ELON MUSK STUNS Everyone With NEW Statements On AI (Exclusive Elon Musk Interview)

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so Elon Musk in a recent interview that wasn't even really about artificial intelligence did make some more concerning comments about artificial intelligence now I'm going to play a few of the Clips in which he talked about artificial intelligence because he's always sounding the alarm Bell for artificial intelligence in different domains and it's always important to understand exactly what he's saying break it down and see where the future of this stuff is really headed so let's take a look at the first clip what role do you think AI has in this grid of the future and the elect the Energy System of the future yeah I I teach that I'm worried about AI as you know it just if you've got some sort of digital super intelligence things can go wrong potentially you know it's just something we should not be Cavalier about we should be careful with digital super intelligence so this is is where Elon Musk starts to talk about digital super intelligence and this is something that we haven't really discussed that much because it's something that isn't far away but it isn't our immediate concern so digital super intelligence is essentially beyond the realm of human intellect so it's a concept that has been both lauded for its promise and criticized for its potential dangers at its core it refers to a form of artificial intelligence that doesn't just match human cognitive capabilities but vastly surpasses them in nearly every conceivable way now let's paint a picture imagine a computer system a machine whose capacity for Thought understanding strategic planning overshadows the collective intellect of every human who has ever lived it can out-think Us by processing complex problems at speed incomprehensible to the human brain it can out learn Us by absorbing in mere seconds and the knowledge that would take a human lifetime to acquire and when it comes to devising strategies be it for a game or something as complex AS Global economics or climatic changes it can out strategize us for seeing countless steps ahead and predicting the outcomes with unnerving accuracy the capabilities do sound something like out of a Sci-Fi novel but this but this isn't science fiction we are with each technological breakthrough inching closer to realizing this form of super intelligence however the question arises why should something so powerful so revolutionary be a cause for concern for starters the unpredictability of such an entity poses risks with intelligence that dwarves ours it becomes challenging to anticipate its actions or to control its motivations if it's objective deviate even slightly from what is beneficial for Humanity the results could be catastrophic moreover there's the existential threats to consider when humans are no longer the most intelligent entities on the planet our position at the top of the hierarchy is threatened we might find ourselves in a scenario where we are dependent on or even worse subservient to the very Creations we brought to life in essence while the potential advantages of digital super intelligence are vast and transformative is the profound unsetsy surrounding its implications that give many including Tech Visionaries like Elon Musk a reason to pause and reflect it see what happens maybe the biggest existential risk that Humanity has ever faced that's so I think we need to be very careful with it the concept of existential risk delves into the deepest fears of humanity it's not just about the loss of life or civilization collapse existential risks threaten the very essence of what we are and what we could become these are the threats that could obliterate intelligent life or perhaps more hauntingly significantly diminish its potential for Progress exploration and self-fulfillment the tapestry of human history culture and achievement could be unraveled or stunted indefinitely but where does AI fit into this daunting category of threat and why is Elon Musk among many other thinkers so convinced of its potential danger number one is the unpredictable outcomes at the heart of this matter is the unpredictability of super intelligent AI once an AI reaches or surpasses human intelligence predicting its actions become exponentially a complex challenge even with the best intentions programming a super intelligent AI with a the goal could lead to unforeseen and potentially catastrophic results if the AI interprets that goal in an unexpected manner number two is the loss of control the moment an AI surpasses human intelligence it might redesign itself optimize its architecture and augment its capabilities in ways that humans can't fathom such an entity could become quickly uncontrollable acting in ways that don't align with human values or safety number three is value misalignment even a slight misalignment in values between humans and a super intelligent AI can lead to Great outcomes if AI doesn't fully grasp or prioritize human values it might act in ways detrimental to humanity while still achieving its primary objectives number four is resource conflict an unchecked AI might utilize resources be it energy raw materials or space in its Pursuits with little regard for the broader ecological or societal consequences this could lead to the depletion of vital resources or catastrophic environmental impacts number five is the consolidation of power in a scenario where AI controls significant infrastructures communication networks or defense systems there's potential for misuse be it by the AI itself or by humans who wield its power such a concentration of capabilities could lead to oppression surveillance or even Global conflicts so Elon musk's concerns therefore aren't about the AI that we interact with today the voice assistance the recommendation algorithms or even the advanced robotics his alarms are raised towards a future where the ai's capabilities evolve to a point where its decision-making processes are far beyond our comprehension and its actions potentially beyond our control the Nexus of power intelligence and autonomy in such an entity could in the worst scenarios pose threats Humanity has never before encountered as well so I think we need to be very careful with it and I think we should have a we should have regulatory oversight because it is a potential danger to the public and whenever we have something that has a potential danger to the public we have regulatory oversight this is where Elon Musk decides to talk about regulatory oversight and this is something that we do currently need but since AI has moved so fast the laws just aren't in place to regulate AI yet which leaves lawmakers and policy makers scrambling to make the best loads effectively I want you all to take another look at this clip from the CEO of anthropic an organization that is partly and funded by Google in which they talk about how dangerous it is if we don't get air regulation under control we've identified and have a process for this we're from a regulatory perspective shooting in the dark and the final thing I would emphasize is you know I I don't think we have a lot of time you know I personally am open to whatever administrative mechanism puts those kinds of tests in place you know very agnostic to whether it's you know a new agency or extending the authorities of existing agencies but whatever we do it has to happen fast and I think to focus people's minds on the on the bio risks I would really Target 2025 2026 maybe even some chance of 2024. if if we don't have things in place that are that are restraining what can be done with AI systems we're going to have a really bad time so why is AI regulation so crucial number one we need to understand the essence of Regulation at its core regulating AI is not about stifling Innovation or putting a halt to technological advancements instead it's about installing specific safeguards checks and balances that ensure AI Technologies are developed deployed and maintained in ways that prioritize human welfare rights and ethical considerations number two is ethical foundations ethical dilemmas in AI range from potential biases and algorithms two decisions AIS might make in critical life situations like an autonomous vehicle regulation helps establish a foundational ethical framework ensuring that AI behaves in a way that resonates with societal values and moral imperatives number three is transparency and accountability without proper regulations it's challenging to understand how AI systems can make decisions leading to the so-called Black Box dilemma regulations can mandate a degree of transparency ensuring developers and organizations remain accountable for the ai's actions number four is avoiding monopolistic control regulation can prevent the concentration of ai's immense power within a few corporations or entities by ensuring Equitable access and preventing monopolies we reduce the risks of misuse and ensure broader societal benefits number five is data privacy and security often AI requires vast amounts of training data to function effectively and regulations can enforce stringent data protection standards safeguarding individual privacy and ensuring that your data isn't misused or mishandled so so on a plus side I mean it has the potential for creating a society of abundance so in the positive scenario there will be no shortages of goods and services there there will be almost free it's a strange way to think about it but I recommend reading Ian Banks the culture books that's probably the best future envisioning of AI that I've seen but with regarding to what Elon Musk is talking about in the culture series the book that he just mentioned AI is known as minds and it plays a significant role in the society and culture of this Advanced civilization these mines are hyper-intelligent sentient artificial intelligence that operate these Starships habitats and other infrastructure within the culture they have their own distinct personalities emotions and motives despite their Superior intellects and abilities they generally coexist with humans and other species in a benevolent manner so Banks's portrayal of AI in the culture series tends to be Optimus stick showing AI as entities with a sense of Ethics empathy and even humor so this is one future that of course we do want with AI but as we do know with AI it is something that is very very unpredictable and with hyper-intelligent digital intelligence we never truly know what we're going to create this interview was a bit refreshing to see some of Elon musk's newer takes but I think his message continues to remain clear artificial intelligence is going to be one of the biggest threats that Humanity has to face and since we're moving at such rapid speeds we do need to put those safeguards in right now
Channel: TheAIGRID
Views: 9,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UiP3kfZVG_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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