EEVblog #444 - Car Lane Guidance Camera Teardown

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And here we have the lane guidance camera. Doesn't this look funky? Aww man, that's got spaceship written-- like shuttlecraft, written all over it. [ makes shuttlecraft sound ] Does a shuttlecraft make that noise? I don't think so! [ makes 'putt putt putt putt' noise ] No. It's like, silent. Because it's in space. Pigs In Space! And I don't know anything about lane guidance cameras because I don't have a car fancy enough to have such a thing. But there we go, there's the connector interface, couple of screws on the back, should be really simple to open. And there's our camera. So I'm not sure how much processing hardware is going to be inside this thing. I mean, it's a die-cast alloy [ taps ] case. So, hmm. Another Teardown Tuesday item? Or should we open this now? Alright, what the hell. Let's do a full teardown of this thing right here and now, shall we? Let's not wait for Teardown Tuesday. This'll probably be it for the mailbag by the way, depends on how much is in here. I expect quite a lot of real-time processing power, for this lane guidance-- lane vision camera. I think they do a lot more than that just for, you know, they do a hell of a lot more. Object detection, and all sorts of whiz-bang stuff. I don't know what Hyundai car it's from or what features it's got. But I believe that they, you know, they generally have the capability to do those sorts of things. So here we have a weird-ass automotive connector used in the Hyundai cars. I've taken the two screws off the end. It-- I had to actually prise that out, I had to get my knife in there and prise it out. But it does just pop off! And tada! We're in. We have-- we immediately see two surface mount electrolytic caps, which is a bit of a surprise. I'll talk about that. And it looks like we have some more screws in there, a vertical riser board for the camera, which of course you can see down in there. It really is a beautiful case. And it looks like-- it sort of looks and feels, because of the ver-- lightness of it, it looks like one of these magnesium-- lightweight magnesium alloy-type cases. [ taps ] It's really lightweight, it doesn't weigh much at all. Get in there and we'll rip these two screws out, yep. Screwdriver just makes it, thankfully. [ sound of screwdriver scraping on case ] So, can expect to see, as I said, some serious horsepower processing in here. And probably a dedicated chip for it, I don't think we'd find like an FPGA or anything like that, there's bound to be a CAN controller as well, because this'll be CAN bus interface as well. I'm not sure what sort of output signals they get from this thing, whether or not it's capable of outputting the video from the camera that goes to a-- potentially a screen in the car? I don't know. No idea. But let's... Yep. Yep. We're out. Tada! And there we go. Aww look at that! Mobile Eye STME Eye Q 2 And, yep, looks like we have another processor on the bottom there, Freescale is it? Woohoo! Let's have a look. Yep, so there you go, it's a company called Mobile Eye. Or that's the brand-- STME, it's a-- you know, ST Micro obviously do it, but tha-- I guess that's their technology Mobile Eye, maybe they've teamed up with someone. Going to have to google it, I don't know. We've got some memory surrounding that. Some miscellaneous-- probably some power supply stuff. Not much else. The camera, of course, is on a little riser board there. Can I just whip that out? Umm, that is... yep, yep. That's just going to pull out. There we go. Not a problem whatsoever. Isn't that neat? I don't-- you know, I'm sure they've done their shock and vibration performance tests on these things, very extensive, they would be, on all this automotive stuff. Rev C, gone through a couple of revs, multilayer board there. It'd be top-quality gold plating on that, you can bet your bottom dollar. No idea what resolution camera. One thing I potentially didn't expect to see in here as I mentioned, these surface mount electrolytic caps here. They might be a polymer type one, which have much longer life. But the reason I didn't expect them is because, as I said, that life expectancy thing. You know, automotive it's operating at high temperature and of course the life of electolytic capacitors goes down drastically with temperature. In fact, it's pretty much-- mostly dependent on their operating temperature. So it's a really big deall-- so in a car, in a hot environment-- already from the body, let alone plus the ambient temperature as well, you know, 105 degree C rated caps at least. And we'll have to look at the-- we'll have to try and google the type. They're a VCA, I assume that's the model number-- or the, you know, the model type. Probably a top-quality brand, they won't be a Wun Hung Lo one. They'll be a Panasonic or something like that, no doubt. And well, that was too easy folks. I googled VZA capacitor and bang, I popped up with a Panasonic datasheet. They are the ZA series, type V. We'll go into what type V is, but yeah, no surprises that they're Panasonic, Panasonic are-- you know, one of the top, if not the top, capacitor manufacturer in the world, always have been. And they are a conductive polymer hybrid aluminium electrolytic capacitor. So they're going to have a-- a much higher life than your regular ones. In fact, the endurance, here we go, 10000 hours at 105 degrees C. Low ESR, high ripple current. Aww, not a problem, they go up to 80 volts, and they're equivalent to conductive polymer type aluminium electrolytic-- there is little characteristics change by temperature and frequency. Ooh, quite stable. I like it. But yeah, they're much better than umm-- because they combine like a polymer construction, which means the electrolyte doesn't wear out as quickly-- they still have it, but it doesn't wear out as quickly at high temperatures as you would in a regular aluminium electrolytic capacitor. We've got more stuff in the endurance down here. The capacitor shall be-- shall be subjected to application of a DC voltage with full rated ripple current at 105 degrees C for 10000 hours after stabilizing at room temperature, the capacitor shall not exceed the following limits. Thou shall not exceed! So yeah, after 10000 hours at 105 degrees C at rated voltage and rated ripple current, they're still doing pretty darn good. After the endurance we're still talking-- what size have we got here? Maybe a C size. We're still talking, you know, 2 ohms ESR. at 100KHz. So pretty darn good! I like it. And if we have a look at the marking information here, yeah, it's the-- the first letter is the voltage mark, so V is 35 volts. So that's 35 volt rated cap, ZA series. Panasonic, they've done well, they've chosen exactly the right type and 10000 hours shouldn't be an issue. Because with 10000 hours, you do some simple calcs, even if you're driving the thing solid and it's at temperature and this thing is at temperature-- but it's probably got, you know, air flow going through this thing anyway, it's probably not that hot because it's right out, you know, in the front bumper or something like that. So it's probably not operating anywhere near sort of engine compartment temperature. Because it is a lane guidance thing. So it needs to poke out the front of the car so not only would it get the cooling, unless you're going backwards, I guess, then it'd be getting probably, you know, at least some sort of cooling effect in the front bumper part of the car, or something like that, I assume. I don't know how they mount these things in the Hyundai cars at all, or where they're actually located. But you know, has to be somewhere like that. So really, you know, 10000 hours but even if it was operating at a full 105 degrees celsius, we'd still be talking you know, 3.5 years at 8 hours a day solid temperature like that. But even then, it's still you know, it doesn't just suddenly die at 10000 hours, these things still meet these specs at 10000 hours. So it's still going to continue to operate well beyond that. Because you would have designed that in. There's our little camera board. We should be able to take the screws off there and get to the bottom of the camera, but it won't be that interesting of course. Couple of fiducials on the board there, for component location. Rev C board, and let's have a look at the front of the module. Once again it looks like it uses that same magnesium alloy. So yeah, let's see what's under that. They've got like a plastic-- no, that's rubber, there you go, they've got a rubber mounting base on that. Let's whip that off. And tada! There, folks, is our sensor chip. That'd be a little BGA package, and that would, I-- presumably, have some processing on the-- integrated in that. And there you go, you can see the BGA balls under there. Stuck right down. And by the way, they did add some Loctite onto those screws. So of course they're serious about vibration in this thing. And just what is that gunk stuck to my ESD mat? I don't know, torn down too many things. And this folks, is where all the magic happens. This ST MobileEYE STME-EyeQ2 And we're going to have to go for google on this one folks! Could be interesting reading. Though I suspect we won't be able to get the full datasheet on this just, you know, basic top-level marketing wank for it, really. You know, well-- it'll tell you what processor it uses and all the features and all that sort of stuff, but yeah, really detailed datasheets probably NDA, nondisclosure agreement. And on the back of that BGA device of course, they've got some serious decoupling happening there. [ chuckles ] Eh, that's a lot of caps. And the other processor on the bottom here is a Freescale SPC5604. And, well, I think we're going to have to go to the video tape for that one folks. And it looks like we have a 10 layer board here folks. Because PCB designers of course like to use-- put on these layer markers here on each particular layer. So there's number 10 there, you can see number 9 on the layer underneath, then if you wen-- were able to see through the board you would go 8, 7, 6 5 4 3 2 1, right on the bottom. Yes, there we go, number 1, number 2, so they've got the numbers all the way through there. 10 layer board, why do you need a 10 layer board? Well, you've gotta route out this huge BGA package here, of course. I have no idea how many pins this sucker is, but there's all the bypass capacitor for the core, but yeah look, they've got vias all the way in there, which is very-- yeah, right to the outer edge of the chip. So looks like they've at least got all pins going around there on the back of the-- BG-- like on the bottom of the BGA, at least going around there. They've probably got some center stuff as well perhaps. So not sure what-- how many pins total, but to route out stuff like that, you know, it forces you into like a, you know, at least a 6 or 8 layer board I would have guessed it'd be 8 maybe, but yeah, they've just gone for 10 because well, they, you know, put in a ground layer between everything. So, belt and braces! And of course they haven't skimped on the connector. Geniune AMP. They don't get much better than AMP. And AMP will certainly charge you for the privilege. That's why cars are so expensive! And we've got something that was-- they couldn't be bothered to populate down there. Not sure what. Let's have a look at that. By the way, it is a Rev D board, so they've had a few sucks of the proverbial sav there. And it looks like we've just got a couple of switching regulators around the place and stuff like that. Nothing too fancy, that's probably a low-dropout linear reg for one of the cores. I'm not sure if it's got multiple voltage requirements or whatever on these chips. But-- no, I think this was a single 3.3 volt, wasn't it? There's the oscillator module, 10 megahertz. There we go. And yeah, there's not much else on here really, just miscellaneous support stuff. You see like, you do a basic google search on that and you come up with zip. I mean, you know, you could spend a bit more time at it, you could decode these things, but I don't think they're worth it. Another switching converter on top, dead giveaway, there's your inductor, there's your high value caps. Nothing special at all. Got ourselves some Micron memory there, and we've got ST, of course, ST have got another design win. Well. No surprises whatsoever. There we go, we've got some flash I believe. Yeah, that's actually a 64 megbit 3 volt flash memory. So, you know, even though it's ST branded on there, it's actually associated with Micron and Numonyx as well. So I don't know, one big incestuous industry. Not sure what that device there is either. I google it and I ca-- the first thing was a phase controller SCR, I don't think so. But interestingly on the bottom of it, we have, look at this. That's a... what is that? We've got 2 large precision resistors there by the looks of it, and what looks like some sort of maybe common-mode choke or something like that? Here we go, this Freescale microcontroller, the SPC5604 is actually the MPC5604. So I don't know why it has SPC on there. But this is all I can find, and I'm pretty sure it is actually the one. So here you go! What is it? It's a Qorivva processor. Quorv-- like it's not an ARM or anything, it's a Quorivva microcontroller. It's a gateway system designed to move data from different sources via Ethernet to receiving systems and vice-versa. Woohoo! The supported data sources are-- aha! Video data, audio data, RADAR data, other serial comms including FlexCAN, LINFlex and DSPI. And here we go. Features and specifications. It's got a 64 megahertz Qorivva E200 zen0h core. Geeze, can you get any more obscure than this thing? I'm sure it's well-known in the automotive world, but but geeze, I don't know, I thought the whole world was going ARM! Apparently not. 512K program flash, [ sounding surprised ] 4 times 16k data flash! Ooh, it's got 4 segment data flash segments in it. 96K of SRAM, that's quite a bit, 1 motion JPEG video encoder with image sensor interface, supporting up to 1.2 megpixels. I wonder if that's used or not? I would have assumed that the main processor, which we'll take a look at, the main Vision Eye thing that we saw before, would have been doing everything-- Mobile Eye, sorry, that would have been doing the whole shebang here, and this would have just been the interface. But anyway, it does have a video encoder interface. It's got Ethernet and-- well I don't think they're using Ethernet here, but they're using CAN bus of course, some sort of-- well, FlexCAN. And what else have we got? Runs off a single 3.3 volt supply. 64 pin LQFP package, that's what we saw. So let's go to the datasheet. And here's the datasheet folks, we've got it. Look at this, Safe Assure by Freescale. That's-- I'm assuming, we'll have to check that out, have to google that one. I'm assuming that's some sort of standards compliant system, that if it meets that, you know, it's designated safe silicon and all this sort of stuff, designed to reliable applications. Eh, something like that, we'll check it out. Up to 64 megahertz, single issue 32-bit CPU, that's the type of core, the E200 z0h. Compliant with power architecture embedded, variable length encoding, blah blah blah. Fail-safe operation, programmable watchdog, non-maskable interrupts, fault collection unit as well, so it collects fault codes or something presumably. Nexus L2 interface, it's got DMA, general purpose e-timers, 16 bit resolution, LINFlex, 4 DSPI channels, automatic chip select, aww man. Tons of stuff. This is definitely not your regular microcontroller, that's for sure. One safety port based on FlexCAN, 32 message objects. [ takes deep breath ] FlexRay modules, ooh, it's got ADCs built in of course. 2 of them, 10 bits, with 15 input channels, so they're doing the regular microcontroller thing and just banging in a dozen-plus input channels on their ADC there. Programmable cross-triggering unit. It's got UARTs, clock generation, it's got an internal RC oscillator. I think I saw an external oscillator module on the board there. No, but yeah, apart from-- ooh, ballast resistor. On-chip single-supply-- oh, external ballast resistor. And there you go. If you want to go read the details of this rather obscure processor go for your life. There's the-- their E200 z0 core. Woohoo! Nexus 2. Must be doing something magic. And yep, here we go, the Freescale Safe Assure functional safety program. As industry standards such as IEC 61508 and ISO 26262 require more sophisticated functional safety concepts, real-time control of safety-critical applications increases in complexibility. The Freescale Safe Assure functionality safety program is designed to help you simplify the process of achieving system compliance with functional safety standards in the automotive and industrial markets. And that folks is why they've chosen this. Because they-- these things have to pass safety and compliance standards, and if you use one of these chips which has been through this Safe Assure program or whatever, then, eh. Your paperwork and stuff is probably much less, and your chances of passing these standards much higher. So if you're a design engineer working on these sort of things, well, you're not going to be-- go using your little Microchip part that you've been using at some other company. No, because you'd end up probably failing the safety and standards compliance. So you're going to use a chip, or you're probably forced into using by company standards, a chip that has all this safety and support automotive functional standards and compliance stuff. I don't know. If you want to read more about it. I don't know whether or not it's like silicon or whether it includes the compilers and the tool sets and other stuff. No idea. Go read it, if that floats your boat. And here, folks, is where all the goodness happens. Mobile Eye, yes they are a company, but they've teamed up with ST of course, who we saw branded on the chip there. And this is the STME EyeQ2-- well it's just got EyeQ here, but this is the EyeQ2, and I believe they're working on the EyeQ3 at the moment. I don't know, it might already be out, not sure. But anyway, this is specifically designed for the task. Look at this! Aww man, you can go read all about it. Utilizing CMOS 90 nanometer process, operating at 332 megahertz. Second generation program-- processor for used in vision-based driver assistance systems, and is approximately 6 times more powerful than the predecessor, the EyeQ. The EyeQ2 follows the same concept, albeit it more powerful, to that of the EyeQ. Dual CPU cores running in parallel with multiple additional dedicated and programmable cores. This allows even a greater range of multi-function benefits. Woohoo! Winner of the 2008 Best Automotive Design Award. There you go, it's quite old. Who knew? Unless you're in this sort of automotive market, you just wouldn't keep tabs on these sorts of things. So what's inside this little puppy? Well, it consists of two floating point hyperthread 32-bit RISC cores. They're MIPS32 actually, there you go, they're not ARMs they're MIPS 32 32k cores. 5 vision computing engines, brilliant! I guess you need 5 to do 5 different objects? I assume they dedicate a vision computing engine to each individual item that they're trying to track, either obstacles or whether they're trying to track the lanes. I mean, this is supposed to be a lane guidance camera, but maybe it actually does more than this, or at least the chip is capable of doing more anyway, whether or not they've actually implemented, I don't know. So maybe they need one vision computing core per lane marker? You know, if you drive along the road in the center of the lane, then, you know, maybe they need a separate vision core for each white marker on the road or something. 3 vector microcode processors. Ooh, sounds important. Denali 64-bit mobile DDR controller, 128 bit internal Sonics interconnect, whatever that is. Dual 16-bit video input and 18-bit video output controllers. So there you go, we can get video out from this thing. 16-channel DMA, several peripherals, MIPS 32k [ takes deep breath ] CPU manages 5 VCEs, blah blah blah blah blah blah. Very impressive! Whoa, man. That's a lot of silicon. Wow. This sounds very impressive folks. Look at this, classifier engines, image scaling and pre-processing units, pattern classifier units, tracker engine, image warping and motion analysis units, aww man, unbelievable! There you go, it supports up-- So there you go, the interconnect port can support up to 4 128-bit OCP busses! Woohoo, huge! Supports a wide range of image formats, monochrome, bayer, RGB, and input frame size up to 2x2 megpixels. Awesome. 4 data channels, blurring, subsampling, g-curve approximation per channel, programmable cropping frame size, up to 4 histograms per channel, and video output as well. It does output frame size [ chuckles ] 4096 by 2048. Very impressive. There you go, by using an audible warning upon an unintentional deviation from the driving lane, these lane departure warning systems create an intelligent rumble strip imitation that alerts the driver, even when there are no physical strips on the solder-- shoulder of the road. So, you know, if you're going off they have those rumble strips, very common to have those on the road so you get the "dih dih dih dih" like that as you, sort of, you know, you get that rumble sound and vibration as you move off the lane. But they're designed to do this by visual cam-- real-time visual camera ID identifying the lane to make sure you don't drift off. Whah, man. So there you have it, that's very impressive and no, I can't find a datasheet on quick glance. As I said, you probably need an NDA to get the full datasheet on this sucker. But by all means, all the links for these will be in the video description below. So click on them if you're interested in checking out all this stuff. Well there's not much more I can tell you about that one folks, really. But it's rather interesting, so thank you very much Joey for sending this in, and we'll no doubt do the airbag controller as well, in another Teardown Tuesday. And it could be actually interesting to try and power this tha-- thing up. If anyone's got any data on the pinouts here and the funtionality of the pins, please leave it in the comments or on the forum. So that was certainly worth a look, and if you do have any more info on exactly what model, you know, what functionality this model he-- has in this particular Hyundai car, then also leave it in the comments as well. So that was well worth a look! So if you like the Mailbag segment, please give it a big thumbs up, and if you want to discuss it, the blest-- best place to do it is the EEVblog Forum. Catch you next time! [ sparking sound ] captioned by sen
Channel: EEVblog
Views: 147,786
Rating: 4.8395362 out of 5
Keywords: lane guidance, how it work, how to, car lane guidance, avoidance, obstacle avoidance, mobileeye, eyeq2, eyeq3, lane guidance camera, car guidance camera, rumble strip, teardown, pcb, camera module, chip, chipset, processor, module, car, hyundai, st semiconductor, car electronics, repair, capacitor, panasonic capacitor, electrolytic capacitor
Id: lxqDR2-DrnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 23sec (1583 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2013
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