Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (OOB) by TheFunCannon in 6:27 - Summer Games Done Quick 2015 - Part 130

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this just in we have some good news everybody the Yeti is going to top off the any percent run for oblivion so we're going to get to see it after all thank you so much to the Yeti gonna sneak in a couple quick donations here we got dr. goat Lord with $50 good luck everybody good times for a great cause we have $250 from Co carnage great games for a great cause fallout for hypu we have $30 from mankind to g4 just watch bubbles wreak fallout three now ready to watch oblivion get rekt this is for the any percent run we have $10 from Chris ookami bubbles can we please get an oblivion world record food BRB run we have $50 from wayward warlord hello everyone I was going to know donate this money to saving the animals since it annoys my brother but decided on putting this towards Chrono Trigger 100% run thanks for all your amazingness we've got one hundred and seven dollars from anonymous hey I've watched agdq and sgdq for a couple years but never had the money to donate I've got that now so I'm donating good to see people supporting a good cause this donation goes to Pokemon puzzle League Evon right our mics live all right cool our is the layout changed 10 minute estimate any % okay the fun cannon I'll good okay I think we're ready just got to rebind stomach to things uncomfortable with save is slightly more on this category yeah when I read a quick donation before you start go ahead and quick one yeah we've got $10,000 from the Yeti I think that meets it a little bit hey all Yeti here we're excited to announce we've raised a total of $25,000 for MSF from shirt orders can I put 1926 to oblivion ante percent 1725 to dustforce hardmode 3110 to pajama percent and 61 19 and fifty cents to kill one six one nine to save thank you very much Eddie mm-hm so what's the second place file name for oblivion we'll just use that for the any person alright the second place is Elijah Wood Elijah Wood wow that's so topical hey-oh notes misspell misspell misspell el jaya sorry okay sorry you like my boy a nested up alright so we're actually using red guard instead and we'll see why in just a second so ever you're ready all righty three two one go alright so forget everything that you just saw because it's slow push report cam he dances on that thing so what I'm trying to do right here is trying to go through this wall because it's not very solid all right that one didn't work so let's try this again slightly sold so basically when you reload the game like this and save against the weak wall you got about two frames to walk through the wall just like that it's pretty good that's the hardest one and I did not get this one bounce oh so I can make sure I do that all right so let's try it again they usually let me in many ways mm-hm and I write almost through he has to reload from the main menu because if you reload from within the game the area doesn't actually fully reload um yeah it reloads in the in the proper way we want to load the wrong way and the reason we're actually using a red guard is because it has a skill called adrenaline rush and even though he's a lot slower than High Elf the adrenaline rush actually puts you much faster we don't we won't be getting skooma like we did in the last run we'll just be using the spells the only speed up spell that a character can start with so he'll take it all right and that skipped a bunch of the area right there so what I had to do was save myself into a position and then reload the area save myself again further into the wall and then load again so that I actually go through it and without adrenaline loss you actually can't make it to that area so it's very convenient and for that clip we can actually go through the door that's right beside you and then use quick load and that will actually completely reload just like Luna here according to the main menu mm-hmm it's just a little bit faster and we're going right back to the our favorite friends again and it's basically the same method again but they're not going to be standing in the same spot so it's a different aggro method and same idea though we've never actually seen them before so there's some strangers walking through the sewers that we just happen to find and we decide to immediately hurt them because we're violent so I need hit the enter okay I hurt the emperor and they get a grid on you and they're trying to follow me see I shot that's our song need Glen right over here don't forget are you going Oh get this guy same method he's gonna hurt him right here so the next way doesn't attack oops there we go and then he's gonna aggro him after he gets the steed he can help us he must help us they come sigh so since we had already aggro the Emperor we can just reattach until they just instantly Eiger on us again and all he needs to do is just be in the next area mm-hm and then it's no more dependent on them he gets to do whatever he wants that's every whatever you want really nice if you get your arm too close to enemies and they just don't get hit Redguard doesn't have as much magic ax as the Hale so he's gonna have to pull out some fisticuffs you may as well me all right how about we'd be go beat the game good yeah I think that's enough of that alright so yeah we need to just leave the sewers we don't actually want to do anything else so I'm just clip out again the Emperor will actually never die so it is canonically correct you member is still alive you may remember a method where paintbrushes were picked up duplicated no I think just to paint versus forgotten and you placed one jumped on it you place the other jump on it picked up the one you picked up earlier and just keeps climbing up these impromptu stairs to go over this final wall TN but we realized instead of getting over a big wall we can just go through it mm-hmm and click Li beat the game button so now we're almost out of the sewers how's a good run has a really good run it was pretty good uh you know you have so many quests are you gonna get through all how well it's gonna be it's gonna be crazy this low-level action isn't good he needs that final quest so we travel specifically to this area right here because there's a little bit of a secret behind the store one that many people didn't really find in their casual playthrough so if we just clip through right here for whatever reason behind this door is a door to the end of the game so we're here we are to walk over to the trigger that dragon this is called dragon fire skip and let's us you know now we've got the final quest of the game we walk back wait for Martin to appear and that's it mm-hmm and Martin right now is actually in kibosh so you have to wait a long time for usually all the way over just take a nap the whole city burns that was and we're done that's every month alone oh yeah we have to talk to him but we have to click some but now on the edge of my seat um may have wanted to exit out first yeah Oh let me try something just real quick yeah this sometimes fixed the bug of uh of what's it I guess like it's just AI following it can happen anywhere in the game the game also doesn't let you hurt like you beating it twice in a row still far under estimate though nothing wrong with that if you've played oblivion at home you know this is just part of every playthrough crashes bugs mmm disappearing goose there we go now he's here when you see it warped like that that means you're being talked to and not yet Oh bit and like you what time then add a few seconds because I messed up there we go oh you gotta move we're gonna watch the cutscene with the house yeah we've never seen this one before I wonder what happens this time I'll know who's losing so we don't have to go to this all again but we've really appreciated SDA and speedrunslive coming together give us the opportunity to show you this really really awesome category it's the first time oblivion has been in the games done quick event definitely the prime time to show it off it's developed so much recently and for both categories and by two people that know them very well and some great people on the couch that are in the community as well and people at home you know who you are that are really involved as well and we hope to see you around for more oblivion and other channels mm-hmm all right thank you so much all right thanks
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 184,313
Rating: 4.9212933 out of 5
Keywords: AGDQ, Awesome Games Done Quick, Competition, GDQ, Game, Games Done Quick, Gaming, Mario, Metroid, Médecins Sans Frontières (Nonprofit Organization), Ocarina of Time, SDA, SGDQ, SRL, Speed Demos Archive, SpeedRunsLive, Speedrun, Summer Games Done Quick, Summer Games Done Quick 2015, Symphony of The Night, Twitch, Video Games, Zelda, eSport, eSports, speedrun, world records
Id: rkegb45oB5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2015
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