Amazing Farm Raising 100 Tons of French Oysters This Way - Oyster Farming Skills

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do you know where Europe's largest oyster Farm is located these are oyster farms in France with superior quality compared to oysters in other regions of the world oysters here can be sold for $10 each so today we invite you to join us in exploring a 100 tonon oyster Farm in France explore a farm that raises 100 tons of French oysters worth $10 [Music] each [Music] in France the maren oleron oyster Farm is also considered the largest in Europe with about 6,000 hectares of oyster farms and each year from 45,000 to 60,000 tons of Marin oleron oysters are produced here the annual export output accounts for 50% of France's total oyster production maren olon oysters are the only French oysters to be honored with the label Rouge award an award that distinguishes products of outstanding quality so how does France's largest oyster Farm operate [Music] [Music] the first step is to prepare hair quality oyster seed each oyster produces about a million eggs which after fertilization become larvae to collect these larvae oyster Farmers need to select quality seeds and artificially fertilize them to create large numbers of larvae through special nurturing and Care in the controlled environment the larvae that grow to a size of 10 mm will be transported to the farm and raised in a natural environment at the farm on the beach people have prepared mesh bags measuring 100 cm long and 50 cm wide mesh bags can be used multiple times during each oyster farming season at this time the seed oysters will be placed in mesh bags for nurturing then placed on wooden [Music] racks each Farm has tens of thousands of similar mesh bags spread across each wooden trellis over a period of nearly 2 years the oysters feed on Plankton and gradually grow under the close supervision of oyster farmers during this time the bags must move nearly 40 times depending on the tides and currents oyster Farmers must check their oysters every day it is a job that simultaneously requires physical endurance and precision [Music] we can see large and small oysters living in the wonderful scenery here the ecosystem is regulated by almost continuous flow of water created by tidal movements oysters feed by filtering water through their gills During certain period periods of the tide over the growing season oysters are sorted by size and repositioned on different platforms accordingly each bag of oysters must be turned over and shaken by hand to ensure the oysters are separated from each other so the shells do not stick together there are tens of thousands of bags that need to be processed and this is a year- round job for oyster farmers [Music] after harvest sorting oysters by shape and size is an important step in getting oysters to the market weighing and selecting oysters are tasks that are done manually depending on their size they are placed in boxes or large containers sent for sorting at this stage the oysters are separated from each other and repackaged in larger bags so they can be kept [Music] fresh [Music] oyster processing is carried out at processing plants where they are cleaned many times with water to remove sand and gravel then each worker uses an oyster shelling tool and gently separates the meat the oyster meat is washed again and then packaged oyster need to be stored at low temperatures during transportation to the store or to Consumers to keep the product [Music] [Music] fresh oysters are naturally low in fat and rich in very high quality protein they also have three to four times less cholesterol than meat they contain phosphorus and calcium as well as Trace elements such as zinc selenium and copper therefore they are especially recommended for athletes and women to replace lost minerals with hundreds of tons of oysters processed every day people will discard dozens of tons of rough oyster shells that seem to have no effect but in France Brands there will be factories that recycle oyster [Music] shells to recycle dead oyster shells they crush the oyster shells to turn them into a substance that increases fertility and nutrients for the soil the calcium rich composition of oyster shells makes them an excellent soil amendment for Agricultural and Horticultural activities crushed oyster shells are used to adjust soil PH especially in acidic soils promoting optimal conditions for plant growth they also enhance soil structure providing better drainage and IRAs in gardening crushed oyster shells act as a natural barrier to Det lugs and snails protecting delicate plants from these common [Music] pests today's video ends here how do you feel today please comment a lot below to let us know don't forget click like share and subscribe to support the channel and now goodbye and see you in the next [Music] videos
Channel: Tony Farm
Views: 3,906
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Keywords: Oysters, fish, fishing, sea, fishermen, farm, farmer, agriculture, agriculture technology, agriculture department, regenerative agriculture, american agriculture, agriculture technolory, farming, biggest, skills, #Oysters, #fishing, #fish, #sea, #fishermen, #farm, #agriculture, biggest farm, Amazing 100 Tons of French Oysters Raising This Way, Oyster Farming Skills
Id: uFH3rDwxAVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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