Colin being in denial with his feelings for Penelope II Season 2 Edition #bridgertonseason3

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[Music] Colin my brother no not Colin Colin glad to see things have not [Music] changed brother brother I believe must get you to the do I'm upset strange fuzzy growth on your chin is no doubt some kind of disease and he seem to have taken to the sun too how peculiar I think he looks I'm not 2 in taller than Gregory you are not as you can see we can't as you can see we can't as you can see we can't pen oh Colin we did not get a chance to speak this morning we did I said Colin but then again there was nothing of not oh stop you making me flush you read and reply to more of my letters than anyone else I suppose I did though there was always so much more to say than one can put on to the page pen how have you been well I have been well and you do not answer that I know who you and that is love quite exhilerated also Lely perhaps well I was never on my own of course I see you met someone bet I finally found you you always do you've been back in matter of hours yet you're already in my way how I've missed you too well I can't believe that it's finally me and you and you and me just us and your friend Steve Steve pardon me so what will it be for you tonight a song a jig some hidden hoop rolling Talent you've yet to share with the world I'm afraid I'm just a spectator you must tell me the name of the young lady who seem to have met well out of the country what can you mean you mentioned at the races you were never lonely I only assumed of Mind look there really is someone hoop rolling tonight you were right I was not exactly lonely on my travels I did begin a real conversation with someone someone I had known for a very long time and yet after everything that happened with Miss Thompson I realized I never truly knew this person at all myself yourself I have you to thank your letters were so encouraging I thought if Penelope can see me this way then surely I I can too this man I cleared my head swore of women and love and well I only wanted to fully understand myself before stepping back into this world youve sworn off women then for the time being I am a woman you are pen you do not count you're my friend your friend how good to hear [Music] that day oh pen oh you were finally here with only my own family to speak to I'd begun talking to the trees is she calling me wooden I do not think so now these two you're getting into Dangerous Waters out that side of town I have tried to dissuade her from it perhaps you can convince her while I'm gone today where are you going they joining the men on the hunt I'm not I have decided to pay your cousin a visit in [Applause] facton I rather think I'm not the only one getting into Dangerous Waters Eloise Penelope I think you will find we have much to offer the young ladies [Music] [Applause] [Music] today Colin Marina uh Miss Thompson lady crane you to come by it was good of you to have me as well everything is well with sir Philip then I take it I suppose you can ask him yourself my Lord you have caught our visitor before he departs this is Mr Colin Bridgeton oh Mr Bridgeton sir Philip crane pleasure to meet you at last H yes uh your wife has been kind enough to let me drone on about my recent greas and Adventures you were in Greece mhm did you visit the olive Watchers in lesvos I certainly did I oiled my way right [Music] in is getting late and Mr Bridgeton won't you need to return to your family oh yes yes of course I lost track of time thank you for your hospitality s philli you're always welcome he is most amiable [Music] I'm sorry and that I forgive you as well I do not need your apology any more than I desire your forgiveness all of this you and I is in the past so it seems but you not look at your life and wonder what may have been if we had conducted ourselves different that is a Fool's form of torture I have left the past behind you should do the same nor am I angry you are a boy caught up in his own fantasies emotional damage Marina you need to wake up Colin now that's a lot of [Music] damage if you would simply open your eyes to what is in front of you then you might see there are those in your life you already make happy and who would that be you have your family you have Penelope yes yes yes Penelope you have many people who care for you seek them out because your future will certainly not be found in the past with me very well goodbye right now but that was awesome we uh missed you at the ball last night yes I fear I was not feeling up to it after seeing Marina it's okay to not be okay right now perhaps seeing her was what you needed to leave the past behind to no longer feel the need to forear women lady crane said she was content but I cannot help but feel like well we were all so hard on her myself included perhaps if Lady whistle down and don't rush to print her gossip things may have turned out differently for her for all of us in fact what is it as if the featherington did not have enough to be dealing with Miss Marina Thompson is with [Music] child but I suppose there is no Ed dwelling on the past I am indeed thinking of the future pardon me B I want to do it stop hiding you hiding forever Ricky when I catch you Ricky Ricky when I catch you Ricky Ricky when I catch you Ricky your sister seems happy that is one way of putting it the new Lord featherington seems an interesting fellow a man of Commerce is he not yes he has Ruby Minds in America they are flourishing I here well perhaps I should introduce myself after all everyone else is finding some purpose to their lives Anthony is to be married Benedict has his artistic Pursuits and well here I am feeding the Ducks well I'm sure the Ducks are most grateful and you have a good deal of time and plentiful opportunities to make your mark As Eloise would no doubt remind me another one another one it is a wonder I found the two of you the all this opulence is it not perhaps the queen requires our attention in new ways which the crown is quite heavy perhaps she seeks to prove herself still significant and equal to task is that not the plight of all mankind I believe it is cause does not matter nearly as much as the truth one must make a name for oneself this life is to mean anything at all no Pursuit thank you it is surprising that you and Eloise remain so familiar when you cannot be less alike what can you mean you have sense baby I'm not even here I'm hallucination I celebrate you drink you succeeded already fallen only if whatever I'm looking for can be found at the bottom of this flask I am certain you will find your purpose one day everyone must eventually have you found yours of course not but imagine something very animated and satisfying the type of end that speaks not who I am but rather who I am to be my purpose will challenge me to be brave and witty my purpose will Propel me far beyond the watchful glare of my mama by purpose she'll Set Me Free what could possibly measure up to all that I love I love you [Music] I never wish to be parted from you from this day on your dreams are grander than you let on then yes they are mere fantasies but I do believe we must allow ourselves those private moments so that we may face reality armed with our Ries lady crane was right about you lady crane what did she say you have Penelope that you you cared for me that you would never forsake me I'm beginning to believe that now ah the lady of the [Music] hour Colin cousin Jack I was just telling Lord featherington that my interest in his Minds was sparked quite naturally when I viewed that Exquisite necklace you wored my brother's wedding oh was [Applause] it all right all right all right I shall eagerly await your response the rest of the ton is dazzled by your exploits I only wish to be two will do you see me out [Music] yeah I did not know you fancied yourself an investor no even I did not yet I'm beginning to think differently I mean we're just friends friends highly of my family I'm not in the habit of Consulting with those are hold in low esteem I never thought of it like that I understand our relationship has taken shape so naturally over the years one could take it for granted you have always been so constant and loyal pen I do not believe I deserve such praise for my loyalty there something trouble you I all oh I almost forgot perhaps I might rely on your loyalty one last time until this agreement with your cousin is confirmed I do not wish for words to get back to Anthony could you avoid telling anyone especially Eloise I know there are no secrets between you two but Mr Bridgeton I did not know we had a caller today Miss Penelope was just seeing me out while I have been talking her to death about matters so foolish I would blush to share them with anyone else [Laughter] [Music] how dare you you realize you're dancing with a ruined Bridgeton Miss Kaa I enjoy keeping people alive and I enjoy that beautiful necklace you're wearing a gift from Lord featherington wait a minute pretty sneaky sis 17 rubies in fact you go jealous Mr pent does they except your class was broken is it might amended for you the bridg invalid has a away with jewelry you would not be making up an excuse just to call on me would [Music] you come here I can see what's happening what and they don't have a clue oh you did it Colin it could be thought quite scandalous for the two of us there are no gemstone mines in Georgia your cousin Lord featherington I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this pen but well I have looked into him I believe he is nothing but a mere charlot that's not what I'm asking you for I'm right then this necklace Mr Bridgeton what is the meaning of this the meaning [Music] is that this necklace is a fraud made of glass just like you how dare you take advantage of these poor ladies featherington hit it all right big fella let's crash this party I expect you to return all of the funds you have collected and leave town at once that's what I'm talking about call it you all right I believe so good because we are [Music] dancing I have been rehearing that speech in my mind for hours your cousin can thank you enough for I will always look after [Music] you boy you got me hooked out to something who could say that they saw us come and tell me do You Feel The Love So This Is Love So This is Love You Seen Eloise Eloise pruc I'm not sure I'm ready for this alope Feathering the way you were dancing with her looked rather interesting what bro what are you talking about man you cting the G brid are you mad I'm so sick of these people you know oh I would never dream of go te P not in your wildest fantasies five the war is on Avengers Assemble [Music]
Channel: YAN NIE
Views: 98,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bridgertonseason3
Id: _um1oTAtqtA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 48sec (1128 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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