Elsa and Anna toddlers go shopping at the supermarket and buy toys

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Parents actually hand this to their kids to mindlessly consume while they go off and do their own shit.

At least there's some actual morals, messages, satire and general entertainment and comedy from Spongebob Squarepants, Hey Arnold, Adventure Time and everything else that generally makes it onto television. This is actual garbage - this is "watch my daughter play with her plethora of toys and make nonsense up as she goes along" - Which is fine if a child wanted to enact it in reality, but simply watching a video of it for thirty minutes is just ridiculous.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/WutsUp 📅︎︎ Feb 09 2019 🗫︎ replies
here you go else yeah oh it's so cute and disgusting yeah but it's just a prank yeah it's just a prank toy hey it's your turn on yeah no no no I just showered oh all right I'll see it's your turn oh no it's not oh hi Elsa we're going shopping today yeah we don't like shopping it's boring oh it's not boring come on we need groceries please we beg you please what's so boring we'll buy you some toys we love shopping it's so interesting right oh yeah oh I don't know why we ever said it was boring it's oh so interesting yeah you can bring your dollies along if you want [Music] come on Annabelle come here into mommy's arms come on Lucy I love the dolls cuz they're me they have mechanics and they actually they can actually move I know yeah I love it or then feet come on Annabelle come on Lucy right let's get some trolleys maybe big ones yeah I'll get the blue one you get the pink one I mean it's our favorite colors after all mommy can we get small trolleys please for our dollies yes sure share though now we can get two trolleys fine you can get the toys though okay hey I'm gonna get the green line can you pass me my doll yet I don't really um oh yeah sure here's your dolly thank you come on dolly sit down there you go little dolly let's go looking can I get groceries fine you can get anything we need you just has to ask us Oh can you give me the shopping list yeah sure we have lots of copies here Thanks all right first on the list milk hmm do you want some milk definitely you obviously want some milk hmm you know we should get two cartons of milk [Applause] Hey I love that feature okay what else on the list Pepsi hmm they only say only one only for Elsa hmm but what about Mia Nastya we also want these stuff Santen coke coca-cola it would be good or Pepsi or sprite yeah I'm just gonna get some sprite for me so some Pepsi for Elsa and some fence up for us yeah maybe mommy you will want something maybe orange juice mommy always likes orange juice hmm and it's on the list here it says for Anna let's see oh I really wanted to get a kitten for my birthday cat food why you're not a cat oh yeah you're a human uh yeah but I want to have a kitten for my birthday and my birthday's tomorrow okay grab some cat food but we don't know what type it'll be I'm kidding so I let's get the junior right you're good at this right Junior junior I think this one's the junior right it's a senior oh wait this one's it okay okay okay sorry sorry let's see for Anya's birthday chocolate cake yeah on your loves chocolate cake perfect you shouldn't get so much cuz you know her the trolleys have limit mmm the clean ease maybe we should get some pizza hmm or some muffins Anya loves muffins I guess we should bring muffins because I mean for Anya's birthday if she loves muffins it's a must muffins are a must she also loves pizza hmm for her breath for her breakfast let's just get some chocolate flakes and pizza yes Pizza hi new pizza now oh okay calm down Elsa I know you haven't eaten pizza in like a month you love pizza but uh holy pieces we need what we need oh yeah Kristoff never shaves his face okay I'll just to buy some birthday presents for Kristoff yeah yeah definitely I'll just buy this this has been to be honest this is gonna be mine and this is gonna be LCS birth birthday present for Kristoff he's gonna look so nice without a beard tomatoes turkey some sausages yeah we definitely need those eggs over there definitely hmm let's see here maybe we need some cheese man ice cream honey hates ice cream let's see there's nothing over here that I like then maybe sausages yeah maybe sausages I'll just grab sausages and put it in my crotch all right this is so pretty yeah this is a big tub of ice cream we need this huh yes oh it's Nutella but it's still good I'll just eat the whole jar myself it's just so good Nutella yes so good all right let's see oh I need honest favorite coffee yep we need this I'm in charge of Anya's birthday presents and her birthday honors in charge of buying the real groceries and LCA is in charge of buying the toys so yeah oh no no toy toys oh no no wait hmm mouths newborn baby maybe I should buy something for mouths baby yeah it was mouths baby's birthday like yesterday so I have to buy a little ducky for mouths baby yeah it's gonna be so cute oh she's so cute oh there's a pool emoji down here Anya will definitely get that aroused yeah I need it for Anya's birthday this has to be a surprise so yeah I will hide it right here so on you can't see it Anya won't see it I mean she'll only see the coffee and then she'll move on to the next aisle okay hmm something else I also need to get her some Playmobil so let's see what play my wheels they have so they have the ice cream lady and the hot dog man okay mmm let's ask Anya what she likes first oh yeah oh hi Elsa what what is it um what do you like this hot dogs or ice cream hmm ice cream it's too cold in it always gives me a brain freeze so hot dogs let's see baby are you okay okay let's move on to the next aisle she didn't see the Pucci she likes hot dogs so I'll get hurt the hot dog man oh there's also kabobs okay I guess she likes kabobs I'm gonna tell Barbie to hide it in the storage room okay I mean they always have that in stores uh okay I'll go around here so okay onion snot Barbie can you please come and well hide this in the storage room it's for our nice birthday I'll come tomorrow to pick it up at 9 o'clock in the morning if you want us to know okay sure should I tell Anya about it that you're coming no no no no no it's a surprise okay sure just let me hide it here in the counter and the when no one is watching I'll just hide it oh wait I'll just go right now cuz no one needs um thanks to me babe so yeah be careful dolly not to fall off the chair Charlie prices and everything I need to get something okay let's see here blind bags yes I love penny Pond miss Mattie what else let's see los kitties yeah that's pretty cool [Applause] baby secrets yes hey mummy how many surprises can I have a couple P three sure you know what fine before huh fine but only four and you're not buying anything else today okay last surprise last surprise what do I want for my last surprise oh I know a board game or I should ask on you I'll just get lost kitties whoa okay be careful okay no go to pay mommy look what I chose awesome can you go to the cash register I'll pay okay Wow so many things I think I'm just gonna get the same as Elsa cuz and we don't want to fight mini fingerling ya know the first thing scarf is about them maybe there's baby secrets no it was and now baby secrets sorry and now lost kiddies yeah okay miss Elsie yeah just show her what I got I have to buy a little bit of meat so I will bring a shopping cart over there hop hop and I have to pull that out all right take it number it - okay I have to wait uh number two please oh that's me Oh would you like a bunch of sausages a turkey and basically everything you have oh okay I'll bring it to you because I guess I'm smaller all right there we go and that's the last of them have a good day ma'am here I need to buy some stuff okay hmm yes some banana stuff I'm gonna ice cream more banana ice cream yeah more banana Oh chocolate chip yes I need to buy this for me more chocolate chip for Anya yes this is perfect for LC yeah LC ellipses and Anya loves banana now first I need to get one pizza then another pizza and then some chocolate and I know how to buy more ice cream three tubs of ice cream and more pizza another pizza some ice cream sandwiches Oh another ice cream yes very good some fresh ice cream this is my favorite brand well let's get four of these more vanilla and chocolates yes oh definitely a milk bar oh that is just so good weird they don't have lots of frozen items so I'll just close it ma'am what don't you think you're buying a little bit too much you wasted all of our frozen items Oh nothing's too much I mean you need to get a bigger one like like that size yeah that should be that should be for all of the things that are your freezer so yeah three for the price of two I need to get this yeah but I mean there's not not nothing that I need like there's no small brushes or anything like that I mean I do want some shampoo so I should probably go over there Oh some fruit oh it's not pricey at all I'm gonna get something money carrots for $1 I mean carrots yeah I need carrots well get this little plastic bag from over here and open it get one carrot then I'll get two carrots another one another one I'm going crazy with these carrots I just love carrots and spin loves carrots yep all right there we go we're done with our shopping for carrots on the scales mm-hmm okay hmm two for the price of one I've gotta see this Wow shampoo I really need shampoo oh yes you you and you I need the whole collection and you okay so now I will be paying for two dollars because each one of them is one dollar and it's two for the price of one so I mean come on this is perfect hmm and these ones look very nice I'm just gonna buy a couple and I'm gonna pay a couple dollars cuz it's two dollars perfect lalala hmm two for the price of one do I need maybe some smoothies yeah definitely some jams milk yeah I need lots of things from this aisle I'm gonna get a little bit of yogurt and a little bit of cheese yep hmm these two are more expensive but I think they're better yeah some cheese and some more cheese lalala go over here oh I need to buy some cookies ma'am don't you think you're buying too much I mean yeah but is good but not so much you're gonna waste a thousand dollars on this shopping oh don't worry come on this thing's too pricey uh yeah well I guess you might all you want just in my opinion you're gonna wish all your money we have some cereal coca-cola yeah I definitely need water Pringles Vanna I'm gonna get some of these yep definitely some coke I'm gonna Fanta I'm gonna get water and Pringles definitely some Pringles some coke some water and Fanta Oh what else do we need these pretty cool yeah I actually like this magazine over here that's for display those are the real magazines oh the news Monster High this one is the one that I wanted up here I'm gonna get this one great hmm let's see more bugs okay I need a newspaper obviously what else what else oh this Barbie magazine and a monster hi magazine uh you're biting too much honor you know for free you you're you're just buying too much yeah you're right that's what I said and she didn't believe me believe she believes Barbie hello um yeah everyone here do not buy the whole store please because we do not have backup items yeah bye have a good day and one last thing yes cream plumber Bilson so I need this Playmobil set for Anya I'm gonna get Oh it's cake not ice cream whatever Barbie can you keep this clean 'mobile set fur on you everyone's buying this stuff for Anya but yeah sure oh no it's heavy this one's I mean yeah oh okay uh here you go oh yeah sure I'll definitely do that uh okay thanks oh I almost forgot the plastic cups and the plastic plates we need them for Anya's birthday I'm gonna have these two plates and these two these are for us and dunya and these are for us okay now the cups let's just put it inside Charlie and now the plastic cups so yeah like this this one's for else yeah this one's from us and which one's Virani a pink one obviously now the color for us and three more for else and Anya and Elsa obviously this is very nice well these are so cute we're done let's pay alright we're gonna pay the toys okay else yeah okay cash register opened you can come pay here if you want okay do you want to go pay here yeah sure all right here's the first thing any pawns all right oh they're pretty pricey beep here's my credit card okay PPP beep all right put the secret code over here beep beep beep beep beep here's the secret number it's already here you go on huh we're finally done here at the store let's go home good idea huh let's go I love going shopping yeah I know it's so interesting all right doll you sit down and get ready for opening open my penny Pond make this max blind bag first okay on you what do I have here who do I have look at her expression oh I love my cute dollies all right now it's my turn all right I want to get an else I want to get an elf or a sorry I got a she's so cool oh she's angry she's math and let's see the other expression oh she's happy she went format so happy and now let's change them now let's put it on her head oh she actually looks cuter with pink what about her I think she look cute over at the yellow yeah she totally does he huh maybe we should keep them like this good idea let's open up baby secrets okay it's my turn now to open something into yep I said I'm gonna open baby secrets suffice yeah all righty let's see what baby will get finally we got one bass one birth certificate I don't wanna baby within that with a nappy or a cushion on attack and it actually color changes so yeah she's painting that's why she's coloring that's why she's covering her head and we don't even know if she's a girl or a boy so you need to know how she color changes she color changes and that's how you know if she is a girl or a boy we need cold water so we'll check her later or him later we don't really know the gender that's all I'm gonna keep it on my side and now my baby see pits jams so excited cuz I want to get a limited edition or rare one I want to get a rare one baby secrets what which one will I get and I know why they call it baby secrets cuz there's a secret it did a boy or girl baby secrets we don't know if it's a boy or girl so let's take him out I mean he's a rare look he's with hashtag six like in the snow or something oh he can move his arms and his legs he couldn't he's like poseable and you can like I need to go to the snowman so cute and now for my fingerling minis I can't wait to open this and I can wait monkey suits looker fingerling nice he's so cute he's just stuck on your finger and you little purse or she has a little first oh yeah hmm we got Kate and this and he like my money right yeah I really hope there's an honor yeah I know my fingerling mini is so cute whoa this is so cute and look at me yes let's open my fingerling mini the unicorn gee I want a unicorn or something I got another monkey we got Cleo and she's rare hey um what about Kate is she rarer Kate is popular yep more like common hey Bo that's so cool I'm so glad we can play with fingerlings now yeah no I lost kitties it's the first time we open them I know right yeah this is gonna be so fun oh we got brown play-doh this time so now it will open it up right here we got brown we got brown and I think this is kind of this is definitely not common whoo this cleat is so cool it's almost like slime it's so sticky alright let's open it up and what key oh I always wanted to get this one we got Eugene and now we are going to see what else we got okay what accessory is this Eugene come on boy okay mods oh another well one of these it's a cucumber from caspere's to cucumbers I don't know he yeah look who's look he's looking away Garrick you cover it and he also comes with a guitar and a sticker my friend okay I really hope we get this moon with the hairdryer well it all depends with the color and we got way he's white is definitely common all right great now we are going to get out okay mmm-hmm it was really sticky be careful whoa so much who did we get in this white play [Music] and now what accessories do we get hmm we got hats it comes with a hat and up butterfly as a Play Doh hey let's see if our babies are boys or girls yeah let's do it here we have the cold water and rain below - yes even cooler heat and let's see what gender they are so let's start with this one all right huh it's pink wait Oh starting to get pink Lesley were flooding for a while oh okay she's doing a handstand she's pink so she's definitely a girl and maybe this one is a Polly if it's blue I will get super happy okay I think it's pink yep it's big I got pigtailed hit and my baby is also doing your handstands he thinks so that means she's a girl we post girls we have like little girls yay let's pour the water inside of their bathtubs no the other one Oh baby do you want to go in with them alright stretch a little bit and I'll baby goes in heat now my baby yeah baby and now my baby goes in and they're all playing huh don't forget to tell us in the comments what was your favorite toy and tell us in the comments if you would like to see my birthday party buddy or mine or any of our friends birthday parties bye
Channel: Superdoll adventures
Views: 13,209,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elsa, anna, elsa anna, elsia annia, elsya anya, elsa and anna
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 55sec (1795 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 04 2019
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