Eichmann trial - Session No. 1

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so so so so so so is so so like so right so so and i'll provide excellent excellent i brought him off red cloth air conditioning he starts reading from here when yes yes um hmm is that yes hello [Music] did you see us give your voice a certain solemn information no please don't don't do any extra work just really make it easier don't make easy just read it in a very solid and very i wouldn't say emotional duncan so criminal case 40 61. general against adolf the son of car of adolf carl eichmann aged 54. ask the queues to rise you adolf son of adolf carl eichmann you are represented in this case by dr robert servatius and mr editor bertenberg you are accused before this court according to the indictment which includes 15 counts i will read the indictment to you and it will be translated for you into the german tell him that he can remove the earphones now is the indictment against you presented by the eternal general adult the son of adolf khan is accused hereby first count nature of offense climb against the jewish people an offense under section 101 of the nazis and nazi collaborators punishment law 571-0 1950 and section 23 of the criminal code ordinance 1936 particulars of offense their kills together with others during the period 1939-1945 caused the killing of millions of jews in his capacity as the person responsible for the execution of the nazi plan for the physical extermination of the jews known as the final solution of the jewish problem immediately after the outbreak of the second world war the accused was appointed head of a department of the gestapo in berlin the duties of which were to locate deport and exterminate the jews of germany and the other access countries and the jews of occupied areas that department born in succession the following distinctive numbers four d four four b four for a4 i request silence in court c instructions for the execution of the plan of extermination in germany were given by the accused directly to local commanders of the gestapo while in berlin vienna and prague the instructions of the accused were issued to central authorities central stellar for you described for the direction of which the accused was personally responsible until their liquidation towards the end of the second world war d in areas occupied by germany the accused acted through the offices of the commanders of the security police and the sd and through those persons specially nominated to deal with jewish affairs who were appointed from the department of the accused in the gestapo and were subject to his instructions e in axis countries and areas conquered by them the accused made use of the offices of the diplomatic representatives of germany in each place in continual coordination with the special departments of the german foreign ministry in berlin which dealt with the jewish problem advisers were appointed in the offices of such diplomatic representatives from among members of the department of the accused who were subject to his instructions f they accused together with others secured the extermination of the jews by among other means they're being killed in concentration camps the purpose of which was mass murder the more important of such camps being as follows auschwitz millions of jews were exterminated in this camp from 1941 until the end of january 1945 in gas chambers and in crematoria and by shooting and hanging the accused directed the commanders of that camp to use gas known as cyclone b and in 1942 and 1944 the accused also secured the supply of a quantity of gas for the extermination of the jews to know this extermination camp was operated from november 1941 to the beginning of 1945 and poison gas among other means of extermination was used therein three bell sets this extermination camp was operated from the beginning of 1942 until the spring of 1943 and poison gas among other means of extermination was used therein for sobibor this extermination camp was operated from march 1942 until october 1943 and they were elected there among other buildings erected for purposes of extermination five stone gas chambers five treblinka this extermination camp was operated from july 23 1942 until november 1943 also in this camp poison gas among other means of extermination was used six maidenic this extermination camp was operated from 1941 until july 1944 and poison gas among other means of extermination was used therein g immediately after the invasion of poland by the german army in september 1939 the accused committed acts of expelling uprooting and exterminating the population in coordination with massacre squads recruited from the ranks of the german security police and the ss which were known by the name of operational groups einsatzgruppen groups of this nature also operated after the invasion of russia in 1941 and advanced in the steps of the german army these groups received their orders directly from the reich security head office rsha and each such group cooperated with the accused in the extermination of the jews in the area of its jurisdiction these groups operated in the main on the sabbath and jewish festivals which days were selected for the slaughter of jews these groups exterminated hundreds of thousands of jews in the area occupied by germany in poland h before the invasion by the german army of areas of russia and the baltic countries lithuania latvia and estonia which were annexed to russia four operational groups were organized by the right security head office rsha which cooperated with the accused in the extermination of jews in the areas referred to and in that portion of poland which was a next to russia after september 1939 the activities of such groups included the following acts inter alia one operational group a during the first four months of the invasion of the areas above mentioned by the german army this group exterminated in lithuania and more than 80 000 jews in latvia more than 30 000 jews in estonia about 470 jews in bayelo russia more than 7600 jews in russia about 2 000 jews in the district of tilsith about 5500 jews a total of more than 135 000 jews operational group b after november 1914 1941 this group exterminated more than forty five thousand jews in biola russia and other areas three operational group c up to november 3rd 1941 this group exterminated more than 75 000 jews in the ukraine including 33 000 jews of kiev operational group d after december 12 1941 this group exterminated about 54 000 jews five during the period from august to november 1942 the operational groups referred to above exterminated some 363 000 jewels the operational groups above mentioned operated in the same manner and for the same purpose in the said districts in the extermination of the jews from june 1941 until 1944 and exterminated hundreds of thousands of jews in addition to those detailed above at the end of 1941 the accused order of the deportation of thousands of jews from germany austria and czechoslovakia protectorate to ghettos in riga kavanaugh and minsk these jews were exterminated and interralia one a number of such jews deported from the like germany were murdered on the 30th of november 1941 together with some 4 000 jews from riga two some three thousand five hundred years from germany who were sent to minsk as a force ed pursuant to instructions issued by the accused were exterminated by an operational group in biola russia together with 55 000 more jews who were residents of that district jail during the years 1940 to 1945 the accused together with others caused the killing of hundreds of thousands of jews in forced labor camps which were conducted in the lines of concentration camps and in which such jews were enslaved tortured and starved to death in germany and in countries occupied by germany they're during the years 1939-1945 countries and the areas occupied by them by their mass deportation and concentration in ghettos and other concentration points under cruel and inhuman conditions that is to say in the following countries germany austria italy bulgaria belgium ussr and the baltic states lithuania latvia and estonia which were next to the ussr and that part of poland which was a next to the ssr after september 1939 denmark holland hungary yugoslavia greece luxembourg monaco norway poland czechoslovakia france romania l the accused caused the killing of some half a million hungarian jews by means of their mass deportation to the extermination camp at auschwitz and other places during the period on the 19th of march 1944 to the 24th of december 1944 at a time when he acted as head of the eichmann special operations unit commando with the intention of destroying the jewish people because he will be hearing to turn towards the prisoner september but you
Channel: EichmannTrialEN
Views: 802,664
Rating: 4.5908866 out of 5
Keywords: Eichmann, trial, State, Archives, משפט אייכמן, גדעון הואזנר, holocaust
Id: Fv6xbeVozhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 53sec (2093 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 09 2011
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