Elemental Wizard MAP WARS! (Minecraft)

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wooper you're supposed to give it to me i don't i don't feel any more powerful you know what this alliance is this alliance is over ah what the heck hey it was you who said it was over atlanteans welcome back to a brand new map wars video today's theme is magic we have multiple different elements in this custom-made map over there in the northern lands is cannibal crab as an ice mage over here is the fire mages land where i will be residing and cracking kid who will be playing an earth mage living in the swamp but what is that over in the fall lands is that it's a necromancer living in the shadow isles it's baby blooper i think well that's enough talking let's go face these other wizards in today's map wars video all right so we're starting in our volcano land we got to make some roads before we can go to our traitor which i believe he's over there thankfully he's not up in the volcano uh but we made some changes to our new road making tool if we shift right-click we can turn it into a destruction tool and we'll destroy the roads um yeah so that would be good if like an army has invaded your lands and you want to get them out because cracking kid and cannibal crab you know they start coming to my base and killing me over and over and over again i can stop them uh cannibals are you i'm talking to you through a magic spell from the lands of the ice the lands of the ice and the fire what's and you will be dying today is the spell called discord yeah this is a discord spell so we all start off with our apprentice wand and we got five different uh spells that we have learned so i got fireball like a fireball just a and i think flame ray and if we talk to our traitor here we can upgrade and get some gear pyromancer armor some necklaces that will help us regen our mana uh some rings and then we get a master pyromancer one that has master spells if we spend that nine gold or eight gold i could transform my gold block into ingots but then i wouldn't be able to respawn so we got a place find a good spot to place a sucker around uh baby blooper are you there i'm here i am right over here so the necromancer people are they friendly to uh fire people we're very similar no we're very friendly to all until all is not friendly towards us really uh yeah so can you elaborate on what that means so if you mess with me you're messing with me and i don't like being messed with so i'll mess with you back dog we're the necromancy we don't he's neutral yeah it's a very complicated way of saying you're neutral so our troops today will be magic wizards uh wizards of mages i don't okay so let's recruit these guys warlocks yeah that actually probably is it all right followed on me we are going to the land lands of the swamp kraken come on let's talk cody to get away from my lanes it's too early i don't even have it if you're new here at map wars we are fighting over resources gold and iron to raise armies get better gear but we've actually added a new feature today where there are bosses and if you kill those bosses you will actually get some really really cool stuff whether it's resources or just legendary armor or gear that will be able to help you in your wars to come i think we're approaching yes the pyramid protector this is a magical being i'm gonna go close to it so i can show you guys what it's what it does i did make them so i got a bit of an advantage knowing their abilities okay so i i think i remember some of these abilities he's gonna shoot those uh magic spells at us and if we get close enough he might start spawning in some of um his minions that will heal him so he would have to kill some of the minions let's see if we can use a firebomb attack against him oh what the heck oh i'm taking way too much damage oh that's one of his minions okay it's like blending in let's try to use flame ray now these are just like basic level abilities when i get that master one that cost i think it's eight gold i'll be so much stronger okay where we're treating see we gotta get way way better is he chasing after me okay i'll be a little concerned if he was there is another protector over there uh similar to the pyramid protector but his abilities are totally different and his drops are totally different so killing them is a huge help okay let's go over here let's get some gold and i think i can turn baby blooper and get an ally this time now i did forget to show you guys we made another change the matic tool aka the road tool and we can now right click and change um what color our roads are you can use other people's roads so that's pretty cool uh let's get some of this iron we got a ton of it okay this mountain is going to be actually this volcano is going to be known as iron volcano yep here we go this is going to give us probably uh was it two iron per troop so yeah we'll get four uh two extra troops now we got to four over there ah man we're gonna need a lot more to be able to take down those uh protector bosses i do have a cool spell called pocket furnace and if i right click it automatically smells for me that's one huge advantage for being a pyromancer and i'm really glad nobody else wanted to become a pyromancer because that spell is so op if you shift uh left click it changes the color and you have to cycle through all of them again well we'll make it so you can lock your color and that accident won't happen it's cannibal building cannibal is building out on one of those islands and there's tons of resources out there i gotta beat him to those other ones it doesn't look like he has any troops nearby but he could because uh sometimes they don't render in if it's far away uh i think there's a couple bits of iron there's one okay i'll take it one iron that should do the job uh no visual i thought his roads were made of lava but no it's just that orange color if i am a pyromancer i have the armor will i be invulnerable to fire i feel like that should be a thing no crap he's moving so fast let me go into his discord call cannibal if you continue dead this path i will destroy you uh this isn't even your land this is the earthbland the earth land is everything's by land i'm the fire nation or the the fire magic people oh god well not in this universe you don't owe the land we have equal democracy you said a lot of words at the beginning and i'm gonna have to teach you a lesson for those words words have consequences mike and uh you know you're gonna have to serve for your uh serve those consequences it's too early cody i'm sure your army is tiny you probably don't have any ink it's melted yet cannibal i have a spell never mind i'm not going to tell you you better not have an op spell that just like gives you free iron and gold well you know like your iron tree you had mike yeah exactly that's cannon in the middle earth map guys there was a tree that just kept producing iron for mike it was duplicating it was unreal and instead of telling us he just kept it a secret and used it against us yeah wait why am i getting steel ingots why is that a thing oh it's taking the freaking iron and smelting it again to steal i don't want that to happen okay i can't smelt any of that uh until oh man if i have any iron in the in my inventory i can't use the smelt thing shut up kraken he's amassing an army uh you know i'll just throw a few things his way so he knows don't mess with the fire nation bro hey cannibal oh crap it's not going far enough flame what about fireball oh get off my road what are you doing these dang novice spells and the apprentice spells they just don't go far enough you got snowmen come on snow golems oh god okay okay okay uh i shard huh you're frozen of trash oh gosh nope that is why i mean you do not own this land this is the land of the ice and snow the land of the ice and the snow will go down in flames where is baby blooper yes the shadow mage looks like he's going for a bit of a defensive route he has a bunch of spikes out there what the flip all right where's kraken oh that's that bright pink oh there he is he's got the smelter he's got six furnaces okay he's got lots and lots of furnaces i almost have enough for my master wand uh i have four uh gold ingots let's keep going maybe i'll scour the top of the volcano for some oars we can get one more troop i wouldn't have been able to get so many more actually no i have 16 ores okay so let's use it pocket furnace it does uh six iron every time and it's like a five second cooldown no i just didn't no i did it again i oh my gosh okay there we go now i spend it see that's how we gotta deal with you you spend it all do it again then spend it oh i wasted so much iron give me this gold i'm gonna need this i'm gonna oh that iron actually might be in trouble right now let's try and save it before the lava gets it oh that lava did get it crap um and we did have to make one change so we added in a new thing to the shop which i'll go over in a moment but right now i gotta focus on getting to the top of this volcano and not dying because if i fall down well that's gonna be a long way down um and i do have my gold block so that's kind of good at least there's nothing up here what oh there is yes there's iron but really not much i could place the carpet on top of lava let's go i'm still gonna miss all these blocks though because of it okay so i could run this melting command but i'm not going to right now all the road is deleting itself we are walking on lava right now if you guys uh ever ever dug down at diamond level would you have ever wanted this tool wait wouldn't blooper dicing with danger identify a master spell with trial and error he has a master wand with master shadow spells right now uh let's talk to him real quick blooper can you explain to me how you just got a master wand um multiple furnaces um stupid skeletons um skeleton and gold that's that's all it is dog that's all it is okay blooper well uh you have master spells and you know i have master spells because i'm clearly one of the strongest on the server oh was killed by people you just died to my own magic oh you're trying to learn your magic who's that oh there's just a straight npc down there okay we're good i thought he was a flyer it was just our salinas okay uh well let's become friends because we're both really really strong i mean i would be down with that but you know there's only one winner who who's that and i mean that's going to come down to one of us at some point no we we we we can do the berries thing we can just like the hunger games you want to hunger games it yeah that's always what i want to do yeah yeah i these alliances never work out because people always try betraying each other okay i i will i will agree to that that that sounds fair actually hold up okay okay so i'm gonna send you an alliance but this time you're you're gonna accept it but let's just let's take them the pyramid boss together okay um let me buy some troops before we do that we go on that grand adventure okay you go go those troops i will uh finish getting all my master uh armor because you know i have so much money and i've managed to buy a wand and armor as well okay so yeah i'll get that and we'll meet at the pyramid in the middle of the map ally baby blooper okay there it's been sent we now will not attack each other hopefully okay baby blooper is allied to me that is good it's all working out now there's one more thing i need to tell you guys about so with these ones there is actually uh mana to it so if we run out of mana we won't be able to do any spells currently we only have 350 left but we start with 10 magic crystals and if we go to the center of the map there is a arcane workbench and if you go there you can add the magic crystals to your wand which will restore it the mana or if we run out of those crystals we can trade the mpc for more of them so this one is a bit more intricate than the other map wars and if you like it let me know we've added the bosses we've also added in um well i didn't get to show it yet but schematics so you get to load in a base i think it's going to cost me 10 iron ingots that's why i'm scouring the lands right now 10 iron it gets to make a base i might need a bit more gold yes that gold will be enough and i'll have my master wand at my disposal to go take down that boss let's go we have 49 iron oars and then we got five gold ores let's hurry up and make it back to my trader before anybody decides to come and attack me in before baby blooper starts changing his mind and wants to betray me that's how these alliances go i mean seriously we'll have them and then just i think cracking kid in the middle earth one just uh backstabbed me or shot an arrow in my back after we killed cannibal and cannibal was tough to take down in that don't know what he's plotting now uh how many soldiers do i have i have nine okay you guys hold here i gotta go talk to the trader and we are here okay so i'm gonna toss these out and i'm not gonna turn them to steal okay okay so ten gold ingots i can get my master wand and now i could spend money on this um amulet that will slowly reach in my mana or i could add this thing that will give me 30 more potency to my uh fire spells which i will be getting so we could probably buy two of those the master wand uh we gotta unlock these abilities okay we get greater fireball we gotta be careful sometimes it will backfire this is a master spell baby we got a phoenix okay fire breath oh see that backfired oh my god that was disastrous okay let's eat up food i am not invulnerable to fire guys let's try this next ability oh detonate okay can i launch it nope it's gonna be like right on top of me okay i gotta be very careful is that fire ever gonna go away meteor holy smokes can a bull he's made he's got his schematic down and somebody's taking on the pyramid protector who is that they got an earth mage hat it's cracking kid okay we we can't lose to him okay uh let's make our way after we get some more troops dead cody crack it did you just kill the boss i just killed the bus in your face you suck what did you get for a drop i got a block of gold a melee upgrade for my wand and i think that's it dude well kraken i was going to take that boss home with somebody i have an ally guess who it is stupid it's me josh what are you doing bumper oh you're there blooper you're saving the day yes i am okay here i am let's go let's bring the party to cracky kid dude that is rude sorry you're both purple has the boss respond yet or no no oh my god are these gonna attack me uh no i think since we're uh friends we should be good okay he's he's way over there oh i see okay how far will my fireball do go not far enough uh i'll help my men protect this area so if anybody goes near it they will delete them okay i like the idea of that so where is your mana bar by the way i know it's uh so the the durability bar for the the wand are you out of banana okay no i'm not i'm not i'm not i'm not so how are we gonna split this loot um that is up to you i mean i i just want a fair fair bit of it kraken has made the advancement arcane tinkering apply a special upgrade to a one he got a wand upgrade what the flip i wanted that do you not have any troops oh i do but they're back at the base i don't have a lot yet okay uh let's try to take it on ourselves before bringing the troops okay here he is holy whoa okay okay okay i need backup back up okay i'll summon in the phoenix it's a master spell oh wait you need a backup you need a backup you're gonna die i'm gonna die oh the phoenix look at it go we are rising from the phoenix from the ashes uh your skeletons are attacking you no no oh they're attacking your phoenix wow that was rude of them i have fire breath uh did you just hit me with a spell i don't know i don't know i really don't know what's happening with my spells today bloomberg it's going for me don't use that spell oh oh oh okay they're targeting you okay that's what's happening here did it die no it's it hasn't idea it's almost it's almost dead dude i really love math wars map wars with bosses is a perfect combination uh meteor uh just outside okay i'm gonna try to i gotta get through your guys i don't want them to attack me no it's dead swamp protector it's down okay hold on let's see what let's see what's here oh you guys are attacking me whoa okay i'm dead pull killed but you died to your own magic no i died to your freaking skeletons the loot is still on the ground uh there's cracking uh he's you need to get back here cody he's in the way uh troops fall in with the flip he's got an earth uh vending ability okay greater fireball i need the meteor we'll summon the media right on top of his troops charging oh defend me good job troops the road's been destroyed this can't affect my troops i gotta be very he's dead good job blooper i know that's a lie wasn't a waste uh his troops teleported back to him uh i only have 13 troops mike's killing the boss which boss what do you think pyramid plunder is mine oh a golden block i'm rich no blooper you've created some sort of spell that i cannot get around oh yeah okay so i picked up this thing called ring of attraction can i see that ring of attraction um i don't know what does it do what was it what else did we get for a drop well i got like a bunch of iron like iron blocks okay how many iron blocks like four okay do you you have the iron no wait i don't want i want i want that thing all right here you go don't worry no no no no no pull i don't feel any more powerful you know what this alliance is this alliance is over ah what the heck hey it was you who said it was over what killed mike what killed cannibal what the flip oh geez uh well he went up in flames if somebody was in say the swamp or the earth uh land where would they find gold like a block yeah exactly well i'd love to tell you cody but i'm too busy killing an island guardian and mike's attacking me no mike stupid thing what so he stole your loot what you were trying to do to be in uh blooper payback sucks man oh there's a pink road over here oh jeez okay i think i know what that is i i know exactly where his gold block is he hid it in the trees what an idiot now i'm gonna find it uh actually all these trees look the same nope they do not because one has gold in it i only have 13 troops and they do die pretty quickly they have like 30 health uh doing with danger successfully identify a massive spell so he's got a master one now and kraken is not back here he must be trying to quickly get that loop from cannibal all right we're open the trees you can't build roads in the trees gold block of kraken is destroyed and i get his gold ingots on my way home i noticed the bosses respond wait was it just taking damage uh oh oh crap get down watch out ben okay fall back in and we're moving we're maneuvering over here okay there's the phoenix man uh charging don't kill the phoenix is the phoenix really attacking my troops okay it's not okay now let's go in for the nation actually doesn't do much damage greater fireball will got a long cooldown okay don't burn up the loot though where did it drop a gold block and a wand upgrade upgrades i want to use mana to deal more damage to mobs when hit let's go i'll be able to melt those troops of kraken okay so another gold block that's 18 for me holy freaking died hey kraken you're out oh great i destroyed your gold block sorry quitting oh crap sorry about that dude i made him quit i too shot him with this like huge axe with 18 gold ingots we could now uh i could get this amulet they'll get my uh mana back up but i don't want to spend it right now i want to get the hat first okay and then i can smelt one but i gotta spend my iron first so let's get all this iron and then i'm probably going to make my base oh blooper just died to cannibal oh they are duking it out right now i'll get the boots and then i'll get the amulet i guess that'll work i could have got a health potion but you know what i'm going to go full out trying to get all the good stuff amulet uh perfect we are looking good now if i get uh if i kill the island protector boss i could upgrade this armor to legendary because that's what he drops he drops the legendary upgrade um okay let's get all these troops placed i think we're gonna have probably 35 whoa cannibal must be in the isles the shadow isles 31 troops at my disposal let's go uh and babylooper i feel bad for him he's getting bullied right now two deaths i think cannibal cannot find where his gold block is because if you have that gold block you can keep respawning in all day baby uh this orange road is new and those troops look exactly like cannibal crab what hey cannibal crab hired his traitor oh gosh and he's coming right for me okay uh there you are come back here cody you escaped no whoa meteor holy crap what do you have for a melee weapon your golden block i'm gonna follow your roads until i find this thing oh wow that's a lot of trips there's electric how did you hire your trader you're a dumb no i signed him up for the war he no longer trades he's a warrior now welcome to the flames and say hello to the phoenix say hello to the phoenix phoenix i don't need anything crazy magical i need to do is get there go man go push on to victory kill all of his troops before he summoned them back okay he summoned them back uh we still have 29 remaining you know what maybe bloopers on his own he decided to take the good item and well i'm gonna be up in my base defending can i get all my troops inside all right well they'll just be standing outside my base it's fine we'll be watching and waiting for cannibal um where did they come from hey who's that oh it's an ice mage you want a meteor ah you mess with me and i'm gonna bring the hurt bro nobody in nobody out hey i see you coming up the side of my mountain that's my mouth you know i should go destroy those roads at the building i declare a 1v1 a 1v1 between me and you again and if i die i'm out [Music] and if you die you have to own alliance with baby blooper and kill him i've already done that and i just farted ready it was all a cruel ploy because there's no way i lose and then up close battle ah frozen what how did you freeze me incredible you cheated what do you mean i cheated i'd you're going to take back the death match afterwards so you know what i'm still in because you didn't get my gold block all right path over here interesting don't worry about the pass just worry about your head what the heck fireball get away from me i still have to add my upgrade to my wand all right well i gotta go to the arctic workbench while those two were cows in a ruckus i am going to lead my troops to lands they have not actually been we have not been over to this area all right there we go i want and now we can add some more mana to it totally maxed out and we could add this upgrade which will uh add the damage uh values higher okay so this wand is now very very strong we're going to the icelands i don't really care if he finds my gold block anymore because well you know what i'm ready to take him down the island protector is dying who's out here fighting it oh his mages are well well those are cracking kid mages the cracking kid mages didn't know what to do so they just they just started killing this boss for me all right well let's get the phoenix here i can't die to poison so that's good it's like almost one hit me it just killed my phoenix it's one hitting my troops okay well my troops there's too many of them okay they just killed them is there any loot over here oh there it is on top of the house well the house is slabs so i'm just gonna have to jump to it there we go two arcane seals of protection to upgrade my armor to legendary let's go uh cannibal tried to swim on lava to escape baby blooper oh i think i can just break right through yelling okay there's no lava or anything i'm waiting for a trap to happen but there was none here's the door you can walk right in and any sneaky gold block back there no there isn't he's probably hiding from me right now known that i can kick his butt where's this gold block i'm searching literally everywhere cody you filthy fire mage get out of my tower now you'll never find my golden block in there it's my base now oh that didn't reach me holy crap that was scary though oh i can attack you for me your phoenix ain't nothing to a freeze okay wow he's actually kind of strong all right men on me charge into hostile oh gosh okay meteors are coming down everything's crashing light about i hate having to eat my steak i'm on the middle of war killed the rest of his bird well i got a secret my golden block it's gone i'm out wait baby blooper destroyed the block no he did yeah oh crap so it's just me and baby blooper now just me and you come on what let's go we always knew it was going to come down to this baby oh he's at my tower okay so he has no clue where my gold block is why is there an ice mage right here what does this thing do oh here they are these cannibals men so i'm gonna upgrade my helmet let's put that in the middle and then we add the seal to the top right boom legendary armor um and now we gotta do the same thing to the robes we are the ultimate legendary mage oh the armor changes it's got like it looks maroon uh a little bit how did bloopers sneak around me and go to the bus he loves killing those things for the loot all right well uh he doesn't realize there's only like four possible drops so yeah let's go after him i still have not gotten his gold block but i want to get him out of my base and send him back to the aisles where he came from uh where's my phoenix oh he knows i'm here oh man charging don't fear this oh my god they're being destroyed men fear that fear that oh my god okay they pushed through that was actually pretty heroic of them and baby blooper is not dead yet um fire breath meteor detonate you want a big blooper you got it wow all those troops are like in serious trouble two troops left okay everything's fine uh blooper so what's up you want some fireballs i got some hoo-hoo gotcha okay so we're in a bit of a pickle here right okay so there's the shadow aisles uh two troops that are remaining uh stay with me holy crap there's baby looper can i get a meteor shot off no it doesn't reach i don't know if he noticed me yet i'll have my men hold i want to build a road but i have to i want to make it like pretty inconspicuous that i'm here and he thinks he's fine but in reality i've scaled up into his base and i can drop a meteor on top of all of his troops okay here we go oh he's right outside okay let's go what's up dude um he running meteor spell is still down you know i'm just trying to attack you where's my phoenix all right phoenix rise okay phoenix do your thing go out there kill him oh there's his troops he's running for the hills uh my phoenix is being destroyed for this silly let's thing some fire on it uh it doesn't go that far there we go let's get greater fireball just missing wow his skeletons are so strong and they know how to dodge pretty well it's rejecting oh crap that was my food i've run out of food okay let's retreat uh soldiers come with me orderly retreat withdraw then meteor oh i tanked that shot to the face oh the meteor shot didn't go off dang it blooper we'll never find each other's gold block do you want to just 1v1 well i mean i just did kind of end you but i guess yeah all right so me and you duke and help man there are no uh road rules so you can walk off of it okay okay i feel i feel naked doing that i know it doesn't feel right let's go decide it all three two one okay okay you got some troops with you let's see there's phoenix there she goes give him some fireballs oh no she's not i thought she's going for paper looper she's not is he hiding oh there you are you're blending in with the terrain the purple and the darkness oh our two spells just collided oh no this is like harry potter or something i don't know this is crazy man if you guys want to see more map wars you need to hit that like button and subscribe right now with notifications on so you don't miss the next time oh wow you just got a nice blow on me get out of my face detonation that did so much damage oh what the flip it hit me right in the face but it does nothing oh wait but it's the afterburn push it back technique again health potion this is it cody i'm throwing i'm throwing there he is right to the right of the mountain oh you're being chased you don't have any friends anymore oh greater fireball nope now he's got friends phoenix is out of my own spell oh phoenix fire breath keep pushing them back three four hearts four hearts this is it this is deciding at all no oh my gosh it's baby no blooper no no no no no no no i refuse to lose that way i got stuck on a block in my own wow that's unreal well elena teens i i guess i have won the day babe blooper huge shout out to you man you did so so go to this map boys episode look at the roads they are crazy if you atlanteans want to see another episode you already know what to do thanks so much for watching and [Music] atlanteans you
Channel: TheAtlanticCraft
Views: 792,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: theatlanticcraft, minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, atlantic craft, mod showcase, avatar, build battle, minecraft war, war, dragons, dragon mod, minecraft battle, battle, craft, game, games, gaming, fun, epic, mod, mods, army, soldier, dragons in minecraft, army base, dragon mod minecraft, global war, dragon game, map war, risk, history, history war, strategy game, castles, siege, minecraft magic mod, dragon, magic minecraft, wizards, spell, spells, magic spells, magic game, dark magic
Id: 8eoZYZQgfkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 59sec (2159 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2020
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