EG4 Dip Switch Setting Confusion & Horrible Signature Solar Customer Service

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greetings folks Lance here I had done a couple of videos previously on the eg4 batteries one being the life power four and the other being the eg4 LLS on their dip switch settings now in this YouTube video from signature solar entitled answering your questions on the eg4 battery lineup signature solar and eg4 Roundtable discussion I will let them do a little introduction and then we'll get to a specific question they mentioned so let's hear the introduction hello everybody and welcome back to another signature solar Roundtable I'm Mason from signature solar we're joined today by Josh McConnell from eg4 today we're here to talk about the eg4 batteries and answer some of the more common questions that we get about those batteries okay what did he just say this was about let's go back batteries and answer some of the more common questions that we get about those batteries they're going to answer some of the more common questions that they get about these batteries common questions so let's get to a particular question it is somewhere around right there so let's hear this question second question here how should I configure my dip switches this is a great question okay this is a great question great question how should I configure my dip switches we're all anxious to hear the answer um your dip switches are going to be important for the closed loop protocol important important question within your batteries within your battery Bank whatever you're using so we want to make sure that those are in the right position um but there's going to be a little bit different protocol on the dip switches between the live power four and the LL version right yes there is um so the way they read binary binary numerical order is different between each battery um the easiest way to do this is just to go ahead and to refer to the dip switch charts we've created um it'll tell you the master configuration for communicating with your inverter it also tell you uh your PC communication so always refer to the dip switch guide it just keeps things very simple especially if you start mix matching different types of batteries together right no switch guides and those manuals are very easy to read I mean they from Battery especially even with the V2 from Battery one through battery 64 that's in your bank it has the the dent switch protocol for all those yes it does it's the safest way to go about setting your dip switches okay okay do you feel like you know any more now than you did before basically saying read the manual have you read the manual I've read the manual I've read the manual for the life power for the eg4 LL version one and version two and previous documentation was actually blatantly wrong on a lot of this and at the very least is unclear there's a reason why this is a common question because people are reading the manuals and it's not clear in the two previous videos that I've done on the dip switch settings I made it clear that it was unclear and we are going to look at another video after this one that demonstrates that it's even unclear to Signature solar themselves so let's take a look at that video before we get into the next video I guess I should mention why I'm going through all this with you folks and I probably should have brought this up at the beginning but I've been in touch with signature solar numerous times on this topic and they just keep pushing back on me and ignoring me and ignoring basically a large segment of their customer base and this video is being done not only for you but basically it shows signature solar that it's it's a waste of the customers time the lack of clarity in their documentation in the continual pushback that they give to their customers on rectifying problems that are clearly due to their lack of communication so in this video I'll let him introduce and then we'll get to the part on the dip switches and we'll see where the very engineers at signature solar don't even know what they're talking about so let's take a look at this hey guys Sean here with signature solar tech support today I'm going to be showing you guys how to monitor your eg4 LL batteries using our BMS tools software our first step is going to be making the connections between computer and our battery using the cable that was provided to us and we're going to make our connections with our USB cable to our USB port now we'll make our other connection to the rs-45 port our next step is to configure our Master batteries dip switch settings in order to communicate with BMS tools software now ensure that your master battery has a dip switch setting of ID number zero okay did you catch what he said let's go back a bit setting up ID number zero ID zero all right guys now that we've verified our connections okay this is where he's going to do a search on the com ports and the IDS which come up automatically in BMS tools this is a little bit different in the BMS test software which is where I re originally ran into this problem and it was actually not as obvious as as it's going to be here I had to jump through a lot of Hoops to figure out what was going on based upon the information that signature solar and eg4 provided but take a look at what happens here first device we'll search the device and it may take about 30 seconds for it to populate okay you see that what's the pack number up here what's the pack number it's 16. over here it's 16. not zero the signature solar engineer himself didn't even know what id he was setting and we're expected to know based upon the documentation actually let's uh take a look at another document this is I just downloaded this one today let's see here oh where are you no I think I missed you oh there you are here tells us this is for the LL version one which is the exact same one that he was demonstrating and it gives again a different dip switch setting this is not the same there's just so much confusion no consistency all kinds of pushback it's just frustrating it's frustrating to me it's frustrating to a lot of other people that have asked questions and commented on the videos I've done on these thus far and signature solar will just not listen they don't listen they make excuses for everything they assume that everybody who's installing these are stupid they're assuming that you're stupid and it's very frustrating what's stupid is their documentation what's stupid is there tech support not paying attention to their customers it's stupid so I'm going to do a couple more videos on these uh dip switch settings and some additional frustration with the reality being that apparently eg4 from what I was told by Nick today is not going to support daisy chain on the LL batteries I have the LL version two it wasn't made clear to me in Prior calls to Signature solar that it it wasn't even going to be supported in the fact that it's not supported to begin with is extremely frustrating because now I can't remotely monitor my batteries they assumed that since there's a screen on the front that you don't need to monitor your batteries remotely so I I know there are others out there frustrated like me on this stuff not just the fact that it's not clear a lot of it's wrong but that we're not treated very well as customers I spent over twenty four thousand dollars with signature solar on these eg4 products and they talk down to me they ignore me they don't answer emails I've given up on emails because they never respond I just call but when I call I don't get documentation on it so it's just one frustration after another with signature solar and eg4 products and if you haven't bought these already good for you maybe it'll work for you if you get one I mean the fact that I can't daisy chain these is to me an absurdity um it's just yeah so um stay on the lookout for a couple other videos on the dip switch settings uh I have some ideas on daisy chaining we'll see if uh see what I can do on that front but there you have it if you're confused and frustrated by the dip switch settings take a look at the two I already have out and I think I'm going to be doing two more uh just depends on how it goes let me know about your experience with these I enjoy everybody's comments questions it was actually encouraging that to see that others are experiencing the same kinds of things I am with eg4 and signature solar dip switch settings the fact that that question was blown off in the prior video not addressing it just shows just how clueless they are to the confusion that they themselves are generating about the dip switch settings it should be simple but it's not it just isn't clear enough and it's only clear to me now because I had to experiment I had to jump through hoops I had to waste hours upon hours upon hours of my time and not just that but with tech support their lack of response they're pushing back on me continually acting like they know everything and we know nothing so there's my rant for the day
Channel: Lance Knoechel
Views: 2,307
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Id: HrzPSpgl06o
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Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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