lady featherington being a tasteless, tactless mama for seven and a half minutes straight

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miss prudence featherington miss philippa featherington and miss penelope featherington all presented by their mother the right honorable lady featherington three misses foisted upon the marriage market like sorrowful sours by their tasteless fighter lamar tighter easy to breathe mama i was able to squeeze my voice into the size of an orange and a half when i was prudence's age your sister shall do the same [Music] it is only the queen's eye that matters today i should not be surprised if this whistle down is revealed to be violet bridget and herself these pages certainly report on the vikantes family with much indulgence indeed martin yes volley ladies hurry with your miniatures before our guest arrives and penelope put down that book at once you shall confuse your thoughts it's lucky her gentleman agreed to a hasty marriage after she went and ruined herself light skirts well how much competition can this cousin provoke she came of age on a farm she has a mere four-figure dowry and as for her appearance well let us hope miss thompson is more presentable than the legions of unkempt animals she has spent her entire life tending to back home marina thompson a distant cousin of my husband's she's rather dowdy is she not duke i would recognize him anyway no where are you that man's not an administration make haste before he should see ms thompson let me introduce my daughter ms prudence featherington miss well you should have my colorful fashions to thank for miss marina thompson should you not be out on your daily walk about the square it appears as though it may rain wonderful wonderful gentlemen thank you for your calls do not forget to bid prudence philippa or even penelope so well as you go she must be overjoyed miss thompson's so high in her instep that she's unable to don her own slippers i should think not back you can farm madam as if lord featherington would ever allow her mama might go play with halloween he does not play penelope give me mama might i go promenade for suitors with eloise very well then penelope has inquiries about miss thompson's condition i beg your pardon i know mom why is mrs thompson to be kept away because her condition is catching penelope featherington what did i tell you about cavorting with the expectant pepsi to get measurements wrong mrs thompson has a fondness for cake a reducing doubt will work wonders for her i'm sure lord middlethorpe you simply must meet miss marina thompson philippe allow us to view some of the paintings over here oh i just had a brief question to ask marie no no it's not time penelope you are a meddlesome little wedge and you clearly do not understand the gravity of your situation that will need to change her needlework is divine and of course she sings and plays the piano forte very prettily show me a smile girl i beg your pardon your teeth i want to see them is she simple-minded goodness no oh you are drawn miss thompson um show lord rutledge your lovely smile you cannot be serious dare you conduct yourself in such a brazen manner do you see now what i must endure daily my lord lord rutledge miss thompson has spent all afternoon telling us how eager she is to converse with i don't need a conversation ms thompson you'll be delighted to know that lord rutledge is no longer available he is engaged as of this morning that is how terrible i have asked miss marina thompson to be my wife and she has accepted turn please profile swish swish good please you must call me a violet now remember miss thompson is such a proper young lady i'm sensing a honeymoon in foreign parts yes indeed i believe a honeymoon in foreign parts would be just the thing mr bridgeton you might even make the most of this fine weather that we've been having if you choose to marry sooner rather than later in all honesty it is like a battlefield well in all honesty i ought to make you come along to cough and splutter all evening it would serve lady gart's side right she has been withholding a dinner invitation from me and now look not a day after miss thompson's announcement and they all come crawling [Music] okay lady bridget is this not a dreadful circumstance for us both to have been so duped by that scheming hussy to think that miss thompson would take advantage of my kindness after i opened my home to her you must believe i had no idea of i'm so glad you thought to visit us you grace i feel your mother was rather heated at the luncheon but of course if you've come to offer an explanation of course my hand ladies will have to hear about the wondrous festivities the next day seeing how they did not receive an invitation prudence in particular is in tears about it is she not mrs varley oh absolute watering pot that one respectful marriage miss thompson what a fine thing sir philip inherited the crane title he has a perfectly adequate estate to support you and perhaps your distant cousins everything works out in the end oh and philippa perhaps mr finch might even reconsider his proposal now that um you have your diary again who's here you must heed most one can never know the truth of a marriage hiding behind closed doors
Channel: redpanda1203
Views: 602,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -TEad30nRi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 28sec (448 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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