ELYSIAN DROP TROOPS | Astra Militarum explained | Imperial Guard | Warhammer 40k Lore

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in the warmer 40K Universe battles often stem Down To Grim struggles of attrition especially in regards to the astrom militarum meet grinder we've seen countless times in books and law that battles are won and lost down to how well soldiers can dig in and hold the line when fighting zenos races like the Orcs we've seen commanders lose ground on forces by tting to use advaned tactics and strategies that the Orcs bitly ignore a great example of this is a battle between the adeptus mechanicus and or boys in the book brutal cunning the adeptus mechanicus attempt to low the Orcs into ambushes where elite units were hidden in Weak areas thinking the Orcs would explode these weaknesses and attack their first but misunder understanding an orc's true nature the orc boys ignored the bait and ran head first to where the mechanicus was fing strength looking for the best fight and eventually thrown the sari into a mass Retreat so when facing enemies like these troops that rely more on grit and strength of will rather than tactics have a wider adoption rate by commanders but also have a much larger survival rate this is why the elisian drop Troopers are such a fascinating concept inside wol as opposed to other regiments like the death C Creek or the vhall and Ice Warriors the aliums focus more on tactics fire discipline and battle Doctrine to win combat encounters and operations the elisian drop Troopers are airborne assault infantry a rare sight inside the astr militar room the alians are a valued asset to any Imperial Guard Commander harnessing their experience in aerial assaults the elisian drop troops are agile quick and most importantly unpredictable the elisian drop troop is hail from Alisia a fertile civilized world in the segmentum Solar existing as part of a collection of Imperial colonized worlds 30 light years from The Hive world of Aran being relatively close to many Imperial worlds and lying on a popular trade route elici is a prime target for raids and piracy from both human Pirates and eldari Corsair the elisia system contains many asteroid fields and gas clouds aiding the Pirates in staying hidden from Imperial patrols and laying ambushes for unaware merchants and Traders the constant pacy led to the elisian PDF forces to gain extensive experience in ship-to ship combat while serving alongside Naval forces working hand inand with the naval Force the PDF conduct joint patrols and operations with the Imperial Navy launching boarding actions and raiding Pirro bases on planetoids in the system the nature of launching missions from Navy ships also give the PF experience in conducting aerial missions and drop assaults with the effectiveness of the planetary Defense Force en countering the piracy Alisia was then selected to provide an imperial TI regiment for service inside the astrom militar with the majority of the elisian pdfc more combat than your average planetary Defense Forces the elisia government had a vast supply of experienced troops to call upon the PDF Troopers are selected to join the alian guard regiments are volunteer only each Trooper is required to have completed at least one tour of combat Duty in the lean PDF before entering to the guard once selected for Duty in the astrom militarium the lean drop troops then began a c to extend ensive specialist training focusing on the use of graph shoots High orbit insertions Marksmanship and general survival the combat doctrine of the drop Troopers is then rigidly instilled upon them during this training period the difficulty in learning this battle Doctrine has developed elisian drop Troopers into highly trained individuals when compared to other regiments over their training the Troopers will become Adept at using specialized equipment high grade armor and weaponry graph shoots a stap of the eling drop Troopers arsenal of equipment is a backpack Siz anti-gravity device using anti-gravity Force the graph shoots can be used to drop from any height safely inside of a gravity well alongside graph shoots the leases also become accustomed handling and operating inside Valkyrie gunships which are invaluable to their operations another key part of the battle Doctrine is an emphasis on Marksmanship each traper is on par and sometimes better than specialist snipers in other regiments although useful in combat the real reason for their dedication to Marksmanship is the nature of their Battle Tactics when dropping Behind Enemy Lines the drop Troopers can often go days and weeks without resupply simply put when ammunition is in short supply every shot must count due to the quality of the average trooper and access to a good supply of quality Equipment the Le drop Troopers can maintain a high number of Elite storm troopers in comparison to other guard regiments when it does come down to drop operations the elans drop Behind Enemy Lines with a simple aim hit hard and hit fast these surgical strikes often cause immediate confusion among enemy forces and defensive lines once dropped in an assault alans continue to carry out Rapids assaults on weak points maintaining their combat structure and organization m m of the Troopers can also function for a number of weeks without resupply during long drawn out Wars the drop troops favor hit and run Guerilla tactics hitting enemies and devastating ambushes then disappearing before the enemies can muster up any sort of Defense due to the emphasis on Speed and Agility the alician drop Troopers don't commonly make use of many standard Imperial Armor opting out for the slow lean rough battle tanks and the quing C carriers for Sentinel Walkers and tourist rapid assault vehicles the sheer effectiveness of the Elan drop Troopers has helped them Garner a strong reputation throughout the Imperium with some particular regiments gaining Prestige with the amount of time I've sunk into hell Daris 2 I couldn't resist talking about the first regiment the 13th elisian drop troop in regiment nicknamed the hell divers gained an heroic reputation while fighting on the spinwood front the nickname was hard earned over many battles and operations inside the conflict the elisan hell divers adopted a strategy of descending on enemy positions from directly above them surviving hellish conditions while doing so sounds familiar doesn't it however these tactics quickly fin the number of the 13th eventually leading to the regiment being used to bolster the 227th drop troops the 23rd Regiment of the alisan drop troops is another notable regiment in imperial history they served inside the terrorist campaign and during one operation were core assets inside the conflict the Tas campaign was a planetary assault against the to to reclaim the mineral Rich desert World taros fighting against the combined force of the to crew and human gisa the Imperial forces face Fierce resistance joining the campaign the to soon gained the upper hand after 40 days of fighting the Imperial troops on planet were facing a lack of food and water Imperial forces started to suffer from Mass attrition with men dropping like flies from dehydration the Imperial commanders decided to launch operation Comet an assault on the main water production facility on the desert Planet currently held by the to due to the unique training of the alisan drop Troopers they were brought into the operation and order to drop in the hydr processing plant and hold it until a new offensive from the Imperial forces would relieve the alians over a rush planning phase the drop troopers were organized into multiple waves ready for Tactical insur over multiple days with plans to reinforce and resupply the eliance once the plant was captured the first assault by the drop Troopers quickly overran the human goesta Defenders striking hard and fast the Elan swept through the facility Victory seemed secure however to the dismay of the eling officers the attackers quickly came into combat with crout caught in Fierce hand toand combat the first wave of drop troopers were forced into a retreat using mobile MTO artillery and other heavy weapons the drop Troopers softened up the cre positions with a barrage of heavy fire reorganized and with fresh momentum the elans launched A Renewed attack pushing the crew back by the end of the first day of combat the elisian drop troops had captured the plant but not without sacrifice the first wave alians had taken heavy losses and in the fierce firefight had expended a great deal of their ammo with the perimeter of the compound secure the elans dug into their defensive positions and waited impatiently for the second wave to arrive for resupply with the water plant to cure the second wave of drop troopers were mobilized to drop and reinforce their comrades however with the element of surprise lost the tower were now aware of the assault Tower commanders ordered the launch of Interceptor aircraft to counter the Valkyries dropping on the plant lacking the maneuverability of the tower aircraft a large portion of the relasing reinforcements were shot down causing confusion among the RS on the ground the tow began to consolidate their forces for a brutal Counterattack surrounded in all fronts the elans prepared heavy weapon positions traps and for cations awaiting the dreaded assault with the reinforcements and Route the elans took a beating from Tower Air Forces to bombers bombard the Elan positions and attempt to soften up their defensive points showing complete disregard for their infrastructure of the water processing facility causing horrendous collateral damage following these Relentless bombing RS calculated and methodical as ever the to began their attempt to retake the facility unleashing an ungodly amount of Firepower accompanying the to fire warrior infantry and crew mercenaries were contingent of hammerhead tanks and Tow battles suits po overpower the elisian heavy weapons and Sentinel walkers however with the help of heavily duing positions dogged determination and the extensive training theal struggled to retake the facility every attack was met with Fierce resistance and when moving closer in range the TOA found themselves quickly out maneuvered by the drop Troopers as the fighting intensified it became clear to to commanders that the Firepower alone could not route the well-trained alians during this vicious firefight the survivors of the second Dr of alisan Troopers finally arrived however on arrival the drop troopers were hit with anti-aircraft fire from the tow the valkyrie drop ships had to break formation on arrival scattering the second wave of drop Troopers across the battlefield some managed to stay on target and dropped inside the perimeter of the compound While others dropped into no man's land and an unlucky few dropping directly on to positions the to focused all weapons F these reinforcements causing heavy losses on the second drop wave exploiting their vulnerability and dropping in taking a brief rest back from the tow fir power the elisan dropped troopers at the first wave watching horror as their comrades were slaughtered quietly praying for the Imperial relief column to come interv viw for the rest of the second day fighting was sporadic while the Survivor the second wave regrouped and joined the elisium positions after two days of harsh fighting the plant was a ruin a scrapyard with the tired and injured Guardsman making use of whatever cover they could find overnight the Valkyries and vultures of the alians attempted to give Air Sport to their comrades on the ground but with the plant being significant distance from Imperial air bases the support they could have give was sporadic and sure as they would have to return for Refuel on the third day of this phase operation the tower renewed their attack with urgency now aware of the Imperial Leaf column heading their way the TOA employed one of the strongest weapons in their Arsenal a manta gunship with the unrelenting cannons and sheer Firepower of the man supporting them from overhead the tower moved forward although throwing everything they had against the tow the elans were pushed back inch by inch the drop Troopers bloody beaten and low on supplies were fully pushed back to their last pocket of Defense the tower commanders offer surrender the alians but little to her fault the alians refused in a Last Stand the alians were annihilated operation Comet of the tce campaign is a perfect example of the harsh reality of what the elisian drop troopers face with every drop often having to visually fight for defenses and then hold them until Elite forces arrive your standard elisian drop Trooper is better equipped than some Elite troops of other guard regiments they use markv acatan pattern light guns accompanied with five charge cells impressively they are armored in Mark 12 carpes armor made from molded plates of armor plas and ceramite carapace armor is expensive and it's generally a sign of status inside the Imperial Guard as a standard kit as well they are armed with their graph shoots and type five pressure helmets specifically designed for high altitude their helmets also come with a equipped photo visor Advanced lenses that support low light vision alongside your standard Trooper the alians also employ specialist roles which include the use of heavy bolters missile launchers melter guns plasma guns long last snipers and flamers overall the Elan drop troop is an example of the sheer variety of forces we have in the astrom militarum showing a sharp change against the standard Mass assault meat grinded stereotype of the Guard thanks for joining me today guys what do you think of the leasing drop tropers do you like a fresh new take on Imperial Guard regiments or do you think the change of pace for the God is against what the astr militarum should be let me know in the comments below thanks for joining me today I've got a couple of videos in the works a chapter LW video and part three in the entire warmer 4K timeline coming soon as well I've also been t with the idea of brushing up my animation skills I'm doing a video on the full tus campaign with animated trat movements if that interests you let me know below if you've enjoyed my content today guys please leave me a thumbs up and subscribe it really helps see you all in a bit [Music]
Channel: Starsage
Views: 1,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arch, elysia, Elysian Drop Troopers, 40k, warhammer, lore, warhammer 40000, warhammer 40k, warhammer 40k lore, 40k lore, elysian drop troops, 40k explained, games workshop, imperium of man, gaming, astra militarum, regiments of the imperial guard, warhammer lore, wargaming, imperial guard, wh40k, imperium of mankind, warhammer40k, the imperium of man, channel, discuss, future
Id: a6xdFej1uCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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