ELA Lesson: The Very Impatient Caterpillar

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happy Monday if everyone is doing great thank you so much for joining me on my Facebook page for a fun story I'm going to share with you guys today for those of you who watched me before or never met me before my name is Deanna jump and I've been teaching kindergarten and first grade for over 20 years I'm not currently in the classroom now now I'm a teacher of teachers and I love doing that too but I'm missing in the classroom so being able to come on here share lessons with you guys it's so fun for me and it filled that need to get my kids mix so today let me show you really quickly what we're gonna be doing today they pull this up so you can see it I'm gonna make myself a little bit smaller so today I'm gonna share with you a super fun story called the very impatient caterpillar and it's written and illustrated by Ross brach so let me share with you just a few things before we get started on this story I want to share with you a few of the words that you may not know that you're gonna hear in this story now if you were in the classroom with me we would learn these words together by talking with our partners and using them in context of this order since we don't have the time to do that I'm gonna have to share the words in the definition with you before I read this story so that it will help you understand the story so the first we're going to share with you is young patient now let me probably already know what this word is because you've probably heard your mom say before don't be so impatient or be patient and being impatient means not wanting to wait for someone or something right you can all probably relate to being impatient from time to time another word that I want to share with you that you're gonna hear in this story is called migrate and migrate just means that it's a movement to another place so you might have heard this word before when somebody's talking about how birds migrate to the south for winter be if they want to go where it's over they don't wanna see where it's cold so it's a movement to another place and then the mountain or the dripping here this up big word really big word you can impress your family with this word metamorphosize metamorphosize can you say that with me now more besides and that means to transform or change transform needs to change to transform its to change it's a process some animals go through to become adults so let me share with you an example of that okay a frog when I first hatches out of its egg the frog first it's a tadpole it has to metamorphosize it has to transform and change into a frog so it goes through some stages to become an adult frog and in this story we're going to meet the very impatient caterpillar and we're going to learn about his journey as he has to go through metamorphosis now we're gonna see what happens okay so let me share that certainty it is called the very impatient caterpillar now stay tuned because when I finish this story I'm gonna give you a link that you can use and you can download and it'll have some activities that you can do at home it's gonna have a link to the video that you can go to and watch and really learn about real caterpillars and how they metamorphosize and it's also gonna have some activities that you can have your mom or dad or someone print out for you at home and that you can do at home so make sure you stay tuned and wait for that link at the end all right so I'm gonna read the story of a very impatient caterpillar by Ross Barak here we go hey what are you guys doing we're going to metamorphosize transform into butterflies right I can't be color but yes with weeks yes yes now what build your chrysalis chrysalis or more of it swirl me on what just be patient and let nature take its course patience right right I got this Amaya butterfly yet know how about no no be I have a question not yet I don't even know what I was going to ask also a butterfly yet no just be we're trying to metamorphosize oh okay okay obviously I know this but do you know how long this takes two weeks right right two weeks Oh what am I gonna do it here for two weeks what if I want to snack hello two pizzas please my address chrysalis click hello anyone want to play it that's it I feel metamorphosized enough it's only been day one what do you think he's gonna do can you take what he's gonna do let's check and see sport time to spread my wings and fly time for a new approach okay you can do this you can be patient and he's reading a book that says you can transform your life because he's wanting to learn how to be patient Oh can't be patient you are the little caterpillar that could that could it get it have you ever talked to yourself like that trying to affect yourself up you can and this girl here is this she's thinking what's going on in there I can't be patient patience patience is all in the mind being one with the chrysalis deep breath in and out day six I'm doing it just be patient just be patient he said say nine day ten Danielle 11 two weeks later feel transformed starting now I'm going to be way more patient that's great are we there yet why do you think you're the butterfly is saying yes we can infer anything uh-huh because the caterpillar if we go back to page the caterpillar was just saying starting now I'm going to be way more patient and then already they just started on their turn and he's saying so he's to have a lower cut himself together to get more patient so let me talk to you this week about what we're going to do this week what we're going to work on so and then the comprehension strategy that great readers do is they make connections to the story that they need so anything about the word impatient all right so we just make connections to help them understand the character and how they are feeling so in this story we see that the caterpillar was impatient because it just could not be patient so so your activity they don't want you to do or to finish today I wanted you to think of a turn when you were impatient and however I want you to write your connection about what happened when you were am patient and what problems that might have caused you because like I said readers make connections to help them understand the character and how they're feeling so you're going to connect to the same feelings the caterpillar was feeling of being impatient and you're going to think about what happened when you were impatient so that's what's going to be included in one of the downloads that I'm going to give you today the very impatient caterpillar and there's several versions for you to choose from based on with you're in kindergarten first grade second grade or a different grade those there are some different versions that you can use based on how much you feel like writing today all right so you're gonna draw a picture about the caterpillar and what he looked like when he was impatient and drop your sugar turn when you were impatient and write about it and then another activity that I have for you you can learn how to draw the butterfly from our story when the very patient has hillier the very impatient butterfly right so hey giving you this desk step by step so that you can draw and color the caterpillar from the story there's also a link in this down look like I told you at the beginning there's also a link in this download that you can use to go and watch a video Oh about butterflies lots of different fun and interesting about butterfly and have a metamorphosis from caterpillars into butterflies so you can download all of that you don't want to sign up for an email address or anything you just simply have to go to this bitly link bit ly /dj reads and then numeral 2 and it's all caps for DJ DJ read and then numeral 2 so I hope that you've enjoyed um joining me for this story today and I hope that you enjoyed the activities that you get to do if you do them or whoever's with you to take a picture and tag me so I can see your great work getting tagged me on Facebook or on Instagram this is just class but I'd love to see you work and I hope that you'll join me right back here next Monday as we read one of my very favorite stories called piggy pie so I hope you guys have a great day and a great week bye
Channel: Deanna Jump
Views: 915
Rating: 4.6923075 out of 5
Id: 1b1huI_LMRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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