Eco-friendly Toilet Build: Hyperadobe Composting DIY

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foreign and I'm Jonathan and we're tiny shiny home we've spent the last couple of months building a composting toilet Outhouse out of dirt and recycled material and we'd like to show it to you that's right our family of six built this adorable little hyper Adobe Earth bag structure that houses a unique composting toilet system for us and our guests to use while we build our house this is a seven foot by ten foot building buried three foot underground to Aid in the composting process we used 1 000 linear feet of hyper Adobe tube netting and experimented for the first time filling the bags with only clay and our native soil so why did we build this well we wanted a place for visitors and guests to go to the bathroom on our property but we wanted to do it in a natural and sustainable way so not only did we utilize mostly recycled materials but we also installed a fully compliant composting toilet system that we'll explain here in just a little bit and of course this project was our last opportunity to try out some more natural building techniques before we start our house but I feel like babe don't you think this building should have like a fun name the defecation station the dookie Den the drop spot super Hazard Hut the booty Bureau a komodobo humidor Hacienda Utopia copper Barrel leaning tower of poopsa watch Elation station gotta go Chateau Oval Office okay those are fun but I think we should call it the casa de Kaka okay let's get to work it's time you were gonna say sorry it is time I forgot us it is time for another project here on the homestead [Music] now we could have done this by hand digging out this trench area but friends Jason Selena fat totem Farms they're like no we got this we can do it so thank you guys because this is Gonna Save Us a lot of time [Music] foreign [Music] but I think what we're gonna do now is put some steaks back in and rerun the lines and get it get the inside dimensions [Music] we have measured the inside dimension of where our composting barrels will be oh [Music] imagine if you will that you walk into the entrance and you're surrounded by beautiful blue toilets okay you're probably wondering what the heck is going on why are we digging down so far why are there all these barrels we're gonna explain this composting toilet system is from the Arizona watershed management group and it is approved for use in the state of Arizona the high level idea is that each Barrel will be buried low enough into the ground so that you sit down and use it kind of like a regular toilet only one barrel is considered active at a time and will be building a special seat that goes on top with venting seals and insect traps to keep pathogens out each time you use the toilet you cover the solids with a carbon material like wood chips or sawdust this AIDS in breaking down the material and keeping the smell away and while you can have everything go in the barrel we have modified our system to work more like a traditional composting toilet and divert the urine away from the solids this means less potential for smelliness and that it composts even faster which is really important for a large family of six like us the urine should be followed up with some water down the tube to dilute it otherwise you'll get build up and clog your lines here in Cochise County we were required to divert the urine to an actual septic system with a leech field which personally we think is dumb because diluted urine is great for plants we would have preferred to plummet that way but for Simplicity and keeping with codes we did just run all the liquids to our house septic system because composting takes time you need to fill up the first Barrel most of the way cover it with no CM bug screen and a ventilated lid and then give it four to six months to fully compost without introducing new material during this time you need to aerate it every couple of weeks to make sure things are moving along and if it smells when you do that it's time to add a little more carbon material to the top we have so many barrels because we are a family of six and so the goal is by the time we've filled up all six barrels that first Barrel should have had enough time to fully compost we'll just shovel it out into a wheelbarrow and it should be ready to use all right now let's get back to it thank you so of course as we start our new project the wind comes the freezing cold temperatures come and it's snowed this morning but we're not going to let it stop us we've got to clean out the bed of our truck we're gonna go get some gravel and we're gonna do some leveling in the pit area [Music] foreign [Music] level from our friends and we're gonna start checking our drop to where the septic for our house is going to be and that's because after a lot of conversations with the Department of Health here in Cochise County they said that because we're diverting the urine it's got to go to an actual septic so we've got to see if the drop is going to be right from sunken down inside this pit here to where the actual septic is going to be for the house [Music] so good news our drop is fine the land slopes enough naturally to where basically we just need to dig part of a trench out of the bottom of this that we're going to connect to the urine diverter [Music] I forgot how heavy this thing was foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this Sunshine is making all the difference like everybody's in a good mood and everybody's motivated we are going to get started foreign didn't we break our uh speed all right we broke our speed record right no for the slowest laying of bag ever we're so out of practice well we have one back leg guys this is depressing yeah it's taken about an hour remember when we used to do like 50 feet of bag in a day this is 13 feet [Music] I can only say with you but I always pick you we are going to put a vapor barrier along this back wall go under the bag and up the wall and one square up past the ground level we will fold it over on the bags should work smashingly I said that [Music] but your heart's not with them now what are we gonna do with this until we get all those bags after that first little bags down we'll roll it up to where it's it's along here and we'll put some heavy weights on it because it's gonna have to stay there until we're done yeah all right ready [Music] How's that gonna stay on if the rim broke off how's the elastic going to stay on it looks like the ram is still there but the part right below the rim broke up so you're just gonna leave it in the back huh I think so this is not what we would recommend to people [Music] you yeah oh no Brooke hold on hold on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] they've been wondering where I saw where chickens have been laying one of them has been laying for several days here she is [Music] I'm not sure how we missed that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] just a quick PSA because we have a lot of new people here and a lot of people ask us where the heck do you get these weird red backs well these are hyper Adobe bags they're made by a company here in the state it's called vom companies they're really tight-knit they've got UV treating on them if we just built this like this and built it up and left it for like four years totally fine they would hold their shape so if you want to get some we have a special link because people ask us so many times we just made a link it's hyper Adobe back enjoy [Music] I don't know [Music] Pro tip don't plant grass in your Earth bag walls idea [Music] oh Joe's just the fifth [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] through the magic of editing we have made it to Tucson [Music] foreign [Music] all right so we have one last thing we need to do today before we can move to the next course and that is Butcher seen around the dwarf yeah so here's the thing though we haven't quite decided where we're gonna put the door yet all right so we've decided to keep it in the middle that way we've got access all the way around and then we can put the urinal back here cool we picked up this door over in Tucson at originate natural building and it's a little bit wider than I want it to be so we're hoping I mean this door looks solid hopefully it's going to be okay yeah I think it'll be fine if it's not we wasted 75.65 65 no 70 75 83.83 oh my gosh okay [Music] foreign [Music] we successfully cut the board down the door on the board we successfully cut the board off the door what we successfully cut the door to make it more narrow thank you all right now we know what size we need to go make our buttressing and we can go do that thank you [Music] [Music] it is which is better the hammer just move out of my way [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] okay the wind is really picking up we have three more bags to lay we're gonna try to get them done as fast as we can we got everybody here we're just gonna try to go through this super fast so that's kind of let's time it and see how long it takes what time is it thank you [Music] foreign 19. that's when we were done 41 minutes it's not bad guys look we're almost above ground our next pour should get us like right at level everywhere yep and then and then we put the door from in and then we'll just keep going up this is exciting it's very exciting it's going really fast yeah we should build all small houses we'll just build a small kitchen and then we'll feel really good about our progress yeah I like it [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] guys one more bags not one more plus buttresses let's go that was very motivating [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] no dirts I'm stuck in here you can get out if you gotta get out anytime hold on I gotta get my clothes been recording for a while that one's squishy though hey oh hey hi do you see the name scrolling next to us I I do see the names yes yeah and do you know who that is I do there are tiny shiny homies they're the people that help support us every single month so that we can make a bunch of videos about a composting toilet Outhouse and then a full two and a half hour video about a composting Toyota house we couldn't do it without them that's true we could never do this channel without the help from our tiny shiny homies so listen there's still a lot of build to watch so we're gonna get out of here let these names finish scrolling and we'll see you later [Music] foreign [Music] today we are making our door frame oh yeah yeah our door frame this isn't the actual door stop that we're building this is just the frame that we'll have to build the stop and put it into so we just have to make sure it's big enough for all those things yeah yeah we're building the door Buck okay ready so many jokes all right let's get going [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign in our friend is here to move dirt from our pit over here because we're almost out of native soil and we have a truckload of clay over there that we also have to unload oh [Music] okay now that we are above ground on our Casita we are not using Portland cement anymore which is very exciting we're taking this waste material from Wilcox Rock and Sand we're going eight to nine parts of our soil to one part of this clay mix [Music] love song my way out of the womb [Music] this is gonna be impressive let's see it dang good grief hello foreign [Music] plastic all the way under the very bottom bag and then we've brought it up and slightly over this bag which is well above the height of any water that would be coming this way we'll also be grading from the height of this bag out so where water will run around this building and not and not and not come at this back wall [Music] thank you most of us are not motivated some of us are sneezing constantly and some of us just don't feel like doing this but things have to get done anyway so we're gonna power through and get done [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] I wanted to explain the cleaning system so what you do is you take a 2x4 or in our case we had some two by sixes left over cut a piece of plywood and you want to screw this to the plywood up through there so you have an L shape you want to screw this right to your door frame so that it's held tight you want this to go right across the bag before you put it in though you want to nail nails up the opposite way through and then when you get it on you nail more nails down into it and so what that does is it locks into the bottom bag and then when you lay the next bag on top of it it uses the weight of the bag to hold this thing and we'll do that every three four bags as we go up by the time you get to the top this thing will never move so these are ready to go for the next layer we're ready to do that final course foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] give me yeah just like give me a half scoop Dogg I don't know all right let's tie it and do it [Music] the clay is working out really good yeah we're just looking at it right before we got started here and the parts that have been in the sun long enough are hard as a rock yeah it's just what we were looking if you think about it basically what we're building here is long Adobe bricks sort of yeah yeah yeah and I'm really excited about being able to use a waste material from a local company and use it to build houses way better than Portland cement yeah so yeah I think it's gonna work [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] what's going on here why is this here [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you oh look at me I measured those bags good good job hey Lucas okay gotta do our high five all right I've got to do this thing too [Music] foreign [Music] we have been so busy all day yesterday all morning getting everything ready still have a few things to set up but we have to go over to the coffee shop and meet everybody and then we all come back here [Music] [Music] see the stars shining right through your eyes [Music] [Music] [Applause] so what I usually do is I go ahead and compress a little bit here I lift it like that and she's gonna take it and pull it down to the bottom and twist it and then take them out and then that way as you push now you have a nice it comes out too yeah you have a nice tight Edge on it oh [Music] [Music] in order to take these labels off because you're not going to see anything [Music] trying to find something that makes me feel alive [Music] now the main goal with this Workshop was to not necessarily get a ton of productive work done but more to take the time to teach and explain our process [Music] thank you one two three let me see what you see I just wanna understand [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] these are by far our favorite bottles um that anybody's given to us they're Sapphire Gin bottles if you have any please drop them off at my gate and I'm gonna put it I don't know if I want it in the middle what if I don't get it in the middle what about you can get it in the middle I believe yeah make it look a diamond oh Jesus pressure I'm so happy I'm so excited about this we're going in the house [Music] hey so we had a workshop we did and we had a bunch of people come over and we did a bunch of Earth bags like had a bunch of bottles we did some bottle bricks and then it rained and we haven't been out since and then we needed a few days [Music] before we complete this in we need to go ahead and level it you can use rocks pencils whatever you would like to shim this up but we thought we'd buy real shims [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're gonna do buttress buttress over and then we gotta fill in the rest of this layer so cleats will not go on the door discourse [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] cleats in we can go ahead and take off the angle braces and it'll be a lot more safe in there in case someone were to fall so Judd's going to take it apart and it'll look so much better [Music] what else I Wanna Be let's Hold It Down Downstream [Music] oh gosh did he do it yes what I held him just move this step [Music] did you build a lentil built the window high five [Music] thank you foreign [Music] 's gonna be real big yeah one of them's gonna be eight foot long because our six foot [Music] thank you can't carry it over there [Music] thank you [Music] this lentil is locked in we have the top course all complete which locks in all of the lentils for these little windows next is getting the big lintel up over the big bottle brick window and get that locked in [Music] thank you [Music] the reason we put a lentil or a header over this Frame is that we don't want the weight of the bags to ever actually push on this Frame that a window or bottles or something with glass will be in because eventually over time the weight of that could deform it glass could break it could be a problem this goes at least a foot over on this side and a foot over on that side it's supported by the bags and not by the frame that you put in also it's just like a traditional house build when you always are going to have a header over a door opening or window opening same idea you just don't want the weight over the window [Music] Can You Feel The Love [Music] colors that bring you back to life all my worries are gone [Applause] we're gonna have to come up with some really Creative Solutions because we're almost out of dirt we're almost out of clay we're almost out of bags we need to get it up to the right height for the roof guys you know we're gonna have to do we're gonna have to improvise [Music] [Applause] [Music] even though we had a really good plan for this building things are going to come up and you just have to roll with it and come up with new Solutions oh no that's a problem this is the last of the bags and it's not gonna get us finished for the day yay [Music] so it looks like we have enough for this long run all the way across the lentil over the bottle bricks but I don't know how much we got left after that how close are we to being ready over here oh you know just how dare you [Music] did I miss it you missed it already done oh let's see this part [Music] oh I gotta Tamp this whole thing yep [Music] so today is my favorite day hi everybody we are going to do something crazy you ready [Music] so not only are we using the wood from our old deck that used to be where the Airstream was all the way down there but we're also reusing all the screws from the deck because we kept them see it's a recycled it's a composted building it's a recycled composted building [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] like that we thought we might have to build another one of these frames on the back to get it at a shallower pitch but I kind of like the way it is we're never gonna be standing on the very back wall just sitting so it should be good just doing our business so the next step is we're gonna build our beams and we're gonna build that out of the old decking too and we're gonna clean everything together like secure it to the bags recycled [Applause] [Music] [Music] we [Applause] have now entered the phase of the build where Jonathan and I will either get stay married or choose to go our separate ways to the trees forgot what I was chasing spend so many nights living out at Sea that my heart is [Music] now I'm driving back on Interstate West I just gotta feel something you're happy to report so we are still married and we still like each other we still like you don't kiss on camera okay [Music] our beams are open in place which means the last thing to do is add our hurricane straps this is just we live in an area that is like crazy wind so every time we build a roof we just add hurricane straps because it's an earth bag structure it's not traditional this is just added insurance so our roof will not blow away [Music] thank you [Music] house [Music] how's your math going I was going to say don't look closely it's fine everything's fine I'm a little disappointed in my bird's mouth Cuts I'm sorry it's okay I just got practice more well guess what we have other stuff to build I know [Music] thank you [Music] here you go my way anymore last Raptor [Music] how excited are you oh I'm just glad it's done so you are excited now we decided we're gonna put the windows in what we only have two windows on either side two baby windows so we need to go see if we have some screws that we can use for that and then we should go in pretty quick we just gotta find the flashing tape yep eyes [Music] can't find the flashing that's first that's Cruz I know you bought it you know let's go see if it's up there in the pack out are you trying to tape you know what we forgot they're back in the garage yeah [Music] [Applause] so we got a little too excited and forgot to put caulking on so we're taking this one to back out put clocking on then we'll keep going we always ended up in the same places I talk too fast but you helped me relax held the picture out so I could trace it you told me you can be yourself please stop trying to impress me positive as the night progressed I became more Adept to recognizing we are going to put the fascia up on the front and back side we're still going to use the last few two by sixes from the deck so it's going to be a little thicker than a fish it would really need to be but hey it's freeway [Music] thank you [Music] okay the fish is on so that means now we know the full dimensions of the roof so we're going to call up our friends at Thunder Mountain Metal we're going to order those metal roofing panels and we got to go and get a whole bunch more clay from Wilcox Rock and Sand because we have a lot of carbon bottles to do [Music] thank you foreign [Music] did you do it right I don't know I never know today we're going to be putting the decking on the roof and hopefully the paper that goes over that I'm just going to be cutting a bunch of OSB you wouldn't have to be screaming I can just do the hard part I think yours is the hard part no that's why this is the easy this is why we make such a good tea [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] thank you I really need you to finish I cannot handle being up here so I'm gonna get down I will cut wood and you can do this one [Music] right it doesn't feel like I'm alone [Music] so we ran out of time yesterday but we're back today to get the underlayment on we're going to use our cap stapler stinger works really good so at all is going to get up there help me unroll it put it on and then we'll see where the day takes us idolize the only other one that will come up high with me [Music] [Music] [Music] hey guys you want to try the metal rip yeah I think we can do it yeah what does tiger think yeah it's like as long as you give me food all right tiger says go let's do it [Music] thank you [Music] guess what it's time for the Nibbler yeah yes the Nibbler will save the day are you doing that or am I doing it thank you I'd rather you do it but we need a market you can marking it nibbling it and then trimming it [Music] you got it like you got it you got it yeah yeah you got it like that [Music] and you got it like that [Music] when you got it like all right we got one piece of trim up on the side I'm gonna put the Stitch screws in finish the side trim and then we can do the front and back yep and then Roofing will be done then comes my favorite Park carbon bottles sweet like a cactus fruit on a summer's day [Music] underneath [Music] perfect summer stranger it feels like a million dollars when it's yours [Music] we're gonna get started on those bottle bricks and start getting them up in this corner we've already been working on the back window so let's get started on this other part [Music] you give me something to lose [Music] static forever telling myself it could be enough today we're going to be turning all these scrap pieces of glass that we got at a recycle shop in Tucson we're gonna be turning it into something really cool we got more tricks up our sleeves than just just bottle bricks yeah we got random trash too [Music] foreign [Music] goopy consistency very sticky with a bunch of straw in it that's what it should look like now I need a bucket am I getting the bag yeah it's too much and use our glass bricks from the 80s I'm really excited about this I only got four of them but I think it'll be neat thank you delivery from the 80s [Music] thank you [Music] okay so what are we doing here we're just gonna add Hardware cloths to this back beam so that the cop has something to stick to good morning [Music] thank you foreign [Music] carve on the inside as far as we can go because we still need to leave room for putting in insulation and installing the ceiling these are too close together because we weren't planning on doing these Square pieces of glass but this is too close so I'm going to have to somehow get like a half inch of board out of there I just I don't know that I can fit my circular saw through there so I'm not sure how we're going to do it I got a chainsaw might you take an ax maybe I could do it with a chainsaw maybe we should try that okay just how cool is it that Dwayne from Wilcox Rock and Sand is helping us Notch out for this stupid glass window and we're not really great with handles so he showed us how to do it so nice thank you doing I don't know why are you recording I don't think it's gonna fit round two oh wait oh wait oh I think that's close enough are you okay with him not sticking out the same amount I think it's fine I mean it's in there all right time to cob that in we're gonna come over here work on our wavy glass a little more try to fill in as much as we can here and then I don't know oh how seasons change cause you said something then I said something now I have nothing [Music] thank you [Music] I need to make the smallest batch of carb we've ever made teeny tiny little batch half batch [Music] thank you [Music] so next up we're going to be adding our ceiling I wonder if you could hear this sound like we're about to get attacked by Velociraptors it's the chickens they're taking dust bath I wanted to do the ceiling a little bit different without telling Jonathan what we're doing so I'm Flying Blind here yeah I don't know what's happening nope but it's gonna be fun let's get started [Music] all right we got all the plywood cut to size got the edges sanded so now it's time to measure and cut our foam board insulation 45 long 14 and a half wide all right do it Jax what wait did what did you say 45 14 and a half inches yes small inches 14 and a half do not confuse me oh 37. oh my God ready [Music] which one's the inches stupid [Music] [Music] all right we have one board up and that is the first board and from there everything gets leveled and Square from that one board so we're just gonna keep going next board is ready to go foreign [Music] here's what I need you to do hand me that and we're just going to take it over while you're gonna do it yourself now lift it up [Music] I was 14 and three quarter right you don't have to if you don't want to it's fine you gotta hold it straight all right okay ready fast push it and squeeze hard ready look [Music] it's okay everything's fine good job we have one sheet of plywood that we need to install near this wavy glass and I only have the one sheet of plywood I have zero extra so I have one chance to get this right one shot [Music] [Music] I'm gonna go ahead and start with our stain and then we're going to be adding the linseed oil to the forefoot panels [Music] [Music] there's spiders in it who knows probably foreign [Music] to dry and while we're waiting we thought this is a great time to go ahead and make some of the vents that are going to be installed with the bottles here's how we're gonna do it [Music] we have aluminum window screen and we have no CM screen so everything in this building is going to be sealed off with no CM screen just as an extra precaution so we're going to sandwich the noseeum in between the aluminum the aluminum is just to keep the noseeum screen from being torn we're gonna put it on this PVC I'm going to add a clamp all right so that is one side of our screen we'll do both sides and then this is just gonna sit in there and let air pass through [Music] we put in vents just to circulate air in the actual building we'll also be putting in three inch ABS through the cobbed area to allow the actual composting toilets to vent out it's got a hose attachment and that's going to go to this so that the toilet has always been into the outside and since we're putting a sink in we'll be having a plumbing vent because you're supposed to venture Plumbing same idea screens no seems pipe clamps all that stuff thank you foreign venting no no no we're not we have so many more vents to put in we want to basically vent above the insulation that we put in between the rafters so there's still a cavity which is good for insulation but we want to make sure that air can continue to flow through there so we're going to be putting small vents between each rafter on the front and the back foreign [Music] we're just going to cob this into place up to the bottom of the decking then we'll deal with the front later [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] moving to the inside yes we're gonna get a big chunk all the way down and then we'll come back maybe it'll be dry enough to add more to it guys she needs more mix we have more mix let's see we're prepared [Music] hi buddy hi still happy do you won't come in time [Music] the girls have almost got that back section done this looks really nice looks really good so we're waiting on the girls to finish up so we can get in there Ada stop throwing the cop at me [Music] okay Ocho's gonna help me fill in the front here so our plywood goes almost all the way to this front beam we're gonna start Plastering up to the ceiling and then maybe we can go back there because it would probably be dry enough and we could add we might get finished coughing up to the ceiling come on [Music] yourself okay so the last vent we've got is going to be connected to the sink this will go flat down the wall on the inside in the corner of the building this is no CM screen it's not just regular window screen so it's very fine so no CMS can go in there just shove a little vent on there Mom does that screen have a seam um detail work look at it good job doctor [Music] all right the last little section is up here at the wavy glass we're going to install this quarter inch hardware cloth [Music] foreign [Music] last project of the day and put up the lights yes and we know exactly how we're going to do it it's going to be real fast and real easy I love that you think [Music] [Music] that life [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] what is the next step for staying with the theme of reuse things so we had this hardware cloth back in our supply pile so we're gonna put hardware cloth all along that front beam that way we can clob and plaster all the way up to those blocking pieces and it'll all look like one cohesive building so we got a lot of cutting to do [Music] thank you time has finally come we have enough bottles we're gonna fill in this bottle window they're so close to being dried in [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] things are going to start moving here pretty quick yeah so until we get that plumbing we're gonna yeah because we have lots of dirt [Music] I'm having a really hard time with the one dark blue bottle I think I'm gonna have to change it I think it's gonna drive me crazy [Music] she doesn't look much better [Music] I can't handle like just one dark blue bottle couldn't do it couldn't do it [Music] thank you [Music] remember when there was a hose there it's like magically disappeared oh no pipe remember when there was a pipe there I mean I can still see it a little bit now I gotta put my hardware cloth before I can keep going down okay but look at it yeah not bad it's okay [Music] mysterious lumps well I guess I can get over here just doing good [Music] good thank you you are unsung hero today making batches all day long you're a mess but you did good [Music] so the next step is we need to add a little bit more Harbor cost and then it's my time it's gonna be really dirty huh we're gonna have a dirty day sorry [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I did this test batch of plaster it's a finishing coat it's the same mix that we used in our shed build so it's got toilet paper clay sand and water that's sifted so we're gonna mix up a batch and just see how far we can get [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign needs some more material so I'm going to get the sifter out do some beach sand and some clay so she can keep going [Music] so believe it or not we got our sink in the other day this was kind of a last minute addition this whole idea of putting a hand washing station in but I'm going to open it up real quick and check all the fittings well that didn't get packaged very well the sink connections are pretty standard now this is interesting it looks like a p-trap but it's actually a flexible tube in this p-trappy thing that's actually not sealed but the flexible tube goes all the way through it all right I got my fittings I got a few errands to run I'm gonna go and get what we need and get back foreign [Music] I think it's possible that we're gonna get this all done today which right now sounds hard but I think we can do it [Music] okay well Ashley's working on the inside I'm gonna work on gutters are you a gutter expert I'm not a better expert well we're gonna be good or experts together [Music] okay we did our last gutters we learned that you should never trust your fascia as a point of reference for the level and the drop of the gutter so we're going to use a string level to Mark a true drop so that we don't have any issues [Music] foreign [Music] a hole through our building so you saw the other day when Rick from my swatter harvesting brought us this adorable little 550 gallon tank we need to level the area put in some pea gravel get it set and then we'll work on the plumbing now we have to go find some pea gravel [Music] okay so downspout into the tank it's not what I would have chosen well it works [Applause] we may replace it soon you ready to draw a hole along yeah when we overlap the bags there's kind of a space here so there's actually not that much material there anyway so I feel like and I think we'll probably do it down here is we'll just drill through on one side and then come through on the other side and hopefully just push the pecs we're almost through okay go out there there it is [Music] that was too easy I don't know a little skeptical so that means we finished the final coat I mean that would be a pretty big deal [Music] blowing [Music] to go [Music] um destiny [Music] make it more baby you got nothing to lose [Music] taking control of my life [Music] today begins our quest to plumb this thing and get the barrels in so this is just going to be for urine diversion and our sink the first step is to start the pump [Music] our pipe is too long we need to shorten it with power tools [Music] okay t-test slowly foreign success okay next step we need to get all this crap out of here so that we can begin filling in this is an exciting moment babe this is a big moment we need to fill in up to the third bag and then barrels here's the challenge we have a bunch of space to fill up and we're not sure what material to use I think all the material yeah everything that's falling off solar shed the pile of beach sand the random piles of concrete I mean whatever we can get let's fill it up yeah [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] delay but we're back and ready to keep working also we had to board it up because we're afraid we're gonna get water inside before we're ready to have water inside by water I mean pee foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so that's at 14 inches we want our floor to be at 14. which is a laser that we just shot that is floor level this is the point where the barrels need to go in so we don't need more dirt at this point we need to go ahead and cut the barrels get them prepared with the yarn diverter Plumb everything before we add any more dirt [Music] [Music] gross what's that I don't know but you're cleaning it [Music] it's like burnt your nose [Music] [Applause] [Music] by the way this is our property it's not like we're throwing it on someone else's property [Music] look at that it's a cute little sink so the original idea was that it was going to be here see this is pretty close but I was just looking at it and I feel like if we move the sink here that's a much better option so that means what I need to do is I need to get these barrels exactly where they go I need to be at the exact same level vertically Plumb and put it in place and then we're just going to fill up a little bit to hold things in place and then we'll be able to move on to the next thing [Music] so our next step is installing a urinal this is another used feature this used to be our posts from our shade cell structure when our Airstream is down below so we're just reusing everything basically we just need a funnel we need a flat surface to mount it okay [Music] vent pipe going up the corner here right and we have our low Point going out to septic so we need to get a drop from this corner that's also going to work with the sink that's in this corner we'll see if this actually works ready [Applause] [Music] all right looks like it works everything is at the right drop so what's that mean it means we need to do some tapping we're putting your interverters built into each of these blue barrels and there will be a fuel tube coming attached to the funnel it's going to come out and we're going to basically plug it into this pipe so we're going to use some nylon bars in order to thread this down in the pipe we got to tap it with a npt tap and we'll put the tube on and then we'll hose clamp [Music] this is our seat we have four locator bolts so that the seat fits exactly square on it doesn't move right and it seals too because there's going to be a gasket on the bottom right [Music] okay let's take a look at these barrels we have our pilot holes that go here here and here after our locating bolt holes are drilled we want to come down about seven inches directly in front of it we're going to attach screws and washers and nuts and that will be what holds the toilet down with a spring so the spring will attach to that this is the spring it's going to be attached to the bottom of the seat with an eye hook and then when you attach it it'll just go like that so that will be very tight [Music] we've got our funnel here and it has a stopper in it you do need to drill a half inch hole with a half inch outer diameter fuel line and that will go through the funnel and provide a tight fit with this rubber stopper got it in there nice and snug we want to make sure that nothing's going to leak out this so we're just going to test it with some water no good can't fix that I don't think I had it shut down enough look how much it came out nice tight bit that's ready to go oh [Music] foreign [Music] s done two to go [Music] to make sure this thing doesn't ever move we're going to mount it here and then take it down to the house part [Music] foreign [Music] testing we're going to start with the last Barrel we're gonna see if the funnel leaks at all [Music] all right [Music] next Barrel [Music] yep next okay it's coming out yeah it's coming out okay yep there it goes no leaks but it's starting to rain so we gotta board this place up and get inside good job Ed no leaks is that is no leak dance that's my No leg dance future Jonathan here to tell you that as much as we love the road funnels we actually ended up going with something else at the last minute this company called Throne composting toilet they sent us a message and they're like hey we have a better idea and so they make this product it's like a fully formed piece that you just set in and it's all contained we did have to do a little bit of work to get the fuel tubes in there but now when we move this to the next active Barrel we'll just take the whole thing with it and reconnect the fuel tube one thing we kind of gloss through in this video was building out this whole thing so I'm just going to explain it real quick to you basically you want to cut all these holes in it you want to get some vents with some nosium bug screen on it and then another vent that's going to connect to a tube that will go outside the building so we have one of those in each corner and then this is a bug trap in case anything where to get inside there they would fly up in here and they would get stuck there's also seals everywhere on this on the bottom of this the Springs holding it down down and even on the bottom of this [Music] so dark last night we had to pause with the casa de caca is back open for business well not quite yet we want to get a little more dirt in there sort of fortify that area where the hose clamps are so because that's kind of a fragile area and the reason for that is we're going to be working on our door today and we want to make sure when we're stepping in and around there we don't accidentally break something [Music] here's the problem with her door bed okay it is a old door that we got at a salvage yard it's not pre-hung and I've never done that before yeah so we got a lot of research to do we'll tell you what maybe you know sometimes you just gotta step away and then you'll figure it out yeah so let's step away and go to the coffee shop okay deal okay [Music] come shots [Music] so we've got our fuel for the day we have delicious food at talking irons and we're ready we are determined to get this door on today the problem is we don't really know how to do it I feel like we could use a little help I know I was trying to think like my dad's super far away it's not like we can call him and have him come over but like maybe Gary from my little Homestead hey Gary so I have a question we are trying to hang a door on the casa de cacoco and we need some help from someone who's done your what right behind us already oh well perfect why don't you just follow us and we'll go to the homestead and we'll get it done cool cool [Music] this is so exciting my little Homestead is here and they are going to help us put on the door I'm just crying on them I like that window how much do you want me to do and how much do you want to do I want to do I can learn by watching and seeing what you're doing and then okay you let demonstration mode yeah okay [Music] perfect I like perfect [Music] you having trouble no we knew you could do it what did you call the side pieces Styles so we're making some adjustments on the flyer what's going on well we measured twice and now we're gonna cut four times oh cool everything's great [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good job it did hit right in the middle right there that's the part Bryson was responsible for [Music] [Applause] it works are you ready to stop it's good yeah can you get it to the second line right [Music] foreign [Music] not perfect yet but get in there [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you so much we'll see you guys next time as much as we like the blue we're gonna finish it out we're gonna paint some stuff so we gotta paint before we can put any dirt in that's the deal right yep okay thank you [Music] now we're going to quickly fill up the inside with more sand you ready ready [Music] foreign [Music] I'm building a tiny tiny deck our sink will sit on top of it and our foot pump will Mount to it and our foot yeah yeah Jonathan's very excited about this foot pump aren't you I'm excited that there's no solar powered water pump over here because I built way too many of them so I'm excited about what's up yes oh [Music] foreign [Music] First Step putting the drain on this goes here [Music] all right nose team screen on the Windows means glass beds what's that easy so here's what we're doing we're just going to cut this off push it into this and use this to couple to this that goes into this that goes into that it's easy [Music] thank you [Music] I'm gonna go open out here you ready yep don't do it till I come in I want to see it I don't think it'll do when there's water in it I hope not for a second shouldn't it be gravity to this maybe we don't have enough water that's like to the outlets yeah that's what I'm wondering yep oh yeah okay so we need to add some water I'll go turn the hose on I wondered why I heard the squeaky coming out of here [Music] see the squeaking stuff [Music] and then I hear it oh my gosh come here and do it you do it it's very exciting I'm I have to say I was not entirely convinced that this whole thing would work oh should we go check our drain yeah [Applause] oh there it goes yeah the pressure now that it's filling up like it comes out a lot more when you do it yeah yeah check this out oh yeah this is so exciting can we do this in the house no how excited are you we have foot powered water let me clean up okay foreign [Music] problem in our plan by only hooking up one water hose because we didn't need hot water there's water in the faucet it will drip out of the one where you didn't put a hose oops oops I had to go find the other hose put it on there and then I made myself a little cap I'm just going to add to it you're like a real plumber I guess this is what real plumbers did [Music] the other thing we really need to do quickly is we need to cut this metal and make our Lids because I don't like this big metal With the Wind here yeah so when the barrels aren't in use you still need to keep them covered and you need screen over guys we're going to cut some metal make me out I wanna be me [Music] oh my look at that okay now because the edges are sharp we have ordered some plastic edging to put all around these because we know other people will be in here and we don't want anybody getting cut hey look it came in yeah now by adding this little protective layer around the very sharp both sides very sharp we are less likely to slice ourselves to death let's go get that uh no CM screen the string the bungee and that shouldn't take too long to put on we actually already had one done so I'll show you how it goes on we cut a circle way bigger than Barrel then we just have this nylon rope complete put it on a spring knotted it and burnt the ends so that it won't come apart this goes around the left of the barrel like that and the spring keeps it tight and then just pull that screen down it's like a little skirt I was gonna see it's like a little skirt that will keep all the bugs out so let's work on the door we're gonna take it off the hinges take it over under the solar panels and start painting [Music] I'm going to play around with this idea of not painting the entire door I kind of like the idea of just letting it fade to the Natural door I think it'll be a really interesting contrast [Music] the sun will shine the Moon is rising I knew that this was going to be cool it's just way cooler than I thought it was going to be and I cannot stop smiling I'm so happy with how this has turned out I it's so freaking cool oh my gosh run away run away Escape it's time to work on the other side of this door you can see that I've painted all of it totally regretting that decision now but I am going to rough it up a little bit with some sandpaper and then we'll seal it let it dry a little bit and hang it back up [Music] we are starting on the outside holy moly guacamole [Music] before we start on putting the stucco on we're going to try adhering straight to the hyper Adobe bags because really they kind of act like a laugh like usually you put like a metal screen underneath this already has um you know this open weave bag here for this to attach to so this is one of our last experiments is Canon hyper W bags work as that laugh when you put the stucco on so let's do it [Music] foreign [Music] hey the door looks good one side looks real good [Music] but I don't mind you're gonna find a drug like this up like this [Music] stuck on the front's done so I'm gonna throw the door back on so the cat stops sleeping inside ah they're poop house no it's not it's up to the house [Music] today on this brand new glorious morning that's super early yeah I'm telling you what I'm not awake yet but the reason we're here is because this wall is in the shade now the problem is we only have eight bags of Stucco and I'm not sure that it's gonna be enough oh I think it will be no problem okay [Music] welcome back today I'm alone Adelaide's at work Jonathan and the boys went into town for a celebration weekend I'm gonna do my best to get all of the stucco done [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] break [Music] it is time to paint the stucco on this building but before we can paint we have to prep step number one we need to knock off all these little tiny pieces of stucco with a piece of wood we're gonna go ahead and like Smooth it all out and get it ready [Music] foreign [Music] step number three wash the bottles off that mother forgot to wipe off herself step number four protect things but grab this product it's called mask and peel by Jasco and basically you just paint it on like a window in our case we're going to be painting it on these and the bottles so that we can just spray the paint on and then come back with a razor blade and make a line around the glass and just peel off this stuff I think it's going to work really well I've never used it but I've seen other people do it and I think it's going to work well to go either way we'll see [Music] baby is it too much to ask for a lot just like that I kind of never goes away see forever [Music] me don't wanna go say you wanna stay here with me [Music] so you may know that we have had a long history with trying to find the right exterior plaster for our buildings our solar shed totally didn't work we tried a bunch of different things on the chicken Garden it also didn't work throughout this whole time we've been talking to lots of people in the community they've all been doing experiments uh one of our friends Sam is also building an earth-back building and we both sort of settled on stucco is what's going to work in our climate so the last part of this is what do you cover it with a regular paint isn't really going to do much what we want to do is we want to waterproof the crap out of this thing so that no water can ever get behind this stucco or behind the plaster so nothing comes off so we're gonna go with an elastomeric paint you need two coats and thankfully our friend Sam has a paint sprayer that will paint this super thick stuff so today we're starting with our base coat and then we're going to come back with a tinted color to get it to look the way we want to [Music] [Music] thank you okay today this morning we want to get our two test colors on our base coat we need a full 24 hours for it to like cure and really see what the color is going to end up we have a light option we have a dark option they look the same um they don't the dark one I'm really hoping is the one that we like but we'll see I don't know [Music] okay white color first [Music] option two just slightly darker actually it's quite a bit darker but no I you said you couldn't tell a difference I couldn't on camera but okay okay because it is definitely darker okay it does kind of look the same [Music] so when we were spraying yesterday we weren't able to mask off a few places especially up around the ceiling we just didn't have enough stuff to do that just got to go back today by hand paint around some of the vents and up near um the wood for the ceiling so that we can choose our color and then get this thing oh [Music] okay so we're happy with our trim work the thing we got to wait on is we gotta wait for these two spots we're gonna let that dry decide what we want and then we can go and get this elastomeric tinted Forest just to make sure we allow enough time so we can go get it and then come back and spray them [Music] all right this is it drain the color last American tonight [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] okay it looks really good I I like it a lot and I think it's funny like we thought we got it really dark like darker than our soil but it looks like the exact same color as the soil I mean it's kind of like we planned it but we did this is the moment of truth we're either Geniuses or complete morons but we will find out all I got to do is trim around the window and supposedly it should peel right off oh my gosh [Music] I did not think that was gonna happen hold it like look how clean that is wow I mean I gotta trim up the edges but oh my gosh this is genius look look at this I love it [Music] it's working on the bottles too [Music] I'm working on the back of the building we're adding up soil to where it gradually comes away from the building and our friend George is here working on our trench and Jonathan has been busy digging that like we're exhausted but we're gonna keep going and hopefully in the next day or two get this hooked up finished [Music] [Applause] next step is we're going to put together two more Vegeta garden beds because we have six of them and love them so we got two more to put on the back here so let's go ahead and put them together and see what they look like take a minute and enjoy that here [Music] [Music] this is like the last big punch we're gonna we're gonna make a cute little cement step to step up on to walk into the building yep okay ready thank you [Music] all right today we are knocking off yet one more little project for our casa de caca some of you may have noticed that the bathroom door has a window on it so in order to make that less see-through I'm gonna make it more interesting foreign [Music] flux for letting me use her glass studio today thank you Tracy [Music] just got back home from Tracy's and I get to show Jonathan the window [Music] s oh my goodness isn't it so cool so cool oh my goodness [Music] you have waited long enough it is time to officially reveal the finished [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh my goodness I cannot believe you made it to the end of this video you get a high five if you like what we're doing out here building naturally and sustainably doing the whole permaculture thing Greening the desert make sure you subscribe because we're just getting started here on our property and if you like this full build format check out this playlist you can watch us build our solar shed our berms and swales and so much more yep and don't forget the house build is coming next so make sure you're following along we'll see you soon
Channel: Tiny Shiny Home
Views: 170,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiny shiny homestead, tiny shiny home youtube, off grid living, off grid building, off grid building techniques, family homestead, sustainable living, hyperadobe, hyperadobe bags, earthbag, earthbag building, earthbag construction, hyperadobe earthbag building, composting toilet, eco friendly bathroom, off grid living arizona, sustainable living off the grid, bottle bricks, sustainable living for beginners, hyperadobe build, hyperadobe tiny house, hyperadobe earth bags
Id: UcpphKhRzzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 36sec (9036 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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