DeAndre Jordan Tries to Keep Up with a Professional Chef | Back-to-Back Chef | Bon Appétit

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that's it that's the dish I mean whoa that looks pretty damn good to me hey guys it's Carla I'm here in the bun of t-tests kitchen today with DeAndre Jordan the tallest and also most handsome player on the Brooklyn Nets he's also our tallest guest to date making me feel extra special so today DeAndre and I are going to make vegan chocolate banana pancakes and a delicious Bloody Mary and we're gonna see how well DeAndre Falls along with me through verbal instructions only I heard that you're vegan obviously but I also heard that you don't do a lot of cooking at home I don't I do a lot of eating okay I do a lot of eating not a lot of cooking they don't let me in the cooking area great and so how many times would you say you've cooked at home three times three times okay so today we're gonna cook here it's gonna be awesome so in a count of three we're just gonna turn around start cooking oh now yeah okay one two three okay I can't turn around at all now no we can't look at each other anymore okay good luck but I know I can feel your presence you know what I mean yeah it's just good nervous heat coming from my body it's gonna be great all right first thing I know it sounds a little weird but we're gonna use the liquid from this can of chickpeas to make kind of like a whipped cream so I want you to just shake up the can of chickpeas really well shaky-shaky and then so there's a little strainer set over the measuring cup and just pour the beans and the liquid through the strainer so that the we don't really need the beans we could use them for something else chickpea pancakes perhaps okay what we're after is four ounces of this delicious being liquid I want to use four ounces so I'm gonna pour all but a quarter cup in and just what it was oh sorry into the stance see the stand mixer left of you're on the other side of the cooking pan there's a metal bowl set in the stand mixer thing with the banana in it nope other side with the flour stuff no keep going so there's all juice okay the whisk attachment okay and then just go ahead and pour in maybe all but a quarter cup of liquid all right into the end of the metal ball and if it's a little more a little less it's not a big deal no no we got to be precise okay that's very delicate pouring pretty good okay okay so go back to your tray okay and there's a bowl of sugar dump that into the liquid in the bowl and then there's a little tiny bowl with um cream of tartar in it and then that can go in the bowl too I just wanted the holloway perfect so far exactly matched okay and then just tilt the head of the mixer down and there's a little switch on the side that kind of locks the bowl it has a little icon of like the bulges okay and so just tilt that like flip that forward so it's lock yep and then on the other side let's go up to six suits oh that's my number so agree yeah is that true that's true that's a fact I totally knew that okay so deandre what's happening in this mixer it's called aqua fava that's the liquid from the beans aquafaba aqua fava okay have you never had this before no it's kind of cool it like kind of mimics egg whites okay but it also can sort of feel like whipped cream so we're gonna kind of use it like as this leavener and it's gonna be sweet to it it's gonna be a little sweet like a meringue good alright so while that's happening grab the bowl with the banana and the fork you say grab the knife no so go with the banana okay and the fork and then we're just gonna peel the banana and smash the flesh in this bowl you can put your peel on the tray with the measuring and then just use your fork and we want this like really well mashed all right this is sort of taking the place of a little bit of what the eggs do as a binder look vegan cooking is like it's challenging but it's it's cool because then you figure out what other ingredients you can use yeah it's cool yeah I like that that you have to find other things and I was kind of amazed at how this recipe like comes together because the bananas kind of act like glue uh-huh but they're also a sweetener right it kind of looks like a big cheese almost all right cool so then you've got a little bottle of vanilla extract tip in like a little splash of vanilla what what's the splash though like teaspoon and then there's a squeeze bottle that's got maple syrup in it and I would do like I don't know two or three little go around the bowl that doesn't make any sense I do it three perfect all right and that's our sweetener and we can like adjust that to taste and then there's a can of walnut oil you are you good with not yes okay great so then drizzle about the same amount as um whatever your vanilla amount was and that's gonna add flavor but it's also good to have fat in the batter okay and then mix that all together and then there's a measuring cup with almond milk and just pour all of that in and you can just stir that together with the fork all the milk great all the mouth all right so now take that same bottle of vanilla and do the same amount right into the aquafaba and that'll kind of give it that nice whipped cream flavor and then there's a bowl of salts like a medium-sized bowl should be right in front of your cutting board and just add a pinch of salt to aqua baba to in the avocado into the salt yeah little bit just bench all right my pinch is different in your pitch that's a good measurement I have pretty small hands I have a thing okay so you can scoot the your little banana mixture over to the side of the cutting board and grab the large bowl that has the flour in it this is whole wheat flour and then there's another flour that's more like charcoal colored and that's buckwheat flour okay and add the buckwheat flour to the bigger bowl with the whole wheat flour that's the one that's next to the salt it's kind of grayish cracks put that in the big bowl exactly all of it all of it and then grab the cocoa powder which is in a smaller bowl that's pretty clear that it's cocoa powder yep add that also to these other dry all of it all of it and then you've got a jar of cinnamon few dashes of cinnamon 2 dashes few dashes a pinch of salt to this to piggy thank you baby salt you can do a little bit bigger than a big keep it i'ma go ring finger salt perfect and then there's a another little bowl that's got baking powder in it so add that to and then just whisk this together till it looks like all the flowers are combined I like to hold my bow sideways when I whisk really because my hands are big in it also it makes me look like I know what I'm doing you know if you hold it down and kind of there people don't think you're advanced yeah they I don't want people to think I need this cutting board okay let's turn our father off grab a spoon from one of those little bins and we'll just take a look at this so you should be able to scoop it out and turn your spoon over and nothing should fall off the spoon and the peaks like the you know like a Dairy Queen like the tip that yeah it looks like does it look like that works like kind of going straight up and maybe tiny bit curve to the curve yeah it looks like almost like a person's hair style coming okay and then give it a taste because I'm curious what you think it's pretty good it's not too beanie right no no okay it's pretty good I'll take a look I taste a lot of sugar yeah and a little like - a pinky of salt I know and that's what like kind of helps with that Beamish flavor all right take the whisk out of the dry ingredients because we're gonna pour in that banana almond milk mixture and you just pour it in kind of all at once but then we're gonna use the whisk to mix the batter together the whole banana whole banana thing it's a banana situation then just use your whisk to mix this I don't know if I can do this one sideways just yet what do you mean holding the ball yeah it's supposed to get clumpy like this right at the beginning it's gonna feel like pretty clumpy but it should smooth out and be almost the texture of like a pretty thick chocolate pudding yeah yeah okay I'm starting to get that and then when you don't see any more like flowery bits just um smack you're whisking up the side of the bowl to get the batter off and we're actually gonna add some of the alcohol yes there's a shift good chef etiquette to like smell it sure yes definitely okay because it smells really good it smells very chocolatey that's the coca yeah yeah okay so if you just smack off the extra batter and then using the one cup measure that's on that silver tray I thought you said yeah one cup it could be a little bit heaping so you can just use the cup as a scooper it's aesthetically very pleasing yeah I think we did a good job I mean I can't see yours but I think Mama's pretty good I think I put this in the put this in tell me how you're getting aqua 5 out here cup um with gentle force okay so then grab one of those spatulas the rubber spatula and then I want you to kind of gently fold the aquafaba into the batter so what you're gonna do is kind of scraping down to the bottom of the bowl look cool if I use a small black one yeah that's what I'm using okay yeah I want you to think of your spatula sort of cutting straight through to the bottom of the bowl and then folding up and over to fold the aquafaba in going like under but then scooping it over again until it's pretty much combined a couple of white streaks left is okay but I don't want like big chunks of Aqua Velva and this is just gonna lighten the batter the raw cocoa taste let's taste yours I did because there was some of my thumb can I accidentally put some on what them yeah the raw cocoa is pretty bitter yeah but very chocolatey all right we're ready my pancakes you've got a big jar of coconut oil I bet you're using a lot of coconut oil in your cooking yes and avocado and take a big spoonful you can use a teaspoon but like pretty big spoonful whoo I drop some of my about her we can add more I just want enough coconut oil in the pan to where the whole surface is covered okay coconut oil in the pan scoop up like a quarter cup of batter and then we're going for five pancakes and we're gonna go like around the perimeter of the pan like like numbers on a clock but go ahead and scoop that first quarter cup of batter into the pan at like you know the 12:00 o'clock spot the three o'clock spot doesn't really matter did your first batter go in no we're still working okay are we scooping no we got it the first ones a little I made a Mickey Mouse pancakes that's fine you can use that same black spatula that we did our folding so if you scoop with the quarter cup then you can use the spatula to scoop it into your coconut oil pour it right onto itself and it'll put put itself into a circle oh my god this was way easier than the first time I'm excited to see the Mickey Mouse one I'm on pancake four but where are you at you're bragging okay first of all I'm on pancake for now great lock-step so everybody's in everybody's in I'm just doing some cosmetic work okay and then while they're cooking we're gonna just slice up some banana for our topping there's a banana on a plate over here while you're cutting board okay we got to peel this guy and then well the vegan banana pancakes are cooking we're just gonna slice this I sliced my banana already fabulous oh you did on accident what I want you to do is kind of slice it on an angle so that we get like long oval slices of banana so I get to use the knife now yeah all right so you mentioned hosting the holidays yes I feel like this is a really good holiday brunch situation this is good I think people would be very impressed with you if you busted out the vegan banana chocolate pancakes I know we didn't have to say it like oh I mean I can make you guys some yeah make it sound super casual I'm just gonna go in the kitchen grab a little breakfast anybody then I have to FaceTime you and be like hey wait to do this again alright so nice place is a banana and then just set that side again now describe what's happening on the surface of these pancakes kind of like lava kinda cake like the cake that mrs. Trunchbull made the kitty perfect yeah are there any bubbles breaking the surface yeah okay good starting with pancake number one we're just gonna turn them over and you were you worried about this I am the thing is you want to pick the pancake all the way up I feel like what people do a lot they pick up picking up from one side and they try to flip it over its side but then it just lands on the pancake next to it so pick the pancake all the way up and then in the space where the pancake used to be just put it back down turn it over got it read easy peasy I find it the squat technique is good for flipping the pancake what is the squat technique you kind of like super kind of like sumo wrestler oh you're very far away from the pan everybody's over I think they just need a minute on the side then we're gonna put them on plate then we're gonna make a very delicious Bloody Mary and then brunch is served okay pancakes coming out okay okay yeah yep plates on the board same thing with the pancakes what I want you to do is I want you to go around just like they were going around the perimeter but I just want you to like put the edge of pancake number two on the edge of pancake number one instead of having them flat or in a stack I want them to go around the edge like slightly overlapping each other pancakes are on the plate could hang for a second okay we want the drink to be ready and the pancakes to be served at the same time okay okay so before we finish pancakes we're gonna make a delicious gladdy Mary okay okay so but you want the measuring cup with the tomato you want the whole tray with all the fixings got it okay do you like spicy sour extra spice all of this stuff okay so let's start with the sriracha I would add about a teaspoon to start we can add more but you can also just squeeze it straight in just throw caution to the wind you know what I mean all right if you like it spicy yeah okay and then we got vegan Worcester sauce which I didn't even know existed me neither that's great right so this this does come out of the bottle pretty fast so I'd pour that into the teaspoon and I don't know like a half a spoon you can always add more and then take your pickle brine and we actually want the brine so you can dip the tablespoon measure right into the pickle liquid I would do a whole tablespoon of that Bloody Marys oh I was about to do a second tablespoon let's do a second tablespoon let's do it let's do it I was just thinking about how they like make your palate salivate yeah right just looking at another little spoon in one of those little jars horseradish which is sour but also pretty spicy so I'm gonna do another spoonful of that yeah I'm gonna do a big spoon of that big spoon okay I'm down oh oh gosh is underrated Oh some black cap I love black pepper so I did like three three big cracks you can also use cayenne that would be good chili flake a couple dashes of curry powder if you're in if you're if your end of that way don't have I have cayenne uh no I'm saying if we didn't have okay I've actually trying to one-up me on my you say curry powder no curry powder okay then we've got celery seed you could use fennel seeds even would be good with this yeah like if you didn't have Worcester you could use soy sauce I just like a I like a Bloody Mary bar where you just have all the stuff set out and you can add whatever you want and then there's a lemon - okay more sour and then just Weezer in there yeah squeezer in there and then I would add a good pinch of salt so like your ring finger pinch which is probably my three-finger pinch it's like a meal you're getting your full serving of vitamins very hearty hmm oh pretty good you tasted it uh-huh give it a taste I think it could be more sour and more spicy personally what do you think I agree with everything you just said great I'm going sriracha straight from the bottle okay I think I've arrived it feels like a proper bloody I think I'm cool okay all right so now we're gonna measure out one and a half ounces of vodka so you got to break the break your seal are you clapping for the vodka yeah all right taking off the foil all right pop the cork perfect one and a half ounces one and a half one and a half Emily oh that goes right into the measuring cup what did tomato mixture give that a little stir with whatever spoon you have left I'm down to the long one there's two glasses on the station there's a glass with a celery stick and a pickle yep and then there's another nice highball glass so bring them both over to the cutting board and I want you to fill the one that doesn't have anything in it all the way to the top and a little bit over the top with ice and then find some space and get your get your celery stick in there and now the tomato mixture goes right into the glass so just pour this over the ice oh man right to the brim now you can drop the lemon on the edge and then there's pickled okra and just like drop that down the side I think that's perfect this screams brunch to me and the screams holiday like it's it's literally in holiday colors yeah this screams everything to me and if you have people coming over or staying with you over the holidays and you bust out the Bloody Mary bar day after Thanksgiving Christmas yeah mmm good stuff more presents do we want olives in our Bloody Mary yeah I do I'm afraid I'm gonna go I'm gonna overflow okay I got one yeah it means you have to just take a little sip my big oh my god I want to drink it but we have to finish our goal we have to finish our banana pancakes pancakes plate boom back on the cutting board oh yeah we're going back to Aqua fatherland's I want you to do like a nice dollop of aquafaba on top of every pancake and so just go around that nice little shingled situation that you made call this a topper whopper a topper wobbler yeah it's a topper wrapper you got all five pancakes topped oh okay great care yeah liberation with this it's just precise yeah now you can just pick the banana slices up with your fingers mm-hmm and like tuck a banana on top of each spoonful of aquafaba yeah the Aqua fob is like so firm that it's like oh yeah holds it up yeah it's like a little banana cloud pillow and then there's some chopped walnuts take a handful of those sprinkle them all over everything but don't cover up your beautiful banana pillow okay and then squeeze bottle of maple syrup and then just drizzle all maple syrup all around okay drizzle drazzle everywhere that's it that's the dish damn I mean whoa that looks pretty damn good I think brunch is served okay so now when you're ready grab your pancake plate grab your Bloody Mary and then we're gonna count to three and then turn around one two three Oh gorgeous Sammie sir I did yeah big dollops thing I do I did big dollops that's nice you know but that my pancakes were a little bitter I went from like small to big that's awesome yeah it's like ascending so it's so good even the ground wants up cheers Cheers so he gets to drink now all right you want to eat I do want it ready for breath okay great let's do it welcome to my holiday brunch now we trade plates oh it's ray is it yeah okay I'm sampling your hand very jealous of you I am jealous of me and then the drink to all the drinks go yeah okay I'll put a little surprise on those thank you I really look at that very classy olive garnishing so how do you feel now you I feel like I like I like my plate rock so like this you made this for me I did it's it's more but you were worried about flipping pancakes and you made like a full array too see you sir cheers to you thank you oh my god that's a real reset you know that's all the hard work we did we deserve to we really do I got super thirsty is it how is it is it too spicy Lizzie it's so good it shouldn't be spicy if they loved it spicy pancakes I'm gonna start with silver dollar over here okay I know yours is gonna be good I'm not always so just sample all right okay be honest with me mm-hmm good crunch that means you had a good amount of oil in the pan so you get was that that was and you knew it they do have a dessert vibe but then they're also vegan so I feel very if I feel under these and becomes afraid this like sweet and spicy thing was kind of working good you guys are jealous and no one would ever know that we used being liquid for that show holidays are your place as long as you're behind me yeah you could also get helpers and you could be me and you could just tell them what to do and I could just sit down and uh okay here's how there's my place
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 4,195,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: celebrity, food, how to, how-to, deandre jordan, deandre jordan 2019, deandre jordan interview, back to back chef, deandre jordan cooking, carla music, deandre jordan bon appetit, bon appetit, test kitchen, back to back, how to make, carla, carla bon appetit, kitchen challenge, cooking lessons, deandre jordan funny, vegan pancake, vegan pancake bon appetit, bloody mary bon appetit, nba, deandre jordan nets, brooklyn nets
Id: hoz5GmDhzUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 27sec (1467 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 27 2019
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