord and because of that he is in heaven right now have you got your ticket do you know a certainty listen you were created to know God you're not a highly evolved animal you're made in the image of God and you were born with a hole in your heart so to speak avoiding you're like God the Bible says God has put eternity in your heart that's why from the moment you were born there's been a yearning there's been a sense in you that there's more and there is but it's not in this world and it's not in anything this earth can offer you it's in a relationship with God there's a hunger in your soul for God and it can be satisfied tonight settle it and I'll tell you how in a moment and if you're a believer when death comes whenever that is we'll see our loved ones again heard the story of a Christian father who was terminally ill he some of his three sons to his deathbed two of them were believers so he said to them boys goodbye I'll see you in the morning his third son said dad why didn't you say that to me don't you'll see me in the morning the father sadly said because son you've not put your faith in Jesus Christ and because of that my heart is broken and I'll never see you again the Sun began to weep and said dad I don't want to be separated from you I want to be saved what am i doing he says son put your faith in Jesus right now and then one day our family will be complete in eternity and that boy did you can be reunited with loved ones you can go to heaven or you can go to hell and those are the only options the Bible says broad is the way that leads to destruction and many there are that go that way but narrow is the way that leads to life and few there are that finding it's your choice the Bible says God speaking I said before you death and life blessings and cursings choose life that you might live you decide where do you want to go do you want to go to heaven here's what you need to do number one admit you're a sinner stop blaming everybody stop blaming your parents or stop blaming your background or blaming this or but you have to just say you know what I am a sinner I've broken God's commandments I've fallen short of his standards I know it as I pointed out the Bible says we've all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God number two realize that Jesus Christ the Son of God died on the cross for you the Bible says for God so loved the world he gave His only begotten Son and whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life God the Father gave his son for you God the Son laid his life down for you if you believe in him you can live forever in heaven what does it mean to believe it means to trust in to cling to to rely on Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ alone for your salvation and then thirdly you need to repent of your sin that means to change your direction you've been doing things you know are wrong you've been sinning it's time to say god help me to change and to turn around and say I'm gonna start following Christ I'm gonna start getting close to him reading his word being a part of the church living the life he's called me to live but most importantly I'm gonna ask Jesus Christ to forgive me of every wrong that I've done and I'm gonna turn from that sin the Bible says God has commanded people everywhere to repent the Bible says there is joy in heaven over one sinner that comes to repentance to change your direction and then you must receive Christ into your life say all right lord help me I can't do this some of you are saying you know what Gregor I don't think this will work for me it might work for you check this out I never thought it would work for me the way I was raised the home I was raised in the stuff I experienced as a kid my own stupid decisions I thought I'm too cynical I'm too hard I'm not the religious type I don't see myself carrying a Bible I'm talking about God that's just not me I'm too cool for school man I won't do that but then I realized that God could change me and I just said alright God if you're real make yourself real to me and he did and he is and he will for you but you must believe in him and say come into my life Jesus then you must do it publicly everyone that Jesus calls he calls openly and publicly 2000 years ago Jesus died publicly on a cross and he's asking you to make a public stand for him tonight that is why in a moment I'm going to ask you to do it over 2,800 people did last night I'm gonna ask you to come down to this field and make a public stand for Christ why do I ask you to come publicly because Jesus says if you will acknowledge me before people I will acknowledge you before the father and the angels in heaven but he added if you deny me before people I'll deny you before the father and the Angels so when I ask you to come publicly that's a way to say I'm serious about this I don't care who sees it I mean business with God and lastly lastly you must do it now don't put it off Oh Greg I'll do it next year I'll do it tomorrow night I'll do it in a month they'll listen do it now why because the Bible says today is the day of salvation tonight's your night friend you have an appointment with God keep it keep it [Applause] right now the devil is whispering in some of your ears get out now or maybe tomorrow do it tomorrow the devil says tomorrow the Holy Spirit says today tonight now is the time don't put this off in a moment we're gonna pray and then I'm gonna ask you to make the most important decision of your entire life I'm gonna give you an opportunity to say yes to Jesus and have all of your sin forgiven and find the meaning of life and a second chance in life if you need it I'm gonna give you an opportunity to change your eternal address from Hell to heaven an opportunity to come into a relationship with a God who has always loved who will now come and live inside it so you think about what you're gonna do one final statement this is an either-or proposition you either say yes to Jesus or you say no to him when I was just a seventeen year old kid I heard it said Jesus said you're either for me or against me and I looked around at those Christians and I thought well they're definitely for him does that mean that I Greg Laurie I'm against him I didn't want to be against him so I made that decision that day of my high school campus and you can make that decision tonight and I guarantee you'll never regret it let's pray now Lord we pray for every person in this stadium and I pray for every person carrying this message or watching this and I pray that you will speak to their heart and help them to see these words that we have shared tonight are true their gospel truth help them Lord to respond to your loving call and say yes to Jesus Christ help them Lord to believe this night we pray in Jesus name we ask it amen amen [Music] listen if you want your sin forgiven if you want to know that when you die you will go to heaven if you want that void in your life filled and you want your guilt taken away if you want Jesus Christ the Son of God to come and live inside of you right now get up out of your seat step into the nearest aisle and begin to make your way down to this field behind the stage if you're up in the high level the high balcony the nosebleed section it's gonna take you a little bit longer so you get up now young people old people old people that think they're young wherever you are you get up and come you're not too good to come to Christ you're not too good no matter how good of a life you live you've still sin but listen you're not too bad to come to Christ Jesus said he or she that would come to me I would in no way cast out one thing please listen listen listen listen don't talk don't talk pray and I'm going to ask that no one leave early I want these aisles open for people making this decision so every Christian please stay in your seat and pray for the people in front of you the people behind you the people on your right the people on your left heaven is watching God is working let's be praying as you come to Christ now as you come and receive the forgiveness get up out of your seat step into the nearest aisle come down those stairs come down to this field to the back of this stage and we'll have a prayer together I'm gonna give you all a Bible not personally but one will be given to you and you will have the greatest night of your life as you say yes to Jesus so as Leland sings you get up and come now [Laughter] [Music] prodigal son all the city streets searching for shanty there are who can tell people's floors have fallen to the ground [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] put all your children [Music] [Applause] [Music] father [Music] [Music] [Music] Church had forsaken love it by say [Applause] [Music] this generation stage for you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus says to come come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest aren't you tired of carrying around your guilt and your sin aren't you tired of being empty and alone you have your friends you go to your parties laughs but there's a hollow space inside of you and you know it God can fill it and give you a life that is worth living but it's your choice it's a gift God offers you a gift you have to accept the gift you won't force it on the gift of eternal life life after death and life during life it's your choice there's still some of you that need to come there might be some prodigal sons or daughters out there now if you don't know what I mean by that a prodigal is a person who once believed but has gone astray they have left home if you will and the father who loves you and never stopped loving you despite what you have done this ain't come home to me and believe I'll forgive you I'll treat you as if you had never sinned you know the story of the prodigal son in the Bible Jesus told a boy runs away from home spends all his money ruins his life drags the family name to the gutter one day he comes to his senses and he says this is crazy the guys that just worked for my dad have it better than me I'm just gonna go home and say dad I know I can't be your son anymore just give me a job put a roof over my head I don't deserve anymore but Jesus said while he was still a great way off his father song cheered Phil tears filled that father's eyes and he rose from his seat he began to run toward his son he threw his arms around him he said son you're forgiven and then he said let's rejoice since my son who was dead is alive again he was lost as found God looks at you and he says I love you come back to me but it's your choice as the group sings I plead with you tonight come come to the Lord come back to the law join us in heaven and start living for Christ you come as Leyland sins [Music] [Music] your hands [Music] Christ [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this invitation is coming to a close if you have a disability and you're seated in the disability seating area you don't have to come to the field raise your hand and someone in a blue shirt will come to you we have special counselors to come to you and minister to you if you're in the disability section Leland's gonna do one more song and I'm gonna ask if there's anybody else that wants to come you come now it does take a little bit longer from that top tier so please if you're going to come come quickly there is no life that god cannot fix there is no sin that God cannot forget but you must come and say lord help me and he will you come there's still time [Music] [Music] look for in here's one [Music] well [Music] your eyes [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] gross strange me [Music] these quarry three [Music] [Applause] [Music] Bunji [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] let's go sure [Music] [Music] in the light that's these last few people make their way down to the beetle answer prayer these are answered prayers prayers of moms and dads grandmas and grandpas sons and daughters brothers and sisters friends you pray we're seeing the prayers answer now as these final people come I'll have a prayer together I'm gonna ask you guys to just sing that chorus one last time and then I'll come back here and we'll have a prayer of commitment to Jesus Christ so anybody else in this last moment if you're gonna come come now [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] today [Music] [Music] you that are down here in the field are making the most important decision of your entire life we're proud of you for making this stand the follow Jesus cries god bless everyone some are still coming you that are coming just keep coming in a moment I'm going to lead you in a prayer you might say well I've never prayed before that's all right prayer is just talking to God I'm just gonna lead you in a simple prayer almost like a prayer a child would pray but you know what Jesus said you must become as a little child to enter the kingdom of heaven so I'll lead you in a simple prayer and I'll ask that you'll pray it out loud after me you might say well why because the Bible says whoever will call upon the name of the Lord will be saved so in this prayer you're just calling out to Jesus you're saying save me help me forgive me change me and God will hear this prayer and he'll answer this prayer so you mean it from your heart and you pray it out loud after me okay I'm gonna ask you all to bow your head if you would and pray this prayer out loud after me now Lord Jesus I know I'm a sinner I've broken your Commandments I have fallen short of your standards but you loved me and you said Jesus Christ to die on the cross and shed his blood for every sin I have committed I repent of my sin tonight Jesus come into my life be my Savior be my Lord be my god be my friend I want to follow you from this moment forward as your child as your friend as your disciple I want to go to heaven and I want to live for Christ from this time forward thank you for calling me and accepting me and forgiving me in Jesus name I pray amen amen god bless you raise alone ha now listen you that came on the field you may have felt something when you just prayed that prayer you may have felt great joy you might have felt deep sorrow over your sins or maybe you're more like I was when I pray that prayer and you felt nothing it's okay if you felt something if you didn't feel anything the Bible says these things we write to you the belief in the name of the Son of God that you may know that that you may know you have eternal life do you believe in Jesus Christ you can know you have eternal life you can know now you're going to heaven we want to help you get hooked up with a great church we want to tell you more about what it is to be a follower of Jesus so we have trained counselors on the field here we're ready to speak with you they're just friends friends that are going to help you they they're wearing a little sticker on their shirt and it's purple in color and they're near you and and they have the gift for you and looks like this book I'm holding to my end this is the Bible the New Testament at least it's called the new believers Bible we have one for every one of you to take home and start reading it's a friendly translation of the Bible along with some notes that I wrote don't leave the field tonight without your copy of the new believers Bible don't leave without talking with one of our counselors where they're wearing a purple badge or sticker on their shirt they will approach you now so you just look around you guys find each other counselors start making your way to people don't leave until you get a Bible don't leave until you talk to a counselor god bless each one of you you've made the right decision [Music] all right hey praise the Lord and thank you all so much for coming and don't forget to come back tomorrow night one hour earlier 6 p.m. Leland again Katinas crystal lewis and michael w smith god bless you guys
Channel: Pastor Greg Laurie
Views: 3,900
Rating: 4.8639455 out of 5
Keywords: harvest, greg, laurie, bible study for women, bible study lessons, harvest christian fellowship, greg laurie sermons, greg laurie sermons 2019, Greg Laurie, how to not go to hell, scriptures about hell, am i going to hell or heaven, did jesus mention hell, what does the bible say about hell, matthew 25, how to live forever, how to live forever in real life, how to live forever in real life sermon, sermon on hell fire, is heaven real?, how to live forever documentary
Id: 2vwgpFFS_58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 10sec (5290 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2019
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