Elden Ring Mods on Steam Deck (Tutorial)

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what's going on YouTube White Hawk X here and welcome back for another modding tutorial today I thought I'd do a quick video on how to set up mod support for Elden ring and Dark Souls 3 on your steam deck all of the files that you'll need to follow along in this tutorial will be linked in the description so feel free to visit there at any time to download what you need and just to be clear this will only be covering how to set up Mods this will not be going over anything to do with the randomizer and with that out of the way let's get started the first thing we need to do is download a custom version of mod engine 2. this can be found on cloud F's GitHub page and this has been modified to work with proton for those unaware proton is what the steam deck uses to run its games so on this page simply scroll down to the very bottom and you'll find the ZIP that you need just click on this and it'll start to download next we need to head over to Nexus mods to download the Eldon mod loader so on the main page here just go to the files tab and from here you can click on the manual download button on the file that's at the top and something to be aware of I do believe you need an account on Nexus mods in order to download files it is a pretty simple and straightforward process just something to be aware of so once you've got all the files downloaded we can get started so I have them both here on my desktop there's the mod engine file and the mod loader file so if we go in here you can see we have a mod engine folder and inside there a bunch of other files that we'll need to work with so for this I'm actually going to extract this to a new folder on my desktop and then I'm going to rename this something like er steam deck just something that makes sense essentially this is just the folder that we're going to be working out of so now that I've done that I'm going to open the mod loader zip and I'm going to extract everything in here into our ER steam deck folder just like that and so there's a little bit of prep work we have to do in this folder so first if you go into the mod engine folder you'll see a mod folder go ahead and just drag that up a folder so that it's in your main working folder like this we are going to be utilizing the mod folder as well as the mods folder they're both important now go back into your mod engine folder then the mod Engine 2 folder and finally the bin folder here you'll see two dll files go ahead and copy both of those and then we're going to be going back to our working folder and we're going to paste both of these into the mods folder the one with an S at the end so now that we've done that now we need to go back into the mod engine folder and we're going to copy this config underscore eldenring toml file go back to your working folder and we're going to paste this in here and now we're going to rename this to mod engine Dot coml just like that and if we open this with a text editor if we go down to the bottom you can see right here on this line at the very end it says path equals mod this is the folder that you will be putting your mods into so if you want you can rename this to anything that you'd like but for this tutorial we're just going to keep it exactly the same all right and one more thing we can do just to make our lives a little easier is if we go back to the mod Engine 2 GitHub page towards the top you're going to see this command line right here this is what we're going to set as a launch option for Eldon ring on Steam deck and it's necessary in order for our mods to work so I'm going to go ahead and I'm just going to copy this line now and then I'm going to go back to my working folder and I'm going to create a new text document and here I'm just going to call it launch and if we open that up I'm just going to paste that line in there just like that and then save it that's just a quick way for us to copy the command line once we're on our steam deck so that we can modify the launch option it's a lot simpler than trying to open the browser and copy things that way so now that that's done we are all set to start copying mods if you're not familiar with Nexus mods I do recommend checking it out there are a ton of mods here that you can download so I actually have a custom folder here and this is something I've set up where I have combined a whole bunch of Mods together couple things to keep in mind if you download two mods for instance that have they both have this regulation bin file those mods by default will not work together so you'll need to combine the contents of both of those files into one in order for them to be used together this tutorial is not going to cover that there are tutorials out there that go into that in Greater detail the other thing to keep in mind is that your files need to be in the same folder structure that they are in the game so for instance I downloaded these files right here which modifies Ronnie The Witch's model in the game and when I did that they were just loose like this they were not in a CHR folder so if I would just put those in the mod folder over here they would not work they have to be in the CHR folder for them to work so with that out of the way I'm going to take everything here and I'm just going to copy it to my mod folder and now this is all set up to run mods on Elden ring so I'm going to put these on a thumb drive and then switch over to the steam deck I'll see you guys over there all right so once you get over to your steam deck the first thing you're going to want to do is boot into desktop mode you can do this by holding down the power button and choosing the switch to desktop option that appears at the bottom of the menu I'll throw a picture of that menu up on the screen right now so you can get a good idea of what I'm talking about once you're in desktop mode the first thing we want to do is copy all the files we set up over to Eldon Ring's main install folder the easiest way to find the install folder is to Simply go and open Steam by double clicking the icon that should be at the top left corner of your screen once there find Eldon ring and if you right click it and scroll down to manage and then browse local files once you click that you will be greeted with Eldon Rings install directory now what we want to do is go into the game folder this is where we want to copy all of the files that we set up so go ahead and plug in your USB drive a window should pop up where you can now mount it which will open it in a separate folder now go into your ER steam deck folder select all of the files we set up right click copy now switch back to the game install folder for Eldon ring right click and paste everything in here it may take a bit depending on how many mods you're copying over but just be patient and wait for it to finish once everything's copied over go ahead and scroll down to the launch.txt file we created earlier double click on it to open it then highlight everything that's there right click and copy we're going to use this as our launch option for Elden ring so go ahead and go back to steam find Elden ring right click on it and go down to properties go down to the launch options section at the bottom of this menu place your cursor then right click and paste the command we copied earlier this command does a couple of things first it skips over the start protected game.exe and go straight to the Eldon ring EXE this is useful as it'll help players avoid getting banned for using mods the other thing it does is load the dll file needed to activate our mods now as an extra level of protection let's do one more thing before finishing up go back to your Eldon ring install folder and rename the start protected game.exe to start protectagame.bak once you've done this go up to the eldonring.exe right click on it and select copy now what you want to do is right click into the folder and select paste this will bring up a new window where you can rename the file now what you want to do is rename it to start protectedgame.exe this is just an extra level of protection to help us avoid getting soft band in the game and with that we're finally finished now let's start up Elden ring and confirm that our mods are working you will get a message about inappropriate activity detected as well as a message that it's starting the game in offline mode this is completely normal just go ahead and accept through everything and start your game unfortunately my game is extremely laggy due to running OBS to record this as you can see though I do have guts's berserk armor equipped on my character confirming that mods are indeed working and with that congratulations on getting mods working for Elden ring on your steam deck well I hope you found this tutorial useful if you did feel free to leave a like and let me know would you like to see more steam Deck videos in the future thank you for watching everyone take care
Channel: Whitehawkx
Views: 41,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elden Ring, ModEngine2, Mod Engine, Mod Loader, Steam Deck, Berserk, Guts, Griffith, Band of the Hawk, PlayStation, Xbox, Fromsoft, From Software, Bloodborne, Dark Souls, Demon Souls, Demon's Souls, Demons Souls, modding, Tutorial, How to, Training, Step by Step, Valve
Id: 8wSfX3cKN44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 31 2022
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