Ed Sheeran - Castle On The Hill [Official Music Video]
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Channel: Ed Sheeran
Views: 450,844,728
Rating: 4.8838811 out of 5
Keywords: Ed Sheeran, Castle On The Hill, Ed Sheeran Castle On The Hill, Castle On The Hill Song, Ed Sheeran Official Video, Castle On The Hill Official Video, Ed Sheeran music, Ed Sheeran Lyrics, Castle On The Hill Lyrics, Ed Sheeran 2017, divide, Ed Sheeran divide, Ed Sheeran 3rd album, Ed Sheeran songs, Pop, Pop Music, Official Music Video, Ed, Sheeran, Ed Sheerin, EdSheeran, Ed Sheran, English Songs, Singing to tiny dancer, over the castle on the hill, I'm on my way, driving at 90
Id: K0ibBPhiaG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 48sec (288 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2017
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this was nice
This song is probably my favorite song he's ever made and this video made me tear up a bit not gonna lie
The video is steeped in British nostalgia, probably why it's lost on most here.
Young Ed looks so much like Ed!!
The Castle shot at the end makes it
I think this video captured a vibe and atmosphere that fit really well with the song. personally I expected it to be a bit more dramatic but the simplicity of it is very like Ed to do so I'm okay with it.
sobbing emoji
What SUV is Ed driving? Is it a Range Rover?
Damn he lookin gud 👀
I really enjoyed this video, it was so sweet and captured the vibe of the song completely imo.
I saw comments on twitter & youtube who were complaining about it being too boring...?? But I think that's the point???
It was about how him and his friends used to spend all their time smoking, drinking, watching sunsets, chatting around a fire... and how much he loved that time in his life. I'm only one year out of high school and I found it relatable and touching!