Effort Doesn't Work Anymore | "The Big One" w/ Kyle Cease

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[Music] my good friend Kyle it's great to be with you in the 3D and um welcome to my home and my YouTube channel it's it's both are beautiful you're in two places at once yeah I I looked at the home and I'm like this is gorgeous and then I looked at the YouTube channel and thought did you remodel cuz it looks also as good you've done some upgrades in fact well I'm I'm so happy to be with you I'm so grateful to be your friend and I'm so happy to cuz we spoke the other day and it turned into like a six-hour like we were talking all night and it was so exciting and expansive and I know that I'm talking to someone awesome when I leave it more energized you know I felt Freer and more excited and felt really seen and also saw you in your heart and just felt this Ascension just had to happen in our dialogue so having this conversation is is really exciting too you know I think very often many of us know what it's like to have a conversation with someone that might not be into this stuff and it can feel like it has a heaviness or you can feel alone in this I feel like as I go up in my own inner work and meditate a lot and go in and listen to silence you can often feel alone because not everyone wants to do that kind kind of inner work MH and so it's so exciting to me to have a connection with you because I notice we're doing that same inner work you know and it's there seems to be the same truths come out you know there's a revelation one says the other one goes I already was thinking that or saying that too you know so it's kind of like two you know two Travelers who' Traverse the same Journey or the same path who get to discuss you know how did you handle that Milestone or that OB obstacle on the path and uh we you know we learn from each other because we're we're both doing the same work at the end of the day and what I I enjoyed our conversation the other night that you mentioned because again we went you know five or six hours in your guys little Airbnb um in Austin and I'm still recovering from my sleep loss from that actually but but it was totally worth it because yeah because uh one of these things we talked about that really lit me up that is a topic that is really a hot topic for lately in general is this whole idea of effort yes and you know doing versus being and so I don't know if you remember exactly what we were kind of jamming on at your Airbnb the other night but I wanted to pick up kind of where we left off and discussing like what is effort first of all yeah because we kind of have to Define it before we before we break it down but um where do we you know where do we run into the the end of where effort can take us on the spiritual path and then what lies Beyond effort you know well one thing I would definitely tell the audience watching is if you notice effort isn't working anymore get excited there's a frequency to a type of effort that we've been used to um acclimating to that we are supposed to have so I've noticed that a lot of people are like I got to start my business I got to get this thing going I got to launch this thing I got to keep this thing going and I almost always hear a tone under it and if I don't there's something wrong with me and it almost always happens when I work with a client in a one-on-one situation where they're like I got to get this going I got to launch this there's an underlying tone of so that I'm not enough so that I'm not a failure so that I'm not unlovable like I mean all of these things are actually the driving force of that energy right and there was a time in our Consciousness in the past where effort would be a step forward like if you lived as a totally lazy person or as you had said if you're coming out of a a drug addiction like actually getting off the couch and forcing yourself to do something can be an Ascension in your Consciousness but I think that the kind of people that watch our work are often people that had been in the self-help world and learned at one point an achieving type energy and now are noticing why isn't it working as much as it maybe did 10 20 years ago ago and the reason in my eyes is that we are moving to a Consciousness that's actually a higher more powerful more miraculous frequency that is asking us to surrender the US that has to do it so that we're not something right and one way by the way that I help people do that is I have them become love for the pattern that's trying to force the effort in words if they if they don't make this happen then they're a failure to their father in 1976 right yeah did you love yourself there yes and so I'll have them actually say um you're allowed to fail in my body like they'll they'll become a space of love for the pattern and say I they're basically saying something the pattern has never once heard I love you even if you fail yeah I love you even if you can't achieve I love you even if you disappoint someone I love you because what I believe is that our parents which had are an older Consciousness so they had more ego right like there's a lot of unconscious ego in an older time right they raised these kids and so the kids had to have a matching protective mechanism developed and then we make the mistake of calling that me so the dad says you better not fail or the mom maybe will shame you or if your dad walked out and you suddenly go what's wrong with me to make Dad walk out even though that's not the right way to see it then you go okay I know some people have I know when I get straight A's then Dad doesn't walk out or I know when so this fake achiever comes in right Y and so then we get identified as that right so now it like I have to do it and the underline is so Dad doesn't leave so my parents don't divorce again all these little things right yeah and the good news is we've moved to a Consciousness now where it's trying to take these patterns that are not the truth and remove them and one way it'll do it is by letting you go for everything that you egoic think will be the answer to your life so that you're not not enough and then it lets those things collapse and the amount of clients I have that are like I keep trying to do this and it's not working I keep starting this business it's not working I keep thinking this is the answer these are all effort frequencies but we're at a Consciousness I believe that's higher so some of us have been blown open to like a one frequency that's farther than that and it's actually Contracting them to use force and effort and they can't bring their best selves to it and I believe many things are collapsing right now businesses all kinds of things that are from a frequency of force because we're moving to a Letting Go surrender frequency now and so much more can happen through you like in other words this talk wasn't planned you know and so we're allowing it to happen yeah and whenever I go okay I'm going to do this to launch this event or whatever and have all this force it never works yeah so it's just like some bizarre surrender will happen and be like I don't know and then that day the video will go viral and then all of a sudden the thing that I wanted sells out but it wasn't even the way that I was you know what I mean it's not unlike a good conversation yeah you know it's I'm not sitting here listening to you thinking about what I'm going to say next right I'm just my heart is open I'm I'm receiving what you're saying and uh in turn something is ignited in me that just comes out spontaneously from inspiration and it doesn't feel like I'm doing it it's uh I'm in the flow I'm connected and so I I kind of see actions in general as like almost like having a point value karmically speaking let's say so like what you're saying about at one point effort worked but it no longer works at a certain stage of Spiritual Development uh we look at the Hawkins scale which we both love so much yeah and you have everything below 200 is the negative States fear shame anger Etc and uh courage is that dividing line and from there the points Ascend up to a thousand so like you know personal effort personal doership trying to make something of yourself um is kind of a self-centered energy but again if you're coming from a really low point value you been living in shame addiction Etc then that's an upgrade for your Consciousness but it can only take you so far yeah and I think the vast majority of people in both of our communities anyone listening to this right now has likely surpassed that threshold right and they're at the point now where effort doesn't work anymore yes and that's kind of the theme of um what we're doing an event in uh June and June in uh Alex theater and Glendale a live event which I'm super excited about too I've watched a lot of your events and just love the energy that you create in those containers so I'm excited to be a part of that with you but that's kind of one of the themes we're focusing on for the event is effort doesn't work anymore yeah at this stage of our Collective Evolution on the planet effort is the Empire that's what it represents it's the old world it's the old model of uh you know the debt slave Matrix of work a nine-to-five job to hopefully pay your bills save up some social security and if all your efforts amount to something you may have some retirement yeah and that's the end goal yes just scrape by at the end of it at the end of it all and um the reason it doesn't work is because the universe doesn't want it to work right because it's not supposed to work we're supposed to be called to a higher frequency now and uh that frequency I if I had to encapsulate it is moving out of the doing zone of the Hawkin scale let's say and then Crossing that threshold into the being Zone and the higher we move in Consciousness the more we operate from being rather than doing and so like here's the the the caveat that most people will pick at and not understand when we talk about uh relinquish your efforts stop all this doing just be well I can't just be I won't pay my bills I won't feed my children right so the Nuance here is we're not saying nothing will happen right we're saying your doing will come from your being and doing and and the actions you normally would take your job your your family all of these things will flow through you from a state of grace and effortlessness to where actually you know you and I have both experienced this now yeah you can be much more dynamic in your life much more efficient and effective in your life without the stress and the the inner tension of I've got to do it all it's all on my shoulders right and you you become connected to the higher power which is already doing everything in the universe and you learn to to live in that flow with it right well and the Really trippy thing is we never investigate that the ego's way also didn't work so when people look at this and go well I got to pay the bills I'm I always go well is the overworking paying the bills like you know do we ever put the ego on trial like why does moving into your soul always get so that'd be great but I got to pay the bills it's like well we're here because you've been in the egoic state and used a lot of force and and are not connecting to what it wants to do through you and you are getting evidence that it's not working now I mean anyone that's watching our content knows that working a ton hasn't been doing I mean the amount of clients I've had that say I'm working my butt off yeah and I can't get the bills paid I'm like that's because you're working your butt off versus like picking up a higher frequency I mean if you have a radio that can only pick up AM stations it's not going to do nearly as much as a radio that picks up XM right so the no matter how hard the radio that picks up am works you know it's not going to get anything more it it's we're upgrading to picking up better stations to picking up high there's much clearer that's just trying to happen so letting go a lot of people make the mistake of thinking if I just do nothing then I'm just going to sit forever which would be like thinking if I go to sleep tonight I will never wake up again but no you'll be well rested and you'll be much more connected and a lot of times when you let go you'll feel the patterns of force and effort that panic and they'll be like well if we don't do anything it's going to we won't be anything and I won't be loved or it will go broke or the taxes will come all these different things but you can become present enough to notice that's a pattern that's not you talking and it can have a panic attack and you can suddenly shift to being the space for that panic attack and all of the sudden the fear energy has to leave because you've become a space to actually hear it and I find that once you hear the unconscious pattern it always dissolves once you hear it and accept it it's it's our constant resistance to what we are and what's trying to come up that keeps it acting up over and over and over again so often the effort even kicks in that way it goes I'm going to make sure I never feel this again so I'm going to kick in all these new plans and it's and the universe like I would like you to feel through that so that you can dissolve yeah and what people don't understand is just being is actually more and more in this time one of the most productive things you can do because once the pattern of effort falls out of your body and you just become the presence now you can pick up million dooll ideas you're not thinking of I was just thinking that and and you can also you if that effort energy is gone you lose a lot of addiction energy like if you're all you're going to have a ton of coping mechanisms so you might be spending a lot of that money on whatever hospital visits alcohol you know all this energy dipping stuff and more and more if you make being your default setting you'll notice that's actually also not expensive like the highest you could be you at a park now versus you going to the bar yeah and you could pick up better ideas you could create a higher impact that's why I say if effort's not working get excited you're at a Consciousness you might be over 500 on Hawkins scale you know and it's going yeah for you to create from a Contracting energy uh it's not going to work anymore so here's our first slogan then for this episode doing is expensive yeah being is free being being is free and pays and pays for itself yeah I mean how many I here's an example we all know how many ideas have you come up with in the shower or on a plane that does does have Wi-Fi or between sleeping and waking at night yes what is the factor there you're not in any effort in those places relaxation you are able to pick up more cuz there's no Force the amount of ideas that I've had in the shower you know just completely not tracking stuff not even thinking what do I do about there's no energy I'm just being all of a sudden the next love next insane video or book idea will all these things show up m so the factor is allowing for the greatest you to come through yeah yeah when you're relaxed you're open you're an open Channel between this difference of being and doing you know if doing is expensive and being is free then why would we not want to be uh be in that state of being all the time where actions happen by themselves automatically naturally we don't have to dictate life anymore but we're allowing life we're allowing ourselves to to be lived rather than do the living to me that's what it means to say all my doing comes from being it's like your state of being is determining your actions at every moment your being is your state of being is cause and doing is its effect right but we often flip the two right and we think that if I can do enough I'll earn a better state of being to start being yeah yeah I'll be happier when I get more money success Etc and so we're trying to reverse the law of cause and effect is a violation of natural law it's the opposite it's that you have to get into a state of being that matches the kinds of actions you want to perform in the world you if you want abundant actions then you have to get into an abundant state of being yes you can't chase abundance in the world right effort and stress to hopefully start to feel abundant I I've tried that I'm sure you've tried that many people listening have tried that and it's it's the hamster wheel that keeps you stuck and so in instead if you start to really tune into your state of being first of all when you slow down and you stop you know rushing through life at 100 miles an hour then you stop missing all of the cues you know that life is trying to send you and you start picking more things up like you were saying you get inspired ideas you know New Perspectives on problems in your life start to come in a groundedness a peace of mind starts to come in where you you understand how to meet your your challenges from a a higher state of consciousness and so from a higher state of being you have access to better thoughts and actions that match that frequency like it doesn't it does not matter how hard you try to feel loving or think Loving Thoughts if you're in a panic State yeah those are not available to you in that state right until you get out of that state and then likewise if you're in a very loving State like a perfect example of this an extreme example of this is like psychedelics mhm right perfect example if you take a heavy dose of psilocybin mushrooms or even MDMA or something your actions are going to change dramatically right without you thinking about changing them you can't do anything about it right to in in the Psychedelic State under a plant medicine even the idea of Performing actions as you normally would in a sober state is hilarious right it's like a Herculean feet it's impossible to go brush your teeth or something all you can do is lay on your couch and enjoy the visuals and maybe drink a glass of water at most right your state of being is not available for those actions at that moment right and no matter how hard you try you won't be able to to do it right you can never overcome your current state of being through actions it's it's a going within yourself yeah that the Alchemy begins to happen and by requalifying your state of being if it's in fear if it's in Anger if it's in sadness you can go within and say there's room in me for sadness there's room in me for fear I I love you I forgive you I welcome you and that just that alone is already a requalifying of your state of being because you're making a space for love to come yes and therefore your state of being will start to become more loving and it's interesting too how you said the emotions come out like you can finally feel the sadness and you start to realize there's a lot of fear and sadness that's under that doer right and it's almost created to prevent those things from just being purged now imagine if that was just vomit like you always need to vomit but as long as you keep achieving something or chasing some dollar amount you'll just stay a little nauseous always but it's always there yeah and then you could accidentally be identified as like in other words you don't know it's there you just are if you don't do anything it starts to come up and you go like oh I'm going to go do something I feel better when I do something yeah and you accidentally think that's you and then you have a society that's doing that too and because of this lie in other words because we're not in alignment with universal law but some kind of egoic made societal law that you are what you do that you are what you achieve now you've got a world of people that are convincing you this is the way to go yet you don't you don't notice that most of them are completely unhappy they're in relationships or jobs they don't want to be in they're addicted to pills or some underlying thing there's always drinking happening like the fact that you know I'm not trying to judge a specific thing but the fact that like drinking is so prominent like there's bars in every city where you go you know but to just go to a park and like ask God to take away your pain is very few people are there you know however I know that the people that do this work are doing that and and I feel like they need an audience too like I think that one thing that we forget is that you can't help if you're accessing the butterfly side of you and a lot of times people that are becoming really awake and conscious and doing the inner work very often feel like they're they're pushed out of things family Dynamics different things and they're almost at this what's wrong with me and and I'm here to bring a voice to just so you know you can't help what you know is true you can't unsee what you've seen yeah and it's so big that you know you're not alone in that that it's normal and what where you might be feeling lost at a society that looks found it's actually the opposite your lostness is actually you creating space to pick up something amazing and and access the truth of what you are and even though everyone else looks like they got their stuff together on their Instagram page or whatever just know that you and I know we we feel through stuff all the time we know other speakers that have all kinds of their own thing that they're working through and we're all on this planet to grow and if you're feeling lost and and pain right now and like every way is not working this is why I keep saying get excited because you're closer and closer to the actual reason I believe we're on the planet the learning of what you actually are my number one intention on this planet is to know what I am much more than what do I do you know if I say my intention is to sell 50 million books it's so much smaller than the frequency that I can emit just by being and connecting to the awareness and the embodiment of what I truly am MH so in other words if we're talking Hawkin scale I'd rather I'd rather hit 600 in a cave than be a 500 and have 40 million books out you know what I'm saying yeah and still I will do I will do still from a 600 or 700 but it will be guided doing what people don't know is that there's a lot of guided doing those moments when you're just on the couch and you have an idea and it picks you up and it calls to you you don't even notice the effort because the the impact of what's new and how it would expand you is so exciting that you could spend all day on this thing and you wouldn't even call it stress or work in other words the doing that will happen once you access your being will blow your mind yeah and there will still be action that takes over there will be a joy and a freedom but it's you without all these stuck sadnesses and the stuck energy and it's you you actually you and and one of the things that I love about my events and the live calls we do and everything is that I don't know what I'm going to do this event we're going to do in June that I'm going to do with you you know there might be some talking points and different things but usually I do a four five six day thing with zero idea what I'm going to do which to some people if they're in a doer mode sounds like that sounds like a nightmare but what I find is it writes itself and it becomes better than anything I could have come up with and it starts to talk and then PE it brings up stuff and then someone in the audience goes I have a question and then I can see from the frequency I'm at the LIE therein of the limitation that they're they're holding on to or a belief system so they can stay their dad's little girl or you know what I mean and then we get that out and one of the things that's so exciting about the event that you and I are going to do together which we've never done a live event together and I'm so excited and if you're are interested in this we've made it four days people are flying from all over the world it's in Glendale California you and I are going to be working together but you cannot be in that room and not Ascend in other words your victim story your stuckness your effort all those things will have to come out as you immerse yourself in four days or five days if you do a VIP thing of this content you will be immersed and freeing yourself and we watch people release and cry out stuff let go of these things they didn't see was there that you that you had to become to keep your parents liking you or not shaming you or not walking out on you or not hitting on hitting you not hitting on you not hitting you some of them do that too though any of that these days yeah this is getting rid of those things so that you can access this guided you and one of the slogans I did for another thing that I do the angel you forgot about that the slogan on that that I would also apply to this event is stop holding up the world and start being held the energy of the doer is often I got to do everything yeah to hold up all these other people's opinions to not disappoint these things and caretakers are people that are always there for everyone else space holders all these different things yeah but there's a level where you think you're in service to others but you're actually in service to self here where you're doing this so they aren't mad at you so they don't you so they don't judge you but if you were to not do things based on that and based on what's trying to directly work with you what God wants to do directly with you or the universe or whatever you want to call it is trying to do with you it's so much more powerful it can bring in so much more abundance it's so much more impactful and it's true service to others once your Cup's full not when you're trying to hold up everything y so we got to shift from stop holding up everyone else else you're getting your parents to understand you getting people to not be mad whatever and start being held where you stop working based on interacting with them and you go in and say what do you want and you let whatever needs to fall apart fall apart and you make room for what is trying to come through yeah right because there's that's there and that's why the everything's falling apart because it's not the organic you anyway yeah one of the things I'm so excited to go deeper with you on at the big one in June is helping people get liberated from the tyranny of doership and the enslavement to personal effort that you know really we are entrained into that from kindergarten forward um in the law of one there's an interesting section where raw talks about the 9o5 work week and says that they essentially they call it a form of enslavement because a human being is meant a human Incarnation is meant for spiritual growth personal growth self-discovery and work is part of that no doubt but like eight to nine hours 10 hours a day every day now you're getting in to the realm where you're infringing on your Soul's ability to really grow in this lifetime because you're in survival mode and of course that's the way that the Matrix has built Society to where everybody's a cog in the system except for those tiny handful of people that have learned the codes and hacks to get the billions of dollars and supersede it everyone else gets swallowed followed into that malstrom yeah and so we're trained from childhood you know we stick children in school 8 hours a day it's like a mini work training or something it's like they're in school eight hours a day just like Mom and Dad are at an office cubicle eight hours a day and so we carry this doership doership doership into adult adulthood into our spiritual journey and it becomes one of if not the hardest things to transcend on the spiritual path is to stop efforting your your way through everything yeah you want to find your your purpose in life you want to find your Soul's Destiny here you better believe you're not going to find it by trying to find it right you're going to find it by finding yourself like you said I'd rather be a 600 in a cave than a 500 yeah you know in in the in society it's like when you when you find yourself on that level you better believe a Monumental level of purpose is going to be birthed out of your soul completely no doubt it's cuz all doing comes from being they're Inseparable from each other but being is the cause while doing is the effect and we've reversed them in society and we wonder why we're unhappy why we're sick diseased overweight miserable 15 relationships three marriages it's because we've been trying to do everything right and even just saying that I can hear the kind of you know cackles from people that are stuck in that thought system yeah that oh this we supposed to not do and succeed and it's like you the ego yes are not supposed to do anything because all you the ego can do is get in the way of the divine plan right again doing will come out of you all the more when you're in a balanced self-loving expanded state of being oh you better believe you're going to be probably even more productive and dynamic but in all the right ways right because now your actions can be harmonized with your inner state so that your your actions become abundant and loving and generous and expansive which becomes a ATT tractor field to you where opportunities come in new friendships come in networking comes in without any effort on your part like dude I've lived this I'm not just talking from a book I've read or something I've lived this non-d doership path for the last five to six years it's been my sole focus on my spiritual path is get my tiny intellect out of the way of God's plan yes and just be my most expanded aligned version of myself possible and watch the magic happen and everything that's happened in my life even your friendship is one symbol of it I have more incredible friendships than I can possibly count I truly do it's almost like a good problem where I can't find enough time to hang out with all these amazing people who I love you know you start to get into those really really good problems of like I have too much money where am I going to put it what am I going to spend it on yeah you know that's where you can very quickly you can get to a a a life like that if you're willing to surrender your puny ego's belief that it's in control of life and it knows better what what it should do this is the third density Catalyst in this Earth plane realm we are here our soul is here to transcend ego Consciousness and rise from that solar plexus ego Center to the Heart Center yeah into heart-based Consciousness Live From the Heart Live from that expanded State and so you know we're going to hopefully have a lot of really kind of Hands-On and expanding um not just lessons but practices and experiences for everybody at the event because this is one of those things like you've got to hammer it from 10 different directions because it's again it's programmed in us so deeply that to pull those plugs out you know we got to approach it from a lot of different angles right yeah well and another way I often see it is we have basically normalized carrying like a thousand suitcases that are not ours right whether it's your ancestry whether it's your parents pain whether it's the society you're in whether it's all the advertisements whatever it is we've now normalized like I just carry everyone else's suit every suit the suitcase of what will they think of me the suitcase of my dad wouldn't approve of this the suitcase of yeah but I got to make money these all have an energetic density that are that's heavy big time and when people go I so I'm just going to be and do nothing they're still picturing that the suitcases will be there like in other words they're looking through the lens of a thousand suitcases that in a week from now you just being will be in the suitcases still but I've many times been at enough Retreats or gone inward or meditated two hours a day to get to a point of just watching and identifying how many suit cases that I've been holding that are not mine and in the allowing this is why being this is this is an actual tangible power of being being can see so much more than doing can see and once being sees it it it causes the suitcase to fall out and it causes you to understand the also that core trauma wounds from childhood actually are what are grabbing the suitcases right like I don't want to feel shamed again so I get more suitcases right okay I know that by achieving or by looking a certain way or you know wearing certain clothes or presenting something then I won't get hurt so everything is don't let this trauma get seen but when you're being it starts to see everything and it goes oh I see the lie that thinks I need to hold these suitcases and so if I could just keep being I'm going to get to the root of it and that wound that felt unloved at five will for the first time feel loved and go and I believe another reason we're on this planet is to learn love and can you learn love for the shame or the guilt or the fear in your body or the fear of failing or all these other things and so we're here not just only to learn love in a in a way we've all felt think positive but it also has this implication that the things in your body that you perceive of as negative don't get any time of day but an even deeper positive in my eyes is is the now that goes I'm here for the love of the positive energy that might have even been created to bury the negative and for the negative that's here too the am I not enough I feel unloved I feel unseen I feel you know and I'm really big on just sitting there for the pattern that that feels unloved and then it often for me becomes tears and leaves and then very often some new idea or some magical phone call or some it's almost like there's new space because if you really see Law of Attraction actually working it's going to match the frequency you are not what you do out of a bunch of buried pain right in fact in the more that you're in a frequency of I gotta I got to achieve something and then I'll be something you're implying I'm not and you that will always be what you're going to manifest and put out y so no matter how much straining you have if it's because when I achieve this thing I'll be something you're really putting out over and over and over I'm not enough I am broke I am not loved I am a failure and these are my my fixes to that but the fixes the fix and the circumstances more your God than the now or than you or than God y y and so you're sitting here going this fix will make me something and I've achieved enough things through that frequency to go you're not happy right after like when you go then I'm the answer I got number one I had a New York Times bestseller and I was depressed all day right when I got it because I was just like that's it yeah and it was just it's you know I think you did a video Once years ago that I thought was so brilliant and it was like you do get to achieve what you want so you can eventually learn it's not the end all it's not your way to happiness yeah right so you get to hear us and think that's bogus and then go through all the experience you need to prove to yourself so you understand it not just through our saying it M but if you want you're welcome to go and achieve the thing you think will make you something and then notice if it collapses notice if it doesn't hit what you thought it would you know because eventually your true realization of yourself is going to be the main place of fulfillment your your true understanding of what you are and the byproduct from there is miraculous what you will bring into your life is so miraculous UL but won't even feel that exciting because your connection to you is so much more exciting but you're putting out how whole you are as a frequency you're putting out how loved you are what kind of relationship would match you knowing how loved you are you knowing you're abundant what kind of money would would match you understanding you know every dollar you've ever made came from you I always tell people watching why do we get excited about money every you've ever made came from you so get excited about you yeah right like this space that comes up with the ideas or creates the action or whatever is so much more amazing than money but we sit here and stare at money and not the source of every dollar you've ever made and if you change your focus to now this space this field you'll be shocked at how much more abundance can come in to match the abundance that you're connecting to yeah I'm glad you brought the now factor in this conversation because the now is where being lives right and one of the things I love teaching about the most is this idea of catalyst integration that your life is trying to show you all the upgrades you need it's bringing you all the experiences you need to see your blind spots to see your limiting beliefs to see where you're holding yourself back but if you're in doership again you're in that diamond lane going 100 miles an hour you're just missing all those cues and so it's it's like you know we've all seen the Star Wars the the light speed scene right where all the lights of the universe go flashing by it's like ego wants to get you doing that in life so that everything's just a blur right you can't see anything right and so you get this uh this habit of thinking that even in spiritual growth we see this all the time right and we're all guilty of this I got to do more I got to do more I got to do more to grow right and we're in this rush to grow but that's the irony and the paradox is that in spiritual growth slower is faster yes and faster is slower you know the more you try the slower you go it's like being in quicksand or something yeah so like your life is already bringing you everything you need but you can only see it and access it from that state of being not being in a rush but being really present and uh from that state of presence Life Starts living you like you feel you feel a greater power acting through you it truly doesn't feel like there's a person doing everything you start paying attention to the little synchronicities the ways you're guided even down to like dropping a spoon in the kitchen and you just ask like why did I do that and for me like I'll just get these little little messages of like I'm just life kind of letting me know you're going a little too fast buddy yeah you just slow down a little bit and when when you can start picking up those subtle messages you know you've arrived at a true state of presence and a state of being where again now your actions become very very aligned because the ego's actions are always out of alignment right always is looking service to self not service to others right it's always looking inward never outward and so it misses everything life is doing and it's only looking to selfs serve all of its selfish purposes and motives and the outcomes that it wants so it's like you you cannot be aligned from the state of doership but when we're talking about non-d doership it's uh it's confusing to people because people associate the word doing with action or accomplishment right and that's not what we're saying right we're not saying don't accomplish anything in life try not to be successful is what people hear right you know don't don't be the doer AKA don't try to be successful don't try to pay your bills and you know we stress this we have to stress this over and over because that's the rebuttal that ego will keep putting in people's years as they listen to this conversation so I'm I'm very excited to expand into this conversation more with you especially in June at our events and uh I know you mentioned that you're going to be providing our followers with a 10% discount code is that correct yes so we so right so the tickets inevitably will be 5.99 right now they're 3.49 now this is for a 4-day event and then we're going to offer them 10% off if they type in Aaron AB key so now you're getting tickets for half off and one of the things that I want to offer people is that a thing that changed my life so dramatically is whenever you're about to do something the only reason you stress is your mind can measure what you will lose and it can't see what you will gain and when people are like and should I do this the only focus is on well I'll be paying money and I'll need a babysitter and I'll have to get a flight or something if if you're not in California it'll be in Glendale California but what you're never taking in is all the Awakenings that you're going to have at this event once you get to the end of day one you'll go oh my God I'm so happy I'm here it will be and and what I've noticed also is that our events when we get to day two it's always 10 times better than day one the reason and then day three is 10 times better than day two the reason is because we're immersing ourselves if you come to this event you're immersing yourself and you're not doing it with your phone open and kind of half connected to the 3D world and flipping through Facebook and stuff like that you're in a room full of people who are here to actually face and have the courage at 200 to have the courage to say yes to the truer you and start to actually have the courage because empaths have a hard time with this word say no to everything that doesn't align with you empaths are big at being there for everyone else so they often say yes when they mean no and this is why very often empaths end up in relationships with narcissists or people that's the ity to the big people pleaser that they can become but in coming to this event you will suddenly feel heard and you will hear aspects of you that maybe you couldn't hear through your doer and in hearing that you will move up in Ascension and we have had so many of these giant events and when people Ascend to a higher frequency it's not even painful or hard to make major decisions that are different yeah whether it's whether it's moving whether it's getting out of a relationship that doesn't work whether it's moving saying yes to one that does seeing all the people that were available that you probably overlooked because your ego's trying to fix it with the people that don't align I mean all of these things are there and also I was a standup comic for 20 years so it's also going to be really fun and funny the event is going to be me and you and Kim D Kim Dr Kim D who's going to bring a total you know holistic medicinal per uh perspective and the three of us are going to show up and allow what wants to come through but I've done so many events and I know how flow works and if anyone watching this feels 1% open or inspired or excited wait till you immerse yourself at this 4day thing yeah so we have two things we have come join us at this 4-day event with Aaron ABY and Kim D and I at 3:49 but if you type in there in ABY you get 10% off of that we also have we have very few of these left but there are VIP seats that are the front two row front two rows so you can watch the whole thing from the front row or the second row and then also there's a fifth day that's just for the VIPs with Miu and Kim so it's just like 40 45 people in a small room yeah I love those working with us and asking questions and meeting us and all that stuff and it will be an immersion that you will never be able to unsee and remember this it's actually my friend Diego said it to me once you can always measure what you will lose you can't see what you'll gain this has been what changed my life with every decision I made I left standup comedy at the height of my comedy career because I felt something higher was happening and usually the ego goes I need to see the evidence of what I will get first and I I just know what the expansive feeling means without knowing any specifics that I have to follow it it's the opening I'll tell you this event will be the opening to a new life and it's called the big one and one is emphasized as like Oneness because I always think of the you know you said the ego needs to do these things it needs to do those things because it'll die if you move into the truth of what you are yourself alive through doing yeah and you'll start to realize oh my god I've identified I as an egoic construct that has achieved or was a victim or is the past story and we are moving so fast now that timelines change and you're not your past story and I always think of like timelines is a linear thing but we're now on an elevator so you're looking down a floor like maybe that's the answer but the next day the elevator is on a new floor so now you got to get used to the elevator and not looking at floors as the answer and letting it pick you up and letting it let you release everything that's not you yeah and this event is going to be people will go up on stage work with us heal all the stuff they will be doing exercises that we do guided meditations talks um there's so many different things at this thing and it's not even $100 a day like it's crazy and it'll it you know it's going to be just so massive dude I can't wait I'm so charged up for this again i' I've watched a lot of your events and they just look like such a fun and electric container and um I'm I'm also very grateful for the opportunity to do an event with you because we just um closed the doors to our 4-day Retreat here in Austin oh awesome and you know that's a hotel lodging food included the whole package so it's a higher ticket item we only had like 75 spots available so for everybody who missed out on the retreat you can come see me and hang out with me in Glendale for a fifth of the cost and uh five full days so it's just a lot of value packed into a a super affordable you know know price tag that I think a lot of people will get really excited about and so what I'm what I'm really excited about again is for us to really you know get at the heart of this I call it the third belief of ego it is it is the most challenging of the three beliefs of the ego to overcome as I mentioned before that the belief is all my value depends on what I do you know that's the belief we all suffer from to varying degrees myself I still find myself feeling stressed throughout my workday because I didn't do those emails or something and I have to constantly check in to like where is this stress really coming from it's this underlying belief that my efforts make me worthy my value depends on what I do and so because it's been such a breakthrough for me I'm really excited to channel and download that breakthrough for for the audience at this event um there's there's no there's no subject I'm more up about right now so it's just coming at the perfect time so um so you mentioned we have the VIP yes uh there's 45 spots total I think 20 left 20 left 25 are already sold yeah so we'll put we'll put the link to the VIP tickets in the description below and then the regular tickets as well yes with the discount code and um please guys I would love for you to come to this event connect with us and connect to this conversation this frequency on a deeper level because as we said the Earth is going through this transition right now where effort doesn't work anymore yeah effort's the old world that's now collapsing and even in your own spiritual your personal spiritual journey effort doesn't work anymore either because we've we've transcended that period of our growth and so I'm ready for the new thing man I'm ready to to download it with you and to transmit that frequency to a lot of amazing people in June I'll tell the audience this too if you're watching there have been so many relation ships and babies that have formed from these events that people would go to these events they meet people there you're finding like-minded people that you can connect with I know people that got a ton of work at events you know they start moving from a one thing I love about working with you is I know we both move from a very collaborative there's enough for everyone I'm so about promoting you and I remember once when I was young hearing Tony Robbins interviewed deepo and feeling like oh my God I I want to feel that you know I'm all about massive support of you and I know you are of me and we're just like o in this over-the-top thing we want to leave the old idea of of scarcity and competition and you know being in this massive collaboration with you is exciting but also just know that I find in the audience the amount of people that end up switching cards and getting crazy tons of work because everyone's in this over the- flow new state of being new state of being of giving that people come back from these things with major major career changes major life changes now I'm not saying that might not be the thing you want to work on it could just be like get the anxiety out or get the fear out like the root of these things often are the identification with the ego and so there's so many different things that just allowing and listening a big theme will be allowing you know I'm worried no one will like me I allow that I'm worried that it won't go well I'm worried that I'm not getting enough out of this and then you allow that allow that and watch these patterns that always have to get the most out of it or have to make it work perfect all these all these fear patterns that you don't realize are there you know it's just going to be so much fun and and doing with you will be so awesome Kim D too two of my favorite people ever so yeah same same yeah yeah I love that so much that idea of just the allowing you know every limiting belief we hold carries with it something the ego wants us to do to alleviate that fear of that belief um what if they don't like me ego's like what are you going to do about it make yourself more likable yeah and then the doing comes from that fear behind the belief and so you know we're doing some exercises like this at my retreat as well and for sure at the big one of like what if you didn't do anything about that belief yeah what if you just allowed a space for that belief and welcomed it and did nothing about it then what might happen yeah do you think it won't pass if you exactly you know I always use this analogy I I do what I can to treat my own inner child like it's my actual daughter I have a six year-old daughter Vivie now if Vivie came up to me and said nobody likes me I feel like nobody likes me wouldn't it be weird if I was like well let's go fix that ran out of the room and like put makeup on and dance in front of the neighbors like let's get them to like you y how crazy would that be but that is how we like I don't know that they'll like me I'm going to put on a show or look as good as possible or impress them or sell myself but Vivie really would need me to just hear her and hold her and hug her and say I hear you that you feel that I love you I'm right here and our own inner child is the same thing so simple isn't it yeah it's going what if no one likes me it's like I hear you versus us well I'll I'll start the business to fix that or I'll get everyone convinced how great I am yeah you know it's it's in an unconscious form of abuse on ourselves to like keep more Force going versus hear that so one thing that'll be happening at the event will be a a a collective conscious water level rising so inner children can be seen enough that they can the traumas can be released at the event we see people in tears all over the place at our events but they love it CU they're releasing you know so it's a sign of a good event yeah yeah yeah man it's going to be fun join us and June June 20th through the 23rd or 24th if you get the VIP tickets in Glendale California it's got to be so awesome Kyle man what an amazing conversation I love you so much I love you too man I'm so grateful for your friendship and for the invitation to join you at your event in June I cannot wait and uh I know you got to fly out fly back home tomorrow morning early so I appreciate you brother I appreciate you too man this is awesome congrats on everything going on in your life dude you deserve it and I appreciate all of you as well thank you for tuning in to this conversation would love to see you in June but either way so much love to you all be blessed and we'll see you next time [Music] [Music] [Music] e
Channel: Aaron Abke
Views: 28,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aaron Abke, Kyle Cease, manifestation, law of attraction, how to manifest wealth, how to manifest love, raise your vibration, raise your frequency, manifestation frequency, how to create your reality with your thoughts, abraham hicks how to create your reality, how to create your own reality, raise your vibrational frequency
Id: QKqZnHwuvr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 3sec (3363 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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