EG4 LL V2 LiFePO4 Batteries Wiring

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hey guys I got the eg4 long life version 2 battery bank got them all in the rack assembled they're in there nicely and now we're ready to wire them up so let's get started I'm just gonna take this screw out The Wire put in there snug it up there we go all right okay so I went back later and torqued all these bolts to 55 inch pounds manual calls for 60 but I think that's a little high so 55 inch pounds is what I did and just torqued them down using this torque wrench all right here's the bank there's six of these eg4 LL V2s you can see how I got them wired to the bus bar and you can see how they're wired for communication here's the RS 485 on the first battery comes up to the laptop device manager says it's on com3 all the batteries are on when I run your software okay so I set all the dip switches so I had one two three four five six but when this one is defined as number one I couldn't talk to it so I think number one is reserved for closed loop control with certain inverters so I made this number seven with the dip switches and then it's okay so it won't populate all of the other batteries so I have to plug into them one at a time and I did that and they all look good so for me I'm doing open loop control to this Magnum system so I think we're gonna be okay here okay so the next step is I gotta shut this system completely down and then I can disconnect the forward cables here positives and the negatives pull them all back up through this conduit out of here they'll run over to the new battery Bank probably come down through here and here and then I gotta attach the positives here and the negatives here with the fuse blocks so let's do that all right so I got the wires all pulled out of there so they come down here I'm gonna have to put a hole through there and then some conduit and then they'll be plenty long enough I'll run over here those up but right now I am charging this up I don't know why they don't make the cable so you can go from bus bar to bus bar like that kind of concerns me because it's almost like they don't want you to do that like what am I doing wrong kind of thing so we're at we just started charging 53.1 53.09 5308 when I got these they were all pretty close to the same 5309 53.07 53 something 18.3 on this I think it must be a 20 amp charger right 48 volts all right moving on all right so next I gotta get these big wires through this end cap right I want to do nice job on that so I got this hydraulic punch kit now first I got to drill a hole big enough to get this shaft through there so I can use the punch kit punch a hole this size that'll allow to get the bigger shaft through that hole then I can hook up this guy punch a hole this big and then this conduit will fit in there nicely and that's where the wires will come through and they won't be on the sharp edges all right so let's get that done foreign foreign [Music] all right so that was kind of a lot of work just to get some wires through the end here but sometimes uh you know it's worth extra effort to get some attention to detail I could have just ran them out the end but this is cleaner I think you can see where the wires run in the two four rods go to the two switches to the two inverters they're 4 400 watt inverters and the negatives just go to that bus bar in there so pretty much this is all done I can go ahead and button this up and then we'll attach the wires into the new bank right at the top all right so we got our wiring in place here it's wired up to my 200 amp fuses each line has separate fuse over here we're just grounded on so that basically wraps up the wiring in the next video we'll go ahead and fire this thing up and see if it's going to work so stay tuned for that thanks for watching guys I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Homestead Engineering
Views: 9,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eg4, eg4-ll, eg4 ll v2, lifepo4, solar batteries, battery backed solar
Id: 2AzeSvZ6wxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 46sec (406 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 09 2023
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