Eichmann trial - Session No. 66 , 67

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in winter it was in 1945 in January they opened the door my students and Glen showed us five people out I was the youngest I also read I didn't even put my houses I just had my ten pence and singlet and there was another boy from Czechoslovakia he was doctor he got some sort of a shock he began singing and dancing and lane seek ask transport man where to put us and Portman said a bit further from here and he told us that we should lie down we like to lay down the first five and when we were dust lying I heard some sort of a noise then I was but it's whizzing by and our shows the scar a free attack on the bullet entered through the nape of his neck and came out through the mouth the witness shows the core to this car left on his neck I was lying down there were all sorts of movements so he would finish them off at the second shot after the same a few minutes I regained my consciousness and when he passed by I stopped breathing so that he should think that I'm dead oh just not there and then there was another group of five they shouted them and in turn and they were also shot and there was one soldier who was just guarding the groups of dead people and to finish off those who still showed signs of life then I ran away I ran away when his case was not fixed on me and I was hiding and the heart of Gentile up to the liberation when the Russians came I was looking through hole in staple I thought it was a dream I didn't know what was going on as somebody came in opened the door and said to me you can now go out of the Russians had already arrived then I went out the Russian commander came the Russian commander who had captured dumpier together with the physician and he said that there is no chance in the sky for me and I could only survive for about 12 or 24 hours they thought that the bullet had to broken my son afterwards after 36 hours I was still alive in spite of the productive prediction then they realized that I had got the bullet rather far from the spine were also wounded in the nose you'll have a scar yes I had two scars and then I asked the physicians they said that I when I received the bullet then instinctively I put the head down and somehow or other the bullet didn't get and there was some sort of glass that splinter that hit me mother Gilliam ha what happened to your mother mr. srebnick I was examining all sorts of files and also when I was taking out of the golden teeth from the corpses then I saw one file and in this file I saw my mother's photograph the nape of your neck does it still bother you yes did you forget what went through I don't sleep at nights I can't sleep well at nights those horrid pictures are still haunting me president of cor dr. Cervantes any questions dr. Cervantes I have no questions your honor did you build a model did you make a model which was the exact replica of the camp and it is now in the ghetto fighters Museum yes that's where it is question and a photograph of that model is that photograph which is now here against the wall is that a photograph of the model which is now in the ghetto fighters Museum of the model which you yourself there is that right it is an exact photocopy of a photograph of it indeed question now could you tell the court what is this what is it that is shown on this picture doesn't mention Angra Mainyu this was the entrance the witness is now pointing to a big photograph against the wall this was the entrance here is where they two barracks women were taken to the left the men first the people were brought from the entrance between the two barracks the women were taken to this barrack as I have pointed out here if the court will permit I understand it is possible to set up a microphone where the witness is standing near these this photograph it will make it easier to hear what he is saying president of court if it can be set up immediately why not perform the cure for torsion ah it can we hold the microphone right next to the witness so everyone will hear what he is saying top will I need to cut them in my house no issues across I see they're throwing know the women and the women and women into one and the men into the other ah the menu said stayed in while in the same place it is very difficult to hear what the witness is saying because he is not speaking otherwise Lucy - Amy the Froy what happened to the women will get some touch TV in much ado be sure the woman you do over mouth music if you alright hey doesn't give indeed come on you did you try camera behind with you but some of the dealings of get ourselves in the hotel yeah mr. hosta these were the gas chambers they had to - chambers here and three gas chambers here these were the three the witness is pointing to a point on the photograph in the big barracks they cut off the woman's hair then they were taken to the gas chambers and the witness is pointing to a building which had three another building had ten gas chambers they closed the doors and the whole thing took about 40 to 45 minutes president of court perhaps we should interrupt do you identify the part during which you pass you can see the second the train entered the camp through this entrance here and the direction is through a gate there was a platform and from the platform we walked towards the gate there was a fence with a game right here there was a courtyard there was a well nearby with two guards two huts which were in the courtyard and there was a well nearby I am almost sure that this was how it looked yeah there was a garage where they would repair automobiles for us to living and there were also workshops how was that part of the camp called where you say this was man say what some down this assembly column go to this was camp number one and the second part of it so you were interpreting kawaman yes then you arrived at the platform and what happened to and when you are standing close to the platform as I said before the doors of the train were opened and we were ordered to come off the train with our belongings some of us were killed in the train and on the platform those who were not in time to get off when we all gathered again in the courtyard we were made to run double speed towards the courtyard where the hats are near the gate there were SS men and Ukrainians and in fact the selection started right here women were sent to the left men to the right yes I did not want to leave my mother so soon but near the gate I was hit on my head I believe it was with a stick and I fell to the ground I got up immediately I did not want to get more beatings of at stake and then many more I never saw your innocence how many young people were there in your transport when we entered the camp out of the whole transport 400 men were selected 200 were left in one camp and 200 young men were sent to the camp where the gas chambers existed I didn't know at that time but I learned about it later don't you tell us something about the so called laws all right I see the laws of read this is where the lazarette was exactly at the end of the camp lazarette was a kind of grave big dug out fenced off by barbed wire and near the entrance there was a hat painted white with red crosses on it and the inscription Lazaretto on the walls we do not see it they are from the sketch no there is only a number here a number 10 I believe and the people who were killed here on this platform when we arrived or those who fainted still were alive but could not walk we had to drag them to the lazarette cynically they called it lazarette as if the people were being taken to a doctor but there was a large dugout we had to throw the corpses into this grave even those who were alive they would be shot and thrown into the dugout once I remember one of the commanders in the camp called court France he was an untouched on theory he was a burst of fear at first and then he was promoted he carried out a search on this on the body of this doctor and found some money on him Franziska knew immediately what to expect because those on whom money was found they would be shut down was one of the men who was preparing to take part in rising and that is why he had money on foreign jetski knew what to expect so he attacked Court France although the doctor was older and cold front was young but he managed to run away foreign jetski left the hut but we fell it seems that he took some poison which he had on him all the inmates and entities were called to roll call and they had to see how they treated her on jetski to revive him caught France and an Iranian dragged her on jet skis tongue out and caught France poured water into his mouth and then he jumped onto his belly jumping with his boots to clean his stomach from the poison he had taken but then two men had to lift her on jet ski by his feet so that the water would come out through the mouth they repeated this a number of times but they did not succeed and then he was undressed he was whipped and then sent to the lazarette uprising was supposed to begin at 4:00 in the afternoon and at 2:00 2:30 the children the two young boys were supposed to enter the munitions shed and they did enter and brought a number of hand grenades pistols and munitions at the very same time two men entered into the living quarters they hacked they were caught they were undressed they found money on these two men they were caught by one of the commanders of the camp he undressed them and started whipping them this was about half an hour before the time scheduled for the uprising so that there was cows people would come and go and and say that there were informers who already informed or were about to inform there was nothing to lose their pricing should start immediately but most of us knew that this was to start at 4:00 but as far as I know I was told later that this man rudik shocked the SS men who was whipping the two men he undressed then a hand grenade was thrown you said that was in the beginning yes and after this alarm there was a man who used to carry out the disinfection of the Ukrainian huts he had a hose and would spread this disinfectant into the huts on that day he was supposed to change the liquid to something combustible to petrol or benzene there was a large tank with fuel nearby and this was they set fire to this Hut this exploded and the flames spread that there were leaves and branches all around the ghetto which caught fire at the time was in one of the workshops for a limit of sheets I ran to the post I was supposed to come to but I could not get there because of the fire the tank prevented my approach so I ran in circles and ran towards the lazarette and that's why you escaped from yes I escaped from the lazarette how did you break through the fence I crossed the fence there were people who were succeeded in escaping before me and this was kind of easier for me they did run after us mounted on horses and with a car those who escaped head arms I ran with a group they had a rifle with them and pistols they were shooting back at the Germans the Germans retreated that is how we succeeded in reaching the wood nearby how many men ran in my direction I believe some 150 people after the parade we were again directed to these piles something similar again we had to classify articles clothing and so on after some time there appeared an SS man mattias sharp Yura Mattias and shouted 20 men I want 20 volunteers I was standing near him I was afraid I thought if I wouldn't volunteer he might take revenge so I volunteered and he said you are going out to do some light work for ten minutes and we were placed in camp two in the death camp where were you taken to we were taken in the direction of a camouflaged gate which was camouflaged with pine branches on the wall can you identify the picture what is this that is the camp number two this is the troubling car camp you say where where you taken from the gate can you show the court a one moment please until the microphone is set you will please stand near the sketch on the other side so that the court can see the picture here at this spot they had this camouflage gate covered with pine branches we brought brought in here and this is where we stopped at this point when they opened the gate everyone automatically was shocked because we saw a pile of dead bodies at this very spot and the Germans this much us began shouting at us he said Andy dragon which means go get the stretcher go get the stretchers we did not know what he meant we began running in circles around the bodies and the Germans and the Ukrainians read us and stabbed a few people and we did not know what to take what to do and the Jews who had been working there in removing these bodies told us grab the stretchers and take bodies on the stretcher so we each grabbed the stretcher myself and another friend took a stretcher and we approached this pile to take a body on the stretcher and we walked to the graves here it is about 200 150 meters and we dumped the bodies into the grave where did you live in trouble number two right here in this barrack sir the one I'm pointing to you can return to the witness stand please but how deep was the grave were you through the college's the depth was seven or ten meters it's sloped it had an incline and the bodies rolled into it all these busy moving corpses yes all day I work in removing bodies from the gas chambers to the graves and then you continued doing the same work the work was different peculiar when we came to work in the morning they divided us into groups there were three types of work there were the gas chambers and the transfer of corpses to the graves and then there was also the burning the burning of the bodies those who came with you could not stand the shock what did they do yes many hang themselves with belts they wound the belts around their throats and one which person asked his God his friend to pull the chair of one help the other commit suicide really did you see their whole process of extermination yes I saw the whole process will you describe to the court briefly the people arrived from that famous Yudin Strasse which led from one camp number one to camp number two there they were SS men were posted there all the staff of camp two they had dogs whips they had bayonets in their hands the people walked calmly at first of course in 1942 in the summer they did not know where they were being led and when they entered the gas chambers they stood near the entrance and there were two Ukrainians near the entrance one was Eve on the other one was Nikolay and they opened the gas where did the gas come from the gas came from a diesel engine yes from an engine from an engine or was it brought from the outside again no it was raw power gas inside a rope is a kind of the solar or yes solar oil and the fumes came out of a pipe which led into the gas chambers and when the people entered into the gas chambers the last ones were stabbed in their bodies by the bayonets which were held by these and the last people already saw what was happening they did not want to enter and they just jammed the people inside four hundred into the smaller chamber and when they stabbed them the people just automatically of themselves were pushed inside and this formed the the final capacity the full capacity of the gas chamber and was so jam-packed that it was difficult to close the door and when they locked the door we were on the outside we heard only screams and Schmeisser I'll prayers mother father and after 35 minutes they were dead and two Germans were standing and they said everyone is asleep open the doors and open the doors and we took the bodies out can I don't even the baby-faced please place the skull cap on your head place your right hand on the Bible and repeat after me I swear by God Almighty in shreds that my testimony in this trial will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth what is your full name sir da Vinci WTO WI and SK I doctor answer yes how do you spell that WD OWI NSA okay you can be seated if you live in the United States you are professor of psychology and psychiatry at the New School for Social Research in New York correct during the Second World War you were in Warsaw yes from the beginning of it during the time of the uprising you were the commander of the National Jewish military organization in Warsaw yes you took part in the general uprising until finally your bunker fell when was that the uprising the last day of April 943 and all positions held by the Jewish National Organization had to surrender then three weeks they were still fighting for three weeks some units when you left the bunker and taken to the boom shot plots that you see one of your positions then yes an auskey square and also more an auskey Street eight and nine blue and white flag they were still fighting on I heard the shots and from the chakras you were brought two carriages and to answer the next day we were taken there because we were waiting for about one day before we were taken and then I was go together with the remainder of my family because part of it had already been killed in Treblinka Ezra's out of the first action which was going on from July after the day of the tone in 1942 then you were brought to the Maidana camp also yes then they separate to do from your family then you say from your wife answer yes after three or four days where were you brought question answer I was brought together with 800 other Jews actually 807 together with me to a camp which was not far from Lublin about 35 kilometres from Lublin Booton the name was they selected 807 people answer yes we were the remnants of the wall surgery we were standing near the gate there were various departments and my Dominic and that they wanted to send us to one of the fields and all of a sudden an SS officer turned up later on we found out that it was over Jean Pierre Reinhold spikes and he came together with the Ukrainians wearing black uniforms he demanded from the local commander 800 exactly 807 men and this is what we received received was to labor camp these Jews were working for fluke Choice Voucher that means to say factory for aeroplanes spare parts very difficult to describe the division system there it beggars description when you arrive to add to bulging on the first day it was the searches of April of the first of May I undo the commander veidt's told us to stand in two lines and he will come up to wall in June and told him to step out of the line and ordered him to undress then he began to undress and then he began shouting at her hurry up the gum undress completely until he will stop Richard and then he took out a pistol and killed this is what is going to happen - and each one of you if you are not going to hand over everything you have [ __ ] here with you and on you this is only one example he speak about money goes to cases Reinhold fight Sykes he was from Sudetenland and he said you are a dog and you have survived you are still alive and he ordered the Ukrainians and the commander came back after half an hour to the camp and by chance older to them and he whipped out his pistol and this was the doctor from also extremely popular and beloved by wall so Maggiore doctor who first of all he was very well known he was a religious Jew he would pray every day every day on Saturdays he wouldn't write any love because he did quite a lot as a Jew for ports for his poor brethren and he would treat him without money he worked as a doctor in the hygiene in the tombs actually one the master I had to see to it that it was always clean Hammacher was killed it was necessary to disinfect to the place so that the as the commander said the sanitary conditions showed to be maintained and assumed as the Jew was bettered his teeth were taken out of the rainy gold piece do you remember a case of a man named bitter I will never forget that I can assure the court some money from his father fell down and then the over sir sword who was the master the my team of this Meister was mass he reported on it to the command down beat him and then said this man ought to be hanged and indeed he was hanged about the Rope was rather flimsy and was torn so bitter dropped down but still alive then fights decided that perhaps it would be necessary to hang him again and it was a pity to waste a bullet for a Jew and he said the Jews themselves have to finish him off they have to kill him and then he ordered a roll call of 2,000 Jews we the doctors were also there there was some more doctors and the union's gave each Jew a stick he had to run the gauntlet as it were he had to run around and three Ukrainians were pushing him on so as to see that he was really beaten by the Jews and each time this man was running around he was saying I take it to his love I have to be the victim for the welfare of the people of Israel I take it readily and with enthusiasm in the end he fell and the command called me so that I should find out where the history life or not and in a very weak voice I do not I am NOT in pain doctor I am the scapegoat for all the Jewish nation and I take it with love please read the Kaddish after my death now how long afterwards a few minutes or perhaps half an hour we were now to give them water anything passed away what formation death right chessmen he was all the Charter Fuhrer and during all these atrocities you remember a special case with one of fighting assistants clapping I remember full well he was the right-hand man of fights he came from Latvia he was one of the greater said as there all of them are said one months at night he brought to the heart some prostitutes and lie with them in the presence of all the Jews and there are also children who had to behold the scene fathers and sons fathers and sons where our fathers and sons were in their heart there were also small children and there were two children aged eleven twelve or thirteen you remember the case of doubt about this Sykes had already left the counter that they become those who came from my damn it more or less two months I understand that I remember buck Meister he was commander of the cream cannon arrange the inmates came back from world one apparently had fled and at the head of the group there was a man called bounty this was a man from Stettin in Germany as we found out had got converted when he was six years old and when that inmate had run away Bowser's did not inform the commander about it because he knew that if he informed the commander about it ten people were to be killed and then transpired later on at the roll call and the command decided to hang them he decided to hang about yes and then he said I have only one request and the commander said well get it off your chest I was a german officer in the First World War and I was fighting all the battalion only several people survived I was conferred the eisenerz Kreutz first class as such I should like to request you to be shot and not hang across whether you were an officer or not for me you are a stinking Jew and you're going to be hanged and then he would go to the gallows asked to say a few words toward the Jews in the camp and this was vindicated and then he said I was born as a Jew and what I remember my Jewishness is one prayer and I remember only the first words of that prayer and they are hello hey Avraham it's Markov the God of Abraham Yitzhak and Yakov it is all I remember but I'm dying as a Jew and I request you Jews tell a doxology after I die and tell the Kaddish when I'm no more do you remember the end of October 43 when you doctors occasionally they exchanged a few words with us and one saw me and told me and he said that we were lucky waters the luck I asked what is the nature of it and then he replied that this was the only camp who was in major has survived because the rice Marshall Goering gave an order to leave that Kem an important factory for the wear offered effort miss Hong Kong creeks Vista Caribe against the will of an expert in jurors questions I this is what I said contrary to the wish of the expert in Jewish affairs Isilon say exactly when it was but I think it was about a week or a fortnight after come back from my tonic this was the first time you heard already the second time I heard about how several months before that I do not remember exactly when about this was after Fikes had already left so it couldn't have been before July you came to our camp a too cold carp who had to run away from sabe bah and he related to high-ranking officers had visited Sobibor and he said that sabe bah who was one a great gas chamber Jews were burned he said the two high-ranking officers came to that camp to see to it whether the crematorium is operating properly and the Ukrainians who were that of the Jews there these are two high-ranking officers were Himmler and Eichmann then you heard - same twice during the war did you hear the name again which is more direct than the two previous witnesses I remember once again this part in the testimony of another witness in connection with a mentioning all over the name of the accused attorney general we are nearing the end of this testimony president of Court I stress once again in connection with a mentioning of the name of the accused not the entire testimony attorney general I will ask the court at the end to draw certain conclusions that Ackman's name was a password amongst inmates of pens this could not have been accidental I have to make a brief introduction I would can say our labor camp boots in had been transformed in January 1944 say the 15th of South according to the Jewish calendar in a concentration camp from the labor camp about two or three kilometres away to a new place but they also called it boots in concentration camp boots in there we had pajamas already because in the labor camp we had civilian clothes and it was possible therefore that from time to time another Jew would enter the camp even if he was on inmate so as I was saying and the new camp I was working in a disinfection center that this was called bada and it allows all constructs a the delousing and mouth Institute we were working there and twelve Jews among whom two rabbis two rabbis from was one of them I understand lives in Israel now and to that Center very often Germans would come and in 1944 even German soldiers from the Russian front would come from the front in town appalled in order to wash get clean this was of the fifth of May 1944 Friday so fill the a German civilian entered I had never seen him before he was extremely tall and very studying he was called all bearable roads Billy his family name was Miller or Meltzer I do not remember exactly at any rate he was over felt roots at the time when the place was Ali began what he did later on when the chem had been converted into a concentration camp I do not know may I lead you dr. Burzynski I understand that this Willie started a conversation with you asking how many Jews were in camp on that day I examined about 30 Jews who had been treated again escapees and after being propagated you said that you were proud to be a Jew is that correct yes and then he answered that only a German may be proud of his race and started beating you and said that he already killed 700 Jews and that you would be number seven beat me with his rifle but towards as a place to go he put the muzzle on the dog all the time he was instigating the dog against me the dog was very well trained when he had at the sound of the word Judah he would bite the victim and he was writing me all the time about about hundred metres from the place of the destination where the Jews were short he always shot the Jews individually so that there would be no witnesses then in the last moment as I was saying as a Hoffmann came accompanied by two other men actually he should have been together with us during the work about as we heard they went to the neighboring town to have a good time to have a drink at any rate in the last moment he saved me yeah I was bleeding he saw my condition down for about a day or two he visited me in the camp I must say that out of the group of murderers he behaved in a relatively human manner he was not born in Germany actually he was born in Hungary and he was a sharp he helped me he visited me in order to see what my situate my God my condition was and he said you are going you are going to survive this is the second time and that you had cheated death as it were and he said as this is the second time your answers didn't they be saved the first time he said I was not there but I remember the case this was in the labor camp boots in there too all of you had to be killed and he added more or less he said that the contents was as follows he said that the reichsmarschall gave the order thus a gathering gave the order to leave the inmates intact the Germans who were working there said that without the Jews it would be impossible for them to operate the factory and if the Colonel's there the factory would have to close down he said this was actually against the will of a high-ranking officer whose name is out of item on this is what Hofmann said now two last questions when you were in wooden in 1944 before there
Channel: EichmannTrialEN
Views: 19,529
Rating: 4.5887852 out of 5
Keywords: Eichmann, trial, State, Archives, משפט אייכמן, גדעון הואזנר, holocaust
Id: D6ywnSqrsmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 12sec (3672 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 09 2011
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