Elon Musk's CRAZY Statements About X.AI!

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imagine an AI model that can answer where we came from solve the unsolved theories of gravity and enhance our day-to-day life in ways that we couldn't even imagine the real life Iron Man Elon Musk recently unveiled some incredibly exciting news about his new AI project xali and a private Twitter space the talk unveiled some game-changing Revelations and from the looks of things xai is taking a completely different direction from other chatbots and with the mind and money of Elon Musk behind it it's looking like xai will quickly jump to the Forefront of AI technology upon its release in this video we'll break down everything we know about xai so far so you can see for yourself just how awesome it is and trust me you don't want to miss a second of this one so before musk went to Twitter to announce the big news he actually made it official on the company website in which he listed the goals for the project in summary it reads the goal of xai is to understand the true nature of the universe that's all the website says which isn't too much to go off of but musk did elaborate on this and his Twitter space but more on that later let's talk a little bit about the team though because it's clear that xai is also being developed by some serious smart cookies I mean I'm not there so they'll probably struggle just a bit but I'm too busy working on this channel anyways Jokes Aside here are the minds behind this new AI project straight from the website our team is led by Elon Musk CEO of Tesla and SpaceX we have previously worked at deepmind open AI Google research Microsoft research Tesla and the University of Toronto collectively we contributed some of the most widely used methods in the field in particular the atom Optimizer batch normalization layer normalization and and the discovery of adversarial examples we further introduce Innovative techniques and Analysis such as Transformer XL auto formalization the memorizing Transformer batch size scaling and mu transfer we have worked on and led the development of some of the largest breakthroughs in the field including Alpha star Alpha code Inception minerova GPT 3.5 and gpt4 musk has the ability to find great talent for all of his projects and he's constantly searching for new Talent worldwide and uses his team to fill the gaps in his own knowledge and that's exactly what he's done here he has recruited the Avengers of the AI world and no other AI project has such an array of talent behind it and with such a great team behind it you just know that this project is going to be a hit but what about AI safety in regards to this project as we all know AI safety is clearly a massive issue right now there are fears that AI could overturn Humanity Terminator style or cause havoc on a lower level by creating deep fakes and spreading misinformation musk is clearly versed in these concerns and had an interesting take on the situation firstly musk really honed in on the idea that he wants xai to be a truth-seeking AI model this does sound pretty confusing but what it means is that musk wants xai to be completely unbiased so unlike other models which are built from biased data and are told not to Give opinions on certain topics xai will always give the user a truthful opinion on any matter this means that the fundamental basis of xai is going to be completely different from anything we've ever seen before some may call this goal controversial others myself included would call this revolutionary must stated that creating a seeking AI is actually safer than other models like chat GPT and Bard he explained that minimizing the error between what the AI system thinks is true and what is actually true is a better approach because a truth-seeking model will actually enjoy human company and try to protect it must explain if it tried to understand the true nature of the universe that's actually the best thing that I could come up with from an AI safety standpoint he would go on to add I think it's going to be pro-humanity from the standpoint that humanity is just much more interesting than not Humanity he also suggested that trying to program morality into an AI system will more likely than not end up with AI thinking the inverse so by creating a truth-seeking curious model this entire morality problem can be bypassed so the safety question was addressed first and foremost but after this musk actually broke down the mission statement of xai he basically said that he wants the system to be able to answer at least one breakthrough question so clearly the goals of xai are far greater than any other AI system that we've seen before chat GPT can do your homework and Bard can optimize your search engine but none of these systems can answer fundamental questions of Science and philosophy musk is really dreaming big here and actually trying to use AI to its fullest potential it must explain that the fundamental question of physics is understanding the universe and as humans we think we understand a lot of phenomena but in reality we don't there are still unanswered questions on the nature of gravity and even the fact that there is no evidence of aliens whatsoever he also talked about the femi Paradox and how Consciousness is clearly extremely rare and that there is a small chance that any other conscious life exists in our part of the Galaxy if an AI model like xai is able to provide Clarity on these issues then our understanding of physics and the universe will be completely shifted to put it in most own words it would be great to know what the hell is really going on so let's talk about the AI development must has also used his genius to come up with something absolutely fundamental to AI development that has never been used before I'll summarize the quote directly from the interviews so you can get a clear picture we're not going to understand the universe and not tell anyone when I think about neural networks today it's currently the case that if you have 10 megawatts the gpus cannot currently write a better novel than good humans using roughly 10 watts of higher order brain power so we got a six order magnitude difference that's really gigantic one can argue that two of those orders of magnitude are explained by the activation energy of a transistor but what about the other four so we're really missing the mark in the ways that things are currently being done by many orders of magnitude if I look at the experience with Tesla what we're discovering over time is that we actually over complicate the problem I can't say too much but in Broad terms the answer is much simpler than we thought so what musk is kind of hitting here is that they've been able to get xai to think in higher orders of magnitude if an AI system can do this then the chances of it being able to answer the fundamental questions of the universe go up drastically we've been told that more information will be released about this discovery in a few weeks time so if you're interested in this then it's a good idea to follow the company on Twitter now what's the goal so the ultimate goal of xai is to make the AI system a useful tool for consumers and businesses right now it's unclear what this value looks like but upon its release we'll be able to see how the increased Intelligence on the platform comes into play in everyday scenarios must also mention how it's great to have competition in the AI space and more competition makes for greater development now there are some things said about the future as a matter of fact in the interview musk also had a few interesting points on the future of AI technology he mentioned that eventually we will run out of human created data so at some point AI will be able to create its own data and self-access this content it's likely that xai will use this at some point in the future he also touched on how xai will improve the self-driving capabilities of Tesla so if you got a Tesla you'll be in for a tree in the coming years but that's everything that you need to know about elon's most game-changing AI platform xai ultimately this system looks absolutely awesome the team the goals and the future plans for xai are bigger than any other AI system that we've seen before instead of just trying to help you complete your assignment on time xai will attempt to uncover the very fabric of the universe and answer questions that a human brain can't even comprehend of course we love to get your thoughts on xai so drop us a line or two in the comments below and if you enjoyed this video make sure to check out our recent analysis of the dangers of AI models
Channel: Tech Talk with Ben
Views: 922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elon musk, elon musk news, Elon Musk, X.AI, AI technology, AI safety, Truth-seeking AI model, Game-changing revelations, Artificial Intelligence, AI development, Neural networks, Innovation, Automation, Tesla, Technology, Breakthrough questions, Universe, Deepfakes, DeepMind, OpenAI, Google Research, Microsoft Research, University of Toronto, AlphaStar, GPT-3.5, GPT-4, Ethics in AI, Morality in AI, Future of AI, AI in everyday life, Visionary technology, Exclusive insights
Id: 61oznzwBUhY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 24sec (504 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2023
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