Ecwid eCommerce Consultation 1 [SEO, Traffic, Google Shopping, Horizontal Menu, Shipping]

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okay so this is actually the first time I'm doing this but I've been working with ecwid like well I've been building ecuador's for quite a long time now it's been since 2014-15 so yeah I've built over 150 stores since then and I've gained a lot of experience with a lot of different entrepreneurs and yeah I was thinking that it could be cool to have a free consultation and provide advice to current ecwid users and answer your questions so here the questions that I received so far I had a question from Deborah about vertical and horizontal menus and tabs for product descriptions so we'll have a look at that I had a question from King about how can I prevent people copying designs I create on t-shirts that's an excellent question and the most cost effective way to use equity to gain the most amount of customers and drive traffic to my store I think that's a question that's gonna answer that's going to interest everyone on this chat so I'll go into detail about driving traffic and increasing sales then I had a question from Nisha about is there a way to improve SEO other than filling in the metadata on descriptions absolutely and I'm super excited about that question because I have something that most of you probably don't know about if you're not you know doing SEO every day and then Google Shopping campaigns through ecwid is there any advantage of doing so so that's an excellent question and I've currently been testing it out so I'm really excited to talk to you about that and then Seth asked me better ways to present information and work around with ecwid problems Seth if you could specify that question a little bit more it'll help me and I'll have a look at the chat later on to make sure that I get to that question and fully answer the problems that you're having with ecwid currently and see if I know any workarounds for that all right so that you I'll let you specify your question while I get started here okay Debra is not on the chat right now but I want to make sure I answer your question vertical and horizontal menus and tabs for product descriptions there is a way to present your products and ecwid so that you have your categories and your products presented at the top I'm gonna demonstrate this on my screen really quickly let's see care if I can present my screen I'm gonna present now hopefully you guys will be able to see my screen yes excellent so I'm going to give you an example of a client that hat is using this right now she owns a library with so many products she has the one of the biggest product inventory I've ever seen so this is how its presented your horizontal categories and equites so you have your categories and your subcategories and you can classify everything and this menu is mobile responsive ecwid just sent me the new code for it so I have the new code that is gonna adapt to mobile but she has a lot of categories so kind of goes over here but yeah this is easy to do in ecwid here I'm going to show you the plugin that allows you to do this I found a plug-in if you would like to have product images within your menu also the thing is the plug-in is $5 a month which honestly as an entrepreneur I feel like there's not that much added value to have a menu I'd rather have something that's really gonna you know help me with my conversions and increase my sales I feel like a menu is good to have it's cool but there's workarounds to make sure that you're not paying five dollars a month for a menu so in that case if you'd like to learn how to set this up I'll have the link here I will be sending you these links at the end of our chats so don't worry if you would like to have them also if you're watching this on YouTube right now they're in the product they're in the video description so just scroll down and you'll be able to access these so you can generate your code here all you have to do is go get your store ID and your store ID of course is available at the bottom of your ecwid control panel all you have to do is copy paste that number here and it will generate the code for you now if you follow this tutorial you'll see that there's the explain where to put it depending on what you're using you put it in your CSS CMS so if you're using Wix there's an area where you can paste this code I also have a video that demonstrates this so if you'd like to see it in action and you'd like to use this you'll be able to follow the tutorial and learn how to do this no problem as for vertical menus their equity is changing their code so I don't really have the code for the vertical menus but if you really want to make vertical menus just let me know Debra who asked the question and I'll ask a quid for the code that's updated for that no problem also I have a video that demonstrates how to do this in WIC so if you're currently using Wix and you would like to create your own menu and you'd like for it to be seamless I'm gonna give you an example of that here's another client they sell tea so they wanted to be able to have if you wanted to have your products within your menu right here so let's say they had what kind of tea green tea for example they wanted to have it here if they wanted to have different kinds of products right here you could do that by adding it right to your Wix menu and that's another workaround in a video that I have so I can send you all of those links after this chat okay the next question I had is from King I'm just gonna switch back here I think I can stop sharing my screen real quick all right cool so the next question I had is from King how can I prevent people from copying designs I create on t-shirts that's an excellent question now if you're creating your own designs and you're not using anyone else's content so you're really doing it from scratch with your own things then it's already protected under copyright law I'm not a lawyer I'm not a specialist but this is what the research that I've done and yeah normally when you create something and it's your own personal original content it's already protected there's a couple ways that you can make sure you know that you protect your content make sure that it's your own original stuff don't go copy pasting stuff offline like it depends on how complex your designs are also if you're using let's say for example quotes it depends on what you're quoting because if you're quoting tea shows if you're quoting like books recording Shakespeare I don't know like there's stuff that is still protected but yeah make sure it's your own stuff you made it yourself it's your own personal designs and then when copyright law is going to kick in is if someone tries if someone takes your design and puts it on their shirt then you're gonna have to you have the burden of proof you're gonna have to prove that that belongs to you and there's ways of doing that make sure that you know you can save when you posted your stuff to your store you know you have to have like tangible proof that that design belongs to you if you work with the designer they can help you out in that process but like the second you make something it's protected because you created it so what else did I write down here of course don't reuse other people's content because then you're you know breaching their copyright yeah and you know if you have complex designs it makes it even harder to copy so that's the route that I would go with that also what's the most cost effective way to use equity to gain the most amount of customers and drive traffic to my store so I'm gonna cover a couple ways of yeah increasing your traffic to your store and converting customers so maybe there's a couple things you guys already know here but some of them are definitely gems that you should definitely try out so the first one I'm gonna talk about is cross selling in my online store Daniella I oh there's an e-book that goes into detail on this and it's actually free so I totally recommend that you guys download it and have a look at it it contains tutorials on how to do this I think it's accessible right from my store if not I'll add the link in the description okay this ebooks not listed here right away but I will definitely send you guys the link but here's how to do it this is my demo store I'm gonna present my screen all right we're in my demo store and we're going to go to product catalog there's a couple test products here this is really a demo store but if you would like to cross sell products there is a section that's called related products in ecwid and all you have to do is assign products that are related to that product so I can assign individual products like this or I could assign random products or we could choose a specific category so let's say we chose a specific category here for now we're going to just cross all this one product let's hit save and then if we preview the product we'll be able to see what this looks like in ecwid the product is listed right underneath so it's kind of like people who like a people who purchased a also purchase B in Amazon well you guys can kind of do this if within your ecwid store and have related products right underneath your product if you'd like to have it above I found a piece of code that allows you to do that just let me know and I'll add it to the to the email I'm going to send you guys but yeah you can list other products that are related to that product and the idea is you can upsell or down sell depending on what you'd like to do so let's say for example this product is you know a higher-end product but you could also sell like a little lower end product a little bit cheaper but that's still great quality well you could cross sell right here within ecwid and that's one way that that you could you know increase your sales or make sure to capture leads that are on your website pop-ups for upselling so yeah you could also add pop-ups to your website and let's say for example someone is leaving your website but you still want to capture that lead with a example down south so let's say for example they were on a medium priced product and you'd like to sell them a lower end product at a lower price but it's still great quality then you could down sell to them and one way to do that is a pop-up when they're leaving the website and actually that's super easy to set up within ecwid there's an app in the app marketplace called Zoda box and soda box allows you to create pop-ups with an ecwid easy pop-up and what that allows you to do is you can configure it so that when someone is leaving the website so when their mouse is at the top of the screen like this that pop-up comes up and says hey don't leave right away here's the cool offer for you or a discount coupon code different things like that so it's different ways that you could try to capture leads that are on your website of course there's some built-in things in ecwid that I use personally and I absolutely love for example I quit abandoned cart feature let's see I think they moved the place it's at right now abandoned orders okay abandon orders this is just a test store so you can see I banded my own orders but if we scroll down here you can recover abandoned carts automatically and what that does is it sends an email to your customers two hours after they abandon their cart so they started purchasing something they entered their email and then they left and sometimes the reasons for that can be very various like they were distracted someone entered their store they were at home the kids were bugging them I don't know the reasons could be but sometimes they leave your site and this can be a great way to get them back it sends them the link to their cart and they can purchase their products another thing that I do personally is I add a coupon code to this so that if ever someone was you know turned off by the price they can use a coupon code and purchase so yeah I just gave out that information on my youtube channel so if ever you don't make a purchase in my store you might get a coupon code that you can use to purchase something in my online store awesome and yeah there's tons of things in these settings that you can use to try to convert leads let's see here where are the settings a lot of people don't really pay attention to settings and I think it's really too bad especially the cart and check-out settings there's so many things in here that can help you you know capture leads that arrive on your website one of them is setting a maximum and a aloud order so let's say for example you have products that are super light and the shipping it's not really are so super heavy sorry super heavy and it's not really worth shipping one item you want to be able to ship a certain amount of items you could increase the pricing here actually that works for 4 light products - I have one customer that says that after 50 dollars for an order the order has to be at least fifty dollars so you could enter a minimum allowed order subtotal or a maximum so minimum could be 15 bucks 50 bucks and a maximum could be interesting for example if you have really expensive products and you're afraid that a fraud or something like that so let's say you sell things for like a thousand dollars and you don't want people purchasing for fifty thousand dollars in your online store you could limit that if you wanted to those are kind of extreme cases but it's possible and yeah actually if you're interested in learning more ways to increase your ecommerce revenue and actually drive targeted traffic to your online store I have a course where I talk about that in detail and the course contains this one contains about 30 videos but this one's specifically on that the advanced course however the equity commerce power course is from beginning to end so it's like how to set up your ecwid store how to design it and then how to drive targeted traffic starting day one so it covers absolutely everything but I also split it into just in case you just want the beginner part or the more advanced part awesome and then there's automated marketing which we're going to get to right after which is driving traffic to your online store Whitney has a question about Google shopping campaigns through ecwid so I might as well just start with that one right now I'm going to come back to the screen yeah I think I'm back on there we go yeah so let's see here Google shopping campaigns through ecwid is there any advantage of doing so and what is well we're gonna start with what Google Shopping is I'm gonna give you a quick demo I I use a adblock but I think it's deactivated on this one we're gonna search for t-shirt alright Google shopping Google shopping allows you to show your products right within the search and what's really powerful about it is that it has a picture now we're mostly used to seeing you know text in Google text results but here we have this section where we have sponsored and their t-shirts in this example that I took so let's say you put your products in Google Shopping this is where they would come out and the advantage of using a Google Shopping integration with ecwid is that the whole marketing thing that you have to do to set it up go into Google ads and create all these ads is automated for you and it's actually super powerful if you're not used to doing any like Google marketing so if we go here we go to Google ads I'm gonna leave this page it's right here in the marketing section that they just created recently so you click on Google ads and then you click on manage so it's actually a very simple process I think it created one for me already here I'm gonna delete it and create a new campaign just to give you guys an idea of what it is so you would choose your country the language that you want to target let's say what we're just targeting Canada here then you would choose the categories in your store that you would the categories that you're targeting in your store so let's say I'm selling shirts I wonder if I could just search for it real quick now honestly this is super fast I have already made ads in Google Ads and this takes a lot of time to set up honestly and they have completely streamlined this process for people who are not you know marketers online marketers so it's great for small entrepreneurs small business owners that want to get their products right on Google so this is what it would look like if my shirts came out onto Google which is in this demo account so if you write at the top with the pictures and what's cool is that you know we'll see the price right away so if they think it's too expensive they're not going to click on it which is great it's going to be you know more economic if they didn't see that price point because the second someone clicks on it that's when you pay so you don't really you don't really pay for the views here you pay for the clicks and then if I click on continue to purchase this is where I'd be able to pay for my ads now I'm not sure if the offer is still valid oh it is look this is great you would save $150 right now so honestly Google costs a lot of money because at the beginning they have to like get used to your ads they have to optimize them it's like kind of like there's machine learning in the back of this so once they get used to understanding what your store is who you're targeting where the conversions are then it's going to start focusing on that and it's going to get to the sweet spot that you're looking for and having a extra hundred fifty dollars of ad spend for free because it's a new integration with ecwid is really awesome and I'm currently testing it out with a customer so they put 150 dollars in and in the end they get 300 which is great and I'm testing it out and it's been pretty good so far it's droven driven sorry a lot of traffic to their online store I haven't seen any conversions yet so I contacted the company that did the integration and their support has been extremely helpful since I'm used to doing these ads I asked them to tweak a couple things because you just see the interface you see who's clicking where they're located like know exactly but you see you know let's say 20 people in Toronto clicked on your ads and they're about this age group between 25 and 35 or whatever different things like that and you get to know you know who that target customer is who they're clicking on your things the thing is as a marketer in Google I can normally say well I don't want to target people who are over 65 because they're not going to be interested in my products and you can't really do that in this interface but when I contacted their support and I said look people aren't interested in like this age group isn't interested well they blocked it for me which is great because I don't want to be spending extra ad dollars on people who aren't going to purchase really want to be you know targeting specifically the right people so if you would like to go a bit further with the automation you can always contact their support but the whole process is absolutely streamlined and if you don't have any experience with Google Ads this is a great way to test it out now I definitely recommend this for products like t-shirts is great there's a lot of competition so you're gonna have to try to target it down and find a niche within that market but if you're selling digital products I don't think you can there's some products you're not allowed to sell of course I think there's things like pharmaceuticals or stuff like that there's some touchy products that you're gonna have to make sure that you respect Google's guidelines but for the most part if you're selling physical products this is really cool and you should definitely have a look at it so yeah that's the process for google shopping if you'd like to give it a try and you have $150 to to test out go for it you'll get 300 in the end and one last thing the company told me is that they started to see conversions specifically mostly after 60 days and the client I'm testing it out with right now is that about 32 so they've gotten a lot of traffic from it but they haven't gotten any conversions yet so I'm really excited I'm looking forward to you know getting a conversion from that and seeing if their algorithm is going to get optimized and start really focusing on people who are converting so we'll see how that goes whoops I'm gonna stop sharing real quick all right and the next question I have from Nisha is is there any other things to do to improve SEO I love your questions absolutely there is other things that you can do to improve SEO and I'm gonna focus on that right now it's called Google search console and the thing is a lot of small business owners don't know about it and then when they work with marketers or when they work with you know developers I don't know why a lot of my clients have said to me they never setup Google search console it's it's the most important thing to do when you make a website or an online store if you don't tell Google that your store exists it's not gonna get found for a cup it's not gonna get found for a couple years maybe if it's not built really well so the cool thing is Google stores ecwid stores are very very good with their SEO but you still need to tell Google that your store exists and that's the whole principle with Google search console so I'm just gonna go present that to you real quick click on share look for Google search console so what this is is it's a tool that allows you to tell your that's how Google pretty much that your website is it exists that it's legitimate that it's owned by you that it's a business and that is something serious cuz there's like millions of websites made every day every minute I don't even know how many there's made it's crazy but Google doesn't have time to go through like all of those websites all the bots and everything it's gonna take a while so if you tell Google that you have a serious website that it's legit then this the process is going to be sped up a lot faster and it helps you improve your performance on Google um I have a video in my course that explains in detail how to do this and why it's so important so I can't really show you guys today cuz you have to have a website and you have to set it up but if you're interested you can definitely have a look at my my course I demonstrate how to do this and it's really a crucial step in making sure that your site is found by Google the idea is that Google is going to go through it quickly or with quicker with their BOTS and they're gonna indexed your site so it's going to come out in the searches a lot faster other things that you see in this platform are I kind of want to show you guys so I think I'm just going to go to my video real quick I think I can find it pretty fast other things that you see in this platform are how people are finding you the keywords that they're using how you're ranking for those keywords you know what number you're coming out in Google if you're in the fourth position or if you're in the 50th position let's see here I think it's under 8 exactly it's this video I'm just going to turn down my sound here I think I could turn it off real quick just kind of want to show you guys the interface here it is okay yeah so you just verify the ownership of your website and then over here we'll be able to get a bunch of information this is what I'm interested in all right so you'll be able to see the number of clicks the number of impressions so how many times you're coming out in the searches your average click-through rate so let's say the number of impressions are the times that people saw you and the number of times that people clicked on it so you get your percentage for that and then your average average position in Google so if right now the site is at 4.2 but you could increase it now if you're looking at the keywords below you'd be able to see that for example you're coming out and searches for certain words but people aren't clicking on it so you'll be able to go into ecwid and make sure that your product description is a bit more compelling that your title is a bit more compelling and make sure that your SEO is converting for clicks so you'd be able to look at the first few results in Google and say maybe I should adopt my my my SEO for this product and try to get something a little bit more compelling for someone to click on it's really an impressive tool to help you improve your SEO and understand you know how people are finding you and what they're clicking on in Google and how you can improve your products and your website to come out and search and get clicks so yeah that's a super important step you know have a look at the course if you'd like for to learn more about how to do this specifically if you're tech-savvy you'll be able to figure it out on your own probably but I mean I do go into a bit more detail in the course what I'm gonna stop sharing real quick all right cool and then Seth had a question about better presenting information and workaround for equity problems so I'm just going to click on the chat and see what that's was I'm just gonna look for your question Seth and don't worry I know you guys posted some questions in the chat so we're gonna get to them right after most of the problems I have are related to the general and flexibility of ecwid shipping options okay shipping is there an easy way to see success of the abandoned car follow up absolutely I'll show you that in a minute okay cool we're going to start with assets question about flexibility on shipping auctions Seth could you explain to me a little bit more about how you're trying to ship your products are you shipping physical products are you using the in-store pickup options which which ones specifically and which carrier are you using are you using an automated solution with Canada Post for example or USPS or are you using your own tables so you're entering your own information I know some people have to do that depending on where they're located because let's say for example I lived in France for a while and in the French Post isn't an automatic integration with ecwid so I have to like enter in the tables and everything that takes a while that is kind of inflexible but yeah okay just using FedEx ok and printful awesome I do free shipping for everything but I want to charge extra for certain locations ok cool I'm going to try to try to answer this real quick in by sharing my screen so I'm not gonna be able to see your chat anymore but I'll come back to it kay share my screen all right let's go have a look at shipping options I know that someone else who didn't make make it to the chat had questions about shipping options so I hope this is helpful for them too we need to go to shipping and pick up of course all right well Steph as you can see in the store I'm using printful so I'll be able to have a look at that with you real quick but let's see here what do we have mmm extra for certain locations ok adda shipping method all right so let's say that you want to create specific pricing for certain zones this is where it gets a little complicated I do cover this in my course but yeah we're gonna start with shipping zones now this is where you would select the areas that you want to create specific pricing for I really hope you don't have too many areas set could you give me an example of the area that you'd like to ship to I will use that as an example yeah it's doing this like infinity screen thing I think I'm just gonna stick with this here we'll do a quick let's say for example I wanted to have a special special price for a Montreal okay what I'm gonna do is I'm going to add a new zone and I'm going to name it Montreal and I need a Montreal postal code so I'm just gonna go get one here all right let's see this one here all right let's say that these are the postal codes that I want to ship to for this specific price I kind of took a bad example because it's just a city but you can do this for a region you could do this for a province a state if you live in the States no matter what you guys need it can be per location specifically so if you're doing a local delivery this is great to limit things to just a certain area all right let's save that I'm gonna have Montreal postal codes here and then we're gonna create shipping and pickup over here so I'm gonna create a new shipping method and we're going to use Canada Post because I'm located in Canada and we're gonna have custom rates I'm pretty sure where do I choose my zone here it is that's it so this is where I would choose the zone so I'm only shipping to Montreal with this method so let's say standard shipping Montreal and then I would have my table here that I would enter so let's say I just have a flat rate no matter what the weight is and it's gonna be $50 per order and then that's it delivery speed three days and that's it so for people who are located in the zone that I set up so those two postal codes they'll be paying $50 for their shipping like I said hopefully you don't have too many very specific regions that you have different prices for because it could be kind of long and tedious to set up but that's how you do it you'd really set up your zones and then create shipping methods for each zone that you're trying to target I'm just gonna turn off this Hawaii and Alaska awesome so it's just two zones that you have set that's great it will take you not too long so let's really take your example into consideration I'm gonna go for FedEx right here now I changed it from Canada Post to FedEx we're gonna click on setup FedEx oh that's the automated one sorry about that here Canada Post and then custom rates FedEx hope I didn't do my zone see there we go so we would have um news on Alaska and and Hawaii and then it would be a region no hon it's a state and I worry would you this the United States ah scroll all right Hawaii and Alaska there we go add those two states and you just created your zone and then that's where you'd be able to create your shipping method that would target those two zones so we're gonna choose our carrier set up custom rates and then your location and then when you come here you enter your your you know prices as usual and then you would choose Hawaii Alaska and save and finish and you would save your your prices so that would that is how you set up shipping rates for specific zones in ecwid of course I didn't enter a price hold on a second here let's see 30 bucks all right and that's it I'm just gonna stop hearing real quick I'm gonna come back up to the chat and see if I have any other questions here um shipping options started date try to date your design examples exactly I can't leather thank you for your point for protecting your t-shirt copyright Designs a great idea is to document your work and to save your files and your dates and try to keep a proof of that if you have a physical t-shirt that you printed out you could have that as proof also since the burden of proof won't lie on you you do have to have you know things that show that the design belongs to you but I hope I'm very positive I'm very positive first and hopefully no one's gonna like try to copyright your designs but yes if you could try to document that it'd be a great way to keep a proof of that that they belong to you I was part of the beta program and had no sales even extended on up - yeah I'm curious to see if the Google shopping thing will you know provide conversions because that's what we want as entrepreneurs we want to make more sales like why would I put a hundred 50 bucks into Google if I'm not getting sales but the positive thing is Google wants the same thing for you they want you to make sales otherwise who's going to be using their products so it takes time I see that you put in 150 maybe that becomes 2 4 3 4 50 yeah 450 maybe you got an extra hundred 50 off but the support team is super helpful you can try to optimize with them if you see that there's certain target markets that you don't serve send them an email and say hey can you like exclude people who are between this age and this age or men or women for example depending on you know what you're selling and you can try to target specific markets and and you know narrow it down a bit what's cool is that that could take you a lot of time if you don't know how to to do online marketing but their team will do it for you and they're very efficient about it so that's cool it's gonna check the time real quick good word we're doing great I forgot to ask about the ease of linking ecwid with printful okay so for the question about licking ecwid with printful it is incredibly easy actually I've been testing it out for a couple months now and I absolutely love it now it's a click of a button honestly I can even show you guys right now if you want to see how that looks I'm just gonna click on present now I know someone else in the chat is doing t-shirts so this might interest you we're gonna go to our apps and my apps and my app here is printful and the quality is great I've actually purchased a t-shirt just to test it out and quality's been great so I was doing a test here with one of my friends but all you have to do is you know connect your account create your account it's very simple and straightforward and then click on add a product and this is where you'll have a huge selection of products that you can choose from let's say we're just going to do t-shirts and you can choose different quality t-shirts let's just take an example here and then you can upload a file you can choose where you're going to stock your product depending on where you're located and where you're shipping to you have the choice between the United States and Europe but printful ships worldwide so they will choose the best place to ship from so let's say someone in France buys it well they'll be shipping from their their warehouse is located in Europe of course and it's super simple yeah all you have to do is upload a file choose the file that you want to put on the shirt adjust it and then go through with it to proceed to mock-ups now I fall in love with this product so much that I decided to create another course on how to set up printful and I'm currently working on it it's really exciting because honestly I'm hast money I did a test a couple tests I really wanted to see you know what someone would do with this and yeah I connected it to eBay and Amazon and I started selling on those platforms but I didn't realize that there were other fees when you go over a certain number of products so what we added like 60 products to the store and it was too much because you start paying eBay fees like for individual products after 50 so these are little things that are really important to take into consideration and I really wanted people to learn from my mistakes so currently making a course about that if you're interested let me know and I'll send it to you once it comes out but yeah it's really powerful if you have an audience that you'd like to monetize going through printful creating your own t-shirts your own designs there's tons of things in there you can make mugs posters there's pillow cases they're constantly expanding it you can tell that it's a company that's very very active right now and they're really working hard to improve their products so yeah if you want to give printful a try I definitely recommend it and there's a link in the description if you'd like to to learn more all right I see that there's no other questions on the chat does anyone have any more questions for me today they have any anything else that they would like for me to talk about for this ecwid free ecwid group consultation and let me know if you liked it too I'm really curious to know if this is something that I should keep doing in the future okay anything else to do to improve SEO well definitely Google search console is something that's going to improve the SEO of your website because if you tell Google that your store exists then their bots are going to go through it faster and it's going to get indexed faster and it's going to go up in the search results so it's definitely something that I recommend of course putting the SEO on your product so making sure that you have product descriptions that are you know compelling like the metadata you're probably already working on this it's like the title and the metadata that you have in your ecwid back end so in the product SEO tab um you know make sure it's just not the name of the product make sure it's something that either gets people's curiosity or something that you would want to click on yourself and the thing about Google search console is you're gonna see what words you're coming up for and you're gonna see where you're ranked in Google so if there's five people ahead of you well they must have something in their titles that are interesting for people to click on and you can inspire yourself from those titles and make sure that your titles have some that same kind of gist to them so that you can go up to the more people that click on your listings the more you're going to go up in Google all Google wants to do is provide relevant and interesting information to people so if those people have relevant information they're gonna stay at the top of the thing at the top of Google but yours is still interesting too and you know it so if you could get something that has a title that people are gonna click on by inspiring yourself from the others that are at the top of Google for the same products as you then it's gonna be something that can help of course if you could have descriptive titles that's something that helps to I've seen people put product names like let's say for example we'll take the example of tea all they do is put green tea well green tea doesn't make me want to click on it like I know what green tea is but if it says delicious hot green tea for a winter day I don't know or something like that I'm not very smooth precise right now but you can see where it's located where you ship to or something something that's compelling locally to like let's say for example you only ship within your area then you could be like let's say green tea directly imported from Asia or whatever serving olive Quebec something that has a little extra to your titles not just the name of the product yeah that's probably the main thing that I would I would talk about because in the end it's someone clicking on your product and on your product description and and you're talking to humans so enter that information as you would in your in your store physically if you have a physical store and you talk to customers every day what are those key words that you use that you know sell put those online because it's the same concept where we're all people in the end and thank you so much King I really appreciate it what other ecwid links are there to advertise like Instagram okay yeah there's tons of integrations equit is so powerful and I'm glad that you guys are using it because I absolutely love the product and all I hear about is Shopify all the time Beck was doing some incredible things so it's nice to talk to some equity users who know it what all this is but yeah Instagram is really cool if you have a following or if you have products that could be interesting or that you could have in lifestyle photos there's a lot a lot of people wearing t-shirts and like beautiful backgrounds and stuff like that like you know you want to kind of be that person you want to like wear that shirt it's really good for life that's thy lifestyle stuff same thing for teen like you know just having it in a beautiful presentation like just want to be in that moment in that photo you could have beautiful photos like that Instagram is a great place to go but yeah with equity right now you could integrate with Facebook and Instagram and sell through your facebook business page or through your Instagram page by taking products why I recommend it you're doing the the Instagram route if it's something that's good for your business and I'm not so sure about b2b but b2c definitely definitely something interesting if you're selling physical products it's because no one else is doing it right now like this is a brand new integration and there's only four solutions I think that are capable of doing this like I know Shopify ecwid Volusion can do it I think maybe the another one but like that's a huge business opportunity for you guys if no one else is doing this then it's the beginning of it and you can be a pioneer in this before it gets saturated and everyone's like okay no their Instagram clickable product no you still have to educate your customers be like hey you can click on the product and and see the tag and go right to my website and purchase it if you'd like it's awesome it's rate the rate at the beginning of this so it's a great time to give it a try if you'd like and if you feel like it's something that could be interesting for your business other things that you could link to Amazon and eBay that's a great strengths of ecwid its ability to integrate Amazon eBay I've given code isto a try that's the integration that they use so it's rate within your equity interface you just click on Amazon eBay and then connect it's free for 30 days and that's how I try it out the printful to Amazon eBay integration and it's great their product is awesome it's super easy to edit products in bulk it's very simple to use very intuitive it's like an Excel spreadsheet so it's a lot of fun to use and the second you edit things in your your ecwid backend so in CODIS though it's pushed right out to Amazon and eBay right away so the integration is seamless and it's very fun and easy to use and I definitely recommend it if you'd like to expand to Amazon and eBay and another last thing that you could do for connecting your ecwid store to get more traffic you know into like because the goal of those platforms social media platforms to have huge retention rates have huge amounts of traffic why not tap into them Amazon and eBay are the e-commerce Giants of today why not add your products there and gain traffic and exposure the next thing that you could think of is partner websites because that's one of the greatest strengths of ecwid or affiliates of course but ecwid allows you to integrate any website and you can integrate multiple websites with your store code so i'm just going to show you that real quick because i think it's worth it i'm just gonna share my screen i'm gonna exit here because i'm in print bull but if we go to i think they changed the place of it i just want to make sure it's sales channels yeah and then also channels and we have to scroll down to custom website that's it you see this code here that code you can give it to anyone and they can add it to their website and add your online store to their website just with that piece of code and that is a huge advantage of ecwid because when you're using Shopify you can only stay within Shopify you sell on Shopify when you're using WordPress and you use WooCommerce you're stuck to WordPress and WooCommerce what ecwid is amazing because you can add it to multiple websites WordPress wakes we'd leave your own sites but if you work with partners you can send them that code and they can add your store to a page where other people can purchase your products of course make sure that that person is pertinent in the same market as you they have a similar audience that way you know you're selling things that make sense on their website but it's a great way to gain more traffic that is targeted with people that you work with so yeah that's another suggestion that I have and is their way to I list my store on other sites specific category exactly yeah absolutely Seth there's a way to use the just a code for a category which is great because if you don't want to share your entire store you can just share a product one product or a whole category or your whole store and those are things I'll link to it in the description below I'll send you guys that information because it's definitely worth it I think there's a support article on equus website with that info yeah excellent it's it's super super awesome I think it's definitely worth trying if you work with other entrepreneurs or if you have affiliates and you would like to share that that those categories or products with them okay so I know we're all entrepreneurs we probably got stuff to do if you have any other questions list them here we have about 10 more minutes I'd like to take for this chat if not just say all good for me and I'll know that I've answered everyone's questions here today awesome thank you I really appreciate it yeah I'll do more of these if you guys feel like it's useful like we could do this again I have another one on Thursday that's planned but yeah it's just a first test run to see it provided you know useful information for ecwid users yeah the courses so I'm just going to quickly share the presentation here so my equity commerce power course is currently I think I just want to make sure that yeah 297 but this course is absolutely everything about equity from A to Z so if you haven't sold anything on equity before this is going to take you through the entire process of setting it up and it's really exactly the process that I follow when I create an equity store and then start driving traffic to it so if we just get to this section I'll show you how to set up your ecwid store quickly and easily of course and I'd really go through settings cuz people overlook settings and how important they are and I feel like the settings in equity are very powerful if you know how to use them correctly I show how to set up categories and products and then designing your ecwid store because sadly there's a couple of limitations at this point some people want to change the colors of prices and they want to you know design things differently and you have to use CSS codes so I provide 110 I think CSS codes to do this so yeah it's like a complete course on how to design your ecwid store I'm setting up payment methods and shipping methods so everything I showed you guys about zones and stuff I go really into detail on all that and then how to build a starter site so anyone who doesn't have an online store they can learn how to build a starter site and then connecting to high-traffic platform so everything we just talked about social media sales channels like Amazon and eBay and their websites I demonstrate all of that how to add your store to all of those different platforms so you can even watch the intros to each course if you'd like on this page I'll send it to you at the end of the chat using the echo app marketplace to expand your stores functionality there are tons of really cool apps available and ecwid some are free some are paid and I review the top ones that I suggest to my customers because they really have added value we saw before the menu thing I feel like paying five bucks a month for a menu isn't worth it but the ones I talked about here are actually worth the financial investment because there's a route turn on investment boosting your traffic starting day one and maximizing profit honestly in this whole course I think there's like 80 suggestions tips and tricks that are very actionable to increase your traffic and get sales so here I talk about a couple more of them and I demonstrate them and then managing customer orders oh yeah I think I've talked about yeah I go into detail on Google search console in this section of the course it's kind of it's so important it's something that you you need to do to make sure that your store gets found by by Google and then once you get all the sales and stuff I show how to you know manage your customer orders and then optimize using reporting and third-party apps because the whole point is to optimize and get more sales and make sure that you're you're selling and you're doing a good job and and the only way to know that is with data and Google Analytics is a powerhouse of data and I really show how to set that up and make sure that you understand how to read your data because if you don't know how to read it and take action on it it's kind of hard to optimize your online store so this is a great section of the course to learn how to do that now if you find my price point a bit too high honestly I've mostly heard that it's low and I feel like it's a bit low but I really want to help out equity users I feel like this is so much information in here and so much very actionable interesting stuff I kind of divided the course into so this is the full course for 297 but if you'd like you could get the beginner course which is this section so from part one to parts five and then the second part for advanced users is part six to part ten and that's available right here store and you have the Ginter course and the advanced course which shows how it's a bit cheaper because it doesn't contain the entire power course but yeah if you just want to learn how to set up your store or if you want to take it to the next level you could just get one of these two courses and it's a little bit cheaper oops stop sherry can you add products without codes could you be a little bit more precise what do you mean products without codes you mean designing your store or adding your products to someone else's website designing sure yeah of course you can do it without the codes ecwid came out with a new design panel I think it was last summer it's really intuitive it's really great um I can show you that real quick real quick here let's go to the store so they have this new design panel which is very intuitive and simple to use you can make your products bigger or smaller and you can see how it looks right away landscape whatever there's tons of different options here you can go through different things that you'd like to show or hide how things are displayed you could have your you know category right on top here but I'm talking about taking it one step further because some people for example they want to hide things in their store they want to show things and that's where you would use a custom CSS theme so let's say for example I wanted to change the color of the product price I think this is exactly that example here I'm going to exact activate it all right this is a test store so you'll see it's a little strange but here we go we have this product color which is 29:57 in black but if I activate this I think this is yellow we'll see that the colors are gonna change oops I saved it let's try this again oh my code didn't work oh yeah this product price yeah well my demo didn't turn out the way I wanted it to but yeah normally the product price is supposed to change and I'd have to clear my browser cache or something like that yeah well normally the product price should be like yellow and I think that this is it should be like bigger but this is code and all that code is provided in one of my e-books that I have on my online store but yeah I'm gonna have to review that one all right are there any other questions okay thank you all so much for being here I really appreciate your presence and yeah at the later on today I'll be sending you all of the links and of course if you're watching this video on YouTube you'll find all the links in the description below thank you so much I really appreciate your time have a great day everyone thanks you
Views: 4,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ecwid seo, ecwid traffic, seo, sell on instagram ecwid, what is Ecwid, what, is, ecwid, ecommerce, how, to, sell, online, use, instagram, selling, solution, best, better, CMS, wordpress, dropshipping, advice, consultation, beginner, beginners, traffic, google, search, console, shipping, setup, store, facebook, on, shop, more, set, up, expert, drop, horizontal, categories, products, payments, paypal, stripe, square, shopping, generate, SEO, PPC, PPL, marketing, e-commerce, copying, improve, ebay, amazon, embed, printful, menu, menus, gain, customers
Id: RDGLz99QF70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 49sec (3589 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2019
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