We Bought The Cheapest GTI In Germany (TURBOS & TÜV)

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welcome to a very special episode of mighty car mods we are coming at you all the way from germany in munich in bavaria a beautiful part of germany now we are here of course to pick up a car that marty has bought off the internet i do understand you've brought it completely sight unseen yeah and you've bought the cheapest version of this car that is absolutely available go on the internet sort by cheapest and that's what you've bought absolutely and this car actually works sure we're about to find out we're about to drive the car for the first time you are coming with us we have got an epic german adventure so come with us on this amazing special of mighty car mods [Music] [Music] [Music] so maddie tell us about this mad car you've bought so i went on the german equivalent of car sales yes sought by cheapest this particular make and model and bang i got us a car that that two-door two-door sports car racing pedigree turbocharged you bought a goal it's black that is ridiculous i got it golf i got a golf look it's a mark iv gti and it's two-door dude we can't get two doors at home this is the same as my old one except two-door and look at it it's so clean i mean it's wet because we're in germany how much was it um it was cheap it was the cheapest one in germany that's two-door gti turbocharged it was just just a smidge over two thousand euros how much is that in australian dollars i know like three grand three grand yeah that's pretty good and it's registered it's registered one of our awesome mates from germany registered it for us yes and um it works as far as i know i haven't driven it yet but he tells me it's been driven here it tells me that it works the door like this door's broken and um the interior's a little bit smelly like a frog's you know and it's there's look it's not perfect but i mean look at it man we're in germany and we have a golf gt i mean let's be honest it's better than that isn't it as far as i know it works it's standard ish and it's going to take us on a mad adventure amazing all right well let's go rock paper scissors for who drives yep one two three every time you always pick chopped that means i get to drive oh thank you oh this is like the good old days how good is it except in my old car i didn't have yawn hello how are you how are you good to see you thank you everybody this is bjorn so a couple of years ago we came and did a little last minute pop-up mighty carmods meet and bjorn uh he came to that meet and he'd made a homemade mighty cardboards t-shirt and when we knew that we were going to come to germany for this epic adventure because we're going somewhere super cool that you're going to find out about soon we're like who can we get to help us and we had a look through the email we found a fan mail from bjorn now here he is thank you hello you didn't believe me when i called you did you yeah i thought it was a fake meal so what happened so after we found the car and chose it then what happened well first of all what happened is you kept a secret squirrel from me there's that and you went and looked at it right i went and looked at it i found a few things that were not so bright and shiny but um yeah it was cheap yeah it was driving that's the main thing about a golf and is it really this is the cheapest working golf gti in germany it was the cheapest one i could find in germany we found another one but it was like it was totally broken broken transmission broken clutch so not world war three okay so we're obviously going on a bit of a road trip a bit of an adventure we've got a secret and excellent final destination that may not be secret for that long but the first thing we're going to do is some mods for the car do you know how and where to do that i know a garage here nearby yeah that's no problem maybe we can go and steal their workshop so we don't get rained on yeah let's do that all right well let's hit the road um maybe i should let you out so you can get in here and then you could come with us but that could be a bit weird so i'll let you out does this car even start did i try starting where's this there's the here we go here we go sounds pretty good that works sounds like a golf all right martin passenger to curb right hand stick very very remember it very strange thing when you are used to driving on the other side of the car it's a bit wet and rainy um but the weather forecast says it's going to improve there's wagons everywhere man so many ways wagons and vans audis vw's porsches something you don't see heaps of in australia but here just every second car is a station wagon mercedes-benz another beamer a yaris another mercedes-benz a honda what's that called again crx crx del sol all sorts of cars german people love cars they do i love german people it feels pretty good it's um it feels like your old one in terms of just a solid car yes it doesn't feel particularly fast but we've only been on little back roads so there hasn't been a chance to open it up yet and these are meant for going on the autobahns yes and this is kind of the first car that i've got a mark for golf tti back in australia and we did a bunch of episodes on that car this is the first time i'd kind of had a little dance a little foray into the kind of european thing and since then as you may know um i've had a mark iii golf a mark four golf two mark fives yep a mark six uh and now my mark seven golf r eleven two quarter mile excellent uh which we'll be doing with this as well no no chance let's begin our mods we've got actually tomorrow we're going to leave munich tomorrow we have 24 hours to completely modify this car and then get it certified wheel aligned and ready to drive a long way yeah so it's like it's going to be a challenge but i'm um i'm confident and i'm excited to to modify i think i'd be happy to drive it as is but the show's not called not called mighty car driver dazzy's no no it's not and we've never shied away from a challenge have we mutton i mean 24 hours is actually a long time for us i mean we've had shorter that's true so all we've got to do is modify this up and then go find ourselves a honda meet yes we're on the outskirts of munich heading to a tiny little shop called fast tuning most of their work is retunes suspension wraps and exhaust modifications because pretty much everything else in germany is illegal the owner ollie used to work at volkswagen and has said that we can use his shop for the day to get our car modified he'll lend us his little portable hoist and some tools and some expertise if we need it and we've got his space for 24 hours the volkswagen golf has been with us since the early 70s and the hot hatch gti version since 1975. ours is a mark iv which was a marked shift towards a more luxurious car bw installed a turbocharged engine which then paved the way for the mark 5 6 and gtis and golf cars mark fours were one of the best selling cars in europe and there's still a common sight on european roads we are here to go to a modified car meet and that means we definitely don't want to show up in a stock car as cool as it might be in stock form so about a week ago or 10 days ago i started ordering a bunch of parts from australia using translating software and got them delivered here so we've got a bunch of cool stuff we've got an exhaust muffler a badgeless grille i've got some coilovers and i've also got these awesome things which are specially made camber shims wheels and tires as well wheels and tires as well which is all there uh so this stuff should all fit the car hopefully now one of the things that's cool about these coilovers they're made in germany but down here you might see it says tov proofed all modifications in germany need this tooth that's not so easy in germany okay everything needs that so you can't modify a car unless it has this yes does that mean though that you can't do many modifications no no okay or if you need the tooth or the people who make the parts have to get them certified which means they're probably more expensive than just whatever else what would happen if we modified the car and it was not taught and the police came what would happen you pick up the car pick up the car they take the car yeah that takes a car no way wow yeah so that means everything that we do needs to be tough otherwise our car goes our feeders in yes and never come back wow so we have luckily twof certified parts yes but then we have to go get it signed off so that we have papers that say that we carry with us that say yes your car is certified with us exactly i like engineering but it's like engineering but done by engineering but even just for basic things it's not actually the worst idea if you can buy the parts which in our case we can but if you're going crazy like imagine trying to do something more wild you couldn't do it you can do it well you couldn't do it legally but so um thank you very much for letting us use your workshop thank you uh we're actually driving out to austria tomorrow so we have just today to do this um so thank you very much nice to meet you thanks nice to meet you legend i like your shoes very much i i really i really like them and i would like to try them on unless that's a bit creepy maybe later thank you [Music] well it actually muffles a lot [Music] is an abbreviation which in english translates to technical inspection association which operates on behalf of the german government to ensure all vehicles in germany meet certain safety standards all imported cars must be torqued or re-registrations of old cars like ours need to be torqued and importantly for us all modifications need to be certified inspected or sometimes both if you are pulled over and don't have the appropriate certificates from both the manufacturer of your parts and the tool of agency themselves your car can be impounded potentially indefinitely as with many parts of the world some people installed uncertified mods and just risk it anyway but here things are fairly strict interestingly if you drive here from another country which can be as little as an hour's drive away you still need to have certifications for your mods while this is a bit limiting we really don't want to be pulled over and we definitely don't want our car taken away after only just getting it so although it's more difficult and more expensive we are doing it all by the book [Music] so it was a real treat when we were working on my mark 7 golf recently that everything was so new and not rusty and not completely shagged like this is but this car's done 200 000 ks in snow and rain and dirt and mud um and you can tell oh there's a little snail up here there's a s car go up there look at this guy look at him he's just been chilling and so those um the bolts that we just took out are just pretty bad they're pretty bad so we're gonna have to either clean them up re-throw them or get some new ones from volkswagen uh which we should be able to do considering we're in germany we're in germany i would hope so we're not that far from the factory um the next step is to then split this bottom collar you actually have to like prise it open yeah and then this just shock just sort of falls out so if we can get that prize open we're good because everything else we're putting in now is new yes so this it's actually worth doing anyone these need to be replaced it has taken us though probably 20 minutes to get one bolt out on the other side so trying to get these shafts out of here i mean there is a tool that splits the back here that hopefully we can get our hands on um this is a couple of hours job for everything we're doing but we're dealing with rust yeah which makes everything two or three times as long all right well let's get to it and try and get these out and then get some new stuff in we are well versed in the art of working on a nugget due to the projects that we've done around the world and some of the cheap cars that we've imported from japan but the cheapest golf gti in germany with over two hundred thousand k's of snow under its belt is something that is a whole new level for us everything is taking so long held on tightly with over two decades of road grime we may need to get creative with the removal of some of these parts and by creative i mean just keep hitting things with a hammer until eventually they fall off yes that spreader tool is amazing never never do this job without one how about we drop the hoist down where's the top off yep get the second bit done extract it it's pretty good that we didn't need to use an angle grinder to cut that spring isn't it no you would really not want to do that because no you wouldn't even if it did get the job done coming down i hope we never need that strut again why it hasn't been cut with an angle grinder hasn't it no but we could weld it back together if we had cut it right not that we would need to because we didn't cut it with an angle grinder to get it out no way whizzing that's the wrong way all right you mcwizzle it and i'll remove it it is unwizzled it's unwizzled okay so give that a little it's got this spin at the top you're gonna have to really remember this one these are really tight for some reason dunski's yes there it is see you later what happened to it i have no idea it's been a couple of men it must have driven very well when it looked like that oh look at that looks like it's been cut we've got to recycle some of those parts well considering that we were going to be doing this on the street in the rain we're pretty lucky that these dudes came and let us use their space because there's bucketing down outside yep and this was look we're making progress but it was harder than we thought just because it is so filthy underneath that car just the condition of everything the rust the dirt the fact that stuff is you know a bit rounded off one good thing about this though is because it hasn't been modified before you're not dealing with any like it's all factory you're not dealing with any surprises like we have been with it either yeah um but now we've got to transfer the top of the factory stuff onto the aftermarket coil over so basically what is the top hat yep bearing steering this is going onto here um our friend bjorn did manage to go to the tall shop and get us some new ones of these which is good because those ones here just are dangerous and for the rears we've got to install these weird little mounts underneath yeah and then these go into that somehow just golf things gold things we're working it out but we're making progress [Music] our coil over kit reuses some of the factory parts to help keep the cost down and to maintain legality interestingly it is possible to certify adjustable suspension but once you're adjusted you're certified for that height only and must have it rechecked if you change it there are also minimum heights that you have to adhere to the install itself is fairly straightforward only made a little bit more difficult by the condition of those factory parts [Music] can you poke the tip up through here i don't know if i can get this up without a jack i reckon if i was to jack off the bottom of it yeah i could get it really oh no it's come up it's come up now it's a really tight fit it needs to be a bit of wetness on the end of it but i'm just going to screw this with my finger i've just covered the whole bottom of it with this um greasy stuff yeah the whole bottom of the shaft and now i've poked it through that big hole with a spreader bar in there i've screwed that on as far as i can for now so i reckon if we um if you keep holding it there i'll jack off underneath there which should get it up and that will push the shaft into the lower hole perfect done that's a good fit yes hang on yep with the fronts done we can get started on the rear these are a little simpler than the front being that they use a separate shock and spring the rear height is adjusted using spring perches that bolt into the rear suspension it's simple but it works we can also recycle the old strut tops from the original suspension [Music] [Music] okay so that took a little bit longer than expected but the front and rear suspension is in we don't know how that's going to sit yet uh we've got it set low so it's going to be low and uh next up we can try and fit our wheels i got our wheels which we have right here these are r3h03s um in anthracite which is like a cool charcoal the gunmetal color um they're by r3 wheels which is cool it's a german company yeah and 12 certified oh they're tough they have to be man or you can't use them so the question is will they fit our mad little golf and also before we had winter tires through the top and now we've got some how's this mutton that's awkward how are you doing you could have done the one that was lined up properly none of them are lined up properly this is the this is the issue sometimes people have i should have got a sock at first mutton but can you just put it through a quick quickly you can because this is really heavy how's that going i'm very close to your ear that's fine is that in is it in that's in enough to hold it on there let's have a look yes that looks good i love it man i like really like it with the black and they're um they're 18s and they look like they're going to fit under really nicely we do have the camber plates if we need them yep but we might put them all on and lower and get our height right first and then if we decide we need to add canberra we can good profile too yeah and it's got um bridgestone pretenders on them german ones yeah excellent that's pretty and yeah like i was saying we had winter tires before which are now ideal when it's not winter and these are not winter tires and um looks pretty good let's have a look very happy with them they look like something you could get as a factory option but look good yeah whereas bedding not particularly larry but i love it it's clean and classy martin so we might smash them all on and um and then drop the cutout and see how it sits oh exciting and then we need to go get a mad german sausage for lunch i need some sauerkraut yep we must be able to get sauerkraut somewhere in germany i reckon and a sausage oh so good let's put the wheels on all right get some sour cream sausage this is the wheels if we want to change our wheels of course they have to be tough certified which does limit buying options you must also have fitment appropriate for your particular car to pass at the inspection station the mark iv gtr stud pattern is 5x100 which is unusual for vws our wheels are r3h3 18 inch alloys with a 35 offset and we're using bridgestone tyres which will clear our guards and importantly the whole combination is able to be certified for the road after a quick test lap we can put the car back under the hoist and fine-tune our ride heights before getting a wheel alignment the results of which are also required for tool low back in uh yeah i'm really happy with the front the back's just got to come up [Music] [Music] so we wanted to get a bit more noise out of the little golf uh back when i had my mark iv gti we put a muffler on the back and it sounded sweet so we want to do the same thing again so marty ordered a three-piece cat-back exhaust three pieces as you can see now i've got a pipe that goes here and then we've also got the muffler which goes back here and if your math is as good as mine you will see that is two pieces now the piece that actually goes up and over here that piece is completely missing do you know where it is no well i do martin it's not here so we contacted the company that made these and uh and said hey can you send it over and they said that because that part was not included in the box it was our fault because we should have looked in the box and if we want that part we have to pay they had three they had we have to pay to get it here they had four boxes three of the boxes are missing this page two piece and one of the boxes is a four piece a four piece that has all the missing bits oh really it's a factory fail okay but the short version is is that if we want to get the piece that we paid for and ordered we have to pay again to get it here no the oil looks like it hasn't been changed for over 200 000 kilometers so we're swapping it out with some fresh stuff we'll also replace the sump plug washer and install a new oil filter volkswagen have been working with castrol for years and co-engineering oil so there are literally millions of vws running on castrol and we're using edge which exceeds all the standard specifications required for the car [Music] while the bonnet's up we're also going to give the car a quick service and check all the fluids you'll often find that if the owner has neglected doing oil services they've probably neglected the other parts of the car as well like spark plugs and filters [Music] [Music] [Music] so we've got lots of stuff done today and martin it is exactly midnight back in australia where we were yesterday it feels like it it's this week it's really interesting especially when you're inside and you can't really tell what time of day it is but at least we are powered by sauerkraut sausage and mustard soda which is what we had for lunch yep but um we got lots of stuff done today i mean coilovers are in yeah and adjusted wheels and tires yep all done we've got our grill on we fully serviced it and yeah it's only really now the muffler and exhaust stuff to sort out yeah but we need to go and get a wheel alignment so apparently there's a shop just around the corner that will do it for us so we just got to take it up there yeah and so basically after the wheel alignment's done then tomorrow morning it'll go to the tov uh to be inspected is slash signed off you don't want to cross the border apparently without like and so going from germany to austria because that's where we're going tomorrow uh without the 12 is a really um well it's risky i'm sure people do it and maybe if you live here you know the ins and outs but it's not a good idea and i really don't want my car confiscated yes we've had very firm advice not to do that so we do that um and we're good to go we have had word from this exhaust company that um they're going to try and send this piece that they didn't send us we don't have to tool the exhaust which is weird different level of service but we do have to talk that we've got a different grill yeah it makes total sense so welcome to germany but anyway there it is so let's uh let's take it up get an alignment we'll drop it down off the hoist um that looks pretty good cool needs a cleanup now we've covered it into it oh and um it's missing some wheels so let's put those on before we come down yeah okay we meet like this i feel like we've been here before martin i just touched your beard that was feel like you've done this before at some point martin it's really awkward oh no don't don't lick my tool being that we have completely changed our suspension setup we will require a four wheel alignment after setting our desired and legal ride height back at the workshop now the camber and tow adjustments will make sure we're not scrubbing out our tyres we'll be given a full report which we'll have to take with us to our next inspection [Music] it's a brand new day and a beautiful chilly german morning and today's a big one because we're on our way to the tov to get approved hopefully now we've got a bunch of paperwork that came with our mods that means they're able to be tuv approved but that doesn't mean your car's actually approved yet you've got to go and get it signed off yep so today's going to be a big day we're going to hit the tov then hopefully we're going to get those exhaust parts that we ordered that are coming from about 700 or eight hundred kilometers away we've got to fit them then pack the car and then we've got to drive a few hundred kilometers cross the border into austria and then the party will begin so let's hit it martin actually i'm on wait which side that side that's that one never endingly confusing the wheel alignment went well yesterday which is good so the car should feel good now oh my door's broken of course because it's a 2 000 euro nugget thank you mate hit it to the tool tool it up mate this is it the moment we've been waiting for we're on our way to a tub inspection station in munich and this will decide the outcome of the rest of our road trip it's actually quite nerve-wracking anybody with a modified car knows the feeling of having to have someone go through your car in absolute detail so we're getting all of our paperwork in order to give us the best chance of passing we've got all of our stuff that we need here this is our coilover tov certification we've got our muffler and exhaust certification if that actually arrives hopefully we do and then we've got our wheel alignment tool of information and so hopefully our car gets towed martin well yeah that's that's the that's the hope otherwise you are driving illegally or having to put it back to stock or we're getting a train or we're putting it back to stock or maybe we're getting a train yeah maybe we're getting in front we'll find out we attempted to modify a car in germany so fingers crossed everybody for the tough we've arrived and our little gti is about to go under the microscope and marty is not happy i don't like it it's makes me nervous like this this situation they're just straight into it mate look at this this situation is just nervy look at that a car is taken into an examination bay and a tough inspector will go through it to see if all of our modifications are legal this process can take up to an hour but i can tell you it felt like a lifetime we've just been called inside and they've got some news for us yeah oh thank you very much awesome man thank you rusty legend we have our tough everybody we're certified no trains um i don't know what it says but something along the lines of we shall not be arrested it's got a stamp and a big signature and it says two of so i'm saying that's a yes let's put an exhaust on let's go we go to austria amazing thank you tom these guys i'll feed you soon bye bye thank you our little golf is legal which is awesome but surely this tour is just a bureaucratic process i mean as if anyone's actually going to check a modified car and that's when we heard the sirens we are getting pulled over oops my license is in their car [Applause] um we speak english but my translator is in this car here okay in this car yes okay okay i'm sorry i only know very little but i need your travel lesson an international license yes i got a german license in this car [Applause] we've just been pulled over they're checking his license and his international licence which is a translation of the uh the australian license it's not actually a license itself it just helps police officers who may not speak english or read it to know that it's legit and in date and that's my kid was i doing something wrong no it's just a normal stop oh okay good [Applause] like drug test please oh yeah okay [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] is [Applause] thank you why did he pull you over just a normal oh no that's the first time i've pulled over in my entire life really thank you guys thank you really so they just said you are the typical guys for drugs and you look you look like drug that's not what you say yeah and they said oh you know that that's a typical guys to taking drugs and that's why we pull you over oh because the hats and the hoodies and yeah right that's why they pulled you over really yes they were afraid that you have taken drugs well and i told them that you are here for for work and i'm a friend of yours who has ah okay then it makes sense how long are you staying here yeah next next tuesday we are going to the what is it okay have a nice journey wow it's the first time i've needed my international license well good on our way then we look at the kinds of guys that deal drugs we look like they're kind of we look like drug dealers and you know it's funny we had the tunes plan we're doing these ones you know modified gti that's lowered on yeah i mean i'm just we're rolling along with hoodies hats in a modified car we don't look dodgy at all black hoodies on came the sirens i love our honesties as well you look like the kind of guys that would deal drugs yeah oh good okay thank you cheers germany hey get a reefer man [Laughter] all right we are back in the game people um full credit to the exhaust people they actually got it here they got it here overnight from 700 k's away so that is excellent which means now we can somehow chop off or exterminate the rust that is holding on the current system um put on our three piece we've got the two pieces over there we've now got this one here um it can go up man it can go up up up uh and then we are off to austria so let's get to it [Music] the original factory exhaust is rusty due to our climate at home we rarely see rusty spout at our exhaust as they aren't covered in snow for months of the year this one still functions quite well but we want more [Music] interestingly unlike many of our other mods our new exhaust doesn't require an inspection and comes pre-certified for noise and emissions it will open up the cat-back section of our exhaust and add some volume without breaking any laws it's one of the simplest mods you can do and a very popular option here in germany [Music] okay martin it's down start her up mate [Music] awesome it actually sounds good yeah like it actually sounds like an exhaust i would run like it's not too loud yeah it's got good tone to it yeah that'll be part of the whole tv thing is that it can't be like crazy that it looks cool though it looks really good like considering it's no cut out for it that just spits it actually looks exactly like on those old like need for speeds and stuff like midnight club or whatever when you add an exhaust to one of these because you've raced some guy on one two bucks stick one of those on and there it is um what are we gonna do stick some stickers on let's just throw some stickers on and let's get a mad schnitzel for lunch and then go to australia sounds good i got some awesome bonnet-sized chopsticks made up at home and brought them over with me so we could add some artistic effect to our rather sensible golf gti decals and vinyl are legal but it depends where you put them we're going to remove the bonnet and take it outside so we don't risk affecting the rest of the car why is the bonnet off well we're taking it outside to give it a custom paint job but before we do that we're putting on a bunch of our favorite stickers [Music] we're also installing a massive chopped finger sticker on the roof that we had custom made spraying the whole area with water first helps get the sticker aligned before squeezing out the water and then pressing it into place [Music] we've got this mad stencil that marty got made before we left australia and we're going to use the colors that are inspired by the german flag which is yellow red and matte black matte black um we're not actually doing a flag but we're kind of getting some of those colors on there we're going to dust them on then we're going to rip the stencil off and then we're on our way to austria the artistic vision is actually martin we should as we do this we should be eating schwagel because we are artists after all schwagel is a very strange looking vegetable look at that um that you can buy in germany for just a couple of weeks a year uh and the schwagel is a delicious delicious vegetable that you eat while you spray paint your bot that's rough man just eat it while you spray it'll bring out the german art all right let's do it we're doing this yep [Music] with the bonnet back on the car then we can remove the stencil to reveal our epic chopped finger german inspired bonnet and with that we're back on the road making our way towards the highway so we can head south east towards the austrian border where we're hoping the weather's going to be much better it turns out the weather is even worse and we are in a torrential downpour [Music] so it's been a seriously crazy rainy trip on the way to austria today but we are about to cross the border we're going to be leaving germany there's been heaps of traffic jams and the interesting thing is people have done this thing that when the traffic slows down everyone moves over to the left and everyone moves over to the right so that if emergency vehicles need to get through they just go straight through the middle which seems to make a whole lot of sense now as we go through martin i do believe right see that there boom we're in austria martin austria awesome we made it our car's growing going really really well drive's nice the wheel alignment's excellent the exhaust isn't too loud it's great so we're pulling off the autobahn now going towards salzburg yep and villa and uh we've got about uh 220 k's to go until we get to our epic destination and uh apparently it's going to be raining the whole time and it is a little bit sketchy driving uh on this autobahn in the pouring rain but our car is doing really well i'm glad we're not in a nugget i'm glad it's got like a proper alignment good tires yeah it would be scary otherwise yeah and i do believe martin that just out here is uh the location where they filmed the sound of music where they filmed the hills are alive with the sound of what what what we've been pulled over by the police again as we took an off-ramp to get some fuel for the car i have no idea why they think we look so dodgy we're just a couple of dudes in hoodies and a lowered golf but with the tank full we can get back on the highway where no doubt will be pulled over and checked again but at least we've got our almighty tough certification so they can't take our car [Music] after a couple of hours of driving in some of the worst weather we've ever experienced we finally made our way to our hotel in austria and fingers crossed the weather's going to be much better tomorrow so it's a very rainy morning here in austria um it's been raining for the last couple of days but we are just 10 minutes away now from our final destination which is worth the sea and at werthesea is the gti festival and we're going in a gti which seems very appropriate it's been going since about 1981 it's one of the biggest car shows in europe yes and so we expect that there's going to be a huge number of people there today today's a public holiday in austria and also father's day so it's going to be a big one and over here in europe they do not let the rain stand in the way of a good day out so we're going to make our way down to rife knits m worth of sea which is by the lake here then make our way into the festival and no doubt we will be seeing some slam-tastic and incredible cars today saturday 30 jab 30 yeah dude i don't think i don't think that's euros man euros man hold that pretty sure that's the end of that do you have euros so we are in people we are through security we're in life niche we're into the town so i think that's like a checkpoint to actually get into the town itself yes and then the festival is within the town dude look is that a mark seven yeah you're people i'm seeing a lot of really low cars is this a stance meet i don't know martin this could be a euro stands me it's austrian carmate i like the idea of a meat in a whole town though look at it whoa this is awesome look at it man this is crazy we have a parking spot somewhere dude we're in like look at the g look how many gti's are here this is amazing look at that little slammed green one up there this is epic mad beetle this is epic we've arrived at werthesea one of the biggest car mates in europe and the biggest volkswagen event in the world held in rifnitz in austria this sleepy town by the lake is taken over once a year and gets absolutely vw crazy golf gti fans have been flocking here since 1982 and since the original meet back then now all sorts of cars are welcome ranging from modern classics and of course the highly modified tov be gone in fact a bunch of cars got impounded making their way here this year so toov or not at your own risk this four-day event actually turns into a multi-week car extravaganza with fans arriving early to hang out cruise and enjoy the amazing drives on offer this event is absolute heaven for volkswagen lovers from all over the world but i'm pretty sure we're the only ones from australia that have brought our own gti to this epic festival [Music] i could be the one you'll [Music] let me be the one i know [Music] oh the highway to nowhere nothing lost [Music] with the flames [Music] our souls are sold in pieces we fade away a million tiny [Music] when we were directed down a small lane and that's where we found our parking spot in the middle of the main stage volkswagen organised for us to bring our car to the people of werthesea and we're about to present the cheapest golf gti nugget we could find with a day's worth of tough approved mods to the discerning crowd at the biggest vw meet in the world [Laughter] hey long way from australia it sure is we're still jet lagged it feels like midnight what's going on but you just arrived yeah um two days ago and we bought the cheapest registered gti on the internet in germany what does it mean what it was 2 000 euros the cheapest golf gti on the internet and then we had one day to modify it yesterday and then drove it here last night so it was standard it was totally standard no wheels no suspension no mods nothing you you bought a standard car but with a standard car to a gti vertical meeting it's not pretty cool so you're modified so we've done wheels tires coilovers exhaust a little bit of custom paint um some stickers and decals and then we're hoping this afternoon we're going to do some tuning as well because back at home i have a mark 7 golf r with a full revo package on it i've done a 11.2 second quarter mile zero to 100 in 2.9 seconds so we went to the revo tent and they're going to tune our car this afternoon before we leave before you leave yeah this is the right place to come yeah to get more mods for your golf okay what is the plan when you go back we're going to slovenia for lunch later today and then we'll go to australia tomorrow and we'll try and sell this tonight thank you thank you very much oh yes oh fan drive hey so you are an official member here yeah congratulations thank you thank you sydney thank you sydney i'd like to congratulate you on your beard because it's very soft and you have wonderful shoes and i'd also like to say a massive thank you to volkswagen for helping us get here because we've done some crazy things to volkswagens and we never thought they would help us come here to do more crazy things so thank you very much volkswagen we're now going to slovenia for lunch yep and then back to australia so thank you very much thank you thanks all the way from sydney australia to worth a seat in our own little golf nugget now we can go and park up check out some of the incredible cars and meet some mcm fans who've come to the festival [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] worth a sea is absolutely epic amazing cars scenery food and of course the people if you're an automotive tragic like us then it should definitely be on your bucket list a massive thank you to volkswagen for having us at the event and that's farewell to the 38th worthersee now we're going to hit the highway and try not to get arrested
Channel: Mighty Car Mods
Views: 4,550,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mighty, car, mods, mcm, MCM, moog, marty, turbo, how, to, diy, do, it, yourself, worthersee, VW, golf, mk4, mk7, volkswagen, road trip, fasttuning, coilovers, exhaust, austria, germany, modification, euro, stance
Id: 4yO1S-zICX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 57sec (2937 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2019
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