Edd China's Garage Revival Program Pilot: The Golf GT(I)

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Ed is the reason people watched that show, they certainly didn't watch to see deals get made. Long Live Ed.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 87 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ajump23 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 01 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

No arbitrary deadlines, focus on the actual work and not staged bullshit drama... this show is going places.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 24 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HeadStove πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 02 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Can't believe how restrictive norway is with modifying your own vehicle.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/zzzac πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 01 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ed's the reason I watched WheelerDealers, I'm glad this is available! Is this going to be a series on YouTube or on Velocity?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 30 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ricswrangler πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 01 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

The Tall Man, is back!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hiteckredneck πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 01 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

awesome! thank you for pointing to his show!

Ant is definitely growing on me and has changed in the Season 15 towards the much needed skepticism that Edd showed through out his staring. But I'm gladd Edd is Backk!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/peachstealingmonkeys πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 01 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Might be able to replace the hole roadkill left in my heart.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/OfficiallyNotALurker πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 02 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I would love to have so much knowledge and talent when it comes to repairing cars. Must be cool finding shells of cars then being able to renovate them for a sale.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/wilof πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 01 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

How did I forget about Mechano-Snape?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 01 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
look bags this week we'll have some fun in the snow when I go to Norway to get a golf Jetta I'm back on the road but there's a slight problem with the engine I can't help noticing one tiny detail you actually removed the eye from the GTR [Music] to restore an old car back to its former glory can easily become a bit of a nightmare of course that means that dream cars going to end up in a garage collecting dust never ever getting completed in end China's garage revival we're going to be visiting people who've got stuck on a project for whatever reason and the plan is to try and revitalize reinvigorate them to get that car back where it should be on the road [Music] today I'm in a rather wintery Norway on my way to see a young car enthusiast Goodstein gurgenson now he sent me a distress video about his 1983 Marquand Golf GTI I had and there's some help with my golf life apparently after two years of hard work the project is rather ground to a halt on account of a problem with the engine so ed please sculpt the texture and helped me out with the golf 23 year old Norwegian bricklayers Dayan Jurgen sent lives together with his wife Tanya and two-year-old daughter Sybil in rural Prague stack just east of Norway's capital Oslo if you drive through these parts be sure to stop and enjoy one of this region's absolute gastronomic highlights the hot dog in a waffle here really interestingly should you find yourself completely smitten by truck stats into Landis charm and want to stay for a few days please be fine there are no hotels however the local prison might be able to fix you up frog stands biggest employer has 90 beds available for your disposal for me all that will have to wait I have a car projector revived when it comes to alterations rules and regulations tend to vary between countries so I've actually made an appointment to see a local golf expert to give me some insight as to how I might better get Stan's project back on track and hopefully find a way through and I think I'll do that before I go see two years after the successful launch of the first Gulf in 1974 Volkswagen decided although a bit reluctantly at first to also introduce a souped-up version the Golf GTI with a fuel-injected 1.6 liter engine capable of 180 km/h the GTI was the first high-performance hatchback to hit the market the result was a sensation Volkswagen only plan to make 5,000 GTI's by the end of the original run they had made four hundred and twenty thousand - barely a met no get help from us ma hi ru Ianto okay hey nice to meet you Ianto period I yeah - the Transvaal before they engulf you know again I start to think remark for folks I know the idea an actor focus on ID and to just or columnist Mia who would put poor poor goal stop well I noticed you're in front of a beautiful beautiful mark one golf yeah this is actually the oldest mark one golf which is restored and on the rolled in Norway really seven to eight so it's quite old that's very special and obviously there's a slightly new one over there so is that why we're here what this display is all about yes it's actually a kickoff for the lives in Norway working for Volkswagen as a golf expert obviously we have this chap it's ten who has his nice little 1983 Gulf now stin wants to do a little bit something special with his car he wants to try and shoehorn in a 16-valve engine into that sort of 8-valve engine space and I understand that the authorities aren't that keen in this country of actually allowing that extra bit of performance but the reason perhaps the way around it I mean do you have a solution for me well it's it's not a quick way to do to do it it's quite fitted because you don't have the papers from the factory engine so you have to go around it and it could be possible to upgrade the car in the same way as for example our share of sixty involved which has this 6mo engine a standard most are or big open some empty lists vΓ€rnamo del mare de Mouton odo stock Roman she go to size manfully my boss said for some make also shown some performance or some golf m- a adopted in some share of co2 size and how has it been done before at all that's been done before with some few cars Norway but there is some hope yes it's a hope but not every car has been legally radiated with that engine okay also so that's a strictly important to mention s energy learn are fallen to tribalism application to Soviet Amon and hopeful he'll smile smile comet at Nike well fantastic well thank you very much for your help release it and good luck with the show no I take it thank you Wow now this is quite exciting so it seems we do have a possible solution it's not as easy as I was hoping and it's a bit more paperwork and stuff but there is a way can't wait to tell Stan [Music] this looks like it might be the place [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so this is the right place hi are you Stan yeah fantastic good to meet you thanks for your video I realize you've got a few problems I think I've got some answers but brilliant that I choose to see the car yeah it's Liz's the width below da bomb little kick fantastic is in here I guess yeah warm garage in this snowy climate earth oh my head cool so don't think that more I don't worry girls no more than be a limit if I do after you look at that I'll she's lovely yeah [Music] [Applause] so is that the original paint yeah that is amazing how long have you been working on this project two years that's pretty good going in okay and this looks like the this is the 8-valve engine yeah you've actually taken out of the car yes fantastic I guess that one over there with the 16-valve engine you want to put back in oh yes so now the thing with this obviously you've got a bit of an issue I think I have a solution again which is great but I'm also have a look at the rest of the car mean so she's actually in really good Nick and you've obviously been working on stuff as you've been going you've got the grill is all back in place obviously you've done the brakes and stuff what about wheels I show you the wheels look a little sorry so if you got if you got the original wheels I get the the snow flakes oh yes okay so they need a bit of work still yeah right okay that makes sense but it always makes sense to work on scrappy wheels anyways that's fine you but yeah I mean the paint is really good I mean there's a few little tiny little blemishes perhaps little bits of polish but um I think it's all kind of and the interior looks finger really good Nick as well that's lovely so if you had to do much work on her not on rust or anything but her little thing right here okay no fair enough now I noticed you've got the windows out at the moment why is that the headlining oh the headlining of course you know that is a tricky job yeah it's got to be said and I think it's one of those things where you could really do probably with two people maybe easier so while I'm here I'm happy to give you a hand or that will really grit I entice any of you got all the parts we need yeah and is that it over there on the other side of the workshop yeah brilliant okay what let's crack on [Music] no sir some gloves on before we start work thank you fantastic before we get started on the headline link we removed the seats that ease access the roof of the golf makes it useful space to lay out all the bits and pieces that we're going to be using so he protects it with an old blanket these are all the pieces we need our headlining so we've got all the bits that go on all the b-pillars a putters seat fillers and we can work out where they're all going to sit but also we have a whole load of new metal stays as well they obviously sit inside the roof now the problem we've got is that normally when you change a headline you have the original headline increased bits of it to use as some kind of pattern but more crucially than that you'll also have the stays in the right position at the right length now these are all the same length I suspect we're gonna have to cut them down to get them all to sit correctly but we have no pattern and no idea where they're supposed to go so the first thing we're gonna do is fit all of these and then the idea is then we can hopefully make sure we just shorten them so they sit beautifully and they're even then we can start actually attaching them to the roof itself right so these little chaps here as we know go into there know what's interesting you can see they are way too long well that's good few centimeters now looking at the roof you can see we've got this little groove in there sort of the insulation so actually I mean we look how far on it's really quite tight isn't it so if you actually put that up like that brush it in so it kind of emulates the same thing and it gives us a mark of about there so that actually has to go in really really tightly so I think releases on each of them and then we'll just cut that trim there and it's gonna sit on that a little shelf of metal there as well so I'm gonna do the side it won't be happy with that let's hope your cutters are up to the job so the next stage this is finished is to thread each of these down we know its position they're going to be in through our headlining and then put the headlining back into position and what I've done I've left clips all on one side of the car and on the other side we'll actually put the clips in as we go just see you there's no fits pretty all right so the next thing we need to do is actually establish where the centre line is on the front and the rear if I roof then do the same thing on the car so we can keep everything aligned and probably a Flicka sway that's used to fold it onto itself just put these ends together so pretty close to being symmetrical on this stage I don't know how much you're gonna have to pull through blue mark on there we then repeat the process on the other end of the headlining before we mark the same centerline on the car itself right so it's the same procedure around the back of the car as well of course the seal tailgate is in the way so I get rid of that now the good news is I've actually got some reference points here with the hinges so slightly easier to measure up what's on the next thing we can now do then unfurl our roof again and now we're gonna slip in our little rods so we need to keep them in order so let's just get the last one first [Music] why I take it to you yeah start at this end perhaps no it's just pop back into there like so I'm just gonna try and feed that yeah so having now got all our rods in position the next thing to do is actually get detention right so the first thing we're gonna do is actually pull this rod the front as far forward as it'll go in its little slot then we can then clamp the headlining to the windscreen frame or at least to that front edge of the metal and then what we'll do is we'll start kind of getting the tension all the way to the back we can then clamp the rear of our head lining to the metalwork of the car but of course then we need to make sure that our Center lines all match up front and rear so we're getting there just gonna offer this up and you can see we're just a little bit over this side so we need to track the whole head lining in that direction so if you give it a bit of a tug over there hopefully it'll [Music] so now what we need to do is get a little bit more tension on the front in two of the outward direction but at the same time also up a little bit as well so we're tensioning it a long line with the headlining but also in the way towards the outside of the car all the way along here just want to maintain tension as I go of course eventually this is gonna be glued in position but until we get it exactly right these clips are very very handy right so just looking better there's a stop now what we need to do is go through every single little spar there and actually kind of tension them make sure that they're still centralised a little bit and also with us work our way all the way to the back and then make sure that the back is centered and then taut and hopefully it'll take a long time but it's going to get better and better and better before we try and tension things from front to back I'm just going to make sure our position on the rear here actually that's looking pretty good I'm gonna do I'm just gonna camp one clump in the middle just so we have a little frame of reference and then we'll tighten in the front and what's the back [Music] [Applause] [Music] right well actually it's not looking too bad there's something a little bit squiffy at the back there so I would look at that but also I think we're slightly so this this needs to go slightly further fall on that side but this side here is it go slightly further back so we just need to do it a bit more adjustment and things but I think it's actually not playing too badly considering we've only just started this I think the other thing is it's nice and warm in here in the workshop but it's possibly not warm enough we are in the middle of a Norwegian winter which is quite chilly so if there's any way you can crank up the heat in the workshop yeah no problem that'd be cool okay so a while we're waiting for that to warm up and we'll do some more fattening later on so we crack on with the engine from here brilliant white stem now the reason your project stalled is really about the engine wasn't it yes so this is the 8-valve engine that came stock with the car you've taken that out you want to fit the 16-valve engine yeah now the thing is I can tell you understand why that's out of a factory this is 110 horsepower 137 meet me to talk where is this it's a hundred and thirty seven horsepower and 168 new means to talk so it's obviously a lot more sporty now the downside of all of this unfortunately is of course the Norwegian authorities as I understand it don't like you to soup up your engine without doing some checks now what's great news is the German tuning company called Oettinger and actually what they did is they made about two and a half thousand mark one gulfs fitted with 16-valve engines but to cope with that extra performance they actually operated the rear brakes from drums to discs now handily volkswagen France officially approved that conversion and because of that the Norwegian authorities are gonna let you fit your 16-valve engine into your Marquand golf as long as you fit the uprated rear discs as well that's great news it's very very cool so we pop this thing in oh yeah I think it's about time we're Dolph Malcolm hotel asleep or for them orphan cushioned husband alone control break a light mellow this foldaway engine hoist is very useful but using luggage straps to support the engine is not so great it's well worth investing in a load leveling engine sling it'll actually allow you to tilt the engine to exactly where you want and it gives you much more control piping the way there how you doing is that gonna go down there and they has to come towards us well guess go down just a little tiny bit yep one second we've stuck on something yeah we maybe movie ivory unbolt the socket for that I don't know that's easier I'm not sure can we get to that relatively easily just two bolts here perhaps we'll lift it up a tiny bit put that on first then drop it back down and then connect it here 17 I guess West is cheating good I might steal them okay let's get down again [Music] oh just a little bit less fast as that so this engine mount is about a sort of 250 mil from where the engine mounts got to go in in the lower one this lower mount has got to go all the way up so here it's kind of handy if we could tilt the engines a little bit so we're just going to use a trolley Jack to try and actually get that a little bit higher I'm just now going to just put a ratchet strap on here we're going to try and rotate the ends in you know our favor because at the moment it's looking a bit tricky [Music] nice yep look at that lovely straight in well done that's fantastic so now we should better jack that back up again stop at 1:00 this is pretty exciting stuff so our 16-valve engine really nearly in the engine bay we're just gonna lower it down take off the stress it's gonna and then put it onto the engine mounts and then it should be safe to work on later you really relaxed wonderful she's in well we're in great shape you've now got your 16-valve engine in your Mart one go for all you've got to do is connect up all the wiring the plumbing the brakes all the other bits and pieces it's actually quite a bit of work so I'm not gonna leave you on your own and we're going for your mates to come down you've got Knut and thorax sort of give you a hand and while you boys get busy I'm gonna sort out your nasty wheels to crack on [Music] and after finishing his supper a third friend Robin also drops in to give the boys a hand and together Stan and his mates get stuck in finishing off the installation of the engine and doing the final adjustments to the headlining [Music] [Music] while the boys crack on with Stan's golf no doubt working through the night I get busy smartly up his tired looking wheels they desperately need a fresh coat of paint powder coating is a dry painting process that uses powdered plastic instead of paint particles suspended in a wet solvent the first step of the process is to remove the old flaky paint and metal corrosion by sandblasting the wheels down to the bare metal then any residue is cleaned off before the powdered paint is applied using a static charge this makes the paint particles spread out evenly over the surface of the wheel even round corners to the back the static also causes the particles to stick to the metal in readiness for the curing process in a special furnace the final step is to heat up the wheels to between 175 and 190 degrees Celsius this melts the paint into a fluid state allowing it to flow together evenly over the surface of the wheel and also bonding it to the metal surface the wheels are then left to bake for 10 to 15 minutes and then allow to cool looking good [Music] and so we've now got the wheels back from the powder coaters which is great they've even put tires on them which is wonderful look at that that is really lovely I think it's to be really really tough with those and the interesting thing is of course he could at any time actually finish them off with a little bit of diamond cutting but actually the outlaw look he's kind of cool too and really fits with what he's doing so let's see what he thinks hi Stan how's it going yeah you being a busy boy yes well I check it out isn't it so I think obviously you've gone for the flack biggie for now obviously you can do the diamond cutting yeah whenever you feel but I think that look is gonna really suit the car quite nicely so let's have a look at see how you get on so it's like you've been quite busy oh very lots and lots of plumbing and wiring and everything else I mean looking good I can't help noticing one tiny little detail now obviously you know this is a GTI and the I standing for injection yet there - whacking great carburetors on here you've actually removed the eye from the GTI here why have you gone for the carbs just because of the sounded more like mom and I like that they look great they are gonna sound absolutely fantastic yeah who cares about fuel economy and retuning fine fair enough now that's cool and also notice the clips are gone see look at that you've actually finished the headlining as well that is wonderful I mean how long did that job take three hours uh-huh no it's quite a tough one but I think also probably it was a bit more pliable once the work so it was warmer yeah which is good so fantastic well well done with that so really just to finish that job off all we need to do is to fit the windscreen it's give it a go [Music] right now first thing if you've got any paracord or some thick wire or something yes the idea is to use paracord or a little bit of wire cable and actually get it in between the gap and the rubber here that's gonna go over the lip the metal lip on the car itself or the others we can work it all the way around to make sure you get a really good seal so we can start pretty much anywhere and what you're doing is putting the wire or the cable all the way through paracord and sort of stuff it actually attaches parachutes to people it's slightly better than Y but this will work it's quite thick what you risk with normal electrical cable or wire is that you could tear the rubber and there's really tight corners you don't really want to do that another thing you can do is you can always put a gold biro actually thread wire through the bar and use that actually parts the rubber as you place it in but this is just as quick really so now we've got our cable all the way around we can now place the screen onto the actual car itself what we want to try and do is hook it's bit of rubber over the bottom edge of the screen first because that's the most important because then the weight of the screen helps push it in place and then we can start pulling the cord round and hopefully get a rubber where we need it when those just put it on the edge there ease it over [Music] with a bit of fiddling between us we get the channel in the rubber over either side of the metal lip of the bottom of the screen frame then we can start pulling out the cord it's easy to miss is where you can tear the rubber if you pull too tightly you kind of cut it against the metal just case it just teasing [Music] just a bit of gentle persuasion there's no need to rush it just your time because again we don't want to rip the rubber but also we don't wanna pull all the headlining out on either it's just a case of judging making sure that the glass is sort of being pulled into the car because if it isn't start again so I'm just gonna roll the rubber so the whole thing leave is the screen in place almost me I'm not using a hammer I'm just using palm of my hand or this to pull my hand still what's happen here but all excited and I'm actually pulled it out so you see that the rubber isn't quite in position so just a bit more working you should get the last bit [Music] I'm using the back of a hook rather than a screwdriver so I can safely get hold of the rubber lip again and then gently stretch it into place [Music] one last push and the screen is now in the headlining is done but there is one crucial job we still have to do and that is convert the drum breaks to disks right well now we've got that wonderful 16-valve engine in your Marquand golf to get you street-legal to get the authorities happy what we need to do is change the drum brakes on the rear here to disc brakes now I've actually taken the liberty of getting those parts there in the van but I notice unfortunately I've already gone to the trouble of renewing your drum brakes last ashame hopefully you can get some money back maybe selling them or sell them to a mate or whatever but in the meantime I'll go get the bits you can crack on the other side on the way here I did actually go to the trouble of getting our new brakes that we need for the back of the golf now these ones are actually the same spec as off the mark two Scirocco which is kind of interesting which obviously means that they are readily available first I need to remove Stan's brand new drums offer the dust cover [Music] then remove the split pin the locking cap [Music] and finally the hub nut with the washer removed I finally get to pull off the bearing with the drum okay that's a bit of a shame so we've got our dust seal here that stayed as part of the drum but the actual bearing the back of the bearing has stayed on the shaft so I need to remove that before I can get the backplate off [Music] I didn't really have to take that bearing off it's a bit tidier obviously means it's easier for students to use this stub axle again so now rather than take all the breaks or fear all I need to do is disconnect the handbrake and undo these four bolts then I should better take the back plate off complete with all the breaking because also need to disconnect break like that back [Music] with the bolts loose but still attached I undo the brake pipe from the slave cylinder [Music] so there is stop axle and then hopefully you can get leaver or you can see I can then get to the hand brake cable so well our drum assembly has now been removed but in the kit we now have a special new stub axle and you can see it's got the bits for the carrier for the caliper now that is gonna sit like so but you can see it's quite a lot of corrosion he'll just gonna clean that back make sure it's a really good fit cuz otherwise your wheels gonna be all in the wrong place so luckily because all these new parts are actually dust free that's handy but at the end of a this rust is still gonna make a bit of us so by wetting it with some brake cleaner I will definitely help minimise any further dust well that's got rid of maybe some of the dust or dirt at least parking still feel a bit of a lip that's what need to do is just take that metal back it's a little bit more I've just gone over it really lightly so I don't want to change the shape but I have now got down to some sort of solid metal and any corrosion there has now been removed so so now we can place our new stub axle in position put it in finger tight first right so they're all nicked up who's gonna talk to that properly very important [Music] right so now I'll stop back to those in position we can pop on the disk and clean it once it's finally in position nice tight fit right it's important to use a new split bin rather than to reuse the old one otherwise it could break from fatigue and the hub nut could get loose okay so that's now in position it's gonna check the run out on our discus to be absolutely sure that it's seated nice apparently for that you another tool from the van excessive run-out can cause unpleasant vibrations when braking for there's a next stage I'm gonna need one of these a dial gauge just to check the run out of the disk right so I've now positioned our dial gauge so the probe is touching the surface of the disk know what I'm worried about is that there might be some kind of wobble or run-out as it's called and of course that would meaning to have horrible brakes and we're looking here and I spin it around we've got a movement of about two three thousandth of a millimeter so we're really good while I've got access it's a great time to use some brake cleaner to clean up any grease or dirt from the surface of the new discs then the caliper carrier can be fitted so just pop on the caliper carrier and it's hold on the two bolts on the back that go into our new dive axle plate okay so then the brake pads in now this is where I need to use a little bit of brake grease just on the edges here we're just on the parts they're gonna be sliding in their active caliper [Music] now we just bolt caliper to the carrier [Music] right perfect so next thing we have to think about is our new hand brake cable obviously this was operating inside the drum brake we need now is a whole new cable which is actually going to connect over here and then because this obviously normally roots on the outside and is clipped to the suspension arm this is actually going to thread on the inside of this tube which is rather natty and keeps it nice and tidy that's very handy [Music] having undone the handbrake cable from the lever inside the car I can pull the old cable out from the guide tube in the chassis then I thread the new cable through the inside of the suspension trailing arm and then the inner cable is threaded back through the guide tube that runs inside the car the outer sleeve of the handbrake cable can then locate into the end of the guide tube so now I have to do is connect this end to caliper to that okay I'll tighten up nicely as soon as we start using the handbrake so a new emergency brake cable is now in position so the last thing to connect up is our hydraulic brake pipe of course that will ultimately connect this caliper all the way to the brake pedal inside the car via the master cylinder [Music] okay so let's now lift up so now just connecting the hard pipe cooler phone apps sometimes its steel or copper just tip the net to the flexi pipe that way of course but the suspension goes up and down the flexi pipe takes up all the slack the hard pipe is less compressible that's all connected up now so we're gonna have to attach that to the chassis to stop it moving around but now our brakes are pretty much complete all we have to do now is bleed the system so now I just need to put some fluid into the reservoir it's okay to fit it over the maximum up because of course we're gonna bleed a whole load of it out through the system to get rid of all of that air we need to remove the air because of course it's compressible which means brakes don't actually work that we get really horrible and spongy so with a car's faster this is gonna be we wanted to be able to stop up down on what up down how's that nice fantastic after bleeding the air out of the brake system from all four corners the only thing that remains is to get those great looking outlaw wheels on fitted with winter tires of course okay so we've now I've got our brakes in order or newly painted wheels are in position got our snow tires on so all the remains really if the take is beautiful 16-valve GTI for a bit of a spin probably quite literally in the snow [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so are you ready yep here we go then come on [Music] absolute again that is fantastic [Music] what does it feel like to finally all feel so also steam valve GT hi it's also the first time you've ever driven this car is it what you were hoping for yes that's fantastic and it definitely has that noise I think your neighbors are gonna really love her come on give me some nice [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what was fantastic well answer awesome so here is your wife Tanya a little silver how old is Sybil two years two years so you actually started this project when you started that project pretty much that's fantastic well look it's been wonderful I think you guys deserve a go in this wonderful car but there's one last thing I need to give you before I let you go check it out this is a GTI child's that you can see it's a same fabric there's actually in your car already so it fits a PTA [Laughter] [Music] awesome should I give you a hand putting it in the car yeah hurdles he feels the need though they were skewed zalman they are tricked little is everybody safe and secure yeah thanks I said well thanks so much it's been wonderful thank you have a great trip one last thing I would do they know GTI it's I think okay safe to go see you later [Music] well that was another successful garage revival if you want me to help you with your unfinished project then dude send me your distress video and preferably from somewhere a bit warmer [Music] [Music]
Channel: Edd China's Garage Revival
Views: 3,968,516
Rating: 4.9518337 out of 5
Keywords: Edd China, Ed China, New Show, New Program, Wheeler Dealer, Wheeler Dealers, Garage Revival, Volkswagen, VW, Golf, Golf MK1, GTI, sti 16v, how to change disc brakes, disc brakes, how to, how to install roof linning, engine swap, norway, driving in snow, powder coating, powder coating wheels, install front windshield, garage repair, mechanic, golf mk1 gti 16v, new engine, fitting new engine, tire, tires, garage, workshop, snow tires, car, auto, cars, autos, Built by Many, jaguar
Id: IaW9Sg5NPyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 28sec (2428 seconds)
Published: Tue May 01 2018
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