Elizabeth R - Full Documentary (1992)

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the State Opening of Parliament the Lord great Chamberlain Bear is the Imperial state crown into the robing room the crown is the ancient symbol of supreme authority for 40 years it has been worn by Queen Elizabeth the second it was in Kenya on February the 6th 1952 that the Queen heard of her accession to the throne her tour of the Commonwealth castle the princess we knew as a girl and watched in the even growth of her stature comes back to meet her ministers as Queen over the great lands that for 15 years acknowledged her father as head in a way I didn't have an apprenticeship my father died much too young and so it was all very sudden kind of taking on and making the best job you can it's a question of maturing and into something that once God used to do and accepting the fact that he a war and it's your fate because I think continuity is very important it is a job for life continuity and tradition the queen is now one of the longest-serving heads of state in the world the ceremony of monarchy does not change but behind the pageantry is a different world November 1990 it's 9 o'clock in the morning and the Queen's pipe major plays on the terrace of her London home Buckingham Palace a daily ritual begun by Queen Victoria 150 years ago beyond this forty acre garden it's a season of discord Iraq has invaded Kuwait and holds Westerners hostage there's a threat of war but for the three hundred and sixty-eight people who work at the palace it's business as usual this morning the queen spends more time opening letters than Parliament's today's business brought to her by her private secretary Sir Robert Fellowes includes a last look at the script of the Christmas message voice sounds a little bit better man yes it's getting better just snow job though well it's a as a lot of people got it I think it's rather difficult to avoid getting I know ma'am you've got the latest text I think of the broadcast which I've been having a go out over the last week or two and I did incidentally as show it the other day to the prime minister who who seemed on the hold like it he had one or two rather good suggestions which I'll come to as he goes drew yes I did mention it to him they the difficulties of trying to get something at this particular juncture in live the Gulf is get a bit uppermost in everyone's mind and I think they'd be amazed if it wasn't the first thing you turned to anyway and I and I hope it's not too gloomy that the tricky businesses of course is the hostages who have been nearly all like by then I suspect and the foreign secretary is very keen to mention the ambassadors they had now looks as if the chap and Kuwait is going to be out by and seeing the pips today he's going to come out and hook you Walker I think I'll still be in Baghdad and that was the plan which doesn't have all those people in tents in his garden no and use them he's not doing his own cooking either I think the contentious bit I think is the next paragraph well maybe maybe one might soften it down a vision balance and vociferous is to be sure I think what YouTube is right it sounds a bit too Churchillian nothing wait yes it's also very difficult to say once vociferous all right would you happy with that but at least we managed to mention Christmas yes November the 30th the Royal Train is on its way north yes equally I mean it I feel sorry supplying the role of an angle among the support team of a dozen or so is Charles Anson the Queen's new press secretary and Richenda Elton's one of her ladies-in-waiting the party also includes the aquarium now Stewart Wilson the Queen makes about 30 of these away day visits a year every detail of the two-day trip has been checked on the spot by one of the Queen's staff in this case the deputy private secretary Sir Kenneth Scott once a see arrival and mr. Gibb did president is going to present you with a rugby ball and six rugby jerseys for the grandchildren of all assorted sizes the girls even to the girls yes he stared again for girls to wear ugly Jersey um I look back outside and then a plaque outside the changes this is small children rushing about into each other in the combat room and then another plaque in the main lounge downstairs there will be four tables with staff and residents sitting at them and that each table there will be two vacant chairs and the ideas that you and Rajendra would move from table to table I'm going to talk to people while they're sitting down will be a little easier for average then another planet another track I don't think you can stay in London all the time you have to visit other parts of the country to either find out what's going on or try and encourage people in different areas some of which have unemployment some of which have new factories and I think the possibility of meeting more people is very important a lot of people don't come to London very often so we travel to them instead you four plaques to town halls one sports center one no ship one new bridge and one you buy pals later the day ends at a retirement home in Hickman WAC Yorkshire this is not the Queen as head of state nothing in the Constitution says she has to come here she's here as head of the nation the personal focus of people's loyalty and affection you're your resident here I live here oh hey listen ma'ams no do i yes it was just somebody the Hammonds let these ladies have come temporarily today thank you that they hospitality is being refurbished so really I see you met you had to come come yes they look after you well but then absolutely you haven't wrong yeah yes they might be rather nice did better yet now we'd all shaved off of you though well I want you to try and remedy that winter yes I wish a Charlie dude Annie's lovely dissin we do not leave all being run here for some time no huh now give it down the wireless or 20 year in date oh you must be yes back to pageantry and ceremony back to Buckingham Palace a formal welcome to another head of state there are usually two such visits a year though a foreign head of state will be invited once only during his time in office today hey the Queen's guest is Francesca Kosygin president of the Republic of Italy now is the time for the exchange of gifts and honors it's a way of tempering the formality of a state event with the friendliness of a family occasion your official business thank you very much from yes which is a present which is given a great deal of pleasure I'm very pleasure for me and this is a this is a slightly more personal present thank you absolutely about China which is typically pretty history of it is is in there but I hope it will remind you your is easy out this format is for your wife oh thank you very much is this whole there's no lock o'clock this this is John thank you thank you boys Maithili future dude afraid you get that as well don't very beautiful boys yes don't brother good for most so do you know that I love the books Thank You Vanessa thank you like super-close oh this is love isn't it they stopped ordinate important let's big item theater in Rome a stranger the season of gifts it's the week before Christmas and the Regency Rome at Buckingham Palace has become a small television studio to record the Queen's Christmas message all we need is something unobtrusive a huge great come on all the emotions there the Queen made her first broadcast on children's are in 1940 this year the producer is David Attenborough the stars of his films don't often use scripts and teleprompters no Lucas that's right away I seem too easy it's for you it's Rawls for the radio reading fashion and run through the words mm-hmm please why so sitting up all right to live yet such background yes it doesn't it I mean Johnny like me the orphan who comes in there yes it's right one of you Reina great invention of obscene forgotten when you're ready man over the years I have dwelt on the happier side of life in my Christmas broadcasts we need reminding of it particularly at Christmastime but it seems to me that there is one deep and overriding anxiety for us all on which we should reflect today that is the threat of war in the Middle East the servicemen in the Gulf who are spending Christmas at their posts under this threat are much in our thoughts this year there have been I hope times of happiness and good cheer for most of us my family for instance has been celebrating my youngest grandchild christening I hope that all of us lucky enough to be able to enjoy such gatherings this Christmas will take time to count our blessings the nannies were sitting in the next yes is them he wanted that hasn't secured it's quite happy which is with the children musically very happy lovely smile you want the rest of it any more Sandringham two days before Christmas the christening party of Princess Eugenie of York the Queen's sixth grandchild and sixth in line to the throne in fact ten of the first eleven in liner here that's quite funny right off you go put it up time good morning your majesty and well yes yet another one will be oh so you're just standing here rocking will be fun don't you wake bigger way just right here good morning your outfit just as in a lie everyone's in shock that's not look to be here we've got a young man behind we can't see it we can you come a bit forward maps left front and we register don't quite see it you said you just stand back thank you since it's an autopsy curricular get ready hooking the camera body Thank You lovely Sandra and resume an escape place but it is also a working place and a commercially viable bit of England I like farming it's not very easy ladders I like animals I wouldn't be happy if I just had arable farming I think that's very boring but I suppose that because it's inherited place one's no need ever since one was a child I knew how much my father had had but enjoyed it but in fact all my family ever since King Edward bought it it they've all enjoyed being there and they've very very much involved with people who live on the estate said that man has a responsibility towards them very much I have the stunts that to which is my sort of responsibility and that I enjoy doing King Edward put the stud there he enjoyed racing and I think we've all enjoyed racing but it isn't a profitable venture at the moment because the problems of racing is a very great but I think that one always rod as a human being one always has hope and mine always has perhaps the gambling instinct one's horses can be better than the next man's force that's why one guys I'm doing it I know he must have knocked it because no no could he couldn't if it had been a proper tendon injury it wouldn't have got better the penny because he if he hadn't done that he you should have won the Derby I mean beat the Derby winner twice your Darby's second twice you can see those mares right over in the NRA you see um expansive you said me know good eyesight yeah I suppose is b-school missing it's a very level walk yes know another thing you see nearly nearly am reaches it I mean he's very very nearly careful there's what minute flat feet and of this business very reveling downs not anybody considered all yes Lee we can all right we've done the whole we got the rough ones that's a secret police superintendent under arrest something like catching chief to prevent the poaching rabbits is it perhaps have a go this IV on the bottle of these trees these we've found yes well kidding then we will put it off when it's all died down my grandmother's day that would never beat any ID anywhere she's passionate hmm although we go to the kennels now ma'am all alone yup - dummy where'd you put it - oh yes I said travel isn't a lot watching during the summer you see when you're training or not have to sit down no is this doll museum crew you'll probably go back Ray you're not supposed to do that I won't yeah good way I'm not yeah but then again do your stuff ray oh oh good now come back to here and then we'll walk them down the way is it your granny - okay come along the Queen spends Christmas and New Year at Sandringham but wherever she is one of her three private secretaries is always in attendance Sir Robert Fellowes his son of the land agent who once ran the estate here at Sandringham City broker for 14 years he's married to the Princess of Wales elder sister Jane like the other day was nor was the two little ones and it's a very very long yeah is it yeah - and our Father is quite long Greenwich oh now it looks as if people have come alive after a long gap yeah I got quite a lot just on the top here listen Christmas cause you might have to see that's some yep no they give the one several signings man there's some couple of remissions the first one is a very unusual one in this chap discovered something rather strange going on and in fact he got two good marks and so he's getting remissions even aid got a fairly long list of offenses himself missing anything to do with the strange ways is really interesting then the other one is a chap who who helped type when there was obviously riot at some time the natural talent Defense League man they wondered if though if in order of that Santino you become patron of the charity as a whole had my doubts ma'am about adding to your 800 or patronage ease at this stage particulars you have the RSPCA and the dogs hands as well national canine defense league I didn't know much about the MOU and I could find out a bit more thought it was an excellent idea in London the palace feels cut off by the snow tried on Thursday night dirt into the rothschild in Holland Park leg Brook where wasn't sent out at 8:00 yeah girl Sarah quarter to ten that's yes yes I think must be Nick just next door to where we live I think yes yes that's right I heard all kinds of terms I can reproach do some basic weight and return run into him she said I couldn't was never couldn't get I'd probably better just go on see the balloons are still stuck in the tree there yes we were asking we were trying to get the keeper of the Privy Purse take a shotgun out there are pretty no problem better than along true yes but they don't awful but then because they just be little bit of shredded yes like after the here good green petrol yes they hit the trees and exploded the dorms absolutely follow daddy balloons okay that's a devil there are over 20 billion portraits of the Queen in existence if you can't stamps coins and banknotes the painter of this extra one is Andrew Festing son of a field marshal did your father paint no it was more suitable duty but he was I do get it from here mom and I his I think I get it from his side now he was quite honest that's right is using the many connector but he also could explain about what you know his collection that was warm so clever yes yes when to me thought I was personally pistols them there's some things any non war over Nadal but tell him explaining to fascinating is they real things to him objects of years you couldn't he could almost imagine who'd who would have used yes yes he was a mentor how the same was better he was when he was relatively old they used to give walks I've tired carrying all these old guns and pistols in his pockets granny always traveled everywhere with was a powerful focused on steep software in some pocket he whenever he came to London leaves with carry them in the Train so he lived this soft fantasy life almost because he was some heat in century character I think but there probably explains how so many pistols of disappeared some sales sales catalog people do things like that they think there's somebody else we're all for those Cooper didn't know he didn't not know like him the gas lamps are lit for the palaces grand is party of the year the annual reception for the diplomatic corps with 1300 guests foreign diplomats are accredited to the courtesan James that is to the crown not to the government something very wrong with it are you agree okay that's all right you gotta listen cousin thistle if whistle is right now do you think they're ready yes ma'am they are indeed ready and the list that was submitted to by the marshal they're all present other than the unfortunetely the ambassador for Chad isn't able to be present otherwise everybody else yes and the poor they're Kuwaiti ambassadors wife is unfortunately she's not here to defend her brother has died no she's will be murdered lining the picture gallery and six other state apartments are some 130 ambassador's in order of diplomatic precedents the Iraqi ambassador is not among them the ambassador of Kuwait medicine nice to see you enhance very sorry huh thank you Dad family problems I guess I thank your majesty of taking lots of that thank you for your kind words yesterday about my country well take a great interest hips hips - all will be well ambassador of Senegal your majesty Peter toss a reindeer war in the Gulf looms closer Bali Allah this is a one-day visit by the Queen's flight to RAF la Brook in Germany tornadoes from La Brook are being prepared for action in the desert on this occasion the advanced reconnaissance has been carried out by the Queen's assistant private secretary Robin Jan bring this is all indoors theirs are indoors yes we will go into their conference room which is on the edge of the for a presentation from captain Buckland who will concentrate very much on what they've been doing for the girls the the little girl is called Bree and I'm sure that that's hard to pronounce and then they have a very large to these two large schools and they'll have all the children outside the officers mess they're children from the station yes yeah from the station civilians and under service personnel at least I think most of them Andre and the age by 13 the the timing there is a little bit tight I think it's no shaking hands around there in groups lunches straightforward when he had we the aim of the next two pages is to drive you pass some of the to see a few of the aircraft taking off then to take you to one big hangar where they pour with all the displays which enlisted to one one area and at each display delis on refigure arms sad that the so much the square it's not a very pretty early it's very ugly but it's a very Clinton the one thing about me mr. day good night and bandwidth with quite a powerful it's the weapon character position I'm a Jeanette is BBC news at midnight this is Simon Vance the American military and Saudi Arabia has just announced that war has begun with Iraq there's been no confirmation yet from Washington earlier reports from Baghdad said that anti-aircraft fire started up in the city a short time ago correspondents in the city report trails of tracer fire and starbursts all over the city with the outbreak of war on January the 16th a special royal visit to Portsmouth has been quickly arranged HMS Cardiff and HMS Gloucester are now in the Gulf and other ships are getting ready to go some wives haven't seen their husbands for months what does your husband later he urgently in the first overly in a living car nearly a short time that came back so it's just waiting to hear now there and it's going to be a debt really is this so first question is a question two days time wishes thank you very much ma'am the Queen's grandfather father husband and two of her sons were in the Navy so she and Prince Philip find themselves in familiar surroundings in HMS Nelson thank you for missing the Christmas Day speech my husband was sitting on the world service only but it was really pleased that you'd remembered them any what you said if you get the chance to say thank you yeah shared it you know sometime well so nice to say he was very pleased that you mentioned them so many feel that these they will be forgotten about how has he done both trips yes yes I think a lot of people have been in very much the same position that a lot of wives had babies since the ships just shipped off to live it's very sad really that's a fact of life I think in some exclusive strengths okay karate must be from somewhere it's February the 25th 1991 and the long threatened land offensive has just begun thank you very much spare the time to tell me about mr. going on a good run around has on Stefan you made statement I haven't had a chance to which was savaged on television between the American and British press briefings but it's been a good start certainly I remember I said it's thirty eight and a half hours since this grassman gestation target and it's it is little encouraging but now we're into the critical Windsor Castle early spring the brief Gulf War is over and in happier circumstances the Queen has invited a group of guests from British public life to have dinner here and stay for the night it's called a diamond sleep political opponents meet as fellow guests with perhaps an archbishop thrown in there's two black shields on the average of two people who were we're not the Garter there's all these crazy girls in them D got a guided tour after dinner always ends with a carefully chosen exhibition in the library you're touching so I almost feel holy thing as well as it said ancient doesn't it the first one that we surveyed in February 1898 and they sang according to Queen Victoria they sang god save the queen in welsh all of the miners she says I suspect this was binding for joining together no that's your item J that's a great time and this is her diary which once portion was rewritten to say another spring suspension system she tore up she thought her mother's Diaries were too Frank says she destroyed them she we raised her and the fee expurgated risen and that's our expectation version but I'm is still very very interesting real copy player pictures come with a real rhythm of writing but her writing is very difficult to understand would sir you trimmed their cannon will it suck I thought you miss it we really saw him very well Henry thank Sir William Harcourt who was the home section must say as you watch these records you're glad is the word processor you know doesn't choose your they're just stacked away they can't they can't be left at receive nearly the definitive edition of the players of jamberry that would be all right so that's the the library mask right II Japan he was the most wonderful storyteller ramps him as children we used to gauges duty and and he told us one yes he he just happened to be the sort of person that could tell true stories he didn't matter from just sitting at the TTIP it was very interesting and cost boring Avon a small child one didn't realize yeah but what a good stores hello one was listening to anyone and named love that shows that the man cleaning the cleaning the books has been around in this book when you say uses for Kotoko nation that's a prayer book that's was there well that's the sense the book of said yes I mean I I'm because my grandfather and my father yes has had passion for writing anything so I thought I did but you see nobody writes anymore it was like I keep a diary but it's not really a diary like Queen Victoria's you know Oh as detailed as that it's quite small but you write in your own hand oh yes yes I think that's kind of important why can't write in the other way back at the office the daily routine begins with the Royal Mail most of it like the Queen's diary written by hand she receives between two and three hundred letters a day I've always said rather than some feeling that the letters and other personal to himself you know people write them thinking that I'm the enter to open them and read them I I don't open all of them obviously because I don't have time to do that but it does certainly give me I suppose because one gets to perhaps even sort of a bit more remote one it gives one an idea of what what is worrying people and what actually they feel that I could do to help and I mean there are occasions when I can help can pass things on to the right authorities or I can even in some cases write from various organizations who will look into it but I've always had this feeling that letters are written to me and I like to see what people wanted to write to me I think in a way one one feels that there is a sort of the backstops here so to speak you know that I'm the one I had a letter this morning about about something and he said I've been going round and round in circles but you were the only person who can stop the circle and you will be able to to fix it I thought that was rather nice dreams most interested to hear mister many letters are written to the Queen as a private individual letters from children or well-wishers or even people wanting to know where to buy a corgi these are answered on her behalf by her ladies-in-waiting in this case Lady Susan Hussey and now this is to the jigsaw puzzle people you know who send McQueen takes all puzzles to do during the holidays at Sandringham and the puzzle unfortunately had to missing when it arrived Sandringham is the time and the lady is writing to apologise for this and saying she promises she will she will do the puzzle herself before she sends Italy so but as the Queen says of this need yeah I hope she does because it's a very difficult puzzle to do on your own other letters have official implications often involving a local council or government department they normally go to the private secretaries for investigation and reply and and then another one we've had in here from a councillor from Newcastle on Tyne writing on behalf of one of his constituents saying that he he objects to his PO tax taking into consideration his war pension now I run the Department of the Environment who told me that in fact it's a matter for the rebate side of the Department of Social Services so I think if that's what you are telephone and then find out we can give you any other information okay and the one previous to that is um I'm in touch with the Scotland Yard solicitors Department this person Iran was a ambulance service to help the homeless people in London is and he says he's being harassed by Kennington police he's obviously had problems before because he's had a hearing for magistrates to call another way of keeping in touch with life outside the closed circle of the royal household is the private audience usually lasting 20 minutes audiences are my way of meeting people without anybody else listening and that gives one a very broad picture of what is actually going on either in government or in the civil service a lot of them are regular ones you know but you can ask to see anybody you want to see the owner is the justice Blofeld Your Majesty I mean if one meets a lot of people man one justice does get to know what's going on good bad Ruthie oh nice Bastrop thank you very much oh she said it's really nice but it's not very weighty no I don't know too much it'll realize one know all about it yes yes the fact that there's nobody else there it gives them a feeling that they can say what they like which after all is is part of those other bases of where I get my information from I suppose that the crime is still I'm afraid rather sort of in the assembly increase isn't it and I don't I don't know what's never going to stop it whether it's the fact that that discovering more I think with all the I think white-collar crime and all this sort of fraud yes does this new case just started yes it is yes yes you're just going to take months I think well it's going to be an absolute nightmare the ambassador of the United States of America cuz the president just seems to Yeltsin too hasn't he which is must be quite mister Yeltsin came to to Washington just about a week ago and they had about 19 minutes together and then the president came out and I think he wanted to make the effort both to recognize the fact that there was now a Russian leader who had won a popular vote and there had not been one of those in a very long time but also to recognize the legitimacy of more control the artificial can't realized it it's now April and Windsor Castle is getting ready for its big event of the year the three days state visit by a former shipyard electrician from Gdansk now the President of Poland left for when sir he is the 65th head of state to visit Britain in the Queen's reign and the first ever from Poland he and his wife will be staying in the six room principal suite among the previous occupants the king of Spain the Emir of Bahrain and President Reagan a lot of the visits nowadays have a very strong political tone to them and and we are rarely the hosts basically I mean we give the entertainment initially and have the people to stay hoping to give them a nice time to remember and obviously we we keep up as many of the traditions as we can that are sensible to keep like going in carriages the high point of all state visits is the banquet on the first evening the table settings are of legendary splendor tonight's pudding services French late 18th century the dessert service for fruit will be the Royal Minton maid for Queen Victoria in 1876 I think in a way it's quite an old-fashioned idea that you'll do put up the red carpet for a guest I mean I think people don't really realize this but I do Chagas that we do put on our best time which is and everybody dresses up and the best child on the glass and the go plate comes out which otherwise doesn't see the light of day so it's very nice to be able to to use it and share it where is she well she's sitting here and I just got this message and it's unfortunate she can't come so we never got to take her I have to put somebody from the household the lady from the household yes is in the overflow well fortunately there is one maybe in the over phone that's Lady Mary Mumford so we could bring that into phone oh no she wouldn't yes is she related to the Earl marshal yes we have to do a double move somewhere soon the 160 foot long mahogany table made for Queen Victoria will be glistening with silver gilt cutlery and plate and some 800 Starbridge crystal glasses engraved with the Queen's monogram meanwhile the kitchen is preparing quails eggs to be followed by Canela turbot then veal and finally peaches toss can each course to be served simultaneously to 160 guests if you will do put out the best China and glass it doesn't necessarily make it overwhelming if you don't accept it as overwhelming because if people are kind you and make you feel at home and I don't think that the outward and visible signs are really it's just what goes on inside the really matters but sometimes it is worth explaining that we put it on your no special and we don't actually live like this all the time come said flowers ready also say sure let's give its opposite thus our place everything has to be ready by late afternoon for the Queen to make her tour of inspection with the master of the household support green and the flowers as usual so that we can see each other what it is I have the white drawing my hair move on furniture yes and I um have lit the fire so that it looks quite sort of friendly like but he's amazed by the size of everything that's what musingly for the rooms yes Unni gays runs into English workers quite interesting words any any gays right looking yes yes both yes he has my daughter and doesn't nice to meet you predictable and Duchess of Kent I didn't which my husband met you this morning that's the desolate area and this Alexandra tis reachable action aggravates a hostage system it's Michael hence husband should know cuz he came here and his wife right Christine so the later you talk about the first you are very good at that my son my son and Richard Gloucester and his wife Peggy so now you met quite a number of the family was no punish you know Jimmy when I tell you up to your number take the fish take it into the dining room come back there'll be a source you can take that into the dining room come back again and taking your salad and then stay in the dining room until your fish and your sauce has been served and clear out to the Waterloo chamber okay she really strict mother but is the sort of moment phone okay there's an unboxing but she's in even strict your wife we should get we should get along a salty alligator shoes yes ever invented his rooms I'm not really been practical they couldn't have been bred for even in the days when summer do you walk here it's like this Olivia must be like walk it's certainly warm on a June day plodding down I bet it's always very lucky we plot down here Leonor top Hill the queen has sat for more than a hundred portraits and she came to the throne one in ten in garter robes Andrew Festing will have half a dozen sittings for this one it has been commissioned by the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst for its 250th anniversary it looks like a few more tourists doesn't it yes little mixture here bearskins and flat hats and this is a light-duty for second at scott the deputy private secretary who was once our ambassador to Yugoslavia his main preoccupation at the moment is preparing for one of the biggest royal events of the year the Queen's forthcoming state visit to the USA been going off to Washington tomorrow morning I hope you ready we're having trouble with my friend I think we may have to go there by car more owned by Pope downriver when they're having trouble finding a yacht Jimmy Carter sell the presidential yacht but other than that I think Washington we were on the football match basement baseball match sniffles you require to pitch the first ball Sushil well he would be awesome may the 14th after Washington flying the flag state visits are an old-fashioned way of traveling about but I think they still have that point the does seem to be still a need for people to be seen to be making a an effort to go to other countries I mean I've been to the United States before but but at this moment it was very nice to be able to go to America post Gulf War I was able to say thank you and they were able to say thank you how is it the lane it's about steak dinner I should think five six minutes we descend upon Titan II it was his first draft the embassy were particularly keen to get them here's to insert sending one of the ethnic side of things the visit begins with an official welcome on the White House lawn from President Bush unfortunately no one adjusted the podium so instead of the head of state the world's press and television see only the Hat of state president it is 15 years since our last visit to Washington when with a gallant disregard for history through the perversity of publicity this is to become the talking point of the trip anniversary of the founding of this great nation two days later the first ever address to the joint houses of Congress by British sovereign in a republic that became independent by armed revolution against her great-great-great great-grandfather george the third two centuries ago it is a nerve-wracking occasion yeah I see and if you want you to try that little thing at the beginning ma'am people I've talked to seem to think it would be a very good icebreaker uh-huh and I would suggest before you say anything at all yes when you go up there you see you'll go straight to the podium and I'll give you your speeches you stand there and you wait there for the Welcome which comes from above from the speaker's are sitting above you and Edie is going to be built for you and for anyone else this time okay but I've kept ralpherz next door again ask them yes very not something that I would never actually thought about for hand to knit okay of course one forgets the presidents quite doll he's huge really he's fairly tall now I got Richard Ralph here from Downey so just to actually talk to you every step of the way from the moment you get into the chamber I just want to exercise my presume him my back to everybody didn't I I mean I have my back to the people at but you're actually getting isn't start YouTube sure would you like me to start from the moment you walk into the change yeah because I mean somebody looks funny you'll be proceeded down and there will probably be congressman who will lean out they may well want to reach out to shake your head as you proceed down towards the the podium and there will be an enormous amount of applause going on and eventually that will die away and then that is the moment for you to start your speech I'm told there will be many interruptions nice I was friendly he has absolutely speaker Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the second is well hands to come on I do have you can see me today from my rod are after Washington six other cities Miami and Tampa in Florida then on to Austin San Antonio Dallas and Houston in Texas you the Queen comes home her Majesty's yacht Britannia has sailed out to Miami to join the royal party this I thought - the nightmare is rather fascinating from someone called lady Grundy and that is principally at school they do not shake him so easily and then I did there with a Charlestown German but they were nice this morning so I'm going to give a knighthood to general Schwarzkopf I don't mind that no I did I think it was everyone was assuming you were going to do it so it's probably a very good time oh but actually none of some of that is that because it's no no we've got the insignia yes we have a yes this evening the queen is hostess to Florida's grandest society at the top of the guest list are two former presidents of the USA we'll find some decaffeinated coffee I hope coming oh very nice you know we're we're you know we do try best it's coming is that the cabinet no no this is all about me coffee yeah geez it's coming togetherness decaffeinated like to meet the president which one it's amazing how much metal they put in I have to carry a car to get through the airport secure so you were sound off mind must be more deep-seated because my doesn't suck I'm fighting great comfort in the fact that even though I'd rained on the Queen today it actually rained on the Pope when he was in Miami two customers showing her blessings on people by raining on now if you've got two thirds of the fun aim for the difficut give only 1/3 to the meeting battle something's wrong you see all the references of aircraft now because you know because of the of the way that the services have been planned for people to grab I know we try to that some of these things changed and reduced him but for example we've got a rule but still to this day that a supervisor as itself is based on the number of people he supervises well now that you've got a group of people there that have no interest in reducing the payroll even if they can because it will reduce their salary obviously is extraordinary isn't it how I mean I think the next generation again have a very difficult time back to base and the daily routine Buckingham Palace is preparing for another influx of visitors it's an investor today one of seventeen this year some of the 3000 men and women who have recently been given honors come with their families to receive the insignia personally from the Queen right hand side on the right hand side my name see be civil one lady yes and gentleman 13 OBE civil five ladies one two three four five and twenty one male two go down on the stool very simple grasp the handle with your right hand put your left foot at the left side and bend the right knee the queen will immediately touch you first on the right shoulder and then on the left shoulder with the sword she says nothing so once you have received the accolade stand up and come round to the left-hand side of the stool where the Queen will attach to you the insignia that you're here to receive as soon as the Queen is attached Jordan Cigna she'll talk to you she'll be actually talking to well she's doing it and then she will shake your hand please the handshake is the signal that your time is up venerable tallest Iceland Yuda one mustn't have a long talk session obviously because you've never never finished the question were asked is what is your hope that you're going to get the answer that you want thanks ed and what's happening I always absolutely fascinated by the people who come all the things that they they've done I think that's very important that the system does discover people who do and some things you know them and I think that's very satisfactory oh gosh I think people need Pat's on the back sometime it's very dingy world and what all right good keep it down the sport of Queens it's the 2:45 at Epsom the focus of attention in the Royal Box is the Queen's horse inharmonic one of the fancy runners unfortunately anharmonic finishes fourth I haven't watched para binoculars for ages hope we did tear winners like that after the race the excuses the post mortem with the trainer Lord Huntington just have to find the right restaurant he was moving out Walter absolutely yes he said just he just flattened eyes a little bit right just right at the end you had an awful obviously of like to do yes John anxious which is fine if they are going to blow up any pricing coming back but if they're keeping going you can't do it now you can't does and now it's the big race the Derby an occasional for a national flutter even up in the Royal Box where the traditional sweepstake is drawn by the Queen Hector protector protector Devendra start of the dance my close one nothing lady Grimm thorns got nothing that's not bad mr. kair Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother and generous the Queen on the outside you should Edomite enough look look it's on the wrong leg yeah won't it come around the corner they got some rails yes generally tend to change colors the star of the dance that yes whoops you're on the wrong end who smiles behind the dog making significant previous that's very good this is my friend my hand go ahead presenting the Royal Box sweepstakes manipulation you get 16 16 16 by winning business for the council your majesty drafts of seven quarters and council one entitled the consular fees amendment order 1990 a group of ministers attends the monthly meeting of one of the most ancient committees in the kingdom the Privy Council for is in Council allow the government to make regulations without going back to Parliament when the Queen formally approves the new proposal becomes law it's the grandest of rubber stamps drops of 17 orders in Council one under the universities of Oxford and Cambridge at 1923 - appointing James Bennett says in a tradition started by Queen Victoria the council remains standing it's a good way to keep meetings brief three appointing Mrs Mary and Doherty come to others to be three of your Majesty's inspectors of schools in Scotland for under the burial act 1853 and five to seventeen confirming schemes made by the church commissioners approved and that your majesty concludes the business for today's council the very list isn't it we went to press - everything's extremely Barry today long as I was fascinated to see that we still have to do it already canceled the inspectors of schools yes just obviously throwback to the days before the Department of Education and science one miss I think it must be and and also that Scotland is is separate Oh voices as things an aside for different Scotland beckons it's June 28th and the Queen is on her way to Hollywood the railway Chiefs are all aboard to because this is the inaugural journey of the intercity two to five from London to Edinburgh you it was Estevez I remember when we arrived that day there was still a little bit of the wall to be blown to be blown up and their border a small hill I was invited to look through and when one loop through one could see the fringe on the other side they brought him to his exact story I mean first time for 8,000 years very emotional say there but in the in the tunnels case you're you're not building are you building new railing stopping things for yes yes yes we're building yeah you don't start out in your trains what we are keen to do is to get people as close as possible on that line who are commuting to the poison work and hopefully we can achieve that we looked at 80 options which are our the sector state eighty years and it never done before I'm Business Expo reach me we gotta form up let me finish my reaction as well when I heard about the idea the palace of holyroodhouse in Edinburgh is once the home of Mary Queen of Scots for a to garden parties here this week the guests that this one will feel at home they are all gardeners I've been the head gorilla nine and a half years and is what sort of garden is it is it okay sniffles vegetable ambitious from just about it inconvenient moment isn't lucky on the way wife's again I'm hard work it is a therapeutic Susan I mean I'm any weed my mother actually taught human jaw to make a bottomless abyss aren't you going to say that parent effect by Cameron butter Perry and I have to show everybody now yeah yes so I found that there was your mother that was my mother how very fascinating following the custom of Queen Victoria the Queen spends a week at Holyrood each summer wherever she is she tried to catch the television news programs after all she has met an awful lot of the people who appear in them Yugoslavia's new president calls for an immediate truce as a ceasefire falls apart and fierce fighting breaks out tanks blast their way through roadblocks on the borders of the breakaway republic of slovenia and federal jets attack targets in Slovenia including its capital but the most serious spies II was on the border with today's news of civil strife is of more than ordinary interest the queen is about to make an unannounced flying visit to northern ireland her first since 1977 it was arranged with the highest security in the deepest secrecy I'll stir is full of reminders of the Terrorism which has suffered for more than half the Queen's reign the defense of the realm is the first duty of a state so there has always been especially close link between the sovereign and the Armed Forces the program for this rainy day includes presenting new colors to the Ulster defence regiment at its barracks in Lisbon we do consecrate themselves of these colors that they may be a sign of our duty to go our queen and last frontier in the sight of God UDR stands that those who are not prepared to stand by and let evil prosper I salute your courage your sense of duty and your resolve together with the determination which I share the Terrorism cannot be allowed to win the afternoon is diverted to civilians a garden-party also in the rain and a visit to a hospice in north Belfast where the Queen is to open the new wing Her Majesty the Queen is just standing at your feet care this understanding so that her maternal so she probably not respond what's wrong yes but we've told her and she's been chatting this morning quite a bit which has been a pleasure to us because for Dan she can go outside saying anything just sometimes folks and all the times it doesn't but notice that MS that I've been here yes and she was this morning and talking quite a bit so I'm sure the news and what we were sharing has had some impact on that where where do you live so just not far away by mine to Georgetown I used this is Alan Thompson and mother and daughter as nursing lucerys better and Andrew Marr where is he say now sort and we really live to see this day and I'm most honored is it a good didn't think I would have Nast really she's just the surprise visit to the province lasted six hours two days later it's still the main talking point at Holyrood I suddenly saw you at lunch and I thought that's all he never told me he was going to be in Northern Ireland then I said to him he didn't know I did it was an amazingly welcomed very well suppose everything in Northern Ireland it isn't just being a center ready to get some families I'm sorry you can be shot any minute there as two people were absolutely awful tremendous boost when they actually heard you were coming Gordon are before they marched on bread they were told and it absolutely endless yeah yeah soda like branded like it's in high summer that the gardens of Buckingham Palace are at their best but indoors the routine of the working year must go on the Queen is doing her boxes papers have given her a unique knowledge of confidential government business most people have a a job and then they get home and in in this existence the job and the life go on together because you can't really divide it up the boxes and communications just keep on coming and of course the modern communications they come even quicker I mean lucky I'm a quick reader so I can get through a lot of reading in quite a short time so I do rather begrudge some of the hours that I have to do instead of being outdoors g7 the Western economic summit the big event of the summer and Britain's turn to be host to six visiting Heads of Government it's 12 years since James Callaghan was Prime Minister but the palace reception brings together present and past left wing and right home politicians and overseas statesmen how are you Perry a very high velocity well the thing keeping me working very hard my life has been busy show them hey I'm sorry we've had to work in very hard because here's a finance minister and finance ministers have to work very hard Evel Knievel there's a kind of Prime Minister very nice to see you again I very much enjoyed our talk the other day now I'm her eyes she wasn't a little seal we're looking forward to my visit to tomorrow summer school again this year but I'm quite pleased because I managed to fund it from the sale of my own little grass my so at least I feel I Ventus I was absolutely blunt with him I told him the situation but nobody asked one INT organism now I got a message back of your other wishes he's listened to my advice he paid no attention to anything I just just want to say much is easy I mean he is master exam situation really is thank you sir I mean it's very interesting isn't it to have somebody who's been morally nominal and tried for Abaddon the more his be more supportive just to get a good today of separation geodesy the Jupiter go the the difference in education to abuse if you had to endure all existence yeah you didn't know I told her face I told Tariq Aziz in seven six hours exactly that and also we told him exactly what would happen if they didn't and that's what gives each other thirsty first he couldn't engage I don't my way to make you did spend from the side yes I'm expendable yes Lhasa P will revive the Secretary of State I see a wee line yo you have another photo session amazing soy de forests are the sponsor so my big big box 5,000 miles from Buckingham Palace 42 presidents and prime ministers are driving through the night to meet the Queen it's a far cry from the wealthy group of seven this is her re in Zimbabwe where the Commonwealth Heads of Government are in conference the Queen as head of the Commonwealth presides over a group of 50 independent nations about a quarter of the world's population it's a sort of British Empire old boys club you don't have to be rich to belong your medicine well Malaysia was under British rule we had British advices whose advice must be obeyed we also had Malay Sultan's who were designated by the British as three rulers but of course they may not go our Parliament's are presided over by mr. speakers who may not speak so it is not strange that we have a Commonwealth where the wealth is not during the conference which takes place every two years the Queen holds a private audience with each of the heads of government many of them are old friends but tonight there's an unexpected guest at the party on to sports your majesty their most important acts this is the first time the Queen has met Nelson Mandela hi moms buyers are speaking to Prime Minister major on telephone and they made a few remarks on sanctions and investment by the greater part of our speeches was or cricket school bit the first thing discussing here yes the American has proved that in the winn-dixie went over to China they started the ping-pong well majesty you're looking well taking into account ER your tight shaggy c16 people I may not look so good tomorrow maybe see how pleased up early in the morning and I've been to Africa before which was nice of them two hours but I did say that I had been everywhere in the Commonwealth in Africa and in other countries enough I think I've seen more of Africa than almost any time for the holidays time for the highlands I suppose Balmoral as a place one looks forward to very much as the summer goes on I think that it has an atmosphere of its of its own if you just hibernate but is rather nice to hibernate for a bit when one leads such a very movable life to be able to sleep in the same bed for six weeks is a nice change are we gonna get on usually when are we starting yes we could yes usually safe tagging you got your red boots they're very nice okay that's very smart yeah come on then let's make you rich alright that means in here oh it's my foot you're standing on yo now should we go that way we're going to go in the Sun that way any trekking with their grandmother our Prince William and Prince Harry Zara Phillips and the young princess Beauty this I suppose a certain fascination in keeping the place as Queen Victoria um we had it we laughing very much has changed and I think actually all the children like it all the grandchildren like it and they sent us the freedom there I think too you can go out for miles and never see anybody and you can walk or ride and it's it's endless possibilities and be like can picnics and me like open-air and as the holidays a very short you live it to the full I think they get farther than weekend and rhymes you yesterday wait one day you will yes a little bit bigger let's fall right we'll follow say come on smokey the Prime Minister has been on his travels halfway around the world in ten days now he comes to Balmoral for the first time to report to the Queen as prime ministers have done each summer since the days of Queen Victoria political power passed from the sovereign to the Prime Minister long ago but the Queen still has the right to be consulted to encourage and to warn the Prime Minister's royal consultant now has 40 years experience of affairs of state to share with him as he treads in the footsteps of Margaret Thatcher James cullin Wilson Heath Douglas human Macmillan Eden and Winston Churchill the Queen's first audience where the Prime Minister was with Churchill in February 1952 when John Major was 8 years old the feeling in Moscow in the period I was there was just astonishing it was actually like living with history one was in the middle of a meeting and Sandford he burst into a room and said I've just finished talking to Gorbachev or Yeltsin or Celaya and this is what they're going to do and tomorrow in the Congress began to present these particular plans it was an extraordinary day it's gone so quickly welcome I mean certainly here one can't take it in but there it must be even more traumatic mustn't it well it was absolutely amazing I laid a wreath in near the Kremlin at the site where the three demonstrators were crushed and killed and there were huge crowds there and I had the opportunity of stopping to talk to some of them not too many of them spoke English I found one man who spoke beautiful English and I asked him how he felt and he said he was extremely interested but he came from Woking the sort of thing that happens to me when I talk in a crowd I have had quite a lot of prime ministers starting with the Winston and some stayed longer than others saying they unburden themselves or they tell me what's going on or if they've got any problems and sometimes one can help in that way too that we had quite a few exchanges on other matters as well that's that we must come to yes they know that one can be impartial so to speak I think it's um it's wrong nice to feel that the runs of ones are sort of first sponge and and everybody can come tell one things and some things stay there and some things go out the other errand and something's never come out at all even just unjust news about it an under Cajun you couldn't be able to put one's point of view which perhaps they hadn't seen it from that that angle it was mainly the heavily subsidized gas supplies in parts of Europe of course the difficulties three or four years ago he's a very good very good plants man gone he keeps it very tidy to this is their shared and and that's one about the garden house we've just done up and before you could say knife the gardener had gone and so is empty sadly soon it will be autumn and time to return to London for another state opening of parliament in Balmoral neighbors estate and royal family joined together for a farewell celebration the ghillies ball the year has turned full circle if you live in this sort of life which people did very much you'll hear very much by tradition and by continuity I find that's one of the sad things that people don't take on jobs for for life they try different things over time I mean as far as I'm concerned you know you'll know exactly what you're going to be doing two months hence or even beginning to know about next year and and I think that this is what the younger members find difficult is the regimented side on you have to sort of work out in your own mind the hard way and then what you enjoy and retrospect from it of the people you've met like the small soldier was giving a gallantry award to and I said it was a very brave thing to do well he said it was just the training and I have a feeling that in the end probably the training is the answer to a great many things you can do a lot of people feel properly trained and I hope I have been
Channel: European Royalist.
Views: 580,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Queen Elizabeth, Elizabeth II, Queen Elizabeth II, Elizabeth R, Documentary, Rare, Royal Family, Royalty, British Royal Family, Princess Diana, Queen at 90, Prince Philip, Queen Mother, British, UK, London, Her Majesty, Buckingham Palace, Sandringham House, Balmloral Castle, Prince Charles, Prince William, Prince Harry, Corgis, Horses
Id: cdPqKzB-kZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 55sec (6475 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 02 2016
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