Ejection 203 - Bill Welke Ejects Brian Snitker After Charlie Culberson's Bunt Injury

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let's see what atlanta does charlie is bunny Rodney with a fake to second wanted to see if Charlie tipped his hand and he showed him bunt and Charlie punts that ball off his face Charlie Culver had just punted the ball and it went right up to his face they've brought a golf cart out to take Charlie Culberson off the field here again he tried to bunt the pitch was up and in and Charlie never was able to get wood on the ball he's to his feet and George Poulos the brains trainer will take him off horrible yeah it's a the same thing that happened to me in oh four and minor leagues man it went straight to that cheek eye orbital bone right there and you just don't know what else to say other than you hope he's going to be all right you're going to show one look and that's it first charlie waving is conscious obviously certainly unintentional one of the hazards that you face when you try to bunt and Charlie's squared around just couldn't get out of the way and now brian sticker is down talking with a home plate umpire he's arguing the count is owen one not sure what Brian's arguing here I think Smith's mad because were a these protectors play [Applause] we saw the ball never hit [Applause] [Applause] that is as hot as I've seen Brian snicker Charlie Culberson tried to bunt a ball hits him in the face and he's called for a strike and he just saw Brian Snickers say shame on you so he's been ejected from this game and we're going to show one look of this pitch to Charlie call this a
Channel: CloseCallSports
Views: 74,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Umpire, Baseball, Ejection
Id: O4CD1uZJpHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 49sec (229 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 14 2019
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