Eliminate Windows 11 Bloatware - Effortlessly with Power Shell

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this is a follow-up video from our Windows 10 blower removal script this is the new script that will help you with removing all the bloatware that Microsoft loads by default on Windows 11. the script is open source and still not compiled I'm going to go over how to load this script and quickly review what it removes and how to modify the script if you want to customize it for your use I'm going to also go over a few bloatware items that can't be removed via the script and that you are installed just shortcuts to remove that you're not really actually installed in your system but they cannot be removed through the script the scripting directions are linked Below in the description you can download the file from our website the first step is to be sure your OS is updated with the newest version of Windows 11 and all patches are complete before running the script this will ensure that you get all of the removal of all the items that are automatically installed with Microsoft little side note whenever you create a new user you might have to run the bloatware removal tool to remove the pre-installed programs that reinstall when creating a new user this is default by Microsoft we are looking into trying to find out if there's a way to do this through the registry to get rid of that from happening every time but at the current time that's how the script runs we have a fresh test system here that has Windows 11 with a fresh load of Windows 11 loaded on it with all the updates and all patches and we're going to transfer the script over to it and we will run it and show you the difference between the two so let me just show you we'll just have a system here set up for defaults just basically loaded up with Windows 11 it's a mini form system we just have it connected keyboard mouse and we have the output being saved to our monitor here which will be on our recording so I'm going to switch over to there first step log in all right I just did any password I'm going to make this a little bigger for me there we go all right so to start with you gotta download the script the script will be in the description below if you haven't downloaded already you may want to pause the video and just download that okay so once you have the files downloaded you'll have a zip file and it'll be labeled Windows 11 remove bloatware that's the name of the file you're going to take this and you're going to copy it to your hard drive so I'm just going to go down to the C drive here I'm going to just make a temporary folder put this on anywhere on on the machine you can put this on your desktop you can put this I'm putting in the main path of the C drive but you can do anything you want you can label it any which way you want I'm just going to label it B1 for boot once and I'm going to paste this paste it in there there we go and we're going to extract those files so we're going to hit extract all and we're going to extract to that same folder is fine and it may create another folder a folder within a folder it's kind of an exception here I'm going to cut this and just bring it back out to here we'll we'll fix that zip file so it's not so crazy there we go you can get rid of the zip file when you're done with it if you want or you can keep it for your own use now I'm going to show you what Microsoft installs they install all this garbage which these aren't actually installed these are kind of just removable icons but if you go to installed apps you'll actually see a lot longer list of all this junk like clip champ it's not really needed feedback Hub get help you know mailing calendar you know a lot of these programs probably don't need Microsoft Office 365 which is just I think preview about the program they have teams installed a lot of stuff that's installed here Xbox stuff you know if you're a business user you're not going to want any of this or your phone so let's close this and let me just show you how to run the script I'm going to open up the script we're going to do windows Powershell we're going to run as administrator once that is running you're going to type in CD you're going to change to that folder so you're going to go to CD backslash you go back to the main path and then you're going to go to cdb1 that's just command directory that's what that stands for long story short you're switching to another folder it's like double clicking a folder so now what we're going to do is we're just going to change to the windows 11 remove bloatware by the way I just push tab on the keyboard to auto fill in what you know I started typing some of what I'm looking for and I push tab and it autofills to whatever the folder name is or file name is on that specific path so I'm going to hit enter and obviously change to B1 Windows 11 remove bloatware at this point you could type dir to see what's there you'll see there's only one text file and a PS1 file so we want to type out this command so you just type out how to remove this is just going to re display what your actual directions are for this in this case we have to run a command here that will allow us to execute higher privileges on the system so we don't have to do that so we're just going to copy that paste it run it it's going to ask you a dumb question just hit a for all it'll allow you to run it and now what you want to do is now run that actual bloatware script so you're going to put Ampersand remove bloatware and you just hit enter now this system is very slow so this may take a few minutes so we'll let that go you'll notice a bunch of blue stuff going on up here that is normal it's going to initialize a removed tool in other words it's going to say deployment but it's not really deploying it it's removing it so it uses the same words as if you're going to be installing it except you're uninstalling it if you notice it's around installing things like Xbox Bing weather Bing news Microsoft Solitaire collection this is going to basically bring you down to pretty much a default version of Windows with nothing installed this is not going to remove the Windows store we did have it removing like turning off the Windows store at some point but we decided to kind of go against that because of the fact that the windows story is still necessary for certain things so we also remove a little bit of telemetry files and we reset how File Explorer works so File Explorer by default usually opens up to your recent files this program will redo it so that when you open up File Explorer it will automatically go to this PC which is a little bit more common sense for most people especially if you're in a business you'll want to go to like maybe a map drive or something like that you may not want to see all your recent files you can by the way change all of this you can still go back and change anything that you don't want you can always go back and reset the options it doesn't permanently set anything it just sets them of via are defaults so and you can set this back to home if you want that and that would bring it back to just the regular recent file pads which we don't really have in here because it's a brand new machine but you can set those changes anywhere you want so let me show you what it actually removed what you're going to do is go back into installed apps and if you start to scroll down you'll notice there are a lot less things installed at this point OneDrive never seems to uninstall even if we tell it to uninstall it kind of comes back power automate is another one that probably shouldn't be in here but you can actually uninstall that temporarily if you want to actually I don't think we've removed it for a reason but if you noticed all the Xbox stuff is gone all the git help you know all the other junk that basically they load that you may not need at any point in time is now removed only the basic installation of the operating system which is like your calculator your camera like basic functions everything else has been removed including weather all of the note taking devices Etc that are basically are really annoying that don't work right everything's been taken out in that aspect so you're now to a nice clean operating system and what I want to also show is how this script is made and what it looks like on the underneath I'm going to load notepad plus plus on here so that we can basically take a look at the script in a little better format so I'm just going to download notepad plus plus and install that really fast probably gonna skip this on the video what is the same thing there we go it's long okay when you have notepad plus plus open you can actually just take your the file that we have here which I transferred into this folder and take that PS1 file drag it onto notepad plus plus and it'll format it nicely for you so you can see what it's all about it'll explain what we're removing to Do's people sticky notes all the junk that basically nobody really wants Spotify music Xbox one notes Skype app soon music which no that's like really old Zoom video get help you know uh now if we scroll all the way to the bottom here we're also removing some things like McAfee Security Suite we're also checking the Wi-Fi making sure that Wi-Fi hotspot sharing is disabled um Wi-Fi sense shared hotspot autoconnect is disabled start menu is also Bing search results has been changed we're also disabling Telemetry again all of these options you can either comment out by just putting a little pound sign in front of it like if you do that that will comment this if statement out be sure to comment the whole thing out if you don't do that you know if it's a full statement if it's just one line then just comment on online but it is broken down into groups here with little notes so whenever you want to let's say you want to turn off this whole Wi-Fi sense thing you can just put a pound sign in front of all of these lines and that will basically skip past that or you could just delete it from the script if you don't want it at all but if you want to re-enable it you could just delete the little pound sign in front of it pound just means that it's like a comment so that it'll comment out that line specifically you could do this before you run the script I recommend that you do go through the entire list before you run the script so that you can make sure that you have what you want specifically to be removed everything is nicely labeled in here so you should be able to figure out what you are actually commenting out what you are keeping and what you're not keeping now the script doesn't remove everything so let me go close this let me see if I file which probably shouldn't do anyway close this like that okay so if you go click on start you'll still see like Prime video is still here but it's actually been removed from the install programs the problem is that Microsoft keeps this little like bootloader in here that basically will load up its version of that program if you click it to install it so these aren't really actually installed but if you right click it it says uninstall they're not actually installed if you open it they'll start installing so you want to hit uninstall but it'll just remove the icon that's the reason why it's so quick and you can just get rid of the ones you don't want in this case I really don't want any of this so you just right click and uninstall it you can't do this through Powershell as I know of right now I'm going to try to find something that might be able to do this more automatically but right now we just kind of manually remove those and get rid of them at this point it's all taken care of it's removed I don't like Edge either so I'm just going to unpin this can't really take out Edge so we're just going to unpin from start also and you know you set your default browser and whatever else you would like to do uh you know that that's up to you on your decision on what you want to do but you can set it to any browser you feel like a few other little changes that we actually do on most systems is we also change out the icons at the bottom we'll unpin things like the Windows store most people don't use it unless you have a specific need for it and if you do you could still get it through the start menu by the way you can still find it in all apps you know it is in here so if you need it you can still grab it also take out the little chat feature and so take out the search so you can right click hit test bar settings and you can switch this out take out the widgets chat and you can hide the search and if you want it to be more like Windows 10 you can also go down to taskbar behaviors and switch to the left side that'll allow you to go back to kind of like how Windows 10 looks and you can also still automatically hide the taskbar or show badges you could do a lot of things here change it the way you want it and I would go through there and make sure that those settings are correct for you other system tray icons if you want specific icons that show up in the bottom right that's where you would go and you can select the icons you would prefer to show up in that corner I'm not going to make any changes to this because I'm not installing a lot of programs but if you have things over there that you don't want to be visible or if you want to see other things be visible you can click on those and change them another annoying thing that I really don't like about Windows 11 is this recommended area so I usually right click and hit start settings and I change this to more pins so that it just kind of puts that down there and out of the way you could also turn off the recommended if you want you know I don't have to show my recently added apps I don't like any of this stuff on this is a personal personal change we don't usually change those on the customer side we'll just change it to more pins and still allow more actual pinning of specific apps that you want especially since all apps is now up here makes it a little harder to find so it's a little bit more trickier that way but you know with Windows 11 you can also create more icons on the desktop or you can create more icons in the start menu if you want that's about it for right now uh you can basically check out the script itself you can download it from our website uh the link will be down in the description and uh if you have any comments or if you have any other items that you'd like us to add to the script please let us know in the comments below we will try our best to try to update it over time and we probably won't make another video about it but we'll probably just update it on the site and you know put the proper comments in the in the actual script file itself so that's it for Windows 11 bloatware uh be sure to like subscribe and we'll see you in the next one have a great day
Channel: Boot Once
Views: 13,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: windows 11 bloatware, remove bloatware, get rid of bloatware, slow windows 11, windows 11 telemetry, remove telemetry windows 11, take back your os, bloatware sucks, windows 11, bloatware
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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