Elegoo Neptune 4 Cura Slicer Setup and Calibration tutorial.

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so now you've up updated your firmware on your Neptune your elgu Neptune 4 and you want to start printing you don't know what to do I personally use Cura the um ccer software and I'm going to show you that and I'm going to show you the profile I selected and how to kind of get up and running I don't use eligo Cura that's that's provided I just don't use it so um I can't help you as far as eligo version goes I just download the regular Cura because I can use that with all my printers um but let's get started so you've already let's say you've already downloaded Cura 5.5 um and you want to you want to get started the first thing you're going to do is you're going to select you're going to add a printer so you go up in here to add printer and uh it'll take a sec you go non printer you're going to add I don't do the IP address thing I just add a non Network printing is what I do I don't have the whole network thing figured out and it really hasn't affected me at all um where is it a b CDE e i you know I just like to be silly anyway um I selected because I have a four Max I selected the three max profile so this is what I did I went to elu I grabbed the three max and I went to add so that's the biggest thing you're going to add this profile in if you have the three plus add the three plus if you have the three Pro or the four if you have the four of any of those just add the three's version and then once you do that um it'll give you the standard nozzle size which is a04 uh they have not come out with anything bigger or larger so I would say just stick with the point4 so this is now your Neptune 3 Max you're going to want to go in here and manage printers and when this loads so you're going to go to your three Max and your machine settings now the three max will pop up automatically with basically different heights and dimensions and if you want to see the difference this is my formax settings come on oh okay doesn't want to give me doesn't want to open them right now for some reason anyway so basically you want to go and you want to change these to your formax settings your formax height is different uh I believe the formax depth is 420 um other than that I haven't changed anything else on here I've left all the rest of this alone um and then what I did is I went over here and in the three max settings it comes up with fast you know different options here basically I have some custom ones that I've made but the basic ones are over here um fast works you know it'll start with fast so let's go through that one first the biggest thing I changed right away was um you want to get rid of combing you don't want combing setting on your on your printer it drags a nozzle across your print and it just it's horrible so you find combing you'll change that um since I'm right here I'm going to show you the print speed I changed my print speed on this so you can see the three max print speed generically for fast was 60 mm/ second um I'm printing at 250 millim per second and as soon as I change that it changes all these and it calculates it all um so you go through here uh my zhop speed I think I upped it maybe to 15 so there's some some of those um acceleration I changed my acceleration to 2,000 um I I think you can do more but I would definitely play around with different filaments you're using so that's the big thing right there I'm changing it to the acceleration and changing this print speed um the travel speed on mine I made 500 because I can um I think I left the initial layer speed that definitely affects how it lays the the first layer uh so I left that you want that slow um you can enable jerk control if you feel comfortable adjusting your jerk control um I haven't quite played around with that just yet but that's something you can do if you'd like this is combing mode it's underneath the travel settings if you can see it I don't even know if you guys can see that I'm doing all this and you probably can't even see it um so under the travel settings there is a option for combing combing mode and it'll say not over surface I just turn it off altoe um you can do zhop when retracted I do zhop when retracted and I usually make it the layer height at minimum but oftentimes I'll double it and I'll make it so my my layer Height's 0. 2 then I'll make it 04 or yeah actually this 75.4 um and then I'll I'll usually do that or and I sometimes I just do the the over prints too just so it'll just move over the top of the print instead of through the print um most of these other things I I don't change um generate supports you know these are all based on things you want to do for um I I have tree supports I love tree supports um I don't do everywhere I do touching the build play um the branch angle overhang angle I think I changed that to 65 if I remember correctly oops not 95 65 so those are the ones I started with um you can adjust these based on your filament and your supports and that sort of thing so that's something you'll probably want to do based on the the filament you use um brim width that all depends on the filament you use um I wanted to address something though um if I can show you guys so a lot of people ask me how to do um temp towers and calibration Towers which that's basically over here under extensions to get to extensions to to do auto towers and calibration Towers you're going to go into Marketplace so the marketplace is up here in the corner and in Marketplace is where you'll search you use a search to search for um Towers you can download them as well from you know thingy verse and that sort of thing but I just go in here and I just type in something like you know um let's see calibration so calibration shapes calibration Towers uh you can see I've got shapes and Towers you know installed so I can uninstall them once these install um it will restart this or you'll want to restart this for them to show up over here under extensions so you'll restart your your Cura you'll go in your extensions you'll select one of these towers and when you do something like retract I personally will start with speed and temperature often times temperature and speed you'll do a couple times just to get the right temperature dialed in the right speed dialed in because sometimes the temperature will change based on the speed you want to print so if you want to Sprint faster you might need a little hotter you know vice versa you will want to do this to to meet your personal filament that you have and your printer um I've have multiple printers that are the exact same printer and they do not have the exact same settings because they don't print print the same even if it's the exact same filament the printers are different no matter what you do even if it's the exact same you know Neptune 4 printer and you have five of them in a row you you may not have the exact same settings on all of them so that being said you can do a lot of things um you can flow um parts for calibration these are really handy as well uh I think this one had one that I tried for let's see where is it Bridges U I did a bridge test my formax can print these really fast no supports needed um and it printed amazing I might even have it here no I don't have it here um but I can show you some another calibrations speed this is one of the speed ones so it helps me dial in the correct speed because I'll start seeing defects in the speed if that's too fast um same with retrack settings you can change you know you can print these to have see what you know what kind of retrack settings you want to have um those those are the big things I would say do you you can save your own you know this was the filament I used that I just can't get it to print properly on my on my eligo um I've made several custom settings basically I have one that's my normal tests I called it normal test so you can see that I have generate supports and you know all these different things the overhang angle is different the zhop is different print speeds are slight slightly different so you know you can make them save them I say play around with them save them and uh you know I make different ones and if I don't like how it turns out I delete it and I go back to the original but um that's what I recommend doing I've had great luck doing it this way and then once you feel comfortable start printing something bigger
Channel: Outer Rim Armorer
Views: 5,880
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Id: rknPx1bnE0Y
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Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2023
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