El Señor de Los Cielos 9 | Capítulo 89: Al Acecho | Telemundo Novelas

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THE LORD OF THE SKIES Did you have to humiliate me? Like I said, you need to be put in your place from time to time, and be reminded of what I need from you. You think I don't know where I stand? You didn't force me to have sex with you the first time. I didn't want to force you. I had sex with you because I'll do anything to get what I want. Milton, this isn't love. This is just business. I'm sad to hear you think so. I was growing fond of you. You misjudged me. I guess the Colombian hood did come out after all, bruh. You're a businessman, an entrepreneur. Don't behave like a troglodyte. Now act like a man or kill me. You'll have to earn the right to sleep with me! I'll die before I'm forced to be with anyone. Alright, Belencita. There's something you should know. Killing you... is still an option. I'm not afraid. That's a shame. I bet no one's ever thought of suing a Sec. of Natl. Security. I'm suing Alfaro, and by extension, the administration. I need to win, so I'm cleared of everything. To operate here or wherever without having to hide. That's why you turned yourself in, right? I figured out a way to launder more money than I ever have! And a way to make your son proud, should he ever learn the truth. Sure, that too. But while the suit gets going, I'm going back to check on the mines in Colombia. I left a mess back there. Maybe I can fix it. You'd better get to work there and here too. Will you come clean to your son then? No, hon, that'll never happen. Why not? Are you afraid he'll want nothing to do with you? Is that the experience talking? Considering you still haven't told me how things ended between you and Ismael. What happened, Aurelio? What are you planning for him? You can tell me. What a waste of good business, power... and sex. This isn't over yet. Thank you for coming. I think we both needed this. Rafa, can I tell you something without scaring you away? Yeah. I think... I'm in love with you. I haven't felt this way about anyone in a long time. That doesn't scare me. I can't believe this is happening to me. Color me surprised. I should go. Really, I'm serious. -No. -Uh-huh. -Diana. -Hmm? Things are going to get ugly for me. Marcela's trying to take my daughter away, and I won't allow it. I'll give everything I have to my lawyers if I have to. Hey, I'm here for you, for anything you need. I made a lot of clean money in New York and I know the best lawyers. -No... -Hey... -Don't. -Why not? Rafa, that's what love is. Things between me and Ismael are awkward. He's a brat, and a stubborn one at that. Ismael listens to me. I can get through to him in a way Tata can't. He listens to me. He won't listen to anyone. He's gotten greedy. If he doesn't stop, that'll be his undoing. I told him to stop. Greed poisons the soul. He takes after you. He's making a statement about his power. He's extorting the fishermen and farm workers. He's imposing his will on the people who worked for the guy he killed. Guajardo? Him. Yes, him. And it's getting ugly. What are we now? Extortionists? We're entrepreneurs, Aurelio. People of business. Ismael saw an opportunity and he took it. But he can't beat people into submission. He'll only get himself killed that way. That's his problem, though. I wish him the best and for him to learn his lesson. Do you want me to go to Tijuana? I can go talk to him first. Colombia can wait. No, I talked to Tata. She's his mother. She can handle it. You know Ismael doesn't listen to her. But you... I know you and you're up to something. Felina, I'm very sleepy and I'm sick of all this bull----. I'm going to bed. Stop imagining things. Goodnight, Felina! Fine, but on the condition that you see this as a loan. I'll pay back every cent. You're being silly. Marcela's actions towards you and your daughter are wrong. I know how much you love her and I'm here for you, in good times and bad. I've got your back, Rafa. You're not alone. Thank you. I really appreciate that. Well, I really have to go now. Oh, come on! Don't go. I want to clear up a few things before calling it a night. We have to keep tabs on Ismael in Tijuana. Has something else come up, sir? Something's always coming up. ------- kid won't lay off the fishermen, the avocados, corn, stuff that has nothing to do with the drug trade. Things could get ugly for him, that's the problem! Would you like some of us to go to Tijuana? We're dealing with the Colombian, and that's important too. And necessary. We can do it from here, right, Greñas? See? Just don't lose track of him. -Alright. -Alright. I'm going to bed. Later. Piltrafa, set up her room. They're getting your room ready. This chick's got an intense stare, right? -She's weird. -Yeah. I thought you wouldn't make it. Something came up, but everything's fine now, right? Is her room ready? -It should be. -Yes, sir. I'll walk her over. This chick's got crazy eyes. Like she's emo. Crazy? She's a heck of a hacker. She'll find the Casillases for us, just wait and see. Won't anyone offer yours truly an aguardiente? Coming right up, sir. What are you looking at? Get lost! I don't know how you can drink that stuff. I can now. I'm better. Cheers! I'm doing much better. You're sure? Hey, babe. Were you with Laura and Rutila till now? We spent some time together. I'm worried about Tamaulipas. Tamaulipas? Tamaulipas can wait. You're all I want now. We can talk business tomorrow. What happened last night? I got hammered, didn't I? Quite a bit, I'd say. You got handsy, as usual. I can't believe I did this again. You did. So why'd you bring me here? You got a plan to avenge your brother and my sister? All we're going to do is make a lot of money. I want you to take over my brother's businesses. There's a lot of money at stake. Are you game? Do business with his killers? Yes, that's right. I know you need the money, so put your feelings aside. Do the math and let me know. We're on our way to Leon, Guanajuato. Yes, I'll send the itinerary. Okay, thanks. Everything's ready. You have a full day. Naturally. Winning takes hard work. You go on ahead. I need to talk to... Sure. Good morning, Ricardo. Hey, Rey! You look very dapper! Take care. I'll be in the car. Alright, what's this important thing you have to tell me? We need to stay on our toes. Whether I win or lose, you have to kill Cabo. Do we have an agreement? We do. That's all. THE LORD OF THE SKIES
Channel: Telemundo Novelas
Views: 254,551
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Keywords: Telemundo, el señor de los cielos 9, señor de los cielos 9, el señor de los cielos, señor de los cielos, elseñordeloscielos 9 temporada, el señor de los cielos 9 capitulo 89, capitulos completos del señor de los cielos 9, capitulos el señor de los cielos 9, capitulo 89 el señor de los cielos 9, capitulo 89 de el señor de los cielos, capitulo 89 del señor de los cielos 9, belen da advertencia a el cabo, el cabo reacciona desafiante con belen, diana asegura a rafael que lo apoyara
Id: 444U0auHbZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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