Elsa and Anna toddlers pool party and challenges

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thank you so much Ariela for inviting us to your pool party I hope you enjoy and have fun at my pool party because I've prepared three challenges and the one who loses every challenge will have to do a dare go dear dear hey Jer and dare a dinner the first game is get the jellyfish so here we have some jellyfish there's six jellyfish one for each and the last one to get the jellyfish or rice to the surface with the jellyfish loses so yeah let's do it alright we'll throw them one by one throw this one first then throw the others they're sinkers by the way throw them everywhere perfect okay let's get into the water three two what alright let's go so in I need to be the first I need to be the winner [Music] wow I got the jellyfish I'm so happy okay I'll bring it back to the surface and see who loses I really hope it's none of my friends wait one of my friends has to lose huh let's see who's the unfortunate one oh hi there I can breathe underwater luckily okay let's bring this back to the guys oh I already see R upon Z perfect I'm in third Pratt lace I can see everyone over there let me go LC power I'll see your powers I mean I do like water and I do like swimming because I mean it's iced ice is water whoa oh no I think Christopher will lose poor Christopher let me just bring this to the surface and the last one well jellyfish oh let's go and do the Dare I'm sorry Christopher you were the last one and now you have to do you dare as I was the winner I get to pick your dare you have to dive into the water screaming I'm a potato and I'm proud so we're all watching don't worry I really don't like that there let's move on to the next game splash potato have to pass the potato and you there's the timer so whoever had the potato when it explodes with water will get wet so yeah it's pretty easy just a fun game the one who gets splashed is out it's the second challenge of the day okay fine oh I lost I'm out I'm gonna go over there to dry I'm soaking wet it's so cold okay let's make a smaller circle guys okay circle around the potato come on okay we have to open it like that and we close it and sunbae sunbae okay we're up to the final four people let's put in another balloon like that and we close it like so with that and we wind it flash is always on the legs I'm soaking wet on your fist let's put another in it's bigger than usual I think it's gonna pop once we put it in oh no it didn't pop but this one's surely gonna pop him on one of us no I'm gonna lose oh no no no no my legs oh they're all cold I'm gonna go join the others so you the potato okay last around or we can do more rounds yeah all right let's really hope it doesn't splash us huh look at that it's so tight in there okay this is surely gonna get a sweat what do you think I'm doing no you lose L see it because you were the last one to have it you know yep I understand you didn't touch it yet I'm the first winner now for the second round oh you have to do is well it's harder so it's like a no game but before you pass it to the next contestant you have to turn around okay okay so let's do it yay let's put in a balloon so let's just grab a balloon and all right let's open up the potato the potato is very big right let's wind it especially well all right this is so hard this is so hard oh look at this miniature purple let's do it alright this purple is very miniature I'll go out I'm out okay let's make a smaller circle like that and just do here alright let's get it popped on me oh well I'm out again alright let's put another balloon it like that this one is long ooh I like this one close it up alright dude okay here it's turn around me turn around I'll turn around okay I'll turn around now right there we go I got let well at least one of you will win hopefully on your else you'll win or Christopher who knows bow okay I'll just do it like that and that's it Bell alright hopefully this one will pop now alright put it in the potato and write it up I was spinning around wallet pops I didn't really get what but you know what you can always do this oh it's so fun I'm out alright it's just you and me Christopher let's do the last surround the yellow balloon the neon yellow balloon it's the last balloon alright neon yellow balloon service all right no no I didn't give it to Elsa in time I win I win I win I win I win I win I win I win the potato oh okay let's rewind the potato and put all the balloons back in it okay surround now you have to do a front-flip every time you pass the potato let's see who wins huh flip that's very hard well I guess you'll lose then we don't know never know we just need to try you know sure you can do it Christopher you'll do it and I know it oh it's such a big balloon yeah no weird shape oh no it's gonna me too oh no I got wet I'm out I'm gonna stir [Music] [Music] I lost who I was at the last run before I guess I lose okay for last girls for strong girls okay put it like that oh this one is big hopefully it won't land on any of me oh no I don't want to let on me not me all the seaweed lands on see our fate see while I'm out open it up put it inside close it up take this out close it up well set the timers go go I'm gonna lose it sorry stopping Oh when I got it it popped on me oh I lose I'm out all right go yep yep yeah oh I was about to throw it to you well Japanese Ewan great game I love it all right we won some of the games and we didn't win anything all right then you have to do a dare what's the Dare you have to jump on one leg and drink at the same time I accept okay all right okay drink oh no it's how I do one in my nostrils okay okay that's nice I think I should sit down now honey it's your turn I'll drink from the other bottle cause I don't want to drink from your nostrils done this is pretty fun yep okay I'll just leave the juice in the middle and we'll play the last challenge of the day which one is it for the last challenge we'll give you each a card it's a very interesting game you have an item in each card and you have to find it under the pyramid whoever wins gets a golden pyramid so yeah mine this is mine obviously the one who loses will do a dare alright mine is one it's the candle - this one a bird the bird I have a dog which is very cool perfect I have a saxophone I have some slippers and I have a pair of glasses so let's reveal them to everyone what we got okay I'll go first this one oh no we have the candle man now my turn golden slippers nope it's a candle computer my turn I'll try to get the saxophone nope it's a baby alright I'll try my luck with the dog it's the bird okay um I know the bird now I got my bird okay I got the bird so I get the golden pyramid Hey look I have a hat on and my candle I know where he is kyndall man so awesome I also get a golden pyramid this is my golden pyramid okay I'll try my luck on the glasses nope oh joy my look on the slippers here no baby I'll try my luck on a saxophone doggie and I'll try my luck on the doggy which one was this one yeah I got my dog awesome pyramid oh no what yeah come on pyramid I know all my hair is pretty there alright now let's shuffle them a bit more did you do to do now let's see we can find our last three things blesses oh I didn't even know they were there I got the glasses hey I guess I'm the pyramid Queen alright Anya it's either you or tie to me alright but we'll still be sisters right I mean cousins yeah even though like if you lose and I win please don't be mad at me I won't be mad will still be cousins okay alright I'll try my luck on the slippers please baby I'll train you look on the saxophone nope alright I'll try my luck again Oh Anya uh-huh yes I found it IIIi found it III found it it's a snake I love snakes I found it which one was it oh that pyramid hmm shoot checked all right time for your dare okay what do I have to do you have to walk with the maximum pyramids on your head possible just have to put the pyramid on my head hey this is easy let's put another one wow this is actually very easy let's put all of them in woo oh no okay um I have to bend a bit so I have to walk straight pyramid on my head oh no wait you can do it else yeah come on now see we believe in you just pass me yeah pass Arreola or pass the cards and you'll be done you also got a golden pyramid thanks Hey look what I'm gonna do I'm gonna splash you okay funny let's do the water turn again and now for the grand finale let's make some bubbles for the pool party wow that was big if to get another one whoa it popped on our faces whoa Big O jumbo one look at that whoa this is so cool it's so big it's so big whoa look at this bubble do you really need to make more - yeah - everyone this bubble is gonna be for everyone but it popped before we could say everyone where everyone okay you make a bubbly bubble Wow that's so perfect look how big it is whoa that one's going towards the wall goodbye farewell I was the first winner so I get to jump on the bubble and pop it hit jumping jumping jumping in the bubble liquid let's do it up whoa Oh okay let's do more whoa this is awesome whoa whoa it popped whoa let's do it again no it was like a octopus I like octopuses whoa that one didn't pop yet yep I'm Ariana and I live in the sea I'm gonna jump here one two three it's so fun it's so relaxing it's like a foot spa wow that was a big one whoa as you've all won some games I will give you surprises I'll get my cell phone you can have Christopher Christopher will have this create your own Panda oh thank you very much I can have a panda huh rap on G you can have a magical picture bug oh thank you so much Ariela I love prizes else yeah you can have I mean onion you can have Oh a unicorn oh thank you a uniform else yeah you will have bunny bunny bunny czar better than unicorns what do what have last but not least you will have not just my son - thank you very much [Music] thanks for coming to my pool party you can open your surprises now and play with them oh thank you so much Ariela Oscar was my magical picture book she's thinking of a duck we have to find a duck see how mrs. duck is over here mrs. duck oh we have a little cat this duck is not there let's see the picture it's just a cat mrs. de ice Utah this is doc you're over there Oh silly mrs. duck why were you hiding such a silly place that's supposed ID mrs. duck duck hey see what's over here it's a cat I I guess it's cat oh it's a little kitten and last but not least I [Music] [Music] love the little caddy all right who else okay Tanya your turn we just have to take out the stickers oh and make this a mess here we need this unicorn okay oh look hmm I think she has some sunglasses yep sunglasses come on then we have this she needs some sunscreen we're gonna create our own we're just gonna make her look a bit like that one hmm yeah there's lots of things here oh yeah we have to give her the bottom who you want to cover and there we go she's so awesome I'll make myself a cute little panda hmm which one should I do all right I'm choosing this one to do we're just gonna give her the bandanna cute it's on the other side but whatever I'll put this on doesn't that burger look good looks so good I wish I had a burger right now so hungry one shoe and the other shoe and there we go this is such a cute one mine loves the Sun says she's not gonna wear any sunglasses because she's very clumsy and she forgot them at home my bunny forgot the sunglasses at home so she's not gonna wear honey here we have a top and the bottom and she is very nice so she loves everything okay let's make it snow one cuz I love snow oh let's give her this big jumbo hatch oh yeah give her this hat you'll be so cozy and give her her sweater or her outfit oh she's so warm isn't cheap she loves mints so she's gonna wear too warm boots I like going in my swimsuit in the snow because cold never bothered me or my mommy anyway the scarf and wait your turn okay well if it says create your own kitty I will okay let's give her this she's going to bed time so she's very tired she needs to be very tired and then what have this awesome not asked put it right there and we'll give her her sweatpants and her beautiful unicorns delivers oh she's so stinking adorable I love her so much oh thanks Ariela for inviting us to your pool party thanks for watching bye it's been so much fun bye guys
Channel: divernic doll adventures
Views: 41,469,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elsa, elsa anna, elsia ania, elsea annia, elsya anya, anna, elsa and anna, anna and elsa, elsa anna toddlers, pool
Id: _4e5FY7f7UI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 14sec (1814 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2019
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