Elden Ring is real

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sit back and enjoy this truly spectacular world premiere it is finally time eldon ring oh my god uh if you missed the news somehow yesterday at the end of the summer game fest like game showcase they showed off eldon ring uh this is the first time we're ever seeing gameplay for it we haven't gotten a trailer since the 2019 e3 kinda like teaser announcement trailer yeah um it's coming out pretty soon it looks amazing i'm so excited i want to just spend the video talking about it talking about the trailer talking about my excitement this feels like such a special occasion and i don't know i just i want to share some of that excitement with you guys and you know talk about my thoughts as we go through it so let's let's watch the trailer let's go through it um i'll like i'll stop it as like things pop into my head that i have thoughts on and you know we can kind of just like analyze this together not gonna be any crazy like lore theories here if you're looking for like a frame by frame lore analysis speculation theory video that's not what this is um this is more just gonna be me being excited and like talking about what i think the game is going for and like what i think from soft as a whole is going for and that kind of thing so yeah also the crazy thing is i almost didn't watch this i was thinking to myself you know there's no way eleanor is going to happen it's like they're not going to announce it here but then vadi tweeted you know what actually it lines up with an eclipse it lines up with the clips i was like you know what that is some [ __ ] that fromsoft would pull they would show off eldon ring on the same day as an eclipse you know and what do you know uh he was right they actually showed off uh yeah anyway let's let's just talk about the trailer so first little thing this girl calls you the tarnish um i'm pretty sure that's like the player name in this game the same way that dark souls 1 was chosen undead dark souls 2 bearer of the curse dark souls 3 ashen one you're the tarnished in this game i kept seeing so many posts on twitter about this and the berserk inspiration like i know all the souls games have some level of berserk inspiration but like it's never been this obvious and palpable from just the trailer alone and i love it it's beautiful i can't even express to you how excited i am about just exploring all this and just walking around and just taking it all in because it's insane all right let's talk about the horse the horse is big this might be my favorite thing i'm so excited about the horse also i'm calling it a horse i know it has like horns or whatever so it's probably not actually a horse but like it's a horse okay anyway we see all these shots of just like running through the world and it looks so open and vast and you know just inspires these thoughts of just exploration and i kept having this thought pop in my head i'm like wait is this actually an open world game and i think it is i think it kind of is and usually that's not something for me to get excited about in all honesty like i've played my fair share of open world games i've played a lot of them but like this isn't an ubisoft open world game this isn't something we've seen before this is a from soft game that happens to have this large open world in it and there's like a big distinction between those two things just imagine you know i mean like there's nothing nothing like this has ever been done by fromsoft on this scale it also just gets my mind racing of like what is going to be the progression in this game how open is it actually and if it really is this big of an open world i think it kind of has to be possibly more non-linear than it ever has been with the games in this series like i know there's always been an element of that with the fromsoft games but this is the first one where it's like maybe you can just explore you know and go check out that tree over there go check out that camp you see that mountain maybe you can climb it i don't know you know like unless there's straight up metroidvania style like locked doors everywhere i think there kind of has to be a lot of open-endedness with how the world is structured and where you can go and that just excites me so much and look at this guy look at this this thing also i apologize in advance but vadi did give me permission to make all the bell puns in my video okay pine you can listen i'll take the lore and gameplay from the chat i'll harvest that you can have all the bell puns okay for your video so yeah this guy has a huge ding dong and that is funny no but for real the vibe i'm getting is like this isn't a boss this is just like a giant creature or structure some mix of that just kind of potentially wandering the world i think we're gonna see a really more dynamic in like living and breathing world than we've ever seen all right so first off that was sick i think we can all agree so this is communicating to me and i could be off but maybe i think we're gonna see some like possibly randomized and like emergent gameplay sections where like you know maybe they're just caravans of enemies wandering the world you know because if you have an open world you have to fill up with stuff and it would be a little too boring if it was all purely static you know the face in the ground here very cool this was the first shot of the trailer this was the one where i'm like you know what this is by fromsoft this is by the souls guys another souls game i'm kind of feeling it it kind of might be uh these pot guys peak peak character design perfect emboldened by the flame of and there it is and there it is it's the dark souls roll that's just what it is that's the role straight out of the souls game specifically probably dark souls 3. this was the moment where i was like okay i know what kind of game this is gonna be i i think i get it now because prior to this you know gotta remember i had no idea what kind of game ellen ring was gonna be in my mind it could have been a match 3 dating sim but seeing that role seeing this boss fight seeing the move sets everything i'm just like okay this is the next evolution of this type of game we got magic the cast speed on the particular spell they showed still pretty slow i'm hoping magic isn't trash i hope it's actually good this time but you know let's keep going and they will die okay all right here we go we got the horse jump pad what can i say about this um so first off a horse jump pad this is weirdly video gamey on from soft's part but like sure why not i think it's [ __ ] great okay here this is a dismount attack so here we got him jumping off the horse directly into an attack and it's so fluid it's so smooth it's so cool but to take a step back i'm just loving the philosophy that seems to be here of just how fluid they want everything to be because the souls games on some level especially the older ones clunkiness has been a big part and when you have moves like this it seems like they're just going full steam ahead taking all the speed that they have from the later games especially securo and they're like you know what [ __ ] clunkiness we're just going to be fast we want to be cool everything is in service of this vision you know you got the bonfire of course you know like they couldn't help themselves it's from soft they're like yeah yeah we're the dark souls guys we know you like bonfires here's a bonfire but if we want to dig a little deeper uh one of the press releases actually said that eldon ring is going to have dynamic weather and a day night cycle so on top of that just being cool this particular shot just kind of raised the question of oh maybe you have to like actually find places to camp at night maybe you can like make the camp yourself it's not really clear um it's just the idea of like just being in the open world and like it's night time you're like oh i gotta want to find a fire amazing did someone say berserk again look at this guy what if we combine artorias and sif together and you know and we sprinkled even more berserk in on top of that this is the big one we got multiplayer he holds up the little cube and blue phantoms come out and this is multiplayer co-op confirmed still not sure about pvp probably though maybe maybe not you know but probably dude i missed multiplayer so much like listen i loved sakura i loved it but it really did feel like a from soft game without multiplayer at this point it does feel like a big chunk is missing we don't have that multiplayer element also here's where we really start seeing the build variety on display you know like they've been hinting at this throughout the trailer but just the different types of armor sets and the weapons being used i miss that so much again i love sakura one of my favorite games it's so good but not having the multiplayer and not having the kind of customization that the previous games had had was a bummer and this just seems like it's going all out harder than it's ever gone to embrace all of that okay okay so is this the coolest dragon i've ever seen maybe i i like how its wings are kind of like butterfly wings in a way and it just catches lightning and throws at you amazing but that's not what i want to talk about what i really want to talk about that some people might have missed is the horse did a double jump guys not only did the horse jump it doesn't guys the horse did a double jump i i the horse did a double jump the horse did a double jump that's all i needed they could have just shown me that and i would have been satisfied they didn't have to show me anything else okay i was good with just the horse double jump honestly that's the highlight for me i don't know some people might that might not be a big deal but like honestly the horse double jump come on come on all right the red haired valkyrie looking girl we saw her in like the very first teaser trailer so once i saw this shot right here of her impaling the player character that's when i knew that the next several months maybe even years who knows i just want to warn you guys in advance she's the next lady people are going to be thirsting over this character non-stop they're gonna be like god i wish that was me stab me mommy they're gonna they're people are gonna say this i just want to warn you in advance in case you were unaware but this is gonna happen and move over lady maria lady d there is a new sheriff in town and she will impale you and people will get excited over lowly that playing as a lord i command thee god i love the armor here and just in general the armor throughout the whole trailer has been amazing i do want to point out though that this kind of reminded me of creighton the wanderer from dark souls 2 i don't know if anyone else made that connection and yeah the rest of the trailer is just pure flexing just pure flexing all right this is the shot where i was like okay miyazaki i see you this shot right here screams bloodborne to me mizak was like you know what how about instead of making bloodborne 2 instead of making dark souls 4 instead of making sakura 2 what if i just combine all of those into a single game you know what if i combine all those into a single game give you a horse make it open world and you know just kind of make one of the most ambitious games ever would that be cool would you guys like that yeah yeah speaking of sakura we see like a crouching stealth mechanic and there's also a screenshot that shows something similar like hiding in the grass or something this does really feel like the culmination of like all the projects they've worked on in the past you know we are taking stuff from sakura we are taking stuff from bloodborne we are taking stuff from every souls game we've made these two shots here are leading me to believe you know what maybe they're actually gonna get magic right this time because i think magic has always been one of my complaints when it comes to the souls games like they've gotten better at it it always felt very separate from melee right but right here it actually looks like the player character is using some sort of staff but he's mixing up melee attacks with magic spells just like seamlessly and i think that's really the trick here that's what they figured out so instead of just having like a magic wand that just casts magic it's gonna have a full moveset you know and you can just cast spells kind of on the fly and like mix them in with other combos it's just it's like weapon arts to the next level at this point like fromsoft is just flexing you know they're just purely flexing like yeah we have some of the coolest character designs enemy designs boss designs you've ever seen yes our arc direction is crazy yes you know we're kind of just the best in the biz it's just pure flexing at this point and i don't even know what to say i wish i was more articulate and i would say something intelligent about what i'm seeing on screen but it's just all i can say is man i it's so good it's just so good did you catch that the player character just jumped in the boss fight he's just jumping toward the boss kind of like sakura but mixed in with like every single weapon that you have i don't know if anyone else feels the way i do about that a jump button in the game but i'm like just the idea of being able to jump in a from soft game with all these weapons i'm so pumped all right so we've gone through the whole trailer once let's spend the rest of time talking about some lingering thoughts that i was having that you might be having too and i'm gonna start off with the one that i think is on everyone's mind i wanna put everyone at ease you were thinking to yourself where is the poison swamp you know it's not a from soft game unless i have my poison swamp and i hear you luckily the official website does mention swamps and it's plural so you know thumbs up for that and there's even a screenshot that of an area look kind of swampy so yeah don't worry guys we're gonna get our swamp now let's also back up let's talk about the multiplayer some more because one thought that crossed my mind is okay so they're doing open world it's more open than it's ever been um but how's multiplayer gonna work with that because multiplayer in all the souls born games in the past has been very segmented like there are specific zones where you get summons and you can't leave that zone like there's zones where you can and can't summon people but if it really is open and it really is going to be as seamless as it appears to be how is that going to work is it still going to be like hey you can only summon like the dungeon areas or maybe it really can be anywhere maybe you can just summon someone out in one of the fields that would be amazing and if you can summon someone anywhere maybe they'll just do away with boundaries entirely you can just summon someone and just you know go where you want no more invisible or fog walls blocking you off maybe that's a little too hopeful but part of me thinks it's very possible given this new change in like design and scope also speaking of multiplayer uh pretty sure there's gonna be pvp so assuming there's pvp and assuming you can just you know fight people wherever i wanna remind everyone that we do have a horse and i just wanna get everyone excited for the possibility of horse jousting gameplay i can't wait i'm going to look at my notes real quick see if i miss anything um i think i got most of it but one of my notes just says these armor sets are so sexy like god damn i i don't know if i've said that yet but if i didn't there you go i agree with my past self there i want to talk real briefly about hype culture and this might seem like a weird thing to include in a video like this but i've seen discourse surrounding this so i just wanted to talk about it real quick i've seen some people prior to this you know this trailer i've seen some people compare eldon ring to cyberpunk 2077 and i i get the connection i get it you know cyberpunk had so much hype so much anticipation surrounding it but then there were delays and then it you know ultimately you know what happened it really failed to deliver it was a buggy mess and naturally you know eldon ring has a similar amount of hype i would argue more hype than cyberpunk so you have people connecting the dots and saying oh this is gonna be like another cyberpunk situation you know another game that can't live up to the hype and my response to that is you know sure you never know it's never a good idea to get too excited because expectations are rarely ever truly met when you get really really really excited i say as i'm getting really really excited and however long this video is but i will say this guys cd projekt red and fromsoft are not the same they're not in the same weight class like look i get it the witcher 3 was really good the witcher 2 is pretty good but like that's all they made you know and then they switched gears to something weirdly too ambitious totally different than what they've ever done and on top of just like poor management it's not the same with fromsoft listen guys i know i know it's always possible for a game to not be good you never know okay sure but this is from soft guys if there's like one company that i trust to like make a game that's that's at least cool that's at least good it's from soft they haven't missed they don't miss some people will be like oh you know what about dark souls 2. yeah what about dark souls 2 dark souls 2 is a good game fight me let's go but for real fromsoft is not the same they have such a good track record and i don't think the comparisons between fromsoft and cdpr are valid because at the end of the day yes both games had a lot of hype surrounding them but this is from software talking about you know i'm not promising that the game's gonna be amazing but like i don't think it's fair to kind of baselessly anticipate a cyberpunk situation that's my point um if you're still watching thank you uh yeah i really did just want to like share my my thoughts and my excitement with you guys because this is like such an event you know like i haven't felt this level of anticipation and excitement over a video game in in like i can't remember when this feels like it's on another level just the gaming community as a whole all coming together and just being excited about elden ring i think this is like a special time and i wanted to kind of you know mark the occasion a little bit just by talking about it i also do that if i didn't say anything i would just get so many comments of people being like what about alden ring you know there's a reason that there's a channel called elden ring news that has 55 000 subscribers and for the past 360 days it's been almost nothing but just saying there's no news today there's no news today there is no news about alden ring today and that has been your daily alden ring update for february 18 2021 like can you imagine that kind of channel existing for anything else any other game because i can't i'm excited if you're watching this still i'm pretty sure you're excited too and you know let's just like take a moment to just be excited have some fun with it you know and uh i'm looking forward to playing it when it's finally out more videos very soon i'm sorry i have not uploaded in a while i've been you know meditating in the mountains that kind of thing but uh yeah hope you guys are all well take it easy and i will catch you later [Music] you
Channel: Iron Pineapple
Views: 324,221
Rating: 4.9483747 out of 5
Keywords: elden ring, dark souls, fromsoft, gameplay, trailer, analysis, discussion, iron pineapple, soulslike, souls-like, fromsoftware
Id: Qp3nNB0RgbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 1sec (1201 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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