Ecstasy Kingpin Shaun Attwood Tells His Story.

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p.m. events Glasgow Limited is a family-run business that specializes in the creation planning and management of events whether that be weddings charity and corporate events right through to the celebration and party events we pride ourselves in customer satisfaction and have our clients at the center of all that we do our best book services allow us to bring your dreams to reality we offer our services from the small sub detail to taking on the fill event releasing the worry from our clients and strive on exceeding expectations our showroom is open daily please pop in to discuss how we can help and make sure you click the link to subscribe to my youtube channel and also click the notifications button to be notified for when my next podcast cause life I hope you enjoy this week's episode thank you boom mine yeah yeah did these guys have gets shown up with bullion dollar bank broker and stockbroker was that formerly stockbroker turned ecstasy imports yeah showing outwards first of all me Frank shall come on ashore thank you very much having me on this really impressed your channels on fire right now on all of your guests Oh [ __ ] nuts oh yeah Scotland this weekend oh you enjoying that oh it's absolutely beautiful I did a TED talk at st. Andrews University went over looked at the ruins of st. Andrews on near the beach down and man it's amazing yeah it's nicer yeah so chilled out not like the stuff you've heard about our way with leaf yeah through this thought Broughton industry you were very successful you have a host next to Paul McCartney is that correct no I was not Paul McCartney's next-door neighbor I was living in a neighborhood a gated guarded neighborhood on a mountain range I was in a neighborhood course in Bacchus and Paul McCartney's house was further down that mountain range I couldn't see it from my house I did have Joe Bonanno senior was in the Sinn vacas neighbourhood he was for you know formerly head of what the Mafia Commission five families you see Paul McCartney stood next door I was well in the bag was up in Tucson though yeah yeah so from my stockbroker industry to make very successful an enter get involved in ecstasy seemed to be one of the biggest distributors who were traveling all over the world to obviously get your poles so how did you leave began then Shaun do owls go back to the start with my guests how did you get involved what we involved then then and how did you get involved them you've seen any more videos with my friend wild man yes [ __ ] no cases he's like this 25 stone sex fiord monster just all teeth marks all over his hands so he was two years younger than me when we were kids and I was the brainy one and he was the broth I was in a little gang that was drawn by his brother he was called the sweats and his brother wouldn't let him join the gang he used to brutalize him beat the [ __ ] out of him send him home then I split off from the gang and started hanging out with Wellman and then we just had little business situations together like would be washing cars and it just developed from there really this relationship now I knew with his temperament that he would probably spend the rest of his life in prison so I told him law I'm gonna go to America make millions in the stock market we'll fly you over and get you a job as a restless you want to spend the rest of your life in prison idealistic teenager and after uni I went off to America but he went off to prison in the UK and shanks them anyway it took me about five years were by making hundreds of thousands in the stock market as a stockbroker and then I quit that put it into investing online and then during the dot-com bubble my investments went up to almost 2 million so started flying all my friends over from England throwing massive rave parties with the money imports in shitloads of ecstasy yeah and that's how the John they began so your must have been really really educated then to get any stocks aid the things and I was lucky because in my school six of us chose economics it wasn't very popular and the teacher saw I had an aptitude for it my teacher mr. Dylan st. John's was high school witness Cheshire East are giving me classes on my arm it was showing me the financial times all the different numbers what the stock market show prices mean all the different ratios so he really schooled me and helped me develop the this passion that that's a little been lifelong ever since I went down Witness library ordered dozens of books on the subject and I've got this manic energy so if I am interested in a project like that i fried absolutely everything into it so i started following stomach at 14 and i'm investing by age 16 what is did you take a four-stroke so my first drug was ecstasy and speed billy was back then it was called in the manchester rave scene in the liverpool rave scene when did you was y'all go ago America because I know you say you wanted to go to America and you do is you says well you put your mentor that you're going to go to America and then you're going to fly your friends over we should eventually dead yeah I never ended well in the end of course but we'll get to that so when you first went to America what we have plans and visions and ideas what you were going to do with your life I'd watch that movie Wall Street and greed is good so I fought it's just [ __ ] or be [ __ ] in the business world you got just get in and stop broke and it's extremely competitive rival stockbrokers were threatening to blow up my stockbroker Partners car we started dumpster dive in our rival stockbrokers to find out where their clients phone numbers were and the portfolio's not all this kind of [ __ ] so and absolutely nothing I was I was down to living off cheese on toast and bananas my first year because I was living off my student credit cards worried I was enough to come home but using these Machiavellian techniques that we cultivated with this intense competition in the stock market I rose and and became the biggest producer in my office it within a five-year period and that's what launched the rest of the stuff so from meeting all the money and have enough very successful business career how did you end up that money their ex decision and becoming one of the biggest ecstasy dealers out of all I'd started out in the Manchester rave scene as a participant prior to the rave scene I won't go out and dance one thoughts or women I was too self-conscious I had anxiety you know it was almost beat to death by some drunks when I was a teenager and it like compounded my anxiety when I took ecstasy it was like if you remember your first time on ecstasy all your stress just melts on your shoulders and you get all that warm everybody's your friend then you want to tell everybody your life story and you're hugging people all night long and you you dancing and you don't want to stop dancing and you're making all these new friends so it has such profound effect on me Raven became my religion I mean I was at uni at the time this was kicking off in this country but I live just to go out and party on the weekends all I could think about I'm doing my final exams and all I can think about is partying on the weekends I'm sitting there doing my exam so there's always like I thought I'm gonna transfer this feeling to the Americans because it's something did not got here at the scale in Arizona because when the music scene comes from this country come into New York come into LA it might trickle into you know the middle of America would take some time so when I got to Phoenix Arizona in 1991 there was hardly a rave scene there at all there was a music shop swell but sold rave clothing and Records and stuff like that but there wasn't any really big parties happening yet so why a dozen other okay I had aunts in Arizona I would visit them as a kid so when you're coming into land you see the swimming pools in the backyards the house is so it's the Sonoran Desert it's almost 50 degrees in the summer coming from witness where it's industrial not raining all the time on the theme of Paul McCartney my aunt changed my date at Murphy my passport when I was about 16 talked me out nightclubbing she's gotta be twenty one's getting a nightclub and she was introduced me to all the American women as Paul McCartney's nephew Max and rolling on the red carpet picking up on the car again that's what drugs do they come in a play where when you take drugs enhance you see where you're feeling good for that small very period but again it [ __ ] you up later than life and as much as we talk about it and we can get a laugh about it the Stahl effects that it [ __ ] you up your life but then including myself when I was taking dogs it was myself long confidence law and self-esteem book Mitaka would allow this mind well then before it was more and more so when you were taking the a keys and enjoying life and had everybody around Jay when did you start distributing then when did that start becoming about so I'm still a stockbroker and I make once I start make the good money I fly wild man over for his first time back mistake the poor it was banned from America for life have been deemed a menace to society by the judge but later on I knew how to smuggle the resources of smuggling back in through Mexico and Canada you know just on those smuggling ecstasy you are smuggling the wild ones mad Scouts girlfriend as well so I'm still a stockbroker wild man comes over we my partying now accelerates because I'm with my best mate and in the beginning I could get up to like 5,200 pills from the local dealers and cause I'm the ravers are calling me the Bank of England that's my nickname so I'm just showing off now this is all ego I've got the most money I'm just giving away pills for free to my friends show enough now when you give pills away for free it attracts a lot of friends so now I'm starting to see the business potential do I want to get up 4:00 in the morning 5:00 in the morning to be in the office with a six o'clock in the morning sales me in I mean 500 calls the deck who stopped broken is just glorified telesales do I want to be just working my ass off oh can I make money selling ecstasy survivors and clubbers for I know I'm just gonna give that a try [ __ ] it that's what I did because you ended up rough there Mexican mafias well then you don't involve off your life how did that become a boat also well Mexican Mafia came about completely by accident join this wild man's first visit he was getting moved from various apartments because every apartment that you went into before he ended up on house completely on how the ball will get destroyed within a couple of weeks over some of them within days it have people in just cooking up crack you know street prostitutes in transvestite gang members Russian mafia that's one of his house party occasions where we basically it's a weekend long thing in between moment my work and that's when I started to see the business potential and I thought alright I'm gonna find out where the local dealers are getting it from and I figured out they were getting it from LA and that's how we took it to the next level now out now one of those parties in this huge apartment complex in Tempe Arizona Colorado Marietta it was just some ravers some clubbers chillin and I'm supplying the pills and this Mexican American guy comes in G dark he's got like long dark prison tattoos on his arms and he's supplying the weed in the coke so cuz we're the suppliers we start having a conversation next thing policeman walks him I could smell weed from outside nobody move grabs his radio like he's gonna call it and I was all arrested I'm thinking are we're all [ __ ] right now you know if this is the end of it and gdug just pulls out a gun points at the gun he's like the only one who's not leaving as you [ __ ] everybody run so we all just run off into the night now there was multiple apartments in this complex I knew people ah we're at this like chain of people that were storing drugs and stuff so I went into a nearest one and we're all debating should we flush the drugs the cops are gonna come there's like a sirens all this [ __ ] going off and next thing Bam Bam Bam Bam man on the French window and it's gdug what we're gonna do let him in alright so related many schools us they complete his brothers end up really schooling me and everything about the police and lawyers are not that I ended up using no lawyer later on what he schooled us right away he was like if the knock don't answer if they've not got a warrant II can't come in turn the TV off turning like that what he shut the [ __ ] up and that's why I'm the police came they went and at the end of that situation I took him to a house in Phoenix and he said because you and you made my back me and my brothers have got your back I don't no idea what that meant from that I was thinking well actually I was so naive at this point in time in the drug world I'm rising up the ranks and I didn't have any major protection and there were some frets and these guys made those frets go away it's basically been an English boy over on Arizona and the drug scene making a lot of money we udz it take out the ticket and off the cars to just disappeared over there yeah it's not I mean so I was I was a sitting duck in the beginning before I'd established myself with more powerful entities like the New Mexican Mafia was that giving you a lot online is real when what guys look who had unsecured and it got ins I when you start having a power when you start getting respect from people that grows your confidence if you know what I mean yeah the power trip that is more addictive than the drugs yeah you're the man now you're living in a million dollar house on the side of a mountain and you got all these bouncers running around with guns and tasers and [ __ ] that I got like Escobar you know these Prophet told him why don't you quit when he's worth billions because at the hate of your part it is what was in home any polls did you take one Nate did I tell ya personally yeah one Nate the most mean well man would like try and outdo each other on the weekend we do i up to 30 pills each and what the weekend was just one big party pointless because you can only get so high off ecstasy okay see ways we just show enough MDMA yeah I had people with testing kits from a website called dance save fly to Holland and test them ideally a pill should be 125 milligrams of MDMA and claim what was yours that yeah that's where I was was that's where the good reputation that's why the competition started saying that they were selling them for me these English Sean's pills yeah because you got a lot uh not seen [ __ ] drugs but you can get a lot of bad polls when it's Valley or mild weather at six to see what people die Luna's like catastrophes buff them I was a word if I'm bringing up to 40,000 at a time someone could potentially die as extremely rare people do die and sending these people out with the testing kits nobody ever died we would have known right away cuz we had that local scene on lockdown because obviously when you were an America and then you started important from Holland yeah how did that come about well I couldn't leave the country I'm an illegal alien I only overstayed a visitor's visa so I was getting him out of LA and you could only get up to five thousand maybe ten at the time out of LA and the LA price was so they going for 25 to 30 dollars in their clubs in Arizona fun one for one LA price if you're buying five thousand maybe 10 and then I'm fronting amount of 15 20 to my middleman Holland you getting them for like a couple of dollars but if you add in all of the cost of the smuggling people fees and the legal fees with people getting busted and sometimes robberies and loss of shipments the probably averaging about three dollars a pill aversion grossed in fourteen you put out at fifteen your most traveling your money yeah but now I'm bringing so many in people are taking so many morphine I'm dropping it's like ten from my people as I've got that huh this gossip outside how could you function wife they partying Victor cork they've did you take court no I wasn't really a cop on crystal meth was stronger I had my bouts of it cuz the prosecutor said the main heads of the syndicate were chronically at nearly all of my chronically addicted to crystal meth the only wild man a well woman but I would watch them on it the wild man would literally stay on high on crystal meth for two or three weeks about any sleeper attack he would be so paranoid and just delusional he would go walk in when the world of [ __ ] he was he'd show up two or three days later with his shoes all beaten up and his feet all blistered uh stuff like that he was hospitalized twice for his heart like dehydration walking around on crystal meth I went Hospital and he's got all these things attached him all these sensors and he says to me give us an ecstasy pill and I'm thinking he's going to take it when he gets Hospital and he popped it right there on the machine yet did you ever give a [ __ ] man he had a death wish the Java overdose yourself our country yeah that's all we are we are the rule we were like in a mate we have would after parties in these major drug houses that we never wanted the police to come and bust and I had a rule I said look if I OD on GHB and I'm flopping like a fish on the floor frothing at the mouth nobody call a [ __ ] ambulance nobody called the police because we're all gonna get busted on GHB flop for a bit and then you usually just go into a deep sleep and wake up quite relaxed so GHB that a lot of body builders just GHB started out on that scene young in the gay scene yeah so when you're how was your family thinking when you were over America where they think you were still doing right with the stock market I had an episode of banging up abroad raving Arizona it's called if anyone wants to watch it it's on YouTube is 45 minute cliffhanger documentary it's quite good so this show my parents coming to visit me in the million dollar house and they're watching me trade the stock market because I am still trading to stock market online myself in my own account I made her a lot money off from that as well so they think all this ostentatious stuff is a function of legally earned money oh yeah with its really nothing know how bad drugs was then they knew I was throwing raves and they suspected I was doing club drugs but they didn't know the extent of what I was doing at all you've got the people that was mixing between if it pulls on eight phones with it the Mexican Mafia so when you go out the chap at the door for the police and you got your sentence ho did when did that start were you getting surveillance twelve ones had combat while mum was like on his further fourth entry into the country now and I've been told by someone that the authorities were getting hot for me they arrested something to Paul Gravano my competition and I was like thinking all right they've arrested my competition they've done me a favor but then all the resources that were used to watch Sammy the bull Gravano we used to watch me it was a multi-agency investigation now I had a contact closer law enforcement it's on me it's time to leave town so I was actually planning on moving to LA I completely stopped the importation of the ecstasy a year before the SWAT team came I thought I'd got wave it thought they had to catch me with the drugs but this is I wasn't I was smart to some things but I was naive to the what's called a statute of limitations law which means all it takes is someone from your past to tell the cops that you've sold drugs to them so statute of limitations for ecstasy in Arizona that time was seven years so they had 10 witnesses come forward so you get stuck in yeah yeah and then they had wiretaps they did I never ever spoke on the phone about drugs drug deals but they did catch me doing some personal use stuff on the phone and they used that to say I was running a drug business which it wasn't but I had to accept my karma cheerfully because I had done what I thought yeah he's all done wrong yeah so you had quite an a year later is when you got the G oh yeah plus so the people who stopped young why did this that yeah and I thought so long right the main witness was my right-hand man it was my top ecstasy salesperson whose name is Skinner in the books Sammy the Bulls crew when they started to move into the ecstasy and lured him to a nightclub in Scottsdale under the pretenses of doing a drug deal knocked his teeth out took his ecstasy took his cash took everything that he had he was in the bad way now I was very close to Skinner and when wild man come over I was very close to Elmer and then this rivalry developed between both of them to the point where Skinner firebombed coordinate in a fire bomb attack on wild woman's house in Tempe Arizona but it was one of those situations where he also coordinated someone to go in and offer help and take the pills he was trying to like steal the pills by creating a crisis that we wouldn't know it was him but while one was so savvy and so tough some people most of her than they were of well ma'am she told these guys these gangsters who showed up saying look we're here to help you come with us to bring the pill she told them to [ __ ] off she was like I don't know who you are you know you could be taking me out to desert you can go guys can go [ __ ] yourselves while man was in the deportation prison when this happened so Skinner fought that wild man this was his final deportation he wasn't coming back so I had a lawyer expedite the deportation process and flew wild men right back and then Skinner just got so absolutely terrified because while ma'am was gonna do something and Skinner just fought right I'm just gonna [ __ ] turn everybody in and this Tom Queens and just yeah so why were you out in court where you were and pretty much a present you was at nearly 200 years ago again I was facing a maximum sentence 200 years that was for drug-smuggling conspiracy yes yes and so how did you manage what has he got a name that name I got a nine and a half year sentence and that is because I used the lawyer that the New Mexican Mafia recommended Alan Simpson now when summing the balls crew got arrested I think there was 57 of them and right away they all agreed to cooperate with the police and I think Simon the ball got 2015 20 years Samedi boo Sammy the bull Gravano is the on the boss of the Gambino crime family he was the guy on the John Gotti he murdered almost two dozen people for him have you not heard of the Gambino yeah feather the Gambino family yeah yeah yeah they took over Paul Castellano was the boss of the Gambino crime family and Paul was going around in his replica of the White House prancing around in his silk pajamas and he had ordered to his on the links they weren't allowed to get involved in the drug business so John Gotti his associates were taking drug money and they thought it might be the death penalty if Paul Castellano founds out so Sammy the ball and John Gotti decided to take over the family they had Paul whacked when he was entering sparks steakhouse in New York you can't just whack a boss without the permission from the Mafia council so the ad dudes in trench coats and big fur Russian hats doing it the Russians did it very work them and they took over the Gambino family now Sammy the bull when it all went down with the feds Sammy the bull turned informant he was the highest ranking member of the Mafia ever to cooperate with the authorities but he was like I ain't going into no witness protection program on some farm in Wisconsin wearing a fake beard and [ __ ] like that I'm really gonna live my life if they're coming for me I've got some surprises for in my house he was one dangerous individual and he taught informant yeah only I talk boys you see Stan alive he is still alive you got a prison a couple years ago but his daughter is the star of Mob Wives which was a huge TV show in an American character Karen Gravano is his daughter Gerard gravanos the son so in the prison wild man was actually chained to Gerard Gravano one on one of our court appearances and girag Ravana was telling us how about how his case had gone an infant like that and I every one all these people had agreed to snitch so right away using this lawyer the new Mexican Mafia had told us to use we had this United from my own over a hundred people arrested with me and only four people agreed to cooperate now the police had no physical evidence of me running a massive drug empire because I quit they only had four people agreeing to cooperate no physical pills so the case should the kitchen off get [ __ ] squashed is that enough evidence - it's not a charge you know what else - got you now is only they've got you so there's a there's a 98 percent of the cases I was on ending what's called a plea bargain basically you just have to sign and say I'm guilty of these charges and that's that's what you end up doing in the end yeah and I got nine and a half years because they never caught yet worth possession No so anybody could have says yeah he sold me a hundred thousand poles yeah and you'd have been [ __ ] yeah look at look at you interviewed Joe Steele yeah two guys said what was it I heard him in a pub at say yes and Gateway yes please if it's in the interest of the police to go if that they'll go with them I think things have changed most lately only Okeanos got a bit more concrete evidence no because then you could give a statement two people could come off the street and give a statement and that's your [ __ ] but I think it has changed no yeah yeah so and add as you always speak about prisons and stuff yeah sure through acclaim you've always get you've got great guests on great sure a.m. how bad was the pleasant another sauna how many pleasant have you been answered it at they start um so I was sentence in I laugh years as a first-time nonviolent drug offender to sir just on the six so I was in about on TV maybe ten to fifteen different prisons over all over that period of time every level from minimum security up to Supermax I ended up in the higher security levels because because I wasn't break down and sign up cooperate with the authorities and because the prosecute was just [ __ ] with me for twenty six months every single dirty trick in the book they threw at me to try and break me down psychologically and try and break the other co-defendants down and that's why I ended up in Mac security and in Supermax because of all of the tricks that the prosecutor played how long will your folks in when you got the jewel because you said you had things I in stuff who I couldn't quit taking drugs personally and sate no no outside before even though I quit the deal in I was still going out on the weekends getting high with Wellman and my friends leave my girlfriend at home but once I got inside [ __ ] don't know [ __ ] we are named like they calm down the ultimate calm down now as the shock the shock it's just like going into complete and utter drug infested and gang controlled mayhem you're sardine into cells right away rival gang members are breaking up with fights Bloods getting splattered on the walls people's heads getting bashed against toilets guards coming in pulling people out guards dropping people into these things called restraint chairs and putting hoods over the heads and people just rocking making demonic noise in Sanibel yeah and that's just that's just day one how many different gangs I don't need prisons it's all racial gangs in America that's the difference between a chick in range black whites blacks Mexicans Mexican Americans and Native Americans like the minority yeah sure we have a straddle and the pleasant yeah yeah when they told me about the 200 years in my second year I'm like 200 years that's the rest of my life in an environment like this what's the point in living huh but it was I was going to slash my wrists but I was looking at the photos of my mom and girlfriend and sister that that I was crying at this point thinking I was gonna get a call saying he's gonna kill himself in it yeah how far in jail he's killed himself I couldn't do it what was the phone call late when you told them you'd got did you I structured it so that my mates would bail me out but the police were one step ahead and they arrested all of us so having to call them was just [ __ ] gut wrenching honestly my mom's the heartbreak and her voice and the strain and my dad's voice and even to this day it's it's like I could still see the on their faces like yeah and I think that's good subject to touch on and people see drug dealers and I love the high life Motown hosting next to Paul McCartney R and H cars all depart I seen everybody wants to be alone but when the shot does hit the fan which is a hundred percent always happens to anybody that's involved in claim it's there it's the families who hot the most it's hot the most because you came to become selfish and not leave and you don't think about anybody else but yourself and that's the scary thing but your outer you survives you doesn't kill yourself yeah and you love to tell the story so I've watched something I watched one of your aunt of yours where some dispatch at through our app let the spec ship through a straw yeah and in fact people or something with it they keep the shirt and the sale but it goes moldy but they can spurt people who was that story hose that okay so I was my first year medium security second year I mean max cuz the prosecutor dirty trick doubled my bail money went over 1 million moved over to max prosecutor then when I got sentence the final [ __ ] you was she accidentally put my sense down as 34 years when I was sentenced to nine and a half so I was fast-tracked to Supermax now in Supermax you are in a Cell all the time 24/7 so you can't settle disputes like they settle disputes with the fists so they weaponize [ __ ] and there's hole runs of these people called shits lingers but a basic would be like a chicken bone with [ __ ] on it in a pen casing or some rolled paper or whatever you're allowed in there so if you're passing that guy's cell and he blowed out you say it gets in your neck gets into your bloodstream your blood transfers that around your body and it really [ __ ] your immune system Oh burn mine 90% of the prisoners were shooting up heroin 2/3 of hepatitis C from showing dirty needles some of the shit's lingers leave - it in the piss for day so mold grows on and it's really the bacteria is enhanced so there's a whole range of [ __ ] slingers and the rambo of the ships lingers was this guy called Magnum so he would rig his whole cell up with tubes and shampoo bottles and if the guards came in tried to take him out extract him anything like that he would just open fire and just hosed these guys down with all of this liquid [ __ ] now one time they took him out of his cell they she's completely stripped him hadn't even naked in handcuffs in a dry cell and the guard come along to observe him they got to come along and look every so often and then underestimate his resolved because he held molten [ __ ] in his mouth for an hour or so I saw this gardener walk the guard of the security Mass but he was so surprised when Magnum injected this molten [ __ ] from his mouth that the guards mass went up and the [ __ ] went up his nose I bear in mind this guy got this [ __ ] in his mouth when he's in handcuffs so eat naked in handcuffs II must have like shat on the floor man just wriggle back around and gobble that [ __ ] up in his mouth and just the right consistency mouth so you could spray on this [ __ ] guard that's [ __ ] crazy yeah there's like the prison is the biggest house of the mentally ill in America yeah but the present system was a multi-billion dollar system it's a himself to feel rank no is each closing I think the government meeting 5,800 K each person I sent and 75% that a nip doesn't actually go back and over three years low-level drug users yeah the ones I should have been Pleasant you might want to have Neil woods on your podcast he was an undercover cop who writes about this and he just got disgusted by the war on drugs and how he won he wanted to get the big bad guys and he got some of them but mostly he was the rest in these little just low-level users to fill these prisons up yeah you said someone was unpleasant who stole a pizza and got life for the food straight was that okay on the three-strikes law 25 to life there are people in America doing life sentences now for stealing a ten dollar pizza stealing chocolate chip cookies and weed possession scary that uh $50,000 a year back there and that was 1.25 million to the taxpayer for the guy selling ten ten dollars yeah it's just a shakedown on the taxpayers yeah it's just an industry so that's it not for failure yeah people coming out and I can straight back in because they're not names to come out well again Hank you've addressed that tattoos and a face and yeah do you ever did you ever feel pressured when you were on there to join their gang diffusive I was in an unusual situation because over a hundred people arrested with me including Wildman so we were one the biggest groups in the jail so for the first year we looked out for each other and everyone knew who we were like we call the Catholic Mass and stuff like that and we sit on the back roads together while man couldn't whisper the priest all the way through to mouth the priests tell him well man to shut up and doing like these diversionary speeches about people who interrupt things and how it's biblical prophecy that these people will cousins loud nose that enabled me to make alliances with certain people which helped me during my entire incarceration we have been tactical then Shawn even or a lot these men have twitched on Twitter Stone you would've had to play at tactical where you'd have had to be my politician I noticed their life I said it because the first day you were done there the jogger weapon is somebody sale and they wanted to know what you were in for oh yeah absolutely the charge checks right away so you gotta pull out your charges if it's anything to do with sex offenses Kos kill on sight if it's even drive-by shootings because women and kids get hit SOS smash on sight so they're looking for people to beat up or kill because that's how they rise up in the gang to be a full member of the Aryan Brotherhood Prison Co you have gotta murder someone the jail for them there's a lot of mothers and these pleasance I was in the jail the Maricopa County Jail system which had the highest death rate of all institutions in America that was my first 26 months and hard times about that and that's the craziest part of the whole incarceration that guards murdering mentally ill prisoners and people say how's that possible I've got videos of them doing it on my YouTube channel like the actual videos and the jail I was at guards murdering mentally ill people as the guards got a license to kill where they could do it and get away with her self-defense it's called absolute immunity the boss the jail always backs them up the lawyers always back them up and some of the guards were found guilty in federal court for being responsible for those murders after words were given promotions and pay rises by debauched sheriff joe arpaio so when you were getting when you fought you were getting two hundred years and and they brought this sentence down to just under 10 how do you feel and then was that a belief over you still go and [ __ ] well it wasn't a relief until I got sentenced because the detective was still pushing for a bigger sentence the prosecutor my lawyer had agreed like a sentence in range and it was a finger the detective didn't understand the reward the range had come down to could put I think it could have been possibly like in the low teens as the high summit like that and when he found the other [ __ ] fit and my one of my sentencing has almost got canceled my parents have flown over from England and I thought was getting sense pot was all over and a big fight erupted in the courtroom and the judge and the prosecutor might like I had to leave they all left the courtroom and they came back and the sentencing case it was all gonna start all over again after two years of fighting the case so that day when I finally got a sense a nine and a half years one of the happiest days of my life you think you're bein enough yes oh nine house gravy after that yeah how was that for was anybody in Brighton contact we fear that the embassy our kid you've got deported embassy if you commit a crime in a certain area of the world you have to answer to the repercussions in that judicial system and I interview a lot of people on my podcast that have done prison sentences in places like Dubai Kuwait all this stuff and it's horrific so young people watching this should be aware of what can happen yeah I could have done a prison transfer but you have to be sentenced to initiate that and it takes years for it to process and I would have already been released by the time I would have been moved so by the end of it I was in minimum security and it was nowhere near as intense as the beginning of it and it got faster and faster because where you were unfrozen you utilized it to your advantage you were drug free you started doing yoga you started reading a lot of books yeah defect night capture live as well I would say that reading and yoga and working out at a workout pyla call ironman martial arts guy my family support the support from all of the blog readers from all over the world who started reading my journals that were smuggled out the news picked up on my name later on people started writing to us fill in the library prison library with books all these things helped me get through psychologically yeah yeah but you're for drugs and president I thought I was a wild and crazy pie person well you where yeah but once I got in there that was that was a humbling experience what drugs was that and now 90 percent shoot up heroin in crystal meth they're all going bonkers because there's a crystal meth yet people getting paranoid and sketching out on each other and as all these conspiracies going on in the pardon are they're on heroin all that Avery's we've all around getting the drugs it's really that's a scene that I like [ __ ] that is this what drug use leads to yellow jaundice skin teeth rotting out people dying they know they're gonna die and all they care about was getting high yeah I don't wanna go any further down that road for yeah well it doesn't that as life if you are and drugs you are well avenge level if I'm all shot down the kidneys it lover the tea throw everything else goes to [ __ ] that way all mine was he stole dabbling and now no because while man was my co-defendant even though we could meet at the church and stuff like that the prosper you had this finger that's called a do not house together because they didn't want us discussing the case and telling the over there and it's what to do default we were like we would reform in jail but there was a point were when the Italian mafia took over my part they were moving over co-defendants in lower level co-defendants in with my my my pod with me had cellmates in there Joey crack and about four or five of my guys in there with me one was Zack this joy crack yeah some names doing [ __ ] G born where you would crack pierced his [ __ ] in prison with a Prince Albert but yeah yeah he had the jewelry smuggled in some oh and he shoved it yeah yeah hit the hole and his bellend shop jewelry through his car the jeweler's that wasn't at the angle he done the hole so it was hurt so he comes to the cell door holding his car on a balcony looking down at 45 dudes and girls can anyone help me out yeah I'm Pierce in my cart the jewelry's in but it's hurting to [ __ ] right now he's got blood dripping out all over himself what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put my [ __ ] at the word that the spine of the door where the door closes and um put the jewelry so the pressure of the toys gonna bend the jewelry so this isn't hurting my [ __ ] but if it starts to squeeze my [ __ ] too much I'll yell stop help me some dudes come up and help him when the slowly closing the door in his [ __ ] and in the end he was like after few close calls Kenny's dick Belen lobbed off he was like thanks guys it's not her now he's like everybody's blood all over he's five moba getting [ __ ] my ears pierced off I'm out before sure no he's dead most of my friends at the male ones yeah he ever look back then and find yourself lucky then showing all the colors then umph still alive and I'm the things that I pop most you know what the situations I was in you do you think sort of your butt on maximum security it was ice lollies easy to get drugs its you can get drugs in absolutely any prison in the world there's more drugs in the prisons and there on the streets the peel is the same they make making more money selling drugs in prisons than they are before they got arrested Keef English Cruz upbringing and absolutely screws having a staff bring it in drones drop drugs off now visitors bring drugs in or the gangs these days one of the things they do they get a homeless person it's on him to pack his ass with drugs and then got gone have him get arrested and then he takes the drugs in yeah like that how much has it for like grammar crack and president in America so heroin and crystal meth were the two main drugs and because I wasn't participating in it I don't exactly know like I remember the figures but it's an inflation of what the street prices are huh yeah well Arizona is right next to Mexico so we're getting pure coke and pure heroin and like I could get kilos from the cartel for like 12,000 but then do you ever mess that life is well Shawn they're not governor [ __ ] they're there even though it seems that you would enjoying yourself but the mess the party leaves though when everybody attention they'll be better power do you look back and go yeah we tell our stories together and I get that feeling of nos child yeah it's a pleasant feeling but I don't pine for the old lifestyle but I think pining for it back would be just a waste of mental energy really fast is apart yeah a very forward focus enjoying what I'm doing in life now and I'm always strategizing for what work I'm gonna go next so way with mine let's talk Sean wayward man because he's done a lot of podcast you burned through job the podcast which is absolutely fantastic a stellar [ __ ] nutcase if I'm honest he stole crazy nose points he knows that now he's realized that now that's why he rarely leaves the house that's why I can't do all these podcast on his sofa because he knows if he goes to a pub there's gonna be a situation it's just so big and he's just attract his attention and people might want to make a name of him and stuff like that and you said about true Geordie we went on true Giada and George said if he gets 10,000 likely diving back on to tell these prison stories every day I'm getting messages from people on YouTube why is it well my my country jolly tellin stories we've been ready for years for a year however it's been for this to go back on so if people want to ask Brian and Laurence we would love to go back home we're standing by we were ready for anyone because I got a lot of hats and he story has was unbelievable he wants to call my podcast now and do his prison stories yeah so what as you story then from being your friend to bananas or not have been full of older dogs now what would jose doing no is he staying out of trouble I thought it would spend the rest of his life in prison and now he's gone over ten years without the police visiting him so in my book party time I would put him in various houses and stuff and houses and he got blown up houses ended up burnt down houses in and this wasn't stuff I was telling him to do this to people because the only one if you like that this is just well or accidentally blowing the house up in Mexico if he's a man Emin its girlfriend well when nice house in women that's nice house in Mexico on the Sea of Cortez they could just chill out and have a good life here first few days they get there they have a fight they stop the fight to have a smoke break the houses in Mexico are not built as well as the houses in America so what they don't realize is during this fight they've cracked a gas pipe smoke break lighter blue wall of flame comes through the house while man grabs well woman he's running out the house damages the ribs because he's thinking he's saving a life here now windows explorer and this house burns down completely yet now Capone that that's how Wellman is now in the last 10 years living with this in this house with the woman that he's so far is only poor a TV through a window knocked holes in the walls ripped doors off hinges and threatened the neighbor so I think he's completely reformed and that's pretty quiet compared to my shoes don't do you think you're changing your life and coming off with drugs in rewiring your brain and doing a lot of reading and meditation do you think that's helped them all so my attitude is this if I stay off the drugs and continue to be successful in what I'm doing my hope is that that will inspire other people with convictions that they can have a life after prison without going back to the lifestyle yeah it's definitely because you are doing we just thought that was a TED talk yeah I was my third one I just did one on the subject of Mafia murderer saves life of prison activists and that was the guy two phonies who was watching out for me I brought his life story it was poor Kubota and the some podcast I've done and I think that not great in the content has animals amazing but the stuff that sales as they claim as the guts as the drugs in the violence and that's what people want to hear and it's difficult as well for people to change your life especially for being a drug smuggler because people co always hear on the TV why is it glorifying it you're not you're just trying you're just telling your story everybody's got a story in life it's so hard when you get our prison if you've got a criminal record to get a legit job but the guys in prison if they've run drug businesses they've got the entrepreneurial skills because not only if they had to run a business they've had eyes in the back of the head to watch out for the authorities and stuff like that so if you've got that skill set if you apply that to the real world maintain discipline and perseverance you gonna be successful it took me 10 years to learn how to make money from selling books I was with Random House and for five years in a row 700,000 pounds of her books I thought that was success but when the check came every six months mm pearls they sent me yeah so 10 years later I start to write about Pablo Escobar most famous criminal in the world right now so write about myself change the writing about it was way all this interest worldwide start my own publishing company and that changed things around for me and I've used that money now to invest in doing these long-form true-crime podcasts yeah a lot of people who's been on my podcast who've brought books only count like 2% 3% back from their own book and we had that women on in London who draw a book but they'd only give her money for that two or three years and ended the show she's all dates Israel that small percentage so let's touch on your book Sean you've brought ten books yeah you've just give me free saying books which I'm gonna get and I vote we've got hard time what's that's one about all right so my life stories a trilogy party time is all the naughty stuff I did hard time is my first read then yeah hard time is the 26 months in the Ramon Jia which is the most hardcore that's a Qian way with man it wasn't afraid that's me in the front of a guy that's got the older Hannibal Lecter eyes look about him time is the third in the trilogy and then Escobar I'm just finishing up right now the longest story ever written about Pablo Escobar longest book it's called Pablo Escobar story it's gonna be over a thousand pages long this is only the first installment and there's been so much written about Escobar but it's all in the english-speaking world I did a talk on Escobar in London a Colombian woman come up to me afterwards and said look there's so much more in the spanish-speaking world so I spent all this money getting it everything translated over from Spanish it's completely changed my understanding of Pablo story narcos that's a de a myth it's glamorized for TV and Juan Pablo Escobar had the opportunity to be included in a course and the DEA said they would pull out if he was allowed to give his input so the DEA representation is where the good guys with the American good guys going in and kicking the bad guys his asses but the DEA the CIA the local police they get up to just as horrific stuff as the cartels in these countries and I give credit to now cause Mexico the cartels because that really does show the symbiotic relationship with the police but it didn't show that in the Pablo Escobar episodes much do you think he was Watson end up to Forbes magazine he was worth three billion at the peak they had him seven years in a row as a wealthiest on the wealthy world's wealthiest people list some people estimate up to thirty billion I think now a bit more than estimated figure because some people were seeing his meeting to 300 movie in a week yeah and they yesterday that the cars fell median Carter was doing ten billion a year but one Pablo Escobar when he was asked this question he said look forbes magazine they never said sent an accountant to our house to see how much he was well how the [ __ ] that they come up with these figures yeah but again claim man's dead that's just money goes to the politicians to the heads of the army the heads of the police Pablo El Chapo all these guys are actually four guys at the end of the day the true masterminds the kingpins behind all they get all this money at the end of the day are the politicians the heads of the military heads of the police and they're also getting money from the Americans to fight the war on drugs so they're arresting all these low-level people saying they're fighting the war on drugs well they're helping the big guys like Pablo run the drugs really countries that so it works so all these backpack is out there think they can just back some coke in the backpack these guys love that because they're gonna be made examples of in the war on drugs yeah as it's just that big money-making scheme honest money go round everybody's laying another on a poor kids they could never stop it because Pablo was getting Coca paste with $60 a kilo of Peru and Bolivia and how much do you think cocaine was going for a kilo in the late seventies when he was getting started in America kilo 2060 thousand so it doesn't matter who they arrest they can't bridge that gap and that's a function of drug laws drug laws have created the biggest gold rush for the Mafia in the history of the world so he was meeting a killer for $60 that's how much of six akela was going for in America Street but when you're a wholesaler his level you know there's all kinds of gritty why should we see me nakia for Pablo it depends how much he was selling how much a shipments were I mean they've got hundreds of kilo shipments so they were they don't I mean if a free did they not have their own fields and sure the Colombians did they have like were they not meeting that myself the coke yeah okay so you get Peru and Bolivia at the paste yeah that's what it's grown yeah in the Andes Mountains these guys have been chewing coca pay Coca and alkaloid substance it's like a hit of coffee that doesn't have the main coke ingredient it's gonna yeah yeah all different things yes so Colombia is about five times as big as this country it's got this vast expanse of unplaced jungle perfect for laboratories to not be discovered by the authorities so the paste is brought up from the south to these jungle labs one of the biggest ones which is showed that got busted was tranquil and iya there was a whole complex of labs there and the DEA traced I think it was the ether chemical all the way from America through Panama and down to the jungle and but that's what ended up with the justice minister getting assassinated by the Medellin Cartel addabani a-- it was the biggest ever bossed of cocaine in the history of the world yeah so assuming you come out israel the fact you've give all your attention until I can't everybody's story in and tell their stories will lie on the books everybody's story claims stories and stuff because you love your claim stories yeah what Pablo story did research it and get more information here eight books are Bota does that excite you as well it really does have got a passion for it so I wrote my own story and now I'm trying to like get the other stories of people out there through YouTube mostly right now and you know writing for me and getting my story out there was cathartic and a prisoner on ex-prisoner Schanz Sweeney and he'd been involved in a weed transaction $15 we transact ten pounds in this country we transaction it was his brothers weed transaction three transaction was so petty the buyers actually had coins in a jar that they pay for this weed anyway he was his brother got frightened and he ended up Shana ended up lashing out with a knife and stabbing someone and the guy died [ __ ] so he had never spoke about his story to anybody before and he came on the podcast and he didn't know how people were going to receive it but all these people came in giving him support I think someone even offered him a job and he said that's really helped him psychologically so from having this platform now I feel I'm privileged that so many people are interested in it and I can use it to help other guys who are going through things benefit the same way I benefited psychologically until their story because we've spoke about to Ella it's difficult to get a job with you but I'm pleasant our people still think you're active and when people came on in tables are stored on your Shores they open doors for them for me to get that book published I'll make a documentary maybe make some money a lot of people you've had them a few the Glasgow Boys on the show how give me your gated YouTube channel wish on the amana it's all my soldiers under my name's Sean sha you an asteroid ATT not true crime podcast on YouTube Johnny boy Johnny police loo yeah by McDonagh show guys I was hanging out with him outside the prison colony below me present hanging out with Johnny and his boys outside the prison he showed me the wall he's getting over two days ago this was and cuz I've got my own publishing company I've spoke to Johnny and you know he doesn't have an e-book out he doesn't have no idea book out most of my cells are audiobook now so if guys are out there who have got true crime gripping stories prison stories and they've got walk I am willing to read it give it a look and a traditional publisher like Random House will give you 10 15 percent I'm saying I'll pay for the production and then we'll split the profits 50/50 so you're gonna get 50 percent not which I feel so how can people contact you just now if they want ear maybe a get an idea again I think email address that put in the description below this video say anyway just in case he wants write it down it's at word ATT would dot Shan sha UN at hotmail coat UK yeah cuz I just had Bally mood on his wheel who he's fella my player before dawn bears [ __ ] unbelievable even yeah and bellies trying to get he's setting Baku Israel so he's brilliant and great guy again a past with all [ __ ] up with all done budge including even chats and do who c'mon Israel who Jets stories unbelievable Angela yeah he's crazy his whole [ __ ] creation and like I need to get like share and Wellman and bling and joining all there like a livestream the Pegman way with my not chemo anymore as he's just setting the house bones I'm slowly talking him into coming down south for coming on my podcast it's a mission to get him to do stuff like smuggle him into America was a mission but anything can be done Sean you've clearly shown that yeah so what's the plan and so moving forward for the future what's your plans for you well DC yourself alright so I'm gonna keep the true crime podcast growing once I've finished up my Pablo Escobar book I've got two more books coming out we are being lied to the war on drugs is one and also the war against weed I was in Amsterdam last week at the hemp museum and everything in the hemp museum was exactly all the stuff I've been researching about the weed laws for years all the things that some people say a conspiratorial really solidified it seeing it so I'm gonna expose all that the corruption around the weed laws and then I want to cross over to fiction because crime fiction is ten times bigger than true crime I was that little look who's dominating crime fiction all these little old ladies this little lady's affection is to me top shot that that is sailing in in a literary world crime fiction is ten times the sales of true crime I won't believe what I saw for the weed came to say that what do you mean what you could go in each pose for we yeah oh my goodness you know people just don't understand the history of weed laws how it was steeped in all of this racism so the earliest laws against weed were in California at the state level and they were introduced because they didn't want people growing for free in their own backyards Queen Victoria her doctor had already identified weed as being the most medicinal planet in the history of the world you can go back thousands of years and look at thee there's ancient like relic that show how it was used and stuff going back to the Egyptians and the Chinese now at the federal level the laws that were used at the federal level which are then exported to all over the world were introduced by a drug czar called Harry Anslinger brilliant book written about him by Johann Harry called chasing The Scream so Anslinger was the future son-in-law of melon of the melon bank who was the Undersecretary of the Treasury of the US government Mellon had investments in fledgling petrochemicals fledgling pharmaceuticals Henry Ford was trying to do a whole car based out of hemp which was stronger than plastic and metal the competition wants to eliminate him William Randolph Hearst he was the media tycoon he had investments in paper and Forests which hemp was competing against so all these tycoons got together with Andrew Mellon in the US federal government put Harry Anslinger in charge as the this first official drug czar it was in the charge for decades how can we sell lists at the public will change the name of weed to marijuana so it sounds Mexican this is a time when blacks and Mexicans were getting lynched just for looking at a white woman wrong hung from the nearest tree so and then they said a black man or a Mexican on weed will want to rape every white woman in sight yeah that's how they sold it to the just don't fear any people's head the people were so scarred even the hemp farmers voted for these laws against marijuana putting themselves out of business that they didn't even understand would you think you should be legalized in everywhere all drugs should be completely legalized and that sounds a bit harsh but let me okay weed is bad for people the the is the theory that some people say especially if you're a teenager it's going to damage your brain your brain is developing and there is a degree of Darkness degree of the hardest of causing some of that book the theory is weed is bad for people or drugs about four people I think anything it's not natural and people see it's grown from a plant but they die studies are showing that I study on the brain and how the chemicals released when you take on the dead one I started on a alcohol sex a psychedelics and meditation yeah so that I study on how the brain feels when he take that stuff sort of give it a one out of ten am alcohol get any sex got a name psychedelics got nine point five the one I give at 10:08 in was meditation and that was only one it never give you I calm down so and for me personally if legalizing drugs I think it claim would go down I think people using who go down a hill Jewish speaking about Portugal yeah when they're the heroin over there addiction problem is reef a lot of people are bar Donna but when they actually legalized that the numbers dropped significantly that program started in my hometown witness yeah so they said alright this isn't working the fingers in the 80s aid is getting spread by the needles shopliftings off the scale because paramedics only small percent of drug users but it's a disproportionate amount of a quiz ative crime so let's give them medicinal grade heroin and see what happens for free and these plants are worthless it's only drug laws that sent the value up a sky-high so it doesn't cost the taxpayer as much to give them these things so what happened was they weren't afraid of getting arrested like in Portugal they weren't afraid to get arrested they got counseled and got off the drugs shoplifting collapsed disease transmission collapsed they were going to transfer this program across the country was making news headlines and then the Americans found out the DEA and one call to Downing Street and that program was stopped but it was transferred to Portugal years late and they've had they got there and Alex down from over hundred thousand less than fifty thousand so when you make completely worthless plants illegal their value becomes more than gold to the Mafia to mass-produce and flood the entire world with so the drug laws have created the drug problem it's the economist Richard Branson everybody completely agrees anyone who studies economics understands this drug should be back in the hands of doctors where they were before they were made illegal there should be more education for young people and less incarceration yeah the calcinations would drop them right away f drops we're so much money be made from lost on young people up for drugs but it's a billion dollar and this job's unions phone companies all these contractors are trying to keep this stuff as tight as possible so they can keep locking people up so they can make all this [ __ ] money do you drink at any for no sha-na-na was never really a big drinker back then was GHB by the garland birthday we've got a limo we're out on the town we got a bottle of GHB like this big one of these we like shampoo bottle things we're all experienced GHB dream because we know just to take one bottle cap well man drinks the whole [ __ ] thing doesn't mean so it doesn't seem to be fact he's a man who can do a lot of drugs he thought we're gonna get we were paranoid one time we probably gonna pull avoid placing a whole bag of crystal meth so figured eyes the world my baby it's not gonna affect him so I'm like [ __ ] hell I'm getting into the rave you know I haven't people outside watching this China and what so the limo driver was a snitch [ __ ] not only well Welman obviously needs some medical attention and they came for him but the limo driver snitched us all out and the police we're trying to like shine light to people's eyes and stuff and it's like a massive amount of ambulance crew to pick like that fireman out there trying to pick one up taking the hospital every [ __ ] what do you think of em the psychedelics like DMT and ayahuasca whichever DUP your torrent of that I listen to Joe Rogan interview Russell Brand and it's funny because I had this very similar conversation with my therapist years ago I said look yeah I had this problem with drugs and I recognized that but what about doing you know shrooms with the indigenous Indians of here ayahuasca or you know what the Mexicans in doing this and that and he said why would the indigenous people of these countries be accommodating a West and I like me to get involved in their sacred rites and also someone like me just looks for ways around this framework I've built to not go back to drugs it's good it's a continuous thing for the rest of your life that you have to be on guard because it could sneak up on you in any way I think Russell Brand he said he was he realized when he was talking to Joe Rogan that he was looking for an exemption clause from his addiction he was getting so teased into what I was saying about I was it well yeah I believe for me personally it's to burn our conscience free my mind what I'm in control and no matter what you see whether it's a plant aware that sir so that it's though taking away it's a trap at the end of the day and it will wear off meditation is a prime example go at a no attain it's only place a key thing it can get your brain to feel in that sense of bless we made the tation all these other things psychedelics ecstasy yogi that short sense I'll bless but then was always a clash but highest I've ever felt in my life since getting out of prison I've done a hour plus of yin yoga and then lived on a guided meditation and I was driving back out of the yoga place listening to DJ Sasha something clouds out that they're gonna windows they'll hearing the birds chirping just looking up smiling at the clouds thinking you know I'm not in prison anymore the light is on green [Laughter] that's the sense that blessed in a sense I cam this because to show gratitude this way when I think even though we tell all these claim stories and stuff like that we always go I always go back to see that I'm a no stay as unconscious as trying to eat rate try to exercise trying to a lesson I believe and even meditation from yoga or whatever as even just a 5-10 minutes are they even shown gratitude in the morning to what you're clear before it changes your whole [ __ ] there those mines for all we speak about I'm Jody Spencer and guys at one off the east man who changed his central nervous system we believe in techniques everything can be reversed so for anybody coming over a pleasant you can change your mind you can change a life in your prime example showing that you're doing well yeah you're speaking to skills and your own dough lesion aver see is you have a few weird this way although what do you see when you tell your story the other few wise people and thirsty than us because you because you see when you talk about a story because you love it it doesn't seem as bad but yet people are so glad ten with what you're saying because they got released over ten years ago now and people are still interested it may be more than ever I feel really privileged that they are interesting it because you know I'm just a normal that coming out a witness going to America and all of a sudden like all my friends and stuff and these people come watch me toil you know the company I'm amazed that people just come out to hear me so that's good I think this is the beginning a new chapter for you because you've already done your stuff but your YouTube is getting bigger your channels getting bigger yeah guess I come beggar you're obviously getting bigger if you're certainly not sure sure so the next book coming out wins it coming out so the rest of Pablo Escobar story is gonna be coming out this year so that we parts two and three and four then next year people wanted me to get t-bones story out as well is the big black duster Hammond Pleasant as well just before we funny shot him so who's Tebow and all these names again t-bone G boy and [ __ ] G dog he's dog general get confused this like a mafia story this most of my friends in prison were farmer soldiers it's really sad that so many soldiers end up in prison since they've got PTSD so cheap on his marine II saw some action his head was messed up he's probably done 30-plus years now in prison getting involved in drugs mostly crime around drugs but he was using his skills as a u.s. Marine to stop prison rape and he wasn't just knocking his rapists out some of them could find he was getting stabbed he was getting held down by dudes river rocks in soccer getting smashing through his head so when t-bone came to my cell door for the first time I was in shock because of the rules of racial divisions it became way because he's a black guy so this I'm just starting my little still and then there's this sick almost six and a half foot black guy just stood at my doorway completely blocking the sunlight out looking at me he's only got his trousers on his entire body covered in scars not like little yeah horseshoe sized cars I'm thinking what like it was like seeing something off a Conan movie but in real life so he knew that I was a right at the prisoners were finding out that was the right and they were interested in putting the stories Outland and getting pen pals and things so we started shooting the [ __ ] and real nice guy you know he was interested in English history very well-educated very well-read from all those years in prison and he just started telling me these stories about the things that you've done and he's because some of them have died now to Tony's has died and the most popular ones at my blog that got the most most comments back then were t-bone to Tony's and Xena the transgender one who took her man parts off when I'm at a meal Pleasant yeah yeah yeah we can go there if you want this is the most yeah just to finish teapot up he sends his letters to me to this day from prison the police tried to stitch him up on a 200 year sentence just cuz he's a big black guy he's been in the military got chemistry they just wanted to bury him alive he went to trial his latest case for Black Manta cause trial Arizona went that's risky went to trial they said to the police ma'am understand was the video I'm doing robbery it was a camera where he said he did robbery policeman said we didn't have time to get the video so he beat that case thought he was gonna get out but they came up with someone else they said he took $20 off a countertop in the shop found him guilty and gave him 13 years black lives matter at all in the US justice system I don't care what people say I saw that firsthand Xena it was called Shira in my book prison time six and a half foot charismatic transgender and Xena was gained when when Xena first came in she clicked up with the Aryan Brotherhood and abs but it's blood in blood out and jizeen and getting gang-raped multiple times by the Aryan Brotherhood they held it down beat her until she was unconscious and shoved a broomstick in her ass and I said to her because we were writing a blog to raise awareness of prison rape I said how do you know if you're unconscious that they were raping you and she said when I went the toilet after I could tell by what came out mm-hm I said what did you do have to getting raped I sat in my cell waiting for the scars to go I got moved to a different yard where it all happened again they used me as a secretary prostitute a punk there's absolutely nothing you can do you can't report it or else you a snitch and yet you know even if you've been raped you consider the Ponca rotten because it did less than human you can do absolutely nothing other than kill the perpetrators so I asked Zena how she stopped it and she didn't tell me the truth she said I started fighting back I won most of the fights when I started fighting back and telling them I didn't care if I lived or died anymore he left me alone but it was months later when I found out from a soul mate I had a serial home invader torture a guy who I didn't get along with he told me the truth what happened was with Xena was Xena was studying Anatomy and she came with an idea and the next times the gang members came to rape Xena first member of the gangs put his hand on Xena Xena plucked his eyeball out it was dangling from the optic nerve when I heard this I didn't even think that was possible I had this workout partner in prison called iron man who's into the martial arts and he told me to you know join a dojo when I go out what she what I did so training for karate for almost 10 years and it's called bird beak striking karate so basically just go in like that it gets the eyeball it pulls it out it dangles out on the optic nerve now when you do that to somebody there's some kind of fluid that cushions the brain which can leak the cerebral fluid or something that can leak through the hole the eyeball when they try and put it back in it doesn't exactly go back in properly can you can be perm we blind it says all these repercussions from your eyeball pulled out that can happen you can die from the fluid coming through Xena did that twice on two separate occasions and then the a bee gang classified as extremely dangerous and they left her alone but they moved on to some of her friends one of the gang members was the one of the punks re was held down and they they raped him and they put a light bulb in his ass and they made bets on who could smash it first and that prisoner committed suicide afterwards but the worst one is they raped the guy and they got a shovel from the work crew and held him down and caught his head off yeah when his head was off they positioned it in a nerd the prison where the rival gangs would see it to mate the point he was the most they were the most violent rivers involved again this out hot Milo and North presents all right so Xena was doing 30 plus years and she's done about 20 when I met her I think in the 1980s in the 1990s there was a there was a TV show I think it's called 60 minutes and they said that the Arizona prison systems were the most dangerous and deadly pieces of land in the entire country right now this was before mass cameras in the war housing and the war on drugs and the mass incarceration had ramped up these places were really stuff like that was going on more so than it does today with the industrialization of it so this was before my time in the prison so hearing these stories from the old-school shaitaan' yourself I still does happen there was a case just the other day of a guy got his head cut off in one of the prisons and America yeah yeah you stolen contacts a lot of people over there well t-bone is the one who writes these last I mean I read them on my youtube channel he's got his huge following now at least daughter Dudley sadly she died in her 20s at the end of last year I think from pneumonia flu or something and a lot of people have donated to t-bone and helped him out and it's been really good and really supporting them it's really helping him get through the situation but going back to Xena just briefly so the transgender prisoners zina believe she is a woman trapped in a man's body so they try and cut the nuts off to stop the testosterone estrogen smuggled in then they're more at peace with themselves so Xena wakes up one day it gets a felt-tip pen draw some line on those lines on a scrotum drinks a cup of coffee grabs a razor blade she's got this thing called Mosby's med Medical Dictionary where she learned all the areas within the scrotum gets the razor blade hell starts slashing her scrotum open the testicles are on these branches called the vas deferens so she's identified one testicle and she's cutting through with the spermatic cord in the grizzle and stuff and she manages to get this testicle of yeah but the over testicle must have realized what was coming because it retracted up inside of her body yeah and now Xena's got her hand up inside their guts looking for of a testicle and she's saying she can doesn't matter it's a bladder or a kidney or what I'm just feeling all these mushy organ sensation feelings up inside herself now where she's got it tied off to stop the blood coming out she's panicking now she's got this red-hot pain and she's thinking if she doesn't get it off she's gonna die but she's got this red-hot pain from the first one the blood squirting across the Sal and she's got her hand up in a gots and she's losing consciousness unfortunately someone comes and they got a helicopter into prison just in time to get Hospital to save her life she was on suicide watch for over a year and then she cut the other one off [ __ ] hell Sean if anybody wants a testicles cut off contact shawnzy yeah she introduced me to some of her other friends who've done it there was one but kid they're not getting that done and through the pleasant that kid they're not put them in as I say a twang because transgenders beg other than it's ever been should there not be separate wings and these presidents Australian of the state's it wasn't my brightest idea to break the lore up it's all redneck guards with the aviator glasses chewing tobacco so there's the saying you've got nothing coming you know you complain to the guards or something and they'll just say yeah I get right on there did they ever beat the [ __ ] out yeah anything Sean oh god yeah oh you came down looky and just kept your head don't yell okay don't interact with the guards my lawyer told me early on anything you interact with the more you interact with it the more chances it's got of harming you so that was my philosophy going in don't interact with the guards minimize your interaction to gang members the maniacs but I want a lot of people over because I was helping the prisoners and the blog had created a bridge to the outside world of a game hand positive getting books sent in when I had a situation where a shot-caller par green like to have me attacked or killed all the people who were community that found around the blog protected me and stood up for me to tony saved my life in that situation yeah Shawny boy she's from you got the tax cut off to new pics but your stories unbelievable me and for taking the time it come on marshal are very much appreciated and everybody check out Shawn's YouTube channel point links your class in the description boxes below of some of the videos like Johnny boy stuff oh yeah appreciate that me thank you and put this on my channel if people watching this yeah use the description box and you can click over to put on both channels definitely but showing a fun of the enjoys it and I wish everything for the future me steer a [ __ ] trouble me thank you
Channel: Anything Goes With James English
Views: 274,976
Rating: 4.7585826 out of 5
Keywords: #shaun attwood, #crime, #ecstacy, #mafia, #podcast, #prison, #drugs, #true crime
Id: fJoUhYgFgS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 37sec (4957 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2019
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