Electric scooters destroying oil demand 4 times faster than electric cars

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I've said this a number of times now I think we know it electric cars yes I mean they are making a difference there's no question about it but realistically they make nowhere near as much of a difference as electric scooters or just any kind of small electric transportation and we know the facts the facts are this electric scooters are slashing oil demand in fact if you you're one of the big oil producers you would absolutely hate these things apparently fossil fuel demand as in oil demand has been slashed by 1 million barrels per day 365 million barrels per year simply because of electric scooters I'm not making this up this is actually true hello my friends welcome to the channel I'm Sam Evans you're watching the electric Viking thanks for tuning in you know you know in Taiwan when I was there I saw a lot of people riding around on electric scooters and they love them they love them because over there you have all these swapping stations you can just drive your electric scooter and whenever your battery is getting closer to running out you can pull over there's everywhere places where you can literally pull a battery out of a wall there's a bunch of batteries in a wall and you take your battery out put the old battery in put your battery in your scooter drive away it's absolutely brilliant battery swapping Works incredibly well in Asia and well there's a lot more people in Asia electric two wheelers are reducing demand for fossil fuels by a million barrels a day says a new report electric scooters are clearly uh far more important for the world's decarbonization for cleaning our air for making the world a better place than electric cars are maybe I should talk about them more often what do you think the reports estimate that uptake of electric scooters in countries such as China and even southeast Asia where they are a more common form of transport and legal in all regions of the country unlike places such as Australia where they've been uh said to be illegal in many places has seen them reduce demand for oil four times faster than electric cars and trucks and this is in a country I mean China is electrifying its its actual car Fleet at a much faster Pace than everywhere else in the world nearly 30% of all cars sold in 2023 in China where electric so you can see here that if scooters are outpacing that by a factor of 10 reducing Demand by a factor of 10 oil Demand by a factor of 10 you see just how important they are and I think the Western World should stop demonizing electric scooters I know there's been accidents there's been crashes but there's always going to be doesn't matter what you do if you get in a car there could be a crash get on a scooter it could be a crash walk down the street could be a crash we just have to accept there's some form of risk when we move around and there's a lot of other people around us the report cites the number of four-wheeled battery powered vehicles on the world's roads around 20 million passenger vehicles and 1.3 million commercial electric buses delivery Vans and trucks in 2022 paling in comparison to the 280 million electric scooters and electric motorcycles being ridden now this is old news there's a lot more Electric cars I believe there's close to 30 million electric cars now amazing the difference one single year makes in terms of electric car output but the point is still this 30 million electric cars versus now probably closer to approximately 350 million electric scooters been saying for a long time I've said this a couple of times on the channel small electric vehicles like this are truly the answer it's why I don't really like trains I think that people would be better off riding around electric scooters or electric bicycles and turning those train lines into a street just for that purpose it's what I think but a lot of people pretty much everyone that I've told that idea to disagrees with me at a lower much lower cost to buy and a much lower cost to run electric scooters make sense for Journeys everywhere in every country of the world 44% of trips in Australia are less than 10 km in the US well 60% of trips are less than 10 km you can get electric scooters now in fact most of them have 20 plus kilm of range so you know at least 12 Mi of range at least in other words you can get there and back for 60% of Journeys with an electric scooter and you don't have to fight the traffic it's great I in fact I really love my electric scooter the sheer number of electric 2 and three wheelers has seen a fall though in appetite by 1 million barrels of oil per day that equates to 1% of global daily demand for oil that will change though over the next few years Global oil demand is said to likely Fall by 10 to 20% I think it's going to be even more than that Australia's daily oil consumption rate in September of 2023 was 1 million barrels so actually 1, 58,000 barrels which surprisingly is actually less than a decade ago in fact a decade ago here in Australia we were use consuming 1.11 million Barrels in 2013 so oil consumption has actually declined in Australia even though there's more people more cars uh and obviously uh more people driving cars on a daily basis in fact far more here's the thing Australians and not just Australians but Europeans and Americans are using scooters electric scooters regularly in fact incredibly regular in Australia our population is we only have 24 million people but 3.6 million people use electric scooter every day 3.6 million that's a huge percentage that's what nearly 20% of our population is using them unfortunately the government is actually trying to ban them I think that's crazy what are your thoughts now the smaller the relatively small number of electric cars on roads in the Western countries is is um well it means that electric cars are just making nowhere near as much of a difference as electric scooters here in Australia 7% of all cars sold were Electric in 2023 in America that figure was relatively similar in fact nearly identical in Europe of course that figure is higher but it's not hugely high it's about double that percentage in China much much higher again nearly 30% so because electrification of cars is happening at a slower Pace much slower Pace the most important mode of Transport in the world right now clearly for decarbonization is electric scooters and countries should be funding this governments know this information they should be focusing on stopping their funding of fossil fuels because they still are the Western world is still doing this on mass and funding things like micro electric transportation it unclogs the roads it decreases it decreases our need for having to repair massive costly repairs it decreases our need for products that we just don't need in Norway 80% of electric cars in fact 85% of of cars sold in 2023 were electric however according to Forbes demand for petrol and diesel in the country has declined by only 10% since 2017 to 62,000 barrels per day so even though in Norway uh electrification has hit a staggering rate unfortunately oil consumption is only going down relatively slowly the truth is here that to truly decarbonize the world as quickly as possible we need to move our Focus away from electric cars and focus on the simple The Humble electric scooter now let me know what you think about this in the comments guys thank you for watching
Channel: The Electric Viking
Views: 61,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: electricvehicles, evs, #electriccars, electricfuture
Id: aMoBcXksH6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 24sec (504 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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