Edited Multi-layer Switch Quiz Recording | Cisco CCNA 200-301

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[Music] and welcome welcome in our session today our quiz today we're going to focus on multi-layer switching and boy oh boy after it's done i'd like six or seven questions but they're doozies and i think you'll like it and let's do some tutorials on the way through for any questions we had a hard time with so we can better understand them so if you're watching this you're if you're participating live welcome it's great to have you if we have not yet met this is your first experience my name is keith barker i'm a double ccie got my first one in 2001 another one 2003 and then i got the opportunity to keep studying ever since and so i'm glad that you're here and my focus on the youtube channel today on my youtube channel is ccna there's hundreds of videos available for ccna specific and i've got playlists so if you haven't already subscribed please do so and with that let's start the game all right net or pat on r1 is using an access control list to support the 10.6.0 network with the 24-bit mask why can't switch 2 access the server so let me give you a few moments on this topology on the left i've got the client there's a multi-layer switch that's the green one and then there's a router providing performing nap services out to the internet take a look at why you think switch 2 can't access the internet the server and let me know with the majority of the vote was lack of routing on switch 2 nat pat on r1 is using an access controller supporting 10.60 why can't switch to access the server i think this one deserves a little bit of teaching on this one let's show the media and take a look let me bring out a pen if this is the router doing that which it says it is it also says that routing is in place based on this if we're using an access control list to identify who can be translated it and it says it's supporting 1060 that'd be like a standard access list access list one permit ten six zero zero with a wild card mask of zero zero zero 255 so if that's being used that means that anybody over here on the who's sourcing traffic from the 1060 network would match that and can be translated as they go out which is what r1 is doing however here's an interesting rule of thumb let's imagine that you had a house with two doors we'll call this the back door and the front door and let's say this leads to the park and this front door leads to a school all right now my question is if you are going to go to the park which door are you going to exit go ahead and chat that in the chats if you in the comments if you're good if you're going to leave this house and you want to go to the park which door are going to use the back door or the front door yeah i i would agree back door why it's closer it's more direct and con and on the other other side of that if we wanted to go to school we were at our house we would probably use the front door because it's closer well routers feel the same way so if router 1 was going to try to reach the server it would source it from this interface that would be the source ip address and if r1 was trying to reach the client it would source the ip packet if it was sourcing the ping from this interface ip address and in the case of this multi-layer switch if it's trying to reach a server and it's got two switch virtual interfaces which it does it's a multi-layer switch this is vlan 6. this is vlan 5. it's going to use its interface vlan 5 that ip address and send the packet you know forward to pack it over to r1 now r1 when he sees it coming from this subnet which is not the 1060 network basically it doesn't qualify for that so r1 says okay i guess i'll forward and you try to set a packet out to the internet and uh it's not expecting a private ip address space as a source at some point it's gonna be dropped and very likely it's gonna be dropped right at your service provider who says now well so that's the logic behind why this answer is correct i appreciate the opportunity to chat with you about it let me clear up that screen let me minimize that back down and 15 of you nailed it way to go way to go all right uh this this quiz is all about i have seven questions it's all about uh multiplayer switching and a lot of it is based on switched virtual interfaces so if you're brand new to that give yourself a little bit of a break if you uh are just learning or studying it this should be a really good reinforcement for that as well all right continuing on rockstar llama first place after the first question here's question two of seven good luck everybody which interfaces would r1 and switch 2 which interfaces would they use if they were becoming ospf neighbors or as the question states if they were going to become fully adjacent ospf neighbors if r1 and multi-layer switch 2 are going to become ospf adjacent neighbors it's going to be done using layer 3 interfaces and so on a router pretty easy the layer three interface is gonna be the zero zero interface so it has an ip address during the same subnet between switch two and r1 now as far as which interface over here is gonna be used if this here's the giveaway if this is vlan 5 that means this port right here is an access port so r1 is connected to an access port in vlan 5. and so if if this multiplayer switch wants to become a neighbor with r1 we use interface vlan 5 with an appropriate ip dress in the same subnet and while we're talking about ospf just for a moment let's talk about what has to match this is so important uh the things that have to match would be the network the ip network so they have to both believe it's the same street so i same ip network and mask which also implies the same network and then also the timers need to match and also the mtu has to match what else has to match the authentication has to match and timers mtu authentication on the area area number like area zero so those all have to match and if they want to become neighbors it would have to be zero zero on the router and interface vlan 5 on the multiplayer switch because those would be have the ability to become adjacent with each other all right i'm so glad you're here thanks for joining me everybody uh i do look forward to the office hour every week i look forward to these quizzes and i appreciate all the time energy that you guys are putting into it all right here is question number three it's multiple select double points this is a biggie to block tcp port 23 which is the well-known destination port for telnet if we want to block that from the client on the left to the server on the right where should the access control list with the ip access group command where should it be placed all right and someone's asking would it be a standard or extended acl that's a good reminder to discuss that if we're trying to block anything higher than layer 3 it's going to require an extended access control list if we're ever trying to match on the destination anything that's also going to be an extended acl so in this because we're trying to match on a layer 4 protocol and more specifically a specific port in that protocol the only way we could pull that off would be an extended access control list now it could be a it could be a named extended access control list or it could be a numbered extended access controllers but it would be an access control list that is extended either way to block that traffic from this client going to that server on tcp port 23 the logical path to make that happen is this that'll help too so we have the client and they're connecting to a router called switch 2 and there's another router called r1 and the interface is involved the layer 3 interface is involved would be interface vlan 6 over here and this would be interface vlan 5 those are the logical interfaces not the physical ones and then over here and router 1 is 0 0. so if we want to block the client as it's going to that destination ideally it would be inbound on switch 2 and that traffic inbound would be logically coming in the ip packet on interface vlan 6. and that's why and this interface right here that's a layer 2 access port and a layer 3 access control list for ip is not going to have too much benefit on a layer 2 port whether even if it would be accepted or not based on the capabilities but layer 2 port is not going to support layer 3 acl so going back to the answer is the switch virtual interface for vlan 6 inbound and the interface vlan 6 inbound and here's why those two are interesting those are the same thing interface vlan 6 is a switched virtual interface for vlan 6 and i wrote this question i want to thank dave this morning for proofing it with me i wrote this question so i could reinforce the idea that the layer 3 interface logic layer 3 interface can go by a couple different names on a multi-layer switch we could call it a switched virtual interface or we could call it interface via then 6 which is how we'd go ahead and configure it but they're talking about the same exact thing all right moving on moving up here's question number four of seven it is double points r1 has an empty arp cache and then r1 pings the client what does r1 do in preparation for that ping [Music] so now the quiz questions show up on your mobile device along with the answers in the diagram i can use more real estate [Music] r1 has an empty arp cache then pings the client what does r1 do 32 of you nailed it and let's talk about why that is so r1 needs to ping 10 6 something let's imagine this client is uh 99 so it's ip addresses 10 6099 so router 1 would say my next hop is going to be the vlan 5 interface of switch 2 whatever that happens to be so interface vlan 5's layer 2 address is the layer 2 dress that r1 would arp for in order to figure out what the layer 2 dress is for that interface vlan 5 and then once he forwards it to switch 2 is switch 2's problem then switch to look its routing table says oh it's directly connected and it's directly connected off of interface vlan 6 and as a result it would send it so it wouldn't be these interfaces uh that were the next hops or anything like that it would be the vlan interfaces instead and again congratulations to everybody who got that correct arps for switch two's interface vlan 5. if you want to join me uh for office hours it's every saturday on discord at 10 a.m pacific all right which addresses plural could switch to on its switch virtual interface and r1 used to communicate so which two ip dresses one for the interface vlan 5 and one for r1's zero zero interface all right and uh the majority of you nailed it so that's fantastic let's talk about why that is in fact we don't even need a diagram for this let me break a pen and let's just do a quick tutorial the answer to this question is subnet saturday which is a totally free playlist here on my youtube channel i've got one for ccna and i've also got one specific force it's called subnet saturday it's like 11 or 12 videos long and it will walk you through step by step ipv4 from the beginning and just gradually step by step walk you through why we need to subnet how to subnet if you've never learned it or you used to know you forgot it or whatever check out that playlist okay so here's how i would solve this leveraging subnet saturday i'd say what's a slash 30. so the third this is also so a lot of it's gonna be visual in your mind but uh this is manually had this is how i represent that so the third octet is that way and the fourth octave is that way and if we're using the slash 30 mask put my values here 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1. and if you're saying keith you're not telling me that a double cci writes that out uh yeah i do because i don't want to get a question wrong and so they give you some automated tools if you take it online where you can actually bring a little scratch board and put those up or if you do enough if you're a visual learner or visual person you can maybe imagine it in your mind but they give you tools that you could actually write that out on that little scratch pad the digital one they give you or if in the testing environment physical one either way this is the fourth octet it's a 30 bit mask so we'll that's the 24th bit here so we'll hit 25 26 27 28 29 30. boom there's our dividing line there's the block size and the subnets are going to be zero and you keep adding the block size if you've been with me first subnet saturdays you know that's a four and then eight and then twelve and then sixteen and twenty just keep adding those are your subnets for the last octet this would all be slash 30s and then the range would be one to two because the three is the broadcast address you can't use it for a host address and then the next subnet is four and it'd be five through six with seven being the broadcast and then the next seven is eight and so i'm just using the same techniques we've learned in subnet saturdays maybe nine through ten so if you look at this and you have an aha moment which i'm hoping we do it's like take a look at this where does dot 11 fit 11 is the broadcast address for subnet 8 and so we can't use that for our valid host address anywhere doesn't matter if it's on a router or a multi-layer switch and the other one that's not right is eight because that is the actual subnet address itself no bits are on the host portion so that's not valid so nine and ten are both in the same subnet they're both in subnet eight and that's why those two answers are correct all right moving on here we go i think we're uh just got a couple left gentle dolphin is in first place and swift wolf has a streak with five correct answers in a row congratulations to everyone here is question number six what is the destination layer two address on vlan 6 when the client pings the server i will make a mark here that is at this point right here in the network that's what we're talking about so the client's pinging the server what is the destination layer to address where that yellow arrow is what is the destination layer 2 address on vlan 6 when the client pings the server wow 39 of you nailed that's great great great let's take a peek let me bring up the media real quick and so here's what i'm thinking if the client pings the server so i ping out to the client's going to say wow that's not local it's not on the 1060 network so it figures out the layer 2 address for its default gateway which would be interface vlan 6 on the multi-layer switch here and then it would forward the frame to the layer two address of interface v106 whatever that is on this multi-layer switch and that is the answer and that's why so arps and layer 2 address resolution never leave the vlan they're always unique for the vlan so the client could care less about what the real layer 2 dress is of the server it can care less about what the layer two addresses of the service provider it can care less about what the layer two dress is of r1 it only cares as far as forwarding frames but the layer two address is of its inter of the interface vlan 6 on the multi-layer switch assuming that's its default gateway that it's going to use all right let me clear that off and i think we should have one more and then we're done and uh here it is so good luck the faster you answer the question the more points you get but be careful here's the final question for today's quiz a slash 30 network is used on vlan 5. which exact wild card mask should be used with ospf oh fantastic work so if you have a slash 30 and a couple ways of figuring that out uh shortcut wise uh if it's we don't really need a topology for this but if we have a slash 30 again we can do this 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 and 1 and this is the third octet going that way and the fourth octet here going that way just being a fancy way of saying eight bits that are grouped together and 25 26 27 28 29 30 there's our dividing line so this is our network on the left host bits on the right there's our block size and one way of doing this would be you can take 255 minus whatever that mask is for that octet which i think is like 252. is that right yeah it is and that'd be three or or even better you can take that block size right there which is four and say minus one and that's gonna be our wild card mask for that octet so if that's a four minus one would be three either way it'd be zero zero zero dot three doesn't really matter how you do that and i walk you through a process or two to do that in subnet saturdays well let's see how everybody did it's been a kind of interesting day i want to thank dave again for spending some time earlier about 30 minutes before the episode before the quiz to help me out with uh proofing and taking a look and getting feedback on it and let's see how we did overall here's the podium [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right clever fox you did it you did it all right so good to have everybody here as a group we did 35 correct and these are the toughest quiz questions so four out of this of these seven questions were pretty tough for the group and let me get your feedback as well and as you supply that feedback let me go ahead and just chat with you for a moment about uh some options that are available to you number one is if you want to if you're studying ccna and you want to chat with me and ask me questions about what you're studying come join me every saturday pacific time on discord and i'm in the ccna voice chat room and it's my office hour every saturday 10 a.m pacific and everyone's welcome so you can put questions in the queue or you can just come and listen in and normally every week we have a topic in fact next week's topic is going to be ipv6 been a lot of requests for that so we're going to ipv6 in the office hour on saturday and guess what the quiz is going to be on the following sunday it's going to be ipv6 and that's i think how we're going to roll so i ask for input i get the input and then i actually create the office hour review of it and then a quiz on sundays now i had a few questions in the queue that were asking what about office hours i missed one or two are they recorded and they're not recorded they are just for the people who are who want to show up 10 a.m pacific every saturday and and i don't record them i don't record them locally because people are asking questions if somebody asks a question i want them to feel totally safe about asking their question and having some time with me to answer it if they'd like and then um so join us for those they're live and then these recordings fortunately i'm doing the live stream and i'm going to go ahead and pack it and i'm recording it locally and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to edit it later today and i'll put that up as part of the playlist so it'll be a shorter version it'll have all the wait time taken out between the questions i'll index it and put chapters on it so you can get there right away so if the best thing you can do to help me by the way to get the word out is as you study your ccna if you find those uh resources valuable if i tweet a quiz question or if you have a playlist that you really enjoy tell somebody about it let other people know who are studying their ccna about keith barker i'm in this game right here to help as many people as i possibly can and i'm super glad that you're here as part of that [Music] you
Channel: Keith Barker
Views: 2,066
Rating: 4.9633026 out of 5
Keywords: ccna, cisco, 200-301, Cisco CCNA, Cisco Certification, ogit, Keith Barker, cbt nuggets, cbt training, ccna 200-301, ccna certification, ccna study, ccna training, cisco ccna, cisco certifications, cisco training, ccna exam, multilayer switch, multilayer switch explained, multilayer switch vs router, multilayer switch routing, ccna 200-301 review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 2sec (1322 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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