Eldritch Sovereigns, new forms & tomes! Eldritch Realms Overview by @Fableheim | Age of Wonders 4

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome to Age of Wonders for eldri RS I am your host fapim in collaboration with Paradox interactive I have returned to reveal all you need to know about the eldric Sovereign ruler type the insectoid and syon forms and the three TS of magic introduced in eldri Realms The eldri Sovereign is an ancient wizard King that was lost to the astral sea and now they have returned to make it everyone else's problem this unfathomable ruler has a Mana upkeep that increases alongside its strength no leg or Mount slots and a tertiary resource called THS gained through combat events or a sacrificial spell to fund powerful ritual skills and open up new event options don't let that pretty face fool you The eldrick Sovereign is a true horror on the battlefield that wields a unique weapon type specializing in longrange magical bombardments The Relic at the start you may choose from one of four relics each providing different damage channels and a different starting ability from the eldric sovereign's unique talentry like any other weapon new relics can be found throughout your campaign and crafted in the item Forge no matter your choice in creation all eldric sovereigns begin with a few starting rituals from enthralling presence and the eldric mind control combat skill taking a look at their talentry the Warfare talents have been replaced by their unique eldric Sovereign talents after all a being of pure magic has no need for Mastery over crude weapons within the eldric Sovereign talents are meaningful passives such as eldric influence granting additional Imperium income and bonus casting points invaluable resources in any campaign and manipulative combat skills such as desperate anguish a single Target morale bomb with a high chance to Sun its Target while all choices are impressive the eldric sovereign's true strength lies in their rituals rituals are a unique type of world map spell funded by THS and casting points available only to the eldric sovereign there are 10 rituals in total that can assist in your exploration of the world map weaken your foes prior to combat or summon ethereal creatures to bolster your armies learning a ritual skill in the talentry will also provide a small but meaningful increase to the eldric sovereign's combat prowess The eldric Sovereign also has unique signature skills at level four The Sovereign gets to choose their specialization will you wield the unbridled power of magic with madter will you bend the mind of your foes with mindbreaker or will you weave a friendly flesh to explosive New Heights with flesh Weaver each of these choices will provide a new combat ability a new passive dual Affinity points and increase the sovereign's Mana upkeep at level eight The eldric Sovereign gets to choose one of five forgotten toes each to will give one point of its affinity and provide three new appropriately themed combat spells that rotates every four turns in combat once you have acquired your first forgotten to a new Talent opens up that allows the Forgotten Toms to rotate one turn faster at level 12 the eldri sovereign gains further Mastery over their level four signature skill for example if you had chosen flesh Weaver at level four you can now choose from flesh sculptor to further Empower your unique abilities or Puppeteer to alter their nature no matter what path you follow choosing the level 12 signature skill will increase the sovereign's Mana upkeep and give your ruler a themed magical Crown neat at level 16 The Sovereign gives to choose a second forgotten tone alongside a new ruler comes new forms and new form traits for your subjects to take the insectoid form introduces ceaseless cacophony giving adjacent enemies without this trait a 15% chance to Fumble their attacks and the siron form brings with it empowered by Magic granting strength into a unit upon receiving non-physical damage once per turn joining these traits is a new exotic Mount Trade the death Beetle giving your Cavalry an optional Cavalry additional HP and an expedient Escape Route at all times as always these forms and traits are yours to mix and match to your heart's content with the new ruler type to lead and new forms to follow you also need new power to dominate which brings us to the three terms of Magic the tier one t of the tentacles is an astral shadow dual Affinity T that gives you command over the might of tentacles use the Contra tentacle spell or the Manifest tentacle hero skill to call upon an immobile tentacle in combat looking for something more permanent the constrictor is a tier 2 polearm unit with tentacles for arms that can pull enemies this tentacle toome also introduces constricted a new debuff that inflicts immobilization and causes damage at the end of the turn if tentacles are not lovecrafting enough the T3 astral shadow dual Affinity T of corruption allows you to call upon the umbrell abyss by summoning the tier four Mythic umbrell mistress to enchain and shatter the minds of your foes destroy an enemy Province by dropping an umbrell Nest upon it and imbue your culture with the curse eating power of the umbrell Demons at the Gloom Strider major transformation if you wish to stand against the encroaching Darkness the year three order chaos dual Affinity T of cleansing flame will Aid you in your righteous cause combine the light of order and the Flames of chaos to create the new terrain effect cleansing Flames burning the heretic and cleansing the faithful with new unit enchantments and spells for both combat and the world map leading the charge through the Holy Fire and Flames is the py Templar a tier four pm unit specializing an area of effect attacks will you embrace the power of the umbral Abyss will you stand against it with holy Flame or perhaps twist the fire to your dark will that concludes everything you need to know about the eldric Sovereign ruler the insectoid and siron forms and the three toes of magic introduced in the eldric Realms subscribe to the Age of Wonders for YouTube channel to stay up to date with all future happenings I have been your host fapim and I hope to see you in the eldric Realms thanks for watching
Channel: Age of Wonders 4 Official
Views: 18,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: age of wonders 4, ageofwonders4, aow, aow4, paradoxinteractive, pdx, triumph studios, strategy, 4x, grandstrategy, developer, official, game
Id: B6nEqfZZP_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 5sec (365 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2024
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