eloise bridgerton being her chaotic self in S2 (cc included)

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(Wii music plays) Lady Bridgerton: I shall need your help today. There is the dinner to plan with Lady Danbury to welcome the Sharmas into the family. Lady B: And then the engagement ball next week! Eloise: I am sorry mama but uh E: I am attending a lecture this afternoon. E: Flower arranging! E: Penelope's mama is forcing her to go and you have wanted me to find more ladylike pursuits. Benedict: (with mock interest) How long have you cared about flower arranging?- Eloise: I am an openminded woman, I can care about many things. (loud bang) Lady B: Mrs. Wilson! Colin: Ugh mother! Please! Not so loud. Lady B: Whatever you have done to your brother, undo it. (Benedict whistles) Colin: I may never reach your capacity for drink, brother. Benedict: It's a simple remedy. If you continue to drink, there can be no after effects. Eloise: If only you would use your powers for good. Lady B: Has anyone seen Anthony? (loud cheering soundbite) Soundbite of two boys saying: Yeah? Then, what are we? Man in soundbite responds: You boys!... Are the homosexual supporting cast! (technical beep) Eloise: What would you know about heartbreak? (Benedict scoffs) Benedict: I would not, really. Benedict: But I have... felt it in paintings. B: In a Gainsbury portrait or a... B: A Turner sky. Eloise: I, too, know what it is like to feel oneself an imposter, E: Pretending to be someone I am not. Oprah: I've never heard this from any gay person. Benedict: Would you like a companion? Eloise: What? (Scoffs) Of course I would not. Benedict: Because... Benedict: I'm apparently free? Benedict: Imposter party of two? Lady B: You have come thus far this season, it would be a shame for you to turn back now. Benedict: Steady? Eloise: And ready. Drag Queen, Alyssa Edwards: Well... (mouth pop) Lady B: Some more tea, My Lord? Eloise: Perhaps, some warm milk may be better. Young Lord: Oh! Are those marbles? What fun! Eloise: Might I go and read now? Soundbite of woman saying: Can you not be gay for five minutes?! Daphne: Yes, you're walking my love! Eloise: Away traveling for six months and now they take six hours coming down the stairs! Daphne: Oh, six is nothing when you're a newlywed. Colin: Perhaps we are to begin playing! Eloise: She-she's coming towards me... E: With a suitor. Penelope: And what if you said yes? Eloise: To a dance?! Penelope: Have you spoken to Colin yet- Eloise: No no no no no Lady B: Eloise! Lady B: I would like to introduce you to Lord Morrison Lord Misogynist ahem I mean Morrison: Miss Eloise! Lord Morrison: A pleasure. Lord Morrison: Might I have the honor? Eloise: (whispers) Of-of what? Lady B: Remember... Hosts. Eloise: You wish to be entertained? Lord Morrison: Miss Eloise- Eloise: Would you mind keeping quiet? I'm counting my steps so... Eloise: (quoting John Locke) "What worries you, masters you!" Lord Morrison: Ah! You have read Locke. Eloise: I have! Have you? Lord Morrison: Yes, it is required of all men past a certain age, surely. Lord Morrison: Not so much for young ladies. Eloise: (sarcastic tone) Because our feeble minds might collapse if we put too many ideas in them? (Lord Morrison laughs) Lord Morrison: With most of the ladies I have met that seems to be true Lord Morrison: Many of them cannot even articulate a thought! Eloise: I'm telling you, Pen, the season has barely begun and already I feel touched in the head! (Penelope laughs) Eloise: Another quill? E: You do get through them at an extraordinary rate. (theme from among us for the imposter plays) Eloise: Truly, I did not mind Whistledown's silence over the last few months as it finally gave me some time to read a few articles of substance. (Eloise clears her throat) Eloise: (quoting Mary Wollstonecraft) "My own sex, I hope, will excuse me if I treat them like rational creatures E: "Instead of flattering their fascinating graces." E: Wollstonecraft! RuPaul Contestant: I don't know what the f*ck she's saying, but girl I am living. (crowd cheering soundbite) John: Miss Bridgerton, perhaps this is not such a wise decision. Eloise: It seemed wise enough when you took half my pin money to escort me here. John: I will return it. This part of town is not safe for a young lady such as yourself. Eloise: Take the other half, keep a watchful eye. No turning back now. (loud rustling around the corner) Eloise: We know this is where Lady Whistledown prints her paper! John: We do? Eloise: Why did you think we were here? Theo: I think you might be lost. Eloise: I think you're evading my question! Theo: You never asked me a question. audio of a woman saying: I fear I may have girlbossed a bit too close to the sun. Eloise: What are those papers? Theo: Nothing for the likes of you. Theo: Perhaps you might get your trivial gossip from somewhere else? Eloise: Your assumptions are not the least bit surprising. E: After all, a woman is allowed have but two interests: E: Marriage or spewing slander about their peers apparently! E: It would certainly never occur to you that I am in fact hoping to find the writer so that we may discuss much more intellective matters. E: (in an edited deep voice) The rights of woman! E: The exploration of her mind! A mind which I can already discern is far, far superior to yours. E: Is the shock that you seem to be displaying at present due to the fact that I appear well-read and articulate? E: Or do you suffer from some medical ailment about which I should be informed? Eloise: I can accept certain mysteries. Eloise: I may never know how men came to be considered leaders when women are clearly better suited. E: My feelings about his feelings do not matter if I do not know for a fact what it is he is feeling. John Mulaney soundbite: "Now we don't have time to unpack ALL of that." Eloise: It is not too late. Eloise: You could say I collapsed! E: That I got something unmentionable on my gown, all the feathers affected my senses, anything, mama, to get me out of doing this. Lady B: My darling girl... no matter what you will always be a diamond to me. Eloise: Oh, if Penelope were here. Lady Featherington in an edited trembly voice: Penelope! Lady Featherington: How many times must I tell you to be weary of that window! Lady Featherington: Do you wish to appear like a befreckled beggar spending all day in the sun?! (mouse click noise) (technical beep) Eloise: Does this mean I can go? Lady B: I do not know what this means, darling. (Eloise chuckles) Daphne: Eloise! (technical beep) Eloise: Oh Pen! I am so glad to see you! Kathy Griffin: (urgent tone) I need to talk to a gay person. Man: Wh-What do you need? Kathy: I need to talk to a gay person! Eloise: Mama is already being insufferable! (Wii music starts again) Penelope: Well at least she did not see fit to dress you as a sunflower. Penelope: I declare a bee might mistake me for the real thing! (Eloise laughs) Suitor: Miss Bridgerton! Suitor on the right: May I request your next dance? Suitor on the left: Or I might accompany you to fetch some lemonade. You seem parched. Penelope: (to herself) How can you tell is she wilting? Suitor on the left: Or punch, if you prefer. Penelope: (to herself) A plant pun if you were wondering. Eloise: Apologies gentlemen but I regret to inform you that my dance card is already full! Soundbite of Billy on the Street shouting: Let's go lesbians, let's go! Soundbite of Billy on the Street shouting: Let's go lesbians, let's go! (technical beep) Hyancinth: I do not think she's very good. Benedict: I believe she can hear you. Eloise: I can hear you! (Lady B chuckles politely) Anthony: Stop fussing with your dress. Lady B: You look lovely, dear. Eloise: I look like a prize calf trust up for auction! (Benedict moos) Lady B: Even Daphne felt most apprehensive at her first official ball and look how well her season turned out. Eloise: (mutters) Alright, alright. Benedict: Come sister! The cakes at these occasions are surprisingly good. Benedict: (dreamily) Have you noticed, Col? Benedict: The twinkle of the candles it is- Benedict: It's as if- Benedict: (voice trembles with emotion) We sit among the stars. Eloise: What is wrong with you? Colin: -To see it in decades. (Benedict moaning) Woman in video: The hell? (snickering) Lady B: Benedict dear- Eloise: Something has apparently arrived for you. E: A letter, from London. Woman in video: Bitch you lyin! (screams) Benedict: I have a place. Benedict: The royal schools have accepted me as a student. Benedict: (yells) I got in! Colin: Uh, I thought they were not the arbiters of taste- Benedict: They must see great promise in my work! Benedict: Oh my- (Wii music stops) Benedict in an edited trembled voice: (shouts) You shall all bear witness to my taleeeeennntttt! Colin: (whispers frantically) Sssshhh! It's the middle of the night! (Wii music starts again) Eloise: He will be as insufferable now as you. Colin: Me?! Benedict: (to himself) I am honored... to accept... Benedict: (voice breaks) Your acceptance. Eloise: Do you think it will last much longer? Colin: Devil if I know. Eloise: It will be a boon to have another intelligent woman in the house. Benedict: Another?! Benedict: Mmm, your over counting. Lady B: Eloise- (Anthony groans) Lady B: Anthony! Soundbite of Tiffany Pollard saying: You look like a fairy princess... Tiffany Pollard: That resides over the pits of hell. (Dramatic note) (technical beep) Penelope: Eloise! Soundbite of Trixie Mattel saying: Hey flop! (technical beep) Eloise: Why do you think that is? Penelope: Because you have been reading too much Whistledown... Penelope: Her voice, it is echoing in your head, Eloise. Eloise: I thought so, too, at first. (technical beep) Queen Charlotte: Lady Bridgerton! Miss Bridgerton! Queen Charlotte: Such a shame your presentation at court was so rudely interrupted. Eloise: It is a delightful ball, Your Majesty. Eloise: Very diamondy! (chuckles) Eloise: Though I must admit, I am more of an emerald person, myself. (Eloise clears throat awkwardly) (Queen Charlotte bursts out laughing) Queen Charlotte laughs: Oh-ho dear. (technical beep) Kate: Can I ask you something, Miss Eloise? Eloise: Did I purposefully make the third wicket two inches narrower than last year? Eloise: Yes I did. (technical beep) (Lady Bridgerton cooing at the baby) (Baby Augie begins to cry) Colin: Do not mind your Auntie Eloise. She's too busy reading to notice anything else, as usual. Eloise: Is it not nap time? Eloise: Perhaps Uncle Colin can lull you to sleep with his many, MANY tales from his travels. Colin: Yes, I seem to be missing the peace and solitude of the Greek Isles already. Daphne: Enjoying your brief respite- (technical beep) Colin: Perhaps some fresh air will be just the thing- Benedict: (whispers) Flask! Eloise: Perhaps the archbishop's talk of lifelong covenant overwhelmed her. Perhaps Miss Edwina realized that marriage is in fact a prison for women. Colin: Ugh, must you always be so... Colin: you! Eloise: Who else should I be? Eloise: Married and silent? Gregory: Perhaps she decided she must change into a different dress- Hyacinth: THAT is absurd! She looked beautiful- Benedict: Perhaps- Eloise: My rebellion... is not some party dress I put on to play a part, Mama. Eloise: And it is certainly not some accomplishment I have developed like- Eloise: Singing or... painting to help me attract a suitor! Eloise: (emotional) I- I- Eloise: Know- Eloise: I am a disappointment to you, so, just allow me to take my leave and go to bed. Interviewer: You're so creative. Where do you get your inspiration? Lady Gaga: Um... God and the gays. (technical beep)
Channel: sommer.sunshine
Views: 174,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eloise Bridgerton, Bridgerton, Anthony, Anthony Bridgerton, kanthony, benedict, benedict Bridgerton, lgbt, Netflix, Daphne Bridgerton, Simon and Daphne, Kate and Anthony, Anthony and Kate, polin, Penelope featherington, featherington, Colin Bridgerton, Colin and Penelope, Penelope and Colin, benedict and Eloise, Bridgerton brothers, Bridgerton season two, Bridgerton season 2, simone Ashley, claudia jessie, Jonathan Bailey, Nicola coughlan, Luke newton
Id: lyAaK8jJZ7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 05 2022
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