Elizabeth I in Real Life- YOUNG to OLD- With Animations- Mortal Faces

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this is queen elizabeth the first and in this video i will transform her using my technology and photoshop skills to see how she might have looked in real life she was the last ruler of the tudor dynasty in england so let's get started thank you for watching subscribe for more historical recreations and let me know in the comments who you want to see in real life elizabeth the first was born in 1533 and she was the second daughter to king henry viii of england this is the queen known for ruling during the time of william shakespeare and she wore those big white ruffled collars and heavy white makeup she was the queen that provided stability in england for 44 years during a time when everything was happening around you war death treason heresy religious conquest and the spice trade the middle ages just ended and elizabeth inherited a nation split into two by her father henry viii elizabeth was born in greenwich palace which was the same place as her father and her older half-sister mary was born this was located southeast of london her mother was ann bolin who died when she was two years old by the year 1550 when she was 17 she had the best education really anyone from her generation could have received and she was extremely gifted in the languages being able to speak fluently in french dutch scottish italian welsh irish and cornish her father king henry viii died in 1543 when she was 14 years old her half-brother edward became king when edward died when she was 20 years old her cousin who was henry viii's sister's granddaughter lady jane gray became queen and she was known in history as the nine days queen because nobody liked her and england made henry's eldest daughter mary queen instead mary known as the bloody tudor queen was henry's daughter with catherine of aragon his first wife catherine was spanish and so mary was half spanish as well and she grew up before henry split from the church so she was catholic and heavily catholic at that and her whole reign was aimed at crushing the protestants that her father had enlightened so when mary died and elizabeth became queen in 1558 at 25 years old her nation was a mess and it was really elizabeth who cleans it all up elizabeth was initially welcomed as the queen of england because england was heavily protestant and being ruled by a catholic who married another spanish catholic king it was not met with popularity and so when elizabeth the protestant became queen the majority who were protestant could now rejoice but there were still threats and uneasiness with the remaining catholics in the land but elizabeth showed leniency to different religions including catholics and so a lot of the persecution that mary enacted was reverted by elizabeth and there was a sense to a degree of religious peace during this time to assert power elizabeth was a lot like her father wearing big overstated clothings big neck ruffles huge collars and lots of jewelry were added to her wardrobe after she got smallpox in 1562 she painted her face with white makeup containing lead and this would later give her hair loss and skin deterioration it's said that later in her life she only had a few locks of hair on her head and the rest was bald her red lipstick contained mercury and that would lead to memory loss irritability and depression which were all conditions that she suffered on in her later years she also ate copious amounts of sugar as it was new and all the rage and people thought that it had medicinal properties and so they would also brush their teeth with it so her teeth were notoriously bad with all this deterioration elizabeth added more makeup to hide it all but her appearance was everything it's what gave her her presence there was a lot of development regarding foreign relations during elizabeth's reign and it mainly came down to religion and the spice trade elizabeth was more defensive when it came to war she preferred to conquer through diplomatic relations and commerce catholic spain who hated elizabeth and controlled the seas was a major obstacle for trade and discovery and this led england and spain to fight each other numerous times beginning the anglo-spanish war but england during her reign would develop the british east india company created the first english settlement in north america and have good relations with the muslims famous artists like william shakespeare would grow up during this time giving romance to the elizabethan era and the propaganda created by elizabeth to celebrate england's many victories and her successes contributed to this era being known as england's golden age often her story ends here on a high note however by the time of her death in 1603 at 69 years old england's treasury was spent through bad war decisions her mental health had declined significantly resulting in poorer choices and many of her advisors had died giving rise to new ones who didn't always take her seriously and she had no successor until the very end as she refused to get married or name one thinking it would lead to war her successor in the end was her cousin mary queen of scots son king james vi of scotland and the first of england and ireland as a little fact he was also the grandfather to charles ii of england known as the restoration king which i have a video on him separately on my channel elizabeth's death would end the tudor dynasty and james would begin the stuart dynasty and that's elizabeth in a nutshell so thank you for watching subscribe for more historical recreations and let me know in the comments who you want to see in real life and i will see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Mortal Faces
Views: 631,748
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mortal Faces, MortalFaces, Mortal Face, Henry VIII, Henry VII, Queen Elizabeth I, Elizabeth I, Henry 8th, King, Henry, England, English Kings, Ai Technology, Photoshop, Real Life, Real Faces, Tutor Dynasty, Recreation, Art, Henry's 6 wives, Anne Boleyn, Queen, the Virgin Queen, Mary, Queen of Scots, Mary Tutor, England's Golden Age, Golden Age, William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe, Elizabethan Era, Elizabethian, Edward VI, Spanish Armada, Robert Dudley, Philip II, Spain, Sugar
Id: Sm93sixiOA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 13sec (373 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 24 2021
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