Why Did Edd China Leave Wheeler Dealers? | Edd's Departure EXPLAINED | Edd China

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yes i'm afraid it's true and i'm really sorry after 13 years of making wheeler dealers i'm now going to be leaving the show wheeler dealers is a great car show reportedly the biggest on the planet at the moment it is broadcast in about 220 territories around the globe and apparently has several hundred million viewers worldwide now this success would not have been possible without the huge collaborative effort put in by the production team over the years but most of all because of the loyalty and appreciation of our fans who have kept watching in ever increasing numbers around the globe because you kept watching it we kept making it so thank you for that making wheeler dealers is no easy task and every episode requires a massive effort from a dedicated team of people we started all those years ago when a niche channel in the uk was just a small production michael wood and dan allen the founders of attaboy tv and the originators of the show one production manager a cameraman a sound man mike and myself now 135 cars later we have grown to a production team of over 45 staff and we are now entertaining much of the tv watching planet it has been quite a ride it was exactly the worldwide popularity of wheeler dealers and the sheer size of the audience coupled with the lack of product placement and brand endorsements within the show which meant that discovery us and velocity channel saw an opportunity for further exploitation of the brand and so after season 12 the show commission was taken over by velocity channel in the us who decided to replace attaboy tv with discovery studios in california unfortunately on velocity's first attempt to producing the show they found wheeler dealers too difficult to make at least in its current format in particular the detailed and in-depth coverage of my fixtures in the workshop what i consider to be the backbone and usp of the program are something velocity feel should be reduced now the workshop jobs are certainly the hardest part of the show to make and reducing their substance and role in the show will save the production considerable time effort and therefore money however this new direction is not something i'm comfortable with as i feel the corners i was being asked to cut compromised the quality of my work and would erode my integrity as well as that of the show so i've had to come to the conclusion that my only option is to let velocity get on with it without me wheeler dealers has been an enormous part of my life since 2002 a real roller coaster of demanding challenges and triumphant moments it's been a real privilege to meet and work with so many great people and from the workshop to the jaw rides to be allowed to experience so many fabulous cars and amazing locations leaving the show at the height of its success has been a really tough decision to make but i believe the time is right for me to spread my wings sometimes you've just got to break free from the confines of your rut and head for the far horizon i would like to thank attaboy tv mike our incredible crew and everyone who's contributed to making such a great program for all of these years a special thank you must also go out to every one of our fans for watching these past 13 series it has been really great to have you along for the ride your appreciation really does mean so much mike and velocity will continue to make wheeler dealers apparently with ant anstead taking my place in the workshop so new episodes will be on your screens in due course being the new boy is never easy so please give aunt your support i wish him the very best of luck it will certainly be nice to see mike turn up at the workshop with yet another wreck knowing i don't have to do any of the work as for me well i'm already working on some great new projects which will expand my world into new directions and as i have a bit more time on my hands while i'm even going to start putting some things up on my ed china youtube channel so please keep an eye out for that right now though i just feel relieved and exhilarated with freedom and i can't wait to get cracking on the exciting opportunities that lie ahead for years discovery have been encouraging everyone to make your world bigger and that is exactly what i'm now doing ta-da
Channel: Edd China
Views: 11,446,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Edd China, Edd China YouTube Channel, Where can I watch full episodes of Workshop Diaries?, Workshop Diaries full episodes, Edd China workshop diaries YouTube, What is Edd China doing now?, Why did Edd China leave the show?, why did edd china leave wheeler dealers, Why did Mike Brewer and Edd China split up?, edd china wheeler dealers, What happened Edd China on Wheeler Dealers?, Why is Ed China not on Wheeler Dealers?
Id: 8IB15T1LYiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 5sec (245 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2017
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