BBC TV Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II: Westminster Abbey 1953 (William McKie)

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Some of you might like the story from the viewpoint of the massed choirboys: Choristers of the Coronation (R4 Extra).

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[Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] follows her majesty into the annex her majesty into the Abbey we will go within to the splendid scene which there awaits her the music fills the whole building as we went the whole scene laid out in its splendid colours and now almost motionless we watched it coming together almost like a mosaic fragment by fragment of color from the time very early this morning when the abbey was almost empty to the time now when in all its lovely petal the pattern of the cross below which there Thrones the center we are waiting the serried ranks of the bishops sitting on one side of the sanctuary wall in their castles and services red and white and black leaders of the church come from all parts of the land [Music] beyond the altar scream their lies and Edwards chatter to which the Queen will go [Music] and then far to the right in the southwestern transept their weight the peers of the realm sitting in their lovely rooms we watched them one by one and two by two entering this historic building of this great occasion they're lovely shoulder cloaks and capes of burning white trimmed gold the coronets held in their lamps and still two empty chairs and the one young to the prince of the blood who sits awaiting the rich golden carpet spreads over the whole of the sanctuary from where it joins the deeper blue carpet which hides the black and white checkered floor of the choir of the abbey we look now from the east from above the altar down across the theatre and as it were straight down the length of the church you see the deep blue of the choir covet which spreads away out of our sight and on each side of that deep blue carpet in the carved oak choir stalls of the Abbey there sits our distinguished visitors if you look five or six stalls along at the back at the figure of that woman who just leant forward in his reading that is the splendid Queen soluti of Tonga the queen who when she entered the abbey earlier this morning dwarfs the two officers of the guards who has courted her a woman who serves the Commonwealth and the only Queen in this Abbey today in her own right other than the Queen's of our own royal family once again we look across to where the representatives of the Arab states sit in their cool robes the white kaffir the Sultan's and the sheiks and looking beyond the empty stalls we see in the distance the front rank of the P races who sit there Tiaras a glitter and a shimmer in their rows and rows they sit facing their husbands the peers who are in the other transept and so with bishops peers piracies and great royal diplomatic and state congregation the 7000 are made up with them the orchestra the massed choirs an orchestra conducted today by dr. Makai now we know to be Sir William Makai conducted by also by Sir Adrian Boult in the music which it has been playing now the man who conducted the orchestra here in 1937 add to that the congregation stretching write down the full length of the nave and seven thousand people wait all told the brilliant lights far more brilliant than any normally seen through which and sometimes against which we shall have to watch the great scene on Phyllis reflects in brilliance on the golden plate of the Abbey which has been set especially in front of the Royal Box the Duchess of Gloucester sits with her two little princes one on each side of her Prince William Prince Richard and then nearer to us Princess Margaret now indeed the atmosphere and the whole feeling in this historic building is tense there is a hush the music stops and pauses and we wait for the procession the grand procession which will bring her Majesty to us we look now past the brilliant lights towards the nave and there from the West door we see the beginning of a procession which brings the Duke of Gloucester to join the royal family gathered here at the eastern end of the Abbey [Music] with him walks the earl mountbatten [Music] the Duke of Kent rises to receive his uncle the gold staff officers the ushers of the Abbey on this great day bow and take their places Earl Mountbatten takes his place in the Royal Box and now there is slowly moving as a speed almost imperceptible we know that the grand procession its splendid name must soon be moving towards us along the floor of the nave and of the quad it will be a procession composed of elements of all the church and states a spiritual and temporal life of our land it is as you see it moving now from the west door entering the abbey headed by the abbey beaten the man who has the great honor of walking at the head of the procession in the Abbey which he has served for so many years and with him there walk in their cloaks of shining scarlet the chaplains [Music] nine chaplains [Music] behind the nine chaplains walk the three domestic chaplains the domestic chaplains to the palace itself and behind them the representatives of the free churches and now let us watch as the Abbey beagle leads this procession through the screen under the orchestra and the organ and out into the brilliance of the choir we see them now from opposition high above the altar [Music] the three domestic champions and immediately behind them the chairman of the congregational Union of England and Wales in court dress and with him the representatives of the free churches of the Presbyterian Church of England of the Baptist Union of the Methodist Conference and the Free Church Federal Council and then the representatives of the Church of Scotland the former moderator of the General Assembly 2x moderators of the General Assembly and the present moderator of the General Assembly the right reverend get what then the cross of Westminster borne by the Reverend Hillyard as deputy to the Reverend Jocelyn burns old Cannon and say Christianity the deans virtue and the Dean of Westminster dr. Tom [Music] dr. Don the man in charge of the whole administration of this sacred and historic building wearing the very ancient rows of his office and now a short gap and through the screen come with our first glimpse of the heralds in their splendor suddenly as though we had gone back for 500 years for here come sits alone per servant extraordinary portcullis per servant of arms rules dragon percent of our entire husband our arms unicorn percent of arms Carrick Percival demands three of the English followed by three of the Scottish heralds behind them come the officers of the orders of knighthood the gentleman usher of the purple rods of earnest cowers behind him the secretary and the King of Arms of the most excellent Order of the British Empire and behind them now the chaplain the chaplain of the Royal Victorian order and then the nights of the most distinguished order of st. Michael and st. George in scarlet rose and the prelate of the order the Bishop of Blackburn and there come up once in wonderful contrast the almost white the palest silver robes of the most honorable order of the bow the deputy secretary and the gentleman usher of the scarlet wad the Registrar the secretary bath king of arms and a once again the color changes and there comes the most ancient most noble order of the Thistle the gentleman usher of the green rod and then the most noble Order of the Garter the Chancellor the Earl Halifax and the register and behind them marchment Rothsay and Albany heavens they proceeded the standards the standard bearers of the countries of the Commonwealth who have handed their standards to the Barons of the Cinque Ports to guard them in the knave and now advance before us and tomorrow the representatives of Salaam and Pakistan of South Africa and New Zealand and of Australia and Canada there is the Queen's champion in the full dress uniform of his regiments who bore the Union standard captain Tim and his family have held this office for nigh on a thousand years then Lord haddock who bore the standard of the Principality of Wales and there enter now in the center the Earl of Derby and on his left the Lord Delilah and Dudley be seen on his right the Earl of Dundee who bore the standards of the quarterings of the royal and behind the royal standard was born by count Montgomery of LM a knight of the Garter [Music] and behind him abreast the vice Chamberlain the treasurer and the controller of the household [Music] another short gap in our possession and we await now the representative of the keeper of the jaw House of the Tower of London major-general cinema will being ill is represented today by Lord Harding of Pinterest as the three vice Chamberlain's were there white ones of office enter the coronation theatre so Lord Harding bearing the cushion of the regalia in his lovely robes enters the choir for many of the representatives of countries of the world gathered now on each side this will be the first moment during which they have been able to see some of the priceless and wonderful regalia of our land for the keeper of the jewel houses representative bears on his cushion the ring the sovereigns ring the armies the two bracelets representing sincerity and wisdom and the jeweled sword you see it glittering there one of the loveliest of all the pieces of the crown jewels Blumenthal president of arms Andrews co-author Saddam's follow the Jews and then at once the Knights of the Garter will hold the canopy of the Queen's anointing first the Earl Fortescue and on his left the bike and Allendale then the Duke ability and on his right you could want and then the lord steward of the household the duke of hamilton abandon and the lord chamberlain of the household the earl of scum the Lord privy seal the right Honorable Harry Cruikshank funds and they are followed by the prime ministers of the members of the colony the prime minister of sallam Dean's behind him on the Left Prime Minister of India on the right of Pakistan in the second line on the left the prime minister of New Zealand on the right the Prime Minister of the Union of South Africa and then on the left the Prime Minister of Canada and on the right the Prime Minister of Austria and behind them the Prime Minister the United Kingdom the right honorable Sir Winston Spencer Churchill Knights of the Garter and immediately behind Prime Minister the cross of York and the Archbishop of York who was reverence at all foster guarantee he is followed by the Lord High Chancellor the Lord Simonds in his black and gold Road and weak his purse bearer and his page we see now the cross of Canterbury and behind it the most Reverend Geoffrey Frances Fisher Archbishop of Canterbury who plays so great a purpose in the past in this ceremony today his chaplain Swami and now again there comes into the choir behind the archbishop a blaze of heralds the trumpet sound [Music] [Applause] [Music] Admiral of the fleet His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh attended by the gentle mother darns [Music] the Duke moves to his chair behind him midshipman Reiss is paid and does the choir begin their lovely anthem I was playing there come into sight the splendors of the great officers and the regalia behind the head holds the sceptre with the cross carried by master of the Royal Air Force the micron baklava said Edward stuff borne by the Earl of Lancaster the end of left Lord Hastings with the Golden Spur to the right Lord Cheston with the other and behind the three swords on the left the second sword born by an of pew in the center katana the shortened blunted sort of missing borne by the Duke of Northumberland and the third saw to the right borne by the Duke of McLuhan Queensbury their father Karen sir Nora and I'll stay King of Arms and then together left to the right the gentleman usher of the black rod in the center got her principal king of arms on the right the Lord Mayor of London there is the Lord great Chamberlain the Marquess of child behind him the high constables of Scotland and the Lord High Steward around and then the great steward was startled yell of Crawford and balconies [Music] and now to the left the Lord High constable of England by cardamom in the centre the Marquess of Salisbury bears the sword of state to the right the Earl marshal the Duke of Norfolk attended all by their pages and then followed by sand Edward's crown borne by the Lord High student at ball of the feet the VY count coming home acquaintance on his rights he all of his born I fell Alexander of Tunis on his left the rod with the dove borne by the Duke of Richmond Lincoln then the pattern the Bible of the chants and as the music rises in triumph we await Her Majesty the Queen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] these spiders the regalia are placed upon the altar being handed to the archbishop and by him to the Dean of Westminster and more Lord coming Allah find hope brings st. Edward's crown Alexander of Tunis brings and people [Music] the Duke of Richmond and Gordon brings the rod with the dog [Music] the golden spurs of shaprut a broad simple first by Lord Hastings [Music] then I Lord just [Music] the sceptre with the cross is brought by vikon's portal of Hazzard and last is bought by the Earl of Ancaster st. edward's staff to guide the footsteps of [Music] now the archbishop moves to the theater for the ceremony of recognition when he calls upon the people to acknowledge that they are in the presence of their rightful queen there await him the great officers the Lord Chancellor to the left the Lord great Chamberlain the Lord High constable and the Earl marshal they stand in line before the throne Her Majesty moves across the theater she is preceded by gutter king of arms first the archbishop will speak to the east to all those gathered here on each side of the sanctuary I here present unto you Queen Elizabeth your undoubted Queen well for all you become this day to do your homage and service are you willing to do the same [Music] [Applause] now with the great officers the archbishop moves to the South faces the Duke of Edinburgh the other princes of the blood and the massed assembly of the peers so I can present unto you Queen Elizabeth your undoubted Queen well for all you who are come this day to do your homage and service are you willing to do the same [Music] [Applause] [Music] now the archbishop turns to the west side of the theater looking down the full length of the abbey over those in the choir and the nave I present unto you Queen Elizabeth your undoubted Queen well for all your walk come this day to do your homage and service are you willing to do the same [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and then to the north where sit the Paris is I shall present unto you Queen Elizabeth your undoubted Queen well for all you who are come this day to do your homage and service are you willing to do the same [Applause] [Music] the queen returns toward her chair of estate there will follow the first part of the taking of the coronation oath an oath which binds Her Majesty to the service of her peoples and to the maintenance of the laws of God Madame is your Majesty willing to take view will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the peoples of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Canada Australia New Zealand the Union of South Africa hottest on insulin and of your position and the other territories to any of them belonging or pertaining according to their respective laws and customs I solemnly promise say to do will do to your power cause Law and Justice in mercy to be executed in all your judgments well will you to the utmost of your power to maintain the laws of God and the true profession of the gospel will you to the utmost of your power maintain in United Kingdom the Protestant Reformed religion established by law will you maintain and preserve inviolable the settlement of the Church of England and the doctrine worship discipline and government tariffs as by law established in England and will you preserve under the bishops and clergy of England and the churches they are committed to their charge all such rights and privileges as by by Lord do or shall effort into them or any of them all this I promise to do the Queen escorted as ancient tradition demands by the bishops of Durham and bath and wells goes to the altar there laying her hand upon the Bible she reaffirms her oath saying the things which I have here before promised I will perform and keep so help me God which I had before promise I will perform on Keith so help me God majesty now signs the parchment copy of the earth this being her only written contract with people the Lord Chamberlain removes the silver Standish from which Her Majesty's signed and the Queen now returns to her chair and there comes the presentation to her of the Bible upon which she took her oath the Bible is brought for the first time in the whole history of coronations by the moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland in his robe of black silk it is the moderator who speaks after the archbishop the moderator brings the Bible from the altar our gracious Queen to keep your majesty ever mindful of the law and the gospel of God as the rule for the whole life and government our Christian Prince's we present you with this book the most valuable thing with the world of all here is wisdom this is the Royal law these are the lively horrible of God the Bible is placed again upon the altar and now with the singing of the intrud Psalm there begins the communion service within which so much of the ritual of Coronation is set [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] let us pray all make a garden to whom all hearts be open all desires known and from whom no secrets are healed then the thoughts of our heart by the inspiration of thy Holy Spirit that we may perfectly love thee and worldly mainly by thy Holy Name through Christ our Lord lord have mercy upon us lord have mercy upon us let us pray O God who provided for thy people by thy power and rule Easter over them in love grant unto this by servant Elizabeth our queen the spirit of wisdom and government that being diverted unto thee with her whole heart she may sir wisely govern that in her time thy heart may be in safety and Christian diversion may continue in peace but Sir Percy bearing in good works under the end she made by thy mercy come to thine everlasting Kingdom through Jesus Christ thy son our Lord who liveth and reigneth with thee in the unity of the helices one God for ever and ever the epistle is read by the Bishop of London the official is written in the second chapter of the first epistle general of Peter beginning at the 13th verse submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the lord's sake whether it be to the king as supreme or an to gavel ours as an to them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and for the praise of them that do well for so is the will of God that is well doing he may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men as trees and not using your liberty for a cloak of maliciousness but here's the servants of God honor all men love the Brotherhood PR God honor the king [Music] the gospel Israel archbishop of walk in the 22nd chapter at the Gospel according to Matthew beginning at the 15th [Music] and when the Pharisees can took counsel how they might entangle him in his talk and they sent out unto him their disciples with the Herodians saying master we know that thou art true and teaches the way of God in truth neither carest thou for any man but our regard is not the person of men heal us therefore what thinkest are is it lawful to give tribute unto Caesar or not but Jesus perceived their wickedness and said why tempt ye me ye hypocrites show me the tribute money and they brought unto him a penny and he said unto them whose is this me meat and superscription they say unto Him Caesars then saith he unto them render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's and unto God the things that are gods and when they had heard these words they marveled and left him and went their way [Music] I believe in one God [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come early cursed our souls in spa [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let us pray O Lord and Heavenly Father the exalter of the humble and the strength of thy chosen who buy a ninety with oil distil make and consecrate Kings priests and prophets to teach and govern white people Israel blessed and sanctified by chosen servant Elizabeth who by our office and ministry is now to be anointed with this oil and consecrated we strengthen her O Lord with the Holy Ghost the comforter confirmands tablature with I free and princely spirit the spirit of wisdom and government the spirit of counsel and tasteless trick the spirit of knowledge and true godliness fill her adorned with the spirit of thy holy fear now and forever through jesus christ our lord [Music] now follows the singing of handle setting of the great anthem Zadok the priest in the middle of this anthem the queen will prepare herself for her anointing the act which began with the aunt with the invocation of the Holy Spirit this is a most sacred part of the service but it is the Queen's hallowing not until she has been anointed as Solomon was anointed by Zadok can she be crowned during the anthem she will be divested of her crimson robe of state and all her jewels and will put on a simple white linen garment in this garment of white in such contrast the splendors about her she will move for the first time to King Edward's chair [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for Knights of the Garter The Dukes of Wellington important the Earl Fortescue on the vacant arendale bring forward a golden canopy which they hold over her majesty so that the sacred moment of anointing normally never seen is shielded from all eyes we shall hear the words of the archbishop as the canopy comes to rest we see beyond it the gleaming altar cloth of the Abbey if I had anointed with holy oil Levi's breasts anointed with holy oil belie hid a 19 with holy oil as kings and priests and prophets were a 19 and as Solomon was anointed king by Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet so be VAR OA 19 bless and consecrated Queen over the people whom the Lord thy God have given me to rule and govern in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the helicase now prepares to receive the blessing from the archbishop she leaves the chair and moves to the Falls tool by the altar for the work of his you make government preserve the people committed to your channel it will peace and godlessness and after a long and glorious course of rolling up temporal kingdom quietly justly and religiously made last we made partaker Albany the canopy is borne away by the Knights of the gutter and now the queen is divested of a plain white garment worn for the anointing the Dean of Westminster helped by the mistress of the robes what's upon the Queen the columbium sinned onus which translated means the little town of linen over it they place the lovely super Tunica a clothes pole or coat of shimmering cloth of gold lined with crimson silk the queen is now ready to receive the regalia the emblems of majesty the Dean of Westminster brings from the altar the golden Spurs of chivalry so that the Lord great Chamberlain the Marquess of Chumley can offer them to her majesty to touch then the Marquess of Salisbury who has carried hitherto the sword of state hands it to the Lord Chamberlain to receive in exchange the splendid jeweled sword in its scabbard this he will give to the archbishop who will place it upon the altar here our browser Lord we beseech thee sir direct and support thy servant Queen Elizabeth that she may not bear the sword in vain but may use it as a minister of God for the terror and punishment of evildoers and for the protection and encouragement of those that do well through Jesus Christ our Lord receive this kingless or brought now from the altar of God and delivered to you by the hands of us the bishops and servants of God though unworthy with this sword do justice stop the growth of iniquity protect the Holy Church of God help and defend widows and orphans restore the things that are gone to decay maintain the things that are restored punished and reformed what is amiss and confirm what is in good order that doing these things you may be glorious in all virtue and serve faithfully serve our Lord Jesus Christ in this life that you may reign forever with him in the light which is to come the Queen offers the sword upon the altar she gives it in the service of God now comes a custom that has endured for at least 600 years when the peer who first received the sword Lord Salisbury redeems it by offering the price of it a hundred silver shillings which the Dean receives in a golden Basin Lord Salisbury will then take back a sword from the altar draw it and carry it before the Queen for the rest of the service now are brought for the first time in 300 years the our meals the bracelets of pure gold representing sincerity and wisdom the gift of the Commonwealth to this coronation see the bracelet of sincerity and wisdom Bertha's tokens of the Lord's protection embracing you on every side and as symbols and pages of the part that unites you with your people at the end that you may be strengthened in all your works and defended against all enemies bodily and just through Jesus Christ our Lord another royal vestment is bought this time the splendid rove royal a pall of cup of gold and the stole royal to be placed about the queen shoulders the Dean of Westminster and the mistress of the Rose put the heavy-haul upon the Queen the Lord great Chamberlain will fasten the clasps the Queen now wears a row that may well be descended from the Imperial cloaks of the Byzantine emperors in the Lord your God and give you the knowledge and wisdom the majesty with power from on high lord save you with the realm of righteousness and with the garment of salvation the Queen has received all the Royal vestments she now receives the priceless and beautiful crown jewels culminating in the crown itself but first under the cross and remember that the whole world is subject to the power and Empire of Christ our Redeemer a Majesty returns the all and the archbishop now places upon the fourth finger of her right hand the ring the ring were in his set Assefa and on it a ruby cross this is often called the wedding ring of England receive the ring of kingly dignity and the seal of Catholic faith there's our this day consecrated to be our hidden Prince sir may you continues hit fastly as the defender of Christ's religion that being rich in faith and blessed in all good works you may reign with him who is the king of King who be the glory for ever and ever now the Dean of Westminster brings to the archbishop the sceptre with the cross and the rod with the doll while the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster offers to the Queen the traditional glove of white kilt lined with silk embroidered with thistles shamrocks and English oak leaves and acorns receive the Royal scepter the ensign of kingly power and justice receive the rod of equity and mercy he's our best of all it will be not too remiss sir execute justice that you forget not mercy punish the wicked protect and cherish the just lead your people in the way wherein they should go a signal is given and there into the theater from all sides the pages bringing the coordinates of those who have been taking part in the service of the faithful yes we beseech thee this crowd and search shanked if I die servant Elizabeth upon whose head this day thou just face it for a sign of royal majesty that she may be filled by thine abundant grace with all princely virtues through the king eternal Jesus Christ our Lord the moment of the Queen's crowning is come [Music] [Applause] [Music] crown you with a crown of glory and righteousness that having a right faith and Manafort fruit of good works you may obtain the crown of an everlasting Kingdom by the gift of him whose Kingdom endureth forever the Duke of Cornwall sees his mother crown [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the Lord bless you and keep you Lord protect you in all your ways and prosper all your handiwork Lord give you faithful Parliament's and quiet realm sure defense against all enemies fruitful land and a prosperous industry wise counselors and upright magistrate leaders integrity in learning and labor default learning and useful clergy honest peaceable and dutiful citizens may wisdom and knowledge be the stability of your time and the fear of the Lord your treasurer the Lord have made you Queen over these peoples give you increase of grace honor and happiness in this world and make you partaker of the eternal Felicity in the world to come and the same Lord God Almighty granted the clergy of nobles assembled here for this great and solemn service and together with them all the peoples of this Commonwealth fearing God and honoring the Queen made by the gracious assistance of God's infinite goodness and by the vigilant care of his anointed servant our gracious sovereign continually enjoyed peace plenty and prosperity through Jesus Christ our Lord and to whom in the Eternal Father and God the Holy Ghost be glory in the church world without it there comes now yet another ancient ceremony the great officers of state and the bishops and the nobles who have borne the swords receptors and other regalia moved to the steps of the throne which stands upon its days this throne like the raised floor of the theatre itself is descended from those days 1500 years ago when the early Kings set for their crowning upon a mound of Earth and but then lifted high upon the shoulders of their nobles so that all the peoples might see them so today the Queen will ascend the steps of her throne they are symbolically to be lifted into it by the archbishop and the Earl marshal in the sight today of a great multitude of people it is at the moment that she is seated upon her throne that she takes possession of her kingdom and she is then addressed by the archbishop with the words of an exhortation which has come down to us virtually unchanged from the coronation of William the Conqueror and her trust from his horse the secret state of royal and imperial dignity because this day delivered unto you in the name and by the authority of Almighty God and by the hand of God no unworthy the Lord God Almighty who's ministers we are and the stewards of his mystery establish your program in righteousness that it may spend forever while anthems are sung by the choir all the princes and peers present now to homage to her majesty as she sits in full sovereignty upon her throne first the Archbishop of Canterbury leads the bishops in declaring in fealty the bishops of Durham and bath and Wells who still support the Queen on either hand will kneel with the archbishop as do all the bishops present speaking the words of fealty together [Music] defender of the faith His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh does homage placing his hands and those of the Queens and afterwards touching the crown in token that he will support it with all his power and kissing the Queen's left cheek [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the princes of the blood now father His Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester [Music] [Music] [Music] His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent [Music] [Music] there follow now the senior peers of each degree and as they kneel declare their homage touch the crowd and kiss the Queen's Head others presence of the same degree kneel and speak with the Duke of Norfolk Earl marshal of England with all the Dukes [Music] [Music] the Marcus of the masses [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] the Earl of Shrewsbury with all the herbs each man of life you live in America they would face the truth I will bear up to you to live and die again [Music] [Music] the vikon's pop outlet with all the vitamins [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the world moving with all the battlements [Music] [Music] the homage is ended the drums shall beat and the trumpet shall sound and all the people shall cry god save Queen Elizabeth [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the communion service now continuous with the singing of the offertory hymn the old hundredth all people that on earth did well the hymn which people everywhere will see [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the Queen meanwhile has gone forward to the altar where she has removed her crown she was followed by the Duke of Edinburgh a majesty offers bread and wine for the communion and these are blessed by the archbishop bless O Lord we beseech thee these thy gifts and sanctify them onto this early youth that by them we may be made partakers of the body and blood of thine only begotten Son Jesus Christ and paired unto everlasting life of soul and body and that thy servant Queen Elizabeth they be enabled to the discharge of her weighty office where unto thy great goodness I have called and appointed her grantee so low for Jesus Christ's sake our only mediator and advocate now the Queen makes her traditional offering an altar cloth delivered to her by the Lord great Chamberlain next enclosed in a small bag an iNDOT of pure gold of one-pound weight Her Majesty returns to her fall stool and now the Duke of Edinburgh comes forward to make his offering the archbishop then speaks a prayer of blessing over the Duke Almighty God punted of all goodness here we are we beseech thee to our crown and multiply thy blessings upon this thy servant to this for with all humble diversion offers himself for thy service in the dignity to which thou has called him defend him from all dangers ghostly and bodily make him a great example of virtue and godliness and a blessing to the Queen and to her people through Jesus Christ our Lord who liveth and reigneth with your father in the unity of the Holy Spirit one God well glad in Almighty God to whom belongs all power and dignity prosper you in your honor and grant you there in long to continue hearing him always and always doing such things and shall please him through Jesus Christ let us brave the whole stage of christ church militant here in our almighty everliving God who by thy holy apostle has taught us to make brows and supplications and to give thanks for all men we humbly beseech thee birth mercifully to accept these ablation but to receive these our prayers which we offer under thy divine Majesty we seem to be to inspire continually and the universal church with a spirit of truth the unity and Concord granted all David O confess thy Holy Name may agree in the truth of thy Holy Word and live in unity and godly love we beseech thee also to save and defend all Christian Kings princes and governors especially thy servant Elizabeth our queen that under her we may be godly and hardly government granted a console wall that are put in authority under her and that they may truly and indifferent administer justice the punishment of wickedness and vice and the maintenance of thy true religion and virtue to give grace our Heavenly Father all pickups and currents that they may both by our life and doctrine set forth by through lively Worth and right clear Julie administer thy holy sacraments of all thy people give thy heavenly grace and specially to this congregation here present endeavouring meet heartened do reverence they may hear and receive thy holy word truly serving me in holiness and righteousness all the days of their life when he must humbly beseech thee of thy goodness O Lord the comfort and sucker all them who in this transitory life are in trouble sorrow need sickness or any other adversity we also bless thy Holy Name for all I serve departed this life in thy faith and Pia abc-tv to give us grace so to follow God for example that with them we may be partakers of I him the kingdom from this Oh father with Jesus Christ's sake our only mediator and advocate garden doesn't charity with your neighbor's intend to lead a new life following the commandments of God walking from henceforth it is early ways go near with faith and take this early sacrament your comfort and make your humble confession to Almighty God meekly kneeling upon your knee [Music] Almighty God our Heavenly Father for his great mercy have promised forgiveness of sin wall them with haughty repentance and true faith turn unto Him have mercy upon you Father and the living of all your sins confirm and strengthen you in all goodness and bring you to everlasting life who Jesus Christ yeah what happened - what comfortable words our Savior Christ seventh all that truly turned him come unto me all the travail word are heavy laden and I will refresh you so God loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son at the end that all that believe in Him should not perish but have everlasting life there are also lots of Paul said this is a true saying worthy of all men to receive the Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners they're also Watson John said if any man sin we have an advocate with the father Jesus Christ the righteous and he is the propitiation for our sin [Music] it is very meat right lentil condom beauty that we've shown at all places and all times give thanks unto thee her Lord Holy Father Almighty everlasting God for his death despite consecrated thy servant Elizabeth to be our queen that by the anointing of thy grace she may be the defender of I think and the protector of thy charm and people for with angels and archangels and with all the company of him we lord and magnify thy glorious name evermore praising thee and say [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my table of vegetable or trusting in our own righteousness but if I'm any further great message we are not worthy so mutters to gather up the crumbs under thy table thou art the same Lord whose property is always have mercy grant us therefore greatest Lord so to eat the flesh of the idea of son Jesus Christ and to drink his life that are sinful bodies may be made clean by his body now sir what through his the communion service now reaches its climax in the prayer of consecration the archbishop solemnly recalls the death of Jesus Christ upon the cross for our Redemption and repeats the words spoken by our Savior at the Last Supper on the same night that he was betrayed this prayer will be heard only by those in the Abbey but at its close we shall hear the choir singing o taste and see how gracious the Lord is at that moment we shall know that the Queen and her husband are drawing near to the altar to receive the sacrament of the body and blood of Christ during the silence and the music which follows it the thoughts and the prayers of us all will be intent upon our Queen as in humble faith she waits upon God [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] father Lee goodness mercifully to accept this our sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving milk humbly beseech repeated run but by the merits and death of thy Son Jesus Christ and through faith in his blood we had all I heard Chuck may obtain remission of our sins and all other benefits of his passion here are we are confident unto thee O Lord our selves our stones and body be reasonable early and lively sacrifice unto thee after the city leave it all we are partakers of this Holy Communion may be fulfilled with I Grace and heavenly benediction and although we be unworthy through our many births in who offer unto thee any sacrifice yet to be 62 except this abundant duty and service not weighing our minutes but pardoning our offences through Jesus Christ our Lord by woman with whom in the unity of the Holy Ghost all honor and glory be unto thee O Father Almighty world without end [Music] [Music] [Music] you already to God on high [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Aventis Oh Lord in all our doings with dimers gracious favor and further us with eye continual help that in all our works began continued and indeed indeed we may glorify thy holy name and finally by thy mercy obtain everlasting life through Jesus Christ our Lord the peace of God which passeth all understanding keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God and His Son Jesus Christ our Lord the blessing of God Almighty the Father the Son and the helicase be amongst you and we made with you always [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so ends the solemnity of Her Majesty's coronation the Queen now will retire through the door in the south side of the altar to st. edward's channel which lies behind the altar and shelters the tomb of the Confessor the Great's tedium [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] a fanfare was given for the grand procession that will escort her majesty from the MEA to begin its journey from the theater down through the choir and here out into the great expense of the name the procession led as ever by the heavens with their names would have run down through the ages rules dragon portcullis Fitzalan Garrick unicorn king time and then in there several groups the officers of the orders of knighthood that of the British Empire with the gentleman usher of the purple rods and behind it the Royal Victorian order and now the hors d'oeuvres Michael and son George and continually the colors of all these lovely rose that vie with each other in splendour the colors are changing they change from some Michael and George to the pale on those silver robes of the bath [Music] and they change again through scarlet blue green silver from the bath to the thistle and from the thistle to the garter and even as this procession move so silly so back in the coronation theater it still stands waiting massed on either side of the steps lead up to the throne slowly this great stream this river of color passes down the long Ostia ray magnificence of the enemy you they're tall with his lovely got a robe and wearing his coronet comes the Chancellor of the most noble Order of the gutter the Earl of Halifax with him the register of the Garter the Dean of Windsor and then a gay in a hetero and behind the Herald the standards and the Barons of the Cinque Ports were held them proudly all this time in the nave in their ancient robes step forward to hand them back to the Barons the bearers are the High Commissioners of their countries in London [Music] standards of salaam in Pakistan of New Zealand and South Africa of Canada and the right Australia and then in the center the Union standard our flag formed by the Queen's champion who once rode in Armour on a mighty steed and challenged all who dared to deny the authority of the sovereign by that token he carries this standard in the procession today captain de Vaca behind him Lord Halleck in all his robes with his coronet carries the standard of the Principality of Wales [Music] in the center of the three piers reading their coordinates the Earl of Derby bearing one of the standards of the quarterings of the Royal Arms next to him on his right the Lord till island doctrine and on his other side the by count dad home then why can't Montgomery of Alamein bringing out the Royal Standard which it is his proud privilege to carry his little page Nicholas right follows behind and this part of the procession is brought to an end as it passes us by once again the controller of the household the treasurer of the household of the centre and the vice Chamberlain of the house [Music] there follows again Lord Harding who represents the keeper of the jailhouse of the Tower of London then the knights of the garter and we see now for the moment His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh in his place in the possession his midshipman page waits behind the garter knights who held the canopy well Fortescue in Allendale the Duke of Portland's Duke of Wellington and then in the center behind them the Lord privacy and just before him the lord steward of the household the duke of hamilton and brandon of the lord chamberlain of the household the Earl of Scarpa walks on the right with his wonder was he the head of Her Majesty's household and then again our picture changes from uniform to darker Clarence the Prime Minister of Salaam vulnerable Dudley sena naka leads behind him the prime minister of india and then on the right the Prime Minister of Pakistan then the prime minister of New Zealand and the Prime Minister of the Union of South Africa dr. Maulana who walks on mr. holland's left hand behind them together two men well known to us all in London the Prime Minister of Canada the right honourable lui son Lauro and on his left our right the familiar faces the right Honorable Robert Chi Minh's is the Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Australia and behind there once again in procession the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom [Music] Sir Winston Churchill [Music] and now the signal is given for a fanfare that Her Majesty the Queen joins the procession [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and so it's her mother and her sister and the other members of the royal family watched her pass her majesty now moves in her procession down the length of this abbey moves in her beautiful shimmering gown with its long purple train the Train of purple velvet lined with gold edged with ermine embroidered all over with gold and she wears as we see her now the Imperial state crown in her hands the sceptre and the rod the sign that in her hands justice and mercy are never to be separated [Music] a supporting bishops walk with her as their predecessors had done through the centuries the maids of honor bear her train the mistress of the robes walks behind never for one moment taking her eyes from the Train on each side for long white plumes of the gentlemen Imams escort Her Majesty as she moves now through the organ screen and into the nave and we to now go to the west door of the abbey so that we may see her Majesty emerge preceded by the three swords by the officers of state [Music] [Music] so - that sterling music majesty splendor and beauty past from our sight as the Queen goes in her lovely robe out of the nave of the Abbey history has been written and sung here today in this warm and beautiful oval where it has been written and sung for many hundreds of years but never before have so many seen the crowning of the sovereign also many shared in her dedication in this lab a church which in its changing forms has sheltered the crowning of our kings and queens for nigh on a thousand years you
Channel: Archive of Recorded Church Music
Views: 1,873,651
Rating: 4.7312741 out of 5
Keywords: Recorded Music Archive, Cathedral Choir, Church Choir, Sacred Music, Choral Music
Id: 52NTjasbmgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 176min 41sec (10601 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 02 2018
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