Eden Streak #56 - Hutts Streams Afterbirth+

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start the recording go 55 you guys feels good three dollar bill 15 fire rate three damage and that that's yeah bad starting item bad starting damage bad starting fire rate health is okay 34 fire rate ooh three dollar bill can be okay what's that I don't even called in the top left I don't even know I forgot now my tie here spiders are literally gonna kill me this room blows man with 15 fire rate that triple shot on the spider my triple shouting spiders right now bait a minor for a stat change yeah my stats usually go down with Data Miner so I'm gonna pass on that one unless I know to that I'm gonna say you know not using it I'm dumping it out as soon as I possibly can unless hey the teeth we're pretty good if my stats get any worse we're screwed I might be able to pull it off with this though I need some DPS they'll fire mine is not what I had in mind fire mind in mind haha it randomly changes one of your stats each time it's used ya know like if I make this work any worse though and melt I won't be able to is that five shot [Music] dude spiders are literally gonna be the end of me [Music] this music is literally gonna give me a migraine these stats this music like I'm dying it no give me stats no use Data Miner for that soul art get out you know that's not how it works bid can you just like help me out here this is not helping me out help me first item room what do we need what does it have to be Polyphemus no that'd be like a terrible fire a Polyphemus sad onion maybe you broke Tina Watts way to go oh oh I don't cut the book tomorrow I can't get to that I have to walk over the spikes but then I give up one whole soul hearts because I hate everything yes we did holy light is good all right we walk over we get that soul heart then they have a whole soul heart not half of so hard on the scatman this is clock scatman says Chino too at the same time when he guy's flipping twins we think we're so cute full heart is better than half heart but play half game I get full snowcone alright I think we just leave then why no Dana miner because Dana miner sucks literally I've used data miner before and it's taking my damage from 42.5 not doing it no [ __ ] this game I can't handle this handle it bomb please that is not the bomb boink +6 fire rate okay good I used it you guys +6 fire rate dr. Smith two months in a row enjoy my birthday while watching hots thanks for the entertainment keep it up happy birthday dr. Smith thank you for sharing it with me hunter Bates from clock both of ours or in reference to you making the random noises - I know I know I know I know it dude I know right this is why data miner can literally lick my butthole 23 fire rate though 21 fire rate I know I'm like oh it's got to keep using it cuz it'll get better no it gets worse and then it gets worse and then you die that was my dad's number one advice he gave me as a kid he said life's a [ __ ] and then you die literally he actually gave me that advice all the time [Music] our number one thing he said alright alright alright alright alright alright good advice just give me a bomb dude if we get a room filled with spiders or nubs I'm not sure we have enough dps to take them out Jim James 11 months in a row hey hots didn't see the anniversary until now and now solemn August a question ever going to okami HD for the PC I don't even know what that is Okami HD have no idea probably not [Music] 25 right oh yeah girl it's a nice run you have going on be a shame if someone's [ __ ] out nubs this is not the nub shooter it's just a spider [ __ ] hey there's a bomb hey fellow I heard you need a bomb there you go got you a dollar [Music] stop looking at me Swan riveting oh I heard you needed a bum friend this is so funny I'm laughing so hard right now [Music] honest question in that room with the bomb you can date a minor to make an accessible question mark no the sprites change location but the actual hitbox stays the same so no use Data Miner for to gain more fire rate the oh the devil is my only chance Oh b1 you're our only hope [Music] we need a candle we need the candle ohon CH bite easy simple as long as you make it easy and simple on me and also I've got a few spare bombs that I can use to take care of them with good yep is the life Oh pop ptosis easy and simple my hands are sweating I'm freezing cold right now I'm gonna turn my heater off and my hands are still sweating what are you doing what are you doing hand Scarface tier two sub that's fantastic thank you for that triple shot is actually a blessing here [Music] No oh my god why why must you hurt me like this pop ptosis why why Brock ptosis top oh yeah a little Steven actually I'm like oh little Stevie boy try find swindle can all your problems are solved I would take soy milk probably and samlloyd cutter bits thank you Stevie boy look at him he's like that punk that I just come into this sucks he's like all these just like sitting there like dude this runs this one blows why did you pick me up yeah this is a no-brainer I don't know about a guppy piece though I'm not sure I can afford that that is one fabulous hat thank you am 21 months in a row blue surprised fourteen months in a row it's up to you guys any penny questions telomere have you tried telling me are probably the only action roguelike platformer with rocket launchers and flamethrowers I have not No take up his paw basically six spirit hearts yeah if I want to get rid of my red health and die take up you need it for health it doesn't give you health you guys it takes health away and gives you soul hearts which are more dangerous you guys are crazy you don't even know what you're saying you don't even know what you're saying what was your favorite part of subnautica the secret boss that I haven't found yet you need help Utz it doesn't give you health that's not how it works could use guppies Paulo use it you guys are full of [ __ ] I can see right through your [ __ ] you're not even close man hey I'm gonna say you you could like get that card for me but then he's like nah it could but I'm not going to yeah yeah thought about doing that but I'm not gonna do that sweet dude nice quarter though you know what they mean Hut's I know what they mean but it would hurt me it wouldn't be good there trolling there troll dogging doesn't give you any health bro takes it away replaces it with risky soul hearts you guys are nuts [Music] because have lost your minds stopwatch yeah that's gonna help but I'll do danke [Music] [Music] more spiders please [Music] you're that earn a top-notch top-notch work top but I'm warning to you any Zelda tonight I'm planning on it I'm planning on it this room is not good for me in my health [Music] I'm devil carding right now Zyklon ten months in a row welcome back friend l proptosis why I'll just black yeah this is black hearted good good idea [Music] no I fat my fingers they slipped off the button cuz they're slippery foxes you know like copies paw gives you more help hustlin hustlin I'm also crazy to think it's been 14 months spooch get out welcome back but there's the door buck Slainte mud sling so I can do it too damn its tears three dollar bill you're making my life hard right now bananas free spectral white and yellow yeah white and yellow that's three so hearts per white and yellow pill good any more of those please by the way Hut's don't forget to use Data Miner ok bye I'm going super saiyan in the opposite way super insane get it you oh chat an apology each pill is basically a small burrito which that date a minor instead my range is pretty [ __ ] doesn't look like it's gonna hurt at all Wow I didn't even get hit though member I didn't get hit okay - [ __ ] ten months in a row welcome back dude sorry if I don't if I don't seem enthusiastic you guys my head actually hurts I'm like in those grumpy like in that grumpy mood you know you're just like you don't like anything right now I don't like anything damn kids get off my lawn Sam Lloyd Lloyd E prime sub what's up welcome I feel nothing but pain and misery [Music] [Music] take a break then never streamers must stream through the harshest environments there's no break drew sim says same Jew gets it I take a chance on love what does the thing even do the equal sign what does it even do though for real though what does it do [Music] you got hit with a giant tooth how are you still alive holy tooth number 1 streamer hey everybody has bad moments hots break the only break cuts knows you've got these pop for more health let's turn this car around card what if it's a joker should've seen that coming [Music] I'm like actually nervous that I'm actually gonna click on it you guys ever forget all your fingers work [Music] oh my god what a [ __ ] fantastic super mega ultra big horn shitty [ __ ] move to bank to balls around my face one landing directly on my noggin that's a loaded turd I understand that this won't be active and I'm okay with that Shuba doop doop doop dooba dooba dooba dooba dooba Dibby Dibby Dibby Dibby Dibby Dibby Dibby Dibby Dibby Dibby Dibby Dibby was there a pill for sale in the shop not that it matters now I'm just wondering if I passed over a wine yellow pill I didn't I didn't do stupid I should have probably a rear old until I possibly got a white and yellow pill [Music] I dropped the card don't make a mistake I won't I'm on it I got it [Music] you beat this run I think it'll be the most impressive of all runs I need a health up splooge oh my Jesus that scared the [ __ ] out of me nothing but blood bags from donation machines now I can't keep up with the spiders dude [Music] this blows dude that's why of Fame but I'm glad that you could dodge that sir like what the [ __ ] dull game like are you serious right now it's a sick joke oh just give him the toughest boss I've ever seen in my life here you go who are you kidding me [Music] it's free so hard here [Music] this has to be a joke I almost got stuck on that hole that I didn't even know existed hole attack of the holes full frontal assault hands are slimy [ __ ] man two black hearts of Fame that's why I fame oh oh good though he seems dull flap me man a fame that's why Fame a Fame is saving the day if we find a room with a bunch of flies in it we should have Fame and try to get black arts absolutely oh jesus jesus take the wheel take the wheel Jesus oh my god [Music] should we do giveaways you know what you guys I am going to drop the card officially we're doing well enough I don't need it wait why isn't it we did drop the card we have a judgment sorry I'm just like super backwards right now okay we're gonna give away getting over it with Benny Fadi or Ben it's Fadi you guys want to get over it stop getting over it in the chat I don't even know what I'm doing right now you guys I just I'm just I'm all over the place getting over it's that stupid one we're in the cauldron with the guys a sledgehammer tears been playing it on his channel recently we still had that one right because we gave that one away before that would be on the halo number 11 oh yeah holy light that's good though the holy lights been nice to me box of friends for a double Steve I don't think I'll need it got my black heart back 20 fire rate though the big 20 fire reader Reno Fire a dorama fire Raider runo's have we seen the item room in this floor I don't believe we have superdude 17 months in row Merry Christmas huts have some cash awesome thanks super dude give a crap if it's Christmas or not this could be like regular sticker um I guess my priestess is good slave should I maybe waited for the double whoops that's a good joke could add something nice you know if I'm on sole arts I might as well go angel so yeah I'll take that with my teeth if you have a really bad headache something that helps me a lot was suggested by the chiropractor if you take your thumb and pointer finger put your last two joints together smoke it no put it into the bridge of your nose between your eyes and push up for ten seconds it'll relieve some pain okay thumb and pointer finger put your last two joints together like this like this it's ten times worse now I'm literally going to go on a killing rampage like pinch your nose like this no comment yeah this man skipped my dough no guys I've got a secret for you what smells I'm glad I skipped it I'll eat his soul it just does seem like it's always your donation you like sneak it in there you're like special silent donations that I'll get silent donation Sparky that moment you heard a swallow and mid speak wouldn't recommend it should we just suicide King and end this on our own terms I want to go the way I want to go damn it you can't get rid of me hots no matter how hard you try how is it hard all right you don't have suicide King anymore huts I literally just picked it up it's back in that room let's do this you guys in three two one point dr. Shmi nice sub luck was off to such luck through yonder window [Music] one minute doctors mean my tears look so big but it's just because they're bananas thanks for the presents just sub to get this thanks mate oh yeah so worth it see everyone should sub unicorn stump I'm thinking yes I'm thinking yes unicorn stomp and we hope and we pray for our hey-zeus to come down and give us a balla bandages or cuba meats or a sack tag or an anything or anything save the judgement for a higher chance for a deal next floor I can still bomb for that card though it's that's you know it's calling your name [Music] wait did I hear everyone's sub easy tiger but the Guppies paw for more help [Music] this isn't worth playing subs the Sparky gang [Music] is the trio here alive and well two hearts [Music] all right [Music] what's the street number 56:55 [Music] oh yeah you know we probably should go into the curse rooms now that I think about it with uh with this item high chance we'll get in and out for free [Music] hate those guys [Music] [Music] [Music] fifty-five about to be zero spark gifted a sub to Valkyrie Siena Thank You spark welcome Valkyrie [Music] seriously the one orbital man is one of them une orbital be even better than tears upgrade I'll be gone this far without getting a single tears upgrade is that doesn't make any sense to you guys what have we been getting in our boss rooms oh that's right heels and underwear the best heels though rocks and you don't have to put on those red heels rocks and you don't have to sell your body through the night jump now sounds like please oh hey he's there fella that's scared that the juicers out of me big chubby not good enough at least you look nice okay I said I was gonna blow up the the judgement on this floor I can't do that if I don't have a bomb mama mega we should totally do boss rush for our hero when other bits I think the Hat is bad luck this all started since it's been on dude I need a hat upgrade if you know what I mean wink [Music] switch ass out I feel the power this one I'm feeling the power and this one choo choo IQ power horses through me where's Lenny I don't know he's hiding smart [Music] being exposed to this run for too long it's Petra mental to your health are we seriously on depths one already without a single did we get a damage upgrade we tell you they got on all stats upgrade but no tears no damage paralysis one orbital for easy mode please we get fire mind so often it's unreal stream isn't the same without him interrupting cool Oh Lenny he stopped by for a short time we've seen him once I'm feeling a little generous today so spark that mean more sub gifts I got a bomb I got a bomb Wow spikes remind me those flags are there when I come back if I walk over those spikes all is lost subs pretzels judge well now I want to play them damn it I got a backtrack for those batteries I'm supposed to blow them up but I went in the wrong room oh this is bad room mate eh captain I didn't get black hearts back for it what the [ __ ] game why do you hate me so much that wasn't even fair that room is not fair that room needs to be redone if Ed ever asked which is a room that's [ __ ] that one that one right there I found it that backtrack for the batteries and I did forgot that I got a charge for having done that stupid room actually good [Music] good good it's a Hail Mary I know I wasn't there though can you blame me for trying if we got in our item room in her shop yeah this room is just filled with misery he suck he also protect boop boop boop boop dude orbital orbital an orbital orbital pulse captain [Applause] [Music] yeah Cappy yeah cap dad yeah Cappy what do we think here probably another orbital that what makes it spin faster though guardian angel does and I don't necessarily like that Holy Grail gives me flight shield gives me a shield new hat new luck harbingers can literally blow me five days a week eight days a week I'm thinking flights I'm thinking flight the shield is good but flight is flight I could hide up a rocks while succubus takes care of business aroused melon perfect timing and yes I agree me too me too easy mode engaged I told you it's the Hat lock yeah you're on some onto something did it fight me [Music] [Music] lock up um what else was there in the shop to buy and I thank Wikipedia but you yep some of the guys speaking backwards I don't that there's anything left that we really need to get shield the shield but flight can be anything [Music] all right I'm outta here pity you don't have Guppies paw for more health forget the fact that we even got help from that hey we got to tears upgrade because a bloody crowd or Pro Dark Prince Oh 10 fire 8 oh that's that's double dude do it easy mode engaged beep boop bop what's that Hut's is engaged you know the flight was a good move too because I got to be able to AH know whatever I got to be able to reach the people you know I gotta be able to fly over rocks and be able to get my ball in their face as best as I can so pretty sick bro look at my health bro look at my bro bro hardest run to the easiest run Wow hey hey hey ow ow ow ow ow ow hey ow hey hey no I don't like that health ups are for losers [Music] nope new new new new new new many absolutely not no balls I'm Chad I'm predictable wait for it give away butter I love butter game called hook a penny or no balls no balls see god [ __ ] called it dude dreaming Sarah pipe dreaming into the chat if you want to win dreaming Sarah what is dreaming Sarah can you take him back to the place breakin there we go dreaming Sarah is a $1 and 19 cent game looks really good you guys adventure platformer where you play a Sarah a girl who is in a coma explore the world around her and help her wake up Sarah no floppy fish Wow not everybody has a dollar okay check your priveledge chat cruel milchin Prime subs up Chrome Elgin welcome welcome to the easiest run that's ever happened ever this is pretty much a break easy easy easy question it's not any question marks game is like let's see what you do with the question marks ha ha I'm out of here then I have something I was carrying though who's gonna wake Sara up from a coma it's important healthop would be good for deals of the devil that this is where I'm like ah shoot which one do I do because we could just guarantee the fact that we get that that tears up kind of flop that one didn't I another angel rum you kidding me all right we go angel for less health I think but watch the angel is gonna give me health now watch just watch dude watch dreaming in three two one blink Sam bassist that's bassist easy mode engaged Sarah's dreaming of a white Christmas that's also racist I'm dreaming of a multicultural Christmas [Music] the mood [Music] whoa what awesome pretty awesome pretty awesome [Music] look at my tears though you guys check that out into rock but I can't get it I'm nickel Angelo tier one self what's up welcome you turn off your hacks now never make this game pay for what it did to me [Music] you know what what would have been a pretty good item dull razor dull razor would have been pretty solid here with the fames you never think about that Blackheart central you're a Hierophant right right well I told yes me load judgment I really should blow the judgment up [Music] actually let's maybe see the P and like spit out something first not not a not an item [ __ ] you buddy [Music] should have blown them up for extra chance at a deal with the devil but no I wanted another bomb so I can blow him up and and do that I should have just not worried about it shouldn't worried about it it's my fault mahtim odds is too damn high JP's been here algae's could be good but blitz fire gamer prime sub welcome friend thank you so much for supporting me appreciate that you guys aroused the mail and got to go play some wc3 now Warcraft 3 what's wc3 if not warhead Warcraft my that old [Music] wael craft 3 look at that white pony should we uh should we keep going I think so we're good to go judgments not so bad to the last floor you get a free item out of it you've been spanking the game for 56 runs I think it's just begging me to stop I'm just getting started whippoorwill crap three back again sir happy what's up whirlpool three that doesn't have a C in it [Music] the key 15-15-15 thinking I probably shouldn't even take pills in case there's a health down whose my fire raid [Music] my brand / my rate oh gee oh girl uber cruising is your captain speaking we've hit cruising altitude at 1500 kilometers above the earth in space look look with your special eyes my brand best thing that's ever at the Internet specialized uh I don't want this to ride to be over this will be the last run you guys then I'm gonna take a break eat some food and we'll come back for some Zelda's have you thought about doing voice acting um I got hit up on like a small games like hey you want to voice acting it's like if it's not something that's like pretty serious I'm probably not gonna have the time for it oh it was a cool opportunity it was nice of them the huts ever beat the Eton run that cobalt couldn't be beat eventually I did yeah but not without knowledge of what to do and how to do it I have done a video I don't know why I did this I'm not gonna know how to get back site gets right there are you streaming zelda tonight brah I literally just said them primitive just said that Bree [Music] [Music] [Music] you should stream link to the past I'll miss remar Eisen zero dawn at the breasts of the wild why don't I use my thing I don't know perthro better better I feel so good about winning this game wow you guys feels pretty nice you can lift a little a little a little a little a little a little bit you mean Jurassic Park [Music] double crown hype oh yeah dude didn't even think about that the old blaze crowns don't forget you guys I'm heading off to Thailand soon so there's gonna be a good two weeks of no streams soak up the streams now while you can cherish them hold them tight tell them that you love them at night [Music] Oh better [Music] oh my god that's not [Music] Talon hype fun times abound you guys talk about ladyboys a lot there's something you want to talk about it's okay if you're into that I'll still accept you everyone was saying Hut's lame I think they meant Hut's Fame hey ladybugs are cool hell yeah ladybugs I don't think I need any of that stuff what a bummer man holy water hell yeah no hell insecticide tears pretty good spawn flies and spiders when they hit them oh my god I look Ryan right into him death card get a d7 my range is super good though I'll take that per throw now if I could have just had both of them I think the possibilities [Music] who would give me a red chest you [ __ ] tease you know my ball might be doing less damage but you know if I can clear out the room halfway before I even start it's all about keeping that chrono light damage boost in order to stay alive there's a strat to it there's a strat there's an app for that the Hierophant [Music] let's you know you can relax and Thailand knowing little brim defeated you you can't relax a little bit didn't sleep the beat me this [ __ ] game did but not really it cheated so I'll sleep I sleep just fine at night [Music] we're doing it very slowly blowing saktir is sexy sure yeah sure whatever did rip chest for chests [Applause] [Music] the ones that never existed I'm doing it now chariot and now chariot suddenly bananas booyah baby go to the void or no balls where I did it Oh graduated I did it yeah buddy
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 10,615
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 9sec (3969 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2018
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