Now this is an upgrade!

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[Music] engineer 775 we're back on site for an upgrade so we're going to add a third more power to the system on the DC side and we're going to add twice as much power on the AC side but in order to do that I'm trying my new Logistics and this is the customer skid steer and we're using it with our rhino and that way I only had to bring work truck solar panels ground Mount and the rhino instead of the other way with multiple trucks trailers people CDL licenses and all that funness so um so we're hooked up and hopefully we won't have any issue um Willis is the boss today so Will's just cut the string like a boss so uh we're going to uh see how it goes so we're um gonna have four 12K EMP hardened Soul arcs 30 eg4 batteries crazy cabinet configurations 32 more this time bifacial panels I'm going to set them at a different degree I'm going to put them at 30 degrees these are at 35. and um so stay tuned for all the fun that we're gonna have here well not too bad we got our posts in and the racking starting to be constructed it's two o'clock we got started at I think we really got started at 11. we didn't have some diesel for the machine and some other things but uh so I think we're three hours three hours into into this by the time we got our equipment in place that's not bad the last time we were here the soil is so ridiculous I couldn't get the post pounder with my Rambo and we had to Auger mixed concrete by hand we wasted a day and a half on trying to get the posts in for those so show up with the rhino and able to pound those posts in within an hour and um that's what a game changer so sorry to keep bragging on the new the new tool but it's awesome and it does have to pay for itself they're about 50 000 for the Rhino solar Pro and they've got different accessories magnetic lifters which we don't use and uh they've got a polar which I don't trust meaning I just think it's too violent to try to pull a post out this post is a 12 footer and it is just about eight foot seven and a half seven and three quarter foot in the ground so it's never going anywhere so pretty happy to be able to come down here and do this I knew I needed it based on this is the job that made me this this is the job that made me buy that because I could not pound with the Rambo in this crazy shale there's a layer of shale down there that just is is difficult so difficult I actually made a fitting come loose on the Rhino today is hammering so hard thankfully it was just a loose fitting it was able to tighten it and keep going all right now we're in the mechanical room and it is going to be quite the mech room um we're in a garage the customer is very creative in how he wanted to Mount these battery racks from Fortress and we're still going to use this and we're thinking about how we're going to run these 30 eg4s in there these are the latest ll's with the six dip switches so we he is stacked he's made some cool bases for a narrow pallet jack to set these racks on and it's actually going to be bolted to the floor and then the top unit has a threaded Rod it's going to be turnbuckled down so it will be though they'll be sandwiched together we're going to flip these bus bars around we're going to do some battery moves here we're gonna try um to do something maybe crazy we're gonna close loop 30 eg4s to the master but then we're going to also tie in 15 e flexes I don't know how that's going to go yet so we're just we're experimenting because customer wants to and I'm like I like it let's try it let's do it all right so we had a crazy wire pull last time and Tony didn't like it so he's like why don't you buy one of these things so we just did a wire pull super simple and this little racketeers wire pulling caddy is pretty awesome so I'm just we finished it up and now I'm just going back to the truck and I got a little a little cart so this thing is awesome I'll put a link in the description a nice little upgrade here 32 panel hand walk Q cell 455s they are bifacial and we just came back and added this to an existing 64s we've got 96 panels four 12K inverters and we're just going to go through now and do the wiring wire management but really like these Q cells Q cells these are 455s now what I like about them is the frames per square usually we get down to the end here and things aren't lining up but man oh man that's the junction of four panels right there it's just beautiful that's at the end that never happens that way or rarely happens so really happy how this thing built um the Rhino might have had something to do with it but no I just the panels are great the pallets are heavy duty on Q cell and they're also laid flat and not like dominoes so the amount of time that was saved because of good quality Equipment was probably at least an hour just at least an hour maybe two or sometimes we're always adjusting and tweaking to get everything to line up but we came down here put the bottom 16 up at the second row of 16 on and it is just I mean on the money this is crazy nice so good job hanwa Q cell German engineered but uh probably made in China but that's the best panel from a frame standpoint and installation standpoint that we have we have seen so definitely it's worth the extra man for me it's extra 10 cents a watt no not quite um but it's worth extra money to get a decent panel and also if you're receiving panels sometimes it'd be nice to get them people aren't used to seeing the way they pack panels today on edge and they're just you better be careful you better have a couple sets of hands with that whole palette will fall over all right well now we're time to get to the mechanical room we've already got our wire pulled in 265 feet number eights and uh we could have done an intense but we we don't want to waste a lot so we are we ran number eights all the way back to the mech room so we're going to transition now uh we've still got wire management EMP hardening to add and then we're gonna get up there and start working on the batteries so here we go okay we're having an eg4 party here we've got uh 30 of these ll's these are the latest the six dip switches they are eventually we're kind of we're doing some experiments here we're transitioning from e-flex to eg4 customer want customer's Choice customer's decision and then I'm actually selling these to another customer I have that needed to upgrade his system so anyway it's the battery great battery swap so we're gonna lift these up into place here soon customer did a lot of cool work to this rack to make it like this so they're stackable he's got threaded rods run through so you can actually clamp the two together and this whole thing will be strapped down to his floor and then he's actually by selling those Z flexes can buy another rack so it'll be a nice symmetric rack of 36 pg4s that's pretty good size battery Bank don't you think so uh hook to two four twelve four twelve case so we're going to I don't know we're going to take the cables across the floor but we have some really nice uh cable tray to take across here so we're just getting uh we're gonna try to keep the AC gonna get the battery cables out of the upper trough as much as possible put the combiners down in the lower trough and then we're going to run across the floor here with this cool tray system which I don't see right now but you'll see in a bit let's now we gotta do some I'm gonna do some lifting get these ones in the upper racks oh it's Friday afternoon and I'm trying to get these four inverters to behave we've had to rebuild everything because we added the two and so over here we have a generator power distribution block a load distribution block in a grid we had to upgrade the size of our generator to Soul Arc bypass generator on top solarx on the bottom and what comes out of the center lugs goes over to the Grid or whatever comes out of here bypass I don't know how you name that so the output of this feeds this bypass um I can't really back up my back's up against a lot of battery and and then we took a lot of the we took the old battery combiners out of this wiring trough and moved them and put some bigger ones down here so we have some 12 studded Blue C thousand amp and so all the inverters are landed and we just hooked up one home run from the eg4 batteries just so we could get the software updated all inverters have to have the same software or they're not going to play well together so this is the master and we're just making sure trying to the internet connection is not so good so anyway trying to get paralleled before solar closes and we can't get a hold of a technician on a Friday afternoon so once we get the same software we have a good chance of being able to parallel these without any issues the Power view plant is already built you can see the solid green light that means that we are connected so there was already a plant and Power view app built for these these two so we're going to try to add these two update all software because right now they're all different and they need to all be the same and then we'll have a chance of getting this to work so I think that's about it so we got an AC Gutter and a DC Gutter and the funny thing is I know we always get so much Flack for mixing AC and DC um and that's not an issue anymore according to the latest NEC update that you can have acndc in the same wiring trough as long as insulation of the smallest conductor is covered I'd have to read it I don't have it in front of me but you can check it out yourself has something to do with the insulation and the big thing is it's all in the same system it's all part of the same system which it is so you can have AC and DC in here obviously I mean you look at an inverter again you have DC and AC and they're all in the same enclosure so what's the difference right but man if I gotten a lot of people just not happy about it but all right well come on solarc we need a software update hopefully they'll be able to see these things and get this thing pushed okay last day phew we're tired this is a big one 41.12 kilowatts of solar 41.1 kilowatts of solar for 12ks EMP hardened multiple bypasses generator or solarc whatever comes out of this bypass goes to this bypass which is which is grid grid on the bottom or solarc so you can have lots of options there to run all three power sources independently but they're also all tied together through a series of distribution blocks that feed all the inverters equally and this is the master because this is the original system was just two this is our upgrade we just left master one two three slaves all right and then we added this gutter for the batteries these cool you can get these on Amazon it's dirty now because everybody's been walking on them but these battery trays behind the hide the battery cables coming across and then we took these other ones so we did something that a customer wanted me to do and I said I will try it I'm not the jury's still out but we have these batteries 153 kilowatts are closed looped to the master here let me show you their proof of closed loop is starting to back off because the battery's getting full battery is getting up there so that's nice 3000 amp hour G4 battery but we also have this this thing on the side so he's selling I actually sold four of these to a customer around here I'm taking them home with me which was in that cabinet so he's down to 11 and with the ones he sold he's going to put another stack to balance it out how 36 eg4s cradle incredible so there's three ground mounts out there and I'll show you that a little bit but um and then the AC side of things we really didn't touch this time well we made a mess because we have all these battery boxes but fusible disconnect power sources and but we I'll show you the array here in a bit so what do you think you mean you want one um all I got to do is basically say this is the largest system I've ever built and then next week I find somebody else says I want you to build a bigger system it's my I'm not trying that tactic but it seems to be working just kidding all right let me know if you have any questions you can go crazy with this stuff folks you can go one inverter to nine inverters One battery to 99 batteries if you want I think you could do 9990 amp hours on a soul Arc if I'm right so what you think but these are the customer did an amazing job with the racking he modified these racks you can't really see but he made these pieces with these chases and he had them all laser cut so they're Square Tubing hard to see actually the awesome thing that he made but he also put them on pallet jack he made a little base at the eg4 sits in so he took him off at no casters so the weight is fully supported on the corners super strong stackable pretty cool he did a great job he actually has threaded rods going through so they're sandwiched sandwiched together and then he was going to put an anchor on the floor put a strap over top and back down and that battery rack isn't going anywhere so um Willis suggested he place the batteries facing out which is nice if you ever had to get one he can pull his skid steer in or lift and get out any one of these batteries as opposed to doing it in this difficult space all right I'll show you a quick shot of the array and then we're out of here a month after we put this in he had a tornado here and it sucks 15 panels out of these two arrays and tossed them we still didn't find one one's in Kansas and uh anyway this is the ray We Built For This upgrade we went with the bifacials and also changed it to a 30 degree tilt get a little more summer production nice bifacials so they came out this array came out really nice really like the Q cells I've said that enough I know but um anyway so we had to fix those we had to get new panels and replace like 16 of them it was crazy a month after we built the system a tornado just there's so much damage I'll have to show it to you but anyway I wanted to come down here and just do last minute parting words so if you need help you need a system need a design need a plan set permit package help um you know you don't have to go like this this is 96 panels 41 kilowatts on a house this is incredible and so they have the ability to pretty much run off grid and my hope is they can run off grid forever and um so as long as they don't get hit by a dang tornado and it really it twisted the purlins uh busted bent the struts and uh there's a bent strut right there there's a old scrap purlin you see hopefully he's going to get rid of that um he got really nervous after a tornado and he actually put some turnbuckles but the post held the trusses were good and it was just such a strange thing usually we'd see I think we'd have failure from the outside but it would suck the you could tell it was just working the um so you can see where the bolts were just kind of straightening and the serrated flange nuts were scratched just it was picking it up setting it down picking it up setting it down and finally it sucked them out and ripped the frames apart on the panels so it wasn't the ground mount it was the tornado so the panels themselves had big the clamps held at big chunks of frames missing and well there's a scrap pile of panels under that pallet so super powerful so folks you get hit by a tornado directly I don't know this one didn't fare well but it's back in business and it's got 50 more and it's cranking all right if you need help let me know signing out engineer 775 take care [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Engineer775
Views: 123,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Yq8zCvTZVoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 23 2023
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