Elegoo Mars 2 Pro $300 Resin 3D Printer Review!
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Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 106,556
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Keywords: tested, testedcom, elegoo mars, elegoo mars pro, elegoo mars 2, elegoo mars 2 pro review, elegoo mars 2 pro, msla, 3d printer, elegoo vs anycubic, elegoo, elegoo saturn, elegoo mars resin 3d printer, elegoo mars uv photocuring lcd 3d printer, 3d printing, resin printing, cheap resin 3d printer, 3d print, siraya tech, resin 3d printing, mars 2 pro review, best 3d printer, 3d printing for beginners, resin printing for beginners, 3d printers review, best 3d printer under 500
Id: 3AWWRP12hGw
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Length: 23min 50sec (1430 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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I have an elegoo and it really does work great for 3-D printing, especially if you’re trying to make little models or figures or whatever, just because you can get so much detail and fidelity on it.
The “supports” can be a real doozy though. I’ve spent far too much time clipping them off only to have some major part of the whole figure fracture.
Probably the best 3D printer if you’re trying to make some neat D&D models or movie models or whatever. If you’re trying to mass produce some specific part there may be a better alternative