Does Trapping Predators Actually Work? & More | MoistCr1tikal

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what are your thoughts on all the kick streamers moving on to catch Predators so that's something I've been super vocal about in the past like catching Predators is a great service to provide it's just really sad when it doesn't lead to anything like with them getting arrested and sometimes it actively hinders investigations and leads to them staying free but overall there have been cases where like a YouTuber or something does a predator catching piece of content and that Predator actually does face repercussions so overall I I think it's a good thing more or less as long as it's handled well do you think they're fake that I have no clue I haven't actually been keeping up with them I just know it's become a big Trend I I don't know if they're real or not I don't know that'll be a crazy thing to agree to though pretending to be a predator for streamers you'd have to be paid a ton of money Tyson verse Paul you watching oh you just reminded me uh maybe it'll come up here this is going to be a complete [ __ ] joke I said this from the get-go I told you this is going to be dog [ __ ] so they had this stare down a few days ago and they were just both laughing like they're not taking it seriously they were literally giggling like school children this is going to be the biggest sham biggest waste of time to watch I also think Mike's being paid to take a fall re Sub Zone and Strone and kind of Tyler just nothing to bring them back can we get a deck list shout out for one of your commander decks uh I don't know how i' show the deck list but here's my searan deck in here I played it tonight I won tonight was magic night we get like 20 something people that show up every Thursday for Magic but it's not like a great deck to be honest it's something Ryan and Drew put together that uses all the cards I collected in 2016 2017 when I was big into collecting magic so like all my masterpieces are in here basically or like a lot of them so it's not the most cohesive deck and it's mainly just for fun for a lot of voting so like displacer kitten to keep blinking my seared in so everyone keeps voting the prime forest and the tier one gamer Steve in the prime metal I hope everything's all right Ashley and happy birthday Lane no I've never heard of that midcourse thanks for the membership or the gift sub smelly yeah I know that puff I did I mentioned that play the video I can't this would absolutely get slapped by Jake Paul but it's not even worth watching like I said they just literally laugh at each other that's it they literally don't take it seriously it's just going to be a waste of time as I said from the very beginning I imagine there's a no knockout Clause but now I'm changing that take I think there is a no real contact Clause I bet this is going to be like playing with Soccer Boppers they're not going to be trying to win I think Mike Tyson has been paid to take a fall Jake's going to get another W on another old man and be like yep I'm the [ __ ] I'm the best you see Mike Tyson said Jake Paul gave him an erection what wow that's [ __ ] hardcore staredown pre-fight talk hey [ __ ] you buddy you gave me a boner and I'm a beat your ass for it cuz I liked you too much did you really say that let me see this is a weird Google I just typed in Mike Tyson Jake Paul erection Mike Tyson said 16-year-old Jake Paul gave him an erection what the [ __ ] what does that mean huh he said he wanted to kiss you that's so ironic that he said that cuz I saw a picture of him dancing at 16 doing that little dance on YouTube and for some reason I had to reject erection what in the [ __ ] why huh what even setting aside the 16-year-old comment that he made there why would you do this at your pre-fight conference where you're supposed to be [ __ ] talking oh he said he wanted to kiss me huh well that's weird cuz I I remember when I used to get boners about him wait what is this it's not even a fight I'm still in fisherman island of one piece I haven't watched in months membership Sky I don't know about that mini but that's super sweet ultimate [ __ ] talk I think you could probably make that work not the 16-year-old comment there that one you cooked yourself on big time that has a [ __ ] massive self-report on Tyson but if you wanted to play that angle like I think that could be interesting like if you're about to fight the guy and you're like I don't even want to fight him I just want to [ __ ] him he's such a good-look guy why don't you put those put those fists down get that dick out like I bet you could make it really like infuriating for the other guy who's trying to take it seriously but that is not the angle Tyson was going for here at all I don't know what happened there yeah like I said I'll probably play through three New Vegas and four at some point don't know when though I do play Magic the Gathering I just started so I'm still just barely past the learning phase it's so much fun though I love magic Commander is so good thanks for you sub Mamba are you going to watch the worm Charming championship in June the worm Charming championship and no I never really played Webkins thanks to the membership Frenchie what is worm Charming Championship oh it's this I remember this we watched their old like one of their old championships there the prime [Music] makeo the [ __ ] is this they're trying to summon worms so the more worms that you can get out the the higher you place in the standings apparently worms like a lot of noise and vibration and no just within reason classy a prime MSG thanks Malachi I'd bring my own worms and cheat that's true you could definitely cheat at this but then you I don't know there's honor among worm Charmers I would think yeah you could easily cheat here just by bringing your own yeah we talked about the the lady that brought her dead uncle to the bank for a loan that was a couple weeks ago well the gifts is just the money amount Jordan not like a set of gifts and just something within reason Jordan is all for an amount as a prime Dino [Music]
Channel: Moist Charlie Clips
Views: 52,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2GvOirJ2SiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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