Edging and Mulching Around a Tree or Bed

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[Music] what is going on good people this is cam with elevated lawnscapes and we are back out here in the yard again back at it it is the second week of december and man look at that color color is holding in amazing all right so today we're gonna get out here and we're gonna clean up a couple of my beds in the backyard um i normally do this in the spring but i'm gonna go ahead and take care of it this year um in the fall reason being wifey looked at it was like are we gonna leave the beds like this like can you do something about it so i'm gonna get out here clean these beds up and particularly i'm gonna show you how to make a sharp circular bed maybe around a tree or maybe you've got a circular flower bed so i'm gonna show you one of my tips that i use to take care of that and get them sharp clean and symmetrical let's take a look let's go so this is the bed that we're going to be looking at today i'm going to get us a nice clean sharp line going around here and as you can see right now there is no line so i did a renovation back here in the backyard and i added in uh some dirt around all through here and around the edges then i came in and seeded it so now it's time for me to get this redefined and make sure that it is nice sharp and defined and symmetrical um to the tree i'm all about symmetry this is probably the most important thing for today and that is the mason string just some regular twine string that we're going to use to define how big we want this uh flower bed to be so these are two keys for today you can use a edge trimmer you can use a string trimmer but today i'm just use a manual process what you want to do is you want to take the measurement of the size of your bin from higher up here as you can see this is not the same size as here and it is not equivalent all the way around so you want to take the measurements up here where the tree is the exact same size all the way around that's going to give us a equal measurement of the size of the bed all the way around the tree it is a circle so you want it to be symmetrical and you want it to be sharp and clean so that's how we're going to get it all right so now we're going to take our string and we're going to get it wrapped around the tree so we can define our line of where we want our bed to be all right now that we're all the way around the tree all we're just going to do is we want to leave a little bit of slack in here but we're going to pull that out farther and we're just going to get this tied off i'm definitely no boy scout so all my knots are pretty simple pretty sure there's definitely a better one to use but i don't know how to tie knives so we've got some slack in here and what we want to do is we want to get this up a little bit to where the tree is equivalent size all the way around so this is going to be our anchor point and we're going to always hold here as we're going around the tree so it keeps it at that same point this is going to be the important part so we're going to have our paint here that we're going to use to make our line but this is our anchor point so you want to use this hand to hold it right at that same level as you come around so now that you've got your extra string here you can kind of see where my kind of know where my edge is going to be at pull me off some extra just in case cut on that now you want to test it out just loop it around your paint can a couple of times just so that you can get a hold on it with your string all right so the important thing is as i said holding this at that same point so now you can see this is about where my bed is gonna be i've got tension all the way around we're going to take a test walk and see if i like where this bed line is actually going to be that's actually pretty good all right let's go [Music] all right so now you see it came in perfect circle i mean it works so now we have our edge we've got our line defined of where it's going to be now we can just take our shovel and we can trim we can trim that out all the way around and that's going to be how the edge is actually defined what we're going to do we're going to get stand on our inside we're going to take our pointed shovel we're just going to come right in here keeping it as upright as possible and we're going to cut right along that outside of that line so what i like to do is after i come go all the way around and define it that's the first step and then what we're going to do is we'll come back in from this angle from the back side and actually cut in to meet that first defined line and then what that it does is it'll make that v shape right here which will be sure when we put our mulch in that it just falls right down into it and then there's a nice little distance from it which will give you that nice sharp defined line and that's what we're looking for again gonna make that v and we're gonna lift as you can see it cut right along it met and cut right along where that first border edge was go in you know lift up nice cut now that we've made both of our cuts we can go in here and we can pull this section out and it'll expose that edge that we've created there you got doors get in as i said it'll come out in a section giving us that nice edge that we're looking for nice this is what we were looking for now we can see this nice edge we've got here and we'll just come in and we'll clean this up a little bit smooth off our taper that we've got here and make sure we get this edge nice and short it is looking good [Music] now we've got our final product as far as the edge goes look at how nice and crisp we are nice and defined all the way around this is what we're looking for went in smoothed it out all the way around and as you can see it's a nice slope going down to our edge you may see a little bit of grass that's left in this area here so i have some glycophage that i'll grab and i'll spray those areas out and then i will also add some preen or you can i've got some of that in the garage so let me just use that or you could actually get snapshot snapshot is also a good one to be able to use it's basically a pre-emergent that you can granular that you can use to put in your bed [Music] all right that is a wrap look at the final result to conclude how we got here uh the important thing is make sure you're just using that string uh tie your anchor point at a point in the tree that is about the same size all the way around get up a little bit higher don't use the very base of the tree because normally it's not the same size all the way around at that point so that is the important thing um get over to uh gci turf my buddy pete over there he actually has a video using a more uh mechanical method so he uses his string trimmer and an edge trimmer to do a larger uh natural area or flower bed so you can get over to his youtube channel at gci turf check him out if you want another way of doing it all right good people this is the end of this one i think the results are amazing like subscribe comment and for everybody out there trying to have those immaculate lawns just know we work you
Channel: Elevated Lawnscapes
Views: 300,668
Rating: 4.9439054 out of 5
Keywords: Lawncare, Tall Fescue, Turf, Cool Season Turf, Lawncare Nut, Kentucky Bluegrass, KGB, TTTF, Fescue, Home Improvement, Soil, Growing Turfgrass, Growing Grass, Landscaping, edging with shovel, best way to edge beds, how to edge beds with a shoivek, how to edge beds, using a shovel to edge beds, edging beds properly, edge like a pro, how to edge, edging beds, edging flower beds, edging flower beds with shovel, using a spade shovel, spade shovel, best edging shovel
Id: ewlV2XiHzfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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