Elinor Wonders Why FULL EPISODE | Butterfly Babies / Elinor's Circus | PBS KIDS

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[♪♪♪] ♪<i> ELINOR: Wherever I go,</i> ♪<i> I see things that I want to know.</i> ♪ ♪<i> Wherever I am,</i> ♪ ♪<i> I find things that I want to understand.</i> ♪ ♪<i> Go and explore, listen and see,</i> ♪ ♪<i> just follow your curiosity.</i> ♪ ♪<i> ALL: Elinor wonders why!</i> ♪ ♪<i> ELINOR: Why do birds sing and how do they fly?</i> ♪ ♪<i> ALL: Elinor wonders why!</i> ♪ ♪<i> ELINOR: Why do ants march and where do they hide?</i> ♪ ♪<i> There's so much to learn,</i> ♪ <i> ♪ wherever you turn, </i> ♪<i> just listen and see,</i> ♪ ♪<i> and follow your curiosity.</i> ♪ [♪♪♪] ♪<i> ALL: Elinor wonders why!</i> ♪ ♪<i> ELINOR: Ask a question, what will you find?</i> ♪ ♪<i> ALL: Elinor Wonders Why!</i> ♪ ♪<i> ELINOR: Just listen and see, come and wonder with me. </i> [♪♪♪] ELINOR: "Butterfly Babies" MR. BAT: What a beautiful day for a walk in the park! OLIVE: It's more of a roll in the park for Miri. KIDS: [giggle] ARI: Are you having fun, little Miri? Who's the cutest little sister in the world? You are! Yes, you are! MIRI: [giggle] ARI: Awww.... MIRI: [cooing] ELINOR: Miri is so cute. ARI: [giggle] MIRI: [giggle] She looks like a tiny version of you and your dad, Ari. OLIVE: Yeah, babies are so adorable. MR. BAT: Hey, I'm adorable too! KIDS: [laugh] MR. BAT: You know, kids, I love visiting the park with Miri... because the whole world is new to her. Look around and pretend you're new to the world. What do you notice? ARI: I see a butterfly! KIDS: [gasp] MIRI: [giggle] ARI: It looks like Miri thinks butterflies... are pretty cool. MIRI: [giggle] MR. BAT: So kids have you decided... what you want to do in the park? ARI: I know! Let's do some butterfly-watching today. OLIVE: Oh! ELINOR: Yeah! ARI: I like butterflies. They have wings, just like like me. KIDS: [giggle] ELINOR: It's really pretty! OLIVE: [gasp] Wait, look. There's a caterpillar on this plant, too. Caterpillars are my favorite. Maybe we should watch caterpillars instead. ELINOR: Hmm. Butterflies and caterpillars are both pretty interesting. ARI: Yeah, but butterflies can fly. Flying just adds a little extra coolness, you know? KIDS: [giggle] OLIVE: Well, a caterpillar can't fly, but look how many legs it has. ELINOR: If I had that many legs... I would never fall down. Ooah.. ARI: [giggle] OLIVE: [giggle] OLIVE: [giggle] Elinor, you are so funny! ELINOR: What else is interesting about butterflies and caterpillars? ARI: Well, butterflies have awesome patterns on their wings. They're so colorful! I wish I had a shirt like that. OLIVE: True. But just look at the caterpillar's cool stripes. I wish I had a pair of pants with stripes like that! ELINOR: They're both pretty fancy! ARI: Well, a butterfly... Oh! ARI: Hey, come back here! I was trying to tell my friends how cool you are. Quickly follow me! KIDS: [giggle] OLIVE: [gasp] It landed on Miri's nose! MIRI: [sneeze] KIDS: [giggle] OLIVE: Butterflies are great, but baby bats are pretty amazing, too. ELINOR: You know, I don't think I've ever seen a baby butterfly. ELINOR: I've seen bat babies, bird babies, bunny babies... but no butterfly babies! OLIVE: You're right, Elinor. I don't think I've ever seen a baby butterfly either. ARI: I wonder what baby butterflies look like? ELINOR: Hmm. Well, Miri looks a lot like you and your dad, only smaller. Maybe baby butterflies look just like grown-up butterflies, but tinier. ELINOR: I know what we should do today. Let's look for baby butterflies. Olive, is that okay? I know you wanted to see caterpillars. OLIVE: Hmmm... That's true, but now I'm really curious. about baby butterflies. Let's do it! ELINOR: Yeah! ARI: Okay! MIRI: [baby talk] ELINOR: Let's follow that butterfly... to see if it has any babies. ARI: Can we follow the butterfly Dad? MR. BAT: Okay, don't go too far. ELINOR: It's getting away! C'mon! We need more observations! MR. BAT: Happy exploring, kids! [♪♪♪] ARI: [gasp] ELINOR: Wow! OLIVE: Ooohh! ELINOR: [gasp] ARI: It's like a butterfly party! ELINOR: Let's see if we can find any baby butterflies. [♪] OLIVE: Hmm... These all look the same size. They must be grown-ups. No butterfly babies here. ELINOR: Any babies here? Nope. ARI: Just more grown-up butterflies over here. They sure are cool, though. ELINOR: Did anyone find any baby butterflies? OLIVE: I just saw a bunch of those orange butterflies, and they all look like grown-up butterflies. ARI: Same here. ELINOR: I wonder where all the baby butterflies are? ARI: Maybe baby butterflies are too tiny to see? OLIVE: Well, if they're really small, we'll need our magnifying glass to see them. OLIVE: Do you want to look, Elinor? ELINOR: Sure! Thanks, Olive. ELINOR: I see a baby spider... standing next to a grown-up spider. Awww cute, but it's not a baby butterfly. OLIVE: And here are some snails. There's a big grown-up snail and two baby snails. They're very interesting... But not baby butterflies. OLIVE: Hmmm... What if we can't see the baby butterflies, because they're all inside their houses? ARI: I don't see any little houses around. OLIVE: Me neither. ELINOR: I don't think butterflies live in houses. I think they live outside. ARI: Yeah. How would they even build a house? They'd need a really tiny hammer. Ting ting ting... KIDS: [laugh] ELINOR: We can't seem to find any baby butterflies. I wonder why not. That is so interesting! OLIVE: Hey, look. It's a caterpillar! ARI: It's got those fancy stripes like we saw before. ELINOR: Hmmm? OLIVE: Wait, what's the caterpillar doing? ELINOR: I don't know. ARI: Huh... [gasp] Whoa, what's happening? ELINOR: It looks like it's turning green. OLIVE: It turned into something new. It looks a little like a green pea pod. ELINOR: And now it's just hanging there. ARI: This is so awesome! OLIVE: Oh! I see another one of those... green pod-things over here. OLIVE: And there's one over here, but it's darker. [gasps] OLIVE: Wait. This one is moving. ARI: What? ELINOR: [gasp] It's breaking open! ARI: What is that? Is it an alien? I think it's an alien! OLIVE: It can't be an alien... Can it? ELINOR: Wait. I don't think that's an alien. ARI: Whoa! ELINOR: I think that's a... a... KIDS: Butterfly! [gasp] ELINOR: Wow! ARI: What just happened? OLIVE: Huh... Let's think about what we saw. OLIVE: First, we saw a caterpillar. ELINOR: And then we saw it turn into a kind of pod. ARI: But then we saw one of those pods break open, and an alien... I mean, a butterfly, came out. OLIVE: But what does this all mean? ELINOR: Hmmm... I think... ...that the caterpillars turn into butterflies. KIDS: [gasp] ELINOR: First the caterpillar turns into this pod like thing, and then after a while, it turns into a butterfly. ARI: Ohhhh... ELINOR: But that would mean... OLIVE: The butterfly babies weren't missing. They were right in front of us this whole time. ELINOR: Caterpillars are baby butterflies! That is so interesting! ARI: I can't believe it! Baby butterflies are caterpillars!? OLIVE: And caterpillars turn into butterflies? ARI: Wait! Olive, I just realized something. If caterpillars turn into butterflies, then that means... OLIVE: That the animal I like... ARI: And the animal I like... OLIVE / ARI: Are the same animal. ELINOR: You both sure know how to pick cool animals to watch. [♪♪♪] ALL: ♪<i> Caterpillars change. ♪</i> ♪<i> As they grow, they turn into butterflies.</i> ♪ <i> ♪ Now we know. </i> OLIVE: ♪<i> He's a caterpillar, watch it climb up. ♪</i> <i> ♪ It wiggles and wiggles and turns into a pod. ♪</i> ALL: ♪<i> Caterpillars change. ♪</i> <i> ♪ As they grow, they turn into butterflies. ♪</i> <i> ♪ Now we know. </i> ARI: ♪<i> The pod sits still. ♪</i> ♪<i> Then it opens wide.</i> ♪ ♪<i> What comes out?</i> ♪ ♪<i> A grown-up butterfly!</i> ♪ ALL: ♪<i> Caterpillars change. ♪</i> ♪<i> As they grow, they turn into butterflies.</i> ♪ ♪<i> Now we know.</i> ♪ ♪<i> And now we know! </i> ♪ ARI: Dad! Dad! Dad! Guess what? We went looking for baby butterflies, but we couldn't find any! OLIVE: Yeah, that's because we were looking for tiny butterflies. But then we found out... ELINOR: Caterpillars are the baby butterflies! ARI: They change into a pod, and then a butterfly comes out! MR. BAT: Wow, you figured that out by yourselves? ARI: Yeah, we did it by making observations! MR. BAT: What smart scientists you are! KIDS: [cheer] ELINOR: Mr. Bat, it's amazing that baby bats like Miri look a lot like grown up bats. But caterpillars look really different from butterflies! MR. BAT: Yes, Elinor! Some animals have babies that look just like their parents, and some animals have babies that go through a big change. When an animal makes a big change, it's called a metamorphosis. OLIVE: Me-ta-morph-o-sis. I like that word. MIRI: [giggles] ELINOR: Aww... ARI: You know, with Miri all snuggled up in her blanket, she kiiinda looks like a caterpillar. I wonder what would happen... if she turned into a butterfly... MR. BAT: Well, if she did, she'd still be adorable, just like her brother... and their Dad. KIDS: [laugh] ARI: Look at the butterflies! OLIVE: And they're all flying in the same direction! ELINOR: Where are they all going? SENOR TAPIR: Good question, Elinor. I have a song about two scientists who figured that out. SENOR TAPIR: ♪<i> Fred and Norah Urquhart ♪</i> <i> ♪ were husband and wife, </i> ♪<i> who both really loved being outside.</i> ♪ ♪<i> They lived up north in Canada, ♪</i> <i> ♪ where bright summer skies, ♪</i> <i> ♪ were filled with monarch butterflies. ♪</i> <i> ♪ But every year before it would freeze. ♪</i> ♪<i> The butterflies all flew away in the breeze.</i> ♪ <i> ♪ So, Fred and Norah decided to find where butterflies,</i> <i> ♪ spent their wintertime. ♪</i> ♪<i> They tagged lots of butterflies</i> ♪ ♪<i> and told lots of folks,</i> ♪ ♪<i> If you see where they went,</i> ♪ ♪<i> please let us know!</i> ♪ ♪<i> Fluttering butterflies,</i> ♪ ♪<i> where are you flying?</i> ♪ ♪<i> Where are going?</i> ♪ ♪<i> Where could you be?</i> ♪ ♪<i> Fred and Nora never stopped trying to solve</i> ♪ ♪<i> the butterfly mystery.</i> ♪ ♪<i> After most of their lives,</i> ♪ ♪<i> they finally found them!</i> ♪ ♪<i> Millions of monarchs on the side of a mountain!</i> ♪ ♪<i> Way down in Mexico!</i> ♪ ♪<i> So far away!</i> ♪ ♪<i> They finally figured it out, hooray!</i> ♪ SENOR TAPIR: Adios butterfly amigos! [♪♪♪] ELINOR: "Elinor's Circus" ELINOR: Ladies and Gentle-animals! Friends of alllll ages! Welcome to the Animal Town Circus! ELINOR: Featuring... The Amazing Ari! AUDIENCE: [cheers] ELINOR: Olive the Awesome! AUDIENCE: [cheers] ELINOR: And... Me! The Extraordinary... Elinor! OLIVE: Elinor? Elinor! ELINOR: Huh? OLIVE: [giggle] You were daydreaming. What do you think of our circus tent? ELINOR: Wow, that looks great! Our circus show is going to be amazing. OLIVE: I know. I hope everyone loves it. ARI: Of course, they'll love it. After all, we have a real circus tent... and a real circus unicycle... ARI: And a super-fancy circus helmet. What more could you want? ELINOR: A unicycle rider? KIDS: [laugh] ARI: I'll be riding it by show time. I'm sure I can learn how to use it. OLIVE: Oh! I have to work on my part too. My Mom made me these stilts, and I haven't tried them yet. ELINOR: Okay. And I'll work on my tight-rope walking! ELINOR: Hmmm, let's see. That log should do the trick. ELINOR: Make way for The Extraordinary Elinor! The brave tight-rope walker. ELINOR: Whoa! [grunt] Whoa!! This is trickier than I thought. ARI:<i> Tell me about it.</i> ARI: I can get on my unicycle and push off, but then look what happens. Wh... Whoa... Whoa! Whaaaa... I tip over. Ahhhh! Ah! Whooooaaa! Oof! OLIVE: I'm having the same problem. Watch... When I get up on my stilts, I can take a step... whoa! [effort] and another ste... [grunt] Whoa! Whoooa! [sigh] I can't stay up. ELINOR: I know they ride a unicycle, walk a tight rope and use stilts in a real circus, so there has to be a way to do them. How do we stay up without falling over? SIGGY:<i> Hi!</i> ELNOR: Huh? Oh. Hi! SIGGY: I'm Siggy! It's short for Sigmund. I just moved here! ELINOR: I'm Elinor. This is Ari, and Olive. OLIVE: Nice to meet you! ARI: Hi! SIGGY: What'cha doin'? OLIVE: We're putting on a circus! SIGGY: Hmm... OLIVE: It's like a show where we do fun tricks. Want to join us? SIGGY: Yeah! Can I watch? I looove clapping and cheering, so I'd be reeally good at watching. ELINOR: That would be awesome. Buuut our show's not quite ready yet. SIGGY: That's okay. It'll take me a while to find the perfect seat, y'know? ELINOR: Sit anywhere you like! We'll get back to practicing. OLIVE: Whoaaa... SIGGY: [effort] SIGGY: Go, Elinor! Hehe... I'm... uh... practicing my cheering! Yaaay! SIGGY: Hm.... I'm gonna try another seat. ELINOR: [sigh] [effort] Whoa! [effort] Whoa! Oof! [sigh] Why do I keep falling off? OLIVE: Wait! I have something that can help. OLIVE: Costumes! Maybe if we look like we're part of a circus, we'll be able to do the tricks better. ARI: Awesome! SIGGY: Niiice! That makes you guys look really um... really umm... circus-y! [gasp] OLIVE: I feel circusy. ELINOR: Ok, now we look like we're part of a circus. Maybe this will help us. ARI: Only one way to find out! [drum roll sounds] ARI: [sigh] Okay. Here it goes! You can do this Ari! ARI: Wooohooo!! I'm doing it, I'm doing it! Whoaa whoaaa ah... ah... Oof. ARI: Nope, still not doing it. SIGGY: Good try! Good try, Ari! ARI: Thanks, Siggy. OLIVE: Let me try. Ok... [effort] Whoa whoa whoa... oof! SIGGY: [clapping] Thanks Siggy. ELINOR: [effort] [grunt] Whoa! ELINOR: Hmm, the costumes didn't really help us stay up. ARI: We look really cool, though. OLIVE: What else can we try? ARI: Whoops! A streamer came untied. SIGGY: I'll do it! I can put it back. [♪♪♪] Woooo! Wahoo... Yeah! Woo-hoo! ELINOR: Wait a second! Siggy, how'd you do that? SIGGY: Do what? Tie a knot? Easy! I was a squirrel scout. ELINOR: No, I mean how did you skip over... and walk across the branch like that, without tipping over? SIGGY: Oh, that? It's just something that us squirrels do. To keep from falling over. My Mom calls it balancing. OLIVE: Balancing! I've heard that word. ELINOR: How do you do it? SIGGY: Well, I just try to make sure I don't lean my body over too far to one side. And if I start to feel myself tipping over... I try to move part of my body to the other side to keep me up. SIGGY: See? If my top goes one way, I just stick my big tail out the other way. Or if my tail goes this way, I just stick my body or my arms out the other way. To balance! OLIVE: Wow, Siggy, that is so cool. ELINOR: It is cool! Maybe it's something we can try for our circus tricks! ARI: But... I don't have a tail like Siggy does. SIGGY: No, but you have your wings. You could use them to help you balance. ARI: Okay. [exhale] Here goes! Whoaa...<i> Whaaa...</i> ELINOR: Ari! Put your wing out to the other side! ARI: Whoa! Whoa! Whooaaaaaa....oooh! [giggle] ARI: Whew! It worked! KIDS: [cheer] ARI: I thought I was going to fall. OLIVE: But you didn't! ELINOR: Yeah, you were tipping one way, but then you put your wing out the other way... and you stayed up. That's so interesting! OLIVE: I want to try it now. Maybe I can use my trunk to balance? OLIVE: Okay. Whoo... Whoooaaa... Whooaa. Whoooaaa! ELINOR: Olive, move your trunk in front of you! OLIVE: Whoa! [effort] Oh... Oh... Oh... Oh... [gasp] I didn't fall. ELINOR: It worked! OLIVE: I just reached out the other way with my trunk, and I stayed up. ARI: That was so cool! OLIVE: Maybe this stilt-walking thing isn't so hard after all. Thanks, Siggy! SIGGY: Aw, it's as easy as fallin' off a log. I mean, not falling off a log. ELINOR: Hmmm... Well, I don't have wings. And I don't have a trunk. But I am The Extraordinary Elinor. ARI: You can do it Elinor! We know you can. OLIVE: We'll cheer you on from over here. ELINOR: Hmm, I do have my arms... and ears... I'll try that! ELINOR: It's working! Whoa... Ah! ELINOR: Well it helps, anyway. I wish my arms and ears were longer. I bet that would help me balance more. OLIVE: [giggle] It would be funnier. ELINOR: [giggle] Yeah. I wonder how I can get longer arms. Hmm... ELINOR: [gasp] [♪] Like this! Maybe this'll help? ELINOR: Drum roll, please! ARI: [immitating drum roll] ELINOR: [sigh] Whoa! [effort] Mmm... Yes! I did it! I really did it! I felt I was falling one way, so I moved the stick the other way, and I didn't fall. OLIVE: You balanced! ELINOR: We all balanced! All thanks to Siggy. SIGGY: [whispering] ARI: [giggle] Yup. Now we can cheer. KIDS: [cheer] ELINOR: Ladieees and Gentle-animals! Let the Greatest Show in Animal Town begin! [♪♪♪] KIDS: ♪<i> To not fall down when you ride. ♪</i> ♪<i> Just stay even on every side.</i> ♪ ♪<i> It's easier if you spread out wide.</i> ♪ ♪<i> You can balance if you try</i> ♪ KIDS: ♪<i> A big long tail will help a lot ♪</i> ♪<i> to keep you balanced on a spot.</i> ♪ ♪<i> Just put it over where you're not.</i> ♪ ♪<i> You can balance if you try.</i> ♪ ♪<i> A good long stick can help you out</i> ♪ OLIVE: ♪<i> I like to use my nice, long snout ♪</i> ALL: ♪<i> Staying up is what it's all about. ♪</i> ♪<i> You can balance if you try.</i> ♪ ♪<i> Just practice hard, and there's no doubt...</i> ♪ ♪<i> You can balance if you try!</i> ♪ AUDIENCE: [cheer] ELINOR: Siggy, we couldn't have done it without you! SIGGY: Uh.... ELINOR: Come take a bow! SIGGY: Okay! SIGGY: Thanks, thanks everybody. AUDIENCE: [cheer] KIDS: [laugh] [♪♪♪] [♪♪♪] nders Why is made possible in part by a Ready to Learn grant from the U.S. Department of Education, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a private corporation funded by the American people, and by viewers like you. Thank you.
Channel: PBS KIDS
Views: 87,235
Rating: 4.2506084 out of 5
Keywords: PBS KIDS, education, children, kids, games, videos, educational, cartoons, Disney Jr., Nickelodeon, Nick Jr., Cartoon Network, Games, Videos, Full Episodes, Full Episode, life lessons, educational media, safe, streaming, Elinor Wonders Why FULL EPISODE, Elinor Wonders Why, Butterfly Babies, Elinor's Circus, pbs kids full episodes, new episode, elinor, outdoors for kids, nature for kids, nature
Id: 74FM8ScEztQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 34sec (1534 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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