EDC Drink Prices Are Astronomical | MoistCr1tikal

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did WWE ever go through with that gambling thing no it's still dead in the water but you know who had a successful gambling thing is DAV Busters DAV Busters is introducing gambling to their arcade games uh I think in a month I think it's coming in a month I guess it doesn't have like a set date I thought it was like a month out though thanks Sid thanks I'm Fergie in the membership spaced wait and David Buster is technically gambling but for kids uh kids can't gamble through the app I don't think here let me see it's been a minute since I brushed up on how this works offering social wagering on its apps customers can soon make a friendly $5 wager on a Hot Shots basketball game bet on ski ball competition or other arcade games the betting function expected to launch in the next few months will work through the company's app uh said there will be a limit placed on the size of bets it will allow but that they're not publicly disclosing that threshold just yet lucra set across its history the average bet size has been 10 bucks yeah I guess it doesn't say let me see what the news report said about it maybe it's there thanks membership WXYZ hope you have a good day as the company pushes into a new Arena to potentially make some competition between customers just just a littleit lucrative our contesta Brewers at CNBC HQ with much more in this story Contessa I feel like you're pretty competitive how excited are you about this I mean I think that this is a real I know all about Golden you've got this arcade giant David Busters taking its games to a whole new level by offering social wagering on its app and once this launches in the next few months it could mean a friendly $5 wager on a hot shot B it's not oh here we go yeah must be 18 plus so it's here there's nothing as there's no such thing as like a friendly wager the second you introduce alcohol and gambling to the arcade games it stops being friendly that's going to cause so many [ __ ] fights thanks for the membership because competition at the arcade that takes place on the app as long as the players are at least 18 years old the company share price is up more than yeah that's what I thought was cool about it f and this new technology the company thinks could increase oh is that true I'm the English voice of guts as well as the sound director for Studio Eclipse berserk oh [ __ ] yeah no like I was saying on stream yesterday it's extremely high quality I'm very excited for that yeah feel free to hit me up I'd love to know more about Studio Eclipse he hopefully everything looks up for you soon odium engagement from it's 5 million loyalty members and 30 million unique visitors annually to more than 200 venues it is partnering with lucre it's a software company that specializes in real money contests that its Founders say bypass gambling regulations and Licensing so in 44 why is that a good thing why are we celebrating that hey we specialize in loopholes around gambling regulations so we can introduce gambling into your companies been saying it for about a year now gambling is the future of pretty much every like facet of life like anything entertainment is going to have gambling parts to it it's crazy how normalized it's become in America unbelievable how quickly it's happened happened Jesus Christ that's awful Dorito I haven't touched dark and darker in a while but I I will return to it at some point oh yeah gambling in Australia is actually just as bad New South Wales I think is the number one gambling place in the entire world I did forget about that it actually might be a little bit better over or a little bit worse over there probably not shinku but we'll see States it offers games that allow friends to bet against each other on say their own tennis matches social gaming is estimated to be a billion we don't need to go through the whole thing that was the gist of it gambling's coming to dve and Busters as re Kinsey did you see the ludicrous drink prices at EDC 2024 they're selling cheap alcohol for literal thousands and even regular water is $90 I saw someone made a post on Twitter about the EDC drink prices but I didn't really look at it let me see I'll look into a dragon that sounds like [ __ ] I'm sorry to hear it where can I find the oh here we go this is pathetic EDC l oh man you know what else is pathetic since everything is harvesting my data at every given moment now Google has optimized my ads so now it's nothing but magic cards everywhere Charles we know you like magic dangling the carrot oh [ __ ] it's in the it's in me now oh God it's putting the drugs right in front of me it's taunting I appreciate it Demetri I'm wishing you the best with that stay strong thank you for the kind words this is pathetic EDC Las Vegas drink prices Skyrocket to the thousands a six-pack of water would have set you back $90 is that right the Electric Daisy Carnival AKA EDC the Coachella of EDM has come under Fire after bottle service menu from their Marquees Sky Deck bar was posted Instagram prices shown go as high as $94,000 for 12 L of champagne and even a mere six-pack of water would have set you back 90 bucks the cheapest alcohol on offer was a sixpack of Heineken or Bud Light for 140 bucks holy [ __ ] you got to be the biggest [ __ ] loser to actually pay those prices oh that's shameful oh that's so embarrassing if anyone pays for that it doesn't matter how rich you are you're a [ __ ] clown if you pay for that yeah you'd have to be a turbo schmuck let me see hold on let me see the picture that leaked because I don't think it's this one right someone said theer though has it I just want to see like the whole menu real quick re wolf pack hey [ __ ] yeah reum do Twitter because I don't really use Discord so tweet it at me so I can take a peek agreed with that obes where is this picture on deserto you have to swipe on on this oh thanks all right what do we got for vonka a kettle one 950 bucks Grey Goose 975 bucks and then a Bader Magnum 1,700 bucks oh my God Jack Daniels 8755 brother you better give me like half the factory for that price are you kidding me oh my God a white claws 150 clams a tier one runt thanks Crusader and maybe at some point I'll play it and here's your Waters so sixpack of Smart Water 90 they're offering Prime there which is also 90 Ghost energy which I'm guessing is a sponsor 90 Jesus Christ and yeah here's the the big ticket item the notorious EDC one methosa 6 leer of Don Peron brute and one methyl methyl son six liter of Don Peron Ros if you buy this you just get sent Straight to Hell the Lord forsakes you that's so cringe you [ __ ] those names right up I've never seen these words I don't know what a methus Cella is that sounds like a commander in Magic the Gathering I don't know I don't know this [ __ ] I feel like I've heard Don peran in like a a movie before but I don't know any of these man maybe Jay I don't know maybe at some point give some panda is EDC has any okay how about this has anyone here been to EDC has it always been like this or is this brand new have the prices always been this ridiculous it looks like most people are saying though this is new plethora this is just for the VIP Club well yeah but the VIP clubs always existed right this is for a Sky Bar or something yeah Sky Deck bar which I don't think they've just erected there just for EDC like I'm sure that's been there for a while let me see and I'm wondering if the prices have always been like this Sky Deck bar was opened in 2021 membership Ethan Christopher case a guy who got plausibly killed by a Witch's Curse that is a crazy hook I'll have to check that out than membership Nash who was it Christopher case okay I'll check it out there a resub ner I know isn't that crazy Miller oh well the 3-day ticket to EDC is 500 or $379 I actually thought the tickets to EDC would be significantly more expensive what if they mistyped and it's saying 850 no I don't think this is a typo they probably would have come out and set the records straight immediately happy birthday ocelot re curious well I don't know which one's accurate foot long I guess maybe arrival congrats on the marriage emis thank you for that there a 100% just cuz they can well yeah I'm sure they'll get some customers I mean you only need a couple whales right to make this profitable so I'm sure it's not going to be a failure form or anything but it's still embarrassing I wonder if Sky Deck bar said anything about it also is this like normal for them let's see where's their menu live webcam okay uh well this is what Sky Deck bar looks like right now I guess cool I'm guessing that the prices aren't normally like thousands of dollars for a single shot of whiskey or whatever CU I bet watching this live cam you would probably see people throw themselves over the edge so I'm assuming they're just jacking it up for EDC there's a receipt online of someone spending over 200k at EDC 2022 did they get laughed at relentlessly cuz they deserve to get bullied for that an EDC yeah wow wait this is normal these goobers actually do just pay this a supposed receipt from the VIP bar at EDC Las Vegas shows an astronomical $323,000 tab wow here's the grand finale I speechless wow what a [ __ ] loser there a prime medieval the membership Tire I'm sorry to hear that Anonymous it'll get easier I'm sure Emanuel a plane went missing today in Seattle possibly Boeing whistleblower situation he worked for a law form that's worked with Boeing for years he was a skilled pilot and had one parachute that's horrifying thanks membership Eric oh well hey look wait this guy actually bought the wait it looks like their prices are cheaper this year this guy bought a $100,000 Ace of Spades brute and a $90 Ace Rose Ros the the highest they offer this year is 94,000 and then the second highest is 54k they're actually being far more financially conscious they're basically giving those away now it was a lot worse in 2022 some Dooms I guess here I'll give everyone a little uh Pro tip here I would say if any of you live in Las Vegas over the next like week weekend some change do everything possible to work at Sky Deck bar for EDC cuz the gratuiti on this is like absurd a $46,000 tip and all you had to do is bring like two shots of whiskey and then a little bit of champagne uh anything you can get that job [Music] oh yeah that multivers trailer came out I haven't seen it yet check it out I'm betting they don't get that gratuiti yeah I'm sure they take a percentage of tips as well they seem like to kind of place that would I know isn't it nuts Arc what is the this is such a [ __ ] sham they're add fee of 9% $2,848 what is the admin fee what in the [ __ ] could you possibly be scalping for that that's a $9 service charge we had to uh open the bottle takes a lot of paperwork to run a card that is true than membership Noah I I'm not expecting it to be Noah but I'm going to try it and we'll see man this oh my God this place makes a killing off these idiots holy [ __ ] oh yeah wait no the water was cheaper back then 75 bucks now it's 90 damn you Biden you're ruining our EDC prices this guy spent 167 Grand made it clear that it wasn't theirs oh yeah yeah no no I don't think the actual Twitter account is this like I don't think this guy is this check I'm sure he just saw this and posted it I'm just talking about the actual guy whoever did this and this oh really wait far from weak ran a scam recently that loser I'll have to check that out no the first I heard of that Crusader a prime Jason 70,000 in tips is crazy hey that's what I'm saying if any of you live in Vegas right now try your absolute best over the next week or two to get a job at Sky Deck bar Whatever It Takes by any means necessary these tips are ballistic you playing Gears War this week uh it depends on how long hellblade 2 is yeah who knows Archer maybe that is it I gu I'm waiting for the whole thing to come out no that was just part one of solo leveling than membership ipren apparently if you buy a drink at Marquee Sky Deck they would also give you you a golf cart ride to your table oh so that must be like the admin fee oh wow okay now it makes so much sense that's so cool wow letot them on their website right now let me see let's take a 360 Tour so this is different from normal Sky Deck right this is a total separate one I'm pretty [Music] sure this is Maris Sky Deck let's go this way [Music] whoa wow this actually looks straight out of John Wick cool look oh whoops whoa whoa whoa getting busy cool looking dance area that's for sure actually it looks less out of John wian more like out of Max pain 3 when he goes through that club they've also got inverted flight controls and it's throwing me off let's go this way what's over here God Jesus just oh there's another Dance Floor this is a cloud bar probably only 50 grand for a shot of urine what's this way who are these who are these guys who do you know here how much did you pay why can't I go there you see the MLB Red Sox picture get busted in a sting oh I did see that trying to meet an underage person ex a prime void dubstep room from Black Ops too maybe why can't I go this way I'm guessing that's not part of mares Sky Deck this can't be the whole facility right just this one area oh my God fix your controls oh no no no there's multiple dance floors I think no no no no wait that's not multiple dance floors I just went back to the same one looks like there's another bar oh no wait this where I started this is the smallest venue of all time what oh no wait here here's something kind of cool Ser a boomer oh my God it's like a bad point in Click game no this really is just an extremely small venue sleep ball Anonymous hey [ __ ] yeah Andre I'll definitely check that out I really appreciate it the work looks extraordinary I'm super super super hype for berserk all right what a piece of [ __ ] that place looks terrible 100K for drinks in a two-bedroom apartment with a dance floor yeah I'm more I think again I do think those are two separate places but I bet the prices there aren't any better than membership glowing [Music]
Channel: Moist Charlie Clips
Views: 20,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PETsVbv7jTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 54sec (1434 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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